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The Fires of Diversity [Hero Quest] Empty The Fires of Diversity [Hero Quest]

Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:19 pm
His long white hair blowing behind him as he slowly climbed up this mountain. Right now the flash burn of earth known as hizazel had a lot on his mind after his recent altercations. He looked at his hand as he rubbed the spot that used to carry a hole in it. He rubbed with intensity as he felt the nerves in his hand send signals to his brain that he wasn't imagining the feeling. This was a habit that he had began to develop after the fight with the horde of demons. He cringed at the thought of the fight and took in deep breaths. "Where was I going again?" He asked as he stood in a blanket of white.

He could see nothing around which wasn't a good thing as he was supposed to be headed towards a place where a girl was supposed to be helping people get stronger. He rubbed his skin as if to imitate the gesture others make when their cold though he didn't feel cold, he never felt cold. His snake like eyes scanning the area as he slowly began to move forward again. His pride kept screaming at him for allowing such an idea to pass in his head as to ask for help from someone, let alone a female. He hated the thought that on his own he couldn't grow to become strong like those he fought beside. It ate at him and stung in the core of his being.

As he thought about this, body began to rise in heat and the snow around him began to melt as he continued his search for where he was supposed to meet the girl. He was truly lost, but he refused to go and try to find help to her, it was bad enough that he was even here in his mind and asking for directions would just further irritate him. He stopped looking and continued to stare ahead as the heat around him flared another several degrees quickly melting the snow around him and drying the grass below it. He hoped to find this woman soon otherwise he might just flip.
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The Fires of Diversity [Hero Quest] Empty Re: The Fires of Diversity [Hero Quest]

Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:46 am


Artist: Puyo Puyo - Song: Exercise Mode - Word Count: 858

Tired, tired, tired.

That was one word which spun around the mind of The Celestial whom owned this mountain-top. Twas a hard thing to manager all the affairs which lay under her belt. Everything from assisting the Iramasha Military on their missions, handling her love life with her partner, building up new heroes everyday, to trying to find time to train herself; the year had been hellishly busy for The Angel of The Ice.

Therefore, because of this, she found herself taking a nice snooze on top of a nearby tree which was covered in snow. While this may have been a frozen deathtrap for most humans -- it was paradise for Cirno. C'mon, she was obviously someone who fed off the winter elements, so would you expect anything else? Pfft: no. She was soaking up the beautiful winds of cold, the wondrous blanket of snow and basking in the frigid icicles which formed all around her tender body.

At least -- that was until Mr.Super Heat over there started melting everything in sight. It was like being awoken by the sounds of a blaring alarm clock; 'cept this clock was hot and screamed "I'M BURNING SHIT ALL AROUND ME!!! COME FIZZLE ME OUT!!!!". As cooling these flames is precisely what Cirno intended to do as she grumbled herself back to the world of the consciousness and concentrated her oceanic eyes on the beefy male below her.

After jumping a great height away from out of that snowy tree, The Angel of The Ice's aqua hair would dance all around in the air before she landed soundly on her barefeet. Following The Celestial dusting off her leg-length dress and having her hair rest at her waist, she'd scratch the back of her blue head-bow and begin to approach the fiery traveler with a light yawn. With each step she took, the well-endowed woman would come further and further to the realization that this must've been another one of those folks looking to become a hero. As, to her, he looked lost as a man in a woman's clothing department.

Therefore, as her six icicle shaped wings fluttered in the breeze, she'd give a stretch in the air and have a small, but tired smile wash over her face. Of course she'd like more time to rest, but she understood that her position in the world didn't allow for such thing. Thus, she accepted it and waved at the mighty tall male to otherwise greet herself. As, more than anything else, this guy's six foot stature was pretty huge compared to her mere five foot six. So, at least he had height going from him, eh?

Nevertheless, this heat had to go like a bad case of the chickenpox. Hence, with a clap of her hands, The Angel of The Ice summon her material magic in order to deaccelerate the motion of particles around them and "SLAP" that heat back to cold. As, the male would notice a shift back to winter temperatures and the snow n' ice beginning to reform. Since, she was an agent of winter, it wasn't hard for her to conjure up more of the snowy stuff back into existence. After letting her toes soak up the cold, a relaxed smile and sigh would escape her mouth before she grinned and poked Hizazel's nose.

"Well, hello to you to, Hothead~"

Obviously speaking in jest, a giggle would escape The Angel's mouth before she inspected the body of her new companion. Gauging his chest, legs, arms and aura gave The Celestial all the information she really needed. Yeah, he could be turned into something mighty fierce with enough training. Therefore, she'd flick his stomach and snicker once more.

"My name is Cirno Iramahsa and I am The Angel of The Ice. Judging from your presence, I bet you are here to become a hero, huh? You just have that look!"

At least -- that's what Cirno hoped he was here for. You never knew when one of these guys might turn out to be an enemy -- or an angry news reporter ready to scream your head off about the dangers of war and combat. Hopefully -- he was the former. This guy didn't have the stuff to dig himself into the arts of news and media!

"Tell me, what is your name and what is your reason for being here, Mr.Hothead?"

With another snicker, she'd place each of her hands behind her and begin standing up and down on her tippy toes to see what kind of reaction she'd get out of the male. Hopefully, there was something captivating she could work with and help to flourish in the traveler. As she was hoping that there was a good enough reason as to why that this guy was going around burning everything and dragging her out of good, cold sleep.

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The Fires of Diversity [Hero Quest] WVMWLOu
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Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:08 pm
The term "Hothead" utterly annoyed him as he looked at this women. He groaned slightly as he listened to her talk then a chill ripped through his body as she dropped the temperature both around him and in him. His face changed into one of shock and a tone of violation. His body began to rise in heat again as he tried to fight this foreign feeling to him which he didn't like. He never had to truly feel cold and even getting a hint of it like he just had was more than enough to let him know he didn't want to ever feel such a thing ever in his life. The women would then continue to speak to Hizazel and would poke his stomach.

He slowly looked down at his stomach and then at the chick in front of him as he thought about what he should say. His mind was beginning to fill with rude and very inappropriate comments that he decided would be wise not to say. The person in front of him had to have some kind of power if she was willing to open up her home to train people so openly. As he thought about her question Hizazel thought his most recent fights.

"My name is Hizazel and i'm here to figure out more about my powers. I feel as though there is more to my powers that i'm not aware of." He said calmly as he thought about those voices that were whispering in his mind near the end of his bout with that nightmarish demon and his army of creatures. Hizazel looked down towards the snow then towards the girl. "I figured I'd take up your offer that you so graciously broadcasted like someone famous." He said with a slight tone of sas towards the female in front of him. He grasped his own body as he tried to fight the cold that was attempting to slip through his skin.

"If I helps you to understand further what i'm talking about, when I was in a very dangerous fight prior to this meeting I heard the whispers of other beings in my head telling use them, but I didn't know how to so all I could do was sit there and listen to the whispers as they grew louder and louder." He then looked back to his time since he came back home. "I've also recently been seeing others in place of my reflection when i'm not paying attention when walkin past mirrors and such of that nature." He continued as he pulled one of his hands from around him and gestured as if he was asking for food or change from a stranger. He had hoped that she would understand and actually be able to help.
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The Fires of Diversity [Hero Quest] Empty Re: The Fires of Diversity [Hero Quest]

Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:15 pm


Artist: Mighty Switch Force! - Song: Whoa I'm In Space Cuba - Word Count: 744

There was nothing but giggles and snickers to be heard out of Cirno's mouth as she observed the groaning sounds of the human before him. It seemed as if the term "hothead" really struck a number of emotions within the male. First he seemed to be irritated, then a look of shock and awe washed over his face before finally settling on offended. It was enough to keep the childish fits of laughter going for awhile before Cirno ceased her laughs by ending it on a genuine smile.

"Okay, okay! I won't call you a hothead anymore if it bothers you. Relax. It was a joke! Honest!"

There was still a great amount of playful intent held in her voice, but she really wouldn't press it any further if there was a sincere amount of offense had in the male over something so silly. So, The Celestial would then clap her hands together as if she were praying and hope that he would see it in his toasty heart to forgive her frigid actions. As, after this clap was over, a flare of summer like warmth would wash over his body.

Just what did Cirno thing? She heated things up is what she did! With a simple release of Aether Energy from her body, The Iramasha was able to influence a material change in the air around the human's body in order to make it feel as if he had just stepped into the desert; despite being in a winter climate. The wonders of magic was just downright convenient, wasn't it?

"Please accept that as my gift and enjoy the hot weather, Mr!"

There would then be a huge grin radiating from cheek to cheek across Cirno's face as she hope she made amends with the male. As, for now, she would simply listen in and hear him explain about he wanted to explore more about the depths of his power. However, while that was all fine and good, there didn't seem to be much of a motive behind them other than to just get strong. And, despite the fact that Cirno had no problems helping those who came to her doorstep, she wanted to peer in further into his motives before pressing forward with the training.

Henceforth, she'd bridge the gap between them and suddenly appear in front of Hizazel with a curious expression across her face. As The Angel inspected his sides, legs, arms, skull and back; she came to the conclusion that whatever was going on inside of him could be fixed, mended and made to better serve him. Undoubtly there must be some inner force within that is trying to grab the boys attention and she was the type of Celestial to force that change out of people.

So, she'd snap her fingers, emerge back in front of Hizazel and utter these words to him:

"I can help you settle these issues, but you never answered my true question: why do you want to unlock them? Do you really wish to help others with these powers? Is there some higher goal? My magic and powers work best when I'm able to understand the soul of another. So, I'll ask that you be receptive and open your spirit to me."

In that instant, a silver circle made of energy would emerge beneath them both. This sphere then expanded for roughly twenty meters in every direction before enclosing each of them within it's holy white glow. From there, energized chains would materialize around the ankles of Hizzael and seek to to bond with him. And it is in that moment that the Angel of the ice would give him a firm nod of the head before uttering these words to the human:

"If you touch those chains, we'll be transported into your inner world to meet the voices within your head. If you think you can trust me, go ahead and touch them and we'll be put into meditation and projected inside your soul. But, before then, I would like my question answered!"

And with that, the ball was in the court of Hizazel and it was up to him to decide what to do with it.

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