Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Joined : 2014-08-06
Posts : 2376
Age : 29
Location : The Land of Canabu' (Canada)

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Sugiuran Profile Templates Left_bar_bleue134700/60000Sugiuran Profile Templates Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

Sugiuran Profile Templates Empty Sugiuran Profile Templates

Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:17 pm
Coding In Template By:


Soldier Template

I. Basic Information

» Name: (What is your Sugiuran's name(s)?)
» Titles: (Do they have any sort of title? Perhaps nicknames or titles they’ve earned)
» Age: (What is your Sugiuran’s true age relative to any timezones)
» Gender/Sex: (What is the Gender and/or Sex of your Sugiuran?)
» Origin: (What is your Sugiuran Origin. I.e. The Sugiuran of ice, or the sugiuran or gluttony, ect.)
» Kingdom: (What kingdom is your Sugiuran native to? Further information on the kingdoms can be found here.)
» Affiliation/Rank: (What organization does your Sugiuran fall into, and what is their rank? If there are none they would be known as rogue.)

» True Appearance Description: (Here is where you will put your Sugiuran’s true appearance[i.e. What do they look like?], much like the bit before hand you may choose between just a picture, a description or both. However this section is mandatory.)

» True Appearance Picture: (Here is where you can post a picture if you feel like doing so, however if your picture stretches the page please spoiler it, or resize.)

II. Personality Traits

» Personality: (What is your Sugiuran’s personality; this may be written in any way however it must be at minimum 2 paragraphs for it to be approved.)

» Likes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran like?)

» Dislikes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran dislike?)

III. Character Background

» History (Here is where you write your Sugiuran’s history, it needs to be three paragraph (15 sentences) minimum. No matter the age.)

IV. Abilities & Equipment

» Natural Abilities (Does your Sugiuran have abilities in which they naturally gained either by their origin, or by training?)

» Sacred Weapon (What special weapon does your Sugiuran intune themselves with? What does it look like, and what abilities can they focus into it or gain through it.)

»Personal Mystic Eyes: (When/if a Sugiuran achieves a Master skill in Mystic Eyes, they are capable of developing their own personal mystic eye with a unique power unto themselves. If you will not have a Master level mystic eye, strike this section.)

» Equipment (Does your Sugiuran have weapons or other type of equipment in which aids them in battle? Do they have any extra items that your Sugiuran keep on them?)

V. Joushou (上昇, Ascending)

(This requires a 3-3 to acquire)

» Joushou Appearance (What does your Sugiuran look like during Joushou Release?)

» Joushou Abilities (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this Release?)

VI. Zenou (前王, Before the King)

(This requires a 2-1 to acquire)

» Zenou Appearance (What does your Sugiuran look like during Zenou Release?)

» Zenou Abilities (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this Release?)

VII. Kyuu Kyou (仇供; lit. Pledged Revenge)

(You must have at least have Advance in your Release Skill before gaining this release state, as well as 0-3. If not leave this striked out or remove this section all together)

» Kyuu Kyou Appearance (What does your Sugiuran look like during Kyuu Kyou Release?)

» Kyuu Kyou Abilities (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this release?)

VIII. Skill Sheets

General Skills
  • Durability: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • General Speed: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Strength: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Weapon Skill: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Soldier Skill Sheet
  • Sugiura Magic: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Mystic Eyes: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Martial Arts: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Release Control: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Mental Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Pain Endurance: Elite/Advanced//Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

IX. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


[size=13][center][color=black][b]Coding In Template By:[/b][/color]

<center><div style="width: 609px; border: #1c5e94 3.2px solid; box-shadow: black 1px 1px 6px; border-radius: 2em; text-align: justify; padding: 15px; line-height: 12px; font-size: 13.3px; background-color: #ffffff; color: black; "><div style="background-color: #1c5e94; width: 634px; border-top-right-radius: 3.2em; border-top-left-radius: 3.2em; margin-top: -14.7px; margin-left: -13px; text-align: center; color: white; letter-spacing: 2px;">SUGIURAN</div>
[center][size=29][color=#1c5e94]Soldier Template

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]I. [/color]Basic Information</div>

[b]» Name:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran's name(s)?)
[b]» Titles:[/b] (Do they have any sort of title? Perhaps nicknames or titles they’ve earned)
[b]» Age:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran’s true age relative to any timezones)
[b]» Gender/Sex:[/b] (What is the Gender and/or Sex of your Sugiuran?)
[b]» Origin:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran Origin. I.e. The Sugiuran of ice, or the sugiuran or gluttony, ect.)
[b]» Kingdom:[/b] (What kingdom is your Sugiuran native to? Further information on the kingdoms can be found here.)
[b]» Affiliation/Rank:[/b] (What organization does your Sugiuran fall into, and what is their rank? If there are none they would be known as rogue.)

[b]» True Appearance Description:[/b] (Here is where you will put your Sugiuran’s true appearance[i.e. What do they look like?], much like the bit before hand you may choose between just a picture, a description or both. However this section is mandatory.)

[b]» True  Appearance Picture:[/b] (Here is where you can post a picture if you feel like doing so, however if your picture stretches the page please spoiler it, or resize.)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]II. [/color]Personality Traits</div>

[b]» Personality:[/b][i] (What is your Sugiuran’s personality; this may be written in any way however it must be at minimum 2 paragraphs for it to be approved.)[/i]

[b]» Likes:[/b] (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran like?)

[b]» Dislikes:[/b] (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran dislike?)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]III. [/color]Character Background</div>

[b]» History[/b] (Here is where you write your Sugiuran’s history, it needs to be three paragraph (15 sentences) minimum. No matter the age.)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]IV. [/color]Abilities & Equipment</div>

[b]» Natural Abilities[/b] (Does your Sugiuran have abilities in which they naturally gained either by their origin, or by training?)

[b]» Sacred Weapon[/b] (What special weapon does your Sugiuran intune themselves with? What does it look like, and what abilities can they focus into it or gain through it.)

[b]»Personal Mystic Eyes:[/b] (When/if a Sugiuran achieves a Master skill in Mystic Eyes, they are capable of developing their own personal mystic eye with a unique power unto themselves.  If you will not have a Master level mystic eye, strike this section.)

[b]» Equipment[/b] (Does your Sugiuran have weapons or other type of equipment in which aids them in battle? Do they have any extra items that your Sugiuran keep on them?)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]V. [/color] Joushou (上昇, Ascending)</div>

(This requires a 3-3 to acquire)

[b]» Joushou Appearance[/b] (What does your Sugiuran look like during Joushou Release?)

[b]» Joushou Abilities[/b] (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this Release?)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VI. [/color]Zenou (前王, Before the King)</div>

(This requires a 2-1 to acquire)

[b]» Zenou Appearance[/b] (What does your Sugiuran look like during Zenou Release?)

[b]» Zenou Abilities[/b] (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this Release?)

[strike]<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VII. [/color] Kyuu Kyou (仇供; lit. Pledged Revenge)</div>
(You must have at least have Advance in your Release Skill before gaining this release state, as well as 0-3. If not leave this striked out or remove this section all together)

[b]» Kyuu Kyou Appearance[/b] (What does your Sugiuran look like during Kyuu Kyou Release?)

[b]» Kyuu Kyou Abilities[/b] (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this release?)[/strike]

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VIII. [/color]Skill Sheets</div>

[b][u]General Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Durability:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]General Speed:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Strength:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Weapon Skill:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

[u][b]Soldier Skill Sheet[/b][/u]
[list][*][b]Sugiura Magic:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Mystic Eyes:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Martial Arts:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Release Control:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

[b][u]Will Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Pain Endurance:[/b] Elite/Advanced//Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Focus:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]IX. [/color]Roleplay Sample</div>

[b]» Role Play Sample:[/b][i](Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)[/i]

</div><div style="background-color: #1c5e94; width: 637px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3.2em; border-bottom-left-radius: 3.2em; margin-top: -21px; color: white; letter-spacing: 2px;">END OF THE SOLDIER APPLICATION</div></div></center>

Last edited by Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚ on Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:35 pm; edited 8 times in total

Sugiuran Profile Templates Image
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Veteran Member
Joined : 2014-08-06
Posts : 2376
Age : 29
Location : The Land of Canabu' (Canada)

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Sugiuran Profile Templates Left_bar_bleue134700/60000Sugiuran Profile Templates Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

Sugiuran Profile Templates Empty Re: Sugiuran Profile Templates

Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:26 pm
Coding In By:


Symbiote Template

I. Basic Information

» Name: (What is your Sugiuran's name(s)?)
» Titles: (Do they have any sort of title? Perhaps nicknames or titles they’ve earned)
» Age: (What is your Sugiuran’s true age relative to any timezones)
» Gender/Sex: (What is the Gender and/or Sex of your Sugiuran?)
» Origin: (What is your Sugiuran Origin. I.e. The Sugiuran of ice, or the sugiuran or gluttony, ect.)
» Kingdom: (What kingdom is your Sugiuran native to? Further information on the kingdoms can be found here.)
» Affiliation/Rank: (What organization does your Sugiuran fall into, and what is their rank? If there are none they would be known as rogue.)

» True Appearance Description: (Here is where you will put your Sugiuran’s true appearance[i.e. What do they look like?], much like the bit before hand you may choose between just a picture, a description or both. However this section is mandatory.)

» True Appearance Picture: (Here is where you can post a picture if you feel like doing so, however if your picture stretches the page please spoiler it, or resize.)

II. Personality Traits

» Personality: (What is your Sugiuran’s personality; this may be written in any way however it must be at minimum 2 paragraphs for it to be approved.)

» Likes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran like?)

» Dislikes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran dislike?)

III. Guardian Beast

» Name: (Self-Explanatory)
» Age: (Self-Explanatory)
» Gender: (Self-Explanatory)
» Origin: (What is your Guardian Beast Origin?)

» Location of Resonance Marker: (Where is their mark located?)

» Appearance: (What do they look like? A picture will suffice.)

» Personality: (Keep in mind, this is especially important that this is well crafted because this is, effectively, another character you will be roleplaying and the dynamic the Beasts personality plays with your character is integral, don’t half-ass this.)

» History: (Guardian Beasts live as long as Sugiurans, probably longer because they aren’t as prone to getting stabbed, consequently many of these things have histories all their own. Be creative with it, craft a compelling character with it.)

» Flimkien Powers: (What are the Beasts powers when he is an autonomous creature, fighting in conjunction with your Sugiura? There is no limit on how many they may have, but do try to be reasonable.)

» Matul Ispiritu Appearance: (What form does your Beast take when he is broken down into Eidos then reforged in a metaphysical state?)

» Matul Ispiritu Powers: (What powers does your Beast possess when he is broken down into Eidos then reforged in a metaphysical state? Again there is no limit but please try to be reasonable.)

IV. Character Background

» History (Here is where you write your Sugiuran’s history, it needs to be three paragraph (15 sentences) minimum. No matter the age.)

V. Abilities & Equipment

» Natural Abilities (Does your Sugiuran have abilities in which they naturally gained either by their origin, or by training?)

» Resonating Signal (What special abilities does your character gain from making a contract with their Guardian beast, these abilities are not the same thing as Natural abilities, nor are they the same abilities as what the Guardian beast have.)

» Matul Ispritu Gifted Abilities (sometimes a Symbiote gains special abilities only when their Guardian beast is in Matul Ispritu; this is caused by both of your powers merging together through them.)

» Sacred Weapon (What special weapon does your Sugiuran intune themselves with? What does it look like, and what abilities can they focus into it or gain through it.)

»Personal Mystic Eyes: (When/if a Sugiuran achieves a Master skill in Mystic Eyes, they are capable of developing their own personal mystic eye with a unique power unto themselves. If you will not have a Master level mystic eye, strike this section.)

» Equipment (Does your Sugiuran have weapons or other type of equipment in which aids them in battle? Do they have any extra items that your Sugiuran keep on them?)

VI. Maxima Sindicat

(This mode is only to those who are 0-3 tier, if your character isn't written for this please remove this section or leave it striked out.)

» Maxima Sindicat Appearance (What does your Sugiuran look like during Maxima Sindicat mode?)

» Maxima Sindicat Abilities/b] (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this mode?)

VII. Skill Sheets


Additional Note: The skill sheets, as of Saturday, February 10, 2018, have had small additions. There are new skills, and Master has been renamed to "Elite". Furthermore, Master is now the bridge in-between Elite and Grand Master. For more information, and the rest of the skill sheets, READ THIS THREAD


General Skills
  • Durability: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Trained/Beginner/Untrained
  • General Speed: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Strength: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Weapon Skill: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Symbiotic Skill Sheet
  • Sugiura Magic: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Mystic Eyes: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Martial Arts: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Resonancy: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Mental Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Pain Endurance: Elite/Advanced//Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

VIII. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


[size=13][center][color=black][b]Coding In Template By:[/b][/color]

<center><div style="width: 609px; border: #1c5e94 3.2px solid; box-shadow: black 1px 1px 6px; border-radius: 2em; text-align: justify; padding: 15px; line-height: 12px; font-size: 13.3px; background-color: #ffffff; color: black; "><div style="background-color: #1c5e94; width: 634px; border-top-right-radius: 3.2em; border-top-left-radius: 3.2em; margin-top: -14.7px; margin-left: -13px; text-align: center; color: white; letter-spacing: 2px;">Sugiuran</div>
[center][size=29][color=#1c5e94]Symbiote Template

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]I. [/color]Basic Information</div>

[b]» Name:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran's name(s)?)
[b]» Titles:[/b] (Do they have any sort of title? Perhaps nicknames or titles they’ve earned)
[b]» Age:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran’s true age relative to any timezones)
[b]» Gender/Sex:[/b] (What is the Gender and/or Sex of your Sugiuran?)
[b]» Origin:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran Origin. I.e. The Sugiuran of ice, or the sugiuran or gluttony, ect.)
[b]» Kingdom:[/b] (What kingdom is your Sugiuran native to? Further information on the kingdoms can be found here.)
[b]» Affiliation/Rank:[/b] (What organization does your Sugiuran fall into, and what is their rank? If there are none they would be known as rogue.)

[b]» True Appearance Description:[/b] (Here is where you will put your Sugiuran’s true appearance[i.e. What do they look like?], much like the bit before hand you may choose between just a picture, a description or both. However this section is mandatory.)

[b]» True  Appearance Picture:[/b] (Here is where you can post a picture if you feel like doing so, however if your picture stretches the page please spoiler it, or resize.)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]II. [/color]Personality Traits</div>

[b]» Personality:[/b][i] (What is your Sugiuran’s personality; this may be written in any way however it must be at minimum 2 paragraphs for it to be approved.)[/i]

[b]» Likes:[/b] (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran like?)

[b]» Dislikes:[/b] (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran dislike?)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]III. [/color]Guardian Beast</div>

[b]» Name:[/b] (Self-Explanatory)
[b]» Age:[/b] (Self-Explanatory)
[b]» Gender:[/b] (Self-Explanatory)
[b]» Origin:[/b] (What is your Guardian Beast Origin?)

[b]» Location of Resonance Marker:[/b] (Where is their mark located?)

[b]» Appearance:[/b] (What do they look like?  A picture will suffice.)

[b]» Personality: [/b](Keep in mind, this is especially important that this is well crafted because this is, effectively, another character you will be roleplaying and the dynamic the Beasts personality plays with your character is integral, don’t half-ass this.)

[b]» History: [/b](Guardian Beasts live as long as Sugiurans, probably longer because they aren’t as prone to getting stabbed, consequently many of these things have histories all their own.  Be creative with it, craft a compelling character with it.)

[b]» Flimkien Powers:[/b] (What are the Beasts powers when he is an autonomous creature, fighting in conjunction with your Sugiura?  There is no limit on how many they may have, but do try to be reasonable.)

[b]» Matul Ispiritu Appearance:[/b] (What form does your Beast take when he is broken down into Eidos then reforged in a metaphysical state?)

[b]» Matul Ispiritu Powers:[/b] (What powers does your Beast possess when he is broken down into Eidos then reforged in a metaphysical state?  Again there is no limit but please try to be reasonable.)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]IV. [/color]Character Background</div>

[b]» History[/b] (Here is where you write your Sugiuran’s history, it needs to be three paragraph (15 sentences) minimum. No matter the age.)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]V. [/color]Abilities & Equipment</div>

[b]» Natural Abilities[/b] (Does your Sugiuran have abilities in which they naturally gained either by their origin, or by training?)

[b]» Resonating Signal[/b] (What special abilities does your character gain from making a contract with their Guardian beast, these abilities are not the same thing as Natural abilities, nor are they the same abilities as what the Guardian beast have.)

[b]» Matul Ispritu Gifted Abilities[/b] (sometimes a Symbiote gains special abilities only when their Guardian beast is in Matul Ispritu; this is caused by both of your powers merging together through them.)

[b]» Sacred Weapon[/b] (What special weapon does your Sugiuran intune themselves with? What does it look like, and what abilities can they focus into it or gain through it.)

[b]»Personal Mystic Eyes:[/b] (When/if a Sugiuran achieves a Master skill in Mystic Eyes, they are capable of developing their own personal mystic eye with a unique power unto themselves.  If you will not have a Master level mystic eye, strike this section.)

[b]» Equipment[/b] (Does your Sugiuran have weapons or other type of equipment in which aids them in battle? Do they have any extra items that your Sugiuran keep on them?)

[strike]<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VI. [/color]Maxima Sindicat</div>
(This mode is only to those who are 0-3 tier, if your character isn't written for this please remove this section or leave it striked out.)

[b]» Maxima Sindicat Appearance[/b] (What does your Sugiuran look like during Maxima Sindicat mode?)

[b]» Maxima Sindicat Abilities/b] (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this mode?)[/strike]

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VII. [/color]Skill Sheets</div>


Additional Note: The skill sheets, as of Saturday, February 10, 2018, have had small additions. There are new skills, and Master has been renamed to "Elite". Furthermore, Master is now the bridge in-between Elite and Grand Master. For more information, and the rest of the skill sheets, [url=][b]READ THIS THREAD[/b][/url]

[spoiler]6-Tier: Allowed 2 Beginner, 2 Untrained.
5-Tier: Allowed 1 Trained, 2 Beginner, 1 Untrained.
4-Tier: Allowed 1 Adept, 2 Trained. 1 Beginner
3-Tier: Allowed 1 Experienced, 2 Adept, 1 Trained
2-Tier: Allowed 1 Advanced, 2 Experienced, 1 Adept
1-Tier: Allowed 1 Expert, 2 Advanced, 1 Experienced
0-5 Tier: Allowed 1 Elite, 2 Expert, 1 Advanced.[/spoiler]

[b][u]General Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Durability:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Trained/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]General Speed:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Strength:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Weapon Skill:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

[u][b]Symbiotic Skill Sheet[/b][/u]
[list][*][b]Sugiura Magic:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Mystic Eyes:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Martial Arts:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Resonancy:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

[b][u]Will Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Pain Endurance:[/b] Elite/Advanced//Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Focus:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VIII. [/color]Roleplay Sample</div>

[b]» Role Play Sample:[/b][i](Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)[/i]

</div><div style="background-color: #1c5e94; width: 637px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3.2em; border-bottom-left-radius: 3.2em; margin-top: -21px; color: white; letter-spacing: 2px;">END OF THE SYMBIOTE APPLICATION</div></div></center>

Last edited by Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚ on Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

Sugiuran Profile Templates Image
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Veteran Member
Joined : 2014-08-06
Posts : 2376
Age : 29
Location : The Land of Canabu' (Canada)

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Sugiuran Profile Templates Left_bar_bleue134700/60000Sugiuran Profile Templates Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

Sugiuran Profile Templates Empty Re: Sugiuran Profile Templates

Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:02 pm
Coding In Template By:


Magus Template

I. Basic Information

» Name: (What is your Sugiuran's name(s)?)
» Titles: (Do they have any sort of title? Perhaps nicknames or titles they’ve earned)
» Age: (What is your Sugiuran’s true age relative to any timezones)
» Gender/Sex: (What is the Gender and/or Sex of your Sugiuran?)
» Origin: (What is your Sugiuran Origin. I.e. The Sugiuran of ice, or the sugiuran or gluttony, ect.)
» Kingdom: (What kingdom is your Sugiuran native to? Further information on the kingdoms can be found here.)
» Affiliation/Rank: (What organization does your Sugiuran fall into, and what is their rank? If there are none they would be known as rogue.)

» True Appearance Description: (Here is where you will put your Sugiuran’s true appearance[i.e. What do they look like?], much like the bit before hand you may choose between just a picture, a description or both. However this section is mandatory.)

» True Appearance Picture: (Here is where you can post a picture if you feel like doing so, however if your picture stretches the page please spoiler it, or resize.)

II. Personality Traits

» Personality: (What is your Sugiuran’s personality; this may be written in any way however it must be at minimum 2 paragraphs for it to be approved.)

» Likes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran like?)

» Dislikes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran dislike?)

III. Character Background

» History (Here is where you write your Sugiuran’s history, it needs to be three paragraph (15 sentences) minimum. No matter the age.)

IV. Abilities & Equipment

» Natural Abilities (Does your Sugiuran have abilities in which they naturally gained either by their origin, or by training?)

» Sacred Weapon (What special weapon does your Sugiuran intune themselves with? What does it look like, and what abilities can they focus into it or gain through it.)

»Personal Mystic Eyes: (When/if a Sugiuran achieves a Master skill in Mystic Eyes, they are capable of developing their own personal mystic eye with a unique power unto themselves. If you will not have a Master level mystic eye, strike this section.)

» Equipment (Does your Sugiuran have weapons or other type of equipment in which aids them in battle? Do they have any extra items that your Sugiuran keep on them?)

V. List of Magic Spells

    Name: The Name of the Spell
    Type: Modern or Ancient Magic
    Subset: The subset of the spell, Oscillating, Speed/Mass, etc
    Rank: What rank is the spell (E/D/C/B/A/S)
    Effect: What the Spell does

VI. Magecraft

Name: The Name of the Magecraft
Appearance: What appearance changes take place while using the Magecraft (Optional)
Augmentations: What Augmentations the Magecraft performs

VII. Skill Sheets


Additional Note: The skill sheets, as of Saturday, February 10, 2018, have had small additions. There are new skills, and Master has been renamed to "Elite". Furthermore, Master is now the bridge in-between Elite and Grand Master. For more information, and the rest of the skill sheets, READ THIS THREAD


General Skills
  • Durability: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Trained/Beginner/Untrained
  • General Speed: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Strength: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Weapon Skill: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Magus Skill Sheet
  • Modern Magic: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Ancient Magic: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Mystic Eyes: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Martial Arts: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Mental Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Pain Endurance: Elite/Advanced//Adept/Beginner/Untrained
  • Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

VII. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


 [size=13][center][color=black][b]Coding In Template By:[/b][/color]

<center><div style="width: 609px; border: #1c5e94 3.2px solid; box-shadow: black 1px 1px 6px; border-radius: 2em; text-align: justify; padding: 15px; line-height: 12px; font-size: 13.3px; background-color: #ffffff; color: black; "><div style="background-color: #1c5e94; width: 634px; border-top-right-radius: 3.2em; border-top-left-radius: 3.2em; margin-top: -14.7px; margin-left: -13px; text-align: center; color: white; letter-spacing: 2px;">Sugiuran</div>
[center][size=29][color=#1c5e94]Magus Template

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]I. [/color]Basic Information</div>

[b]» Name:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran's name(s)?)
[b]» Titles:[/b] (Do they have any sort of title? Perhaps nicknames or titles they’ve earned)
[b]» Age:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran’s true age relative to any timezones)
[b]» Gender/Sex:[/b] (What is the Gender and/or Sex of your Sugiuran?)
[b]» Origin:[/b] (What is your Sugiuran Origin. I.e. The Sugiuran of ice, or the sugiuran or gluttony, ect.)
[b]» Kingdom:[/b] (What kingdom is your Sugiuran native to? Further information on the kingdoms can be found here.)
[b]» Affiliation/Rank:[/b] (What organization does your Sugiuran fall into, and what is their rank? If there are none they would be known as rogue.)

[b]» True Appearance Description:[/b] (Here is where you will put your Sugiuran’s true appearance[i.e. What do they look like?], much like the bit before hand you may choose between just a picture, a description or both. However this section is mandatory.)

[b]» True  Appearance Picture:[/b] (Here is where you can post a picture if you feel like doing so, however if your picture stretches the page please spoiler it, or resize.)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]II. [/color]Personality Traits</div>

[b]» Personality:[/b][i] (What is your Sugiuran’s personality; this may be written in any way however it must be at minimum 2 paragraphs for it to be approved.)[/i]

[b]» Likes:[/b] (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran like?)

[b]» Dislikes:[/b] (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran dislike?)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]III. [/color]Character Background</div>

[b]» History[/b] (Here is where you write your Sugiuran’s history, it needs to be three paragraph (15 sentences) minimum. No matter the age.)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]IV. [/color]Abilities & Equipment</div>

[b]» Natural Abilities[/b] (Does your Sugiuran have abilities in which they naturally gained either by their origin, or by training?)

[b]» Sacred Weapon[/b] (What special weapon does your Sugiuran intune themselves with? What does it look like, and what abilities can they focus into it or gain through it.)

[b]»Personal Mystic Eyes:[/b] (When/if a Sugiuran achieves a Master skill in Mystic Eyes, they are capable of developing their own personal mystic eye with a unique power unto themselves.  If you will not have a Master level mystic eye, strike this section.)

[b]» Equipment[/b] (Does your Sugiuran have weapons or other type of equipment in which aids them in battle? Do they have any extra items that your Sugiuran keep on them?)

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]V. [/color]List of Magic Spells</div>

[list][b]Name:[/b] The Name of the Spell
[b]Type:[/b] Modern or Ancient Magic
[b]Subset:[/b] The subset of the spell, Oscillating, Speed/Mass, etc
[b]Rank:[/b] What rank is the spell (E/D/C/B/A/S)
[b]Effect:[/b] What the Spell does[/list]

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VI. [/color]Magecraft</div>

[b]Name:[/b] The Name of the Magecraft
[b]Appearance:[/b] What appearance changes take place while using the Magecraft (Optional)
[b]Augmentations:[/b] What Augmentations the Magecraft performs

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VII. [/color]Skill Sheets</div>


Additional Note: The skill sheets, as of Saturday, February 10, 2018, have had small additions. There are new skills, and Master has been renamed to "Elite". Furthermore, Master is now the bridge in-between Elite and Grand Master. For more information, and the rest of the skill sheets, [url=][b]READ THIS THREAD[/b][/url]

[spoiler]6-Tier: Allowed 2 Beginner, 2 Untrained.
5-Tier: Allowed 1 Trained, 2 Beginner, 1 Untrained.
4-Tier: Allowed 1 Adept, 2 Trained. 1 Beginner
3-Tier: Allowed 1 Experienced, 2 Adept, 1 Trained
2-Tier: Allowed 1 Advanced, 2 Experienced, 1 Adept
1-Tier: Allowed 1 Expert, 2 Advanced, 1 Experienced
0-5 Tier: Allowed 1 Elite, 2 Expert, 1 Advanced.[/spoiler]

[b][u]General Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Durability:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Trained/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]General Speed:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Strength:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Weapon Skill:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

[u][b]Magus Skill Sheet[/b][/u]
[list][*][b]Modern Magic:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Ancient Magic:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Mystic Eyes:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Martial Arts:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

[b][u]Will Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Pain Endurance:[/b] Elite/Advanced//Adept/Beginner/Untrained
[*][b]Focus:[/b] Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

<div style="letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: solid 1px black;;">[color=#1c5e94]VII. [/color]Roleplay Sample</div>

[b]» Role Play Sample:[/b][i](Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)[/i]

</div><div style="background-color: #1c5e94; width: 637px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3.2em; border-bottom-left-radius: 3.2em; margin-top: -21px; color: white; letter-spacing: 2px;">END OF THE MAGUS APPLICATION</div></div></center>

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