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Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:42 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Passing this test is a miracle -- is what Touma thought at the moment. He didn't have the strength of a tiger, the fighting skills of a trained warrior or the brains of a rocket scientist to warrant him any kind of worth to qualify his abilities as some kind of hero. Aside from Imagine Breaker, all he has left was his overall will to reach his hand out to everyone regardless of status and differences that lies in between himself and the others; good and evil alike.

But is just the intent alone enough?

It is difficult to say that Touma is downplaying his capabilities despite being the son of Shadin Yuudeshi or that it is the fact that he relies a lot on the use of Imagine Breaker to pretend that it made up for his weakness. Not to say that the praise alone didn't make him feel accomplished or had the opposite of the intended effect but it did make him question his intentions.

Cirno's touch and smile felt.. mature and motherly, in a way that he couldn't explain much about for being away from his family for some time. There wasn't much conversation going in between himself and Shadin, as well as his other siblings, making their communications become limited, so this feeling was relieving for him as a person.

In reply, Touma smiled back at her.


He stood back up when Cirno was done tending to the injuries he sustained previously and reached out his left hand to the other energy blast she is going to throw at him.

His resolve was already decided from the beginning but someone as angelic as Cirno, Touma wanted to ask her an important question that lingered his mind from someone who is doing her best to build heroes that wasn't sure of themselves.

"Miss Cirno, I want to ask something for one last thing."

He gripped both of his fists tightly and slowly move towards the approaching blast again, without the same hesitation and fear that he had portrayed from before after those comforting and strong words she has provided.

"I am weak. So, will my intentions really be enough to protect everyone?"

With one last push, Touma would thrust his left hand onto the blast like he meant it. He still didn't know what to do but he followed Cirno's words to the letter; his intentions, will and thoughts gathered into his left hand and channel it right into the blast in hopes that another miracle might happen this time. It won't be by sheer luck but by sheer will.

He doesn't know what will happen.

So he just have to see what will come out of this.

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Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:14 pm

Changes in Winter [ HERO QUEST MISSION ] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: sunbeamspot musicbox

The aura which resonated within Touma's body seemed to be indicating that he was finding his second wind. Even if he had failed before, the mere act of him getting up and trying again despite the grave risk to his body was more than enough to appease The Seal of Heroism infused within his body. Therefore, Cirno would not utter a single word as he was beginning his rampage against her sphere of light. Instead, she would only listen, observe and allow him to do this feat on his own without any guidance from her what-so-ever.

Therefore, when his fist collided with the cluster of aether energy which was determined to turn him into a bloody pulp, the neutralization capacity of his new found abilities would be amplified and activated to be two times more potent with the power of her holy seal on his body. With his new will and resolve, these values and his desire to protect would be inscribed within the seal and allotted him a new strength to absolutely shatter, break and decimate the attack until it was nothing more than ash in the wind.

Could this attack possibly send him backward from the strong gust of wind which generated as a result of them smashing against one another? Yes. However, it would be like getting slapped in the face when compared to the brutality of the former assault devouring Touma's entire body in burns, pain and the rancid taste of a bitter defeat. So, when he would rise back on his feet again, the boy would be victorious and the mere passing pains of a slight slip were nothing when compared to that glorious sensation of overcoming the obstacle which stood in his way of personal ascension.

So, no matter what resulted following the aftermath of Touma's assault against the burst of her power, The Celestial would make her way slowly over to the boy. In doing this action, a tender smile gradually eased across the woman's face and she'd be there to once again kneel over the male and nod her head to affirm him on the notion of whether or not he could evolve and grow stronger than he already is.

"It will not be easy, but can get stronger. You will have to fight for it, but you can grow beyond this. Everyone has that potential."

And with that, The Angel of The Ice was going to upll Touma back up to his feet with a pull of her hand as she reached out for his to once again begin the process of arising from the ashes like a phoenix. As life was going to knock you down again and again, but it's a persons capacity to be stubborn ,resist it and contioune rolling down a most difficult path that makes them strong. So, while his limitations were apparent, it was those same limitations which gave him the character of strength and would allow for the holy gods themselves to bless his courage, will and ability to move forward.

Ergo, with that lesson carved deep within the mind of Touma, there was nothing else for them to do on this training session -- but rest.

"Why don't we just call it a day now? You've done what I asked and more. If you train anymore, you'll tire yourself out."

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The Cookie
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Changes in Winter [ HERO QUEST MISSION ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Changes in Winter [ HERO QUEST MISSION ]

Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:17 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Something was growing in him. He felt it, manifesting from his left hand and into the blast.

He wasn't so strong on his own, just an ordinary high school student whose right hand bestowed bad luck in his life. But for the first time, Touma feel as if he was in control of where he could reach with this hand of his under the guidance of someone else. Not with his right hand but left and there, he shattered his own illusions by his own will.

Not bound by weakness nor the idea of being a hero.

Neither strong nor weak.

A human hand that simply exists to save others, to push someone forward and to protect one's rightful life.

Later overwhelmed by the impact, his left hand would repel from the gust of wind, sending his entire body a short distance across the air before landing back to the ground on his back. By miracle or by will, he was unharmed to say the very least, continuing to lay on the ground with a smile on his face until Cirno wandered over to check on him and in his sight, a familiar face with the same smile on her face looked at him from above.

As Cirno pulled him up, Touma laughed a bit. Not because of what she said but how things is starting to change for him. Had he not heard of Cirno's Hero Quest, things may have stayed the same unlucky day as it was.

"I might have just gotten myself involved in good then, my potential that is. To think that I was just living in a life of unluckiness not too long ago."

Touma gripped his left hand tightly and continued to maintain his smile as if it was an achievement. While not big, he felt that he has discovered something himself, a hope that he would be able to control the mysterious power in his right hand and finally ask 'it' about its nature.

His body shook a bit, presumably that his body was beginning to stress out from the rush of adrenaline of rushing into the blast. Despite how calm he looked, he is still just an ordinary person. His eyes directed towards Cirno and ended the training there for today. There, he knelt down on his knees and eyes were closing down on him, close to the point of losing consciousness due to exhaustion.

"Thank god.. It's finally over. I thought I was gonna die.."

After those words, Touma laid flat to the ground unconscious. He was already plenty tired from the situation, after all.

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Changes in Winter [ HERO QUEST MISSION ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Changes in Winter [ HERO QUEST MISSION ]

Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:08 pm

Changes in Winter [ HERO QUEST MISSION ] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: sunbeamspot musicbox

Even as the human went flying through the snow, debris and fire; there was a great sense of relief that oozed into the being of The Celestial as she watched Touma find his pace and land safely without much harm. To her, that was nothing but a test of faith and inner courage to overcome his physical limitations and achieve a strength much greater than himself. And, in that way, they each formed a miracle for him to progress nad evolve himself to the next level of power that he needed to enter into the next phase of his life.

And for this reason is why Cirno had a big smile that was seen brimming from ear to ear as she walked over to the carnage that was left in the wake of their clash. With one hand pulled out over the male, streams of aqua-hued light would begin to rain down upon the male and feed him with new vigor, life and energy so that his injuries may be mitigated, loosened and reduced to the point where he could stand, breathe and feel like a changed man from this entire ordeal that was done to change him spiritually, mentally and physically.

"You believe that you were unfortunate? Perhaps, but it's those experiences that allowed you to maybe enjoy what you have now all the better. Since, when you lack something, you gain a bigger perceptive working for it."

The tone in which Cirno spoke in was quite ginger and rang truer to the essence of a mother nurturing her child. And, to that end, The Celestial couldn't help but give a tender laugh as she patted his head and rewarded the youth for being able to endure such a grueling challenge.

"At least, that's what I think. As I believe that is what it takes to be a proper hero and someone who I can all worthy of joining The Guild of Heroes."

After uttering those words, The Angel of The Ice would then give a firm nod of the head and considered Touma to be a proper member of her family. He would help to become one of the founding members of what would become a grand and wide-scale operation that spreads from Earth, to the Soul Society and all neighboring dimensions to invoke this sense of positivity, light, and miracle in a cluster of universes consumed within darkness, discord and all things foul.

"And I won't allow a hero like yourself to die here. Not physically, and not mentally because of your own doubts. We all have them, but it's the courage to act against them which gives us strength to move on."

Granted, those words may have fallen on deaf ears. As, by the time that they ended, the male soon lost consciousness and was nothing more than a limp body in her hands. Again, however, the woman couldn't help but give a gentle laugh because of the fact that perhaps she did train the ever living lights out of the male. So, perhaps now was a good as any point to cease so that they could call it a day.

"You rest up. You've earned it. I'll take you to some place where you can wake up and start anew. I promise."

And with those words spoken, The Angel of The Ice would place the boy in her arms, stand up and begin to move through the snow and ice to find refuge in a temple nearby. It is there where she would see to his recovery herself, infuse the blessings of the gods into his body and ensure that the start of this year would mark the change of a lifetime within the male. That was her duty for today and she was going to do her best to fulfil it.

As at the end of the day -- this was her retribution. To help someone such as this was her way of making penance for the transgressions her life. And in this way, Touma was able to help this Angel find her wings and continue to find a reason to move forward.

"Thank you. I'm so glad I saved you...."


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