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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
Established Member
Joined : 2015-06-03
Posts : 493
Age : 28
Location : Latvia, Riga

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White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Left_bar_bleue126500/99999White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (126500/99999)

White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Empty White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+]

Sun Oct 25, 2015 6:42 am
Coding In Template By:


Visera Demonio Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: White Eye
» Titles: Test Subject #711
» Age: 18
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: Shadowfall

» True Appearance Written: If needed to describe, then it should be eyes from which to start. White is blind and it can be well seen. His eyes are covered with white, milky layer that almost looks as thick, as paper. Made from spirit energy small blood red dots can be seen in the middle of his eyes. With them the boy had learned to see the surrounding world. His hair are in the color of red flames, but skin can match with purest of mountain snow. Numerous summer spots can be seen under his eyes. The boys lips are small and look frail while the nose is pointy and faced a bit up. Ears are hidden in his messy, wild hair, but if showed, could be seen that instead of them there are two horns and small holes under. Blue bags under shows how much White does lack sleep as well, as his face is full with small scars which can be seen only very close up and when the light is dropping in a certain angle.

The Visera Demonio body is lean, but muscled because of the constant training the boy had day to day by Mana herself. As his face, the body too is almost paper white with long scars going across his back despise the males regeneration ability. Two long scars goes across his shoulder bones and a cross shaped scar is located at the centre of the man’s chest. What makes this body even weirder is how well anyone could see the boy’s veins and blood wires. They are quite big and creates this alien kind of look.

When it comes to clothing everything will do as he wears anything given. In his home in his closet there is a white uniform similar to those wore by Espada. Then there is one only black and one red. Five pair of black socks and three scarf’s, red, white and black. All this was given to him when he was released from Mana's lab and he had kept them clean till now.

I. Personality

» Personality: From first glance one could call him a weak, shy boy, with bags under his eyes and always confused face expression. From one point it is true. Often, if not always, he feels scarred and confused by colors and noises which ruled around him. They made his already endlessly painful head even more disturbed, turning thinking almost impossible.

But when the need demands White can push this chaos to whispers, though it will turn him into nothing more than a robot. The child hates this state where his senses are nullified to nothing. Not even mentioning the pain in which his mind is after letting the thoughts go their way again. If usually it is like a nail would be forced in brains then after this state it is like a small needle would have appeared in the middle, moving back and forth all the time.

But the most dangerous he is, when his mind goes and clings to one of his actual thoughts. From the mix of Demon and Arrancar origin the boys original mind is a mass of insanity. His thoughts, while there exist logical ones, are mostly sick and grotesque. Killing the inhuman way, that is his style and actually that is the only thing which keeps White Eyes mind usable.

Though at the moment, after the faithful battle in Inverse Earth Realm, the boy is completely lost. His mind is shattered even further where no amount of concentration can quite down the noise of his own thoughts. White’s mind functions only a bit better than those of zombies. Mindlessly he wanders through space and time, stepping into other realms only to refill his energy reserves. And while Whites face is lifeless, movements dull and limb inside the child is screaming, trying to find his lost anchor which connected him to the world he once called home. The world of silence.

I. History

» History: There isn't much to tell about White. Created artificially, he is one of experiments in the process to create Visera Demonio. Fear was first what he learned when released from the container filling in for the boys mother. The darkness...sounds...the boy acted as a wild beast, bursting with great amount energy on all sides just overcome the fear, you can say. Of course, he was soon put in place. Then he learned what to fear. A womans voice, if even polite, seemed cold for him and repulsive. White didn't like that she was touching him. Poking his body with needles, cutting pieces of flesh off his body and watching as new one came in almost the same moment.

Then came the training. Until that moment he already knew what was the best for his health. The boy trained physically and mentally, discovering more and more about his powers and how to use them. And more he buried within himself, the more he started to see visions, things that didn't happen...Things, that couldn't exist...things, that shouldn't exist.

With time he grew more and more depressed. This didn't effect Whites performance. In short period of time he grew stronger and stronger, mastering his talents further and further. But as he progressed in power, so his depression grew stronger and stronger. In that moment it even started to effect his abilities. He started to become a threat to those around him. Death was a name, used to describe the male. It was just something his nature gave the Masked Demon naturally. Power to destroy.

So, it was decided. For his well being and hope that White will turn better he was sent out to the Shadowfall base, located in Hueco Mundo. There he was tasked to learn a bit about the outside world and how to work with people. From one point it was a success as he went up in the ranks thanks to the dedication he showed. No one tried to disobey and White always tried his best to fulfil the task given even if he DID mess up multiple times, like, when trying to invade Tibet accidentally.

Major changes happened when he took part in a mission to secure the core of Inverted Earth Realm. There the man encountered few of the most powerful beings between the realms and got what little of sanity he had crushed by the brutal forces of these foes. It broke him even further as well, as sent the boy into the void of non-existence as the Inverse Earth Realm had shattered and disappeared. Now like a washed up rag White Eye is wandering through realms, lost in his own thoughts yet again.

I. Natural Abilities

» Shometsu-Ken Name: Azathoth

» Shometsu-Ken Apperances: Wild, blood red energy starts to merge from his back and quickly wrap around his left arm. In his palm the energy forms a katana like blade.

» Shometsu-Ken Release:
Blood is raining from the sky.
Newborns are nailed to walls.
Plague has spread to the land.
Even Dead is crying in their graves.
Now bring forth the mercy of slaughter, Azathoth

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:
  • Cuerpo Reparación (Body Adaptability): Because of constant experiments he has been put through it has become easily manipulated by outer forces, as he himself. Further on, because of the males interesting body make up he can perform things out of ordinary for this ability as turning his limbs to pure element for a certain period of time or control his body even being apart. Furthermore, because of the Masked Demon’s wide skill regarding in use of weapons White Eye has multiple times turned his body into a improvised weapons when the need has emerged. What they are depends on the situation the boy is in, varying from extra pair of arms and ending with blood forged spikes coming out of all parts of his body. When it comes to his regeneration, White Eye utilizes the High-Speed Regeneration he acquired from studying Hollows and then adjusting the skill on himself.

    General Info:

  • Cero Rastro (Zero Trail): Probably the aspect in which the boy is lacking the most. Somehow he has problem to keep a steady stream of power for a balanced ray. Instead, when trying to launch it Whites blast in the middle splits in multiple weaker strands and usually goes off the needed trajectory. To further point out how bad is the kid in using this ability his arm than sustains impressive damage, making it useless for any actions for a full post. White presumes that he has problems in controlling the Inferno Blast part because he has no trouble in manipulating with simple Cero attacks. In appearance-wise when he launches the blast five small lasers comes out from each of his finger, combines in a ball at the middle and then fires out in a unstable black beam with a single blood red circle at its center.
    General Info:

  • Tānāgati (Warp Step): Fused with Whites scrambled brain this ability in the boys hands is more potent than anyone could imagine from the first glance. First, thanks to it he developed Interminable Boca, his way to travel from realm to realm and more. Without this there is also the technique he created to manifest multiple portals in the influence of the boys Ksetra Pari. Each of them are 30 cm in radius and reminds of black eyeball with red eye rainbow. At Tier 2 he can open maximum of 5 portals, at Tier 1 he can open 8 portals, at Tier 0-5 he can open 10 portals, at Tier 0-4 he can open 12 portals, at Tier 0-3 he can open 14 portals and at Tier 0-1 he can open 17 portals. These portals then can be used as cameras, having all properties of Visión Ciegos. Similar to these eyes he can also create small, rectangular holes scattered across his influence field to transmit vocal messages.

    More hostile techniques regarding Tānāgati which White Eye possesses involve manifesting attacks further away from him. While more tasking, he can create things such as Cero, Bala and other techniques away from his own person. For example, the boys own palm would cover with black, shadow-like cloak while a small hole would appear behind the enemy and a beam of minor Cero Rastro would then hit them. Another use for battle purposes could be when White attempts a slash attack, but misses, he could open a portal which could then suck the kinetic force of the slash and send it from another portal to the enemy. Still, all these techniques possesses the same drawbacks of creating a physical and mental strain if overused. To put some measurements, White could manage doing such things 5 times in a post being Tier 2, 8 times being Tier 1, 10 times being Tier 0-5, 11 times being Tier 0-4, 12 times being Tier 0-3, 13 times being Tier 0-2 and 15 times being Tier 0-1 without feeling the drawback, though if the usage goes over 3 post straight at Tier 2, 5 posts straight at Tier 1, 7 posts at Tier 0-5 and adding a post per minor tier till Tier 0-1 when the maximum is 12 posts straight he will start to feel exhaustion and lack of energy. In so a post cooldown would be highly recommended.

    General Info:

  • Ksetra Pari: Probably one of the most high advanced abilities the male possesses, he had reached the level of being able to utilize it to almost absurd levels. First thing to note, Whites Ksetra Pari is a bit more similar to Demons Za Kao field in sense that the boys Ksetra Pari have form and substance. When naturally released it is in form of gas-like energy. The surrounding effected will gain blood red tinting as well, as the air itself will smell of fresh blood. Those in it will have a light insight of how Whites mind work. Those with willpower below Advanced will suffer of hearing multiple, quiet thoughts in their heads, not shouting like in case of the voice owner, but being loud enough or one to know their presence. If not resisted this person after 2 posts will start to also see some of the visions White has and gain a slight headache. This will overall lower the person’s ability to concentrate and lower the victims focus by a level. On the other hand those with Willpower Advanced or higher suffer only from quiet whispers in their heads after spending exposed to the Ksetra Pari for 3 posts. For one to avoid feeling this effect they just need to find a way how to escape getting the energy in their bodies.

    The second trait which sets apart the regular Ksetra Pari from White’s is how he can produce bigger quantities of it from outer energy sources. When attempting to take over Tibet the male used electricity inside the wires, as well, as accessed the energy in the cities power plant to generate insane amounts of it. In such the male is able to expand his influence around the territory larger than it would be possible in his power level. Though, while he has the possibility to gain large amounts of Ksetra Pari what shackles the boy is the fact that there is a limit of how much his mind can handle, as well, as the fact that to manipulate with Ksetra Pari White Eye still requires some amount of energy to manipulate it. Fail to do so will set the energy wild and in few moments, two posts, it will disappear. With Mental Deduction in Advanced level White can manipulate unnatural amounts for 4 posts, with Master for 7 posts and with GrandMasters for 12 posts. Overdoing it can cause him complete mind paralyzes for a full post and weakened powers for three posts. The good thing though is that White can hold the extra Ksetra Pari for the rest of the thread if he manages to absorb it inside himself before losing control over the power.

    Furthermore what sets it apart from the rest is something he gained only after the Black World event. While staying in the realm he did absorb quite amount of Reversed Eclipse miasma, as well, as he merged with his own Saca Dilla, the reverse of White Eye. It ended in his body adjusting to all this power and starting to generate it in start small amounts, but then larger and larger as time passed. Because of the fragile state the boy is now there isn’t much of any techniques developed, though the miasma allows him to create almost anything with the rule that he has the power and knowledge to create it.

    As the last, and maybe the most oddest aspect of White Eyes Ksetra Pari, his whole body is so merged with it and combined with the Demon’s natural trait of Body Manipulation it seems he himself is build from it. It is also the reason why the males existence is such an abstract concept, as life and death means almost nothing to beings created from energy. Though, it also comes with the drawback being much weaker to energy absorbers if they manage to directly connect with the boy's body.
    General Info:

  • Acidic Touch: With experiments and studying the anatomy of Hollows White had managed to extract from his Hollow-like side the natural means of protection. The boy’s snow white skin is covered in transparent layer of diamond melting substance. To gain this strong of substance White was forced to sacrifice the duration this substance is on his skin after releasing it. For now 4 posts are the limit after which his skin will be defenseless in that matter for 3 posts. When regarding supernatural defense it takes Master or higher to be protected from the effects of this liquid.

    General Info:

  • High-Speed regeneration: As mentioned before this is preferred over his own racial trait. Similar to Acid Touch and other Hollow traits the boy has it was gained through the usage of “Hunger of Knowledge”, ability possessed by White. Because of Whites easily shifting body it is simple to even heal larger injuries and even restore lost limbs, though it still requires energy which not always can be spared.

    General Info:

  • Bala (虚弾 (バラ), Bara; Spanish for "Bullet," Japanese for "Hollow Bullet") For some reason White has much easier time to release such projectile attacks than Cero Rastro, though still he isn’t even close to talented in the use of this ability. When he fires it from his finger a simple, blood red ball fires out.
    General Info:

  • Cero (虚閃 (セロ), Sero; Spanish for "Zero," Japanese for "Hollow Flash," "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation) Again, while being more successful in using this technique than Cero Rastro White can’t do anything amazing with it. Regarding his power level the beam is quite strong, but it also takes some time to charge, making the boy a sitting duck in meanwhile. It has the regular crimson red color.
    General Info:

  • Gran Rey Cero (王虚の閃光 (グラン・レイ・セロ), Guran Rei Sero; Spanish for "Grand King Zero", Japanese for "Royal Hollow Flash") Being the creation of Demon Queen herself this was a technique she showed the male how to perform in experimenting if that was even possible. While proving in being able to do it Whites Gran Ray Cero is still quite unstable in the sense that not always it strikes in the direction he would like to. Regarding appearance the blast has blood red outer layer with snow white core.
    General Info:

  • Hierro (鋼皮 (イエロ), Iero; Spanish for "Iron," Japanese for "Steel Skin") Because of the constant battles where he usually is in the front lines the blind child had build up quite defense, sacrificing good portion of his energy to have durable enough Hierro. While having the standard traits of the supernatural defense the Visera Demonio has also adjusted it to even further defend his person. By fusing Hierro with traits of Reishi Drain if energy attacks connect with his body part of their power is absorbed in the defense. From it the Hierro is adjusted so it would do its best to protect from the attacker. If a person’s tier is lower than two minor tiers his energy attack is completely reduced to nothing while those with equal or higher tier will notice only small part of their attacks being drained. If the second situation, this defense can last up to 10 posts of constant attacks before giving in.
    General Info:

I. Unique Abilities

» Unique Abilities:

Shometsu-Ken: While serving primary as sword in truth White can adjust his weapon to any form he wishes as he sword would posses the Body Manipulation ability its owner has. It can be scythe, dagger, hammer and such, though the male will prefer sword over anything else, feeling most capable with it. But there its limits doesn't end. Similar to Shinigamies Rengies Shikai Zamibaru White too can extend his word longer, reaching maximum of 100 meters in length. While it is a good substitute for projectile attacks the biggest minus is that the longer the sword gets, harder it becomes to manipulate with it, as well, as it makes more openings for the enemy before returning in state for White to again use it. Because of that he rarely use it to its full length.

  • Flechas De Sangre(Blood Arrows): When turning his Shometso-Ken in form of blood red crystal bow White can fire projectiles of red energy arrows in speed of 100 arrows in a post. In strength they are two times weaker than Bala, but where they lack in strength they make up in speed and numbers. The arrows travel in speed of Master Sonido. With durability of Adept one wouldn't even feel the first 10 arrows. The arrow goal isn't to hurt upon impact, but rather to weaken ones further defense. Each projectile contains demonic parasites mixed with Hollow acid. They have easy time to get through any supernatural defense, such as Hierro or Demon Body Seals. When entering the host they need to wait for White to hit his target with 10 more arrows or two posts. When met any of the requirements the parasites will start to act, first, bringing down energy cables that connect beings supernatural defense to its power source. Then, after one more post defenses, such as Hierro, will stop to work for next two posts. The old set of parasites dies when finished the task.

    If in that time a new set is managed to be inserted in the targets body the targets physical durability will too fall by a level for two posts. White can try to keep sustaining the persons body with the parasites constantly, though after some time anyone should need to understand that the arrows should be avoided.

    If one manages to sense the parasites before it is too late they can quite easily kill them by releasing increased amount of spiritual energy out of heir bodies. Additionally, if they are exposed more then 6 posts with these things they will gain immunity from them for the rest of the thread. To sense the things one needs Mental Deduction of Master or sensing skill of Advanced.

  • Mente Segador(Mind Reaper): Taking the form of scythe Whites Shometsu-Ken more scars one mind then body. In appearance it looks like red liquid taking shape of the item, its blade having a shining white sharp edge. When managing to have a contact with a person the blade ignores all durabilities or supernatural defenses, going through them as they would never exist in the first place. While not creating even the smallest scratch on the persons body with each slash their Focus, Mental Deduction and Willpower goes a bit lower. After 10 slashes these three go 1 level lower. When all three reach Beginner the scythe will start to scar ones flesh, ignoring any means of physical or supernatural defense.

    To protect from this weapon they need to have Willpower equal to Whites or higher, as well, as understand what is exactly happening to them. Once it has been done they just need to reject the blades existence in them and it won't be able to scar their target n any way. Furthermore, the effect of the scythe last for 5 posts, if he had stopped slicing for any reasons.

Hunger of Knowledge: If the male touches any sort of information, starting from a book, ending with a living being, he can send a Ksetra Pari wave into that information source, with a task to gather any possible information and store it into his brain. From then starts to work his three part brain. The first part is responsible just for the storing. Information in there isn't meant to be used and isn't accessible for White himself. Slowly, little by little, information goes to his second part of the brain. This part is even smaller and serves something as a "research center". Here information is taken and worked through to figure out how to make it useable for White. For stuff, like, information about local plants, this step usually is skipped and goes directly to third part of the boy's brain. There the information is all ready to be used and understood by him. The process can take from 1 post to somewhere in near or far future. Usually to understand ability, it takes longer than understanding just the information itself. This power of his Mana used to make the Visera Demonio understand huge amount of information, which usually would need centuries to learn. This is also the reason, why Whites mental state is..."damaged" because the process, if done too often, causes huge mental pain.

El Pacto(Pact): This ability naturally created when White absorbed large amounts of Reverse Eclipse miasma and it reacted with the struggling existence of Visera Demonio. When a person is killed by him small part of the boys own energy sticks in the corpse and pulls off a minor piece of the person’s soul. The damage done to the soul isn’t great enough to cause any effects in the future, as well, as the part left in the dead body isn’t strong enough on it’s own to effect the dead body in any way. The part left behind will then disappear in 2 hour time.

In these two hours White can perform a weird technique which successful will then create new Visera Demonio. By sacrificing one minor tier the boy will fill the dead body with his energy. It will then react with the small part of leftover soul and create being similar to the person which was killed. While their skill set, as well, as personality will be similar to that of their original it will adjusted to fit a Masked Demon. Also, the resurrected being Visera Demonio will be one major tier weaker than the original. Process takes multiple hours, so it can’t be used in the middle of battle to create additional troops.

Additionally, with each created Masked Demon voices in the boys head will become more and more quiet and even when regaining the sacrificed tier they won’t return. Furthermore, while not obeying White on word those created will feel a want to ally with him.

Vitalidad Muertos(Dead Vitality): Created through the use of his Ksetra Pari in his attempt in taking over Tibet White created substitutes for his projectile attacks. When finding large amounts of energy in himself or his surrounding the Visera Demonio compresses this energy into size of a basketball and make it surround himself. He can fire these balls at any object. Upon connecting these balls then explode, being able to destroy seven story buildings each. In the Tibet attack White used powerless humans, compressing their souls and destroying their bodies to fuel these ball. They can also be used as storage units for later use. Instantly White can manage to control 9 balls without having problems to focus on other matters in the same time. As his focus will rise this number will rise too.

Mente Inmortal(Undying Mind): After the Inverse Earth Realm fell and crumbled, destroying anyone weak enough with it White found himself too being erased from existence...Or so he thought. Later on the boy found himself back inside his own mind, realm adjusted to reflect the state in which its owner was.

White Eye has a passive ability which returns the boy back to life even after complete physical destruction. Rules for this ability is that it takes time for him to come back, as well, as he must not die in his own mind. If killed there, it is for good. Effects after dying is that his tier falls for one minor tier and the boys mind set will go further down, deeper into insanity.

Interminable Boca(Endless Mouth): Far from garganta, this technique can be thought to any hollow or arrancar. The user opens a perfect square portal. Its frame is in the color of users reishi and can vary in size, depending on how much reishi the user is ready to sacrifice. This portal can lead to any place in the same or different dimension if the user knows the place. No one without the user permeation can enter this portal and the user always feels what had entered it. For those who try to enter without permeation it will be like going through illusionary wall. Other way how this portal can be used is to wander and look for new dimensions and even places in the same realm. Of course, it takes time, like actually walking, but after finding a new place, he/she can open a portal instantly to that place. The portals size also determines the corridors size inside it, if wandering. So, if you are making a portal in the size rat hole, don't try to fit an army through it.

The interesting fact about this portal is how it breaks the laws of time and space. If the user would be given a drawing of a place he/she had never been and they would try to open a portal to the place in most cases it would open not to the place in the picture but a portal to the actual picture. Also, this portal, if wanted by user, can open in an empty dimensional space. Furthermore, if the user is skilled with Gargantas or Tānāgati they can isolate part of empty space to create something similar to an inner world. This pocket dimension will then connect with the persons mind and being slowly changing from black void to most impossible place. To note though, upon completing the isolating and connection the person will be drained of two minor tiers which he will then again need to regain with traditional methods.

White personally can open a portal to his own mind, a place of twisted reality. In there everything is reflection of his mental state which mostly is a huge, disturbing mess. What makes the place special is that while it exist this place absorbs all raw energy that comes near it. In such, things like mobile phones and other devices last half it time, if not protected by energy absorption. Further on, those weaker tier-wise than White will also suffer from tiring faster than usually and even those equal to the boy and stronger will feel light effect of the place. Shields that would protect from such effects tend to be harder sustainable as well because the very energy from them is also drained though in much smaller amounts. This place for the boy is used to train, find some peace or just to dwell deeper and deeper inside his own madness. Time to time weird artifacts would appear in the place which than can be used by anyone even outside the realm, though only White can fix and recreate them if anything happens, as well, as he is the only one who can bring them out of the pocket realm. The cause of such artifact appearance has two reasons. First, each time a new person enters this realm a artifact resembling the person entering also appears. Second, a artifact can appear if the boy goes through some strong emotional or physical event. As the last and most rare occasion, a artifact can appear in there from the energies the realm had absorbed from outside. The time ration is 1 hour in Earth Realm is ten hours in Whites pocket realm.

Visión Ciegos(Blind Vision): From moment of his birth, White had been blind as a bat. If not for his massive, destructive spirit energy, White would never last a day. But he survived and that is, what counts. So, in time the male developed a technique to see. By concentrating a little amount of his reishi into his eyes and connecting them with his nerves he can see what everyone sees and even more. With these eyes White can zoom in and out, can see beings which otherwise would be invisible and actually see the inner organs, bones and everything else, that hides in the belly of teddy. Without this he too can use heat vision and cold vision, as well, as notice sound waves. The drawback to this sight is that he can’t change from one to another way of sight more than 5 times in a thread, as well, as because White uses Ksetra Pari as medium it requires more energy as he wants to see “further”.

The Side Of Heartless: Utilizing his Hunger For Knowledge on Hollows and Arrancar as well, as digging up his Arrancar origin the boy had unlocked the possibility to use Hollow and Arrancar racial traits, though he still needs to practice in them as in any skill.

Sword proficiency-Master: As his Shometsu-Ken is a sword, it is only logical he was trained to use exactly this weapon. His skill is about a master swordsman, but he wouldn't be as powerful only because White lacks experience, what he didn't got, fighting in a lab all the time.

The Prophecies Of Seer: One of Whites most terrifying powers is the one he can control the least. Time from time tends to speak prophecies, spells, and lines of weird words. And they always happen. Sometimes he controls this power, sometimes it controls him. If done by White intentionally, this ability will always want to keep balance. For example, if he would destroy Vizard Corps base in the name of Shadowfall, The Vizard Corps maybe would gain a new, powerful weapon or so, to pay back Shadowfall. This is one example of how this ability works. The point is, it is always unpredictable and, what is strange, takes the users energy only sometimes.

I. Arma Revolución

» Arma Revolución Appearance: A giant hole in the heart space opens, dripping red blood all the time. His hair flickers and moves as actual flames, reveling now two long horns, that starts in the place, where there should be ears and are 2 feet long. All his face is covered in small, white eyes, his two original eyes now being completely red. Set of wings, made out of blood, rises from his back. Two more pairs of arms also breaks his rib cage and comes out, made out of bones and blood. In every arm a Shometsu-Ken is held. The male's mouth and jaw is covered in white bone mass, making him unable to speak.

» Arma Revolución Abilities: White keeps all abilities mentioned before. His strength, speed, durability and reishi poll is drastically increased. All injuries also are healed and reishi reserves filled.

Mar de Sangre(Sea of Blood): This ability activates automatically with entering in the state. When White enters it a scream of pain escapes his mouth. Then, with a blow, a hole in his chest appears. From his mouth, the hole, face and almost every pour of his body blood drips, flows fills more and more land like raging stream of water. With another small explosion blood and pieces of bones goes upwards. The bones takes place forming a dome in 2 kilometer radius and kilometer high. The blood stays connected with his body and forms huge, red wings, made out of blood. In the end, when White had reached his full states appearance, 2 km radius is filled with wine red blood and reaches around 2 feet in depth.

This liquid serves for many reasons and one is to trap the enemy. Anyone, except White, in the liquid is trapped in it, unable to jump and only with some difficulties can walk. If the enemy is tier 4-1 or lower, then he would be made motionless, unable to dodge or walk at all. From tier 2-2 the person could start do some swift movements, but if wanted to jump or so, the liquid would turn really strong and pull him back. Tier 1-1 could start jumping, but the liquid still would remain on his feet and pull the person back after leaving the surface for 2 seconds. Only starting from tier 0-5 someone can try to escape this liquid and jump out of this field.

The other aspect of this field, is that it creates red liquid soldiers, that attack everyone in the field. Each soldier is in the strength, that would match a shinigami with shikai and is as durable as one. In one moment there can be up to 12 soldiers and it takes one post to generate a new one, if one is destroyed.

The drawback for this ability is that it can be used only, when entering the state and the field stays all fight in the one spot. It can't be moved or relocated by almost any means. Also, thanks to this ability, White after entering this state is immobile for one post. He can still mentally control Mar de Sangre soldiers.

El Pecado, La Sangre y Rosas(Sin, Blood and Roses): This ability starts by White releasing red dust from his wings. The land and everything else touched by this red dust starts to cover with red roses. Then these flowers start to spread the same spores in rapid speed, covering larger and larger space. Peaple who get exposed to these spores, first, start to remember every event, the most smallest wrongdoing in their life. These memories will be bright, colorful and so real, that they could even take away the sense of reality. Those with lower Willpower will feel stronger effect while those with Master and up wil have easier time to resist the abilities effect.

Later, by being exposed to these dusts for a longer period of time, the target would feel that his/her body becomes less and less durable and humanlike with flesh, blood and bones. The complete transformation is done after being exposed to the spores for 2 posts. These bodies can't be left, like gigai or so, but after 3 posts outside of spores, this body starts to crumble itself and after 2 more posts the target is free and back to its original.

The drawback for this ability is that White is also effected by the body creation ability and that after releasing the spores, they are no longer in his control and spreads on their own, feeding from reishi in the air.

Hollows strength, Demons blood: This actually doesn't take any spiritual energy, but more physical stamina. All Whites strikes are made with a massive, destructive force. To make it clearer, if he would just strike his sword into the ground, the surrounding land would crumble and a crater should appear around 200 meters in radius. Each slash, even when missed, will create an aftershock which then can cause massive damage even from afar. The drawback behind such massive force is that it requires bit of time to gather himself for a next slash.

Pétalos de Hueso(Bone Petals): White shoots at his enemy small bone spikes. These flakes merge with the targets skin, when taking contact and fuses with the body part. From that moment, the next 4 posts he can control that body part, which the bone piece struck. The enemy can resist this ability, if bursting a huge wave of energy out of his body to burn the parasite. The Visera Demonio can control one body part at the time.

I. Ultimo Revolución


I. Equipment/Other Resources

» Equipment:
  • The Sword of Discord:

I. Skill Sheet


Racial Skills
  • Cuerpo Reparación: Adept
  • Cero Rastro: Adept
  • Tānāgati: Advanced
  • Ksetra Pari: Master

Racial Skills(Arrancar)

  • Perquisa: Adept
  • Sonido: Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Adept
  • Hierro: Advanced

Racial Skills(Hollow)
  • Acid Skill: Advanced
  • Garganta : Adept
  • Regeneration: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample: (Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


Last edited by Nix Shraik on Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:03 am; edited 6 times in total
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Platinum Points:
White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Empty Re: White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+]

Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:21 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

  • Comments/Notes: I'm just going ahead and giving him 1-1 because he was 1-2 in his other app, but he seems to have gone through an ordeal since he last received an upgrade. Therefore, I'm fine with this.

  • Tier: 1-1+

White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] WVMWLOu
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Empty Re: White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+]

Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:34 pm

White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] RDLUVBj
White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Empty Re: White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+]

Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:43 pm

White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] RDLUVBj
White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] 82q86I3
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] Empty Re: White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+]

Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:42 am

White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] RDLUVBj
White Eye[Version #2] [APPROVED 1-2+] 82q86I3
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