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Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:33 am

Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] Sakura_kyouko_render_by_whitecross0712-d48m7f8
001. basics

Name: Himeko Kyouko
Title/Nickname/Alias: Gluttony | Vector Goddess.
D.O.B./Age: December 31st, 2176 | 238.
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: -
Affiliation: Kurikku [Former] | Shadow Fall [Current].
Occupation: Former 2310-SD | 7th Circle’s Grand Duchess.

002. personality

Himeko is an excellent liar which is ironic since she doesn’t like liars. She is also a master manipulator and she uses her talents in order to do two things: further or own agenda and that of her organization’s which is currently Shadow Fall. Spinning complicated lies that seem true is second nature to her and being able to pick out the kind of people who could be manipulated into doing her bidding is a skill that she has honed over time. She can pick up on these traits in someone else after observing them, but she fully capable of being manipulated and lied to by someone much better than her.

Himeko may seem like the kind of person to rush into battles without worrying about her safety, throwing caution to the wind as she focused on reducing her opponent(s) to nothing less than a bloody mess, but she isn’t. Contrary to the rumors that swirl around Hueco Mundo, Himeko isn’t the one that throws caution to the wind, instead she’s the one that clings to it like it is a lifeline. She survive as long as she has or get as far as she has by being reckless, but she also hasn’t advanced by cowering in the corner. She takes chances, sometimes, but only if the reward outweighs any negative repercussions that may come her way.

It is because of her cautious nature that she plans ahead and has the patience to see these plans unfold. She has a ‘fight another day’ sort of approach to both inside outside of combat. She has no problem removing herself from combat if she feels like the odds of her coming out on top is lower than thirty percent. She also has no problems with entirely bailing on an operation because the chance of success is low or because a new variable that she simply cannot work around is suddenly thrown her way. Himeko, simply put, doesn’t take unnecessary risk and thus has several contingency plans if her original one goes awry.

She does drop her guard when she gets too comfortable though as evident by her time as an operative of Kurikku and so she may ignore her natural instincts to abort a mission or retreat, no matter how hard said instincts scream at her. She found herself taking more risk the longer she worked for Kurikku, but that phase as since passed. Her guard has been put up once again and she isn’t about to drop it anytime soon.

Being able to pick up on the faintest of things is definitely something that has become second nature to Himeko and has aided in her survival. She keeps a close eye on the people within her immediate vicinity as well as her surroundings. She looks specifically for any signs of someone lying to her, manipulating her, or really any indication that they wish ill upon her. She also looks for the signs present in those that can be easily manipulated into doing her bidding or that of Shadow Fall. She seeks out signs of fear, nervousness, hysteria, joy, and other emotions so she can act accordingly.

She notices the little things, mundane things such as perfume/cologne, a sudden change in attire or hairstyle, a shift in behavior and when something is out of place. A sudden twitch can mean just about anything to Himeko, but she can narrow things down by piecing together the puzzle presented to her. If all she has done so far is argue, a twitch may mean that the second party has plans to strike or has restrained themselves from attacking. Her attitude towards a situation really does rely on her ability to correctly guess the mood of the people she interacts with. You’re friendly, she’s friendly. You’re hostile, she’s hostile. And so on and so forth. Of course, this doesn’t mean just because someone is being hostile that she will be hostile as well since she could definitely utilize the emotion against her opponent, it just tends to be the norm.

Himeko is a smart girl, there’s no doubt about that. Though possessing an intellect that is considered a little above average, she’s far from being a genius, but being so smart that she sounded pretentious isn’t what she’s aiming for. She doesn’t rely solely on her knowledge of people, places, and events nor does she heavily depend on her deductive skills, but she does use them regularly. She’s a mixture of Kisaki and Naishin'nō in this aspect, being both book smart and strategic. She sets up plans in order to get what she wants both inside and outside of combat.

Himeko isn’t the sort of person who genuinely displays emotions such as guilt and remorse. She doesn’t feel like she should feel sorry for the harm that comes to people via her actions and so there are very few instances when she truly regrets a decision she has made. Thusly so, she only showcases the emotions when it proves beneficial and thanks to years of practice, she has no problem pulling it off. Unless you are allied with her personally or Shadow Fall, she cares not for your life unless you can prove useful later on and thus she has no problem with taking it.

003. backstory

December 2176
December 31st, 2176 was the day Inochi and Himeko were born. Sanada remembered it being an unbearably cold night within the Fourth Division, though only she really noticed the cold. Keiichi, the father of the twins, didn't feel cold in the slightest, but when someone wears several different coats of various thickness and complains about how humans can survive through the cold, plenty of knew he was lying through his teeth. The story of the twins birth goes as so -

Sanada occupied one of the many rooms the Fourth Division had. She was in no pain as she went through labor, the technology of that time made sure of that. Keiichi, her husband of several long years, was outside of the room, nervously pacing up and down the hall of the barracks. If he was within the room, Sanada was sure that she would had been nervous instead of calm, which she was whilst Keiichi was outside. She didn't believe anything could go wrong during the entire process, and trusted the people tending to her to make the entire thing go smoothly.

The nurses who tended to her as she awaited for the time she would finally hold her children, were dear friends of Sanada's. Thus she wholeheartedly trusted the team who would deliver her twins into the safety of her arms. The moment she had been waiting months for would finally come within a couple hours. And the time came. It was 23:56 when Inochi was born, a baby boy whom weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces. Himeko came at 23:59; she, a baby girl, weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces.

After the twins were cleaned up, they were handed to Sanada. Keiichi was permitted entry into the room, and he looked like he had ran a marathon. But though he was nervous, obviously so, he was overjoyed to know that his children were safe and healthy. And the parents couldn't ask for anything more.

January 2176 - November 2190
Inochi and Himeko, though similar in appearance, were totally different when it came down to personality. For one, Inochi was an obedient boy, who showed himself to be overprotective of his baby sister and prone to being manipulated; he was also rather gullible. Himeko on the other hand was manipulative and cunning, and she had no problem when it came to using such skills. But the one personality trait they both shared was their intelligence. And it was that intelligence that was most noticeable about the twins, and the different ways they would use it.

Himeko used her intelligence to come up with elaborate plans for things she will never tell a soul about, Inochi used his for things considered to be of some importance. And though the two differed so greatly, they still managed to be the best of friends. While Sanada and Keiichi were out performing their job as Shinigami, Inochi and Himeko were frequently seen roaming the streets and playing with the other children. Inochi, unlike some boys, had no problem allowing Himeko to play with his friends. And Himeko had no problem with Inochi meeting her mischievous friends.

Himeko found herself in trouble more often than Inochi did, most due to her experiments that were tested on the people of Soul Society. Inochi often times found himself either getting Himeko out of trouble, or finding himself in the middle of trouble along with his little sister. And though her parents didn't approve of Himeko's behavior, they really couldn't control her and were looking forward to the time she would finally be sent to the Shinigami Academy. There, Sanada hoped that those at the academy would be able to straighten Himeko's act, or that Himeko would be on her best behavior since she was representing both of her parents.

But Sanada could only hope, and only time would tell how Himeko would do in the academy and rather or not she would mellow out. But she had no worry about Inochi's behavior, though she hoped Himeko's behavior wasn't going to influence their good child.

December 2190 - August 2194
Inochi and Himeko were 14 when they entered the Shinigami Academy, one in hopes of joining the Gotei whilst the other was hardly interested. Inochi was the one who wished to make his parents proud whilst also gaining the power necessary to protect his sister. Himeko wasn't interested in becoming a Shinigami since it would lead to responsibility, but she had gone because she didn't want to be separated from her brother. And Himeko would state later on that she was glad that she had joined.

Inochi and Himeko had shown themselves to be advanced when it came down to their lessons, though Himeko was hardly serious about the entire thing. The thing that got her interested in becoming a Shinigami was the thought of power, and the opportunity to slay other entities. Only then did she become serious about her lessons. She toned her attitude down a few notches, forming a facade so that it would be easier for her to complete the years needed in order to become a full-fledged Shinigami.

Himeko was in her second year at the academy when she first communicated with Kisaki, the name of the spirit that dwelt in her Zanpakutō. The meeting between wielder and spirit was part of a class assignment, where they were task to find out their spirit's name. Himeko had no problem receiving Kisaki's name - Kisaki having introduced herself upon Himeko's arrival. Himeko didn't know what else she was suppose to do, but the meeting didn't end. Instead, Kisaki invited Himeko to have tea with her, which Himeko found herself accepting.

The two got to talking, and Himeko determined that she liked Kisaki. She considered her spirit to be very nice and intelligent, and believed herself to be fortunate enough to have someone like Kisaki. The bond between the two would grow as Himeko's time at the academy drew to a close, and she looked to Kisaki as a mother that she really didn't have and always wanted.

Inochi and Himeko graduated from the academy in August of 2194, top of their class. And based upon their performance, the two were placed into the squad that fit them. The 11th Division.

11th Division
September 2194 - 2310
Himeko resumed her manipulative ways upon entering the 11th Division, having never truly lost it. Inochi was back to his old job, making sure Himeko was safe, and this time it wasn't from any crazy experiment. It was from people who could take on his talented sister and win, and he really didn't like to see a bruised Himeko at all. But Himeko never seemed to mind the times she lost a fight, though she was very happy when she won. She actually spent a large portion of her time doing what most people would believe every member of the division to do, fight.

She would fight whomever accepted her challenge and those who challenged her. And though Inochi didn't want to get into the middle of what he called a 'dysfunctional family', Himeko was able to persuade her to join in. But sparring wasn't the only thing Himeko did during her time within the division. Only fighting for 116 years would had been boring, and she would had grown tired of it. Hollow Hunting was on the list of things that she did, something that all Shinigami had the honor of doing. She was definitely a hothead, rushing in to defeat the hollow before anyone else could. And she treated such a thing as a game.

There were many times where she would frequently go on missions with Inochi. And when she wasn't doing something of importance, she was talking with Kisaki - the spirit she considered a mother more than Sanada. It seemed things would go smoothly for herself and Inochi. But Himeko was always looking for ways to gain more power. She never knew that the road to gaining such power that she desired would require the life of her twin brother, Inochi.

Torn Apart/Naishin'nō is Born
June 2262
It was suppose to be a routine job, one that Himeko and Inochi did often and were use to. No one should had died this day, but things were different. Himeko and Inochi had been arguing lately, and it was mainly over Inochi wanting to transfer into another division. Himeko didn't want Inochi to leave her, though she had integrated herself into the family, Inochi was her other half. But Inochi didn't want to stay and he didn't want Himeko to follow him. He didn't want her to pack up and move divisions because he was doing so. And thus a huge argument commenced.

There was plenty of tension between the two before the mission was assigned to them. And most could feel it, though they knew it was best not to get into family problems. Someone had though it a good idea to send them on a routine mission to erase a Hollow, hoping that they would realize that whatever reason that they were mad at each other wasn't important. Sadly such a mission resulted in the death of Inochi, and perhaps a small death within Himeko.

The two were still very much mad at one another upon leaving for the mission, one taking place in the human realm. The two hadn't spoken a word to one another during the entire travel to the human realm, and immediately set out to find the hollow. It wasn't hard to find it, and both were going to eradicate it first. The two were so mad at one another that they didn't want to work together, something they normally did since they were a powerful duo.

And the two made a crucial mistake whilst facing their foe. Though the Hollow was down for the count, the two shouldn't had turned their backs on the creature. The two started to bicker over who should had dealt the blow, which allowed the hollow to impale Inochi with its tail. The attack hadn't been expected and Himeko found herself in disbelief. Inochi didn't seem like he could believe it either, but his eyes grew heavy as the Hollow removed his tail for his body. Inochi collapsed, Himeko screamed, and the Hollow was bent on killing Himeko as well.

But things hadn't turned out as the Hollow had planned. In a fit of rage, Himeko beat the Hollow until it turned to dust. It didn't deserve to have the chance to go to Soul Society, at least in her opinion. Especially since the Hollow had just severely wounded her older brother. Once her fit of rage was over, Himeko found herself running to the aid of her brother. Cursing herself since she didn't know how to perform any spells that would be able to close up the wound.

Whilst he was still conscious, Inochi let his sister know that he loved her. And Himeko uttered the same words before he passed away.

Himeko returned to Soul Society a couple hours later, completely devoid of life. Not even Kisaki could comfort her. She felt that it was her fault that her brother had been killed, and felt guilty about it. But it would be the last time she would feel guilt about anything she had done or would do. But unbeknownst to her, the hollow that killed her brother had left her a present. Traces of the Hollow reiatsu had found its way into Himeko's body, and Naishin'nō was born.

The Aftermath
July 2262 - September 2282
HImeko had found herself to be rather depressed after the death of her brother. She was allowed time off work to grieve, and that time was spent at her old home. Sanada and Keiichi, though sad at losing their son, wanted to comfort their daughter. But Kisaki failed, her parents had no chance of ever succeeding. She wasn't angry at her parents or anything, she didn't feel the need to talk to them. She returned to duty a month after Inochi's death, done with sitting on her behind all day doing nothing.

Himeko went back to her normal routine of missions, sparring, and conversing with her spirit. People could only assume that she had gotten over the death, but that was all they could do. Any attempt to ask her would result in her saying that she was 'fine', which was properly true for many people. And thus life went on for Himeko, except her brother was missing from it. But she learned something from the experience. Never go on a mission with someone you are angry with, it will save a lot of grief in the end. That and to always make sure her enemy was truly finished off before turning her back.

It was during these 20 years that Himeko would find out about the existence of Naishin'nō, whom had been laying low as she harnessed her own powers. And to say the least, neither Himeko nor Kisaki really liked the arrogant Hollow. The Hollow really didn't have a self-preservation bone in her body, at least to Himeko. Constantly proclaiming that once she collected enough power that she would defeat Himeko and become free. And Naishin'nō would gain her chance to assume control.

Battle for Dominance
September 2282
The Battle for Dominance commenced on such a month. Naishin'nō, whom Himeko had known about for two years now, against Himeko. It was a battle Naishin'nō had been waiting to have, it was a battle Himeko was hardly interested in. She had more important things to do, but beating her inner hollow once couldn't hurt. Besides, she hoped that by winning the fight against Naishin'nō would make the hollow shut up. And thus the clash began between the two within the confides of Himeko's inner world.

Naishin'nō has shown skill, Himeko gave her that, but Himeko had an advantage over Naishin'nō. She was much smarter than the hollow, and had more experience. Thus her strategic mind outweighed Naishin'nō, though it wasn't an easy battle to win - like Himeko had hoped for. Instead, Himeko found herself using every trick in the book that she had and the fight ultimately was won by Naishin'nō collapsing first.

Though there was something that Himeko hadn't expected to earn, or there were two things. Control over the mask, and Naishin'nō fear. Both of which she gladly accepted.

November 2282 - January 2310
After the results of the battle, Himeko found that Naishin'nō was much more talkative than before. And that was something that annoyed Himeko greatly since she had though that by beating Naishin'nō that she would shut up. Kisaki had thought the same thing, even worse was the fact that Naishin'nō was living within her home. But the two learned how to co-exist with Naishin'nō, and Naishin'nō learned that talking too much was a dangerous thing to do when Kisaki was around.

It was during this period that Himeko began to think about leaving the Gotei, and Soul Society entirely. At first it was just a crazy idea that she had, and one that she shoved into the deepest corner of her mind. But as the years went by, she began to think about leaving more and more. There really wasn't anything tying her down to Soul Society; her brother was dead and she really didn't speak to her parents. So no family that would force her to stay.

When the thought became a plan that would happen, Kisaki tried to talk her wielder out of it. Though Naishin'nō encouraged the entire thing, even telling her to go to Hueco Mundo to hide out, though Himeko could tell that Naishin'nō was planning something and immediately went to threatening the inner hollow that she would main her. That got Naishin'nō to shut up about going to Hueco Mundo, but she stll wanted Himeko to leave. Kisaki had advised Himeko on her decision, and the best plan was made when it was clear that Himeko was definitely leaving.

It was a plan that would happen the next mission Himeko had. And it was a plan that involved her death.

Death/Hueco Mundo
February 2310 - April 2310
The chance to put the plan into action had finally arrived a month after the decision was made. Himeko was sent on a mission along with another member of the 11th Division. She had hoped that the mission would be solo, but if she had to kill her unfortunate companion than so be it. The two traveled to the human realm where the hollow was. Whilst there, Himeko quickly disposed of the hollow before disposing of her companion. She actually found herself smiling at the face the Shinigami had made before dying.

And with the ability to travel to Hueco Mundo, that was where Himeko had gone. For all she knew, the Gotei would believe that herself and her companion had died, and that the hollow had escaped. Either way, she would be presumed dead and her new life began.

Himeko hadn't expected a warm welcome upon arriving in Hueco Mundo, especially since she was in the realm of the hollows. But she hadn't expected for a large group of hollows to be so stupid. But she had fun slaying those who wished to devour her, and she enjoyed it whilst it lasted. But the hollows finally got the point that fighting Himeko was a death sentence, and thus stopped coming. This left Himeko bored, and spending an entire month looking down at the white sands from the top of a white pillar.

But soon fun would come back for Himeko, in the form of Kurikku.

April 2310 - October 2414
Himeko hadn't been approached by Kurikku, but the other way around. She had been hearing rumors about a group made up of Vizards, Hollows, and Arrancar. And though the prospect of conversing with races she had been taught were meant to be killed, her boredom was much greater. Thus she spent sometime locating the group. Himeko doesn't remember the exact amount of time it took to locate the group, but she knew it had been a while.

And when she finally was able to meet a leader of the group, well she was impressed. She could tell that many of those within the group were strong, and that they held power. And power is something that Himeko always desired. Thus she requested if she could join the group. Of course there wasn't an immediate yes. She had to prove herself worthy of being within the group. And that was exactly what she did.

Himeko considered them to be simple test, defeat a hollow here, do something over there, etc.. And she did as she was commanded until she was finally granted the honors of joining. She has now been with Kurikku for over 90 years, and has been thinking about reentering the world that she had left behind. Thus showing those who believed her to be dead, that Himeko was still around.
Gun For Hire
October 2414 - October 2415
It was towards the end of October when Himeko suddenly found herself without an organization to fight for. The Kurikku had been disbanded, their leader having abandoned the organization for reasons not privy to the Vizard. A little over a century worth of time and effort squandered by the sudden decision. She didn’t immediately join up with another organization such as Monsuta despite that being what most members of the Kurikku did nor did she suddenly begin to roam the desert of Hueco Mundo at a lost of what to do. Instead, she became a gun for hire within the realm, performing various task for people at the right price whilst she thought about what her next step should be. She had no intentions of remaining rogue, but she also didn’t want to join one of the several organizations out there all willy-nilly.

She knew that Kurikku would one day fall, but she held onto false hope that the organization was there to stay and thus she hadn’t given much thought to what she would do if it fell apart until now. Himeko considered Monsuta since it was an ideal place for a Vizard like herself, but a couple days of reviewing their track record and pondering the decision had her shoving the idea away. Monsuta was out. The Kokuryuteshi had been another choice, but she didn’t like it much. It left Shadow Fall as her only option if she didn’t want to remain a gun for hire. After discussing with Kisaki and Naishin'nō, the choice was made. Yet, she didn’t immediately join up with the group. Instead, she remained a gun for hire within the realm of Hueco Mundo for a year before knocking on their doorsteps - it wasn’t far to begin with seeing how the organization had bases throughout Hueco Mundo.

Luckily enough for Himeko, the organization was looking to further increase their already great numbers even more and despite being neither an Arrancar, Hollow or a Demon, she was accepted into the fold - the fact Bikuta and she had a hollow within her soul probably helped. Inserted into the 7th Circle with the title of Grand Duchess, the vizard has successfully gone from a gun for hire to a member of Shadow Fall. And if she learned anything from her meeting with Styn, there’s a lot of fun to be had.


004. natural and racial abilities

Extended Life-Spans: This is quite the unique trait that Shinigami possess over that of Human's. For, unlike human's, Shinigami can retain their visible youth for the many countless centuries to come. Those who are keenly in-tune with their spiritual energy can even greatly expand their lifetimes by upwards of fifty-percent more than usual. More than that, it seems to also reside over into the cosmetic side of things. As trained Shinigami with a good control of their Reiryoku can utilize it in order to preserve their youth for further prolonged periods of time. Furthermore, with the improvements in Modern Medicine over the past few centuries, there are also many various treatments available to Shinigami in order to enhance both their life-spans and physical appearance if need be at times.

Enhanced Endurance: This is quite a noticeable feature in the race of Shinigami. Most Shinigami in general possess a very high tolerance to pain and injury than their human and Plus Spirit predecessors. For what would normally be considered a critical to life threatening injury to a human, a Shinigami would have far higher rates of survival due to the greater amounts of power behind an assault that would be required to essentially kill a Shinigami. An example of this would be a slash to the chest by a Shinigami who is roughly on a Seated Officers level. If this individual had been a regular human, chances are they'd have a good chance of dying from copious amounts of blood loss associated with the tear in their chest. However, since they ascended to that of a Shinigami, they are able to take multiple blows to the chest until they are finally put to a rest. Henceforth, one of the most ensured ways to kill a Shinigami is normally by slashing their head off.

005. power


Vector Manipulation [ベクトルマニピュレーション, Bekutoru Manipyurēshon] is the power that allows Himeko to utilize the various abilities she has. There are two variations of this power, one can be seen with the naked eye whilst the other isn't visible. Himeko uses the former, having not reached the skills needed to use the latter. Her Vectors take on the appearance of black, elastic arrows, being able to bend, ricochet, and pierce, while also taking on properties of sharp blades when slashing and cutting. These Vectors are also solid due to her not being able to manipulate the Vectors not visible to the naked eye.

Himeko can control these solid Vectors the perfect example seen when she's using 'Vector Arrow', controlling them at will so that they can bend at sharp angles and pierce targets. There are also Vectors she uses that give off a certain glow 'Vector Plate' being one that glows with a distinct fuchsia aura whilst glowing red during 'Stasis'.

Vector Blade [ベクトルブレイド, Bekutoru Bureido] is an ability that replaces the usage of her Zanpakutō whilst also utilizing her power over Vectors - it being a ring instead of a weapon, and thus makes up for Himeko's lack of a weapon when she isn't in Shikai mode. This allows her to make weapons. The default appearance of the ability is that of a large and sturdy sword - something that may appear difficult to wield, but one Himeko can easily wield the weapon, though the same can't be said for others. The shape and size of the sword can be changed, one minute appearing as a broadsword than next as a katana.

This ability isn't limited to only swords. If she so desires, Himeko can change the appearance of the sword into multiple daggers. These daggers normally float around Himeko in a circular fashion with her at the center. The daggers can be thrown at a target with thought alone - which is normally done with a single target - or by hand - which is done for multiple targets for better accuracy. The main reason Himeko may resort to daggers is to distract the target so that she may do something else, or to attack multiple targets at a distance.

But her favorite thing to make with this ability is a spear, since she's deadlier with a spear than with any other weapon she can possibly wield.

The weapons she can make with this ability are limitless, though it must be a bladed weapon or the ability won't work - to put it simply, if it isn't bladed than it can't be made.

Vector Boost [ベクターブースト, Bekutābūsuto] is an ability used to increase the speed and/or strength of whomever it's used on. Quite a simple ability, but one that's very useful - especially when it comes to increasing speed and strength of attacks. Vector Boost can be used on anyone Himeko desires to boost, and can be used on herself. How someone knows that the ability is in play is by the arrow-like tattoo that appears upon the limb(s) being boosted. Such an ability can be used on multiple people, but for a certain length of time. Himeko can boost her strength and speed for a longer period of time than when the ability is applied to someone else - 6 post being her limit. Others on the other hand are shorter. If this ability is being used on 1-2 people, than they get a physical increase of 4 post or until Himeko removes the ability, 3-4 have 3 post physical increase, 5-6 have 2, 7-8 get only 1 post.

Vector Plate [ベクトルプレート, Bekutoru Purēto] is an ability that utilizes her power over Vectors, and is considered to be her signature move. How the ability works is something that is thought of as quite simple by Himeko, though this can be due to the fact that she has a great understanding of her powers and has had time to hone her skills when it comes to Vectors. An arrow appears on a predefined area that sends anyone, or anything, on it in the direction that the arrow is pointing at. This can be used to propel Himeko towards her enemies, use the momentum gained from being propelled to strength her attack, or to propel herself out of the way of incoming attacks. The Vector Plates can also be used to propel an enemy towards her or propel them away from her - the latter an usually an unexpected action. This is also used to propel allies towards a target or out of the way of attacks. Vector Plate can even be used on objects such as chairs, tables, etc., in the same manner as a person.

Himeko is known to place a series of Vector Plates around a target - the arrows pointing inward as to consisting propel the target back into the restricted space if they decide to leave. Or these plates can be used to propel Himeko around the target so that she may attack them multiple times and from multiple directions. A misconception some people have about the ability is that it can only be used on solid surfaces, but that is wrong. Several times Himeko has used Vector Plates in mid-air, which are used the same way as if she was on the ground. The plates can even be used to launch herself in the air, whilst another is set up to launch her back to the ground in order to increase the strength of an attack by using the momentum from descending at a fast rate.

Himeko does have a distance limit of a 400 meter circle with her at the center of that circle. Thus no plates can be made beyond this limit, but with training she does have the chance to increase this limit. She can maintain the plates for 5 post, but this only happens when she has restricted an individuals movements to a small area.

(Note: If one were running towards Himeko at their base speed - this means without any boost- and she conjures a plate underneath them, their speed will increase by 2x. )
(Note 2: Vector Plates are things that are conjured in 1 post)

Stasis [ステイシス, Suteishisu] is something used to stop the launching of someone, or something, that is on a Vector Plate. The plate that this ability is used on glows red, which prevents the one, or thing, upon the plate from being propelled in the direction of the arrow. This can give Himeko time to adjust the plate, if such a thing is needed, or to stop herself from being propelled when she isn't ready. This can also give her time to set up other Vector Plates before she decides to finally propel herself - the plate turns black and the person, or thing, on it being propelled as the original purpose of the ability.


Vector Steam [ベクトルスチーム, Bekutorusuchīmu] is an ability that utilizes her power over Vectors. This ability surrounds Himeko with numerous intertwining Vectors that resemble her Vector Arrows - jutting from the ground below her feet, or if she's in the sky than from her feet. This results in a spinning physical shield capable of preventing or limiting the effects of attacks. This is normally used to defend herself against powerful attacks, or from physical strikes. Although the ability is mainly used for defensive purposes, it does have some offensive properties. This offensive property is gained through the composition of rapidly rotating, razor sharp arrows. Thus an ability that can also damaged those whom try to break through it in order to get to her. Himeko can maintain this protection for 4 post maximum, but normally is used for a single post.
Compress [コンプレス, Konpuresu] is something that can only be used after Vector Steam. The Vectors that have remained from Vector Steam proceed to surround a nearby opponent. This not only physically restrains the target, but puts them in danger of being crushed as the Vectors continually increase their constrictive force until eventually compacting into a single, dense, black sphere.

Vector Arrow [ベクトルアロー, Bekutoru Arō] is an ability that Himeko can utilize in Shikai, and may be one of her most popular Shikai abilities. Vector Arrows, as the name implies, creates numerous arrows made out of Vectors. These arrows move in a snake-like fashion, rapidly moving towards the target. They can both cut and pierce the target(s) acting somewhat as a sword. Himeko can control these deadly weapons with ease, manipulating them into various form and fashion. The do have the ability to move in any direction intended by Himeko, making them extremely versatile, whether they be used for direct offensive or as a deterrent to confine target(s) movements.




Acidic Touch: A rather passive and simple ability for all Hollows. In essence, this is the first form of defense for a normal Hollow, that if someone were to touch their skin they would be singed and their hands would be eroded and burnt as if acid was poured onto it. It is said this is extremely painful, and actually capable of letting the Hollow's Reiatsu into the victim's body.

Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy that can be made by anyone infected by Hollows. It has been shown my some Gillian class hollows to blast even towns apart, their wide array of power being quite scary. As the classes of Hollows goes up, the power of their cero is also quite unique and strong. Most cero of basic Hollow have shown to be simply red in colour, whilst others like Vasto Lorde or Arrancar can have various ranges of colours. For an example of this is that Starrk has blue cero, Harribel has yellow, ulquiorra has green ceros, etc. A cero can also be shot from a variety of locations, each unique to the Hollow in question; this can be the tongue, finger tip, fist or even eyeball if one wished.

Garganta: Literally translating to "throat" in spanish and "Black cavity" in Japanese, Garganta is the method in which all Hollows use to travel between different realms. When in use, a black rift literally tears open the fabric of space and opens into a black rift of Darkness. The most common usage is to travel from Hueco Mundo to the living realm, but users whom are more adept at this can even use it in fights to actually open rifts of darkness to absorb attacks, and open a rift elsewhere to shoot it back at them. It highly depends on the skill of the user, as often even Vizards have been shown to open garganta during battle. Normal hollows only use this as a method of transportation, though. Many of the reasons Garganta is a very powerful tool is for it's utility and mass transportation which can hold endless numbers of "foot soldiers" or people within it.

Negacion: As previously mentioned under "gillian", Negacion is the technique in which Hollows can rescue or "extract" allies from a battle. The name literally translates to Negation in Spanish. Causing a garganta from the sky, a ray of light will shoot down onto the targets, as a few moments pass they will be dragged up and into the rift. This is usually done by Gillian whom are massive in size and can be commanded by other Hollow for easy "extraction" from dangerous areas.

High-Speed Regeneration: Generally self explanatory, some Hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies at their own will. However this is usually quite limited to the cutting off of limbs. This is usually more commonly found in Arrancar, however some Hollow's have learned to reform their bodies from damage. It is said that if they have taken drastic damage to organs and vitals, however, they cannot regenerate these easily (or not at all, depending on the Hollow), which allows them still very vulnerable. This is shown by Ulquiorra whom sacrificed even more raw power for the ability to regenerate his body.



006. releases


Release Phrase: ベクトルを放つ
Bekutoru o hanatsu
[Literal Translation – Unleash the Vectors]
Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] Kyoko





007. etc.


Name: Kisaki

Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] 28-45070

Personality: Kisaki is, first and foremost, a lady at all times despite the personality of Himeko. Every move she makes is done with the utmost of grace regardless of the task being completed. She speaks in a soft, but authoritative tone that usually leaves little room for arguments and she never raises her voice, not even to the obnoxious hollow that has taken residence in Himeko’s soul. Though she supports 90% of the decisions made by her wielder, there are times when she has to talk sense into the red-haired vizard. She doesn’t believe it her responsibility to tell Himeko what to do even though she’s viewed as a mother by the vizard, but she isn’t against handing out advice to the wielder when she believes it is needed. Her sole desire is for Himeko, her child, to be happy with the choices she makes and not feel like she was pressured into making a particular decision.

She’s smart to say the least, the spirit possessing an advance vocabulary that she uses sparingly since it tends to confuse both hollow and host. She’s both book and battle smart, but her intelligence shines in general knowledge more than anything else and so she leaves the strategy making to Himeko and Naishin’nō whilst occasionally throwing in her two cents.

Inner World:
Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] Aion-13

Sealed Form: Instead of taking up the appearance of a sword that Himeko can wield in combat, Kisaki takes the appearance of a silver ring with a red gem at the center and ancient writing on the opposite side of the gem and in the inner part of the ring. The ring is worn on Himeko’s left hand, specifically the middle finger.
Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] 37163cba4e3673015dc62e3eb954a031

Shikai Form: Upon Himeko entering Shikai, Kisaki takes on the form of a spear that’s, despite it’s appearance, easily maneuvered by the wielder despite the weapon being roughly three inches taller than her. The length of her spear isn’t definite though for the handle can be broken down into numerous pieces connected by a chain which allows her to attack or defend a greater area or more people. This special function of the spear allows for it to go from five feet to twenty-five feet. When extended, a metal ball pops out from the end of the spear. The ball’s weight is used to make it easier to wrap the chain around foes, effectively restricting them.
Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] S967718788787845752_p3_i1_w320

Bankai Form: n/a


Name: Naishin’nō

Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] 20130330-00000002-dengeki-009-3-view

Personality: Naishin’nō is one of the most arrogant person Himeko and Kisaki have had the pleasure, or displeasure depending on how one looked at it, of ever meeting. She’s a soul that has a strong thirst for blood and usually nothing more, seeing everything else as mundane and not worthy of her attention. She use to have a strong belief that she can best anyone in a fight, challenging Himeko for possession of her body because of this strong belief. Her defeat at the hands of the red-haired vizard hasn’t humbled her in the slightest yet she has gained respect for the host. Because she believes herself to be better than 99.99% of the people her host encounters, Naishin’nō has showcased a lack of respect towards anyone but her host and, begrudgingly, Kisaki. Thus, rude comments and condescending remarks are the norm for the hollow, though only Kisaki and Himeko can hear them.

Despite her faults, and Kisaki will tell you the hollow has a lot of them, Himeko won’t take away the fact that the hollow is very strategic despite what her attitude may suggest. What she lacks in social etiquette and basic knowledge she more then makes up for it with her ability to develop plans on the fly. Ask her what colours make orange and a confused look will cross her face, but ask her how to take down an elemental user and she already has several plans to offer which take into account several different factors. Strategies are simply Naishin’nō’s strong point, it goes well with her craving for a good fight, and no one can take that from her.

Acidic Touch: A rather passive and simple ability for all Hollows. In essence, this is the first form of defense for a normal Hollow, that if someone were to touch their skin they would be singed and their hands would be eroded and burnt as if acid was poured onto it. It is said this is extremely painful, and actually capable of letting the Hollow's Reiatsu into the victim's body.

Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy that can be made by anyone infected by Hollows. It has been shown my some Gillian class hollows to blast even towns apart, their wide array of power being quite scary. As the classes of Hollows goes up, the power of their cero is also quite unique and strong. Most cero of basic Hollow have shown to be simply red in colour, whilst others like Vasto Lorde or Arrancar can have various ranges of colours. For an example of this is that Starrk has blue cero, Harribel has yellow, ulquiorra has green ceros, etc. A cero can also be shot from a variety of locations, each unique to the Hollow in question; this can be the tongue, finger tip, fist or even eyeball if one wished.

Garganta: Literally translating to "throat" in spanish and "Black cavity" in Japanese, Garganta is the method in which all Hollows use to travel between different realms. When in use, a black rift literally tears open the fabric of space and opens into a black rift of Darkness. The most common usage is to travel from Hueco Mundo to the living realm, but users whom are more adept at this can even use it in fights to actually open rifts of darkness to absorb attacks, and open a rift elsewhere to shoot it back at them. It highly depends on the skill of the user, as often even Vizards have been shown to open garganta during battle. Normal hollows only use this as a method of transportation, though. Many of the reasons Garganta is a very powerful tool is for it's utility and mass transportation which can hold endless numbers of "foot soldiers" or people within it.

Negacion: As previously mentioned under "gillian", Negacion is the technique in which Hollows can rescue or "extract" allies from a battle. The name literally translates to Negation in Spanish. Causing a garganta from the sky, a ray of light will shoot down onto the targets, as a few moments pass they will be dragged up and into the rift. This is usually done by Gillian whom are massive in size and can be commanded by other Hollow for easy "extraction" from dangerous areas.

High-Speed Regeneration: Generally self explanatory, some Hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies at their own will. However this is usually quite limited to the cutting off of limbs. This is usually more commonly found in Arrancar, however some Hollow's have learned to reform their bodies from damage. It is said that if they have taken drastic damage to organs and vitals, however, they cannot regenerate these easily (or not at all, depending on the Hollow), which allows them still very vulnerable. This is shown by Ulquiorra whom sacrificed even more raw power for the ability to regenerate his body.

Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] VizardMask_zps4d7e076d

008. skill sheet

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Vizard Skills
  • Power Augmentation Advanced
  • Cero: Beginner
  • Mask Protection:: Adept
  • Hollow Control: Adept

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Adept

Hollow Skills
  • Acid Skill: Adept
  • Garganta : Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Adept
  • Regeneration: Advanced

Last edited by Conceited on Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total

Himeko Kyouko [Approved 2-2] FEgVMOU

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Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:17 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
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  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

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Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:09 am
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I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:57 pm
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