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Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:37 pm
The engine of the plane was the only sound within the sky, humming loudly as the pilot kept his sight forward for the grounds below that bordered the Indian Ocean. Now that he had gotten permission from Nozomi to get his artifact, he saw no reason to stick around and keep himself at risk at getting on the woman's bad side. It would seem a bit out of place to think that she would find his company unruly, but if Lex knew anything about his previous counterparts, it's that he tended to cause trouble without even meaning to half the time. He couldn't risk that, not here, not now. And with this new companion that practically landed into his lap, it was even more imperative not to get on the leader's bad list of sorts.

Minerva Winthrop, that's all he knew of this other woman. This was rather unfortunate since he wasn't sure if he needed to keep an eye out for her to protect her or make sure she didn't try to kill him just to escape his line of sight. Ironically enough she was currently sitting in the second seat which was directly behind him, so it was rather forced on him to begin trusting her right away since they both needed to get onto the land to begin his search. He turned his head a bit for a moment to indicate that he was about to speak to her before facing forward again. "So, what exactly are your plans after you help me get this artifact from the temple? Or will we be parting ways after I land this plane?" he shouted over the engine's humming, genuinely concerned about her plans before even touching down on land so he could know what he was getting into. It was only fair, since he hadn't exactly planned on anyone accompanying him during this quest.

Last edited by Lex Prailius on Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:12 am; edited 1 time in total
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:14 pm

The incident at the capital ended just as abruptly as it begun. As always, Minerva found herself accompanying a young man she barely met. That is usually how she liked it.

Minerva was loving every minute of spending time in the open air bi plane. The feeling of the wind rushing and blowing into her face and hair was exhilarating. It was curious how her bonnet was not blow away. The sky was a very blue color, full of assorted cotton candy- like clouds dotting the sky. Even though she fully understood that clouds were just visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water, she couldn't help but imagine reaching out her arms and hugging one like a soft pillow. She looked all around and admired the lush, exotic vegetation and animals. They were flying low enough for her to identify several flora and fauna native to India. Some of the animals she could see was the elephant, red panda, nilgiri langur, and the Olive ridley turtle. Some the plants she spied was the equisetaceae, Jujube Trees, and the Royal Palm trees. She could even smell the odor of spices in the air. All of her senses were being stimulated. This adventure was like something out a old romance novel that she found was more fun to experience than read about. She couldn't help but let out a girlish giggle due to the excitement.

Despite the engine and wind she could hear his question clearly.

“Parting ways? Are you trying to get rid of me so soon? I thought a lonely, young man such as yourself would surely be delighted to have such a beautiful and charming lady such as myself as a traveling companion? Are you planning on meeting someone else?” she said not really answering his question, an infamous characteristic he will soon come to know.

Plans? Who care about plans, she thought to herself. He should just take in the view. His focus on the journey was hindering his ability to see the nature all around him. Of course, in her head, she was also assessing the importance of this artifact to Lex. He maintained a stoic attitude this entire time. So far she understood that she was dealing with a person who has a purpose, a long-term goal to achieve. She wanted to see just what he was up to. She already decided that it interested her to go along with his plan to go to the temple. But of course he didn't know that. She wanted to see how the conversation would flow in the meantime.

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Last edited by Minerva Winthrop on Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:10 am
Well, at least she was going to bring some flare to their little duo, lord knows that Lex was lacking in social skills and didn't have it in his agenda to do any 'conversing' with people on the regular as of now. He took in her reply and continued flying over the various landmarks for a moment, thinking carefully how he should respond to her playful banter. "I just figured that you probably wanted to do your own thing now that you didn't have the watchful hawk eyes of that Nozomi character back there. But if you still want to tag along, I won't complain, with my luck I'll most likely need the help." he exclaimed, no hint of playfulness in his answer, nor hostility. She was right to think that Lex wasn't paying attention to his surroundings for its beauty, not searching the area to admire the scenery, but surveying the landscape to see if there any sort of areas that could be filled with traps, or more so, bandits or poachers. Lex wasn't one to believe that anyone in power could keep people out of their utopia with such effectiveness on such an outside level as this, even if it was within her territorial means. He had not witnessed such absolute power before unless he counted the divine-like beings from his previous counterparts.

In any case, Nozomi was no divine being, at least from his knowledge. And with that in mind, he wasn't going to take any chances to think that this quest was going to be a walk in the park with no interruptions. The travel to the temple didn't take long after his response, only about ten more minutes before he would see a clearing that was about fifteen meters away from their destination. He turned back towards Minerva again to indicate he was about to speak again before turning back towards the front. "Hold on, this might get pretty bumpy." he called out while shifting the plane towards the ground, aligning it closer to the grassy plains that seemed to be the only clearing in the area before he touched down onto the surface, the plane rolling several feet forward before coming to a complete stop. The dark skinned male would turn off all the proper equipment on his aircraft before hopping out of the plane, his somewhat familiar routine of equipping himself with whatever gear he had on hand being his first concern. After checking the plane's underbelly compartment for his secretive and mysterious stone of magic, he would tuck it into his pants pocket before a good portion of his clothing would suddenly change.

His aviator jacket would suddenly be replaced with a grey leather one, a pair of grey leather gloves would appear on his hands, and a pair of steel toe boots would replace the aviation boots he was wearing only a moment ago. Two rods clipped to each side of his hip would form out of thin air as well, both being of grey and blue color tone, but the two being inverted in color from each other as far as design. There was also a gun holster strapped to his outer right thigh, in which he used to pull the large caliber pistol from it before checking the clip to see if it was fully loaded. With a final preparation, Lex took off his goggles and placed them into the cockpit before grabbing for his scanner, placing it over his left eye before turning it on to see if was working again. With several chirps and beeps, the blue tinted lens would illuminate with text and images as it began logging in information of his current whereabouts. He turned to face Minerva to see if she was ready, one hand on his pistol while the other was on one of the buttons to his scouter. "Let's go get that sword." he encouraged before turning back around and heading towards the temple's entrance.


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Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Joined : 2015-03-26
Posts : 91

 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:23 pm

“I guess you are right. They were arresting me over some trivial matter. If it wasn't for you, who know what would have happened to me. I guess you are my hero, rescuing a damsel in distress” she giggled.
When they had just finished landing and Lex had turned off the engine, she continued.

“Well since we are already here, I might as well come along don't you think? Do not worry I will not get in your way.”

She watched his routine of changing his outfit in a way that was magical in nature thanks to a interesting magical item. He didn't know it, but Minerva can sense any magical item up to ten miles away so she already knew of the item, but did not know what it was for until now. She also did not feel any strong presence since they landed. She believed that she should be feeling some strong magic in the area whether from person or item. If the item Lex is searching for is magical in nature, then perhaps its aura is being purposely hidden to avoid detection or it would be simply take more time to detect.

Seeing the firearm she wondered if Lex was used to running into trouble. She looked around and listened, but didn't see or hear any signs of human habitation in this secluded remote area.

“Are you expecting a fight? I do not see anyone around. Or perhaps what might be inside the temple is what is worrying you?”

She stood up to get off the plane.

“Could you be a dear and lend me a hand..., she asked reaching out for Lex before purposely tripping and beginning to fall out the plane. From Lex's perspective it would look like she genuinely accidentally slipped and would hurt herself.

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Last edited by Minerva Winthrop on Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:21 pm
He wasn't sure what kind of trouble they would be running into, but he knew for sure that he didn't want to take any chances. He cocked his weapon before heading back towards the side of the plane as he thought about the woman's words, figuring her to be the last person to be within the 'damsel in distress' category. She had a point about the other thing though, she was already there and it wasn't like he was just going to leave her behind if she didn't have a plan of her own, so it only made sense that she would come with him for this quest until it was completed. "I just like to be careful, there's no such thing as being too cautious in life." he exclaimed before watching the girl try to bring herself down from the aircraft.

That was more or less a bad attempt, watching her trip in his direction before he angled his gun to the side to catch Minerva in his arms, not having much choice but to fully embrace her since he couldn't keep her away at arm's length due to the weapon in his hand. He tried not to be annoyed by the 'clumsiness' from the girl, but his reaction was not hidden, the young man raising an eyebrow before fully setting Minerva down onto the ground as gently as he could. He hated that this came to mind first, but he really hoped that this display of being unbalanced didn't occur while they were within the temple walls, he didn't feel confident that he could keep both himself and her safe at the same time with the little bit of equipment that he had. "Ummm... try to be a bit more careful, if you can." he tried to say as politely as he could, giving a nervous smile afterwards before walking back towards the temple.

Last edited by Lex Prailius on Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:15 pm

“Oh my...I must have tripped. Thank you for catching me. It looks like you save me once again”, she said softly as they embraced. “Keep this up and I may have to repay you somehow.”
she teased.

She looked up with a fake blush on her face looking at his face to see his reaction. It was so silly she could fly or teleport to the ground if she wanted to, but couldn't help but test this stranger.
Actions speak louder than words. Just as expected he caught her. Well, to be honest, most people would have. The important thing wasn't that he saved her. The important thing was how he did it. Her little game helped her get some insight into his personality. He did not let go of his weapon meaning he was the kind of person always ready for action. He caught her quite easily. She wasn't a big girl, but he had no trouble handing her weight indicating that he was strong and in good shape. She could tell that he was somewhat tense. Perhaps he had never been with a girl before, she thought to herself.

She regained her balance and straightened out her long dress and made sure her hair and bonnet was in order. Lex was already walking toward the temple. Clearly he had his priorities. As she began to follow him, she extended her right hand into the air where a small dimensional rift opened letting out her signature white parasol. It looked like any other parasol, but this one was special. She held it like it was nothing, but in reality, its dense tungsten carbide composition meant it weighted seven hundred fifty pounds. It was also imbued with magic for protection. She looked closely to see if the eye piece scanner Lex wore had the capability to detect her magical parasol.

• Magic used:

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Last edited by Minerva Winthrop on Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:13 am

Minerva's demeanor was rather innocent and tame, something that would have possibly caught his interest during a normal situation; but this was no normal situation. Lex was more so embarrassed than anything that she kept mentioning him saving her. He knew for sure that he did no such thing and he was beginning to think that she was trying to be extra polite to him, to try and break the ice somehow. Still, he couldn't help but feel awkward all the same, trying to push her later remark aside since he wasn't sure what it even meant, figuring he didn't deserve any repayment of just being polite. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure anyone would have done the same. For now, let's focus on not getting into any trouble while we're searching for this thing. I wouldn't want to get you into any trouble over something that you don't even have to do." he said, not hiding his concern about possibly putting the woman in harm's way over his own artifact.

With that, he made his way to the base of the temple, seeing a set of stairs that led to the entrance inside. On each side of the base of the stairs were two stone carvings, which height reached up to Lex's waist. He took this in, pressing the button on his scouter to continue scanning for information. Minerva's parasol certainly did show up as a magical item on the lens, making him turn around to glance at his current companion. "I'm pretty sure my scouter isn't wrong, seeing how I just fixed it, so please tell me how is that parasol made of such a heavy material, do you possess magic that is that potent to carry something so heavy?" he asked, truly curious as to where she even got her hands on something like that.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Lex Prailius on Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Posts : 91

 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:23 pm

She walked slowly and followed Lex seven feet behind him heading to the temple. Sure enough his scanner did pick up her parasol as he inquired about its unusual heavy weight. It must be an advanced piece of equipment to detect the weight just by looking at it.

“Magic, what magic? This is a perfectly normal parasol,”
she said obviously lying. “Here...take a look," she said tossing the parasol to him with a devious smile.

As always she mixed up her playfulness with little experiments to try to understand people she interacted with. She wondered if he would trust his scanner and not try to catch something so heavy and hurt himself. Even he did injure himself she could just heal him. How much did he trust his technology, particularly in the heat of battle? The way he checked his weapon and equipment, it seems that he possessed combat experience.

She didn't want to reveal to much about herself especially about her magic if she didn't need to. She couldn't be sure if this person was a threat. Being too trusting is a naive way of getting into danger. For now, it would be best to take things one at a time. No doubt he was thinking the same about her.
However, just by traveling together there was already a starting foundation of trust between them. Whatever he is looking for, it is apparent that it is valuable to him and Minerva assumed that he assumed that she would not steal it from him, whatever it may be.

Magic used- N/A,
Mana replenished- 10 (2000/2000)

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Last edited by Minerva Winthrop on Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:25 pm

Due to the woman's words, he wasn't sure if she knew that he knew about his ability to scan everything around him, but what he was sure of was that the reading that his scouter gave said that it was extremely heavy, despite how light Minerva made it seem. He trusted his tech over everything else during most situations, and this would be no different from him making a decision on how to react to her tossing the parasol at him. He hopped back, watching as the item was flung effortlessly through the air a few meters before crashing, quite harshly, to the ground, leaving quite a deep skid mark within the grassy area beneath them. It was clear that he wasn't going to give any attempt at grabbing it from the air, and after seeing the way it hit the ground, he certainly wasn't going to pick it up now. He only glanced at the devious smile that she made after her remark and cleared his throat. "I think I'll pass on taking a look. I saw all that I needed to see." he said before turning back around. This time, he DID make an attempt to not be so straightforward, trying his hand at sounding coy as he said it, to try and lighten up the mood before making his way up the stairs.

At least he knew his scanning equipment worked, despite what his eyes told him to believe based on what he saw. He continued walking up the stairs and then made it to the entrance of the temple, stopping for a moment before lifting his free hand up to stop Minerva from moving further in case she was following right behind him. "Wait... hold on a moment..." he advised, taking a second to conjure up what spell he wanted to use before suddenly making the entire floor beneath them vibrate. This wasn't just within the entrance hallway however, this reached over an entire kilometer, hopefully pulsing throughout the entire temple if he was lucky. It may have seemed strange to Minerva at first, feeling such a faint vibration under her feet out of nowhere like that, but he was sure that she may figure it out after the next few pulses. He wasn't done just yet though, still not moving forward as he seemed to just stand there for a few seconds without doing anything. If Minerva checked around her, she could see that whatever loose pieces of stone or clumps of earth were within the temple would suddenly gravitate their way to both him and her, suddenly orbiting around them at a slow speed.

"Alright, now we can move forward." he said, slowly walking forward as he tried to make sure that his scouter had the chance to pick up on any irregularities. Lightweight tiles, symmetrical holes within the walls or ceiling, hollowed out sections of the floor beneath them, he wasn't taking any chances and let his scanning equipment check for all of the possibilities that there could be boobytraps set up. They didn't seem to be hindered by anything however, not running into any sort of trouble while they made their way into the heart of the temple. Usually, it may have been difficult to find something like the sword within such a maze like this, but luckily for him, the blade was made out of a material that only Lex seemed to be quite familiar with; prentium, the same stuff that made the encasing for his magnum pistol. All he had to do was scan his large caliber weapon to let his database know what kind of material he was specifically looking for and then set it into a mode that looked for such a material within the temple. Easy enough.

It seemed like clockwork for the young man, their steps being masked by the various pulses that shot out throughout the entire temple, the miniature tremors underneath their feet possibly setting off any traps ahead of them before they could even get into harms way. Lex still wasn't taking any chances though, also keeping in mind that such avid believers of spiritual entities tended to be fond of the use of poisonous gases and liquids. He programmed his scouter to look for any traces of harmful gases within the air or any change in the atmosphere at all, wanting to be careful that they didn't step into something they couldn't handle. He glanced behind him to see if Minerva was still coming along, wondering if she was possibly bored since they had been trekking for about twenty minutes at this point within the cold and dark confines of the temple. "How ya doin back there?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

Magic Used:

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Lex Prailius on Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Posts : 91

 Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3 Empty Re: Chronicle Four | The Catalyst - Chapter One: Buried Feelings - Part 3

Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:52 pm

As expected, he moved out of the way and let the parasol hit the ground. Like before, her antics did not get to him and immediately turned his attention back to the temple. He seems to be curious about the weight before, but now he had abruptly lost interest in the matter. Didn't he wonder why a small girl like herself could carry such a thing? Perhaps he had already came to his own conclusions.

She began to follow behind him again, teleporting the parasol back into her right hand. She stopped when he made his hand motion and observed him as he used a magic spell. She could now feel him imbued with magic the same way she felt the magic stone earlier. After a couple of moments of the vibration she decided to float three centimeters off the ground as the shaking was making her uncomfortable. The floating stones was apparently for protection she deduced. She had seen such techniques before. She continued to follow six feet behind him letting him take the lead. It was clear that he was scoping out the place with the scanner. Whomever he may be, he sure didn't take chances. As playful as she was, it didn't mean Minerva wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. The old temple looked normal enough, nothing was out of the ordinary and besides Lex, she wasn't picking up any other magical presence. As they walked she quietly hummed songs to herself for a couple of minutes before Lex decided to start a conversation.

“I am well, thanks for asking”
she said smiling. “By the way, I never had the chance to ask, but what exactly are you looking for? You don't strike me as an archeologist. Do you expect to run into danger? It's not really a normal sword is it?” Her last question asked in a way as if she knew that there was something important he wasn't telling her.

• Magic used:

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