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The Hybrid King
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Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:44 pm



Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 835

The woman's leg dangled quietly over the expansive sky beneath her. Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick. Eliza's being seemed to so tiny, so miniscule to the world around here. The Sky above went on for miles, an ending nowhere in sight to the average eye. And below? It was an expansive world of nothing. Large, light blue skies filled the woman's view as she playfully kicked, over and over. It was yet another day for the child Asthavon, her domain always shifting around her. She was currently holed up within the Asthavon Manor, an area that most of her family resided at all times. Family, allies to the Asthavon, and man others make this domain their home. Which, caused issues for the young girl. Thus, came the world she currently resided in. It was a quiet one, with south wind blowing ever so slightly among the Island of flowers.

Eliza spent most of her days, including almost the entirety of her life, within this world. She never wished for others to be near her, her shyness and ever so dominant quiet side made both talking, and interacting, one of the biggest chores you could have as an Asthavon. She never spoke to others, even the family that she could call exactly that, family. She was a loner, only ever interacting with Mana Asthavon, an odd and rather extreme emotional bond attuned to the sister at birth. Along with that, this realm she currently resided in was not one simply built around nothing, on the contrary. Eliza was holed up within the Asthavon manor, just like any of her sisters, nieces, nephews and anything else in between. Despite that being the case, she stilled resided within the small realm in her own little corner of the Asthavon Manor. It was a beautiful place, one of endless skies and flowers. It truly made Eliza feel at peace, a sense of refuge could be found her for the girl. A calm, and solace.

Nevertheless, Eliza was not here of her own free will it seemed. She heard of a woman coming to the Manor rather soon, one she had never come into contact with before. Apparently, she was the daughter of Mana. Something that made it even easier for her to understand why she'd wish to meet many of the people within the Manor. Unlike those she will meet, though, Eliza could not come to understand why she would wish to speak to someone like herself. Eliza was quiet, thoughtful and never spoke to others on her own accord. It was as if she were the complete opposite of Mana, something that tore at the young girl. Could she really make a place within the Asthavon family, let alone the demon world? With who she was, both inside and out, it made her suspect to being for their cause. It was a pain, and a terrible thing for her to deal with twenty/four seven. It did not matter, though. Eliza had been out for herself despite her caring for others, she had no other choice. In the Demon world, if you weren't wishing to be for yourself in her state, you'd be torn down and thrown out. Being quiet and passive was not the best position for anyone, especially Royal.

That was her point for being here, though. Eliza wished to simply better her knowledge. And with that crossing her mind, the world around her shifted once more. The expansive skies altered to become a never ending ceiling, Dark shades of oak wood formed beneath the girls bottom and legs as a chair seemed to form out of thin air. The world around her shifted and twisted in order to form into millions of books, farther than the eye could see. Levels that were bound to be untouched and in a world that was so compact and neat. The books were of all varying colors and sizes, each and every single one being of a different title. This was Eliza's domain, her wealth and knowledge formed into a single room for her to continue her expansive gaining of it. She liked this, the calm and respect that she earned from this single room.

Moving her gaze to the left of her, Eliza picked up what could be described as an advanced Physics Book and began to read. This is what the young miss strived for day in and day out, learning. She didn't wish to speak to others, let alone whoever the woman on her way was. Nevertheless, she would listen and speak. For, who wouldn't wish to hear out another being?

So, from there, the silent girl continued to reside in the chair, reading her simple book, in her simple world. It was the best she could offer to anyone, if it were not what they had wished for then Eliza could not help. She wished to learn, to become better, to grow stronger. Knowledge and Wisdom did that, and that was her purpose. To become and never-ending book of knowledge.

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Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:13 pm


Neoveta Asthavon

Song: Town10 - Artist: Mogeko Castle - Words: 1018

Phase in, phase out.

In a few clicks of sound, the presence of Neoveta Asthavon eased into the inner world of The Nightmare Demon and The Demonic Princess had been met with a sight of ocean blue skies and alabaster clouds. At least -- before darkness consumed it and the environmental shift within the boundless room turned it into an unending ceiling. This led to the belief that the very same landscape could be reflective of her sisters own secluded soul. Why would Neoveta come to this conclusion? Simple: for all intents and purposes -- her fellow Asthavon Sister was indeed a shut-in of sorts.

There had been various rumors throughout the royal family of this passive and quiet Asthavon living in their manor. The girl rarely ventured out of her room, barely spoke to anyone and most of all -- she seemed eternally glued to books. Like a moth to a flame, the attention and captivation of the demon were forever torn into the words of those long passed and sought to acquire their wisdom, insight and knowledge of the world. A noble enough cause in the mind of Neoveta, but one not entirely understood by all those in the Asthavon.

So, from this lack of depth and understanding, The Princess of Demon World sought out Eliza and wished to establish a form of contact. Quite a few of those in their family did not hold animosity or anything of the sort for Eliza, but many of them indeed did not go out of their way to bridge communication with the lonely soul. Thus, Neoveta would be the bridge to reach this lost and silent Asthavon. For, what Neoveta desired most was connection, unity and togetherness for those she helps lead as a Princess of Demon World, those she helps attains enlightenment as a Maga of Khalaism and those whom she calls family within the Asthavon Kinship.

Ergo, as wood and earth began to cover the grounds of this endless library, the crimson allure of Neoveta's aura overfilled the area. When this sensation oozed around Eliza, The Demoness would undoubtedly feel it. For, the presence of Neoveta's energy gave off the impression of a sedative drug. One that could ease the anxieties of a person, relax their nerves and bring them the utmost of serenity in a pool of unending tranquility.

But, most importantly, this enticing atmosphere was meant to ease any pangs of hurt or internal mental strife within the Asthavon Sister before The Demonic Princess. As, above all else, the young Asthavon Child before The Nightmare Demon could sense a hint of loneliness and melancholy in her eyes. Perhaps that was just her first impression, but it seemed founded in reality as being secluded to yourself can't be too happy -- now could it?

With that said, her scarlet eyes met Eliza's emerald green gaze and the meeting between the sister was all but set in stone, was it not? In this critical moment, The Nightmare Demon could inspect the Demonic Princess to her hearts content. As a cool breeze blew over the two, the silver hair of the younger child streamed against the calm current of air and she'd get a sense for how lengthy and extended this siblings hair was. Flowing all the way to the ground, one would almost have to wonder how The Princess kept up with her hair, no?

But, as she levitated but a few inches off the ground, one could almost infer that it was most certainly held together by demonic magic. Even in the most casual of settings, it proved to be quite the useful thing to utilize. And, with this fact out in the air, there was something else to notice -- The Asthavon child was quite small. The height difference between the two was quite apparent as, even with her levitation, The Princess seemed to be staring upwards at her elder sister.


Which is why, after speaking in a low and neutral voice, The Princess began to hover higher and higher until she was on eye level with The Nightmare Demon. All the while, her black and red dress fluttered against the wind and her six crimson wings moaned and gave off a small release of demonic energy into the air. With a flicker of light from a ruby shaded gem infused into The Child's Head, those large currents of demonic energy within herself eased and the appeasing aura of Neoveta's influence further intensified.

This caused The Royal Demoness to become even more laid-back, chilled and otherwise serene due to the fact her energy had a way with calming ones mental state of being. So, from this loose sense of being, a small, but noticeable smile crept around the child's face. In that moment, she'd move her right arm to the face of Eliza and hold her sisters right cheek in the palm of her hand. Stroking her siblings face ever so lovingly, The Asthavon sister titled her head and pondered of what to say next as she embraced the feeling of warm touch upon The Nightmare Demon.

"Dear sister, if you are not already aware, my name is Neoveta."

Still caressing her sisters face, the child's voice seemed to be emitting in the area around them. As, if Eliza noticed, The Princess's lips moved not a single inch; not even when she introduced herself with that "hello" earlier did they move. And, from this, she could indeed infer that Neoveta was a telepath. Through this fact, The Royal Asthavon felt compelled to then inject her reflections of Eliza that she mused over earlier into her sisters mind. All of her internal viewpoints would be shared with Eliza so that she may understand the pure intent of why she was here: to bond, to understand and to otherwise reach out and make contact with her beloved sister.

Therefore, she would then let go of Eliza's cheek and nod her head forward to otherwise confirm her intentions once again.

"And I'd wish to learn more about you, sister."


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