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And here I thought this would be easy. Xander thought to himself, drawing his sword.Xander descended from the heavens in a fiery blaze, bringing ruin and despair with him as he gently landed upon the blazen ground."What else would you expect from the God of Destruction?".Xander descended from the heavens in a fiery blaze, bringing ruin and despair with him as he gently landed upon the blazen ground."What else would you expect from the God of Destruction?"Xander descended from the heavens in a fiery blaze, bringing ruin and despair with him as he gently landed upon the blazen ground."What else would you expect from the God of Destruction?"Xander descended from the heavens in a fiery blaze, bringing ruin and despair with him as he gently landed upon the blazen ground."What else would you expect from the God of Destruction?"Xander descended from the heavens in a fiery blaze, bringing ruin and despair with him as he gently landed upon the blazen ground."What else would you expect from the God of Destruction?"Xander descended from the heavens in a fiery blaze, bringing ruin and despair with him as he gently landed upon the blazen ground."What else would you expect from the God of Destruction?"Xander descended from the heavens in a fiery blaze, bringing ruin and despair with him as he gently landed upon the blazen ground."What else would you expect from the God of Destruction?"
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