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Mael Sangra..
Mael Sangra..
Starter Member
Joined : 2015-01-26
Posts : 3

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Empty Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic

Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:27 am

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4474

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4475-1

• Name: [Mael Sangra] [Heretic of Blood]
• True Age: [4,000]
• Appearance Age: [22]
• Gender: [Male]
• Orientation: Used to Serve Aizen, now is rouge and is a freelance.

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4482-1

• Appearance:
Current Arrancar Appearance:

Mael is a dark and gloomy figure, one could take one look at him and see the unwelcoming expression he wears constantly . He is lean built in size but is very strong underneath with vague outlines of a six pack in his abdominal region. He has fair biceps and triceps which don't appear very large adding to his build. His shoulders thin and effeminate. This build often got him to be the target of many other arrancar and hollow during his time and all seemed to fail at harming him, many dying fro their mockery.

His face is feminine in shape, from a distance one could mistake him for a woman however on closer inspection all that would be visible would be the masculinity of his features, his tight set lips which never smile, only ever talking and resuming their tight set appearance. His nose is defined and rigid on his face almost as though it has never been broken, that of course it has never been as no one has been able to so far and he is not stupid enough to piss off a superior. His eyebrows are black and thick on top of his eyes giving an appearance of depression and a melancholic or gothic appearance.

His hands are smooth and soft however are accurate and dexterous. Although Mael is Ambidextrous he has been seen to favour his Left hand over his right, it is less expected for him to use his left however he occasionally will mix it up to confuse his opponents. His movements are precise and flow, they lack rigidness and uniform but move freely like a dancer, it makes him agile and mobile yet appear nimble and light footed.

Smooth skin, white and as pale as snow. It is the colour of Mael's skin. It makes him appear to be a ghost the skin seems to lack hair on it aside from his head as he has no chest hair or armpit hair on his body in fact he has hair only on his head. The sheer colour of his skin could be compared to the sand of Hueco Mundo or his past life as a hollow where he was completely white. Some would call his skin artificial due to it's unnatural white many believing it to be make-up at first sight. His smooth skin is so smooth it could make women jealous, it could be believed a blade has never reached it through his hierro.

He has short and ragged hair which hangs loosely down to his shoulders and get closer to his cheeks and head the further forward it goes. His hair is blood red at the front being a deep shade of crimson like his eyes. Behind his fringe and the rear of his hair it is jet black and flat not being glossy or having shine to show care and grooming.

His eyes are deep red, blood red basically . If someone looked into them they would seem empty as though emotion long since left his eyes. In comparison it would appear that it is a shade of crimson which appear mysterious yet still empty and depressing to look into.

some would look at his face and nails and assume he wears make-up, the marks on his face being the tear like lines running from his eyes is markings that some arrancar possess however unlike others his do not appear only in his Resurrección. His upper-lip is black colour much like his nails those of which are artificial yet he never reveals if they be make-up or he had his lip and nail coloured black.

His common outfit is a standard Arrancar outift, with some edits . It starts with his upper torso being a white jacket with longer coat tails with a dark gunmetal grey collar which is made up of fur. He has four bands of grey fur that is also on his coat being on the sleeves at the bicep level with two on each sleeve. His sleeves are tight around his arms yet not slim fit type still being loose around his arm. The coat has a zip at the front in the centre marked by the black strip down his front, the strip conceals the zip as well as stretching from his furry grey collar to his fur lined rim of his coat being a matching gunmetal grey the fur stretches down the length of his coat tails.

He has a black obi to hold up his white hakama which matches his coat. His Zanpakutō is usually seen on his right side, due to him often using his left hand. Although some would argue this fact to him he rarely is seen with his Zanpakutō although many comment on that he usually will state back to the: "My Zanpakutō is always on my being, you are just not able to see it" he will retort this a lot of the time and even then he rarely finds an opponent he is willing to draw his Zanpakutō for. The foot wear of his outfit is finished by standard arrancar foot wear.

His Espada tattoo is located near his hollow hole, as well as being concealed like his hollow hole. It is located to the left of his sternum and chest more where the heart would lean towards, as it is commonly stated to be closer to the left. He is very concealing of his tattoo as when his opponents find out his rank they realise true fear and despair at facing the Cuarta Espada. The tattoo takes on a basic appearance matching the standard Espada tattoo font. And being a four which is orientated like so: 4 not another way that some people do or write it as.

• Bone Appearance: Mael's mask fragment is located on his lower neck in the form of fangs, it will often appear to be a ornament of his coat however it seems to emphasise his "vampire nature" and his never seen Bat-like Resurrección. His fangs are two longer canines being the outer two of the total five fangs, the other three being small and very small in comparison to his fragment's outer fangs. It is white in colour, not having any other colours on them and being very small.

• Hollow Hole: When someone looks at him they see his hollow hole is not visible. It is kept hidden along with his number underneath his coat. His hollow hole is small being 2 inches in diameter, at the very centre of his sternum which would completely destroy the heart however as arrancar have no hearts which is what their hole represents his is just in the exact position of the human heart. The hole is over the sternum and if someone were to target his heart to stab it would go straight through not grazing him unless it hit the outer edges of his hollow hole.

• Reiatsu Colour: His reiatsu is a blood red, not only that it seems to feel like blood to those who encounter it. When one is exposed to his reiatsu they will feel like a warm, sticky substance is upon them this can be quite distracting although the reiatsu is rarely released due to him simply using Cero, Bala or even his bear hands. The reiatsu is seen to have once been a deep, emerald green however it is unknown what caused the sudden change in reiatsu nature to everyone that knew him before his time of being an espada.

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4476-1

Personality: Mael is a rather serious, yet gloomy character. He is quiet and I he is talking it is usually insulting to those lower than him in rank and power, it means he is not willing to create a fight with a stronger opponent. This makes hinquite neutral and never really serving a side however refuses to serve the replacement of Aizen who formed to destroyed Espada into something new which he refuses to be part of.

He is self-reliant, never needing help from other although those that do try and help had better run fast should ge become aggravated by their presence. The strength he possesses makes him seem like a god to some and just releasing his Reiatsu could force some people to their knees however he will usually never release it. He is is a combatant of Hakuda and Sonido, using his Hierro to redirect his opponents attacks and counter with his bare hands.

He is someone who strikes fear and mystery into someone by his strange emotionless personality, he commits disgusting acts without a second thought takes no pleasure in fighting yet also has no disliking of it. He is a support person not really being on the front loves much but is more analytical than most and is very observant.

He will often allow others to fight but has a habit of suffixing a lot of things with trash, being that he sees it as that. He is a very deadly person also being very knowledgeable and intelligent mainly due to his very old age and time of living.

He will often quote that many things do not exist even if proof is given much like Ulquiorra who would say that "If I can't see it. It can't be real" He comments this occasionally and is representative to his Aspect of Death: Nihilism.

He is not a friendly person and is rather easily annoyed. He hates a lot of things and likes very little and believes that nothing is real if he can't see it, he also is very blank and dull in his rarely changing appearance.

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4477-1

• History:

Life: N/A
Death: N/A
Hollow Life: N/A

Arrancar Life: Mael is a case of a natural born arrancar, he is the product of his mother being raped by an arrancar lord who took a liking to her. He was conceived nine months later but just looking at him she remembered why he was conceived. This lead her to abandon Mael, as time went on from a baby he grew. Some would be surprised that he was not killed at a young age however he was alone and as such he became very strong and independent.

He grew up fighting as a child, being very sufficient with his Cero and Sonido. As well as having an unnaturally strong Hierro for someone of his age and size, he would occasionally defeat enemies twice his size. He would continue on becoming stronger and stronger until he became an adult in physical age.

At that time he became associated with Aizen and the Espada, seeing fit to it Aizen placed him as Ulquiorra's Fraccion who Mael served respectively. He was very strong and was said to rival the 5tg Espada in power.

Upon Ulquiorra's death a decision was made to appoint him as the replacement of the Cuatra Espada and take care of Las Noches until Aizen returned. When word reached of Aizen's death Mael disappeared completely and became a freelance after the someone replaced Aizen.

Little is known of Mael's history after that however it was rumoured he had begun journeying to seek out his old master; Ulquiorra Cifer and the Zanapkuto Spirit of Aizen; Kyoka Suigetsu, who was rumoured to have been expelled from Aizen at his wish which the Hogyoku granted for him. The reasoning is unknown why he would do such things however he is a wanderer and seems to just travel anywhere he wants. Thus bringing it up to the present.

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4478-1

• Sealed Zanpakutô: Mael has a fairly long katana, however it is rarely seen and those who make him draw it should feel privileged to see it's actual blade. The sheath is actually bandages wrapped around it much like Kurosaki, Ichigo's Shikai. The bandages however are blood red and appear to be covered in blood. These bandages seem to disappear when he "draws" it

His swords hilt and guard are silver in colour however it is covered in the blood red wrapping like the blade. The guard is styled to be like that of a long sword having two extensions to the left and right however retain the tradition appearance by the grip and blade.

[A special Ability of his Zanpakutō: Artery Inventory:: Inventario arterial.

It works by being able to store his Zanpakutō in his body. This happens by him drawing his blood and spilling it on the ground. By putting his hand into it it appears as though the pool of blood is deep when it is actually infinite like an alternate dimension.

He can store only items in it and can draw them out at will by pulling them out of this pool of blood making it a good storage area for a lot of stuff. This is usually where his Zanpakutō is.]

• Racial Abilities:

Technique Name: [Cero (Zero)]
Technique Type: [Hollow Technique]
Technique Element: None
Technique Description and Effects: Available only to Hollows or Arrancar of at least Gillian status, Cero is the signature technique of higher level Hollow races. This concentrates their reiatsu into a condensed blast of light which fires out, usually from the hands or similar body part, though many can use it from their chests, feet, mouths, or other appendages. Color is usually red, but many Arrancar have learned how to alter the color of their fired Cero. When charging it appears to be an orb, but when fired is a large, very wide beam. It has a distinct high-pitched sound when charging, and a very low growl when fired. Anyone can hear either, and thus discerning a Cero is very easy. In power, weaker Cero explode on contact with targets, but some Cero have enough power to keep going after hitting a target, and simply consume and disintegrate it.
How to use technique: Aim body part at target and charge the technique, then fire. In speed, takes a few seconds total.

Technique Name: [Bala] (Bullet)
Technique Element: [None]
Technique Description and Effects:
An Arrancar-exclusive technique that hardens the user's Reiatsu and releases it like a swift blast of spiritual energy. While the technique is not nearly as powerful as a Cero, its speed is 20 times faster and allows for it to be fired in quick repetition. The orb of reiatsu fired varies in size and strength, some Arrancar creating one the size of a basketball with the rough power of a massive punch, and others creating Bala with enough power to blast holes in adversaries. Some Espada can create Bala as large and powerful as an average Arrancar's Cero.
How to use technique: The user must first aim and then fire the technique, as is custom of any projectile type.

Technique Name: [Pesquis (Sight)]
Technique Element: [None]
Technique Description and Effects: An Arrancar exclusive technique that allows the user to cast a seeming "radar" for a one mile radius, allowing them to sense any and all beings that have reiatsu in the area, and tell how strong that reiatsu is, and even locate an enemy in battle. Vizards can slip through Pesquis during use of step techniques. Those of speed three or more times the user's can also slip through Pesquis.

The default version can sense location, general flaring and fluctuation of reiatsu, and basic movement.
How to use technique: Focus. Lasts for 5 posts once activated.

In addition to diverting some of the user's focus, this technique can be fooled by mid to high level illusions, and step techniques which reach a speed at least 30% or more of the user's step speed can slip through Pesquis, seeming to disappear like a ghost off of the radar.

Technique Name: [Sonido (Lit. Sound Step)]
Technique Type: [Arrancar Technique]
Technique Element: [None] - If any
Technique Description and Effects: [A powerful technique, Sonido is a step that increases movement speed for a single step. Essentially, it magnifies the speed of just that one step, by 13 times. Additionally, this technique does not take up a technique slot.]
How to use technique: Imbue reiatsu into the legs to propel and activate.

Technique Name: [Garganta (Cave)]
Technique Type: [Hollow Technique]
Technique Element: [None]
Technique Description and Effects: A technique used by Hollows and Arrancar to move between the human world and Hueco Mundo, though Arrancar under the service of Las Noches have demonstrated the ability to use it to enter Soul Society as well. This opens a black tear in the air which resembles the gaping maw of a shark, and the inside of which is simply a void of shimmering black. Those inside create pathways made from their reishi, on which to walk to the exit. Some, who have mastered the Garganta, are able to create a reishi pathway which moves them rather than them having to walk along it, treating the Garganta like a sort of elevator to where they are going. This is a slow opening technique, and one that cannot be used in battle.
How to use technique: The tear simply opens upon the user's will. This technique uses no reiatsu, but it cannot be used if the user has no Reiatsu.

Technique Name: [Gonzui (Gaping)]
Technique Type: Arrancar Technique
Technique Element: None
Technique Description and Effects: This technique allows the user to absorb the Reiatsu of everything around them that is lower then they are in class, after locating it with Pesquis. They can also use this to eat random spirits in the area.
How to use technique:
Focus on sources of Reiatsu, open mouth, and eat.

Technique Name: [Hierro (Harden)]
Technique Type: [Hollow Technique]
Technique Element: [Metal]
Technique Description and Effects: Hierro is an Arrancar technique in which the user's reiatsu condenses, creating a steel-hard skin strong enough to block a Zanpakutō. This also allows them to fight some of the sword-wielding Shinigami barehanded. This technique guards against reiatsu based and melee techniques. If the user has 150+ reiatsu strength superiority to the enemy, then the user is totally undamaged by all attacks from the enemy. This means an Arrancar is essentially invincible based on Hierro for some time. At 75-149 reiatsu strength advantage, damage is very minor, but present. A large slash could be a tiny cut. At less than 75 advantage, there is resistance to damage from the Hierro. Small resistance.
How to use technique: Always active. Doesn't use reiatsu to keep active, uses reiatsu strength for strength. Permanently active as soon as it is learned.
Technique Drawbacks: Must deactivate this to use High Speed Regeneration. Final stage release bypasses Hierro automatically by default. (Bankai equivalents) Vizard Bankai does NOT bypass Hierro. Vizards, even if they have not yet become full Vizards, must use their mask to bypass Hierro. Those facing Hierro can gradually adjust to it per combat hit against the enemy, though within a certain post limit.

[High-Speed Regeneration, Speaks for itself]

Technique Name: [Gran Rey Cero (Grand King's Zero)]
Technique Type: [Hollow Technique]
Technique Element: Lightning
Technique Description and Effects: An Espada-exclusive Cero of such great might that its use is forbidden while under the dome of Las Noches. It requires the user's blood to be used as a sacrifice to activate, but when activated is charged at about the same speed as a regular Cero. It is always blue in color, and appears to have the shape of a razor with several prongs. When fired, it zig zags at the enemy instead of firing in a straight line. While charging speed is the same as Cero, firing speed is three times that of Cero, and the actual destruction potential is twice the user's reiatsu strength.

Furthermore, the explosive power is so high that not even several Cero put together can rival it. This technique also releases a large mass of lightning and electricity not only upon firing, but on impact as well. The ferocity of the Gran Rey Cero is nearly unrivaled.
How to use technique: Fire like a regular Cero, but only after also getting blood on the firing hand from its user. This is usable only by Espada. The secret to its use and why only Espada can use it are both unknown at this present time.

• Unique Abilities:

Technique Name: [Bala Oscuras] (Black Bullet)
Technique Element: [None]
Technique Description and Effects: [The Espada-only version of the bala. The Bala Oscuras (Dark Bullet) version turns the bala into a jet black and fires it with tremendous velocity and power. This can only be used while in Release Stages. It packs the nearly punch of half a Gran Rey Cero. Unlike regular Bala, which merely puts holes in adversaries, and occasionally blows limbs off, this one will blast holes easily twice the size of the actual blast, and splash burns across the enemy as well. On top of that, it is capable of completely disintegrating limbs, rather than just blowing them off, meaning that reattachment is impossible.]
How to use technique: [Same as regular Bala]
Drawback: [Unlike Cero Oscuras, this technique requires there be the user's blood on their hand, rather similar to the conditions for Gran Rey Cero. This will also slowly burn the hand with each use. Consecutive uses will add second and third degree burns to the hand that uses it. After too many uses, around 6 or 7, that hand will not be able to use any more reiatsu based techniques, unless it is healed. High speed regeneration cannot heal the damage caused by this technique.]

Technique Name: Cero Durmiente [Sleeper Cero]
Technique Type: Hollow Technique
Technique Element: N/A
Technique Description and Effects: As an expansion on the typical Cero, this technique allows for a more flexible form of attack rather than a straight shot. These Cero can be placed at any location within an arm’s length of an opponent and simply left there. This seems like an ineffective technique at first, but becomes much more deadly when the user decides to make use of them. At any time after their placement, the user can direct these Cero to fire in any direction, moving at the user's speed. The point of this technique is to lay a web of Cero that can strike at any time and be used in a tactical manner during combat. This technique can also be used with Bala, and costs half as much Reiatsu.
How to use technique: To use this technique, the same method for creating a basic Cero is applicable. However, rather than releasing the technique as a blast towards the opponent, the user instead clenches their fist briefly to condense it into an orb that will remain in place until directed at a target or destroyed.
Drawback: In order to place a Cero Durmiente, the user must be within an arm’s length of where s/he wishes to place it. It must be manually placed; it cannot be created at a distance. Cero Durmiente can be destroyed by an attack by a higher-classed technique if the attacker has superior Reiatsu Rtrength. Bala can be destroyed by any attack with superior Reiatsu Strength. When learned, only ten Cero Durmiente can be placed at once; for Bala, up to twenty can be placed. If the technique is mastered, twice as many of each may be placed. No more than five of these Cero can be placed per post; two Bala of the same type may be placed instead of each Cero per post.

Technique Name: Cero Transportar (Transport Cero)
Technique Type: Hollow Technique
Usable By: Arrancar
Element: None
Description and Effects: Cero Transportar is a unique Cero that is typically launched from the chest, though if mastered can also be launched from the hands as well. Initially this technique resembles a normal Cero, however, when launched, the Cero envelopes the user and pulls them along with the head of the Cero, at a high speed to the point the Cero impacts. The user is not harmed in the impact or explosion that will occur as a result of this. As a result, this Cero can be used to rapidly close distance with an enemy attempting to kite the user, or to set up a deceptive second attack, as the opponent will usually not notice the Arrancar has disappeared until after the Cero has landed.
Drawback: Cost equal to a class 4 technique. Additionally, once the user has fired this technique they cannot leave the Cero until it impacts something. This means if the user fires the Cero into the sky or at a range without anything to hit if they miss their intended target, they could be stuck travelling for awhile, and end up a long way off from their intended location. This Cero cannot be fired from the mouth (really stresses out the neck).
How to use: It is charged and fired just like firing any other Cero, unless it is unmastered in which it can only be fired from the chest.

Technique Name: [Shoji Cero (Nunca Acabar Cero) (Lit. Never Ending Cero)]
Technique Type: [Hollow Technique]
Technique Element: N/A
Technique Description and Effects: This is a newly developed Cero that requires a blood sacrifice in the same way as a Gran Rey Cero. It is inevitably a weaker Cero than Gran Rey Cero, however the power lies not in the overall destructive capacity, but in the special ability itself. The Cero itself charges at a regular rate, but the charging looks odd. It begins as a lighting up of spider web designs around the entire firing arm. They form as glowing red markings across the arm, and the red is soon filled up by a turquoise color. The Cero seems to fire instantly, when in reality the charging is the color change of the spider web patterns. The Cero itself comes out all at once, the orb generating in under half a second. This means an enemy may not know that the technique is charging, and will be surprised. This can be used for stealth. But, that is not the main ability. The true power behind this Cero is infinite firing. Once fired, it does not end until the user dies, or wills its end. Even throughout multiple posts, people can keep this technique going. Once fired, it can fire continuously like an infinite laser. It can be used for destruction of multiple enemies or targets, or simply to weather away a defense until nothing is left.
How to use technique: This can begin charging no matter what position the arm is in. However, to fire, it must be a straight out, extended position like a regular Cero. This is still a generally very vicious technique.
Drawback: Same drawback as regular Cero. Beyond that, it has no drawback. Perhaps if the arm is severed of the Cero disrupted during charging, the explosion is massive, but other than that, nothing. This is just a regular Cero, though turquoise in color, that fires much longer.

Technique Name: [Cero Hoja]
Technique Type: [Hollow Technique]
Technique Element: [None]
Technique Description and Effects: [Cero Hoja (Cero Blade) is very dangerous technique. This creates a Blade made of Cero Energy, meaning reiatsu that has been converted into a Cero. As a result, this can be used similarly to an energy blade. While it isn't as strong as the steel of a Zanpakutō, it can cut through non Zanpakutō weapons, such as shurikens, or metal staffs.]
How to use technique: [The user creates a cero, then manipulates the composition of the cero using a high degree of focus and concentration to stretch the destruction energy around their hand or weapon, thus changing it into cutting blade-like energy.]

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4479-1

• Resereccion Name:Sangrado Murciélago

• Resereccion Release Phrase: Bleed Through, Sangrado Murciélago

• Release Actions: Mael will draw his sword and cut his right palm, speaking his Zanpakutō release phases he will first cover his mask fragment in blood and when he says his Zanpakutō name he will lick and drink the blood pooling in his hand. After that the Zanpakutō explodes into blood and covers him for 1 post before he is revealed as his released form.

• Resereccion Appearance:
Mael's form is now that of a much more demonic version of his previous self. His body is covered in a black armor like material that branches off into red fur when it ends at certain points of his form. His hair becomes longer and more black in shade, with only a few strands being red in the front and his eyes are now red with yellow iris. The most unique feature is his chest piece. On his chest and around his upper back is a set of demonic teeth that makes him appear as if he is from a child's nightmare. This mouth serves the purpose of letting loose Mael's strongest attack when ready. His back also sprouts two Spiritual energy wings that grant him the ability to fly, and his Spiritual Pressure becomes red and black upon taking this form.

The mouth in his chest is not just for his technique it can talk but sounds so much more deeper and darker than Mael's true voice that being said it can also bite down and eat people and Reaistu based attacks.

Resurrección Appearance:

• Resereccion Abilities: Mael's Resurrección is based solely on blood. He utilizes blood in everyway for his techniques even for the basic cero. His Resurrección also enhances allof his racial skills such as Hierro, Pesquis and Sonido etc.

-Ability #1- His first ability is known as Blood Spill, it is based off of whenever he spills blood and it falls on him he becomes stronger, much like Jackie Tristan an old member of Xcution who would utilize this but with dirt.

-Ability #2- Being his secondary ability is the ability to make blood flow faster, much like a leech and if he or his Resurrección techniques come in contact with someone they will experience faster blood flow making even small wounds bleed heavily.

-Ability #3- A unique ability which requires Mael to cut down his chest causing serious bleeding, however after 3 posts this wound heals with the exception that he dies. The ability then makes the attacks of whoever's blood is on him void, as such he cannot be harmed by those who's blood covers him.

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4480-1

(Leave the skills alone until the application is approved. You can then go back and add them if you want to)

General Skills

  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills

  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills

  • Perquisa: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Sonido: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Hierro: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Image4481-1

• RP Sample: Monster, Heretic of Blood. Mael Sangra. All names, titles one is known by, if I am known by those should I be known by death too? Mael thought to himself, he was walking in a straight line through Hueco Mundo it didn't matter if he crossed territory of others all those who fought him about it now littered their area dead.

Mael's Zanpakutō was not on him, it was hidden. Unknown tk his enemies he could summon it a will to fight but no one so far had put him so close as to draw it, hilarious it was. An old arrancar and servant of the original Cuarta Espada. He had long since left the espada although he took Ulquiorra's place when he was slain by Kurosaki, Ichigo. In that brief time he took everything he was able, using his Artery inventory technique to store the many tomes of knowledge before leaving after Aizen's death. He refused to serve the woman who tried to replace him.

As so he embarked on a quest, to find Ulquiorra Cifer, rumoured to have been resurrected. He was also seeking the one they called Kyoka Suigetsu, the Zanpakutō Spirit of Aizen which was expelled from him by the Hogyoku. He was rarely seen or heard and was not the best ally, he felt no emotion or anything.

Mael's train of thought was interrupted by a small group in front of him, "Hey You! What do you think you're doing in my territory?" Mael looked at him blankly, then spoke "Passing by, Say how big is your territory?" He had counted 6 arrancar and one Vasto-Lorde making 7.

The leader smirked " I have 100 Kilometers from here in every direction, you will next victim" he gloated as he said how big territory was. Mael sighed, "Sadly there is not enough of you to paint a red line of blood from here to the end of territory unless of course you have more trash hidden away" he said this blankly as though he had no emotions towards this or fear.

The leader looked at him now pissed that he would threaten him, "Kill him!" He bellowed to the other 6 members of his group. Mael seemed to disappear and reappear in front of the leader putting his bare hand through his neck, blood splattered everywhere even covering Mael and mixing with his blood red and jet black. He landed gracefully like a bird and faced the arrancar. They seemed scared now, "What are you?" One of them yelled. "I am Death, now let's see how long you stay away from my clutches" he said for it was clearly over for the others.

Mael Sangra..
Mael Sangra..
Starter Member
Joined : 2015-01-26
Posts : 3

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Empty Re: Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic

Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:31 am
As the RPer of Ulquiorra Cifer is inactive, I request a mod to grant permission for Ulquiorra to be mentioned and referenced in my app. Until I have written approval posted here I also ask no one grades it.
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Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Empty Re: Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic

Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:10 pm


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• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [O]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Adpet
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

  • Comments/Notes: Okay. I'll be reviewing this app check and giving my take on things.

    At that time he became associated with Aizen and the Espada, seeing fit to it Aizen placed him as Ulquiorra's Fraccion who Mael served respectively. He was very strong and was said to rival the 5tg Espada in power.

    Since there is currently no owner with Ulquiorra? I'll go ahead and clear him out to be a former fraccion. However, the rumor that he was to rival the 5th Espada in power? That'll be chalked up to nothing more than a non-empirical feat as there is no evidence to suggest that he is on par with them. The reason being? I haven't even given this guy a tier and he isn't looking to be a 0 tier character right off the bat.

    Upon Ulquiorra's death a decision was made to appoint him as the replacement of the Cuatra Espada and take care of Las Noches until Aizen returned. When word reached of Aizen's death Mael disappeared completely and became a freelance after the someone replaced Aizen.

    Although our timeline is outdated, when it comes to Hueco Mundo? This whole thing does not fit. Asheli Clixx, the current ruler of Hueco Mundo, took over Hueco Mundo after a two hundred lull period following the end of the Aizen Arc. Which, you may also want to look into for the next section:

    As, on our timeline? Ulquiorra was put into a deep coma for four hundred years following the battle with Ichigo. It was only recently (in the past two years or so) that he revived himself and starting being active once more.

    Furthermore, I do not see it in Ulquiorra's character to necessarily do that or keep it in his authority.

    -Ability #1- His first ability is known as Blood Spill, it is based off of whenever he spills blood and it falls on him he becomes stronger, much like Jackie Tristan an old member of Xcution who would utilize this but with dirt.

    Uhm, you are gonna need more detail for that. How does it make him stronger? Why does it make him stronger? What are its limits based on his potential tier level? Don't reference Jackie Tristan, make your own explaination.

    -Ability #3- A unique ability which requires Mael to cut down his chest causing serious bleeding, however after 3 posts this wound heals with the exception that he dies. The ability then makes the attacks of whoever's blood is on him void, as such he cannot be harmed by those who's blood covers him.

    This one made me scratch my head. Is this like a final move technique where he sacrifices his life? If so, wouldn't it be kind of pointless that attacks cannot harm him...but he is already dead? Can you clarify and add more detail to this? That ability just doesn't make sense.

    Please fix these things and then add a post after mine to say when you have made any alterations so I am aware of them. Otherwise, I may not recheck it until it is time to move it into WIP. Thus, I'll be moving this to pending unchecked apps for now.

  • Tier: N/A until changes are made.

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Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Empty Re: Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic

Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:13 am
Aight so the appropriate changes have yet to be made, so this is being moved to WIP applications. when complete you may post Here to have it moved back and rechecked.

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic M9rTQZk

Circa Monstrua
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Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Empty Re: Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic

Sun Mar 01, 2015 4:26 pm

. . .Moving This Thread. . .
!~To Old WIP~!

It's been a while since this app has seen some love. Maybe you fell asleep while working on it~ None the less, I've gotta move it to Old WIP. When you've completed it please just leave a messages here and someone will come look it over for you!

Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic 35eae017-42a0-4ada-b5d4-c0e0c004ac9a_zps6xzxcc8y
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Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Empty Re: Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic

Sun May 03, 2015 12:27 pm

✖| Woah~~ |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

Is this App Ready for Check?
I don't see any WIP in the app title so I can only assume that it is ready for check, if not may you reply to be within this month to tell if it is or isn't.

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Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic Empty Re: Mael Sangra, The Blood Heretic

Mon May 04, 2015 7:22 pm
Account is inactive. Archiving.

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