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Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:47 am
In a moment, when everything goes wrong![PM to join] B4cf58ef-607c-43be-807f-084114278fa5_zps36d12773
Nize was wandering through the desert, accompanied by a scaly dog, with a simple bone mask on its head. Both of them looked bored to death and the arrancar was just aimlessly kicking sand. "Where they could go Bi? I was sure, that they wouldn't go far, but...I guess we were wrong. Can you smell anything?" he asked, while starring on the unnatural moon. How long it had been, when he first walked these plains? Fifty years? More? Saying the truth, time slipped away so fast, that he didn't even noticed it for real. The dog, Bi, stood next to him, starring confused on the arrancar. The male puffed heavy and turned, walking back to his home.
"We won't gain anything, if aimlessly walking in the desert. Lets try to...", something in his head clicked, sudden pain shooting from his head to spine and the whole body. Nize fell on the ground, holding his head in palms and screaming. At first the pain was just unbearable, but then, through it, the arrancar could hear something, something whispering. It can't be! "Feed! Devour! Eat everything in your way!" Massive amount of spiritual energy started to burst out of his body, making the land around him set in black and white flames. The hollow dog stepped a bit closer and was imminently swallowed by then, not even setting out a bark. "More! No snacks, I want you to..." the voice whispered, but then started to became fainter and fainter. The flames didn't subdue, but no new ones appeared. After a moment or too Nize felt, that his head was alone again.
"No!" he spoke, "Not again! I'm arrancar, he was gone! did he...why?" Taking a look around, the male had a feeling, that he should start moving. With all this spiritual energy, someone will notice and the last thing he will need now is attention. Only...what he should do about the flames?

Mood: Nervous | Health: 100% | With: No one
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Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:29 pm
In a moment, when everything goes wrong![PM to join] 271a9686-6606-4bcb-9449-81e605553631_zpse0e5e46f
Nize needed to take a deep breath, get everything together and concentrate. First, the flames. They were part of his cero, so, if more reishi they burn, the bigger they get. By this time the flames had already grew bigger and almost reached the size of arrancar. He looked around, checking, if there wasn't anyone, who would spy on him and when no one seemed near, he took of his Zanpakutō from back and unwrapped it from the black cloth. His blade shone brightly in the Hueco Mundos eternal night. Nizas blade was the only thing, that could touch the flames and not burn in them. Using his powers over reishi, he forced the fire to slowly retreat in the black/white blade. After minutes five the man could assure himself, that all of the flames were taken care of. Actually, it would be quite weird to think, that Hueco Mundo could be burned down. Seemed impossible, as it was a desert.

Later, after ten minutes or so, Nize had returned home. It was nothing more, then a metal dome, that covered the ground, but in years he had worked, to create a real home for him, to work and relax. It, the dome, covered a large hole into the ground. Neat, round stairs led down to the first floor, living apartments. When making this place, the arrancar needed to take few safety precisions, so one day he wouldn't fall into Menos Forst. Everything was safely attached or solidified, so the rooms of his home wouldn't sink in from weight.
By putting his palm on the metal surface, Nize let a bit of his spiritual energy into the metal. With loud "click" it opened and the door security system turned off for a moment. Quickly he went inside, closing the metal lid behind him and turning back on the defense. Right now no one could be too safe at Hueco Mundo. Going down the stairs, he reached wide room with low ceilings. It had shelves, tables and even chairs, but all of them looked in the same color, as the sand of Hueco Mundo. Nize find this color making him more calm and radiated a warm home feeling. Yes, he loved this place so much. Opening one of the shelves, the arrancar took out a can and tore it open with one of his fingers. Then, in a small tea cup, he poured a white, sticky liquid, that filled the room with a sweet, burned sugar scent. With a delighted smile, the man sat down near something, that looked like a stone dinning table.

"It can't be a coincidence, that in a day, when my experiments run off, I still don't know how, that thing again starts to talk with me! What you think Bi?" He turned his head in the direction, where usually the hollow was siting, but there was no one their. "Right, I just...good thing it was Bi, not someone else." Looking around, Nize put his cup down on table, then raised his palm to face one wall, while the other one was facing the floor. Slowly part of wall started to crumble and the pieces turned into blue reishi, while a dog like being started to form under his other hand. After a minute or so Bi, confused, was staring at his master.
"Welcome back buddy! Sorry for that thing in there!" The creature confused stared at him, that way earning a friendly pat on the head.
"You don't remember anything, do you? That's alright, just sit there and have a drink of this. I got it from the human world. Wasn't easy."
Nize put the cup on the floor, in front of his pet and continued to talk, "So, the first matter in hand is to catch gappy spirits I created. If I can't catch them, then...I will need to put a end to them. Where they could be nesting, and what's more, why I can't sense something so simple."
Bi didn't give crap about what Nize was talking in the moment. The liquid was tasty and took all the hollows attention. Arrancar smiled, watching his only companion, but shrieked and took the cup back, when saw that it was almost half-empty.
"Hey, hey! Now it's my turn!" With a laugh he took a sip and dreamily stared at the cup.
"I so need help right now!"

Mood: Worried, but calm | Health: 100% | OOC: Two posts left for my three day minimum
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Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:58 pm
A single individual stood within the plains of Hueco Mundo eyes opened as her steps took her towards the metal dome in the distance. A sigh escaped the female’s lips as she looked at the structure in the distance, her sandal covered feet taking her closer. She had been told to check out the area out here, make sure that no resistance somehow sprouted up in the middle of nowhere. Running a hand through her bubblegum pink hair, the short arrancar decided to just turn away, after all she could only sense one mind within. However, just as her body turned away, another mental presence revealed itself, less than human it did seem, but still this was cause for suspicion. Brown eyes narrowed suspiciously, the strange arrancar pulled a small dagger from within the folds of the pink fabric that wrapped around her pure white garments, holding it out in front of her. Concentrating her energy, a glowing green portal formed mere feet from her, and without any hesitation she stepped forward in to its depth.

Stepping out on the other side of the strange portal, Kor-tatha was now within the strange dome like building, completely having bypassed any protective measures that might have existed upon the normal entrance. Watching the portal fade behind her out of the corner of her eye, she let her psychic presence flare outwards from her, a smirk forming upon her face. Unless whoever was down there had quite the powerful mental capabilities, it would likely feel as if someone had clamped a vice around their head and was slowly using it to crush their skull in quite the painful manner. Slowly walking down the stairs that led in to the lower quarters of the building, her telepathic voice would flood the minds of those within the building as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Who are you?”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:43 pm
In a moment, when everything goes wrong![PM to join] 271a9686-6606-4bcb-9449-81e605553631_zpse0e5e46f
When Nize was already set to go and continue his search, Bi turned, to face one of the storage rooms. He wanted to ask the hollow, what had happened, when suddenly a pain ran through his head again. This time, even if painful as hell, the attack to his mind wasn't so painful. Only his head hurt, not the whole body and the arrancar could feel, that he wasn't taken over by anyone. Did The Source became weaker after the last time? Or maybe Nize was just more ready this time? But still, even, if he had grown stronger, it was near nothing and again he grabbed his head with both arms, only this time without screaming.
"Who are you!"
Who is he? Why would The Source ask such stupid questions, if he knew already who he was. But wait, maybe...again his head twitched in agony, but the arrancar held his ground and felt that a bit, almost nothing, but a bit, he can resist the attacker. This wasn't The Source.
"My name is Nize! What are you doing here, in my head?" He looked at Bi, waving his head, so giving the hollow the sign to go. The beast went, where he smelled the intruder, while Nize was trying to feel something, using Bi, as his medium. And through the pain he felt someone at storage chamber.
"You know, proper guests use the door, when visiting!" The pain grew more and more unbearable.

Bi went into the storage room. It was full of clay, metal parts, fruits and vegetables and different random things. Between these things a strange figure was standing, sending a wibe, that Bi didn't like. The hollow barked at her, thinking, that he needs to protect his master from this strange thing, but the males voice traveled to his ears, telling him to return and lead the guest with him. The dog barked at the intruder again, before turning and going back to Nize.
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Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:41 am
A small chuckle came over the telepathic channel as the individual within the room answered, a grin forming on the face of Kor-tatha. It seemed, given how they had reacted to her mere presence that this individual would likely be of no threat to her. Slipping her knife like blade back in to the sheath she hid within the sash that wrapped around her being before her voice once again floated down the telepathic connection towards the now named Nize.

“I am talking to you of course, what did you think? Are you referring to the pain you are most likely experiencing right now? That would be merely my mental presence.”

Another chuckle floated down the connection to him at his next statement, did this individual really think so highly of themselves? Well, it was just then that a small dog like hollow appeared before her, barking at her. Well, she couldn’t really hear the barking due to being deaf. However, just as with Nize her telepathic connection picked up what they intended to say and sent it to her. This meant that language barriers were nonexistent, she could even tell what an animal was trying to tell her. Thus she knew that the dog was acting to defend a home and others, causing a scowl to form upon Kor-tatha’s face. She was just about to blast the dog hollow with a psychic energy infused bala, most likely killing it, before its attitude changed. Barking once more, it proceeded to walk off. Having understood what it was attempting, Kor-tatha slowly followed it with her arms folded in front of her. When she finally saw who the one commanding the dog was, a soft sigh echoed through her telepathic field. Pulling her mental presence back in so as to relieve the man of the pain, she scowled at him before more words floated out on to her telepathic field.

“So… just a man and his dog…”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:22 am
In a moment, when everything goes wrong![PM to join] 271a9686-6606-4bcb-9449-81e605553631_zpse0e5e46f
The pain backed away, letting Nize to breathe deeper. Rubbing his temples with the middle fingers, the man was relieved, that that was over. Two mental attacks in one day wasn't pleased and no one would feel feel good after something like that. After taking a deep breath, the arrancar faced his guest with a genuine friendly smile.
"Yes, just a man with his dog! From Shadow Fall, I guess." He took a pause, in which the man took a sip of his drink, that had been left on the table.
"Where's my manners, come, sit down!" The part of the large dining table crumbled, turning into a solid rock chair, like one, on which Nize was sitting. "Would you want something," he stood up, going heading to the shelves and taking out different jars of tea and coffee. "I have lemon tea, pineapple tea, strawberry tea, lavender tea, peppermint tea and few others, but they all are for medical use. Then I have a bunch of coffee types, but none of them I had really guts to try out, they smell weird." He wrinkled his nose in distaste, but then laughed about himself. "So, can I offer you something?"

Bi barked, like feeling offended and the male bend down, so he could pet the hollows head.
"Okey, okey, what you want? I doubt you will know, what tea is, but, if you want, I can make you one, so you could try it." The creature sniffed his master and licked his cheek, making Nize to go again in bursts of laugh.
"Okey, I got it! You want real food. But eat more quietly this time, okey? It sounds disgusting, when you eat!" Bi turned his head in question, without understanding, how would his master know, how he eats? They just met today. But it seamed, that Nize knew, what he was thinking, because, when he returned, he spoke.
"I know, you don't remember anything, so forget what I said. Here, dig in!" The arrancar put a a bowl full of tiny, round hollows in front of the wolf. With delighted expression the beast started to eat, filling the room with breaking bone sound. Done with that, he smiled and again faced his unexpected guest. "Can I offer you anything? I have a lot of fruits and vegetables, if you would like." Why he was so friendly with a intruder? Simple, tha last guest he had, was 20 years back and the arrancar felt a bit lonely sometimes. Plus, he believed the saying that all good things return double in time.
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