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Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] Empty Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters]

Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:55 am
It seemed like she had been walking for days now, and perhaps she had. The child-sized Arrancar, Chiyoko Fukui, was currently on her way to Las Noches after 400 years since her last visit to the place that was the center of everything in Hueco Mundo, realm of Hollows. She had used her sonido, an advanced technique used by Arrancar like herself for moving at high speeds during much of the journey, but she was now too close to the fortress to use it. Looking at it from her position she was actually still quite far away, but Chiyoko knew how much tighter Las Noches’ security had gotten over the last 400 years. No longer was it the practical sitting duck that any group of random teenagers could just waltz into like it had been during Aizen’s reign. In fact one would almost think from how lax the security was that the former ruler had actually planned for the place to get broken into.

These days however, attempting to break into Las Noches was in a whole other league. Chiyoko had done research on Las Noches and especially its leaders before making this trip and had found that the current, Primera Espada, Rose Mischevang, of the infamous Mischevang family, was apparently a tech genius surpassing even Mayuri Kurotsuchi of the Gotei 13 in her sheer genius. No doubt Las Noches and the land surrounding it would be covered in security systems of all kinds. Chiyoko had by now transformed down into her cat form just in case using her Ladron de Guante Blanco ability, which allowed her to shapeshift. To all appearances, while in this form Chiyoko was nothing more than one of the countless weak hollow animals that scurried across the sands of Hueco Mundo, surviving on nothing more than inhaling the dense reishi in the air itself. That was exactly the point of the technique. Chiyoko knew that included among Las Noches’ new security features were likely seismographic sensors placed within the ground.

These, famous for having been used to protect the American fortress Fort Knox centuries before, involved extremely finely tuned vibration sensors positioned underground that were sensitive enough to sense the footfalls of an approaching target and alert the security team that an intruder was approaching long before they actually got anywhere near to the intended destination. Still, in this form however, they would just think that she was just another tiny animal scampering across the sands, and not the greatest thief of all time about to take them for all they’re worth.

Still, that wasn’t all she had to deal with. Past that there were likely regular patrols nowadays that would scan the area surrounding the fortress to search for any potential intruders approaching it. Chiyoko would have to be careful and on the lookout for these, as things could get messy if they spotted her, even in her cat form. These patrol guys were known to be somewhat trigger happy, and would often use the animal hollows for target practice since they usually didn’t actually find anything on their patrols, as one would expect.

Then, even if she actually managed to even make it to the fortress itself, she still had to get through its incredibly thick walls. She could always use her Resureccion’s ability to do it, but releasing it would of course give away her presence and she couldn’t afford to do that this early in the game, so instead, she was going to hitch a ride on a convoy that was bringing in supplies through the front gate. Quickly making it to the edge of the road, Chiyoko duckced behind a sand dune and waited, masking her spiritual pressure completely, her ability to do this being one of the few true advantages she had while in this form. The reiatsu of her partner, Estomago was completely masked as well, and as a result, the escort guards protecting the convoy wouldn’t even be able to detect her reiatsu as they approached and so, Chiyoko simply sat there, out of sight, waiting, listening for the sounds of trucks driving along the dusty road.

Then she began to hear them, a low rumbling far off in the distance, and peering over the top of the dune for a moment, she could see tall clouds of dust extending from behind where the trucks must have been further down the road approaching her and heading towards the fortress. Soon she’d have her chance to truly make a name for herself, to become somebody again, to finally be recognized for all the hard work she’d done training herself over these past four centuries to reach her goal of defeating Starrk, the former Primera Espada who humiliated her and stripped her of her precious comrades all those long years ago. This was it, with her partner Estomago hanging off of her neck so that he resembled a small pouch, Chiyoko and he were finally ready to take the Shadow Fall for one serious ride.

Then, as Chiyoko heard the trucks get closer and closer and closer, finally as they began to reach her she darted onto the road and underneath one of them, leaping up and grasping onto some of the piping running underneath the truck as she then simply hung on and waited while the truck carried her the rest of the way towards the fortress. Both her and Estomago’s spiritual pressure were completely masked, so no one should be able to detect them, but still, Chiyoko knew that they would stop and check all the trucks before they would be allowed into the fortress, so if Chiyoko wanted to get in, she would have to be very fast and have precise timing, not to mention probably a little luck, but Chiyoko Fukui always had plenty of that, so she was hesitantly optimistic about her chances.
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Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] Empty Re: Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters]

Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:26 pm
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Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] WVMWLOu
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Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] Empty Re: Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters]

Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:11 am

Artist: Guano Apes - Song: Innocent Greed - Word Count: 1372

Serenity? In a land such as this? No way. There was no way such a thing could last. The visage of the Hollowed Lands night painted itself to be calm and cool. The vibrant glow of the lone moon of Hueco Mundo shined down on the dead lands beneath it. Yet, the activity within these dunes was anything but such. Indeed, the likes of a Shadow Fall Convoy maneuvered its way through the lands and approached towards the vicinity of Las Noches.

However -- not everything would go over so smoothly.

Like a foul stench in the air, something was just off with this scene to the very universe itself. And this unnerving would manifest itself into the form of two critters.

Being that the likes of Shadow Fall within Las Noches were somewhat on a higher state of guard, every detail would be made more apparent with the Demi-Network in place. Therefore, when the organic matter of an unknown entity attached itself to the vehicles of Shadow Fall, the flares of suspicion were tipped off. Why was this so? Simple: their trucks were filled to the teeth with sensors.

Most of the equipment within Shadow Fall could be monitored for abnormalities through many series of complex nanomachines that were connected to their databases. Once this weight increase of an unknown creature had been automatically reported to the depths of the organization's security systems, the truck which contained these unwanted animals was ordered by their mainframe to cease and desist. Thus, complying with these instructions, the convoy carried on, but the infringed pick up came to a hard stop.

Once its movement stopped within such close proximity to the compound of The Shadow Espada, the likes of Rose Mischevang had been immediately updated to the situation from her current position. Sitting on the ledge of a lone tower, the dull spheres of the red eyed girl stared with callous intent towards the scene unfolding none too far from her vantage point. Separated by a half a mile or so, this may seem like a great vantage point away to many others to catch up with, but with The Primera's senses and speed? It could be reached as if it were nothing more than a hop, skip and a jump for her.

So with a few clicks of the cybernetic machinery that pulsed within The Espada's body, the vision of the lone feminine figure increased to the point of being on par with a pair of binoculars. It was almost within this time that the threat had been scoped out. Utilizing her Augmented Pesquisa Sensors in conjunction with Shadow Fall's Demi-Network, the rows of nanomachines from the truck had been used to examine the bodies of these the figures that were nestled away beneath the vehicle. Once this data was collected, the information was shared on their network in two blinks of an eye.

Henceforth, results came back to Rose's cybernetic mind and made the situation all too clear with her keen senses. Having mulled over the files with a fine tooth and comb, the report indicated that a force generating around the creatures seemed to be masking their true power. And while it was not too clear what the extent of that strength was, The Primera was none too eager to take a gamble on another intruder attempting to break through her doors.

Therefore, more like the scene of a hound picking up the calls of its master, two Shadow Fall Knightslave's dropped down from the heavens with a monstrous roar upon the request of The Infamous Mischevang Lady. As the earth shook with a damning boom from the weight of their powers, the operatives within the truck were evacuated during this process. Once the Demi-Network located on to their range, it took but a few moments to teleport the men within the truck within the Las Noches structure as a protective measure; due to the fact they had no discernible idea as to the threat they were facing.

Thus, these huge, hulking machines would prove more efficient to cope with a foreign threat for the time being. Standing at roughly ten feet tall, these steel-like monsters were rather intimidating to most smaller prey. Coated with black and grey paint AND stamped with the Shadow Fall's symbol on their back, their appearance sent chills down most civilians backs as they represented the ominous power of this brutal organization. And oozing with the strength of hardened captains, it was clear to see why none were too eager to fight them.

With the clenching of their metallic claws, one Knight Slave unit picked up the truck as if it were nothing, and the other would attempt to yank both life forms into the dirt as if they were rag-dolls.Wasting no time, the second iron creature that reached out for the two intruders exploded to life as numerous cords extended from out of his body. Coming forth at the thief like daggers ready to kill, these fibers were meant to string the two of them dry. If latched on by this bond, they'd find that their very flow of energy that runs within the vessels of their spirit running rather -- low.

Akin to a fog within the mind, the reach of their supernatural powers would be rather difficult to tap into; if it could be reached at all. As not only would they find a mist within their heads, they'd find blinding pain. Pain that reddens the vision, makes the body scream in agony and descends the mind into a hellish never-ending cycle of anguish. To where one cannot think about anything else other than the torment coursing through their veins.

Indeed, they'd push to stun them in place, halt their powers and greatly minimize the threat of these two unknown stowaways. So as the first Knight Slave tossed away the truck into the night, dissolving into millions of particles, the second would continue to try and crush they very life out of these creatures until they stated their purpose. To which, the tune of Rose Mischevang's voice would emit from the first unit as it walked back to the scene of the crime.

"I'm not sure what it is you want, I'm not quite sure who you believe you are, nor am I sure if you are an enemy. However, what you should understand is that I do not appreciate those with the nerve to come to my doorstep with such backhanded tricks." The tone of the feminine voice emitting out of the machine was bad-tempered and overall furious. Just as well, who else would not be at least somewhat irritated at the sight of a criminal attempting to break into their home? So as the Mischevang continued on, the pressure of the Knight Slaves energy became even more damning and heavy; like a cobra wrapping its body around its prey to squeeze the very life out of it.

"This is the space of the Shadow Espada, nay, home of the Primera Espada. And this will be my first and final warning: come closer to terrority, or resist, and I'll reduce every bone in your body to dust without hesitation." And with that, a flashes of red light emitted from the distance and the Arrancar ended her session of dialogue with these would-be fugitives.

So, with these threats put on the table, the Knight Slave Unit looming over the space of the feline creatures lept into action one more time. With its devilish claws, the machine made its pass at clenching on to them and generating enough force to level the next few city-blocks. Which should, with its strength, translate into these two crooks being flung quite a ways in the distance.

Ergo, to conclude, the projected outcome for them was that they were meant to be chastised, beaten and soundly removed from the status of being a threat. Only time would tell if these projections would come to fruition. And for the sake of their well being: The Primera hoped they'd understand when to leave well enough alone; less they ignite their fury on within dusty lands.

Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] WVMWLOu
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Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] Empty Re: Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters]

Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:50 pm

Word Count: 956

Upon her successfully making it onto the truck riding along the dusty road towards Las Noches Chiyoko had thought that she would be safe for the time being, at least until the convoy actually reached the fortress and they began the check, but apparently their security systems were a bit more advanced than she had anticipated, and the truck had been able to sense her presence, as evidenced by it pulling over and stopping immediately upon her jumping onto it. Chiyoko cursed herself silently for not having done more extensive research on the Shadow Fall’s security systems before beginning her operation.

The rest of the convoy went on ahead, but Chiyoko and the truck she had latched onto were now stopped in place, still a fair distance separated from the front of the fortress. As she hung there on the bottom of the stopped truck Chiyoko was getting very, very nervous, very fast. She knew the Shadow Fall’s reputation for brutality, and she had no intentions of allowing herself to get killed here. Still, she was pretty strong herself. After all, she hadn’t spent all those years training for nothing, The Shadow Fall had another thing coming if they thought they were going to be able to take her in without so much as a fuss.

Soon however, trouble arrived in the form of two hulking cyborgs, their Shadow Fall Knight Slaves. Chiyoko knew that the Shadow Fall had robots and cyborgs in their possession as part of their forces, so it wasn’t too surprising to her that a few would show up here, and while most seeing such a sight would be thoroughly intimidated, Chiyoko wasn’t most people, and so, when the huge mechanical monstrosity picked up the truck she was holding onto she immediately let go. Dropping to the ground, Chiyoko then darted away a short distance before turning back and beginning her transformation. Chiyoko lit up and glowed with purple energy as she grew in size and then stood up on two feet. Once she had grown to her full size, her clothes reformed around her, turning from energy into reishi via the law of relativity, as all energy and matter are interchangeable.

The light then died down, revealing a little Arrancar girl with black hair and golden, catlike eyes with vertical, almond shaped pupils. Knowing she would have to fight these two if she wanted to get into the fortress, Chiyoko first activated one of her abilities, Infortunio, and began to attempt to absorb the fortune of the two Knight Slaves in front of her. While this ability didn’t work on inorganic things, some portion of them should still be biological, since they were originally made from cloned demons, so she just hoped that she would be able to absorb some of their luck to help give her an edge.

Still, Chiyoko knew that even if she were able to absorb their luck, it would take a while before she would absorb enough for it to take effect. For the time being, she would just have to make it on her own. One of the Knight Slaves launched an attack at her, sending its long tendrils at Chiyoko, but again she used her Sonido and expertly dodged them, leaping backward a fair distance to give herself some separation from her two opponents. Then, when Chiyoko heard Rose’s voice coming through the first of the two robotic demons, the Arrancar girl simply chuckled lightly to herself, and when Rose was finished speaking, Chiyoko shrugged, and called over to the cyborg demons, “I suppose now that you’ve discovered me there’s no harm in me telling you who I am. My name is Chiyoko Fukui, and I’m the greatest thief who ever lived. I’ve come to rob you, and there ain’t no way I’m giving up that easily. So, I say to you as my first and final warning, you try and stop me and I’ll destroy you, just like I’m about to do to these two toys of yours. Have fun watching, I promise I’ll make quite a show out of it.”

One of the demon creatures then made an attack at her, leaping at her and then bringing up its claws to bare against her and swiping at the small girl, aiming to take her in its clutches, but again, Chiyoko used her Sonido and dodged it. The simple fact was that these two hulking machines were simply too slow to be able to catch her that easily. If they were serious about fighting her, they would have to move a hell of a lot faster. Chiyoko, who had dodged the creature by leaping back again, then leapt up and forward, and once she had passed over the Knight Slave that had swiped at her, she first flipped over so that she was upside-down and facing the creature again, and then opened her mouth, and when she did, a ball of purple light began to charge in front of it. After about two seconds, an enormous Cero blast was fired off, aimed straight at the Knight Slave’s back with the intention of blowing the mechanical creature away entirely.

Still, having not forgotten about the other Knight Slave either, before she had fired her own Cero, Chiyoko had reached up to her neck and pushed Estomago, who still hung off of her neck like a necklace around to the back of it, and he then grew somewhat, and began charging his own Cero, which he aimed and then fired directly at the other Knight Slave. His wasn’t quite as strong as hers was due to the difference in their power, but it was still a Cero, so it would hopefully do some damage if it hit the creature. Only time would tell if this would be the case however.
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Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] Empty Re: Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters]

Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:19 am

Artist: Uyanga - Song:Queen Of Blades - Word Count: 2160

The area was on intense lockdown as it became confirmed that an invading enemy had made it close to home base. So there were sirens all in the distance as the conflict started to get underway with this confirmed menace to society. Yet in still, there was an intense force surging in the area that felt as if the eyes of a hidden monster was looming overhead. It gave other civilians off in the distance an ominous feeling, but this was just the aura of The Primera Espada's influence surging in the space of Las Noches and Hueco Mundo at large.

The instant that The Feline Arrancar started morph, all microscopic eyes were on her in the form of nanomachines. One could consider Rose almost omnipresent in this atmosphere; as the modifications that the thief made to her body were all but clear to those eyes behind the Mischevangs stare. Eyes which see past the material and into the very fabric that comprises existence itself in such wonderful -- code. Code that The Leader Of The Espada could decipher, manipulate and alter to her whim. And code -- that she'd use to crush this threat.

So as her perception of the universe became alive behind those burning red eyes of hers, as to did the sense of understanding about this criminal came to be. In this world, in this plane, energy could be so easily shifted to suit the needs of its owner. Thus, it was apparent to The Primera, through this observation, that her attacks will more than likely rely on such gimmick and she'd need to pay keen attention to what tricks this foe has up her sleeve.

It is for this reason that Rose was on guard and ready to pounce on the sudden shift in energy The Feral Intruder had upon activating her special ability. Focusing in on to her drones to better read the situation, The Mind of The Lone Espada moved like lightning. What was a second to the invader -- could be considered hours to The Primera. It gave her time to analyze, overview and come to a decision and probable projection of the threat she was faced with.

Therefore, as the coding in the universe that pertained to "fortune", "absorption" and "misfortune" started becoming altered by the influence of the bandit's energy particles, it became apparent that to the Espada that she needed to react without haste to prevent an unfavorable scenario from occurring if this ability was allowed to fully take effect.

Henceforth, on Rose's command, The Defenses Of The Knight Slaves heightened to the metaphysical and their specialized armor cut off the connection of The Crook's power. This was made possible through their protective material acting as a firewall to prevent unauthorized access to their energy, body and core. In this spiritualized firewall, the protection it yielded extended to the coding in the universe that related to "fortune", "absorption" and "misfortune". And then, by the observation of the Feral Arrancar's energy particles, it added a filter list to its effect to cease the absorption process for now. From that point onward, only a negligible amount of energy could be siphoned for The Arrancar before it was effectively blocked and repeating the same process would more than likely projet in a greater failure from the estimates of Rose's ever calculating-mind.

At least now, with her first card unveiled, The Primera felt she had a decent understanding of what she may be up against and inputted the data into her estimates needed to win this battle. So it was on to the next step: more observation. This came in the form of witnessing her Knight Slave fail to capture the target due to a sudden increase in its speed. Not one to make the same mistake twice, this reading was logged and the obvious realization that she needed to increase their speed became more than crystal clear in that moment.

However -- before that moment came -- something shifted in the Arrancar's persona. Stopping the momentum in the fight to hear the hooligan's response, a few things became apparent. The first of which? This pests name: Chiyoko Fukui. Together with a face, a name and an idea of her abilities; the databook on this character was becoming more and more clear by the second. And with the way the feline spoke of herself? It was evident enough to Rose that she was cocky and overestimating herself by claiming to be the greatest thief alive. Therefore, it was clear through her body language and thought patterns that she was the type to combat in erratic and bold movements.

Nonetheless, it was those daring words that held absolute resolute in them that Chiyoko was going to rob the Primera Espada, intrude upon her home and have the audacity in her confidence to attempt to kill Miss Rose Mischevang that made The Royal Mischevang change her course of action. The original plan was to just let her drones down with this needless thief, but after being called out like that? There was no way The Primera was going to take that sitting down.

Therefore, she'd have her familiars get in motion to cope with their opponents sudden increase in acceleration, but The Espada had decided, in that moment, that she'd get her hands dirty and wrap her furious palms around the bare throat of Chiyoko until total submission was reached.


As a result of her evaluations on the headstrong burglar, adjustments were made within the core of energy pulsating through The Knight Slave's body. By directing large sums of power into their limbs they were able to bolster their movements to match the same amount of speed Chiyoko had projected earlier in her previous evasive tactics.

Through this gap in speed being broken, they were able to continue with their previous assault in smashing their catastrophic weight against them. Going on to exchange blows strong enough to knock entire chunks of the landscape for the next few city blocks to grinded ruins; more than likely resulting in heavy injuries to Chiyoko and her companion's body from the ferocity of such heavy impacting blows from the higher-end models of the Knight Slave. (Which are the 0-5 versions to further clarify and they'd continue on with their previous assaults with the tendrils at this point)

And with them both being in such close-range of each other? It would prove more than difficult to not get caught as their speed peaked. Therefore, at this point, the probability of them being face to face in the hands of the Knight Slave could prove to be more than a reality. Ergo, in those two minutes for them to charge up for a blast, as to did the Knight Slave take advantage of its augmented state of being.

With energy crackling to life within it like a raging hurricane, the Knight Slave pressed the trigger and released a damning explosion of energy capable of clearing out ten city blocks with relative ease. In this wave of reddening light, the raw power of this force may very well overpower and overtake Chiyoko due to its fast release cutting off The Arrancar's attack.

None the less, as both of their powers clashed, the night skies of Hueco Mundo lit up like the fourth of July as the battle commenced. Booming to life akin to a earthquake, the cero that had been fired off by the bandits associate met heavy resistance against a similar attack by the second Knight Slave. Before it reached its intended target, the Knight Slave in question fired off a monstrous energy blast to deflect it away and negate it before exploding in a ball of fire.

And much like the explosions that illuminated the heavens, as quickly as they came to life, as to did The Primera Espada make the jump from her vantage point to the likes of Chiyoko's position. Within the time it took for Chiyoko to summon her energy blast, Rose Mischevang traveled at Mach Three speeds and closed the gap between them with relative ease by her traveling in such a straight line direction.

Gathering up kinetic energy from the intense momentum that was generated by this furious flight, Rose redirected its potency into the ends of her feet and delivered a serious dropkick to the backside of Chiyoko's skull. Crushing bones, decimating organs, ripping apart flesh and swinging critical blows; this strike had more than enough power to leave its mark on the intended target. Together with the factors of Rose's well trained speed, precision and strength; there was a good chance such a crippling effect could more than put a damper on the resistance of her foe.

In fact, before this burst of energy would find itself depleting as quickly as it faded in, Rose would find time with her augmented soindo in order to deliver continuous blows to various points on Chiyoko's body. Blows that could tear apart mountainsides were aimed at her neck, shoulder blades, spine, sides, thighs, kneecaps and ankles to further the probable outcome of The Feline Bandit being beaten to a fine pulp.

Even if direct contact was not made, the hellish shockwaves of such an attack spread for a great distance of two miles or so. In that way, with Rose's manipulation of the coding tethered together with this burst, she'd redirect the energy generated from such a blast to be equivalent to hundreds, if not thousands, of hard punches being generated in all directions around Chiyoko and her companion to more than beat them to a pulp in her intended scenario.

The whole of the battle range may very well be a smoldering crater, while the flaring neon light of Rose's reddening aura screamed to life as much as her hardened scowl screamed death. With both Knight Slaves receiving orders to pull out, they'd take evasive actions moments after their skimmerish with The Feline Intruder concluded following the completion of their attacks. Therefore, they'd teleport backwards further towards the location of Las Noches and be put on reserve mode.

With the popping of her knuckles cracking the earth beneath The Primera's feet as if it were putty in her hands, a single stomp was all it took to break more vicious energy into the space around them and stab into Chiyoko's body like one thousand daggers ready to claim the life of its prey.

"Really? You claim to be able to break forth into my domain and destroy my existence, yet you aren't even over 1/4 of my strength? Forget the drones, I'll beat the facts of reality into your disgusting face myself for making such a ludicrous statement in my presence."

Although the lady did not yell a single time in her words, the weight of her words carried with it a sense of hostile intent. Intent strong enough to actualize itself into the existence around them and make the lands around them quiver, shake and cower over in dismay over this dreadful power that she wielded. So it did not matter if her foe decided to attack at any period during her speech. With her reaction time and guard up, The Lone Mischevang was more than ready for anything that came forth in her path.

In the form of an iced stare, the likes of the wildcat before her may even feel some sense of paralysis and stunning from the raw will Rose's reiatsu generated within the area around them. The likes of her companion may even be totally frozen stiff from this sensation striking him like a gunshot to the knee.

Indeed, The Fury of The Primera Espada was about to be realized, and with one final stomp to the earth, she'd cement that fact further. Making tons of solid rock cave in around the vicinity of of Chiyoko, the projectiles generated from this had, from Rose's influence of energy, enough speed to rival a Master level sonido from Rose's aura. Quite the damning show was made as the durability of these attacks could very well force the Arrancar before the Primera to break if she had her way.

"Now c'mon, give a nice meow for me, Kitty-Cat....!!!"

Words still gruff and eyes filled with hateful intent, it was safe to say there was still a fair amount of fury behind the feisty Primera. However, there was something off about her words. Zooming in closer to her mouth, it turned out to be quite clear why this sight was off. As she stood in the center of this mayhem, with the debris in the vicinity being reflected away from the Espada like a bad wind, there was a -- smirk -- coming forth across her lips.

A devilish smirk -- that came purely from her subconscious.

On some inner level, was she in fact --- enjoying this?

Cat Burglar [Chiyoko/Estomago/Rose/Possibly More Shadow Fall Characters] WVMWLOu
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