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Sat Oct 04, 2014 6:33 am
"Spacial Slice!"

The words rang throughout fourth squad as a portion of the hospital was literally split apart. Space itself torn apart in the middle of the night, those on the outside could now see who was responsible. Her long and unkempt white hair swirled around her wildly, brown eyes glaring at the world beyond. Her tanned skin was covered by only a thin white shirt and pants, but what was in her hand was the cause of the current damage. Her blade, the tip against the floor just where the split had started, though she slowly brought it up to a defensive position. Green runes along the blade glowed before it slowly shifted, becoming a simple katana, though lacking a guard. Seconds later the blade disappeared entirely, returning from where it came. A quick flash step and she was out of the hospital, standing at the edge of the crater. A short yawn, and then she spoke softly, more to herself then anything else.

"Damn, how did I sleep that long? I really need to get out of here, hopefully I can get back home safely. It is night time though, so it should help out some... god damned shinigami, I have got to get back to the living realm soon..."

Looking up at the night sky for a moment, the human who had once been imprisoned within the maggots nest walked slowly off, eyes trained for any possible guards.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Cookie
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Moonlit escape [open] Empty Re: Moonlit escape [open]

Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:08 am

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Tansaku - Word Count: 1557

Twisting and snapping, well, it wasn't all that easy to be dramatic about something when there were some noisy shithead going on around the skies of the Soul Society, brimming with a woman run & slash around in the middle of the night when she would realise that the space that she ripped apart would not hesitate itself to be forcefully closed back by an unknown interference, and that? Nobody really knows who interfered this commotion other than the work of a machine. To those who are very much specialized in the area of electromagnetism, these frequencies held very special properties, tuned to deal against reality manipulators, however, even spatial distortion can be considered as part of the space-time continuum and affects anything that takes up 'space', matter or not. If you think about teleportations, it works basically the same way as spatial distortion is, and since his mind's understanding over such abilities was vast, it was easy to close up the gaps that was inflicted by spatial distortion abilities, and using his own type of formula, by inducing a certain type of frequency to the air, it stimulates the very fabrics of reality, the world of 'influence' that makes up the world, while seemingly complicated, in general, the frequency was to stimulate reality itself and the space-time continuum in order to close the gap as if the wound was never inflicted to the hospital at all.

It was nevertheless the work of a so-called 'genius', if one were to presume this young man who was out from the Shinigami Academy not too long ago and has already achieved feats that was beyond just intellect itself. Thanks to the information given when he once fought a woman, a girl who can literally make reality to its bidding, gave him the chance he need to know about the influence of reality, the fabrics of the space-time and how it was affected by spatial distortion abilities, that has the ability to cut the space, even the fabrics of anything occupying the 'space'. While it is efficient alone, but they would soon know that a very small part of the hospital was cut down in various places, while the damage inflicted was not as serious as it initially was and itself was not enough to cause the collapse of the entire building, however, the cuts was enough to make a part or two of the hospital dissapear from sight while still standing tall and proud. A small explosion soon occured nearby, a booming sound that made its short entrance before a trail of smoke came out from a single location, the prototype simply exploded as it wishes.

He is neither some fancy nerd walking his way down the corridor or a mad scientist who just 'happens to be in the way', but clearly that he was inclined to involve himself into this situation when he was awoken from his slumber in the middle of the night, obviously from someone who couldn't even bother to cover her spiritual power at all times. Well, to his mind, what did the hospitals do? First, the witch tried to inflict an explosion to a hospital, and now this one is trying to cut it down? This is just an absolute nonsense. Though, this was a great time to train his abilities to the max with an opponent like this as well, rubbing against his wrists for a short moment before the man himself appeared from the darkness, and it was no one else than a young man, presumed to be in his early teenage years but an average among males that may look in his age.

An average figure of a young teenager, his face was certainly shrouded in mystery by the hood he was wearing to cover his appearance from the public to prevent himself to be recognized by anyone at all whenever he involves himself in this situation. This being was certainly worth researching as well since he was still creating a prototype of a countermeasure against such feats of powers that even the fabrics of reality cannot defy, then he'll just 'patch up' the reality with a good ol' plaster button using his wide-variety of knowledge. His influence may not be big, but his creations may be enough to fascinate the world's interests of how much his intelligence may spread across each country, though never intended to be used by the public than himself, machines do the work for him as he is completely fragile when it comes to physical combat in every cases. Hopefully that this woman is not all that great in melee combat, so that his speed is enough to make a run for it if she gets too near in his range. His spiritual power is not powerful, that is true, but what makes him monstrous is not by power, but the way he handles technology itself. White hooded jacket with two cat ears sprung up from the hood, black t-shirt and a pair of white pants with stripes of violet, each of his clothes holding a unique symbol that he had made to make himself more.. 'personally unique', or generally, you can describe it as 'personal style' if it is more appropriate. If it weren't obvious enough, he is Hisao Yazaki.

Popping his neck to the side, what's visible on his face was nothing less than a grin on his face, with so much interests and intent to know more about the potential of this being, he wanted to know the ability to control such power so that in the future, he may be able to create something that is similar to it but less potent. Though, since she is apart of the maggot's nest, he would have no choice but to deal with her in a role as a shinigami. It would be a great place to actually expand his arsenal of power, especially his Zanpakutō in this type of situation as well, depending on the condition of this combat allows, well, even wihout needing to realise his Zanpakutō's name, he could train his ability to construct things to existence merely with his eyes as long as he has a field of vision of his surroundings as he wishes to. It is more of a data-based ability that is given by the capability of his cyberbrain, but he'll see to it once he uses it for the first time after the realisation of this ability he had. It took a long research but hell, it was worth wasting his precious time here. Either way, the distance between himself and the woman was not far, since considering her in the air and himself in the ground, it was estimated to be a kilometer distance between both of them if calculated in an angle. Unlike most shinigamis may arrive in surprise, this young man, arrives with an entertained expression, hopefully to take her in as one of his.. 'people', while she belongs to the maggot's nest, he'll refrain himself from being such a mood killer.

Not long before all six of his mechanized weapons began to be positioned at a formation of a wing, each symmetrically and evenly placed behind his arms when he rose them above his shoulders. The second his fingers snapped, each of them fired an electromagnetic beam in that very short moment of charging its power, each held a power enough to be on par with a cero fired by a Menos Grande, and its speed? Moving as fast as a cero would be but more thinned version and holds a rather concentrated energy to easily pierce through a type of defense depending how durable it is. His fangs were sharp when he grinned, almost resembling to a certain red-haired male who died not too long ago, although he does not possess a ton of power, but he does pack a ton of FIREPOWER alone using necessary machines and calculations to do the work for him. Spatial slice? Don't kid with him. Using the network of knowledge he had gained during his 80 years of being locked up in some hellhole and forced to read every book available in this world, ranging from ancients to modern knowledge, his mind can already become a library for the world to read. The project was cruel but beneficial, hating to admit it even if his hatred for his foster parents, but it is indeed beneficial for combat purposes.

Speaking in a tone to end his introduction into the battlefield, it held a mixture of accents between korean and japanese, while the japanese accent seems more dominant, but the hard mixture between the two makes it sound rather neat yet rough because of the way they sound and intermixed, "How rude of me, not giving a formal greeting. YO! Welcome to Soul Society and i am pleased to meet you here! Now then, make sure that you don't bore me out before i send you flying to the maggot's nest, lady. Because for a gentleman like me to lift my hand to throw you back in would be unsightly of me, am i right?"

His hands, equipped with a pair of white gloves, both slipped into the pockets of his hooded jacket, still holding his grin before the likes of the girl. Now, this is just the beginning of his 'adventure', eh?

Coding in template and Graphics By: [THEFROST] & Kylekaotikk
Header & Template By: Sou Yuuki

Empty, blank space.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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Moonlit escape [open] Empty Re: Moonlit escape [open]

Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:37 pm
It was a quiet night in the Soul Society… Ah, who was she fooling. It was the Soul Society and on top of that the Seireitei. Of course, it wasn’t going to be quiet. Even now the peaceful visit she had planned on has turned into a battlefield. Well, at least she could watch this time around, and not worry about fighting it.

In the moonlight, a figure ran up the side of a tall building. To any watchers they would just see a bright red cloak and not the person wearing it. That was a nice thing about black against bright colors in the dark. Most people only saw the bright colors making her less visible. Although people couldn’t see her cute clothes, a style people would call gothic loli.

Reaching the top she pulled out a red rectangle from behind her back. The rectangle felt the familiar touch of her soul force and changed shape for her. It shifted to the familiar form of here sniper rifle. Although to other people it just looked like a big bulkily box like gun that might fire a laser beam. Laying down she brought the weapon up to look through the sight. Luckily for her she saw a challenger appear right then. She drooled at the sight of the weapons the Shinigami used. She wondered what kind of power-core they used, and how they were able to stabilize the energy wavelengths. Right now she wished she could take them home and pick apart them and learn their every little secret. Subconsciously right now she was swinging her legs back and forth like a little kid watching their favorite TV show.

She wondered what might happen next, who would attack next, how epic would the fight be, who would be the winner. Unfortunately, fate and already rolled the dice and decided the next move.

“You there! What are you doing up there!” A voice shouted from below.

The sudden shout surprised her causing her to pull the trigger. Her weapon responded in kind by launching out a single projectile charged by her soul force. There was the familiar shove, and a loud bang as the weapon discharged its projectile. Unfortunately, her preferred ammo was that of Iramasha Fire Gem Bullets. This gem was also slightly charged meaning it had explosive properties.

“Gah, You Idiot don’t you know not to shout at someone with a sniper rifle!” Picking up a tile off the roof she threw it at the Non-important Shinigami. It struck right in-between the eyes knocking him out. Picking up her sniper rifle, she looked through the scope again. She saw a nice size crater between the two combatants, but she knew that she was in trouble now. The bullet she had fired passed about a footway from the Shinigami with the cool weapons.

"Ah, sorry…" She said in a soft tone as she hugged her weapon. Tonight was just another day in the life of Chika Usagi.
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Moonlit escape [open] Empty Re: Moonlit escape [open]

Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:21 pm
Despite Tamari’s long imprisonment, she had not allowed her skills to get rusty. She was a survivor, one who had lived many years in a forest with the most vicious of beasts and ended up as the king of the forest. In this time she had developed a seemingly unnatural ability to detect when she was in danger, though it was really quite natural. Her senses had been greatly improved during her time in the wilderness, and it was something none could be able to expect from her. Her ears twitched as her hearing picked up the noise of the electromagnetic beam firing off, and suddenly she moved. Flash stepping out of the path of the beams, she landed upon the ground before once again flash stepping to land her directly in front of the man who had approached her. Flowing forward, her fist rushed outwards as she attempted to slam it in to his chest. Pushing herself backwards, she would land softly on the ground eyes hardened as she glared at her opponent. Her soul force rushing forward, Tamari’s hair went from white to blonde as her skin began to radiate a soft green light. A soft growl escaping her, she raised her fists in to a defensive stance as she stared in to his eyes before speaking, her voice hard with determination.

“Don’t you know anything kid? Some idiot came down in to the prison and destroyed the place. Besides, what right do you have to lock me up? I’m a human you idiot, not one of you shinigami. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go home.”

Soul dashing forward, she stopped merely an inch in front of the shinigami’s form, he finger outstretched so it just barely pressed against his chest.

“Bakudo #4, Hainawa.”

Watching as the kido rope sprang forward and attempted to entangle the male’s arms, she knew this was far from enough. However, it would serve for the moment to give her some time to make a getaway. Spotting the red cloak atop one of the nearby buildings, a smirk appeared upon her face. Pushing herself forward, she rushed forward with her most powerful speed technique. Combining elements of a flash step and a soul dash, Tamari had developed a technique that was superior to both of the previous techniques. Dubbed flash soul step, it was this technique that pushed her forward and on to the building behind the red cloaked figured. Spinning on her heel, she launched her open palm towards the figures back, attempting to push the figure off the building towards where she had come from. With that, another flash step took her further from the ones she had encountered, her feet landing in the soft grass of a small clearing with trees on one side and buildings on the other. She needed to get away, and she needed to do it quickly now.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Cookie
The Cookie
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Moonlit escape [open] Empty Re: Moonlit escape [open]

Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:32 am

Artist: Unknown - Song: I Will Decide - Word Count: 2562

Truly, people never learn even when they are being warned about it. In the first place, because his lack of physical prowess, not only he specializes in areas of intellect and technology, kido was also apart of his speciality. With his intelligence mixed together, at this point, he could devise a custom formula for kidos that he is able to use at his level and create a countermeasure against it if these kidos were ever being turned against him by any type of abilities, even those who uses the kido that he knows to simply be broken apart wihout needing to use any force whatsoever. Speed and Kido was something of a secondary specialization area since they are deemed not too important but a required area for combat purposes to make up what he truly lacks as well, although not too great with both of these areas, he is considered to be skilled enough in them. Suck dry and run home, this was the predictable image of Tamari's actions, not needing to make too much choices for her to flashstep before him, before an attempt to land a punch only to miss it out when his body only adjusted in a certain degree, that if she tries to redirect her fist to where Hisao had avoided to, she would realise her hand would be blasted away wihout any hesitation before she could execute any part of her abilities, and close enough in a point-blank range where her senses wouldn't be tingly enough to alert her into avoiding the point-blank range for the electromagnetic beam to melt through her flesh and bones, the blood within that very hand of hers would evaporate before it could even leave a drop on the grounds of the Soul Society, a missing hand that she'll know how painful it is.

His eyes never faltered, all locked against the likes of this self-proclaimed 'human' who was about to use a kido when she shouted the commands of executing the kido, which is Bakudo #4. True, an inch near him would most likely entangle him before he could move these Nasods into position to shoot down the energy ropes themselves. Taking advantage of the time interval when she spoke her instant incantation to execute the Kido, what she would realise was the construction of a transparent wall, a barrier, if he were to presume it. It is not a Bakudo, of course, but it was done by using the brain waves of his cyberbrain to leave a weak impact to his skull, picked up by the sensors before they are reflected to his eyeballs, since the Dynamo is not activated, it couldn't transfer the 'information' to the Pointer to release that information to allow something to manifest into his control, so by a simple plan, these sensors redirects them to his eyeballs by coordination and calculated angles to know where these sensors would reflect towards when a solid object is hit. These frequencies of brain waves would soon radiate outwards from his eyeballs, so weak that even heightened senses to detect electromagnetic waves or anything else would not be able to sense the changes until it finally takes an effect due to how weak these waves were when they are radiated.

These informations would stimulate the electrons in the air to execute a command like his electromagnetism ability, and by using his own formula, he could even force the oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms to be stimulated by such effects of the information that radiated in a very short radius, 1/2 inches wide between the small gap of space between Hisao and Tamari. These atoms would make its way, almost like it appeared out of nowhere, a wall constructed merely out of atoms of oxygen, hydrogen and electrons would form between these two individuals for such a short period of time, instantaneous speed that seems forever for the user himself, but constructed in a blinding speed to the opponent before him, and that settles it. The energy rope would simply smash right against the barrier he had created using his 'Field Of Construction' ability, hence his sight as long as it is within the field of view, he could construct or reconstruction anything he wishes to do as long as it is part of the existence, which means he cannot create things that does not exist such as creating a spear that has the power of a nuclear explosion would be an impossible attempt, but able to create construct anything that 'exists' in this world such as a sword or such.

This woman is nothing more than a pathetic being who wishes for this so-called 'freedom'. Cracking a smile, for a self-proclaimed human who uses kido, is funny. So funny that his kidneys would explode to pieces like grenades. "Human? Kuahahahaha! Humans using a kido would only mean that you're a ziamichi. Saying that you're not one of us is rude, when you used one of our abilities here just to simply show it off that you are trying to mix into the society. Let me tell you one thing; Please fly."

Twisting the Dynamo behind his left ear, he wasted not even a second to leap onto his Nasods before blasting him at high speed, but it wasn't just a normal speed. Unlike her fused abilities between Shunpo and Soul Step, it is nowhere the level of a machine, enough to propel a being at Mach speed when he propels himself in full power. His body wouldn't be affected by the high velocity and pressure by having the remaining 4 Nasods to be positioned in each other, connecting itself with sparks of electricity to create a weak magnetic field to repel off the winds that may shred him to pieces for moving at Mach speed as well. To Tamari, it would seem like he had teleported from one point to another, appearing right before the likes of this 'human' by coordinating and calculating the possibilites of her going from her initial position to the end position. Trying to estimate her personality and violent actions from her previous behaviours and put them into a systematic calculations would give the most likely result where she would end up when she tries to escape, as expected of a shinigami who is able to take necessary actions in this situation.

Well well, surprise. By gathering all the energy that his Nasods as it charges it in collecting electrons into one point, by creating a type of magnetic attraction using electromagnetism, through the concept of magnet would allow these electromagnetic energy to gather visibly across his left arm, glowing much in light blue. They don't hold the perspective of being an electricity, but they are electromagnetic energy, when compressed in one point of his arm, it would create plasma that swirls across his arm by producing weak magnetic field above the surface to create a floating-like effect wihout potentially burning his arm. However, it is not going to be some great massacre blast that will obliterate all of the enemies that stands in its way, since it is going to be too lowly of him to do that, so by breaking down the compressed plasma to seperate it into hundreds of parts. Unlike the orb these Nasods fired, these divided parts of the blazing plasma would be further compressed, so tight that even for its orb-like size, the energy that is within the center of the core in the orb has an abnormally high density of energy, that if it were to explode, its not going to be a small pop, but an explosion akin to that of a cannon being fired at him and blasts you directly, heat that is enough to melt through an enhanced skin, hierro or not, it'll make sure that your flesh was never there, with damage is very much twice the power of an ordinary cero, and make sure that the pain is enough to force an average shinigami into temporary comatose since it holds a small electrical properties of an empowered stun gun, and inputting his knowledge of Mach speed that his Nasods were able to achieve, although these orbs aren't capable to do so since they would be destroyed because of the extreme velocity and pressure it is unable to handle, they move half of the speed of sound, a speed enough to keep the orbs in stable condition and fast enough to catch up against swift opponents.

Estimated that one hundred of them is fired, they don't have the ability of a homing missile due to his incapability to go further than 500 meters of control, but his projectiles can go beyond these boundaries with no control for him whatsoever. Though, it is not going to be easy to dodge. By recalculating the surroundings, it may be a readable situation, but Hisao purposely creates an opening in one of the many orbs, a gap big enough for a good ol' escape even for beginners in speed or even for untrained beings with no abilities, but this is what truly makes sense behind his actions. As scheming as he may be, that very gap has its own surprises, for someone like Tamari to go through is a simple task to deal with her, trying to past through the gap would only be surprised with a powerful electrical surge, even for beings that has a great immunity over electricity would more likely to submit into defeat at this point. Since each of these orbs hold high density, these orbs that opened the gap had an oddly neat arrangement together with the rest, that if any being would try to even go a centimeter near the gap he made, even if shunpo'd through, if it detects the slightest energy that passes through the gap, it creates almost an instantaneous electrical shock through it.

Think of an electric chair, but this one, with more safety and guaranteed with no injuries or internal damage. It is basically like a smaller version of EMP but works on organic and inorganic beings, spiritual or not. The moment they get into the gap, these dense energy would react towards the individual's natural 'body charge', that each person would at least have an electron inside of their bodies because of their constant movement in earth, which the earth itself has a neutral charge and swords being an electrical conductor, and together with their energy that holds the properties of energy, the essence of one's soul that holds together a physical body. These concepts creates the perfect scheme that would simply create an individual into a switch for such plans that he has devised, that their body would be inflicted with an unnerving amount of electricity that would simply force their body to be electrified so much that it would throw off the balance of their spiritual energy, and when they try to escape by executing an ability, since they require spiritual energy to summon it, before it could manifest their abilities, the sequence of the energy that allows an ability to manifest would be broken apart due to the temporary dearrangement of their body's reiatsu that disallows them from being able to properly execute their abilities, even by sheer luck, it would be rather low for them to succeed in breaking out of its grasp. It wouldn't kill them, of course, since they hold a frequency of electrical properties that seems to resemble Tamari's, it was to inject an overpowering amount of impulse into their brain in order to over-stimulate their body's functions and forces it to be dearranged for a short period of time, whilst specifically targeting the areas of the brain that retains one's conciousness and knocks that area out by injecting a frequency that 'blocks' out their awareness. While the rest of the body? It targets their muscles to create heavy spasms to tire out their physical body, and if there is any reiatsu inside of her limbs would have the 'information' in these spiritual energy to be rearranged and safely stored in one of her arms. Otherwise, under an intense electrocution, she would most likely be knocked out even if she tries to don herself with defenses.

Of course, if she doesn't fall for it, he has another plan himself, since his cyberbrain already created a sequence of possibilities and strategies to retain her and bring her back to the likes of Maggot's nest. If Tamari does not go towards the 'opening' he had throughoutly provided, then moving and cutting past these orbs is possible but more life-threatening. Slicing it with a normal attack would only result in an explosion of the orb, while with spatial slice, it may work in a way, however, such result would become the same concept as it was mentioned earlier ago, electrocution but in a weaker potent where she can still retain her conciousness, but shocked to her point where her physical body would not be able to support itself due to the heavy spasms it had received, that even using an ability to only greatly weaken its effects, or simply, unallowing her from using it since her spiritual energy may not be able to transfer properly. Moving past it? Well, that may work, however, weak enough to leave a small effect for her body. She could move, coordinate and maintain conciousness, until Tamari realises that her abilities would temporary be 'stunned', or for short, 'sealed' since one of the orbs would leave a spark into her head to the area of the brain where it governs 'knowledge' and governs her 'motor skills', and by temporarily paralyzing these areas, wihout being able to know how the ability works, how it uses her spiritual, how it is made, and the knowledge of understanding how to channel the energy to her blade or body to create the ability would simply shake off her power, while motor skills prevents her from being able to 'estimate' her surroundings, track coordinations or even sense and estimate distance of spiritual beings between herself and other beings, simply put, it completely breaks down her capability to calculate just about anything, which means what left of her would be physical abilities. However, trying to 'move past' these orbs is a high risk, with a high chance that she would be bombarded continuously by these orbs and be left with a considerably serious damage to parts of her limbs and may lose an arm or two.

"Kukuku.. Now what will it be? Life or Death? Your pick, human girl."

This is indeed the man with great intellect. Even if his physical combat skills aren't so great, what makes him so monstrous is his way of planning and how he fights in ranged combat. True, he is still a beginner or an adept in manipulating electromagnetism, but he makes it up by devising a plan that makes his weak manipulation abilities and creates a powerful attack through it by setting up various traps and concepts he was able to build after gathering knowledge he could get across the world when he was confined. His mind may not be the god's mind, but his eyes? The eyes of the cautious predator who makes his plan throughoutly and carefully. One wrong step, would only equal in going back to where she came from. Now then, let the game begin between the brain and the brawl.

Coding in template and Graphics By: [THEFROST] & Kylekaotikk
Header & Template By: Sou Yuuki

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Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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Moonlit escape [open] Empty Re: Moonlit escape [open]

Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:48 am
Around here the world was slow: boring, sluggish, dull, and still worst of all slow. Why is it slow to her, it simple, her brain is hard wired to view the world a light speed as it were. She couldn’t help it; all she could do is learn to deal with it. So she learned to talk slower, although people still complained from time to time that she had a jabber jaw. She learned not to walk at her normal speed but slower than that. Even then people asked why she was in a hurry. She learned to read lips since listening to other people was boring. To other people she was living life in the fast lane, but in reality she was slowing down for others to keep up with her.

Due to her mental processes it came no surprises that she could see that simple attack coming. However, what caught her by surprise was the speed that the other human had used. Normally she couldn’t move that fast, but then she was in her normal state. Here first stage soul evolution could reach that speed by using short speed burst. Even then it is a short burst, and she couldn’t keep that speed up for every long.

Keeping up with the other human was something different then avoiding her attack. A beginner with soul detect could tell if someone was right behind them. However, Chika was no beginner in that field therefore she could track the direction and speed someone is going if they are nearby. This gave her an idea of where people are and also allowed her a short amount of forewarning of the person behind her. Quickly moving to the side she avoid the palm thrust that would have pushed her off the building. By the spin and the thrust, she could tell that the person had trained in CQC, close quarters combat. It was most likely a type of martial art. However, she couldn’t recognize the style. She prepped for her counter attack as the sniper rifle unfolded as quicker then most eyes could follow. The sniper turned into a large scythe that was larger than her. She was about to swing the back of her blade at another human when they retreated with flash step.

“Oh no, you don't,” Chika stated slightly annoyed that someone tried to push her off a building. She felt a slight pull as she shifted states. If no one knew what to look for, people couldn’t even tell if she entered her soul evolution form. The only key changes in her first stage were every few and only noticeable to keen eyes. First is the hood of her cloak. In this stage, the hood is pulled up and covers her face in shadows. All key features of her face are unnoticeable as the shadow keeps them concealed even in the brightest of lights. The second change is that the end of the cloak becomes tattered and torn. No ones the reason behind it, not even Chika, but that is just a mystery she was never interested in figuring out. The last change was in her petals and wind. Normally the petals are a deep red that give off a slight glow. However, in this stage they become a pure black that gives off an unnatural glow. Even her wind that was once invisible turns crimson in this stage. Together it gives her a slightly dark feeling concerning her powers.

As soon as she spoke she gave chase to the other human using Soul Dash and her speed boost. She was just a bystander, not a combatant. However, she was dragged into it now. She would help the Shinigami capture this person and maybe afterwards they could talk shop on weapons. She would love to take apart one of those items floating behind his back and learn its inner workings. Around her swarmed black petals and the crimson wind that pushed her along. Keeping the energy wavelength fixed in her mind, she projected a course that would bring her above them. If the other human turned around and saw her approach, she would see a moon colored red by the wind as Chika descended with great speed.

She was about to spin and swing the back part of her scythe like a hammer when something caught her attention. A swarm of energy signature similar to the human she was about to attack. Turning her head sharply, she tried to see the thing that she had sensed. She saw close of a hundred light blue orbs warming down on their position. Her mind went into overdrive analyzing them and trying to figure it out. She could tell that the wavelength was similar to the other human; it must have been calibrated to affect them in a certain way. She wasn’t able to tell what the effect was, but she could understand the electromagnetic features that the light blue orbs produce. However, her soul detect told her something else. Those blue orbs were charged with enough power that she didn’t want them to detonate near her.

This left few options; she could escape through the too convent placed hole. However, she had no clue what that the electromagnetic energy would do to her. She could try to outrun it and reach the edge of the blast field, but she knew that was very unlikely. Or she could detonate the field of blue orbs before they hit. The only problem with that was she would have to turn her back to the other human. Out of the three options, the third was the best chance of her avoiding serious injury. She only hoped that the other human would not stab her in the back.

In a split second, she had figured all that out and decided her best bet. Turning she faced the field of blue orbs, with one hand outstretched. In her hand was an orb of swirling crimson wind with black petals in the inside. “Petals of the Whirlwind, Fire,” she cried. To those around her, they would have thought she only spoke one command, when in fact she spoke two. The first was for the orb in her hand to burst forward creating a vortex that pushed anything in its path away. Most vortexes would draw things in, but this one only pushed things back, and away from its user. The second command was for an Iramasha Fire Gem that was sown into her glove. The fireball that equals a cero would erupt from the gem and mix with the vortex. Together the attack would dentate all the orbs before they would even reach the two. However, Chika was still in the air, and the back blast would throw her back.

She was sure that her actions were sure to make an enemy out of the Shinigami. After hearing him speak, she was pretty sure that he was crazy; almost cut from the same cloth as the other nut jobs back at the lab. She just hopes the other human was kind enough not to stab her in the back as she both their bacons. How knows what is for sure, but she hoped it would come back to bite her butt later on. With that thought, she twisted her body to recover from the force of the back blast, and land on the ground skidding backwards.
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Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:00 am
Tamari was quite upset at herself as it became clear that she had greatly underestimated what her foe was capable of. First he had managed to dodge her fist, something that she had not really expected. On top of that he had blocked her kido with some kind of wall and then somehow caught up to her despite her superior speed. She had gathered enough information from his previous movements that with the boost from her flash soul step that she should have been faster than him with just natural speeds, and she was sure he hadn’t used flash step. However, if he thought he could catch her off guard with his sudden appearance, he would soon find out he was dead wrong. He had miscalculated her abilities just as she had his. As he attempted to form his attack he would find out why it wasn’t such a smart idea. As the plasma formed on his arm she was already moving, flash stepping so that she was a mere foot in front of him before he could do anything more with the plasma.

“Soul break.”

Her arm shooting forward as the plasma broke up in to tiny orbs. Her fist was aimed at his chest, directly in the center. It would not be easy for him to dodge the hit, her speed and reaction timing having increased a fair amount since her last hit. If it landed? Her soul force she had charged in to her fist would rush in to his body, disrupting the man’s control of his muscles slightly, resulting in him being slower and weaker in physical aspects. Her punch finished, she flash stepped back to her previous position just as the final orb completed itself. Her danger senses were going crazy from both her front and back though despite the shinigami’s attack only coming from the front. Spinning around, she noticed raised her hand to block the object that had been whistling towards her only for it to stop. Then the person holding the object, which she now realized was a scythe of some sort, seemed to use a technique to blast apart the orbs the shinigami had made. Like the other one, she did not have time to move out of the backlash, however instead of being blown backwards Tamari dug her feet in to the ground as she poured her soul force in to her soul skin technique, for a mere couple of seconds reaching defensive heights that would leave most quite surprised. At the same time as she was raising it, she flash stepped right in to the center of the blast, just to prove a point.

She felt the blast around her, the devastating destruction which ripped at her body. Still, it did not do as much damage as it would have, and she smirked as the area in front of her cleared once more. Her chi flared up, the injuries upon her body repairing themselves quickly and efficiently. While she had trained to use chi in addition to her soul force, only vindeca, the healing ability, had proved of any use to her. While her other chi abilities were barely there or she was completely incapable of using them, her vindeca was beyond what any of would expect.As the green glow around her faded, her hair returning to the color white as she returned to her base state due to the strain of using her soul force in such a manner, she looked directly in to the eyes of the shinigami . Backing up, she held her hands in a defensive position as she started to speak.

“I did that to prove a point, shinigami. This whole little fight I have used techniques that would not be lethal. I was looking to incapacitate, not kill, and you know it. I have just shown you that I’ve had the defenses to tank your assault head on if I wanted. You seem intent on dragging me back to a place that is simply a pile of rubble currently, thanks to one of your idiots. I don’t know what is going through your head, but can’t we stop fighting like this and talk things out like the mature individuals I hope each of us are?”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Cookie
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Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:43 am

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Cruel Reality - Word Count: 2650


It seems that no matter how much she tries to teach her the ways of miscalculations, indeed that his were not perfect and may end up a miscalculation at times, however, the only mistake she did was thinking that he had made the same mistake as her. Trying to compare his abilities with herself is like comparing between a boot and an ant, that his knowledge derives from more than enough books to make up the entire world, and because of the possibilities that his calculations may fail, he creates backups after backups to support these miscalculations, if his tactics were to fail, it would only pop up a new surprise. This is the capability of his cyberbrain, something that bests most supercomputers in this world in a size of an organic brain, no different from the rest. He doesn't take it for granted against the confinement that he has gone through in his childhood days, wihout even the need to look at the sun, he already knew what it was by means of details and calculations-wise.

True, there are some miscalculations in her behaviour and seems that she had the bravery to hit him with an attack, by this 'soul force' ability before he had the chance to do anything else with the orbs, but it was the best to know what true underestimation means. He didn't need to dodge, even if he is weak against physical combat, it doesn't mean that his mind is weak as well. A good slam right against his chest, given to his endurance against pain, it hurts very much like his ribcage was being smashed by a truck, as much as he dislikes taking the hit directly, causing spasms to his muscles are very much a nigh-impossible task when it comes to users who are electromagnetism manipulators, since he is able to manipulate such things, bio-electricity in his own body is not exception as well. Tamari may as well consider that all this time when he attacked Tamari, it was never coming from the work of his own physical aspects, or simply put, he never required to physically fight in combat at all, that weakening his physical aspects of his body is more or less a useless attempt against him when his chest was slammed with such a force, blowing him backwards in a distance before letting behind his feet, blood dripping out from his mouth with his hood still equipped to cover his appearance.

Well, he was surprised after the series of explosion that Hisao had created, for someone like her to surprise a man like him, regeneration was one of the obvious traits and just like her, if he wanted to, he could use a level of frequency that slips away even the likes of Tamari's detection no matter how great her abilities are unless she can sense something that has a specific wavelength that has randomized information that may seem like it doesn't pose any threat at all, and that frequency he induces? In general, it could simply shut down her regenerative abilities that almost a majority of beings in this world possesses, even if their regenerative properties are different from the rest, they don't stray from the original since the only common trait they hold that it heals individual's wounds, nothing else than that to require an information to outright stop a regeneration ability for a short amount of time. What really surprises him the most was how they needed to ascend to their next state in order to survive these feats of explosions, an effort that only requires time and calculations, nothing else than using very much a portion of his spiritual energy, that was all.

It was funny, when the 'human' began to speak towards him, implying for maturity and civil attitude in this type of irreversable situation where the damage has been done. He didn't intend to sign peace with someone who escaped from the maggot's nest where she belongs, even if it is under destruction, by using his Field Of Construction ability, it only needs a large portion of his spiritual energy to rebuild it pieces by pieces, in the first place, how did she break out from the tough defenses that not even a 1 tier can break out easily? Of course, he did take notice of a young woman in the hood, much of a design like him, his clothes were thicker and more refined in a way of its style, but he was more focused in retaining the self-proclaimed human, and with his reply to her 'mature conversation'? He would force it to crumble down with his nothing more than a cold-blooded words, with neatly arranged sentence and logical statements of what had happened earlier ago.

"Talk things out? KUAHAHAHAHA!!! Like matured people, eh? So, you want to TALK THINGS OUT after an attempted escape from the maggot's nest and attempted destruction of the hospital? If you said that it was an accident, what happens if i didn't close down the gap myself with the machine i had created? Your maturity that you mention of would've caused hundreds or thousands of lives from the collapse of the buildings, the patients that resides within it, the doctors that may be trying to heal those patients, parents who may be hospitalized or even childrens may be inside of that hospital, including the death of passer-bys. True, i've already closed the gap already and its in the past, but have you ever thought the lives of others before doing so? No. You talk of maturity and wanting to talk things out, but i'll just deny that. You have already made the third criminal attempt, threatening the safety of the civilians."

The lives of others, were the biggest burden on him. Mentioning those facts only brought him down lower, insanity that drives within his soul before his spiritual power seems to grow much higher. Yes, the past he never wanted to remember, the childrens of the project, that one project that wanted to create an artificial God, and many deaths of childrens occured before his eyes. Some couldn't take the pressure and died from the heavy stress in the experiments, some were concluded as being a 'useless and non-functioning guinea pigs' and were discarded through death, and some died in the middle of the experiment when they were tested with weapons, or died through surgery. A few had survived through the entire ordeal before the destruction of the Project, and to end the misery of the surviving childrens, he had escaped by himself and detonated the entire site, destroyed every piece of evidence about the project and pretended that it never existed. It was a nightmare, a wish for revenge against his foster parents, and the day that had driven him to the corner, wiped out all the light he thought there were but consumed by the darkness and anger of revenge. Taking the lives of others, especially if there is a possibility of where there may be children to reside in the hospital would be completely unforgivable. For someone like him to be traumatized by the past, with such an attempt is possible to leave an effect in his emotions and mentality, completely twisting his logics and reasoning to the point where he could no longer take it.

Yes, all he wanted was to protect those that are alive, and avenge those that are dead, very much a dead-set goal that was given the moment he escaped that place. He couldn't let anyone die anymore, not before his eyes. Disguising his good will with sheer insanity, it would be a tough way to know whether he is a good guy or a bad guy, as good as it may seem, he keeps himself neutral from the rest of being the center of the circle. However, it would not be long before he becomes consumed by madness when he was reminded of the past due to this specific incident, but he won't be defeated so easily over emotional problems, since he wouldn't want someone to complain too much about his overly emotional personality whenever he goes up and around the likes of Soul Society. Cracking one of his finger, all he could leave was the usual grin on his lips to show how pleasurable this situation is to him, having another girl to even try to be his opponent, it was going to be fun at the least.

But.. Whispers began to wonder in his mind. A mixture of voices that seems to be static at first, before it became clear when his expression took changes, lips seemed to bend downwards, now with a displeasing face that was written clearly by the way he now stands. Sudden changes took place, as much as she likes, even for a spiritual being like her, his spiritual energy now leaks out from his body slowly, swirling and twisting with mixture of violet and red aura, while when it comes to sensing it, it would feel like his spiritual power is mixed with another being's, that began to become dominant slowly and progressively. Yes, the one who whispered, the nameless that shall soon became the named one, the embodiment of his insanity, his Zanpakutō spirit that has manifested from the pain and suffering he has once received, the death of childrens that he has witnessed as a child himself, thus the existence of his Zanpakutō spirit was manifested because of his mentality and emotions that overtook him. Its first appearance whispered in his ears, asking him with one simple question wihout any hesitation as his entire physical being went silent, standing and was vulnerable to all attacks. One thing that they would realise if they start to begin their barrage of attacks against him, is that his body seems to harden at its utmost level when he has undergone a sub-concious conversation with his now manifested Zanpakutō spirit who seems to be able to get through his protective layer of mind. Using spatial slice would seem to screech against his skin and be blown away, soul break would have its physical force redirected back into her arm and inflict the damage back towards the user, projectiles and blades would stop momentarily the moment it has touched his skin, breaking apart into pieces. It lasted for no longer than 10 seconds during this conversation that seemed like forever to him yet fast to others.

A voice of a female only whispered in his sub-concious mind, "Do you wish to protect?", she whispered. He was silent for a moment, corpses of the former and now deceased childrens whom Hisao once witnessed floated above the empty ground, filled with void. What stands before him was his Zanpakutō spirit, a little girl, a brat to him, gazing its eyes to him with the grin he always uses, a sarcastic smile cracked on her expression, black hair with yellow dyes at the end of her bangs, standing much shorter than his entire figure and wears in a loli-goth style. His silence was only for a moment before grinning back with a short simply, "Isn't it obvious?", only to break a laughter for the girl when she found the reply being too funny for her, as sarcastic as he could be, it would only incite a laughter for her to throw at, but nevertheless, it was a good reply when her body became static like a television, her hand rose out for a handshake, with one last sentence to his answer.

"I'll lend you my power once for giving me a good laughter from your sarcasm, and next time, you won't be so lucky to use my abilities again. If you truly want to obtain and use your shikai again, fight me for real the next time we meet."

And there goes the 10 seconds.

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Saikyou No Nanori - Word Count: Look Above

Slipping his hand into the back of his hooded jacket, his spiritual power seems to climb further and further beyond his own level, his breathing was stable, cyberbrain is still in its perfect condition and physical body to be in shape, and in that calm stance of his with a displeased look on his lips, he would only shout a command, the one that now reveals his power, the Shikai. "Rule The World."

It was never a big change, with the wind that blasts outwards like a great force, a great sword was pulled out, having an appearance of a great sword with hundreds of violet-colored stripes that styles very much like circuitry across the blade, as almost 3/4th of his own height when it comes to comparing its length against him, and as thick as 5 to 6 inches wide on its own, with each of his Nasods suddenly changing its forms into something more smaller and neat, rings across the side of the Nasods with the center of the Nasods being an empty hollow, only with bright violet energy blasting out from the two ends of the bottom and the top of the Nasods. Simplistic design, his jacket became smaller and the rings on his wrists seems to get bigger and thicker, very much the same design as his Nasods are, however, the rings are actually his 'Pointer' equipment that creates a beam of electromagnetic wave into the earth and emits an electromagnetic pulse throughout the area, and of course, in a much bigger radius than what he could originally do. A tail-like equipment extends from his back, with the end that equips nothing more than a spike that allows him to fire a fairly weak blast akin to a bala, but three times of its speed in accordance of its weak damage that are as powerful as his orbs can do.

At this point, Hisao became far more dangerous than he should've been from the beginning, with a twisted will and insanity that grows within his soul, it seems he developed a more aggressive personality due to the influence of his Zanpakutō spirit being more dominant in personality that caused it to mix together with his own mentality. In general, his own mind is fused with his Zanpakutō spirit, both body and soul. While he is still in shikai state, true that he attained some of his Zanpakutō spirit's personality, but his own mentality is more dominant than his spirit's, while hers is more of a recessive personality than dominant, giving him a balance between his spirit's and his own. Though, the only traits that seems to change in him mentally is his personality, that is throughoutly both more aggressive and a capable fighter in terms of speed, intellect and ranged combat, making his coordination capabilities much more precise than usual, and of course, his calculation prowess and construction abilities far surpasses his own level in his sealed state. If one is able to view his reiatsu, it would seem to flow outwards calmly from his body in a mixture of violet and red.

Inhaling slowly, he would only speak what he needed to in this situation with now his shikai is released at this point, since this is more of a borrowed power than his own, it is more tiring for his physical body to handle it, and it may seem that it has a side effect to his mental and emotional states the longer he tries to retain this state further on, but one thing he knows is that his spiritual power was powerful enough to make even the seated members above his level to drop a sweat just from getting near him. Since he is a ranged user than a physical combatant, it is more likely that he possesses more spiritual energy than an average shinigami.

"If you still persist in talking things out, then i would suggest you to cooperate and return back to the Maggot's Nest as i'll initiate the repair of the area. If you don't comply.. I WON'T GUARANTEE THAT YOU'LL MAKE IT OUT ALIVE, KUKUKUKUKUKU."

Coding in template and Graphics By: [THEFROST] & Kylekaotikk
Header & Template By: Sou Yuuki

Empty, blank space.
Shirou Mamoru
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Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:20 pm

Chika gripped her scythe tightly in her hand as she steadied herself. Thankfully her attack had created enough forward pressure that she got away with only scraps and bruise. She was thankful that she was a bit more durable than other humans. It would have hurt otherwise and would have caused her considerable damage. In away she was lucky, her body was built for speed and because of that it also meant to take a hit. If it weren't, she could have very well died a long time ago. If some that could go the speed she could, tripping would most likely die since the fall would break every bone in their body. Although broken bones she was not worried about, it was the effects of the back blast. Most pressure waves put strain on organs and other parts of the body. Most of her left side left a little numb from the blast, but if any more explosions didn’t hit her, then she would be just fine.

Chika turned her attention away from her injuries; she listened in on the conversation, and for the first time was able to study the other two. The first was that of the other human, who looked older than her by a few years. Except who knows how old she is because supernatural powers made everything difficult to tell. Their bronze skin, white hair, and furs and leather outfit made her look like an amazon warrior. Chika could tell that she was a Soul Evolved human like her, but there was something more. She picked up another energy wavelength from her, it almost reminded her of a Shinigami. Expect she knew that white haired woman was human. Then it hit her she was a Ziamichi The way the woman spoke made her assure of her power. In a way that was scary, but Chika was sure that she could take her, even though it would be a close fight. Although the words, she spoke made Chika stop and think. She wondered if she was truly falsely imprisoned. If that were true then maybe she should help her escape.

Then there was the Shinigami, who she couldn’t make out the details of his face. Like her, he wore a hood consoling his features. Although she thought she caught a glance of purple from beneath his hood. To her his clothes look like someone that spends too much time with technology. It seemed that every part of his clothing was covered with some tech. If she could, then she would do the same or even more tech. The only thing that bugged her about his clothing was that it was white. It was such a droll color; it should be something other than white, like black. Ya, you can never go wrong with black.

However, his words stop her musings cold. Beneath her hood, her eyes were wide at what she heard.

“Attempted destruction… Hospital… Lives lost… Children…”

In a brief moment, Chika lost herself in a memory. It was during her fleeing Shadowfall controlled countries of the wastelands and the freedom of nations like Japan. Before she had left she came across a small village, she had stopped there to perches some supplies for her journey with money she had liberated from a guard from the facility. She had a large amount of food, and she saw a kid that was begging for food. She had left the kid a bag of different assortment of food that she thought she could leave behind. She was about to leave the town when a hollow attacked. She rushed to confront it, but when she arrived, she saw something horrifying. In the rubble was a child’s hand, clutching it was the bag of food she had left. Needless to say, the Hollow didn’t survive long after that.

Feeling a change, she snapped out of the memory. The Shinigami had released his Shikai and from the spiritual pressure he was mad. She ignored him and focused solely on the other human. Deep beneath her hood her eyes burned with rage.


Deep with inside her, a fire roared it caused a wind to swell inside her. She was thinking about helping the woman escape. Giving her support against the Shinigami. Now she didn’t.


Her mind flashes images before her. The young child, the old man from the Facility, images of the hospital that she has never seen, and the people sick and injured there.

“Unforgivable!!!” Chika screamed as her killing intent spiked to a new level. She ignored the last bit of whatever the Shinigami said as her body moved on its own. Entering her first Soul Evolution, State felt like being pulled. Her second stage felt like being shot forward like a stone from a slingshot. Her red hood burst into a storm of red petals. Her raven hair glowed as the unnatural red hue and burst to life, and the grew to reach her back. Her silver eyes turned ruby in hue and glowed with killing intent. Her cloaked spilt into five sections and formed a point as it flapped from the wind emanating from her. Her scythe gained a black glow as she moved into to one hand while a second black glow formed in her free hand. Now in both of her hands was a scythe although one was created from her Soul.

Giving a war cry she charged the other woman. From behind Chika a burst of wind appeared with the same force of the explosions from earlier. It would slam into the other human as Chika reached her. In her hands, both scythe heads where angled back to give the maximum cutting potential. Sing both scythes inward she meant to cut her target torso area.

If the others looked upon her face, they would find a feral grin, and a darkness hidden behind her ruby eyes. Deep behind those eye something hungered for battle, and it knew what button to press.
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Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:01 am
The shinigami’s words stabbed in to her, the pain of what he said causing her to look away as tears slowly dripped down from her eyes. She knew it was true what he said, if not for his interference many lives might have been lost due to her actions. While said actions might have been more instinctual then a product of her desires, it was still her fault. Could she still not control her instincts, would her primal side which she had developed during her time in the wilderness continue to haunt her life by causing her to make bad decision after bad decision? Her shoulders sagged as her arms fell to her sides, head bowed slightly in hopes of hiding the shame that showed in her eyes. Even as the man released his zanpakto she didn’t react, trapped in her own thoughts and sorrow. However, the burst of killing intent did cause a reaction from her. Instinct kicking in to overdrive, her body turn towards the other human, dull eyes watching as the zanpakto she uses manifested itself in her right hand. As the blast of wind touched her, she dug her feet in to the ground, refusing to lose to the power of this person. Her senses screamed danger to her as the scythes the woman wielded swung towards her. Snarling like a wild beast, instincts taking full control as her mind became more like an animal and less like a human. Just before the scythes hit her, her body moved backwards, just out of range of the scythe blades. Even as she was doing so, she swung her sword downward at the female. Now, if this was anything but her zanpakto, the swing would have missed the girl by an inch. However, it was her zanpakto, and through the zanpakto’s manipulation of space its cutting range was actually three inches longer than the length of the zanpakto. So if the female didn’t move, her blade would cut in to her torso despite the fact that the blade had never even reached her, it would look like an invisible blade had sliced through her. If the female had managed to evade the attack, Tamari would stumble backwards, a look of horror on her face. However, if she had managed to cut the female, she would instead collapse to the ground, a cry of pain leaving her.

After a short period of time, the white haired girl would turn towards the shinigami, pain, sadness, and resignation clear in her eyes. Her voice was soft as tears streamed forth from her eyes, the zanpakto she wielded disappearing as it returned to the one it truly belonged to.

“Fine… just… promise me I’ll be able to talk to someone? I don’t… I don’t want to be alone anymore…”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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