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a day in the life of Zeus Empty a day in the life of Zeus

Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:28 am
A noise was ringing out. A loud noise. A noise that was loud enough to pierce the heavens. The noise kept going over and over again. It was unrelenting. It was getting louder and louder. zeus opened his tired eyes and tried to focus on the devilish noisemaker. He slowly reached his arm out to grab it. He struggles to get his arm up, but he finally gets his hand on it. He brings it up to his ear. "Hello." zeus groans out. The noisemaker stopped ringing, but now it was spewing out nonsenses that zeus had trouble deciphering. Through all the nonsense coming at zeus, he caught dummy, late, and get to school. zeus froze for a moment. He was thinking about the enticing call of sleep, and he thought about his exhaustion. The next second all of zeus's fatigue and sleepiness left his body. "I'm late!" zeus threw his phone against the wall., and sprung into action.

He tossed his covers off himself. He jumped up, and sprinted right out the door. He then back pedaled back into his house. "Forgot my clothes." zeus takes a look at the clock. He thought to himself "ehh I'm already so late, I'm sure I dont need to rush." After an hour of showering, teeth brushing and breakfast eating zeus finally had clothes on. zeus sat down for a moment. He took a good look at his apartment. It was a pretty big apartment. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a spectacular kitchen. zeus was lucky to be in a position to afford the rent of the place. The problem was zeus didn't see anyone. There was no one else. Only zeus. zeus was all alone. Whenever zeus were alone like this, he needed a moment to collect himself. TheLoneliness always brought back memories from his past. Those three days he was all alone. How his parents never came back. At this point, zeus was holding back tears. He stood up and walked to his phone, that somehow survived the throwing. He tried to call his friend. It went straight to voice mail. "Oh yeah, everyone is at school." he said in a low voice.

zeus sets his phone down. He shakes his head back and forth, and swallowed his sadness. "I should get to school!" he said in a completely contrasting voice from a few seconds ago. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and headed out. The sun was shining outside. It was a beautiful day. The sun rays smacked zeus in the face without mercy, and zeus enjoyed it. He walked briskly down the street, taking the normal route he usually takes in order to get to school. While he was walking, he came across a large tree. zeus had a strange fet... ummm fascination with trees. He loved to climb trees. All trees must be climbed. But he had no time to climb this one. Then a sound came from the tree. A meow echoed through the tree limbs. zeus did a complete 180 and stared down the tree. He looked it up and down, examining the foundation and structure of the tree. He gave a smirk and a golden aura flowed over zeus. He ran towards the tree, and ran right up its trunk seamlessly. He jumped and swung around branches, and dodged tree limbs. He perched himself on a limb and found a cat stranded on the tree. "How did you get up here cat?!" he yelled excitingly at the cat.

The cat was startled and leaped away to another branch. zeus then says "I'm trying to save you!" he jumps to the branch the cat was on. The cat looks at zeus. zeus looks at the cat.The cat continues looking at zeus. zeus continues looking at the cat. They stared intensely at each other. The tension in the air could be cut with a butter knife. zeus whispers "bring it on." and the battle was on. The cat jumps from branch to branch with zeus following close behind. They went all around the tree. Jumping and leaping on every tree limb. There was no slowing down the cat. zeus needed to hurry up and catch the cat so he could make it to school. Sure he was incredibly late, but he at least had to show up. "Cat come here!" zeus yelled doing his best to grasp the cat. zeus stops on a branch. The cat lands on a higher up branch, and taunts zeus by sticking its tongue out at zeus. zeus's face was dumbfounded. He had been humiliated by the cat for the last time. "Stupid cat, you're going to be rescued whether you like it or not!" zeus charged up his power. His aura intensified, and he jumps with all his might and speed. He could feel the fur in between his hands. With a strong sense of victory zeus jumps down from the tree. He lands silently on his feet. He looks down at the captured cat. The cat was vigorously squirming trying to escape zeus's clutches. "ahhh I saved the day." zeus sets the cat down. It instantly runs away. zeus continues on his way to school. He crouches down in a runner's position. With a flash of golden aura zeus bursts off, leaving a trail of dust behind him.

a day in the life of Zeus Rapid_Cero_Fire
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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a day in the life of Zeus Empty Re: a day in the life of Zeus

Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:25 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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