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Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:57 pm
T'was a quiet day on the outskirts of the city. Aluk'suul was gliding through the peaceful plain minding his own business. Buzz, buzz, buzz could be heard as he used his energy to propel himself across the landscape. He was currently levitating himself a good five meters in the air. The adjuchas-level hollow was silently thinking to himself, about what to do next since he has not absorbed any knowledge or adapted any sort of techniques in the pass couple days. Rumbling could be heard in the hollows stomach, it seemed he truly fed upon knowledge. Suddenly the rumbling grew louder, and louder, before he realized it was not his stomach that was making the loud noise. He quickly surveyed his surroundings to spot a rather large hoard of zombies heading towards the city.

'THE LIBRARY NOOOO!!!!!!' Gliding towards the zombie hoard, he started to gather his reishi into his two smaller eyes. Lightning arcs from his tentacles striking the ground and propelling himself faster and faster towards the hoard. He suddenly started to unleash pure purple orbs of energy upon the hoard. These orbs of energy were essentially time-bombs, that had the same amount of power and energy consumption that a bala would cost the powerful hollow. The tentacles of the mighty beast waved around wildly spraying acidic sweat around in the beasts anger. Everywhere the acid fell, steam would rise up from the melted section of zombie or object. In his rush to protect his precious books and knowledge, he did not sense the zombie that attempted to jump at his back.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
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Zombie Burst The Movie[Zombie Burst Mission] Empty Re: Zombie Burst The Movie[Zombie Burst Mission]

Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:11 pm

"Merlin, back away! Don't come in here!"

My hands, trembling with fear. The beads of sweat, uncontrollably running down my cheek. It was a first for such a situation. Never had I feared anything, nor felt nervous. Anxious.

Blood. It was a first for that too. Blood from my fist. The pain. The writhing pain, my first experience. It hurt. It hurt so much. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt it hurt it hurt it hurt. But still.

"Merlin! I said don't come in here!"

How could I? You were right there, just a few feet away, blocked by this glass. I just need to break it. Right? Glass won't be a problem for me. I can just.. Power through.


But. You're hurt. How could I leave you there hurt? Hurt.. Yeah. I'm hurt. But.. you're hurt even more. You're hurt. You're hurt you're hurt you're hurt you're hurt. These words. Echoing through my head. Who's hurt? Why am I hurt? You're hurt. YOU'RE HURT.



My fist. It's moving forward. What's going on? My fist. It's bleeding. It hurts. IT HURTS!!! It's painful, but... but..[i] My whole body was shaking. It really did hurt. The pain. I was sensitive to it. It coursed through my arm. My fist. My knuckles were shattered... but it felt like my whole arm, slowly thrashed inside out. My flesh, open for once, the filthy air invading me. It was painful.

His eyes were teary. His voice was muffled. Nose was running. His face was turned and twisted, fear wreaking havoc on his eyes.

"Merlin.. please.." A quiet whisper. A sobbing noise accompanied... "Please... I'll.. I'll hurt you.. plea-"


Madness. It was in my eyes. On my face. Coated in pain. In fear... In tears.

I roared.


My hand drew back. It smashed into the glass. It didn't break. Why didn't it break? I was strong. I was always strong. I was strong. Everything was fragile before me. I was strong. Harder. Harder. HARDER. HARDER HARDER HARDER.

Again. Again and again, my fist shot forward. The glass.. What kind of glass? It didn't break, no matter how many times I swung. It was so painful. I couldn't handle it. My legs gave. The pain was throughout my whole body. My chest clenched tight. My teeth grit hard. It was so painful.

Blood. Blood drew from my mouth. My teeth pushed against each other. It dripped everywhere. I was soaked in it.

It was painful.


You were in pain too. Who were you?

You're hurt.


You're hurt.

Why? Stop it. Stop hurting. Stop hurting!

Tears ran down my face, more so than before. They weren't tears from pain. Not physical pain. From the heart. My heart ached.

I sobbed. My voice shook as I breathed. It shook. It quivered. It wavered.

Just.. just stop hurting...! I'll help you.. stop. Just stop!


My head. My head smashed into the glass.

It hurt. It really hurt. My forehead. It hurt. It bled.

The glass shattered. And so did this dream.


Merlin's eyes opened wide, his mouth gaping and gasping for air, his hands on his forehead and throat.

Whaa.. what? It was.. a dream? What.. what kind of dream was that?

Merlin lifted his torso up, from a previously laid down position. Sitting up-right his palms were placed firmly on the concrete ground under him.

"Hup!" Merlin rolled his body back and lifted his knees to touch his chest. Once he came to a stop after rolling back, his feet jolted forward as his legs extended, the momentum carrying his body to a standing halt. He spoke, his thoughts said aloud. "Hmm... what was that dream? Seemed really vivid. Like a memory or something.. and who was the person behind the glass? I couldn't see him." Merlin's hand raised, his fingers cupping his chin as his other hand bent to support the former by the elbow.

"But more importantly." Looking to his left, the ground he was on seemed to be the roof of a building; further past this sight were scattered beings, left and right, dozens of them, likely even hundreds. Amongst them seemed to be an interesting character, whizzing around with some sort of static bolts flying from behind him. "That seems interesting."

Merlin took a few steps forward, his hands placed in the pockets of his jean-shorts. He eventually reached the edge of the roof he was on, squinting his eyes as if he were scouting the area, surveying the situation at hand.

"Whadda ya think, Levi?" Merlin quickly spoke these words before briefly pausing.

"Levi? Hm.... must've been an impulsive phrase."

Ignoring his own words, Merlin skipped forward, hopping off the building and finding himself on the ground, feet firmly planted, a slight jolt running through his body from the recoil of the fall, but barely holding any significance in volume.

Well, I suppose I can take a closer look, can't I? Merlin knees bent forward, a curious grin on his face. His legs straightened in an instant, a burst of speed propelling the boy at a speed beyond one's usual capability to see. The ground where he once stood crackled, a slight crater showing.

His feet had yet to touch the ground as his speed maintained at an insane height. Traveling during this rapid leap, he took notice to the surroundings and the people he passed by. They weren't normal. Sort of... lifeless, in a way.

Ahh, here I am.

His speed began to drop as he was rather close to the odd creature spewing some acidic substance and explosives everywhere. Upon approaching the intended location, as accurately calculated that Merlin would find himself mere metres from the creature, his feet extended forward and pushed down, slowly decelerating his bodies motion.

"Heya, weird dude--what's goin' on here?" Merlin came to a standing halt once again, as calculated to be a few metres away from the beast before him, seemingly attacking the lifeless bodies that approached the city in the background.


Zombie Burst The Movie[Zombie Burst Mission] 8Bvy1N8


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Zombie Burst The Movie[Zombie Burst Mission] Empty Re: Zombie Burst The Movie[Zombie Burst Mission]

Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:00 pm