Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:31 pm
Drip... Drip.

The blood dripped consecutively, falling from the tip of the male's hand, his dishelved expression gaining nothing but pure pleasure from the act as the woman fell over backwards, as body rising completely out of the floor. "Instability levels reaching maximum levels...! Hehe..." He let out, the small laughs leaving his mouth uncontrollably as the snake's mans arms reached out from him, seeming to move about rapidly as he chuckled, the snake coming out of hsi stomach slithering around as it devoured the woman, leaving nothing behind except a bit of snake saliva. "Shall we bleed out these blood lovers, Hebi..."

"Hehe... Sub race...? Sub race... does that mean they think they're safe...? Does it, Hebi? What do you think...?" He asked, his voice no longer using his lower vocal chords... He was hysteric as he began talking to the snake, before he began to chuckle to himself out loud, gripping his sides with his arms as the laughs left his body, his jawopened wide and not caring as the red cloak around his body shifted, his torso becoming exposed as it slowly changed to white, a screw appearing out of the side of his head as he began to smile, his smile growing far beyond the normal status...

"I want to... Dissect things... I want to..." He breathed out, gripping onto the transformed Hebi as he held the scythe out at his side. "Dismember Sueki!!" The male roared as his body began to move rapidly. The first male who heard his cry appeared in front of him, attempting to turn into shadows before the strange scythe hit him, roaring with a strange electricity as his entire body was overrun completely, the Doctor appearing in front of him in an instant as he laughed out loud, the scythe moving so fast in front of him that it wasn't even visible to the target as massive rends appeared in the wall behind him.

His body fell into pieces as lops and bits of him fell off, falling to the ground below as the Doctor's fingers gripped onto the male's skull, his eyes hidden behind the sheen of his now blood-soaked glasses as the electricity soared from his hand, frying the man's mind in moments as he released the now toasted skull, laughing to himself in a manner that was filled with shadow and darkness.

He gripped his face with one hand, his eye contracting into a very, very small pupil as he held most of his face with his hand. "This is... not research... This is... Heh... Slaughter." He muttered to himself, before his eye began to widen in accordance with his smile, his hand moving away from his face as his laugh began to increase in size from his body. The laugh increased further and further until his eye became completely consumed with it.

His brain was numb; it had stopped thinking once again. That mad Doctor had reentered that state where he had stopped caring. Suzu was nowhere to be seen; that was fine with him, theoretically. everything was fine with him right now. He didn't care if people killed him. He held no fear whatsoever. He held only desire, only the desire to cut, to cause to learn. He wished to advance himself, at no matter the cost to himself...

A blade whizzed past himself, the shuriken nailing itself between his eyeglasses as the nosepiece snapped, leaving the two focals on his face as the shuriken stuck out of his forehead. It didn't even leave a scratch, despite the explosion that ensued in his face. The pieces were thrown to either side and at last he sighed, his body vanishing as the perpetrator, a female Sueki this time, felt the blade course through her body. "Sanctuary is pointless without a defender. Do you not know our.. hehe... world...?" He asked the girl who was struggling to hold her body together, blood gurgling from the outside of her mouth as the Doctor's scythe began to move, stabbing into her crotch as it split her body in twain, moving upwards as it destroyed her body. It continued to advance as her rib cage was opened, the male's Spiritual Force pressed completely on her.

The spiritual force was so much that she was completely paralyzed. "Oh, blood and touching of the sacred organs... I thought this was what you lived on! HEheheheheAHAHAHA! THEN I'LL JUST INDULGE IN SEEING WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET IT REMOVED!!" The Doctor let out as his left hand grabbed the heart, pulling on it as the blood spurred from her, coating his white cloak and flowing down it as it covered the inside of his body with its slick feeling, his eyes tracing the heart as it left her body, his breaths shuddering from pure excitement.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Queen Of The Sands
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Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:26 am

Guess I'll reserve to post next
Queen Of The Sands
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Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:35 am

Sueki Slaughter. [Open] SHlK2Ja

Violette Castelle

Something wasn't right. The calm night within the Sueki realm was not at peace as it should be as vibrations through the air of screams reached the main chambers of the High countess. She was not abruptly awoken by these chilling sounds but her entire body, even her soul was thrust from her room in a rush to get to the source of this pain. Sometimes, these things would happen. The sueki often injured one another for pleasure. The blood was something for them to revel in but this was not that sort of pain. This wasn't pleasure. This was absolute despair. She could feel it close by. Someone was here uninvited and that scared her the most. How could an outsider even find their domain? Nobody in Sueki history, in the archives and records had ever found their home before. Why now? Did somebody slip up outside of the eternal night? Did a sueki turn rogue or even traitor against the high Countess? She could only guess as she bolted down the dimly lit hallways towards the place of anguish.

This woman, the High Countess of all Sueki Kind, was Violette Castelle. She was renown among her people and worshipped almost like a god. Why? Because she was beautiful, she was strong and she was smart. She could lead the race through the light and out the other side back into the shadows. They knew they could place their faith in her. However if someone from the outside had invaded then could she actually repel them? She didn't know. But she had to try.

Violette approached the room where the sounds of death had now come to an abrupt stop. There were Sueki here in the halls, some cowering in fear. Noticing their Countesses presence though, many began to hold onto their sanity. Some even managed to get to their feet and run to safety, knowing that their idol had arrived. Instead of simply bursting into the room to quell the threat, Violette took a more tactful approach. She had happened many Sueki hadn't forgotten about their powers. In a flash of darkness, Violettes entire body was rendered into shadow. She became one with the night. Her body was darkness itself and she rushed into the room in the form of a dangerous gust of black. The candles that lined the walls were all immediately put out. The cutrain on the tall window was yanked shut and the room of blood and death was sent into jet black. Vision was impossible for those with normal eyes. However for the Sueki kind, all was clear and bright as day to them.

Violettes mist-like body allowed her to get a good look at her target. It was male, scaled, white hair, very serpent-like and weirdly enough had the features of a snake growing from his body. This additional appendage brought some...curious thoughts to Violettes mind. Some wouldn't mind getting bitten by something like that. So long as they get spat out again of course. Now was not the time to start this chain of thought. This man was a threat, and she wasn't going to play around. Though not the sort of person to just dive right in, she waited. She watched. What would this man do? Would he even know she was there? Would he understand what she was? Most importantly...

... how and why was he even here...?

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Sueki Slaughter. [Open] Empty Re: Sueki Slaughter. [Open]

Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:54 pm
(Reserving a post for Thalia. I need to let those two have some fun.)

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Sueki Slaughter. [Open] Empty Re: Sueki Slaughter. [Open]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:26 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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