Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3]

Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:39 pm
Magus Template


Name: Amelia
True Age: 21
Gender: Futa. Yes, due to a certain incident in her early life she has both male and female genitalia. She is slightly androgynous though she will eventually grow breasts. See her history for more information..
  • Always happy: Amelia seems to be perpetually happy, always having a smile on her face. However, this is just her way of dealing with emotional pain, she just buries it beneath a mountain of smiles and cheerfulness.
  • Peaceful: Amelia dislikes fighting with others, preferring to handle things in peaceful manners. However, this does not mean she won't fight. She will if she does not believe she can persuade them through different means.
  • Calm: Amelia almost never gets overly emotional. She has seen herself die and live through it at a young age and this profoundly effected her as it rid her of her fear of death. Due to this she has never learned to fear anything, leading to a calm, collected personality.
  • Doesn't listen well to others: Oddly enough Amelia has a hard time listening to others if they don't explain to her why they want her to do something. This is due to her free person attitude, one where she believes in the freedom of a person above all else. This causes her to sometimes break laws due to her own internal desire for freedom, but she hasn't done anything major as of yet.

General Appearance

Appearance: Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Chibit10
Animalistic Traits: Amelia has cat like ears and a very fluffy tail. The tail is sort of like a Maine Coon’s tail, but of a dark brownish color.
Appearance Age: 9
Height: 4 feet even
Weight: 60 lbs

Natural Abilities

Basic Magic:


Magecraft Unleashed

Lost magic, Conceptual Summoning: Amelia’s magic is known as Conceptual Summoning. In its basic form, Conceptual Summoning involves magically imprinting the concept of a being on to a medium, causing a circular seal to appear upon it. Then by pouring a small portion of her energy in to the seal along with adding a small amount of blood to it the concept is given life and appears before her. In addition, a binding link is formed between the being and the summoner, allowing them to command it mentally and the being will follow any and all commands the summoner gives them.

The beings summoned by this technique are always equal to or below their summoner in tier, the summoner chooses what tier to summon them at up to their tier. However, the higher tier the summoned being is, the more energy it drains from the summoner. In addition, if one summons more than one being at a time it requires increased amounts of energy to maintain the links between them and the summons. When summoning only one being, keeping one equal in tier to yourself will only be possible for 3 posts, once you reach that point you will no longer be able to maintain them in this world and they will disappear. For each minor tier below you that you summon them at (from 4-1 to 4-2 is 1 minor tier drop), they will be able to be maintained for 1 additional post. On top of that, if you summon multiple beings, you will only be able to maintain them for a number of posts equal to the average time divided by 1 less than the total number of beings you have summoned.

A Final note to point out, any magus sugiura can activate the seal and summon the being, however, only Amelia can make them. This is due to Amelia's magic only truly creating the seals to summon them, once they are created any magus sugiura who knows how to activate them can. The magus that activates the seal is the one the summoned being is bound to and it is their energy that is drained to keep the summon active. These seals are considered equipment that are created through her ability.

Conceptual remake: This is Amelia's single recourse in near death situations. When Amelia is about to die she can activate this technique. A Conceptual Summoning seal will appear on her body and immediately activate, summoning a complete duplicate of her. Then, her very essence will transfer to this new body, killing the old one and resurrecting her in the new conceptual body. However, due to the large amount of stress on her spiritual energy supply by this technique, she will be immediately downgraded by 2 minor tiers (from 3-3 to 3-5, 4-1 to 4-3, 2-2 to 2-4, ect), and in addition will be reduced to a 5-5 for 2 weeks of real time. The 2 tier drop from this ability is a permanent downgrade, she must earn her way back up through normal means. There is no other way to undo this effect other then earning the tier back (which really isn't undoing it).

Past & Roleplay Sample

Character Background:
Twenty years ago Amelia was born to two parents who did not want her. They abandoned her, leaving her out in the streets of her town. Luckily for Amelia she was quickly found by a young couple. Upset to see the child alone, they took her in as their own and cared for her as such. For five years things were happy in their small family. Then the worst thing happened to Amelia, she came down with an incurable illness.

It happened randomly, without warning. Amelia became sick, and nothing could be done to make her better. Her family tried everything to heal her, but nothing worked. For a year she fought off the illness, but eventually her body succumbed to it. On her sixth birthday she lay in bed, too weak to move, only hours away from death. Then, suddenly a bright glow appeared on her body as strange markings appeared on her, as if being drawn on by some unnatural force. When they finally stopped, a bright light shone next to the girl as a duplicate body of her appeared. Her consciousness began to fade from her body, but at the same time the newly created body started to gain consciousness. Her eyes finally closed, the sickness taking her body, but she had managed to transfer herself to the new one. Somehow she had unconsciously managed to tap in to some magic deep within herself and use it to create a new body for herself. However, there was one miscalculation. Due to the instability of her mind and her spiritual energy at the time, her subconscious had confused her gender in the new body, attempting to make a body that was both male a female. The result, the body had both the genitals of a male and a female, and although no one could be sure as of yet, she would probably grow breasts, not have facial or body hair, but her body was definitely slightly more androgynous then the average female.

After this her parents decided she should be trained in magic. She quickly absorbed the training and progressed at a rather remarkable speed. She pushed herself to go as far as she could, trying to achieve as much as she could. She managed to surpass her instructors in every way possible, and after five years they said she should study on her own. This was also marked with the birth of a boy by her adoptive parent, an event that everyone celebrated. Amelia was delighted to have a sibling finally, but secretly worried whether her parents would not care about her now that they had a child of their own. However, this was quickly proven false as it only strengthened their love for her.

With the new child around Amelia decided to pursue her own special brand of magic, learning more and more about her magic and pushing herself further. She also spent time playing with her new brother, and the time passed. Once she turned 21 years of age she decided to look for something else in life and figure out what she wanted to live for.

General Skills
Durability: Adept
General Speed: Adept
Strength: Adept
Weapon Skill: Beginner

Racial Skills
Sugiura Magic: Adept
Animal Instincts: Beginner
Martial Arts: Adept
Casting Speed: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by tina on Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"


Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty Re: Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3]

Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:53 am
Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Tumblr_m8ijtmRiet1r9ea2qo1_r2_500

Do not worry nya! The Pawesome Aikuko-Nya is here!
This applications is minesh, nya~! So's let's get down to the ameowzing checking nya!

Applicashion Checklist nya~
  • Namezies Nya~ [X]
  • Appropriateded Age Nya~ [X]
  • Gender Nya~ [X]
  • Appearancu Presented Nya~ [X]
  • Appearancu Described-nya in Appropriateded Lengthzies OR Picturies is Visible Nya~ [X]
  • Appearancu is Not Claimeded Nya~ [X]
  • 10 sentencus for personalites Nya~ [X]
  • Histomi is of appropriateded lengthzies Nya~ [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered Nya~! [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough Nya~! [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person Nya~ [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow) Nyaaaan~ [X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) Myan~? [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences Myan~! [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

[b][center][u]Will Skills[/u][/b][/center]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Adept
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Advanced
[*][b]Pain Endurance:[/b] Beginner
[*][b]Focus:[/b] Adept
Comments/Notes: yay ffor a first Sugiura nyan~
Tier: 3-1
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Platinum Points:
Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Left_bar_bleue227620/999999Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (227620/999999)

Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty Re: Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3]

Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:56 pm
Moving to archives upon request.
Head Admin
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Platinum Points:
Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty Re: Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3]

Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:45 am
Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Image327
Upon request I am going to be moving this app to approved sugs once again.
Have fun and get active with this character.

Seasoned Member
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Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty Re: Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3]

Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:20 pm
As per this thread, Amelia's tier has been increased to 2-3.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Platinum Points:
Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Left_bar_bleue134700/60000Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty Re: Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3]

Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:13 am
[adm]A massive PM was sent to everyone about the huge Sugiuran update and within that PM stated that they needed to be updated within a month. It has been most likely a couple months passing that to a few meaning that I will not start to move them. They should stay in inactive until they are updated to the new Sugiuran standards. If you have yet to read their upgrade you can read it here. If you'd like a link to their templates then just proceed to here. If you wished to apply for your origin reserves/claims(after hey are approved and updated) than move onto here. If you wished to join the ranks of their hierarchy, meaning civilian as well, it can be found here.[/adm]

Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Image
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Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3] Empty Re: Amelia [APPROVED, MAGUS, 2-3]

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