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The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:58 pm

"Gigai's who needs em." Releasing a chuckle as he finished his statement. Jinn walked the streets of Karakura for the past few hours seeing what all had changed within the past few years since he had last came here, nothing much really changed. Same place. The leaves were falling due to it being autumn, nothing new. You'd seen it once you'd seen it a thousand times. He put on a tough guy visage, but really he knew he probably shouldn't just be strolling around the living world without authorization or without an assignment, but he had done this several times before since he joined the protection squads. He was afraid of punishment, but he wasn't exactly afraid of anyone noticing he wasn't there.

Typically, Jinn would lay low for a few days sometimes weeks so that people wouldn't notice when he would leave for his rare visits. "Well, this visit seems to be a complete waste, everything is the same... Pft." He flapped his lips and stopped walking as he reached the lake. Slowly moving his hand to his back and sliding it down to rub an itch he had on his rear end. For some reason or another this always resulted in a yawn, every time he would scratch his butt. Every time. Don't worry it puzzles him too, but he's used to it. He removed his hand from his rear end and then placed it back scratching more intensely. Finally letting out a sigh of relief. "That's what I'm talking about..." He fluttered his eyes and then took a look around lackadaisically scanning the lake and the surroundings for any life. He closed his eyes and concentrated to see if he could sense any nearby spiritual energy, nothing.

The coast was clear. He began to unwrap his bottom half of his wardrobe and began to urinate into the lake, again letting out a deep sigh of relief. This time letting the sigh carry on for the duration. He finished up and shook it off and then cleared his throat and threw his sash back on. He placed his hands in his pockets and walked off whistling as if he didn't just do that. "Isn't this fun," he stated interrupting his whistling briefly then continuing on. The plan was to do a lap around the lake and then head back off to Soul Society, where he'd lay incognito until someone asked for him.

Well, not all plans are always fulfilled. As he was walking he felt a slight spike in spiritual pressure and looked around seeing if he could tell where it came from. "Uhhh, seriously? Did you just creep on me pissing?" He questioned and smirked, then scratched his chest. "I must be going crazy then. Guess I'll just hang out and see who comes to visit the wee-lil Shinigami sitting under this tree." He plopped down on the ground under a surprisingly filled out tree and reached into his kimono to pull out a small sketch pad and pencil. He flipped the pad open to a page that he had started on earlier, and continued to sketch. Figured he would just sit this one out until something loud disturbed him or something touched him.

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Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:39 pm
Walking through Karakura town brought back flashbacks of him when he was a kid. But these were not the memories he wanted to be brought back. He was starting to look gloomy and depressed and, in force of habit, ran a hand through his hair. Then he remembered that his book that he was reading would cheer him up. He pulled it out and flipped through to the page he was reading. He began walking while reading and every so often glancing up to make sure he did not run into someone. As he walked, his zanpakutō lightly tapped against his leg due to his movements. His red leather jacket and black short sleeve shirt was lifted slightly due to the wind. His black jeans hugged him slightly and his black boots were tied tightly.

As Ace kept reading his book, he got more and more into it. "Interesting," he thought," Now why would the protagonist go into the library wear there will surely be mazes and traps along the way..." Ace was lost in thought and the book he was reading when he walked into a tree. Reeling back, he looked around and realized he was at the lake. He was taken back to the time he and his dad when fishing. As he stared at the lake having his flashback, a smile came across his face.

"Now son, fishing takes lots of patience. Are you sure you want to do this?" a man said as he took off his suit. He looked around twenty-nine years old with black hair which was cut short. "Yes dad, I'm sure I want to do this. Can we go this weekend please?" a much younger version of Ace said to the old man. "Alright son, we can go fishing this weekend." the dad said to Ace. Ace became very excited and went to go tell his mom.

Ace was brought back to reality has he realized a tear had ran down his cheek. He began blinking away the tears and dried his cheek off with his jacket. "Thanks for teaching me how to fish, dad." he said quietly to himself. He brought the book back up so he could read the next chapter when he felt a spike in spiritual pressure. He marked his book and put it away. He began looking around, peering at the bushes and trees. "This feels somewhat familiar." Ace thought to himself. Then he realized it was a shinigami's spiritual pressure he felt. Upon realizing this, he walked towards the spiritual pressure and said, "Alright. I don't know where you are hiding, but come out shinigami. I'm not here to hurt you. I can sense your spiritual pressure and I know you can sense mine." Ace waited for the shinigami to make his decision.
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:37 pm

He continued to sketch as he awaited his new friend, or so he hoped, humming away being the joyful little prick that he was. He came to a pause to stick his pinky in his nose and dig around for a couple seconds and pulled it back out and looked the tip of his pinky up and down and then circumnavigated it with his head. Nothing, he shrugged wiped his hand on his pant leg and grabbed his pencil back up and continued sketching the little demons on his pad. Notice, however, he didn't even stop humming while he dug in his nose, probably a bit too careless when there were random spikes of reiatsu coming toward his direction. He couldn't tell if his ability to sense it was shitty or if this guy was trying to conceal it. Either way, he'd show up. Jinn took a quick glance up every once and a while to check and see if anyone was around and adjusted his seating because his ass was too bony to just stay still for too long. The bells at the bottom of his tattered kimono jingled as he did so. Careless.

Finally he stopped humming as he heard a distant voice telling him to pretty much come and play. He began flipping the pencil through his fingers deciding if he should get up and see who this guy was or to just continue in his relaxing shade. "Ah, can't be a bigger waste of time than this." He told himself and stood up slipping the pencil and pad back into his kimono. He readjusted his Zanpakutō on his waist and dusted his butt off causing the bells to jingle once more. He heard the guy say he wasn't here to hurt him, as if that was a problem. He was confident that he could shut whoever this was down. The spiritual pressure seemed like it was a shinigami's but it was somewhat off. Not something that he was used to at least.

He began walked toward reiatsu and started humming again, this time to a reggaeton melody, you know the one that is in every song. He thought it was funny, so that's what he decided to do. He rubbed his right eye diligently as he started to stumble upon a figure. Continuing to rub his eye Jinn called out, "Yo." Then released his eye of the frictional pressure and chucked the dueces to him. "What's with the get up?" Curious as to why he was dressed the way he was. It was odd that this guy was dressed that way, but for some reason didn't want to go balls to the wall and start hackin' and slashin' at him with what seemed to be a Zanpakutō on his hip. Who was this guy anyway? What was his deal? Thoughts scurried through Jinsoku's mind as he brought his hand to his chin rubbing his unruggedness.

If this isn't Sketchy... Sbb1I7e
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Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:30 pm
Ace kept on walking towards the spiritual pressure. He started to become curious about what he had thought was a shinigami. Soon, he saw a figure in the distance. He adjusted his jacket and put his hands in his pockets and continued walking towards him. Soon, the mysterious figure came into full view. "Hmm looks like my assumption was correct," thought Ace,"hmm never thought I would run into another shinigami for a while. Well, I guess it has been a while..." Ace was lost in thought when he had heard what the shinigami had said.

"What? You mean my clothes? This is how I usually dress up...if anything you're the one who looks strange." said Ace. It had just occurred to Ace that he made two mistakes. First, Ace realized that he forgot to lower his spiritual pressure as he came closer. Second, his zanpakutō was in plain view of anyone who looked at him. "Shouldn't have been lost in thought." Ace thought to himself. He unconsciously ran a hand through his hair. Ace glanced at him and saw the mysterious man rubbing his chin. "Whoever this guys is," Ace thought, "He's got those hamsters running at full speed right now." Ace chuckled at the insult he had just made inside his head. "So what is your name or shall I call you mysterious man for the rest of this conversation?"
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:29 pm

Well, I guess it was time to think back to the academy days when they were explaining the new races that had came about in the last five-hundred years. He folded his hands behind his head laying them on top of his plethora of dreadlocks and began thinking once again. Not the brightest kid, but you didn't need to be bright when it comes to fighting you just need to be aware. What were those damn things called, I don't know if I've even seen one before. Why am I even stressing this so much? Mayn, I ain't worried bout nothin'. He brought his hands back down from his and crossed them in front of his chest. "What's the deal with the Zanpakutō? Your reiatsu isn't exactly like mine, I can sense a difference in it." This was his reply to why he was dressed how he was, answer questions with questions.

The guy was kind of like him, continuously drifting off into space thinking about things. Seeing as Jinn was typically just a people pleaser in general, he figured he'd humor this guy and learn a thing or two possibly. The fella brushed his hair with his hand, something Jinn hadn't done in a long time, then asked him his name. I do like the sound of mysterious man... sounds... mysterious. Grinning he lifted his arms from his chest and made a large circular motion with his left arm and then pressed his thumb down into his chest. "The name is Watto, Jinsoku! Fifth seated officer of the Jūsanbantai." His face emitted radiance and excitement. "No big deal though. What about you what's your name, if you don't mind me asking and why don't I get to walk around without my kimono on!?" Jinn frowned and then sloped down into a depressed stature.

If this isn't Sketchy... Sbb1I7e
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Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:18 pm
Upon hearing the question about his zanpakutō, Ace thought for a bit. Hmm this guy is a nosy one isn't he. Time to play dumb. Ace thought.  " Zanpakutō? Oh, you mean this old thing?" Ace pointed to his zanpakutō as he replied, "It's an old family sword that has been passed down from family to family. It's suppose to be 'special' and all." Ace used his fingers to put air quotes around the word special. "If you ask me, it's just an old piece of metal. " Ace replied as if not know anything about what the man in front of him asked.

After seeing the gestures he had made and then announcing his name with that look on his face, Ace had no choice but to laugh at him. "Sorry, but you just look too funny when you announced your name. And I've never heard of this 'Jūsanbantai' thing but I'm assuming it's something important. As for my name, well that isn't given to too many people so I'd rather not give it to you considering I don't even know much about you. By the way, the answer to your kimono question is the same answer to the question of why people don't live their daily lives naked." Ace answered and then he grabbed his book and began to flip to the nearest chapter he was on. He began to get slightly bored of this conversation.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:14 pm

Akira paced rapidly, taking step by step far faster than an average walker. As the brown autumn leaves passed by her, often crumpling under her feet, the light fall breeze would encircle her hair, causing it to flow to her right, dancing with the wind. The buildings surrounding her all stood tall and large, towering over as her fair skin would bask in it's shadows. The sun cowered behind the light grey clouds that plastered the sky, blanketing the Earth in a dismal scheme of colours.

Despite the depressing tone of her surroundings, Akira was completely lost within her mind. She completely ignored the chilly gust that came along with the ending months of the year, striding to what would seem to be a specific destination. Her chinned rested on her thumb and curled index finger, holding up her head whose cogs geared nonstop. Her right elbow connected to the palm of her left hand, bending at a right angle, it's corresponding forearm hanging atop her hips. Akira's skirt would flutter, yet never reveal the secrets which it hid.

Akira was thinking of the next steps she was to take in her ultimate goal- finding her long lost sister, and murderer of her family. The young gal had been pursuing this objective for such a long time, she would distantly remember some of her days spent finding her target. She, whom took away Akira's family, had urged her to seek her, to grow in power and meet her at the summit of power. Though Akira cared little for any sort of literal ¨power¨, in fact she rather found it disgusting and a menace, no doubt due to her past, she knew it was a necessary milestone that would have to be achieved before reaching her ultimate intent.

Wildly pacing, Akira stopped for a moment and looked around. A slight twinkle in her eye, or rather, a sense of achievement displayed clearly on her face. She stared in a specific direction, her eyes practically glowing. She had found something- something quite beneficial to her purpose.

¨Such a... distinctive spiritual energy. It's a lead- it must be.

Akira undoubtedly thought that this moment was a chance to find something that would guide her to her sister. How she knew so was indistinguishable; most likely a representation of the famed ¨woman's intuition¨. Her mind shifted gears and was in an aggressive state of mind, ready to track down her prey- or at least, something like that.

She readied her muscles before releasing herself in a animalistic strive. A hunger. Akira ran lacking any elegance, like a beast anticipating it's meal. She ran faster and faster, her arms flailing and her legs moving so fast, sometimes she would even nearly trip. For a moment, she lost her calm state of mind; quite a rare occurrence for Akira, but nonetheless an occurrence, most likely brought about from her excitement.

The vengeant girl hadn't found a lead in several weeks, perhaps months, and something that told her gut was a sign was most definitely something to look into. Her desires had distracted her, but only shortly. Akira regained her composure while running towards the spiritual energy which seemed familiar. No... it was two different spiritual energies. Two? Why was it two? Irrelevant. Besides, she could just deal with her worries when they begin to affect her- irresponsible, but efficient in accordance with the situation. Akira finally cleared her mind completely, focusing entirely on only one objective, and better yet, she was soon nearing her target.


If this isn't Sketchy... 8Bvy1N8


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The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:26 pm

This kids trying to play me for a fool... Whatever, it won't be a problem soon enough. Thinking to himself, which seemed to be what the majority of this meeting had become was just two guys standing around saying a sentence then thinking about it for probably far too long. Silly in a sense, but whatever he didn't really have anything better to do. He was growing bored of this guy however, so he was starting to lean toward the fact that he could use this guy as a training dumby and sling him around a little bit. Jin brought his hand to his crack and used his index finger to delicately scratch a small itch. I must not have wiped good enough... hm. As he brought it back to his side he coughed and brought the same hand up to cover his mouth and secretively smelt the finger on the way back down. Doesn't smell like it.

"The Jusanbantai... stop playing coy with me. It's the thirteenth division within the thirteen court guards of Soul Society. My divisions purpose is to teach and our jurisdiction of hollow clearance and konso is here in Karakura Town." As he said all of this he felt a small bit of pride, but also said it like a little prick using hand gestures and expressions like it was common knowledge to even humans. Again the man insinuated that he had no idea what he was talking about. Well this kid must be some kind of loser, because I know when I was his age, what age he appeared to be, I definitely was not carrying a sword around with me! What was he some kind of wanna be or something? Then he's going to go and disrespect Jinn by not returning the introduction even though he was the one that asked? What an asshole! A grimace slid upon Jinn's face as the man pulled out his book and began to read in the middle of their conversation. "OY! What's your deal, man? I'm right here in front of you talking to you and pull a book out and start reading?" He shouted as his head blew up the size of a beach ball and his mouth flailed like a Chain Chomp from Super Mario. His sentence came to an end as his ears twitched, hearing the crushing of leaves and stomping of feet. Someone was coming at them and fast. "Heads up!" He shouted as he shunpoed up to the sky the bells at the bottom of his pants making a slight jingle as he left the area. "Hey slow down! What are you doing?" The girl's arms were flailing as he viewed her charge at his newly obtained acquaintance that was a complete asshole. "You know what, keep going, I'm just going to watch." Waving his hand half-assed and then taking a seat in the mid air. "Have fun with that sword, seeing as it's not a Zanpakutō!" A grin swept over his face as he pulled out his note pad to take notes of the two fighters styles. This girl is bat shit crazy, let's see what this guy's got.

If this isn't Sketchy... Sbb1I7e
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:46 pm
Ace kept flipping through his pages and every so often would sneak glances at Jinsoku to see if his head would keep getting bigger. Ace began to grew tired of his yelling at him and had a thought to use him as practice. A slight breeze made his hair slightly messy so he stopped flipping the pages and ran a hand through it to fix it. That's when he sensed the small spiritual pressure coming towards them. Such a small spiritual pressure. Hmm most likely a human with the ability to sense spirits. Ace thought as he finished fixing his hair.

 Soon, Ace started hearing the leafs crunching as someone was approaching them fast. Jinsoku must have heard it too since he stopped mid way in his complaint. Ace thought as he waited for whoever was coming towards them to appear. He saw Jinsoku flash step away from him. He looked upwards and saw him in the air shouting at something. Ace turned his attention to what was in front of him and saw a short to medium sized girl running at him at full speed, arms and legs flailing. Ace chuckled ad the sight then turned back to his book to find the page he had left off  on.

 By the time he found his page, the girl was several feet away from reaching him. He had begun to read, which was slightly difficult since the wind was turning some of the pages making him lose his spot every so often, when he saw the shinigami pull out a sketch pad of sorts. The girl was only a few feet away before he finished the chapter. He marked the page and put his book away. By the time the girl had reached him, his arms were crossed at his chest and he was looking directly at the girl. Ace then said," I wouldn't look upward if I were you. You might just see something that you will regret the rest of your life." knowing that if she did, she would see right under the shinigami's kimono.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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If this isn't Sketchy... Empty Re: If this isn't Sketchy...

Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:34 pm

The Requital Aspirant

What was this sensation? She knew that it was a spiritual pressure that some people similar to her school had, but, there was a tingling feeling running through her body. It was as if.. it was fate to confront them. Oh god- Akira was thinking such corny thoughts. Continuing to run, she could see one figure. Wait, what?

¨That's weird.. I'm sure there were two different pressures....¨

Akira desperately stayed on target, simultaneously trying to pinpoint the exact location of where the second source of reiatsu was coming from. She could clearly see one of them, and he glanced at her, suddenly returning to his book. How insulting! It was as if he was underestimating Akira. No wait, they had never met before. Why would he think that? He probably didn't even realise what her objective was. But her intuition was saying that she was being mocked.

Akira was going to get physical, no doubt about it, but she wanted to at least have a few surprises waiting. She really wanted to bring out her guns, but! Bringing her guns out here? In the middle of a city where everyone could see? Akira gave little thought for what people thought of her, but little thought is still some thought. Plus, she would probably get in trouble if she did that! Thus, she continued onward, full speed, holding in her desire to whip out her guns.

She was nearing her target, and he was still reading his damn book! Oh come on! There's a girl running towards him pretty much like a maniac, and he does absolutely nothing but read a book. Akira was certain now that he was mocking her, and probably devised her intentions, or at least that she was going to do something besides just talk. Maybe he thinks she's not worth getting ready for a fight?


The frustrated gal let out a quiet exhale of impatience. Impatience? Yeah... That's one word to describe a few of the feelings she had. Akira was always thinking, so naturally, she would constantly be in a varying bundle of emotional states. But this time, no, times like these rather, Akira was much more focused and intent on one thing, and therefore had minimized her feelings.

She began closing in, and eventually, was only feet away from her opponent. The winds began to pick up in her favor, slightly boosting her speed, though she couldn't feel how it was doing so in the slightest. As she kept on running, she eventually got into a distance where she could slice him if she had an odachi. She didn't though.. so a little irrelevant.

The target suddenly crossed his arms on his chest. A protective reaction? Maybe impulsive? She was ever so slightly disoriented by running, making her thoughts less clear as she would bounce up and down. It certainly could've been impulsive, but he was looking right at her. It made Akira feel.. a little weird. Like, there was a bad omen. As if the strings of their fates were tying together.

¨Ugh... Another corny thought.¨

Akira didn't have time to constantly think about useless thoughts. She had to regain focus and stay on task! But suddenly, the rude man before her spoke. As he spoke, despite being so close, it seemed like he clearly had more than enough time to do so. Not like time slowed down, but rather.. no, it's not that. He had simply said something that triggered her to think quite a bit.

¨I wouldn't look upward if I were you. You might just see something that you will regret the rest of your life.¨

What did he mean by that? What kind of warning or notification was it? Wait, hold on. She was certain there were two spiritual pressures, and they were much like some of the ones in school. Perhaps... perhaps the guy was suggesting that the other one was above them? It makes sense and seems very likely.

¨It could be that he's trying to redirect my attention elsewhere and take that chance. But.. I'll trust those words, if even just a little, for now...¨

Akira was closing in, and within a few feet of Ace, she focused chi within her lower half, strengthening her feet. She bent her knees and in a quick jolt, released them. She launched upwards, still keeping her eyes focused on the man on the ground. Midair, a blast of chi resounded throughout the area as two handguns materialised in her hands. In midair, she focused chi on her left side and had it push her, rotating her body to look directly behind her, and as a result, she met face to face with the second spiritual pressure.

¨Found you.¨


If this isn't Sketchy... 8Bvy1N8


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