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Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what? Empty Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what?

Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:55 am
The Wonderful!
The Magnificent!
The Overwhelming!
Shrinking Intro Joke!
UHCM 1-3+
:d '_' b:

It was out near noontime, supposed to be lunch time, yet like everyone else, someone gotta eat. Unfortunately, the rebel of authority, UHCM was betrayed by his conformist stomach as he sits in the middle of the courtyard between the school's building and the school's gate. What is he wearing this time? A school girl uniform, which brings some attention; they are lucky that he is wearing tights with that skirt, so they don't have to stare at his briefs. Laying beside him on the right is his Keeshond dog, Kobie and on his left side is a red, artillery broadsword that is man-size called "Red Queen." How he got it from Mr. Caveman is quite simple; he fought him and acquired it.

Kobie yawns as UHCM was biting into a leg of fried chicken with hardly any light in his face. After he finishes with that drumstick, he passes it to Kobie so it can enjoy the chicken bone. He picks up a can of Coca Cola Zero and pops it open to take a sip before burping just after his sip. Why he is having lunch at this spot and why he is dressed like that? Someone outta figure that out!

Last edited by UHCM on Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:15 pm

It was a pleasant day outside, the air was nice, all that good jazz. The kind of day that Magnolia Clixx herself would have been spending outside during lunch. Using her privileges as a member of the student council to have skipped her middle of the day study hall, you see she never really dressed in school attire, nor did the recent mysterious transfer student have anything in her record. As when the people in the registry office pulled her up well for one, it was classified information, at least the little information that they did have on her, but the rest? It all was blacked out, or just not there in the first place almost like the Girl, who was recently the subject of gossip in the school, had well just some time in the middle of the year popped into existence out of honestly? Just out of thin air, and had been trying to get to know people better even in the short time she had been in school. Clearly socially awkward she didn’t seem to have the easiest time actually getting along with the other students. In fact she had an air about her that also kept most of them from approaching her.

So , what was she doing outside pray tell? She had been going over council work, rather than the normal modern day gadgets such as tablets, she held in her hand a great big folder, which was overflowing with all sorts of paperwork which needed to be signed, and then organized. Though even with that overwhelming amount of paperwork, and the heavy purse that she had slung over her shoulder, she seemed to walk with a light bounce in her step, her spiritual pressure way too high for most people here to sense, which was what kept her out of trouble most the time. But that wasn’t the point at the moment, she seemed to be silently making her way to the only empty spot, which was by a peculiar cross-dressing man who had a startling appearance. Though the timeless first-year had only glanced for a moment, before she had sat down besides the man, not making noise, but silently nodding towards him as who-ever it was , obviously was too old to be a student, and judgment wasn’t hauling his ass off , so he was a part of the school. Tying those together she deduced he was probably a faculty member.

Next using the prior knowledge that she had been researching earlier that morning in class , (much to the ire of her homeroom teacher) she went through the database of faculty members, ruling some out based on gender, and then others by the preferences they had. After that split second analysis she had quite literally had one blaring name ringing up in her mind, one that fit the bill perfectly. Which was why as she gave the interesting but seemingly crude man a calm and gentle yet formally crispy smile she’d have said in a tone and manner that seemed to belong to a Victorian era.

“..Good afternoon, Mr.UHCM, “

Other than that friendly reply she had gotten straight to work, on the normal formalities and stuff. However under the files of paperwork, even at a glance was something a mental mastermind Like UHCM probably would be able to pick out like an alarm bell, which was a file that had both the symbol of the Rinyūaru on it, and more than that had the word classified Info Update, stamped right across it. The folder was also though disguised slightly by the paper mound she was leafing through, using a fine pointed pen, to mark off sections, and even signing paperwork ,which seemed to hint at possibly a school event was going to happen shortly, as most of the paperwork and everything there was hinting towards some sort of event, that was requiring a hefty amount of student council signatures, and some attention. So much in fact that, if one didn’t know her personally, they would think that she was totally going to fall asleep, however she was adamant about her work and honestly didn’t mind doing it, so between the ruffle of paper flipping and even more often the scratching of pen on paper was a routine sound, as she was going to town doing her job, although that one folder underneath the massive one labeled, student council would still probably be something that would make anyone suspicious more particularly since it also had labeled, “War General Of –“ the rest of the classified documents place it had been sent to particularly, the person that was checking it or needed to, was all obscured quite subtly under a slight paper, that almost seemed to drift from the pile as she reached for more papers.

Though a trained eye could see that she had no matter how quickly and subtly it was done, that she had slid some of the mount of papers over on purpose almost knocking over UHCM’S cola can as the mountainous pile tipped precariously over towards it. However she had at the last second, putting down the paper she was working on and the pen, had pushed it back and almost coincidentally, in the same movement, slid the classified document back under the pile completely to hide it again. Other than that she did stop and say..

“.Sorry about that I should take care of these documents soon or I’m afraid I’ll have to have someone come into them after me to get me out of them. “ then on second’s pause she smoothly followed with “Where are my manners, I am Magnolia Clixx the new transfer student class 1-M , student council, sorry for disturbing your lunch”

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what? LzZCuy7
Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what? BtXe12b
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Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:59 pm
UHCM bears no attention to the student council girl that was doing paperwork as the can of Coca Cola Zero remains in his hand. Kobie was buried in the paperwork instead when it pops its head out of the paper pile and shakes his head with the chicken bone in its muzzle. "Grow up, kid. Being a corporate poster girl is just like being a pencil; thin and expendable." UHCM scowls as it seems that he is more annoyed with the present paperwork that the girl is doing during lunch time. After saying that, he flicks his wrist and a candy bar slips out of his blouse's sleeve. He then hands it to the girl and follows up his statement, "Take this. It's a spoonful of sugar to help make the medicine go down."

The candy bar says, "HERSEY'S" with subtitle saying, "MILK CHOCOLATE WITH ALMONDS." With the fall of the United States, finding this kind of candy brand is difficult unless ordered directly from the new United States. "I sincerely don't care which pedestal you stand on, so jog off with the formality because children should not act like adults and adults should not act like adults." UHCM explains as he takes another sip of his Coca-Cola Zero before burping abruptly after sipping his drink. With each time he speaks, he sounds like a heavy-voiced viking warrior in tales. "Isn't that right, Kobes?" UHCM assures with scratching behind his faithful dog companion's ears as the dog looks back at UHCM with a smile.
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Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:36 pm

“Poster girl, Is as far from the truth as you could get, I just do this because I like doing it”

Magnolia said almost to an off thought, as she had been doing her paperwork still her eyes glancing over at it. Her attention seemed to just be almost as if she was used to it, as she had blinked slightly startled by the dogs antics, before she had seemed to almost pucker her lips in a thinly pressed momentary frown. Before she had managed to turn it again into a smile, some, gathering up the papers, though the classified document, had been fully exposed, as it slid in front of UHCM her expression didn’t falter as much as it just slightly went back to formality, as she had looked slowly from uhcm to the classified poster, marked in big bold black letters (Project U.M.T.D) and was sealed off using Wax with the Rinyūaru’s seal on it. More plain then it could possibly be, and you could see in her expression just how much she was irked that she had her document exposed by all things a stupid mutt, that had decided to blow papers everywhere.

As she slowly bent over to collect the documents , all of the scattered ones with accuracy before they blew away, and neatly began organizing, them though her stance seemed to show that if he opened that document, she wouldn’t be pleased with him, in fact as she slowly gathered them her eyes wandering from the scattered school planned festivities that could or could not be approved and rolling soon, she had almost in words that would normally suggest that it wasn’t a big deal, however with the way she would say it, it would have none of the ire, and bratty insecurities of the child UHCM thought she was, instead it had the slight subtle tone of someone who had seen more than any one being ought to have been put through, and also it suggested that she also didn’t give a rats ass about the opinions that the good man UHCM had verbally expressed about her or her choice of working, So all in all only the little things had been hinted on other than that the kind and polite demeanor she had so painstakingly been building and learning had held strong, however what did she actually say to UHCM? Well it was something along the lines of

“..Sir.. if you’d be kind enough to hand me that folder in front of you please.. I’d really be appreciative ”

Now though after she had collected all her stuff she had then divested a moment of her time to answer his question her eye twitching some hinting at her agitation some before she had reigned in her emotions once more, displaying just how well she had a handle on herself, stopping the emotion of annoying just in its tracks she had slowly had exhaled some before shaking herself in a self-explanatory fashion at the candy before she said in her own kind of calm but authority filled voice , “..No thanks, candy isn’t , to my liking” Then she had slowly went back to working on her papers, re-establishing the rhythm as she slowly had then only after a minute fully elapsed from UHCM’s little jab at her about how children should not try to be adults, and she of course though had done so for a reason, she had been taking the time to sort feeling from formality, to give a reasonable, and of course a polite and courteous answer instead of a bratty one.

“..So what is the definition of child anymore . . . Is it age? Is it experience, or is it upbringing, honestly I’m surprised that someone still uses that outdate ideal , since it isn’t age anymore; even a kid in this school could have more brains then the oldest man alive, it’s not about age.. anymore it’s experience. . So this world you speak of, if you don’t mind me saying, seems to be in the gray area, As there isn’t a clear definitive answer to what makes someone an adult anymore”

Magnolia had said almost as if she was mumbling , but each word held tone, and some kind of bigger picture in them, which was the biggest hint so far, that magnolia was anything as to what she seemed. Yet she after saying those borderline philosophical words, had gone back to paperwork her eyes scanning through the pages, and scratching in her signatures. It was a monotonous task, but she was also gauging his actions, making sure that if he did pick up the folder he didn’t open it or try to walk away with it, as either action would be met with rather subtle inventive intervention , such as her accidentally bumping into him , and taking the folder, or a more practical, but less then formal approach of grabbing his wrist so he couldn’t open the folder.

Other than that honestly, she had slowly been filing through the more important documents in her student council paperwork. Biting her lip some as she out of habit had clicked the back of the pen twice , disengaging it then engaging it, as she scrutinized on the fine print, of one of the possible event idea’s shaking her head as she jotted down some notes, and then wrote something off to the side in spidery, but calligraphy tiered hand writing which seemed to have some of her personal opinions as to why she denied the particular event, before putting that one back in and pulling out another paper, and she began over viewing it , as she had asked almost again in a non-interested but polite manner, yet the words surprisingly held a solid rather definitive question mark in the tone, a kind of serious, but kind of curious question, to top off her rather long winded reply to his rather blunt and to the point preference based opinions.

“..What do you consider a child, to be or a adult to be. . . Mr.Uhcm?”

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Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what? LzZCuy7
Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what? BtXe12b
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Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:26 pm

Bleach OST - Head in the Cloud

Just as Magnolia would think of "stupid mutt," Kobie rises up and leers at her. "Dohohoho! Ye should apologize to Kobes here. He has a talent of reading people's mind, but secrets are kept with it since it cannot talk at all." UHCM chuckles as he soothes Kobie back down. When she asked for the folder on the ground, UHCM puts a foot on that folder. By the time Magnolia would turn around to see him, UHCM is already wearing a panda costume with pink panties and bra visibly over the costume, sipping on the Coca-Cola Zero. He looks directly at Magnolia and says while pointing at the folder under his furry foot, "Stop being an adult and get it yourself."

After hearing her analysis of the definition for child, UHCM and Kobie looks at each other and begin rolling over, laughing. He recomposes himself and speaks out, "You're losing your composure since you assumed like an old man. Why would I have to standardize by age when my age versus psyche is quite an inverse to a perpendicular? You keep defining things from the book and you keep defining yourself from words of others. Quite sad, ya know?" He sips and burps as he gets up. "Oh lordy-lordy-lordy. You're obviously an idiot to go through definitions from the book, and then ask me. Alright! One moment to adjust my brain matter." UHCM comments before he reaches down to his right knee and grasps onto it; he then jerks as Magnolia can hear a snap coming from the knee region. "Have to adjust my knee because it was dislocated on purpose to handicap myself in battles; for challenges, ya know? Adults are just morons who think too much and did not of anything else other than a habit that they cling to just because they like it; children are explorers and no matter the dark or light side of things, they do not cling to one thing and instead, they dare to find better feelings."
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Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:16 pm
Shizuo wrote:

What he said next, had gotten a genuine reaction out of her, quite literally her stoic, expression broke and she had let out a light and airy laugh, as she found the accusations and assumptions down right hilarious, now she had put down her papers, to the side as she was about to say “Get it yourself” her eyes had flickered discerning through the minute movements in the muscles too little for most to see, let alone use for analyzing the situation. So her hand had slid under the foot, in a moment actually that was too quick to process, as when UHCM had finished his sentence and put his foot down, he’d have found that there just wasn’t anything there. In fact it was resting on her lap as if it just had appeared there and when the formality dropped she just had given him not a psychotic smile but one that was hard to place, borderline amused and border line interested in this mans Far-Fetched but sensible theories, based on a given situation. She had of course given out a kind of bubbled up light hearted sigh though when he finished his definition of a child, Only then had she said .

“Does the teapot call the kettle black? “

Then followed up with,

“What you are describing is not a children versus adult comparison although it fits, it is more the relative issue of lazy assholes versus, curious individuals . Pardon my French , Though if you wanted that to be your definitive answer of what a child is, I might tweak it abit. Adults are people who are secure in their power, who feel they know best and are not willing to look at things differently, children are those who accept their mistakes, and learn from them. They do not hold fast in the onslaught of Adversity and versatility, they merely adapt to better brave the current, and push forward striving for better things. A child is considerably similar to that of a cat, though. Their curiosity is the greatest tool, yet can be the death of them”

The folders momentarily forgotten though she had since the dog could actually listen to thoughts in others heads? Well she had using all of her own torturous memories and those of her mother Claire Clixx, in that moment going through each and every last one of them, probably scaring the dog shitless or making it stop leering at her at least as she slowly had reached back and pulled out another paper, and began filling it out, though her formality had lessened considerably, her mind was taking in information how he had snapped his bone back in place, none of it bothered her as she hadn’t so much as grinned, but allowed a small curve of a smile to push onto her lips for a moment as she had then pushed the files to the side, and of course had then begun to write out the specifications for the project she had at hand, in the folder to show exactly what she was going to do, and how Project U.M.T.D was going to go down, not so much worried anymore that UHCM was going to actually do anything then she was just feeling that she needed to get it done and turned in so that it could be reviewed or at least so she herself had a fucking clue of what she was going to do.

[Start Document writing for Project U.M.T.D]

The best way to do this, will be to use the souls of the hollows themselves, splitting the souls using specific containment units, and graphing them onto robotic shells. Doing so will allow the robots to be animated and moving, further more the robots will retain unique set skills from hollows, while hooking them up to the Rinyūaru’s Data bank, will allow them to accurately access and discern information and react accordingly when needed to . So these will be semi living beings, or souls trapped in robotic form, from previous hollows that will be summoned using the abilities I have in my Masked state. Of course in doing so we will be able to harvest and create many more robots then we would if we just used the collective intelligence of the body itself and altered it. The objective will be to create a taskforce that can be deployed remotely without leadership and able to fully adapt to the situation as it needs.

This will be done by giving them a semi- intelligent reasoning system, using the soul itself, which will hold the previous emotions that originally it had as a hollow. By doing so we can keep the innate animal instinct of survival, in the robots and give them a effective animal edge, while making them also able to function only with the Rinyūaru’s or those of war general or above in ranking’s approval to keep deployment from happening accidentally. This will take of course tools from the Rinyūaru’s warehouses, and specific items will have to be hand fabricated, such as the monitoring bay which will in estimate cost around 20million Yen at the very least for the bar bone structure to be accurately constructed. However this will be located on one of the Rinyūaru’s more remote islands allowing for quick execution and then monitoring how the progress goes. Further, more this would be considered the uplink and creation plant for building this new army.

Though by giving them a self –intergraded command prompt and encasing it at the core of the robot, we should be able to if my calculations are correct be able to make them as well in event of the connection being disrupted , work stand-alone. Meaning that they would be able to of course work without the need of commands, they would run from the last given order and maintain the data in the situation. This will be called the genesis prompt , and will be the failsafe in the event of hacking.

Though each unit will require a given energy core, depending on power and what is needed, as well unit designs such as offense, speed, defense, artillery. All of these will need to be build designed and applied to give units the versatility they will need in battle. This is the easiest way so far to supplement the robotic portion with equivalent fire power to back up the skills they once or currently will retain from this entire process - - - -
[End document writing for this post more next post]

She had looked up setting her pen down for a moment and seemed to be looking over UHCM, her once cool and kind of idiotic demeanor was pretty much gone, her calm demeanor remained but the feeling that probably radiated from her , was calm analysis; like she was studying and discerning what made him tick, though it wasn’t threatening, it was merely a calm manner that she was doing it which would probably lead to the assumption she just was curious as to his outlandish and rather un-professional attitude and how it matched up with his rather sensible theories and ideals.

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Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what? LzZCuy7
Off to go see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...what? BtXe12b
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Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:26 am
"Faster than a tortoise, duller than its shell." UHCM thought as he was expecting Magnolia to nab the paper on cue. The further expected response was a laugh from her, no doubt was trying to debunk his accusation. When she asked about the teapot and the kettle, UHCM replies, "When does a teapot have a voice other than letting out steam? When does a kettle inherit from blowing out steam? They are both hot and painful to mishandle." As Magnolia explains her interpretation between a child and an adult as comparison, UHCM smirks and introduces, "I would agree, but disagree at the same time. Ye do I put this..." UHCM thinks for a while and then speaks in a sincere tone, "Adults and children are everything and anything. I said that adults are morons who thinks too much; it comes with learning of multiple failures and with social expectations. They cling to their habits because they are broken down and was 'refined' or so to say 'be more broken,' so they are fixated to a habit that they see as a socially acceptable way such as how to walk in a certain way and not behaving in a way that would reflect poorly on their social expectations. You are considered an adult because you have habits of dealing with Rinyaru's dirty laundry and speak for what you have learned, not experienced."

As he was talking, UHCM uses a little slight of hand that he learned from being a secret spymaster for Shadin for more than a century. Since her thought is soon onto trying to torture Kobie through mental willpower, which is a mind game posed by UHCM, he places his hand onto her hand and holds onto it before raising it to her eye level, attempting to throw off her focus with the words spoken in a cool, charming tone, "A child dreams and dares to dream that dream. A life is nothing without that rose for the innocence." He will then use that confusion to slip his free hand pass her guard and pinch the pen that she was going to use and slide it towards his person, using his index finger to cast a shadow over the pen. What is in the pen's place was a not sharpened pencil with a Hello-Kitty eraser. UHCM lets go and gets up, now wearing a men's naval sailor outfit. He collects the Red Queen and his drink before walking off and calling out, "Come along, Kobie. This adult needs her privacy." Kobie follows UHCM, unfazed by Magnolia's attempt to torture its mind.

If the girl would notice that he stole her pen, UHCM will see it as interesting that she is an idiot as he expects since he tricked her to believe that Kobie could read minds when Kobie could only read UHCM's mind while she was regurgitating knowledge given to her instead of speaking for herself. Like a scoundrel as he is in the past, UHCM runs by good luck and almost pure tomfoolery. As he would expect Magnolia to follow since her senses are sharp enough make an educated guess, he skips off like a buffoon tap dancer in his sailor outfit as Kobie dances by adorably hopping side to side with a smile on its face accompanying its lustrous pair of hazel orbs switching between where it is going and its master.
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