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Joined : 2011-09-01
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Age : 26
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inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon Left_bar_bleue59000/99999inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon Empty Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon

Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:21 pm

[Next Section]

» Name:Inami Asthavon

» Titles: White Witch
» Age: 300

» Gender: Female

» Affiliation/Rank: Infanta

» Shifter Appearance Written: (Simply write down hat your demon looks like while not in it's true form. Copy this again if they have more then one, or omit this if they do not have one. And please spoiler or re-size your picture if it stretches the page.)

» Shifter Appearance Picture: (If you have an image, feel free to post it here. If not, remove this)

» True Appearance Written: (What is the true appearance of your demon? Write it down here and make sure it is long enough.)

» True Appearance Picture: (If you have an image, feel free to post it here. If not, remove this)

[Next Section]

» Personality:

Indifference: Inami Asthavon or white witch as she is called, is indifferent to the concept of good and evil, to her good does not exist and evil does not exist. The notion that either can exist without the other is completely retarded in her mind, and she doesn’t have anything to do with either perspective or outlook, as in Inami’s mind, everything is a gray area, good can happen and evil can happen, and often one can take place and generate the other without that much of a problem, in fact often what is evil to one could be at least in her mind, good for the other. Such because views have become so distorted over the years she stopped trying to reason with the concept entirely, and now she will not call someone evil, nor call someone good. Hero’s and Bad guys, no such words exist in her word back as well, she basically finds these notions to be insubstantial and just plain irrelevant and as such she just doesn’t use them nor does she actually find amusement in hearing the words used by others in speech or some long winded bantering over ideals. Good is in the eye of the beholder as well as bad is in the eye of the beholder, and with so many on this planet it’s honestly in her opinion just a fickle term used to justify stupid actions.

Allergic To Hypocritical Beings: Inami Asthavon has a strong revulsion reflex when she hears someone say they will do one thing and try to point out how someone is doing stuff the wrong way, and then goes back and does the thing that they just had told someone else not to do, she hates that notion in fact it particularly disgusts her to think people like that actually still manage to exist in this day and age, because to her words should speak as loud as ones actions, to have either one contradict the other, is just a stupid waste of time or movement, and thus should be particularly something to avoid. To those that do it well, she will not get pissed off but she will not probably think much of the person or just leave entirely because of the fact the person just went against the thing they just said not to do, which means to break an oath around her is often going to be nothing short of a death wish, as she takes those things not only very seriously, but deathly serious , you should only say what you mean.

Androphobia: Inami Asthavon hates men she just hates them with a passion, they are in her mind dirty pigs which should either learn manners or actually go crawl into a ditch and die. Partially because of the fact she just never liked being in a room with a man to begin with, and partially because the fact is she viewed them as lustful beings which had no place speaking or lording over others so around a man she will either leave, or seriously try to hurt them, given the fact that she just cannot stand in a 30 foot proximity of anything that possesses a dick or lacks breasts without absolutely getting irritable, pissed , or down right destructive , or viscous to the offender, that’s not to say she cannot suppress it but she certainly hates and avoids any contact if possible , and that’s all. Of course she isn’t into woman either, but it’s just she has only seen idiotic men which rape and pillage, lie and cheat, and not found any that have any singular redeeming qualities worth taking note of , thus she wrote them off as stupid, and left it at that.

Quick Learner: Inami Asthavon wasn’t a genius growing up, no she had to get to the podium through hard work sweat and determination. It wasn’t given to her nor did she get it from something like years in a virtual world. It was attained because she learned things quickly very quickly. Naturally Inami is very intuitive and able to understand and eventually figure out how things work. Which is why even though she wasn’t a genius at the beginning of her life through constantly striving to be better than she was the day before, she pushed herself to the point that she does have a pretty vast amount of knowledge, the reason this shows is because often in battle instead of only fighting she will be also observing how things function and if possible trying to figure out how to counter it. Meaning her learning ability lets her adapt and expand her capabilities fairly quickly and can be also called curiosity.

Reserved Emotions: Inami Asthavon doesn’t let her feelings show readily, or easily what so ever. Infact she often tries to keep people at arms-length so that her actions and what she is doing isn’t readily affected or tainted by feelings of devotion, attachment or even possessiveness for any other person thing or object. None of these things often actually end well. Mainly in her actions it can be seen through her often mild but not generally heart-felt words, actions and gestures. Instead of acting through solid emotion, most of her reactions or actions in general almost can feel scripted , or pre-programmed to be done in that specific way rather than doing so in another way, mainly this is because of the fact that again Inami keeps her emotions rather reserved, and doesn’t let them show often. It’s often also seen in how she deals with others who are either grieving or distressed, because she doesn’t really go near them instead it’s the opposite Inami Asthavon will try to distance herself to keep her composed icy shell intact and fully functional. So it’s often hard to approach her normally or even in rare circumstances, she is not one that will just simply open up to someone.

Ironclad Resolve: Inami Asthavon has strong resolve, which can be seen both in her actions and in the words she says. If she says she will do something, unless it is unethical or goes against the betterment of shadow fall, generally not heaven or hell will be able to stop her determination. Given the fact that unless she is fully destroyed Inami will keep on track to the goal that she has set her sights on, and no matter neccisarily how long or hard the resistance is, she is the kind of person that will just keep going, keep pushing until she completes what she said she would do. To her promises must be kept, and her word is her binding and after she has given her word well she will use every iota of her power, of her mental skills and of her very existence to complete that goal, because when Inami doesn’t complete what she said she’d do, often she will feel like shit, and is one of the few times she actually can get emotional as mainly it frustrates her a immense deal when she is unable to fully complete or actualize what she had set her mind on that particular time .

Honesty: Inami is brutally honest, she will not say something that she does not think, or she does not mean. Which is why when she talks it should be remembered and taken into account because the words being said are exactly what is going on in her mind at the moment that she is saying it, how she feels about the situation, and more importantly how the situation could be handled, or even how she feels about another person. If you could say one thing about her positive, and negative, it would be this , the fact that anything and everything she says is without deceit in-fact if she says that she wished someone was dead, then she honestly would mean it, she would want that person to wind up in a hole in the ground one way or another. So harsh or extreme words aren’t usually used unless she’s really serious or aggravated because she knows words are weapons and tools, and should be used without being done for deceit or to make someone else feel bad, but to be used to convey feelings and actions without having to do something like beat around the bush, or even do something like find another way to say it gently, or without it being harsh, they are used for communication, which is why she tries to when she does communicate to make it as direct, to the point, and relevant as possible.

» Likes: (This is self explanatory. What does your character like?)

» Dislikes: (This is self explanatory. What does your character dislike?)
[Next Section]

» History Three paragraph minimum of your characters history; also include how they became a demon via birth or they were changed to one though a deal est.

[Next Section]

» Natural Abilities:

Dark Threads: Dark threads are a interesting type of power which naturally is found within Inami Asthavons body. While most threads are generally harmless these are not. Using the concept of demon magic, and a special type of energy formed in her body it allows for Inami to create these fine threads of energy; which are fairly similar to a high density object, meaning they would be fairly hard to damage, although to be fair it wouldn’t be impossible to do so. In many instances the main attributes that should be watched for are simple, the threads possess a high level of dexterity and applicability in the field of battle, now this doesn’t precisely mean that dark threads have an infinite amount of situations in which they would be an asset , so it is fairly safe to assume that they have a fair share of both perks, and disadvantages which are commonly associated with using them in normal, or combat oriented situations.

Dark threads have a primary means of affecting or changing the ebb and flow of battle. This would be the fact that the threads themselves have comparable strength to a demons Akuma Kyodo (demonic barrier) which is filtering out and suppressing any outside influences which seek to affect the course or properties of the threads that are in use themselves. Directly from that capability would be the notion that while they can be destroyed, they can’t be altered from the original path by any one person other than Inami Asthavon herself. Although this is only one of the many functions the threads actually do possess; another one of the functions would be the ability to control, manipulate; and attack the opponent or even something like a capacity for creating weapons or even being able to on a lesser level overpower or stop attacks before they can actually cause any severe amount of damage to the user.

Beyond this, Dark threads themselves can be used to create objects spontaneously without much of a warning Inami Asthavon could do something like possibly making the threads connect with her skin, and absorb her own blood as a medium to increase defensive power. Of course to do so would inflict a drain on her blood supply and of course depending on how many times this is done and how frequently it is done such actions could mean a range of side affects could take place. Such as passing out, getting dizzy, lightheaded or even strokes, seizures and possibly even going as far as causing death itself to occur, this is primarily the reason that the threads despite the fact they do have a great deal of benefits; can be not only particularly tricky to use in conjunction with a steady drain on her zao ka, but can prove to be if not used with reasonable levels of restraint, or caution; to be down right deadly.

Adding on to this, Dark Threads also have a range of minor miracles that can be performed, such as possibly for example stitching lost limbs back together or even stitching threads into inanimate objects to allow some sway and change in how the object moves such as making a regular spoon turn into a possible flying projectile; as the threads merge with the objects and effectively become invisible to see. Which is also why of course Dark Threads are closely used with puppetry and other forms of long range, or you could say indirect stealth style combat; because this is precisely what Dark Threads excel at , not direct confrontation, or directly overpowering the foe in a blazing display of power, no they have optimal balance of durability (a skill level below the Akuma Kyodo Skill Possessed) Speed, and flexibility in options which allow these little threads to become a not so little problem while in the middle of either large scale war, or serious fights and confrontations of any general level.

Dark Eyes: Dark eyes are a special kind of vision that is unique to Inami Asthavon, what it does is fairly straight forward and useful when she needs to find or understand that is going on. You see Dark Eyes uses the notion that all of the senses work together, and if someone is missing one of those senses; the remaining ones are heightened extremely to compensate. Instead of missing any senses what this does it redirects the senses so that they can retain the heightened quality, and generate a Mind’s eye image of everything directly within a given distance. This means that while she may not see an attack coming from behind this almost 6th sense type of vision will be able to fill in the blanks, using the minute changes in the environment around her. Giving the illusion that her eyes can see not only at a 360 degree angle, but even in the dark hence the name “Dark Eyes”.

Although primarily the secondary function would be a slight affinity for sensing supernatural energy levels, which means over a set course of time, Inami Asthavon is able to basically get a feel for ones capabilities. What this means is that think of it like adapting to a changing environment, Inami is adapting to the situation at hand, aka, power changes types and even in a lesser extent changes in speed, or attack patterns. Such as a swordsman using a specific style then after a set period of time completely changing the attack pattern to possibly be able to throw the opponent off, dark eyes can track such minute muscle changes, and electromagnetic impulses that regularly guide the muscles, Dark eyes have a certain capacity to sense such minor motor control changes, thus allowing them to be tracked.

So conditionally this would put a large strain on both a person’s mental processing capacity, and the eyes themselves, due to being able to track high speed type users with near perfect clarity it will cause over-strenuous movement of the eyes, which in consequence will over-work her eyes and finally; cause temporary blindness, or even permanent damage if used too much. Which of course is why , she cannot use her perfect vision all the time, limiters must be in place such as wearing glasses which naturally are worsening her vision, or even going as far as to purposefully damage or not open the eyes all the way to compensate for, the over exertion that is taking place. Meaning in short while Dark eyes, are powerful they can cause irreversible damage and if not used carefully does lead to blindness. Which is why there is a limit to how long this can be active in a thread, generally the limit is around 10-12 posts before damage starts occurring, then after the 15th post Inami Asthavon would go permanently blind. Note though it takes 3 posts to fully get used to someones movements and track them perfectly, so she has 80% accuracy and 260 degree vision the first three posts.

Vast Zao Ka Connection and Dark Energy. : Inami Asthavon possesses a very large connection to Zao Ka, the energy source which is common place to all demons that can be found in the demon world. While most can use a selective portion of the total power that is present, Inami can use a above normal amount as is mostly common with many infant or asthavons in general. Being of royal blood it allows the capacity for further enhancements in the demon magic seals on the body, which in turn has expanded the connection that is present. So it’s not that she is just born with a monstrous connection like some other demons, it’s the basic fact that because of who she is; what her blood is, and even how her seal reflects it. In short, you could say Inami Asthavon is the result of good breeding or even that it is because of her heritage; though none of that really matters. It’s just simple fact, Inami Asthavon has reserves of Zao Ka that are large enough to be considered not only powerful, but if fully released to be dangerous to those under three tiers weaker then she herself is (Such as inami being 0-3, and the opponent being 1-1 for example) .

In fact such plentiful energy was actually too much for Inami’s body to actually hold at birth. It needed some kind of secondary system which would bypass a portion of her full power; or she would have been born a stillborn child. That secondary system was Dark Energy. A type of energy that happened by converting corrupting and altering the fundamentals of Zao Ka and indirectly inscribing similar attributes to the ones found in death energy. In fact, these similar attributes would be Decay, the ability to subjugate souls, and a decomposition potential that is truly frightening. Yet Dark energy as well isn’t quite like death energy either, given it doesn’t subjugate souls or devour them if souls are captured they can (With permission from the character owner) be put back into the respective owners body, meaning that this power does hold minor sway over mundane things like life and death itself.

Such energy takes time to master, but more than that it takes some kind of drawback. The draw back here was substantial and yet subtle. This energy inflicts a heavy toll on the body if not monitored with due caution because of the fact it is so volatile that it eats away at the users sanity and even the soul. Energy of this type is not easy to come across, and even harder to get ample control over that could be worth noting. Even then though, the control over it because it takes blood or energy as compensation is second nature; The consequence for depleting both is not only strenuous but dangerous as the last thing it feeds off of is her life source itself. Dark Energy is like a virus it feeds off of the vitality that is present in the host body and unless her intake and consumption is monitored it could mean certain death or demise for the user.

With Great power comes a great price, and that is her price the power drains her energy and blood as compensation to augment the power output it has. However that price also grants substantial power which is comparable to fighting two people on the same tier as she would be. Both possessing great amounts of energy and superb control over that energy, although it should be mentioned there is another drawback beyond life draining, which is bodily frailty her basic body is very weak which is why she must protect it, as taxing as her dark energy is, it is without a doubt ample reason as to why it is also as powerful as it is given it is both there to protect her body, but it also is the thing that arguably possesses the most danger to her body. It is her greatest strength, and also you could say it is definitively her greatest weakness, given the fact that it does take a rather serious toll on the body, which is why when in use after 10 turns while it might not look like it, damage is regularly occurring to the body itself as such its use is very restrained, unless in dire situations.

Unnatural Regeneration/Shape Shifting: Inami Asthavon Possesses a rather odd type of regeneration which is because of her dark energy ; this unusual trait is that the body when she has most of her energy will instead of being able to be damaged, become a singular Metaphysical entity, which is naturally not prone to damage. This means that if she has over half her full amount of energy cutting her into ribbons will not precisely spell her immediate death, actually it would do very little until her reserves are depleted given both parts would still be able to function off of the energy residue present within subtly leeching off of those reserves to give Inami the benefit of what could be called a very damned hard to kill body. Given the fact that this is draining each time she takes a killing blow it has many other downsides to it. The main one being while she is able to take ridiculous levels of damage without even so much as batting an eye, her full battle potential: how hard she can fight is heavily hampered and weakened. Inami cannot enter her Puppet God State either while this regeneration is in effect, given the Regeneration drains more energy than what is sustainable in her heavily draining awakened state.

Although nearly being indestructible , at least as long as she doesn’t run low in her reserves: does have its perks, such as being able to survive being cut in half and even being able to do something like reforming on the other side of the person and going on like nothing happened. Also while in this particular regenerative state, her body cannot be altered by outside sources without her consent, it is a direct impossibility due to the high level defenses and the fact that her regeneration has a level of containment and control which is nearly impossible to trump without actually knowing the breakdown of how it works. Ergo because she often doesn’t flaunt her powers, when it is in use, its generally just better to wait for her energy reserves to run low, and then hit her hard to incapacitate her. As of course that is one of the sure fire ways you can get damage off on her, although it’s not precisely that she doesn’t take damage in this state. Instead of taking damage she is being drained of a proportionate amount of energy, depending on the wound she takes, as example if you mortally wounded her every single post, her energy reserves would run out after 10 posts, as example of course. Now if you severely overkilled it, like almost completely erasing her body her energy may last around 4 or 5 posts total.

Still though, this kind of regeneration does have other perks other then. Well being able to actually regenerate, one such thing is that generally speaking Inami Asthavon possesses the capacity to contort and control her body, a direct variant of a naturally occurring technique demons often utilize. However the reason that it is considerably different is that she can also change the hardness of the skin by implementing the Dark Energy Threads, blood price stipulation, which means essentially, because of how extensively her dark energy is a part of her body. It means she is able to manipulate some of its attributes in cohesion to her already existing demonic attributes. Take for example Inami would be able to harden her skin through sacrificing blood at a given ratio which was relative to how much of her skin she would be, at that time choosing to harden. Of course though it wouldn’t be as hard as perhaps someone who is a defensive type, but it means basically she could turn anything from an arm, leg or even her entire body for a brief period of time, into an hardened surface which could reflect a decent amount of damage. Not to be of course confused with manipulating the genetic make-up of the body, it’s purely using variables explained above to essentially enhance a already naturally (As stated numerous times above) occurring ability in demons thanks to zao ka.

Other things that can be done, are comparable to taking and adding on effects, to then change the basic way the bodily manipulation is going to function. Such as something like taking the ability to subjugate souls, via Dark Energy, and apply that to her bodily manipulation to allow her to do something akin to Soul Body Separation. Or if she applied the principle of her decomposition, she could in essence interchange hardness for something like a hollows acidic Touch, meaning that Inami could through this method possibly melt through a steel object that she comes in contact with. Of course other affects can be introduced, like if she was holding her hand on an energy core, she could say if that core used heat as a energy source , convert her own body to be superheated or if in cold environments adapt her skin to be more resistant to the cold weather.

Also it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that she is able to using her dark energy , and of course reasonable energy control, regeneration and over all manipulation capacity to create a single duplicate of herself at the cost of both her and her duplicate being a tier lower than what they regularly would possess. Such as say inami was 0-5 it would mean for the duration of the duplicate being in place, both her and the duplicate would be tiered at 1-1. As such while both duplicates can use the full range of power and abilities that are present, it wouldn’t be fighting at full capacity. Given the fact that energy would be divided equally amongst her and the duplicate that has been created. Also if the duplicate was killed, another problem would present itself almost immediately. You see unlike if it’s just with a single body, if a duplicate is destroyed while her soul will remain in-tact for around a week. Real life time that is, she would be stuck at that 1-1 tier, instead of her full 0-5 tier. Incidentally she also would be unable to use her released state, Puppet God State, until all her energy was recreated and she was enabled to fight again at full capacity.

Another side-affect is that both will take minor injuries even while in her metaphysical regeneration based state, meaning even if she is able to do this it means that say she was cut in half , and forms back together like she normally would. Not only would she lose the relative amount of energy , but slight blood loss will occur as well such as spitting up blood or even weakness in movement for short durations of time. For this reason while she can split herself in half, if has a range of disadvantages that not only can be dangerous but don’t go away right as the effects are partially long lasting, such as if her duplicate is killed, or she is killed and the duplicate is not. That means, that she would take a week before she would be back at full capacity, and then another 3days before her soul would fully reform back into her body. So because of that there are some risks with using her skills like anything else.

» Unique Abilities:

Woven Hungry Chains: Woven hungry chains are not what you would consider to be typical chains. These chains are made using a small amount of blood and dark threads woven together to give the structure a chain like feel. These chains are not normal in comparison to the normal function of chains, or even other kinds of dark-thread attacks. You see these chains have the capacity to eat up matter objects, and within reason even spiritual energy that they come into contact with. For this reason Inami Asthavon can use these for many indirect purposes, such as devouring energy up to the relative level that Inami herself possesses. Although when that happens it would mean the chains for the rest of the thread actually become rather quite useless in regards to both functionality and actually being able to stay on the material side of existence. These chains act like a voraciously hungry pack of wolves who haven’t eaten in over a month. That’s just the easiest way to explain them, in terms of how fast the chains devour inanimate objects and cause the terrain to change around them.

Relatively speaking, the chains themselves can’t eat up energy instantly , nor unless a serious tier gap is present can they actually do things like devouring someone’s spiritual energy signature. However , if they devour a basic run of the mill NPC human, what happens is the soul would become trapped within Inami’s Dark Energy, and the person along with the ground and personal belonging they had on them at the time, would look like they had just vanished, and often there is a trace of the chains bite marks, which look like a cookie cutter shaped chunk is bitten out of the ground, or any other fixed objects that happened to be within 100 feet of the devouring point. Effectively speaking this means that the chains are not directly made to seriously injure or fight someone, despite obvious durability which comes from multiple threads woven together to create the chains in the first place.

When the chains do hit an object, it has a peculiar affect. If say the chain was going to cut someone’s arm off, the chain would eat said arm instead, or a portion of it at the very least, which would look like a huge bite had been taken out of the person, not the prettiest sight to behold. This is why they are called Hungry chains, because by eating up objects they come into contact with (exclusion of Player characters unless given permission) become eaten up , such as if Inami had directed the chain into the ground it could devour the amount of ground that is coming into contact with the chain itself, or devour anything within an area that is surrounded by the chains. In example if one of these chains managed to wrap around a modern day skyscraper, what would happen is the skyscraper would vibrate for a moment, and then vanish. However the ground and area that the skyscraper used to rest on would look again like it had gotten a great big hunk bitten out of it.

Thinking back, you might think that the chains just could devour anything and are invincible. That is not the truth in the slightest, as everything devoured goes into what is known as a pocket. These pockets are constructed by shrinking the matter down and then storing them within the individual fibers of the woven hungry chains. In doing so it allows for the chain to pool up to a specific amount of matter. However the particles of matter that are being held in the chains have a rather short life span. As over the course of 3-4 turns what happens is that the matter is decomposed, and any souls devoured (npc souls) are transferred to her Puppet God States reserves. Often these souls will be recycled and spat out, unless one of her dolls in the puppet army is lacking a fuel source, and in that case a soul will be then stored in that puppet, the rest however will be dispelled back into the soul cycle after a set period of time (At the end of the thread).

To be fair while this is hard to comprehend and seems to be useful, it also is no walk in the park to control. As Woven Hungry Chains have a particularly nasty side effect to them, which is that they require a steady reliable source of energy to stay active. Which is hard because of the strength that they have, means that in direct proportion to it, they also take a relatively large sum of energy to keep active, which is why of course if her energy is already depleted the nasty part of it comes into play. When energy is not present there is a second source of power for these volatile and deadly chains, it is not the souls they devour, but instead it is the blood of Inami Asthavon herself. Yes these chains will devour her blood after a set period of time following the depletion of energy. This is why there is a limit on the chains after half power is reached the chains begin draining blood, from there it is a countdown of 5 turns before the user would be incapacitated from blood loss best case scenario. That means if she didn’t lose any blood prior to that point, she would last only 5 turns before passing out from being , completely drained of blood.

Going further in depth, these chains are also able to use part of the energy, souls and matter devoured. Such as being able to manipulate the materials to say boost or reinforce a specific object, such as say Inami Asthavon had devoured 5 tons of steel, well if she put her hand on a wall she could reinforce the wall so that it would be just as hard as say a wall that was made of 2.5tons of solid steel. Although this does mean something else, such as if the chains devoured electricity , they could in essence utilize half the electricity they devoured in some sort of attack. The only problem is doing so creates Unimaginable strain on the body, as such doing something of that magnitude requires Inami Asthavon to be in her Puppet God State, where she is not restricted by her Miraculous but odd regeneration traits. Finally however, these chains can be destroyed it’s not impossible nor is it absurdly hard it just takes time and practice.

[note the fixed rate for consumption of energy from player characters is 5-10%]

[Note Spontaneous Weapon Creation Does not Stack]
Spontaneous Weapon Creation: Inami is able to through her dark threads, and dark energy in general. Create weapons of different varieties and strengths to use in the middle of combat, some of these may be made up on the fly, while others can be created from previous templates that where put in place from prior battles. As while she creates these weapons spontaneously it does not mean that they go away just as fast as they are created and then used. You see these weapons are created using two fundamentals of summoning, a price to create it, and materials to create it, in this situations the materials in place are dark-threads, and dark energy. The price to create or summon said objects would be blood, one of the few things which can give you both a proficient and powerful bond with the user. By using such a medium it means weapons are easy to manipulate, diverse and not to mention, powerful. Below would be some of the weapons that have been created in the past.

-Weapon Arsenal:

-Scissor Blade: Inami has a certain weapon that she is rather fond of. That weapon itself is called a Scissor-Blade, and was the first weapon that Inami Asthavon had ever created, and incidentally it is also a duel type weapon, meaning it has two different blades which originally had been together as one unit, a scissor. However because the bonds that held the two objects together had been lacking, and from overall inexperience in general, led to the weapon becoming two separate parts, the Scissor blade red, known merely as the Fresh Blood Blade, and the Pink Scissor blade, which is known simply as the Fairy blade, now despite coming from the same original scissor these two blades have pretty defined differences which highlight strengths and a difference in the price to use them below is the explanation on what they do, and the differences between them.

-Scissor Blade Red[Fresh Blood Blade]: Inami’s Red Scissor blade, also known as the fresh blood blade, was created under the notion that if the price is great, the power should be equal to the price that is paid. And this blade has a pretty hefty price, which is that it can’t be used more than a 5 turn period of time before she would go into shock or just generally speaking pass out from blood loss. The Pay-off for such a risky and down-right crazy drawback, would be the fact that this blade alone has enough power that with a swing of it in the correct conditions, it would be very well able to cleave through defenses of someone who’s tier is equal to that of Inami’s , and that person was a defensive type. Which is why the blade which is around 5 feet in length and is the color of fresh blood, is top heavy and rather annoying when in prolonged battle. One of the general upsides to how the blade was forged however is the fact that the blade has a ring for a handle, meaning in short it can be spun and moved better then a conventional sword, and can be gripped without having to wait for the handle to be lined up with the hand. Instead as long as you can grab the ring, you can recover and wield the blade properly. Which is primarily why despite the brute offensive power, and strength of slashes that it possesses it is cumbersome and slow moving if it was a contest of just speed rather than outright brute force.

-Scissor Blade Red: Executioner mode: The Fresh Blood Blade, has a secondary mode to it which is much stronger then the normal scissor blade itself, you see at the cost that it can only be reached for 3 turns and drains massive amounts of energy and blood it has the power to cleave mountains in two, in her normal mode because while the red scissor blade is strong, it supports slashing strength. In this mode through elongating the blade to around 8 feet, and sharpening the edge it gives another innate boost, which would be a boost in cutting strength. Meaning that while in a normal state the blade is powerful, in this state it is comparably stronger to the point that it is only normally seen in Puppet God State, rather than the normal demon state just because of the fact it places a very demanding blood loss on top of physical strain which outside of her released state, can be considered to be not only limiting, but crippling in nature. This is why the Executioner mode, is a mode instead of a blade entirely by its self, as the drain and strain is too great for a standard sword, it takes excess blood drain and reinforcing of the sword for it to function, which is why its cutting force is truly frightening. As the strain and drawbacks are there because of the fact the power it possesses is strong.

-Scissor Blade Pink[ The Fairy Blade]: Inami’s Scissor Blade Pink, is almost the polar opposite of its red twin. Rather than having immense strain or insane power what it does is better suited for long drawn out fights. By focusing on handling, maneuverability and versatility, the Fairy Blade is fleeting fast and mystical in its functions, much like a fairy is considered generally speaking to be, that is actually the reason its nickname is Fairy Blade, as its movements enchant the eyes like a mystical fairy floating through a deeply wooded forest. However what this means is the functionality and capacity to counter is greatly improved in contrast to how she would function without this weapon, or with its twin. So this blade has a special attribute which is in turn why it is able to counter so effectively. A subtle pull called Gravitation gives the sword a helping hand by pulling it towards the intended target. Not enough that it never misses, like Odins famous spear, however it does mean that she is able to block and keep up with opponents that previously she wouldn’t be able to, meaning effectiveness is boosted by 2x the original amount.

-Woven Power Gloves: Another type of weapon Inami Asthavon has is her gloves, these woven gloves amplify the power of her punches when they are summoned, being of a kind of leather design. Although when I say amplify I mean these weapons take her impact force and increase it exponentially such as if she was able to punch through the ground and cause a mile crater, the amplification effect on the gloves would increase the radius of damage by 10x the original amount because of the fact the ability of these gloves is again amplifying her power through charging the dark threads and using them as a tuning fork so this means that her punches in this case would be greatly increased by these gloves as explained above. However the drawback is that they drain blood from her hands literally having to saturate the threads with a quart of blood each, the gloves power comes from that sacrifice and her own energy which is charged in it. That is the main reason that the gloves themselves are that strong and able to amplify the power of her punches to that level.

Among other things the gloves also have immense metaphysical and physical density given while some of her weapons have to do with speed, or damage , even armor piercing this weapon has to do with her strength and defense. Which is why she can with these gloves punch through metaphysical or physical attacks of the same tier, at the very least being able to reduce the damage taken, or in some instances completely bat the attack of offensive maneuver to the side completely. This is why though the gloves also have a time limit being only usable for around 6 turns at max. This is also because the toll on her hands will actually cause them to become unusable for the rest of the thread if Inami was to have her gloves on longer then the time limit given her bones would also begin shattering and she generally would become in essence unable to handle the force that is rippling externally through the points of impact and the weapon itself in general, which is mainly why the gloves like her red scissor blade have limitations to them which rely on basic principles such as how long her body can actually handle stuff like that.

-Woven Phantom Boots: These are boots which lace up to the thighs. They are generally of a dark red color like maroon or a burgundy color. They are not as durable as most her other equipment but what they do is increase her speed exponentially, by amplifying the speed that she is going by around 5x what it originally was, meaning if she was originally going 1000mph she would be going at this point around 5000mph. Because of how it works the dark threads which are woven and merged with her skin, are charged with energy which is much like her gloves again used as a form of tuning fork which is present for a specific reason which is to allow her speed stat to drastically increase for the period of time that the boots are donned. Although the problem arises in the fact that the boots themselves can only be used for roughly 5 turns before they would have to be dispersed lest irreversible damage was to actually occur, given the fact that the strain on her legs would be tremendous from using the boost present in the woven phantom boots.

Although the other problem is when the boots are used, they can damage to legs and joints if its used over the limit that it has. Meaning Inami’s legs could break in odd angles, or just quit to work all together for the rest of the thread if they are used over 5 turns with the boots on. As there is immense strain occurring in the body from the bonuses that are beginning to be naturally present thanks to the woven phantom boots ability. This is the main reason as to why they cannot be used more then the allotted amount of time, plus the fact that they drain more blood then the gloves or sword does. So after using the boots for even 3 turns Inami Asthavon can either feel woozy or thoroughly light headed, dizzy, or even have reduced motor control for 2 turns following it. Which is primarily why the boots are able to boost her speed like they do, because of the given fact that the draw backs which would be present, would amply be enough to actually balance out the speed increase, and benefits that she would gain because of using them in the first place.

[She isn't always in puppet god state]
Puppet God State: More like a power then a state. Puppet God is a power which resides within inami asthavon, the very principle of it is the rudimentary awakening of powers which often have been suppressed for fear of truly the strength it naturally possesses being so great that it honestly speaking is monstrous in size and strength. Comparable the closer to State X, she gets the stronger her powers are, and the more energy that she will possess and be able to harness in that short period of time, that she has been awakening. It’s not her gaining more power, but its fundamentally the fact that she is instead regaining the lost power that she has inside her, through a similar cycle to that of the other asthavons. The only real difference is that this is not just energy that’s unlocked. There are certain skills which are also unlocked by releasing more of the total power that she possesses in general. Such as the puppet god’s Army, that’s an ability that is usable at state X. rather than her other states E-B-A-S and SS.

So these cycles are not really making it so that she is getting stronger, instead rather its showing that Inami is becoming more in tune with her natural capabilities and furthering them to reach her full potential. So it’s not a form perhaps, but more like just a limiter which staggers her power so that when its sealed, it isn’t going to destroy everything near her. That’s honestly the reason why in the first place that Inami Asthavon has this power, it’s because if she gets too into her powers, it can have unexpected side-affects which cause a good deal of damage, and not to mention cause a strain on her sanity which ends up with truly disastrous effects not only on the psyche but on the landscape surrounding her if such a situation comes to pass. Given the fact that, again her energy itself is vast. However with just how large a connection she has its hard to explain what honestly happens when its revved up to its full power.

Stage E:Stage E for Inami is beginning to tap into her powers, what happens is that in this state she begins to be able to use her threads with a greater amount of power then previously possible. Its like an elusive weight which settles across a wide area. Enabling her to begin to tap into the full capacity of her dark Energy, and expand her energy reserves. In this state there is a simple way to check, as horns begin to grow on her head. Not precisely large, but large enough that it becomes noticeable to those that actually come close enough to feel the effects. Not to mention in this state her energy is increased to around 15% or so of her max power. By opening up the connection the effects that are seen include a slight change in the color of her eyes, as they make the gradual transition from the normal color to a unnatural silver tone.

In this state she is enabled to use and harness her full power again up to 15%, the only problem is that in this state the strain on the body while slight, begins to take a toll, while her sanity may hold it causes often fatigue and trouble really distinguishing whats going on. Despite this fact the energy increase itself should be able to be felt with a sense of dread, given this state isn’t really a large release just enough that she can begin using her powers, which have around a power up of 10% in comparison to when she isn’t in her Puppet god state cycle, that’s really the main bonus you can find from the puppet god states despite the power increases present.

Stage B: Stage B enables Inami to use more of her full power, however the awakening of this state is seen by her body beginning to vibrate at fast speeds. Given the fact her skin isn’t able to contain the actual pressure that would be generally building up in side from this energy. So that in general her power itself is increased to the point that the ground will begin to break up around her, and naturally begin to decay from the death energy like aspects of the dark energy. Also in this state a rather vast increase in the amount of energy she is enabled to use is generally seen. Such as her normally draining skills will take less of a toll on her body, although this state will further cause her mind to wander and even for her body in general to begin to bleed, and break apart at the edges. So this state has a lot of pain in it, due to the fact that it generally not only takes a toll on the body, but at the same time, it releases enough energy to cause a decent increase in pressure over the vicinity of a radius that would be comparable to a city. Generally speaking this is because originally she had a astounding amount of energy, however it took time for her to actually be able to fully relax. Also she begins to get a rather good control over her powers.

Stage A: Stage A is where you can see her use up to 50 % of her total energy. For inami this means she has enough that the ground itself in a mile radius falls out from around her, and actually will distort the air and cause a pretty dense fog. Not to mention because her energy vibrates outwards it extends the range of her skills even further, augmenting her body and reactivating her Regeneration which isn’t actually seen in stage b. Not to mention from her blood bursting and reforming her body out of her threads, you can see a pair of wings which will grow out of her back. These are made of the same material as generally speaking her threads. Thanks to these facts this is where you begin to fully see the amount of energy she has at her disposal, and thankfully because of it, her energy is becoming more stable, however she has a very high likely hood of regressing from this state if she loses her cool.

Stage S: Inami’s Stage S, is seen when her entire body becomes saturated in power. At this point her energy itself will spike immensely. Comparable to a bankai release for some, the energy is strong enough that it can be felt many many miles away. At this point of course her horns would be fully grown, and she would grow a tail. That’s around the point that her energy is fully regressing into its natural state. Because of this of course, it means also that the energy that is present should be much greater than it was previously , so at this level of energy she has fuel which exponentially increases her destructive power, in example in this state if she had swung her arm out it might be enough because of the energy presently being released to damage or level good chunks of cities without much of a problem. That though is the limits of her Stage S.

Stage SS: In this Stage Inami’s energy is comparable to that of a large entity, as she possesses enough energy to destroy mountains , and cause cities to be fully destroyed with a surge of energy. Given her power is so great in this stage though, it causes her to undergo immense strain over both the body, and her mind. The scenario which happens because of it, is often amnesia, meaning she not only looses her memories but completely forgets about who she is. In some cases this doesn’t happen but in others if this is used too often, it may mean that she passes out and doesn’t wake up for another couple hundred years. This is the reason that she fell asleep last time, given the fact that the energy was large enough that it overwhelmed her mental stability and then finally caused her body to merely give out.

Stage X: [Event Only] Stage X has 100% of her power, and is comparable to a final release. In this stage Inami Asthavon is capable of destroying miles of land in a short period of time, and is also capable of blowing up mountains or erasing cities off the face of the map if she releases a surge of energy. The release itself is great enough that it changes the skies color and literally releases a wave of energy that can be felt for many miles. This state is only reserved for if she’s fully gone nuts however, because of the fact that in specific situations what happens is that she hasn’t figured out how to access this consciously, its normally in moments that she snap’s and utterly goes nuts that this is going to happen. As such this is also fairly dangerous because she can animate thousands of inanimate objects or even be able to pull off feats like turning the earth in a given radius into a living object, because of the energy reserves present being massive enough , that literally speaking there is very little chance of her ever ascending to this state in the first place.

[Next Section]

» Note: Feel free to change "Adjustable State Appearance" to any title you'd like for your Demon's Stages.

» Adjustable State Appearance: (What do they look like if there is any kind of stage? If they have stages, feel free to repeat as necessary.)

» Adjustable State Benefits: (Do they get any nifty powers, abilities and things of this nature? Put all of that here in seperate sections and feel free to repeat as necessary for other forms.)
[Next Section]

To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not feel your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. We will also do your will sheet for you upon grading your application.

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill: Master
  • Demon Magic: Advanced
  • Shadow Movement: Advanced
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Master
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

[Next Section]

» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)

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Graphics And Bar Designs By:

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:25 pm; edited 31 times in total

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon LzZCuy7
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Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:22 pm

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:28 pm; edited 15 times in total

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon LzZCuy7
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Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:23 pm

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Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:24 pm

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:29 pm; edited 4 times in total

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon LzZCuy7
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Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:26 pm

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:30 pm; edited 7 times in total

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon LzZCuy7
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Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:12 pm

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon LzZCuy7
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Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:17 pm

-Reserve Post-

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon LzZCuy7
inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon BtXe12b

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Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:27 pm
inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon Tumblr_mrl9k3WLnY1rx1dfqo1_500

Get it together slowpoke!
This has spent a lot of time here, therefore it's moved to OLD wip! Don't worry, when you're done, you can just post Here in order to get your file checked! >W<
Nise no Eiyū
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inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon Empty First check.~

Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:55 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: ???
  • Mental Deduction: ???
  • Pain Endurance: ???
  • Focus: ???

Comments/Notes: There are some minor things that need to be fixed before I can go and give your tiers and will skills.

Natural skills:

For the Dark Eyes, I would like a post of adjusting before she's able to instantly track and understand the new movements of the attacker, and a slight drop to 20 posts as limit, 25 seems a bit excessive unless you mean every post regardless of your own counts then I can see that being somewhat okay.

Your Hentai Tendrils seem okay from this read again re-reading will help a lot, but I want to give you things you can work on so that the commoner who doesn't understand you.

Is she Naturally in a Puppet god form or does she seal her energy off then go into it, that's another thing that needs to be explained.


You have a good deal so we'll continue.

Chains: Fine. Just note on the bottom the amount of recovery for records sake, You said 5-10% so just note that and it'll be pretty easy to know and remember thanks.~

The Scissors seem okay I'll reread once you go through this check so I can fully understand in my own way.~

Power Gloves, is it their thing that if she's Strong enough to punch through the attack on her own or is it the power of the gloves to be able to punch through things. Think Knuckles from SA2 Where he can punch through normal stuff pretty well then he has the Hammer gloves upgrade that makes him able to punch through harder objects with relative ease.

Stamina Drains and the like.

Does each item stack when she's wearing them on drain or is it one consistent drain from the most prominent weapon. What i mean is let's say she's wearing boots and gloves, would her stamina adhere to just the boots and the gloves would just follow their natural progression, or would it be tore between supporting both the Gloves and boots. That's an issue as well I forgot to think about.

This is a pretty interesting app this is the first check, but it does seem somewhat approvable from what I've read, and not giving will skills until fully checked, but I have an idea on what I wanna give you. This is tentative depending on how the checks go, but that's a subject for another being. Please take your time.~

Tier: [0-5-] Base [0-3-] Puppet God X

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
Nise no Eiyū
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inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon Empty Re: Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon

Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:13 pm
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept.
  • Mental Deduction: Adept,
  • Pain Endurance: Master.
  • Focus: Master.

Note: This is A VERY PARTIAL APPROVAL. I and anyother mod reserve the right to drop tiers or deny character if seems broken or abused.~ Have a nice day, and know the eye of the Yuudeshi is watching you.~

Tier: [0-5-] to [0-3-] Puppet God X

inami - Inami-Asthavon-0-4++-base-0-2-PPQX-demon GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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