Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:13 pm
Jon was going on his usual nightly walk. He enjoyed these strolls he had every night. He rarely if ever missed one. He saw a new path and decided to stroll down it. As he was going down the path, he sense a low spiritual pressure. He wasn't sure if it was someone disguising their Reiatsu, or just a really weak Hollow.

Jon ran down the path as fast as he could to find out who was at the end of the path. When he go there, he couldn't see anyone, but he could see the full moon. He loved looking at the full moon. So, he decided to just sit there. He could still feel the reiatsu, but he thought nothing of it. It hadn't raised or attacked yet, so he didn't perceive it as a threat. Jon put in his MP3 Player headphones and just sat there, staring at the full moon.
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Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:58 pm
Jack Skellington
Chairs thrown and tables toppled,
Hands armed with broken bottles,
Standing no chance to win but,
We're not running, we're not running.

By the point Jon began listening to his music, Jack began consuming the hollow. He had surpressed his reiatsu to the lowest point he could, and snuck up on the hollow from behind. Suddenly, in one great burst, he flared his spiritual pressure as a bow formed. Striking the hollow in the back of the skull, the beast was left unconscious. Sliding a long tube from his pocket, Jack activated the seele shneider. The warm metal grew hotter as his power flowed into it, a blade of highly-vibrating reiryoka bringing what looked like a sword to life. Cutting into the thigh of the beast, he peeled it's black flesh back. Ripping off a chunk, he began chewing on it casually, the bleeding cauterized by the heat of the seele shneider as it buzzed maniacally. "I'm sorry, my dear family. Unfortunately, one must die for the other to live, and I'm afraid you aren't good enough." He told the creature as he slit off another slice and began consuming that as well.

Jack was a strange quincy. Raised in Hueco Mundo by an arrancar, he grew to enjoy the taste of hollow, and his body soon adapted to it. The beasts were like a drug to him now. Although he didn't want to believe it, he believed he was slowly growing addicted to the flavor and blood of the hollow. It was becoming a filthy habit. Jack actually loved all Hollow. They were his family; his comrades. He simply had to survive.
Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:04 pm
Jon was growing bored. It had been months since he had defeated and absorbed his Hollow under that mysterious man's training. He had honestly begun to miss the nagging, echoing voice ringing in his head every five minutes. Jon sighed, "Maybe I'm just Lonely...", he said. "I need to find a girlfriend..." Jon sighed again.

Jon layed down on his back and unsheathed Ryuho, looking at it's gleam in the moonlight. He smiled. He kept very good care of his Zanpaku-to. He made a point to. Jon sheathed it again and began singing along to a song he liked. "Is it my turn to die...?My heart is POUNDING as I say goodbye!" Jon really did love 'Your Betrayal'.
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Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:09 pm
Jack Skellington
Chairs thrown and tables toppled,
Hands armed with broken bottles,
Standing no chance to win but,
We're not running, we're not running.

Jack was a fatass. He had actually consumed all of the hollow, broken it down to energy, and was still hungry. Letting his senses roam, his intricate quincy abilities picked up the reiatsu of Jon. The vizard wasn't hiding it very well, especially not by weilding his zanpakuto. Most quincy wouldn't be able to sense the inner hollow, but Jack was accustomed to that particular reiatsu, and he' felt the familiar pang from Jon that all hollow had. Disappearing, he used his hirenkyaku to appear behind Jon. Pressing the tip of the seele shneider against his back, he smirked. "Well well well.. What are you? I wonder... Do you taste as good as gillians?" He asked with a sadistic smirk, his fangs dripping black blood down his chin. "I mean.. I can't eat shinigami.. but truth be told, I've never tried Vizard, and I can eat arrancar..."
Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:16 pm
Jon rolled forward to avoid any attacks from his opponent's blade. He turned to face his attacker with nervous eyes. When he saw it was a human with a sword, he was curious.

"Who the hell are you? A Soul Reaper?'re too contaminated by Hollow....are you a Vizard?"

Jon gripped Ryuho, ready to react at the slightest movement and realized this was the pressure he was feeling earlier. Jon looked down the path he had come. Estimating his opponent's strength, retreat may become an option, he realized. As a drop of sweat swept down his face Jon said, "Answer me! Who are you!"
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Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:18 pm
Jack Skellington
Chairs thrown and tables toppled,
Hands armed with broken bottles,
Standing no chance to win but,
We're not running, we're not running.

Cocking his head to the side slowly as the figure rolled and stood, he de-activated his shneider. Sliding the steel into his pocket, he smirked. "I'm Jack." He told him calmly, his hunger beginning to fade slightly. "Who are you?" His question and tone was sincerely polite. Jack wasn't a bad person. He just got hungry on occasion. "In case you were wondering.. I'm quincy. Not hollow or anything of the sort." To prove it, he activated his bow, which grew from a bat shaped cresh. The black weapon was 5 feet long with almost no detail. Firing off an arrow into the sky, he allowed the bow to shrink back to it's cross form. Sliding his hands into his pocket, he relaxed. This vizard was no threat. Truth be told, he hadn't yet encountered an actual threat to him in his life. In the sky, the arrow slowly began it's descent.
Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:26 pm
Jon stared in amazement. He had never seen a Quincy before....much less one so reaking of the stench of Hollow. He could tell that this Quincy wasn't quite right. Not nessisarily bad, but....different, to say the least.

"I'm Jon," he said, moving his hand away from Ryuho,"I've never met a Quincy before. You....seem different though....Quincies don't normally feel like a Hollow's Spiritual Pressure....why is it that yours does?" Jon realized that it may be a personal issue and quickly corrected himself. "Forgive me if I've overstepped my bounds, it just that I'm curious. Quincies are new to me. But I know they aren't supposed to feel like Hollows...."

OOC: Urf, I'm aware that the term 'Feel like Hollows' Sounds dirty. Shut up. XD.
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Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:39 pm
Jack Skellington
Chairs thrown and tables toppled,
Hands armed with broken bottles,
Standing no chance to win but,
We're not running, we're not running.

"Well met, Jon." Three... Two.. One. The arrow that was falling, a shot seemingly just to prove something, had converted energy mass into a dark orange fire, and was mere moments from Jon's skull. "Well, I grew up in Hueco Mundo. I actually eat hollow, as you probably just witnessed. That may explain my odd reiatsu." He said, before taking a simple step backwards. A small scuffle as his shoes scraped the cement. Still smiling, he waited patiently for the Vizard to be fried.
Jon Soki
Jon Soki
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Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:02 pm
A second before the Arrow would have impaled Jon through his Skull, Flames Flared up around Jon, Creating a sheild around his body. 'Damn' He thought. 'Shame...he might make an interesting ally...but if he wants a can't be helped....'

"Tsk, tsk, Jack," Jon said through the Flames. As the Arrow dissapated, Jon's flames did as well, revealing Jon in full body Armor," You really should be more friendly to people you don't know. You'll make more friends that way. Thank you for explaining your situation. Now, can we go about this peacefully or do we have to fight?" Jon hated fighting if there was a possible ally to be gained.
Queen Of The Sands
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Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:16 pm

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