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神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Left_bar_bleue10/100Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:34 pm
Alright, I have been told that Gin's poison ability with his bankai is OP.

Yes, I know it's hard to believe what I'm gonna say but..

YOU CAN KEEP IT! However, it's only going to be an event-only ability since it's too powerful. I'm giving this judgement only because Gin wouldn't go bankai or even dare to use the poison unless he's fighting highly stronger opponents judging by his mocking personality.

I'm giving this character the tier of... 0-3+ simply because he's... well, Gin! Despite Gin's previous 0-4, that was probably because he didn't have the poison ability in it. Yeeep, he's strong so I'm finding him worthy of a good 0-3+.

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神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
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Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:54 pm
Reapproved, same tier.

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Satan's Spawn
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Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:15 am
Moved to adoption.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:18 am
Reserving a post, bruh.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Ap8OoJO

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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:17 pm
A Lone, Sly fox stood out, the solitary figure's eyes seemed to be always narrowed to narrow slits , shielding the world from his icy, cold icy blue eyes, his lips always curled upwards as though etched in a permanent mocking smile, as though the whole world was a private joke to him. Lastly another distinct feature regarding the loner was his distinct, unkempt silver hair that seemed to crown his thin, bony head. The entire appearance of the figure did earn him the nickname the fox faced shinigami, the former 3rd division Ichimaru Gin was a quite a tall, thin man with sharp features that defined him. It was the same man who almost defeated Aizen single handed. Now the defeated Gin, after the battle stood alone in the desert of Heuco Mundo. The tell tale smile of his, was his hallmark and his most defined trait, ever since he was the murderous genius child discovered by Aizen. Now that psychotic smile and his sadistic eyes were scanning the vast desert of Heuco Mundo as he engaged in his favorite hobby, people watching. A pair of Arrancar had been locking horns earlier name calling one another and in the heat of it, so much so that they failed to notice that Gin was merely standing a few hundred feet away watching them, from the top of a massive pillar that jutted out from the desert floor.

"Gonna kill you and devour you, weakling!" Echoed the brutish voice of one of the Arrancar. Just as they had both activated their reseruccion, the far bigger one swung what seemed to be a massive spiked flail at the smaller one, the lone fox had flash stepped right between the pair, his gaze fell upon the much larger Arrancar, his damned smile creeping the hell out of both of them. "Now, now... That's no way te treat yer lunch is it?" His voice was polite in the most mocking tone. Gin had stopped the massive Arrancar's attack with sheer ease, as he stood there holding on to the flail with one hand, smiling up at the gargantuan Arrancar as he did. "How 'about you pick on someone yer' on size? Shoot to kill Shinsou" Without warning a flash of light erupted from Gin's side and without warning the massive Arrancar was impaled by Gin's zanpaktou, within seconds later he fell to the ground dead. Gin turned around, his clothes drenched in blood, his smile ever so mocking, "run 'long now weaklin' don' wann' see ye hear no more." The Arrancar complied immediately and ran off. A small gust of wind, picked up the hem of his hoari, a stained mark of his infernal treachery, as it whipped from the wind, the rhombus with the 3rd division insignia on the back.

Gin was going to in fact let the Arrancar go, he wanted his presence to be known to the Arrancar and Vasto Lorde out there, that he indeed was still alive and still able to fight, hence his reason behind letting the smaller Arrancar flee, where he could have most easily picked him off using Shinsou. If the Arrancar and Vasto Lorde are informed by him of his existence he may perhaps be able to fulfill what was on his mind all along, after Aizen's defeat, however such a plan needed time and he had all the time in the world, as he knew for a fact that the Arrancar would not spread the word to the shinigami, it was still not time for them to learn of his survival just yet. However every step of his plan was coming along just perfectly though. With that the lone fox-like shinigami began to flash step towards his final destination where he needed to fulfill the final step of his plan in Heuco Mundo before he could take the next step and head on to Karakura Town where he would move into phase 2 of his plan.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:25 pm
Well.. hrm.

>Yeah Trying for Gin. woo.

    Tip Tap, Tip Tap.

    That was the faucet, as thin but strong hands were weaving in a material. A dry laugh was stocked in the back of his throat : if the Gotei saw him now, they would have a heart attack. But he would relish that to say the least : after all, a fox like man had be a little prankster and trickster. The male knew what kind of situation he had put himself in back then : it was all or nothing. And even then, constructs were constructs : there had been only one true motivation at the end of it all. And he had accomplished that, relatively to say the least : however once undone, things remained so. The threads of fate he had held, were plucked apart with all of his actions. Plucked and plucked, erased, eventually turned into evil. These threads faded from white into red and then black : love, hate, death. He knew this better then anyone, as a heavy sigh slipped from his throat. His threading hands stopped for a moment, before starting back up : he was lucky he was handy with such things. The male finished, letting out a sigh, putting a lock of silver out of his sweat covered face.

    Tip Tap, Tip tap.

    Eh, they'd definitely have a heart attack. Especially Rangiku. Gin knew that too well : they weren't looking for him, but the male didn't want to be involved once again. Not yet, as he brought the mended garment to the lady. ''It's done.'' he said softly, as she smiled at him, nodding. The silver haired male felt relieved : for the longest time, he had been on his own. His usual tactics could work : but the pain of Rangiku's hurt filled eyes had made him rethink that. His fingers touched the side of the table, as he had settled back in. He did miss the Seireitei : but most of all he missed Rangiku. She was his dearest friend : most of his reactions, emotions, had been a facade, to get closer and closer to Aizen. To defeat him, for the pain he caused his dearest friend. So nobody really knew Gin : except maybe Rangiku. And even then, he wasn't sure he could drop his mask in front of them : not like here, this place, where no one knew him.

    Tip Tap, Tip Tap.

    The taste of dried persimmons still lingered on his tongue, in his memories. Her face, her voice : the very life he had lead on the double surface, within Seireitei. Izuru Kira's trust had been broken, yes, but so had Rangiku's : not very many others had trusted Gin like that. Aizen, perhaps, had trusted him as a tool : he always had the sneaking suspicion the man knew more then he let on. The games of mischief he had played with the other divisions had been quite welcome : he had loved sneaking and teasing some of the members, despite their lack of trust. But his betrayal, to them was no surprise : Tousen and Aizen's were much more poignant and deeper. The only ones that truly felt harmed were perhaps only Kira and Rangiku. That was his logic : but Rangiku had Toshiro.. and Kira had everyone. It would be fine, he had reasoned : but Rangiku was more stubborn then an eight mile train, to say the least, and that had made him smile, inside of course. But there was so much more he wanted to remember, to live again, as his fingers curled up in his palms.

    Tip Tap, Tip Tap.

    That faucet was dripping, he realized, this whole time. And he also realized he had left himself defenseless : that's what they were waiting for, as he heard the glass break downstairs. He didn't want to feel obligated, but he had to go save those people : they had been good to him, despite his rough edges, and the male arrived : only to see bodies and a blood thirsty hollow. It took no time : the male's Zanpkato was in the other's eye. The stab was instant : instinct perhaps. But the corpse on the front desk got to him most : she had the same hair color as Rangiku, and had heavily reminded him of her. His eyes snapped open, as the creature howled : and without delay, the male had slaughtered it, walking out into the day, watching the town burn. Those sky blue orbs were blaring and defiant, as the male moved through town, impaling any hollow in his way. His teeth were tightly drawn against one another.

    Thump. Thump.

    This was enough. Gin had to come out of the shadows : it was time to do something about this despairing world, this situation. Where he would end up, no one would know : but his fingers wrapped around the hilt of his Zanpakto, as the memory of the Rangiku like corpse. That made his rage flare again : the whole reason of his existence, his betrayal, his actions, had been for her. He would not let her die : that was a denial that came too strongly. He definitely needed to do something about all of it, as his familiar smile slipped on to his lips. There was no other way : to protect Rangiku, in the way only he knew how. And that was to lie, back stab, betray, and do everything in his power to ensure that she would not be affected. The male let out a chuckle, as his direction moved away from the burning town : let the survivors deal with the rest. Gin had something to do, and little time to gather enough information to do it.

    So much to learn, so little time.

[961 words, 5087 characters discounting code and foreword and this.]
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Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] Empty Re: Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ]

Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:51 pm

Everything is PERFECTO! I will be approving Aivee to take Gin. I HIGHLY suggest you make your own app, however, to get that RP sample away from the faggtory that is Gin's account.

Ichimaru Gin [APPROVED, 0-2- ] WVMWLOu
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