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Queen Of The Sands
Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 3408
Age : 30

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Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Left_bar_bleue60/100Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Empty Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE]

Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:12 pm
[ V i z a r d T e m p l a t e ]


General Information

Name: Ichigo Kurosaki
Appearance Age: 22
True Age: 416
Gender: Male


Overall Appearance


Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Ishi

Ichigo looks like a normal young man; the one exception to that is his spiky orange hair, a trait that he has been ridiculed about for years. He is a fairly tall, lean-built person with peach skin and brown eyes. Since becoming a Shinigami he has become noticeably more muscular, as noted by his sister Karin. When in his spiritual form, Ichigo wears standard Shinigami attire with the addition of a strap across his chest. Initially it was a thick brown belt to hold his Zanpakutō sheathe, but it later became a red rosary-like strap. Ichigo's appearance has caused several people, including Jūshirō Ukitake, to notice a similarity to Kaien Shiba; the former lieutenant of the 13th Division.

over the course of the years however Ichigo has grown notably older and more wise. his appearance slowly started to resemble that of Zangetsu due to ichigo's respect for his own sword. Gaining a pair of Zangetsu based shades, ichigo also has a very short stubble and sterner face. He stands slightly taller than before at 6'0 but nothing bigger than Zaraki as he still towards over Kurosaki. It has also been known for Ichigo to wear the beige cloak that Yoruichi gave him when he saved Rukia 400 years ago. He will only wear this when he knows a fight is going down and can pull out the winged equipment to give him a boost of speed to his already fast pace. he won't use this in combat however. As Ichigo states himself:

"I merely take the wing because It looks pretty bad ass swooping down on somebody rather than walking up to them. jeez, how boring can you expect me to be?"




When he was young, Ichigo considered his mother to be the center of his world. Ichigo always smiled whenever he was with Masaki and he was regularly at her side, holding her hand. Despite crying whenever he lost in a match at the dojo he attended, Ichigo started to smile again as soon as he saw Masaki when she came to pick him up. At a very young age, Ichigo heard his father saying that his name means "to protect one thing", which instilled in him a desire to protect his mother. When his sisters were born he began attending a dojo for the sake of protecting them, since then the number of people he wished to protect has continued to grow, causing Ichigo to risk his life to protect both his family and strangers.

As a Human teenager, Ichigo's personality was much more complex. Stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed and impulsive, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image, despite claiming not to care about what other people think about him. He generally keeps his face set in a permanent scowl, with his eyebrows drawn together. His outspoken, hot-headed demeanor is a trait Ichigo himself acknowledged, and that if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help fighting back. He coldly refers to his teachers as “instructors”. He is shown to be genuinely compassionate and empathetic about others, as seen by him promising to bring a Plus flowers and a toy plane or soothing others when they become upset. Ichigo is also a capable student, ranked 23rd in his high school. He studies regularly and does not neglect his schoolwork, claiming that he has "nothing better to do at home", though he actually works as hard as he does simply to overcome the misconceptions many have about him, which are based on his hair color and fighting. Ichigo hates fortune telling, horoscopes, fengshui, psychics and anyone whose trade involves taking money from people for things that they cannot see. He has difficulty remembering people's faces and names. Ichigo becomes extremely shy and uncomfortable around nude or immodestly dressed women, a fact both Rangiku Matsumoto and Yoruichi Shihōin have teased him for. Ichigo has some trouble with authority and traditional respect, often quite rude and disrespectful when talking to those older than himself, calling Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto "gramps" and referring to all of the old and new Shinigami captains by their given names.

When it comes to fighting, Ichigo has a complex sense of honor; he regularly seeks to exact revenge for the actions of his opponent, such as instilling the fear of being murdered in Shrieker and cutting off the right arm of Yammy Riyalgo in retaliation for him ripping Yasutora Sado's right arm apart. He would often taunt and belittle his opponents when fighting, sometimes even attacking without warning. Ichigo has a strong desire to win his fights and to win them in what he views as a legitimate manner. To this end, he has refused the aid of his inner Hollow, even when knowing that it would allow him to win. Similarly, after regaining control of his body, he tells Ulquiorra to cut off his limbs so that they may have a fair fight and refuses to kill him when he is dying; saying that it was not the way he wanted to win.

Ichigo has even shown that he despises those who mistreat their allies in any way, even if they are his own enemies. He is disgusted when an individual berates his/her own allies, such as when Yammy calls Ulquiorra Cifer, Nnoitra Jiruga, and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez "trash". He also expresses anger towards those who go as far as attacking their own allies, expressing that he cannot forgive those who murder their own comrades.

Despite Ichigo's strong sense of honor, his will to win can waiver at times, which directly affects his overall energy levels and fighting abilities. His absolute resolve is depicted by his eyes glowing bright blue and his body being engulfed in a bright blue aura. The same is included with his Hollow powers, in which his eyes glow yellow and his aura turns black. Ichigo’s abilities at their peak allow him to hold his own, if not contend, against the toughest opponents. His will to protect his friends is shown to be so great that, even when battle-worn, he can fight at deceptively high levels, as seen when he effortlessly caught Grimmjow’s punch when in his released state. However, at the same time, his lack of resolve to win can also impede his spiritual energy and fighting prowess, shown when he goes into a state of depression and self-loathing when he loses a major battle or lets a friend down; after losing his fight against Yammy and Ulquiorra, thanks to the crippling fear of his inner Hollow, Ichigo's will became so weak, he was unable to even defeat a weak Hollow until Rukia helped restore his resolve.

Ichigo keeps his humorous nature in his slightly older age of 416 but he tends to take a calmer approach now. Becoming a Shinigami was taxing work and now that he is part of the Gotei, he knows that he needs to get down to it and get the job done. That is why sometimes Ichigo can been seen calmly sitting around in a sort of Urahara adopted daze for doing so much work to help out his allies or for being lazy/bored. He has a good will and is a good man, but he overworks himself too much sometimes or even does no work at all depending on what mood he develops.

"I will protect my friends. Everybody around me needs a hero and I'm the one who will hold my blade to help them"



Zanpakuto Name: Zangetsu

Zanpakuto Spirit Appearance:

Old man Zangetsu:

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Bleach_zangetsu0025

The spirit of Zangetsu resembles a tall (about the height of Kenpachi Zaraki) 30 to 40-year-old man with unkempt facial hair and long ragged black hair. He dresses in tattered all black garbs with narrow sunglasses and a long flowing overcoat that flares out into ragged ends. Because of the spirit's appearance, Ichigo calls him "Old-man Zangetsu" as a result. Zangetsu has also been called the "black-clothed man". Zangetsu is portrayed as wise and calm in most matters, and fond of testing Ichigo in unusual ways, many of which have a purpose completely contrary to the stated goal. While the inner world is one of tall skyscrapers, Zangetsu has stated to prefer lusher, natural surroundings like bright sunny skies and green forests. Zangetsu has displayed the ability to temporarily close fatal wounds during combat, though whether or not this is a unique ability is unclear. Since first awakening his own Shinigami powers, Ichigo has had a strong connection to his Zanpakutō, as shown from how Zangetsu would regularly come to aid him with words of wisdom when Ichigo is in a difficult situation.

Tensa Zangetsu:

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Tensa_zangetsu_by_LOL55555

In Bankai form, he resembles a teenage version of himself and appears to be closer to Ichigo's age. He has long ragged black hair. He is dressed in a tattered, black hooded cloak that flares out into ragged ends. Zangetsu seems to portray the same cool and calm collectiveness as he would when not in Bankai; however, he is far more aggressive. When Ichigo enters his inner world for the first time in Bankai, he finds that the skyscrapers in the inner world are submerged under breathable water. Tensa Zangetsu claims that his inner word has changed due to his despair and that the tall skyscapers that pierced the sky represented Ichigo's hope and that all has been replaced by a replica of the town Ichigo grew-up in. He goes on to say that while the rain has stopped, everything has been drowned because Ichigo stopped moving forward.

This reversed only after Ichigo finally managed to defeat both Tensa Zangetsu and his inner Hollow in battle. As the water was drowning away, the rain now stopped forever – the skyscrapers of dreams once again rising, Ichigo was back to his old self once more.

Zanpakuto Spirit Personality:

Old Man Zangetsu

Zangetsu in Shikai is a very dark man with hundreds of secrets Ichigo has no ideas about. As mysterious as his own appearance, Zangetsu likes to spend his time in direct sunlight in Ichigo's inner world but finds the skyscrapers slightly tedious as he would prefer a lush forest or jungle. Zangetsu isn't a man to simply forgive and forget however as many a time he has struck ichigo down with his own sword just to prove a single point. Arguing against Zangetsu is pointless because he tends to always be right and is much wiser than ichigo in every possible way.

Tensa Zangetsu:

In Bankai, Tensa is much more forward with his actions as he would simply strike Ichigo rather than answer a question or even say hello. Tensa always wants to know if Ichigo was in his top form and would kill him if he wasn't fighting to protect those he needed to protect or wasn't the man he was supposedly being. However, Tensa still shows signs of loyalty as once he shed tears thinking Ichigo would be forever lost when he used his ultimate form to defeat Aizen.

Inner World:

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Ichigo_In_His_Inner_World

Ichigo's Inner world is that of a city. The city is made up of hundreds of soaring Skyscrapers that represent ichigo's potential as a warrior as his power could break into the sky. Everything is a neon blue colour somewhat resembling that of water when his inner world flooded over during his depression stage. The clouds in the sky move swiftly but appear to be moving upwards as Ichigo's world is actually on its side.

Sealed Zanpakuto Appearance:

When Ichigo first becomes a Shinigami, his Zanpakutō is a standard-looking katana, but oversized with an equally-oversized brown sheathe hung by a strap over his right shoulder. It has a rectangular bronze hand guard with gently inward-curved edges, a stylized flame pattern on the long sides, and a simple decorative slit on the short ones. The handle is red with two light blue tassels on the end of the handle. The large size is due to the unfocused but immense amount of Ichigo's spiritual power, which he didn't know how to control. As a result, the sword itself was rather weak, since very little spiritual power was used to create it. Nevertheless, it was powerful enough to subdue a Gillian-class Menos and lesser Hollows, completely blocking a Cero from the former. It was even able to upturn the ground with a single strike. Because of its weak spiritual energy nature, Byakuya Kuchiki was able to easily cut off most of the blade during his first encounter with Ichigo and Kisuke Urahara subsequently slices it down to the hilt during their training, forcing Ichigo to learn the name of his Zanpakutō in order to release its true form. This sword is found to be a result of Rukia's deprived spiritual energy and not a result of his own power.

Release Phrase: Unknown


Shikai Information

Shikai Appearance:

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] 7e2a44bfdc2a7da1b2c9000

Ichigo's Shikai has developed beyond that of its original form seen 400 years ago. SInce joining the Gotei, ichigo trained to become stronger and protect his friends. Due to his resolve and hard work battling even some of the worlds largest antagonists, his sword had finally reached its ultimate form.

Zangetsu used to look like a giant cleaver. Not like a meat cleaver, but more of an oversized knife that he could swing with one hand if needed. Now however, the shape of Zangetsu has altered slightly as the tips are move bent and defined as though a second Zangetsu was sticking from the original. The sword has never had a scabbard but instead dealt with a peculiar form of transport. The sword was wrapped in a very long bandage that appears to lengthen and shrink at will. it was also a good flail mechanism to swing the blade rapidly as demonstrated by Hollow Ichigo. The sword is still wrapped in a similar way, however done with slight alterations. The Bandages are wider than they used to be but accompanied

Shikai Abilities:

  • Getsuga Tenshō: At the instant of the slash, Zangetsu absorbs his spiritual energy and releases highly condensed spiritual energy at the tip of the blade, magnifying the slash attack and then flies forward. This slash takes the form of a crescent moon or in the shape of a wave. Ichigo uses this ability without knowing its name several times but masters the technique later on during his Bankai training. As stated by Zangetsu, knowing the name of an attack heightens its power compared to its strength when the wielder does not know its name. The Getsuga Tenshō is a powerful technique with great force, capable of causing large-scale damage and destruction. While it is currently the only attack Ichigo knows from Zangetsu, Ichigo has used this technique in several different manners, such as striking the ground to create an omnidirectional blast to knock away incoming attacks or slashing at the ground to upturn it and crush everything in its path.

  • Feather: Almost as though the sword had no weight, Ichigo is able to swing Zangetsu around with ease where others would find the sword very heavy. Because of this, he can strike harder than before and his Getsuga can be sent off at faster speeds.


Bankai Information

Bankai Appearance:

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Ishi%20copy

After his training in the Dangai, Ichigo's bankai takes on a slightly different appearance. While Zangetsu still takes the form of a daitō with a black blade, the four prongs on the cross guard extend out farther than they previously did. While still in the shape of the manji, the prongs become more abstract and slender in appearance. Ichigo's right hand becomes covered by a black glove and the chain at the base of Zangetsu's hilt extends out further than it previously did, spiraling up the length of his sleeveless right arm with the additional portion of the chain hanging down freely from his upper arm. This seems to have shredded his right sleeve which was referenced as 'ichigo's amount of reitsu when in battle' and his hand is within a black glove.

Bankai Abilities:

  • Enhanced Getsuga Tenshō:

    Tensa Zangetsu retains the use of Getsuga Tenshō and can be used in the same manners, but can be used in an enhanced form. When used in Bankai, these potent blasts are black with a red outline and their path can be controlled, with explosively augmented power and speed. During Byakuya Kuchiki's fight with Ichigo, he refers to this attack as a "Kuroi Getsuga", referring to the attack's darkened color. Ichigo has stated that the Black Getsuga was originally Hollow Ichigo's technique and has been proven as Ichigo had no knowledge of it during his fight with Byakuya Kuchiki, using the original Getsuga when in Bankai, and Hollow Ichigo stated that all Ichigo was doing when he used the technique was copying his inner Hollow. Ichigo can also keep Getsuga Tenshō within Tensa Zangetsu to augment his sword swings.

  • Rapid Augmentation Succession:

    Ichigo can determine how powerful the Getsuga Tenshou will be when he swings his sword fuelled by his overwhelming reitsu. The more reitsu he puts into the attack, the bigger the waves of explosive energy. However, if he chooses to put small amounts of reitsu into his sword, he is capable of launching a barrage of getsuga Tensou similar to a rain of energy at his opponent.

  • Getsuga Streak:

    By Applying a coating of getsuga to Tensa Zangetsu, ichig is able to leave somewhat of a black streak behind him as he moves. This has been seen whenever he charges powerful Getsuga Tenshou but he never devloped it further. Now that he has, the streaks are able to increase the size of the attack to a point 3 times its original size and still move at rapid speeds.

  • Getsuga Streak Hurricane:

    Ichigo lets go of Zangetsu and spins the sword above his ehad whilst releasing energy through the chain and into the sword. Whilst spinning, the blade he releases streaks of getsuga based energy in a swirling vortex of energy. Touching this would cause severe burns and Ichigo is invulnerable to his own Getsuga energy. The vortex he creates lasts as long as he keeps spinning, can be used mid combo and can be as high as a 4 storey building. The main way to stop it is by entering the vortex from above or simply blowing it up.

  • Getsuga Streak Spinning Blade:

    Ichigo raises his sword above his head or to his side. He then spins his body around, almost as a spinning top or rotatory blade whilst holding the sword out. By coating the blade in getsuga energy similar to before, Ichigo is able to turn himself into a propelled rotating Getsuga blade. Adding Shunpo would increase the momentum and damage he deals.


Inner Hollow & Mask

Inner Hollow Description:

Born from a Hollowfication process, Hollow Ichigo represents the dark side of Ichigo's soul. He has stated himself to present Ichigo's purest instincts. As he resides within Ichigo's soul, he has become a manifestation of Ichigo's very spiritual power, meaning Ichigo's Shinigami powers also draw strength from him.

Ichigo's inner hollow is pretty simple to describe. Whatever form ichigo is in when he enters his Inner world will be repeated onto his Hollow self and that includes absolutely any appearance changes. Even in Bankai, his Inner Hollow will look just like Ichigo. however, there is always one thig that differs between the two and that is how his Hollow is a perfect Invert of colour. his skin is pale, his hair white, his garbs white, his sword white. he is the perfect Hollow representation of Ichigo and acts as such. His eyes are black with Yellow pupils and his attitude is as sharp as his looks.

Inner Hollow Personality:

Many names have been given to the inner hollow over the years. Ichigo tends to simply call him 'His Hollow' where as some people refer to him as Hichigo which isn't his name at all. his inner hollow acts like a complete opposite of Ichigo in most ways. Where Kurosaki is calm and confident, his Inner Hollow is over reactive and easily angered. He is also incredibly cocky and tends to use Zangetsu in ways ichigo doesn't.

Hollow Ichigo's most distinguishing features are his maniacal laughter and psychotic grins. He is brutal, arrogant, disrespectful, and sadistic. Hollow Ichigo has no name, and his only reason for existence is to take over Ichigo's power and body to use it to kill everything and anything he sees. He taunts Ichigo as being a weak and unsuitable counterpart of himself, though he relishes the idea of taking Ichigo's powers for himself. He battles like a berserker, unlike Ichigo, ignoring injuries and overpowering his enemies with brute strength and force. He also protects Ichigo's body when he is about to die, because if Ichigo died, he would too. He also seems to respect Zangetsu's spirit to a certain extent.

Hollow Ichigo has declared that Ichigo is the "king" of the inner world and he is the "horse." Hollow Ichigo wishes to "take the crown" from Ichigo so he can have control over the body and become the dominant personality. After his loss, he states he's willing to allow Ichigo to keep the crown for now, but once Ichigo "screws up again," he declared he'd make his move again.

When he is merged with Tensa Zangetsu however, much of the Zanpakutō spirit's personality seems to be in effect, making the Inner Hollow much calmer, though he is prone to occasional outbursts similar to Hollow Ichigo. He even states that he wishes to protect Ichigo, contrary to his frequent earlier statements of wanting Ichigo's body and power for himself.

Inner Hollow Powers:

  • Master Swordsmanship Specialist:

    In terms of fighting style, Hollow Ichigo relies mostly on his Zanpakutō and thus would be considered a swordsmanship specialist. His ingenuity in it is much greater than Ichigo's as he is able to use his skill in more versatile and effective maneuvers, such as using his Shikai as a flail, to which he has demonstrated tremendous aim and control of where and how it will strike. While Ichigo fights in a deductive and logical manner, Hollow Ichigo fights in a style more akin to a berserker, relying on instinct with little to no regard towards his own well-being.

  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant:

    Drawing from Ichigo's experience, the inner Hollow is a highly capable unarmed fighter. While mostly relying on his Zanpakutō in battle, he will occasionally use unarmed attacks during the brief period his blade is swung for mid-range combat to keep from being unprotected.

  • Highly Perceptive Combatant:

    Despite his arrogant and insane demeanor, Hollow Ichigo has shown to be a very insightful and crafty fighter. While regularly mocking Ichigo, his mocking would also have deep rational knowledge behind it that would ultimately help Ichigo come to better understand himself and his powers. Hollow Ichigo's intellect has also been useful in battle. He would quickly realize mistakes in Ichigo's own battle tactics and correct them or almost instantly adapt to his opponent's battle tactics to perfectly counter them.

  • Vast Spiritual Power:

    Hollow Ichigo has a remarkable amount of energy, equal to or perhaps greater than Ichigo's. Ulquiorra, the fourth strongest among the Espada, claimed that Ichigo's reiatsu fluctuated from weak to higher than his own.

  • Enhanced Strength:

    Hollow Ichigo has great physical strength, evidenced by him throwing Ichigo through a building. The Hollow is seen to be much more powerful than Ichigo, overpowering Ichigo very easily. His physical strength is already much greater than Ichigo's.

  • Enhanced Durability:

    He is capable of deflecting Ichigo's black Getsuga Tenshō with his unarmed left hand.

  • Possession:

    Hollow Ichigo is capable of taking over Ichigo's body and powers when Ichigo falls unconscious in a fight. In this occurrence, Ichigo's sclera blacken and his irises glow golden-yellow in combination with a Hollow mask forming on the left side of his face.

  • Advanced Growth Rate:

    Like Ichigo, Hollow Ichigo has the same astounding growth rate. He gains any power that Ichigo does, evidenced by his use of Bankai. He was even able to use the Black Getsuga Tenshō before Ichigo, despite both learning Bankai around the same time. His own Getsuga Tenshō is incomparably stronger than Ichigo's. His actual limit is unknown, as he was never in any case seen fighting with all of his strength.

  • Shunpo Expert:

    In addition of having greater raw strength, Hollow Ichigo is also noticeably craftier in his movements than Ichigo. His attack patterns generally are harder to read and keep up with, allowing him to strike down his opponent easier.

  • Bankai and Shikai:

    Hollow Ichigo is capable of wielding his own variation of Zangetsu in Shikai and Bankai stages with exactly the same powerful and abilities as the sword would originally give.

Hollow Mask Appearance:

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Ichigo_Full_Hollow_Form_by_Cuzzer

Ichigo's Hollow mask started off as a small white mask with very small red stripes that covered a third of the mask. The eye it covered went black with a yellow pupil and this was seen when he battled Byakuya kuchiki. Following this, Ichigo's mask grew to cover his entire face as an oval/skull shape with half being white and half red stripes. This developed slowly as the red stripes grew thinners and more numerous until he first used his full hollow against Uluqiorra. After this, his mask became heavier with two thick red stripes across the front.

After 400 years passed and Ichigo developed alongside his hollow, his mask has fully matured in a way similar to the rest of the vaizards so he doesn't have a simple face mask any more. His entire head except the lower back is covered in a white skull shaped mask with the traditional hollow teeth visible. the two red stripes are still there and two thin horns grow out of the side of the mask, angled in a way that makes them closer in the front of his face.


Visored Powers

Visored Powers:

Augmented Power and Speed:

Upon using Ichigo's mask his power, speed, defence and every other ability he knows become twice as powerful and harder to stop. Using his mask, Ichigo is capable of moving fast enough to outrun and outmanoeuvre, smash back and injure his foes with greater deadliness.

Vast Spiritual Pressure:

Ichigo holds unbelievable amounts of reitsu in his soul. Activating his mask allows him to tap into his Hollows reitsu and make him even stronger as his reitsu itself is high enough to damage the area around him just by charging his energy. In Bankai, this is increased even more and in Resserecion, nobody can even feel his spiritual pressure unless they were on par or greater than his own.

Vizard Cero:

Ichigo is capable of firing his own famous Cero from the mask's horns. Upon charging, red energy rotates around a small red orb that slowly grows larger and the reitsu he is building grows louder. After a few seconds, Ichigo fires the cero for one massive red blast of energy that has striked fear into Arrancar themselves. if in bankai, Ichigo's cero is black with a red outline instead with more power behind it.


Ichigo has shown this power before as he dropped Tensa Zangetsu when Uluqiorra effectively ended his life in Hueco Mundo. Holding his hand out, Ichigo is able to will his own sword back to his hands. In Bankai, it will move faster and react slightly differently, especially seeing as the sword is attached to a chain. This technique is usable to attack targets unaware that he is capable of this.



Resurreccion Appearance:

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Full_Hollow_Ichigo_Render

In this form, Ichigo has long straight hair, reaching down to his waist, and a Hollow hole smaller than his previous one, decorated with markings stretching from the hole, across his chest and shoulders. He also has retractable claws on his fingertips and toes, small furry red tufts, two starting from his collarbone and stretching around his neck, and one each on his wrists and ankles, as well as seemingly white skin. In this new form, he has a different Hollow mask and his face is shaped the same, it covers Ichigo's entire head and its markings are different as it has four spike-shaped marks stretched, two of them stopping by the forehead, and the other two stretching past the eyes and teeth, going past his chin and joining with the marks on his chest. There are also small marks resembling a heart, but with the top and bottom open, extending from the inner corners of his eyes. The mask features two long forward-pointing horns with black strips extending from their center towards the tips. Hollow Ichigo has his own version of this form with the opposite colors alternating black with white and vice versa

Resurreccion Abilities:

  • Chain:

    Quickly after transforming, Hollow Ichigo was able to call Zangetsu back to his hands with just the a simple gesture.

  • Enhanced Cero:

    His crimson Cero has become exceedingly more powerful, capable of completely overwhelming Ulquiorra's Cero Oscuras and causing large scale destruction to large portion of the surroundings. It is fired from between the tips of his horns instead of his fingers as it was during Ichigo's Visored training. However, if one of the horns are cut off, he is unable to form the Cero properly, and any energy already gathered will implode

  • Immense Durability:

    Ichigo's durability has greatly increased, able to withstand several large explosions in his battle with Ulquiorra at close range with no visible damage. His skin and hands are also strong enough to catch and hold onto Ulquiorra's strongest attack, Lanza del Relámpago, without any damage inflicted on him.

  • Sonído:

    Ichigo manages to move at exceedingly incredible speeds, quick enough to appear behind Ulquiorra's back and effectively counter him before the former could even turn to face him. Ulquiorra also comments that his speed is not reached by the use of Flash Step; he actually uses Sonído instead.

  • Enhanced Spiritual Power:

    His spiritual power is unknown, but Ichigo's already immense spiritual power increases drastically, as it is easily able to overwhelm Ulquiorra's own second release's power. Its sheer strength was great enough to terrify Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Yasutora Sado who sensed his spiritual pressure far away from the bottom of Las Noches.

  • High-Speed Regeneration:

    After Ulquiorra shatters his mask, the energy from his Hollow transformation went above him and came down as some sort of energy that regrew the lost flesh that made his Hollow hole (as a result of Ulquiorra Cifer's Cero Oscuras) and even fully rejuvenated him of his injuries from Ulquiorra, to who commented on it to that effect.




Ichigo was born on July 15th, as the son of Isshin Kurosaki and Masaki Kurosaki, 15 years before he became a Shinigami. His sisters Karin Kurosaki and Yuzu Kurosaki were born a few years later. When he was four, Ichigo joined a karate dojo, where he met and befriended Tatsuki Arisawa. Tatsuki beat Ichigo in every match they had. Tatsuki would also help Ichigo if he was being picked on by bullies and cheer him up if he was upset.

Ichigo was able to see Pluses for as long as he could remember. He could see them so clearly that, as a child, he could not tell the living from the dead. This resulted in him appearing to other people to be looking at deserted places and talking to himself. This caused people to say that he could see ghosts, though when Tatsuki Arisawa asked him about this, he denied being able to see them.

On June 17th, when Ichigo was nine years old, he and his mother were walking home alongside one of Karakura Town's rivers; which was swollen from heavy rain. Ichigo saw a girl near the river and thought that she was about to jump into it. Unable to tell the difference between ghosts and living people, Ichigo ran towards her to stop her, unaware that the girl was the lure of the Hollow Grand Fisher. Masaki tried to stop him, but he did not listen. After failing to grab hold of the girl, Ichigo lost consciousness for a time. When he awoke, Masaki was lying on top of him, covered in blood.[39] Starting the day after Masaki's death, Ichigo repeatedly skipped school to go to the riverbank where Masaki died. Tatsuki found him there, where he would stay from morning until night, wandering along the bank as if searching for his mother; squatting down if he was tired and then wandering some more

One day when Ichigo was twelve, prior to the Clinic opening, he heard the bell ring and answered the door to find a girl with her brother on her back. He had been in a car accident and was covered in blood. The clinic did not have the equipment necessary to save him and he died before an ambulance arrived to transfer him to Karakura Hospital. Sometime later, he learned that the girl was Orihime Inoue.

Ichigo later entered Mashiba Junior High School. During this time, Ichigo had finally defeated Tatsuki in a karate match and had not had another match with her since.[42] Ichigo regularly got into fights with thugs, due to the unusual color of his hair. During one of these fights he received help from Yasutora Sado. Shortly after Ichigo returned the favor when he rescued Chad from two gang members roughing him up.

When the thugs later abducted Chad, Ichigo found them and knocked down their leader, Yokochini. He used Yokochini's phone to ring for an ambulance for each of the five thugs, and then beat up all of them. After Chad was freed they made a pact to protect and fight for each other, they have remained good friends since.

Shortly before Ichigo became a Shinigami, he and Chad began attending Karakura High School, and their reputations preceded them. During a fight with a gang led by Reiichi Ōshima, Ichigo and Chad met Keigo Asano and Mizuiro Kojima, saving the former in the process. While Keigo was initially afraid of Ichigo and Chad, both he and Mizuiro later became friends with them.

The Main chunk of ichigo's history is viewable in the Anime and Manga. Im pretty sure we all know the plot of Bleach, for those that are unsure check here.

After 400 years of the main Canon storyline, Ichigo has diversified and grown much more powerful. Originally, he stayed in the human world with his friends Inoue, Chad and Uryu as well as his schoolmates. there he continued his studies for the next 3 years until he was actually able to get out of school with some proper education. he knew he wasn't an idiot but it was his sisters that told him he should do it. After all, they were both successful as he had left school on several occasions to save the world.

After graduating, Ichigo made the inevitable decision to move on with his life. After a short while, he had arrived back at Soul Society and talked to the captain commander at the time still being Yamamoto. Ichigo asked for access to the Gotei at any given time to help them with any new threats and his wish was granted. using his own personal Senkai Gate, ichigo could travel between the worlds as he wished. ichigo followed his fathers footsteps as he gained more reputation among shinigami as he participated in their wars and fought until he couldn't stand. This in the end brought his life to an early grave as he was slain in combat against the demon army.

losing his life however wasn't the end of it. The shinigami saw his efforts throghout his lifetime and when he died, mad sure they could reach his spirit in time. he was still only human, but now he was dead he could become a shinigami all over again. |Rising in rukongai, Ichigo obviously showed a lot of annoyance for being beaten and know he had to get his powers back again. however, he knew from renji and |Rukia that he could enter the shinigami academy and did so right away. The students were baffled at how he was suddenly in the academy learning from scratch. Soon, he graduated and left without any issues at hand. he had even picked up some knowledge of Kido but didn't really want to use it.

Moving into the Gotei wasn't too tricky as he was quickly put into a squad and soon realised that a number of captains were starting to dissapear. of course those like Kenpachi stuck around because he had little else to do but after a while vacancy's appeared everywhere. One day, ichigo stood before the captain commander and requested he was made a captain to take over squad 13 from the departed Ukitake. Seeing no issues, Ichigo was given his chance again at the Gotei with his new power and Zangetsu held tightly in his grasp.


RP Sample

Today was a relatively boring day among the Shinigami of the Gotei 13. Nothing in particular was happening as a few people ran between districts in the Rukongai and another few made their way about the Sereitei to deliver messages and to meet their teachers and captains. Nothing new yet nothing old, everything was just a part of the flowing Shinigami lifestyle. The war against the Arrancar appeared to have reached a point where they ignored the Shinigami’s actions and continued in their own personal pursuits. It wasn’t surprising seeing as all these new armies had raised since the time 400 years ago we are all so accustomed to.

Well, accustomed to this one man. He had seen the wars before and had participated in most of them from the year 2011 until now. He had slowly gained his reputation and even fought against the greatest threat the Shinigami have seen. Yet now he was... snoozing? Sitting on a sofa he insisted they took from his old home in the Living world, Ichigo Kurosaki lay down with eyes shut, one hand on his forehead and the other dragging across the floor every time he breathed in. It was boring here. Ichigo had finally done his paperwork and had finally gotten some time to himself. This never usually happened as Ichigo wouldn’t just do his paperwork on the day he got it but more like, a week or two after.

Ichigo’s eyes slowly opened as the sunlight split through the window on the other side of the room. It coated his face in radiant light, and this caused him to wake up in a bad mood already. Looking towards the window, he grunted before turning away from the window and then shuffling. As he was about to sort out a decent sleeping spot to go back to sleepy land, a loud bang at the door caused his eyes to prise open instantly. The bang repeated four more times before somebody yelled on the other side to get him off his ass and outside.

Ichigo knew exactly whose voice that was and it was a sure blast from the past to hear it. Ichigo sat upon the sofa and scratches his now messed up orange hair. It was longer than usual seeing as he was older now. In fact, as young adult, he could do with a shave as well but he simply shrugged that idea off because the door needed answering. Pulling himself up and out of his seat, Ichigo gave a gigantic yawn, pulled his Captain Haori over his shoulders as it was falling off and proceeded to go to the door. As he got close, another two bangs could be heard as the guy on the other side was growing impatient. Ichigo yelled before he reached for the handle.


The banging stopped and Ichigo yanked on the door handle, pulling the frame and the wooden door open so he could see outside. The sun leaked in, blinding him momentarily which just made him groan a little. But then he realised who was standing there when his vision adjusted. Red hair, spiked backwards into a pony tail and some sweet glasses. Plus those black tattoos and the face with a grin saying ‘ill eat your face off Kurosaki’. Yep, it was Renji Abarai alright. He took a few steps closed and poked Ichigo in the chest, almost as a threat as he stared into Ichigo’s eyes with a smile. He suggested something to him, something that got Ichigo interested. He wanted to fight and see how strong the two had become. Sure this was tempting and hopefully it would pull Ichigo out of his boring state. However he was still sleepy.

Ichigo yawned and Renji frowned. This guy was a joke for sure. However Renji was right, things were going slow today as neither of them had anything to do. It was no doubt Byakuya was wondering where Renji had run off to but even he could understand the ferocity of these two. Ichigo nodded and replied.

Yeah sure whatever, Ten minutes then...

He barely strung a sentence and turned away. Renji’s grin grew wider as he was suddenly gone and rushing to the barracks where they were to have their fight. Ichigo on the other hand, was still yawning and found this entire idea tedious. A fight, in the middle of the afternoon in the sun. Sure he was napping but seriously, the afternoon? Ichigo walked down a few corridors for a minute before coming to a sort of tall wardrobe. The front of it had a Shinigami representative badge acting as the lock. He deliberately asked for this when he didn’t need to have his sword. Tapping the badge, the doors swung open revealing the blade within. Zangetsu had become much larger and also much more powerful in its appearance alone. Ichigo was surely proud of what he had accomplished in the 400 years he was here and now, a formidable opponent for anybody.

Looks like I need to use your power again Zangetsu...

Ichigo reached into the wardrobe and held onto the handle of the sword. Tugging slightly, he pulled the blade free of the hinges it was prized to and slammed both doors shut. The badge then clicked into place and the eye sokets glowed a fine red to indicate it locked. Ichigo then turned from the wardrobe and walked away, slinging Zangetsu over his shoulder as he walked.

A few minutes later, he had arrived at squad 6 barracks. Honestly, the heat out here was burning his face off and the sun didn’t hel either. He just wanted to use his spare time to sleep today. Every other day he trained but todayw as special. He wanted a nap. Renji saw that Ichigo had appeared and nodded towards him before drawing his own sword in sealed state. he then asked if Ichigo was ready for this. what a question to ask.

Ichigo nodded back, and yanked his arm to slam Zangetsu into the ground in front of him in an intimidating posture. Ichigo smiled, almost as though his laziness had been washed away att eh sense of the fight. His smile was devilish, and his eyes now set on the prize.

Lets get this over with Renji... I’m gonna kick your ass!

Renji let out a hearty laugh. He found Ichigo’s stubborn boasting hilarious before he too looked serious and held his blade up towards his opponent. Ichigo sniggered a bit, and then pulling Zangetsu from the ground beneath him he dashed forwards with the blade positioned behind his back with one arm up to hold it. Renji didn’t move for a moment before kicking off from the floor. He knew he was in range and Ichigo could tell this too. Renji yelled as he summoned his swords shikai form.

Renji swung his sword causing the red Reitsu to coat the blade and entering its whip like stance. Both of the combatants knew Zabimaru well but had Renji learned anything new? That was what Ichigo needed to find out from his Rival. Ichigo Slammed his foot into the ground and spun his body at the same time as Renji swung Zabimaru towards him. Ichigo then swung Zangetsu with full force in Renji’s direction.



Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Cero/Bala/Kidou: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Hakuda: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Last edited by NiNi on Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:32 am
Re-approved for 0-2.

^ Maybe 0-3, susceptible to change.

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Ap8OoJO

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:51 pm
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Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Empty Re: Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE]

Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:28 pm're going to hate me for this, Chaoz.


I do not believe that you show the right quality of application to play as Ichigo with this, my friend. The roleplay sample, in my opinion, is not showing enough of how you can, or could, play Ichigo in the future; not only that, but you also used an RP Sample from the Canon show itself - I don't think this is good enough for an Admin to be playing a powerful and well-known character.

Second, these abilities... I'm sorry, but I don't know if such an influential Canon should have custom abilities, or at least not so many. However, I may or may not have seen those bankai abilities before, and if you can prove that they are canon, I'll let those ones slide.

All-in-all, I think you need to improve this application a little more before I can let you play Ichigo. I'm not saying you can't have him, I'm saying you need to work harder for him. He may be a "trophy" character, but he's still a powerful one to play.
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Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:00 pm
A few things Dai. In fact, it has been over 400 years since ichigo was in canon; there for he PROBABLY, not saying he has, but he probably could have created new techniques seeing as he only has one technique for shikai, and two techniques for bankai (Including Final Getsuga) So, in my opinion this is fine with the added abilities. I'm not saying your wrong, and you are right in some cases but I don't see anything wrong with them; As Chaozi before hand was allowed to add a bankai to Rukia; why can't we edit Ichigo?

However along with this; I have to agree with the RP sample. Improve on this and I will likely re-approve or somebody else will do it.

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Ap8OoJO

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:21 am
Taking a look at this updated RP sample? It's okay with me. HOWEVER, let Kyle look at it too, just to be safe, y'know?

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:06 am
I approve of this as well with the same tier as I said before. Enjoy.

Ichigo Kurosaki [REMAKE] Ap8OoJO

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Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:55 pm

Dropped Ichigo to give to silim
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