Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault

Search found 67 matches for 4

by Mura
on Fri May 24, 2024 9:17 am
Search in: The Soul Society
Topic: Lovers' Quarrel, But More Wholesome [Erica, Ranma]
Replies: 25
Views: 266

Lovers' Quarrel, But More Wholesome [Erica, Ranma]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  DyxMvAe


Now… Ranma usually had no trouble zoning in, but let’s backtrack. Armina? She asked for it – that ice-cone-up-her-ass psychobitch was still out there, a Seated member, and he knew hell awaited him should he ever run into her. He’d been very good at avoiding even being in the same space as her, always looking over his shoulder whenever he had to pass by anywhere near Squad 4, so for now…


Uh, Shura? It was vastly tamer than against Armina, since that was an actual spar and not a crazy cunt losing her mind over the slightest inconveniences. He enjoyed training more with Ranny, too, and Hinamori-sensei was a fun teacher to boot. His girlfriend? He didn’t see himself ever harming her before, and even as far as he’d gotten now, having to spar her meant that a voice was itching the back of his brain…

Be careful…

Almost patronizing… his girlfriend deserved far more recognition than that! Almost biting his tongue, he finally clicked and watched her point at him, immediately glad to be on the defensive. Still, even though it was only the fourth Hadō spell, that Byakurai travelled fast as hell.

“Hadō #1: Shō!” Ranma quickly skipped the chant and shot a lower-ranked Hadō spell to clash with the incoming lightning bolt – it was clear that it wouldn’t stop Erica’s Byakurai, but… it gave Ranma the opening to just barely leap out of the way. Nice thinking, Ranma! Even if it was a weaker spell – both in number and in potency – it still served its purpose!

It’d be way too awkward if he lost then and there… oh boy, would that have been a joke for generations to come. But leaping to the side in a whole somersault-like fashion allowed him to evade in the nick of time… except now, he was in the air upside-down. Not that it’d stop him.

“Bakudō #4: Hainawa!” Ranma ushered, clapping both hands together and emitting a yellow beam that rapidly transformed into a flimsy bolt of lightning itself. However, based by his exclamation, Erica knew exactly what this spell was – slower than her Byakurai, but with a very efficient purpose. Too bad it was linear, unlike Hōrin.


by Ashaiya
on Thu May 23, 2024 3:25 pm
Search in: The Soul Society
Topic: Lovers' Quarrel, But More Wholesome [Erica, Ranma]
Replies: 25
Views: 266

Lovers' Quarrel, But More Wholesome [Erica, Ranma]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  VTEZeJL

Chuckling as he mentioned eating breakfast from now on, she’d quip with a big grin. “Mmm. It’s the most important meal of the day after all and you’ll be expected to eat it every day if you plan on hanging around my house. My mum is a healer too, you know, she believes in healthy living and eating well.” It was all said in jest and she was actually surprised that she was in such a good mood considering what they were about to do.

As he walked away and then explained what he wanted to do, Erica would nod. “OK then. Let’s go with that.” It sounded rather less worrying when put that way and the thought of only hitting him once didn’t seem too bad although a part of her wondered if it was wise, given that they wouldn’t be just playing tag in an actual fight. Ah well, it was a good way to start, she felt and given how little she sparred, she reckoned it would work out fine.

Deciding to test her resolve by going first, she’d point a finger towards him and say. “Hadō #4: Byakurai.” Skipping the chant, she’d release a bolt of lightning that would hurtle towards her boyfriend. It was a rather low Hadō spell but with her skill in Kido, even a low one was not to be underestimated.


by Ottozeo
on Wed May 22, 2024 8:27 pm
Search in: Rukongai
Topic: (In)festive hounds [ Tento | Kohaku ]
Replies: 12
Views: 161

(In)festive hounds [ Tento | Kohaku ]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Hmmm? What you mean?”. For a moment Tento had a look on his face that gave a look of shock. A fake one. For what it was worth it was not something he had not thought about before. He was not one to go to extremes, cruel and unusual punishment or anything of the sort. But honesty, he did not expect someone to report him whacking a thief or criminal. It was not like Tento was trying to be the guy’s judge, jury, or executioner.

“I am a member of the Gotei. And I would just telling the truth, he was resisting arrest and interfering with my duty. A slight use of force to make him consider his thinking process is nothing of a crime. It is not like I am trying to kill him or cause serious injury”, Tento said in a bit of a strangely come and straightly informative manner. But perhaps he did, do too much there just for that though?

Catching the man with his left hand, Tento put his zanpakuto back on his side while holding the dangling man off to the side. Enursing that he was out of reach from doing any nonsense. With a nod his head Tento took in the guys name; Kohaku. For a moment, he thought about asking to get the kan himself to ensure it got back to the right person. As good of a job Kohaku did handling the guy, he was not Gotei United, and at that point he was not given a base reason to assume the money would really get back to its owner besides randomly placed faith.

With a shift of his right hand, Tento gesture towards the thief in his hand before casting Bakudō #4. Hainawa in a wordless incantation. A Reishi rope soon left his hand wrapping around the torso and limbs of the thigh in a tight embrace. Energy softly crackled as the yellow energy humed, altered to have a higher density to break and increase its longevity for 24 hours.

“Mind if I tag along Kohaku? Gonna have to get witness statements for my report”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

by Mura
on Mon May 20, 2024 6:41 am
Search in: Rukongai
Topic: Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]
Replies: 42
Views: 573

Demonic Language [Momo, Ranma]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  DyxMvAe


Yeah… Ranma could feel the strain now. He wanted to lay down on the grassy floor, let the aromas of the nearby flowers coat him like a blanket, and just log off from consciousness. Trying to draw a square instead of a triangle was far tougher than he imagined, even though… like, the change seemed pretty simple on paper. Maybe… this was an example of not respecting the spell’s initial design and purpose – no matter how you put it, the spell’s name itself hailed triangles. No reason to change that.

“… I mean, sure, not like I’m… endangering anyone…”

Mhm. Mphf. Ranma wasn’t that much of a distraction back in Squad 8. Sure, he often kept a few people up at night, but vice versa! Ranny’s dick cushions kept him up for thousands of nights… and she hadn’t apologized for it yet! If anything, this was just payback. Great, now he felt annoyed.

“…” He looked a little wobbly. Like, he knew more Hadō and Bakudō, but…

“That, uh, that spell you showed me… it’s a bit like this one,” he stated. He needed a solid minute of silence to remember it, but Bakudō #4 was also technically light-based. Clapping both hands together, he looked at the available dummies that hadn’t been damaged by the-

Oh, most of them had already recovered from damage. In that case, he was aiming at the white-haired one – his praying hands appeared to generate sparks for a moment. Thick, bright sparks of yellow light that shot out like a line: “Bakudō #4: Hainawa!” Wrapping around the target instead of outright penetrating it like Hinamori-sensei’s spell did, Ranma’s spell was shaped as a flickering rope shaped like a manipulatable bolt of lightning… but he skipped the chant, again.

Therefore, it wasn’t wrapping fully around the target – only about one rotation. Like trying to measure the circumference instead of actually wrapping it fully around. “Ree…” Ranma groaned, almost as if the spell was a person, “Pleeeeaaaaaaase, wrap around a little more…”

… There! Another rotation was all he could muster without the chant, but Ranma’s sparkling, shiny eyes glared straight at Hinamori-sensei as if fiending for approval. “How many spells are there like these?! It’s like you could just stack them on top of each other – nobody would be able to escape like that… *growl*”

Oh, that was his belly. Yeah, about that – wasn’t he tired like a minute ago?


by Ottozeo
on Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:25 pm
Search in: Fourth Division: Combat
Topic: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]
Replies: 31
Views: 479

Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Something ticked and twisted with that. He hopped back as he managed to evade a number of wind daggers that stabbed into the ground before fading away. Sliding back as the last gathering of wind daggers rained down towards him, Tento aimed his right hand towards the incoming attack and let out a spell. A charge up of energy quickly built up before being shot out from the tip of his right hand. "Hadō #4: Byakurai”. The bolt jet of blue lightning shot at the spirits’ attack. Colliding and bending with the mass of wind as if a tornado was being pushed back in its descent. Energy and wind popped like firecrackers in Tento's spiritual world as waves of wind sliced and diced the ground under his feet. The foundation became weaker under him as he felt his momentum shaking.

With a start he felt something give. A tilt of his large frame to one said. The explosive wave of their attacks fighting bouncing off as wind pushed him back. In a wave. Green waves and blue flashes surrounded as Tento hit the ground before rolling on his left shoulder back to his feet. Senses feeling Shiōmaru all around and his eyes trying to pin point them.

Light in the Dark | End Post

by Paradigm
on Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:16 am
Search in: Seireitei
Topic: Small Chances, Pure Brilliance [Mizu/Byakuya]
Replies: 22
Views: 953

Small Chances, Pure Brilliance [Mizu/Byakuya]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

What gave Mizu the most trouble with altering her spells wasn't even the altering part, it was creating a new spell in the first place. Many Kidō practitioners could alter their magic in one way or another, but to create something from scratch was altogether a different animal. "To be honest, it's probably a little rudimentary compared to what others have done. All I've done with Genso Kakusan is layered one spell on top of another. I have made limited progress in altering a spell like this directly. My inspiration was when I sent Tsuzuri Raiden through a Kidō net and realized I could try sending other elements through other Kidō as well."

As for whether Mizu could apply fire to her spell, she excitedly nodded her head and gave her reply "Of course! I would be happy to demonstrate, Captain Kuchiki-sama!" Just as before, the flaxen Shinigami stepped up to the proverbial plate and aimed her outstretched fingers at the same target dummy then commanded "Hadō #4: Byakurai - Apply Fire!". Unlike before, the spell that shot out wasn't one of ice, it was instead a beam of fire that exploded into a small flame upon striking the dummy. In its wake all the ice on the dummy and the frozen trail between it and them had melted, darkening the dampened ground.

Turning on her heel, Mizu finished up her demonstration by answering Byakuya's most recent question "I'm confident any Shinigami, with a little bit of practice, could use any of the six "elements" I've developed Genso Kakusan to apply without issue."

by Paradigm
on Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:02 pm
Search in: Seireitei
Topic: Small Chances, Pure Brilliance [Mizu/Byakuya]
Replies: 22
Views: 953

Small Chances, Pure Brilliance [Mizu/Byakuya]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Praise from her personal hero was not something she ever expected to hear outside of sleepy daydreams. Byakuya's words were music to her ears, beautiful notes she would not soon forget. She bowed at the waist as she gratefully accepted his compliment. Afterwards, having arrived at their destination, Mizu looked around and scanned the area for any of her subordinates; luckily the training yard was mostly empty, with only the rare soldier relaxing or training nearby.

When Byakuya requested a demonstration of some of her Kidō, Mizu bowed again and said a quick "Hai." before moving to away a half dozen feet or so and taking a strong stance. Though she could still hear her heart beating in her chest, Mizu did her best to relax then raised both hands in the direction of a nearby training dummy and cast a spell "Hadō #4: Byakurai - Apply Ice!" At her fingertips a small sphere of light blue energy formed before quickly discharging in a bolt of lightning which crossed the field and struck the dummy, covering it in a thick layer of ice as well as leaving a trail of ice between Mizu and her target.

Turning back to Byakuya, Mizu bowed before explaining her spell "Genso Kakusan allows me to change or enhance the 'element' of Kidō spells. It's not limited to ice either, there's a handful of elements I can apply to Kidō."

by Valqy
on Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:45 am
Search in: Japan
Topic: Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]
Replies: 34
Views: 761

Saramanda, ooh ohh! [Calypso/Akira]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  Makishima-Shougo-quotes-27


The mountainsides of Japan were often isolated, providing ample ease for Akira to park his gigai and refine certain elements of his Kido, stagnating is one thing from avoiding conflict and residing in seclusion yet receeding was not an action he intended to grant leeway into his life. There were beads of sweat that dripped down his forehead, a fluid motion with the right hand grasping Rivu-aisan in a vertical strike before a finger unleashed a focused blast of lightning. Byakurai.

He had been training for atleast an hour and a half at this point until a large crash grasped his attention.


He managed mutter to himself in raspy tones, deciding to go investigate when that tingle of Hollow energy reached his ears. They’d bring Shinigami here, cause setbacks to an already rigid capacity to train. Of which Akira went to investigate this matter.

What the-

Akira’s sight stared at the reiatsu pulsating from the Hollow and this human? She seemed to have it, as he was concealed within the ridgeline until an impalement altered that. He wasn’t a white knight by any means, this was a matter needing to be settled before official authorities decided to but their noses into this manner.

A blast of speed followed, bare shirt already drenched a little in sweat as the zanpaktao was held a distance from the chest, left pinky and finger closest to thumb tracing a wet blade after a basic shunpo step, manipulating a basic spell without incantation: Hadō #4. Byakurai. The water amplifies and makes up for the loss of power, letting two piercing streams unleash, each aiming for a pale hollow mask to slit it and bring them to heel.

Apologies for my interference.

The man claimed calmly, though whilst a smile graced his lips, there was a core severity to his gaze

by Paradigm
on Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:28 pm
Search in: Second Division: Kido Corps/Medicine/Healing
Topic: A Deeper Perspective [Open]
Replies: 30
Views: 1203

A Deeper Perspective [Open]

Topics tagged under 4 on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  JGYv9eD

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

In the flurry of chaos that was the battlefield, it wasn't entirely clear what happened to her Raikōhō but Mizu knew it wasn't anything good. She had been able to sense the spell's sudden halt as it collided with something. Mizu was a bit miffed by this turn of events as she had expected the other woman to dodge instead of stand her ground, which made her followup strategy impossible. Oh well, she thought, time for plan B!

The burst of power from Shura encompassing her battle axes only further proved to Mizu she needed to use something extra special to hasten the battle to its completion. With a deep breath in and out to calm herself and sharpen her focus, she prepared for her ultimate Bankai technique. By flicking her wrist, Mizu commanded the swirling tempest of violet shards to stop moving and suddenly form into half a dozen large walls of crystal which she placed at opposing angles around herself and Shura.

"I don't entirely know how you stopped my Raikōhō Shura-san, though I do have a guess...either way, let me show you something else! Even though it will take a lot out of me, here goes nothing....Suishō Kagami: Mirror World Light Show!" At this declaration Mizu raised both her hands with her fingers extended outward and spoke another spell's name "Hadō #4: Byakurai!" From each finger tip fired a bolt of blue energy, though none were aimed at Shura herself; instead, they all struck the crystal walls surrounding the duo. Instead of exploding, the expected result, the ten Byakurai bounced off the walls like ping pong balls, except now they were flying through the air even faster. This happened again and again, with each bounce speeding the spells up further until true to the technique's name, the battlefield had become a certifiable light show. A single misstep could spell disaster as each Byakurai become far more dangerous than normal as they bulleted from wall to wall.

by Kanji Man
on Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:25 pm
Search in: Second Division: Kido Corps/Medicine/Healing
Topic: Shaking The Bee's Nest [Chihiro, Shura]
Replies: 15
Views: 601

Shaking The Bee's Nest [Chihiro, Shura]

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - This Is It

Shura had already done some combat here within the second divisions training ground, and she had to admit that Mizu was quite skilled and caught her by surprise more than a handful of times. However she wasn't truthfully expecting many to be on such a level, though one could never be too careful it would seem. So when a new challenger appeared and announced her name and intention, Shura couldn't help but give the girl a smirk in response.

"Is that so, Chichiro, was it? Lets test that confidence of yours then." Shura pulled her Zanpakuto from its sheath, however rather than enter a readied stance with it instead stabbed it into the ground before raising her index and middle fingers from her other hand towards Chichiro, her thumb pointed upwards with her and her ring and pinky finger curling inwards to take the shape of a handgun "Hadō no Yon, Byakurai" Blue energy rapidly formed at the tips of her fingers before being fired outwards into the direction of Chichiro

Techniques used:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

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