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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:52 pm

Artist: ZUN - Song: Beloved Tomboyish Girl - Word Count: 1272
It was a rather sunny day in the forestlands of the Soul Society. There wasn't a single cloud to vew viewed the sky, the temperature was evenly around seventy degrees fahrenheit and all was quiet within the grassland on this very peaceful day. And while it may be seemly picture perfect spring day to most people, to a certain icey Iramasha, this was all but boring. In the heavens above the vast woods of the Spirit Realm, The Angel Of The Ice had been hovering for quite awhile trying to discern what she'd do from this point onward. If anyone were able to see her at this point, she'd actually be quite mistaken for a child. Standing at roughly four feet eleven and ninety pounds at the moment, if a person were to judge from appearances alone, she wouldn't seem like much of a threat to most beings. Taking a closer inspection of her body would also find that she had a strong affinity for blue and white colors. As, all throughout her attire, she had these two shades meshing together into a color synchronized pattern.

Showcasing in the fact that, for starters, her neck-length hair had been a light hue of sapphire. On top of that, a dark navy blue ribbon was attached to the back of her head. Coupling along with these two things, the colors of her eyes were also a very similar wash of blue. The same could also be said for full-sized dress in which she wore. Extending downwards to her knees, the attire that The Ice Iramasha wore was predominantly white in color. Maintaining hues of azure color along the straps of the dress, this similar color-theme was noted on the mid-waist belt in which she wore. As, on the stripes of her belt, they were the same hue of azure as everything else in her appearance. It even had a neatly put-together bow on the right side. Moving further downward in her wardrobe, a floral pattern of blue colored assortments was seen near the bottom of her dress. Nearing the final traits in her clothing, the last accessory in her outfit seemed to be a pair of white sandals with azure flower hue's on top.

With a soft sigh of boredom, three pairs of crystal colored wings came into view behind Cirno. Why the lack of amusement? It's quite simple. The thirst for adventure in Cirno's mind hadn't been fulfilled much over the past few days leading up to her appearance in the Soul Society. Prior to this, the Young Angel had spent a large sum of time within the openlands of the sacred Iramashsa Island. While there, over past few weeks, she had been growing increasingly tired of this lifestyle. There wasn't much to do that she hadn't already done on Iramasha, there wasn't much to see that she hadn't already seen and there wasn't anyone there that she had not seen in the past. Spending much of her spare time trying to entertain herself with her snowy powers, she had crafted all sorts igloo's, snowmen, ice based familiars and even froze large chunks of the forest in which she lived in to have brief sparks of fun. However, it all had grown increasingly dull and she wanted to see more of the world.

Henceforth, she started to make a plan to visit all sorts of different realms throughout the known universe. One of the first stops would obviously be to explore more of the Soul Society. Seeing how she had spent most of time on Iramasha Island, it was probably wise to check out some of the Shinigami and other sneaky creatures which lived in the nest below her feet. There were many battles yet to be had, new friends to be made in the future and many sorts of sights, sounds, powers and events not yet explored by Cirno. She was young, she was bold, she was an adventure; she wanted to drink more from the sweet nectar of life and grab it by the horns in doing so. So, without much warning, she had ventured out of her infamous igloo within the Iramashsa Woodlands and rushed out of the entrance gates of the Iramasha; jumping down from the perilous island-top towards the depths of the unknown that was the Realm of the Spirits and home of the Shinigami.

And now, this is where we essentially find Cirno. Plotting a course to see in her journey, attempting to discern where she should go next and scanning the area for any amusing creatures. In the Ice Fairy's mind, she was actually wondering when something interesting was going to happen. Hearing quite the lot of rumors about demon's entering the Soul Society, all sorts of rouge bandits having massive brawls in the Rukongai districts for all to see and the Gotei 13 themselves stepping up their patrols in light of the many threats which endangered the balance of peace between the worlds; she figured there would have been a more...chaotic...scenery below. Yet, to her, nothing seemed to be astray. There wasn't anything that needed saving, there wasn't anyone whom needed the girl's assistance and there certainly hadn't appeared to be a living creature within a few miles. The Soul Society was supposed to be jam packed full of beings from every square inch of it's depths, but it was pretty darn barren today.

Maybe she needed to venture further out? That was certainly a possibility in her mind. With this place being quite the large world, perhaps she had gotten stuck in a dead zone and may have to move deeper into the pits of the Soul Society to find more action. So, with a nod of her head, Cirno began to take flight and soar across the skies of the forest. Flying at break-neck speeds, this girl had a lot of OOMPH in her step as the energy which radiated from her body was enough to be on par with seasoned Captains from the Winter War Era of the battle against Aizen. However, this may have been misleading to most. As within the core of Cirno's body, she possessed much more power than that. Be that as it may, though, she felt it was rather unnecessary to flaunt it around until otherwise needed. Therefore, she kept it sealed at around this level until the need for more energy was required by a worthwhile opponent that may have happened to come across her path and catch them by surprise with the surge in strength from The Ice Fairy's body.

After a few minutes of travel, a blue aura steadily came into view and Cirno stopped once she started detecting beings within a slightly more populated section of the forest. Smirking a bit, she figured she had finally found what she was looking for and knew within her mind that something interesting was about to happen. What was going to occur on this day? She wasn't quite sure of that. In spite of it all, the burning passion for adventure, the unknown, the unseen and enterprise occurred within the heart and mind of Cirno; whispering sweet-nothings of what might unfold here on this grand day and the potential that it had to turn into something amazing. Eyes widening to the sounds, spiritual presences and sights of the forest; she could detect that something was rapidly approaching the vicinity and braced herself for whatever it may be. May it be a new foe? Could it be a new friend? Or perhaps a person passing by? These questions and more would be answered soon enough...

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown WVMWLOu
Jin Hoshigawa
Jin Hoshigawa
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:04 pm

Artist: owl City - Song: Fireflies - Word Count: 950

Argh. With a low, grumbling groan, Jin rolled over onto his back. There wasn't anything to do today, and the boredom was absolutely killing him. He had just spent the last three hours laying on his stomach, looking at a small little bug crawl it's way across the floor, heading toward a small piece of bread that had fallen off of his lunch. But that was getting old, and Jin was getting rather frustrated with how the day was going. There weren't any reports to report, no files to file, no shinigami to train, and no hollows to kill. Today was shaping up to be the worst day in all of Soul Society history. With two eyes staring up at the ceiling, Jin had to make a decision. Work despite not having a thing to do, get dressed in his human ware and head to earth to find some work, or play the foolish card and head into the universes darkest world; Hueco Mundo.

Bah, he had made his decision, and with a quick shuffle of his feet, two hands placed on the ground, Jin had pushed himself up with grace and skill. Landing with his knees bent and his head turning from side to side rather quickly, Jin's two crimson eyes caught the doorway that led to his closet. If he was going to do nothing, he was going to do comfortably. Making a mad dash to the left Jin grabbed the sliding door and shot it open, leaping into the large closet. His hands grabbed the clothes he had planned to wear and tossed them into the sky. Then with the skill sleight of hand, Jin had removed his shinigami uniform, and had replaced every inch of it with this new outfit. With a wild grin, Jin stepped in front of the mirror as he looked over himself, his hand running down his jaw line, his canines gleaming off of the lights.

Jin had taken off the traditional sandals and replace them with white, and red dress shoes, the white running down the middle with two red sections running along either side. His pants were changed to white jeans that comfortably washed over his shoes, and fit perfectly all the way up his legs, and to his waist. In the loops he wore a black belt, and while the emblem (that of a dog) wasn't necessary, Jin liked the addition, it gave him some real flare. He decided to go with two pieces of clothing for his top, one in the form of a wife beater, white and crisp, while the shirt over top was a perfectly matching shade of crimson red to go with his shoes. He took unbuttoned the three top buttons, and rolled up his sleeves. Now this is comfort. Speaking to himself, Jin fixed the bandages on his neck, and checked each earring. With everything in place, Jin waltzed back on over to his bed but before he could plop back down, he felt something. Something...not normally found in Soul society...An iramasha?

He didn't have time to change back into his shinigami outfit, he needed to find out just what they were doing here. Thank god, and for a moment he didn't know if he was going to do anything today. With a cool stride toward the door, Jin picked up his sword and headed for the rather strong signature. If it was accurate, then this person was as strong as he was. But, why would they push their power to their peak now, if this was their peak. There was the possibility of them wanting to get the attention of the gotei, but Jin never had any problems with the Iramasha, nor did he think any of the gotei did. But he did find it strange that they were letting off so much power, but they weren't even in the seireitei. With an arched brow, and a curious spirit, Jin made his way toward the signature.

He stopped for but a moment outside of the forest edges, was this where the energy was coming from? Why were they all the way out here? They weren't even in the rukongai. Jin had come to he conclusion that they were indeed trying to get someones attention, and boy did they. With a renewed resolve, Jin continued forward, pursuing the person. And then there they were; they were coming into sight. Jin couldn't really make out who they were yet, but they looked small. Maybe it was just because they were still a ways off, were they running from him? Pushing forward with a shunpo, Jin looked up, his brow with arched upward, and then his eyes went down.

"Er....hello...You're not the one..."He said that with as much hesitation as he could possibly muster, could she have been the one giving off that much power? He could feel it, but he just couldn't believe it. He brushed his soft, white hair back before letting out a soft sigh. His crimson eyes met with her icy blue and then with a soft chuckle, Jin leaned down and couldn't help but ask. "What are you doing out here? Aren't the Iramasha normally on their own island?" Jin's interest was peaked the moment he arrived his eyes shifting to the wings on this girls back. Were they made of ice? Were they part of her anatomy, or part of her power? Jin couldn't think straight between the idea of this girl being so strong, away from home, and then these floating ice wings. He was curious to hear why she was here, but most curious as to where this little meeting would lead toward.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:46 pm

Artist: 亡失のエモーション - Song: The Lost Emotion - Word Count: 1310
Just as the Iramasha had expected, a new arrival had debuted on the scene. In a swift flash, what appeared to be a Shingami made his way towards the area in which Cirno was located. The reason why she could tell that this peculiar man was that of a Shinigami had been based on the fact most of those types of beings gave off a strange aura. The Little Angel couldn't put it together in words, but it was similar to a sensation of just knowing where you were. Possibly a form of clayoricance if she knew any better. Taking an observation of the albino male before her, he appeared to be quite shocked by the appearance of The Ice Fairy. Therefore, it was reasonable to deduce that he was quite amazed by the debut of The Angel. Once he began to speak, it was more than obvious the poor guy had not a clue what he was starting to get himself into interacting with Cirno. "I'm...not the one? What in the world do ya mean by that, silly man?" Asked The Angel of the Ice out loud, tilting her head and giggling light-heartily at his reaction towards her.

"I came out here today because I seek adventure. I desire to prove my strength to others who would put up a good fight, I strive to take the utmost fun out of life by seeking all sorts of adventures throughout the different worlds I wish to travel and I want to be the strongest of my kind. It's why I've come all the way to the lands of the spirits so that I may begin my journey. I want to take in these new sights, see all sorts of new goofy people, like yourself and see all there is in the world, funny man!" Giving him quite the mouthful to deal with, The Icey Iramasha couldn't help but grin confidently while stating this. It's because every last word that uttered passed her mouth was true from the bottom of her heart and she was going to affirm this truth to anyone who dared opposed, challenged or otherwise questioned the power of that which she spoke.

"Besides, don't ya get bored to tears just sitting in one place all of the time, mister? Sure, we Iramasha can stay on the fancy-little island in the sky that watches over you itsy-bitsy people. But, sometimes, we wanna do so much more. Ya get all sorts of stir-crazy when you are cooped up in one place for so long. So you want to smash about, make a wriggle and branch out to see what all the world has to offer ya!" Wagging her finger while talking, the girl continued her very bold tone of speaking towards the new companion she seems to have stumbled upon in this strange new realm. "Meaning that not all of us are the same. Some boring stiffs like to stay boarded up on that island, but I had enough and wanted to have a taste of adventure in my life. I'm pretty sure you can relate to that, right?" Staring at the Shinigami while he was gazing at her, she noticed that he was very amused by her for some reason. Fluttering her wings in response to this, The Angel Iramasha figured The Albino Male must've been looking upon her icy wings as she was directing his gaze in that general vicinity.

"I take it you haven't seen many Iramasha before, have ya mister?" Snickering slightly, she had her energy pulsate in response to her laughter; having strange shifts of waves within the fluctuations of The Ice Iramasha's power. "I've been noticing your expressions since we've started to talking to one another and it seems you are very confused on what I am." Poking the likes of Jin Hoshigwa's face, Cirno giggled once more before moving backwards and placing her hands behind her head. "Actually, to be honest, I know a decent background of you Shinigami 'folk, but I haven't met many in person due to being on that island." Pointing upwards in the sky, she'd make a direction towards the air to otherwise pin-point where she had once came from. Though, chances are, The Shinigami most likely would not be able to see it due to it's presence being masked by a massive barrier which otherwise cloaks it's vicinity from most within the Soul SOciety that are not Iramasha.

"Well, I'll be happy to explain! The Iramasha are a clan of special people who were brought together by Angel's and Demon's of old coming together over ten thousand years ago! When they made pact to stop fighting against one another, they decided to move away from their factions and forge the Iramasha. Once they had made our peaceful lil' island, they really went to work with mating with each other and soon the Iramasha race came into existence. A few thousand years after that, we have Iramasha, Angel Iramasha, Demon Iramasha, Hybrid Iramasha, Nature Iramasha and so many other sub-races waiting to be seen. We are quite the special people, dontcha think?" Really, the girl seemed to talk a lot, but she had good intentions at least. There was no doubt that this was going to be quite the mouthful for the likes of the Albino Shinigami to digest, but if he wanted to know more information about the origins in which she had came from, he definitely got what he was looking for with what Cirno had stated just now.

"Now, mister, you should probably tell me about where you came from and what's going on here. When I first came to the Soul Society, I really didn't see that many people." Putting her right index finger upon her ligs, Cirno had thought for a second, looked at the ground below and snickered a bit again. "Buttttttt, once I ventured all the way out here, I stumbled upon all of these beings gathering in this one place. So tell me, silly man, what are you all doing out here in the middle of nowhere? Where are all of the powerful Shinigami? What happened to all the chaotic disputes which I heard so much about? Are you apart of the Gotei 13? And how large is the Soul Society really? I'm very curious to get to know one personally and see the depths in which their strength lay" Phew, blasting him yet again with intense dialogue, Cirno Iramashsa certainly knew how to strike up a conversation with relative ease. There wasn't a ounce of hesitation in the questions she spoke, not a sign of any awkwardness and she certainly didn't appear to be shy by any means.

"Oh, and before I forget to ask ya, what is your name, Silly Mister Man? I should probably find you something else to call before I start calling you that forever." Sniggering once more, The Angel of Ice rubbed her nose in a self-assured manner before remembering yet another tidbit she forgot to add on to her talk with the Shinigami. "One more thing, you should also know that my name is Cirno Iramashsa, The Angel of The Ice!" Rising her finger in the air, there was no shame what so ever in her loudly proclaiming this fact to all those around her; as those on the ground were seen gawking upwards in the sky at the amount of energy radiating from Cirno's power. As, to the young Iramasha, this type of energy-level was rather normal for her to be around, sense and otherwise set her limits to. Unbeknownst to her, this was actually a rather high level of power to wield within her hands and she would soon discover this as the day progresses further onward with her new travelling associate.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown WVMWLOu
Jin Hoshigawa
Jin Hoshigawa
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:21 am

Artist: persona 4- Song: Your Affection - Word Count: 1168

And just like that, Jin had made a fool of himself. He didn't give an explanation to why she wasn't 'the one' and he seemed to be just some crazy guy. He sighed and stood to his feet, his crimson eyes staring down at the little fairly girl. She was too cute, and while he was about to find out why she was here, Jin wasn't too sure that he could believe it. He had seen some really insane things in his time; from the war with Aizen, to the war between the hollow and the shinigami not but a couple centuries later, to the quincy, angels, demons, and all of these others beings really coming into the light. With his eyes shifting toward the sky, and his heart trembling for but a moment when he truly realized just what he had gone through. Jin let out a half chuckle scoff, and then turned his attention back to the little girl.

She started speaking again, and Jin listened. He was really good at listening, taking in all of the details. It was what he did for a living in the seventh division. Details. So she was strong, and she wanted to prove being out in the forest? Perhaps she assumed a direct assault on the soul society was too much, and simply waltzing in would only tip the captains, and the rest of the gotei in the wrong direction. Jin continued to listen, but he couldn't help but let a soft chuckle slip past his lips. This girl, she was just so energetic. Jin was pleased to have met someone like this, kind, energetic, something that the soul society, and the gotei sincerely lacked and all was going great...until she called him goofy. His eyes closed, his mouth shut, and he looked like he had just bit into a lemon. Goofy? He was far from goofy! He was the Vice-Captain of the seventh division, the harbinger of DEATH!

He almost felt angered, and he wanted to completely lose his shit...but then she started to talk again and he couldn't help but smile. Mean words and all, she was just too funny. She had asked a question, and Jin wasn't too sure whether or not this was a rhetorical question, or if she were sincerely asking him if he got bored sitting here all the time; Jin decided that it best to reply, at least to this simple question. "Yeah, you could say that. 'Tis why I decided to come out here and find out what that energy was and not some boring ass captain." And then, as soon as he had finished replying, there she was, back at it again. This girl had more to say than Jin when reading his report to his division. He nodded along with her words, with a smile and small chuckles coming from him.

Then, she started talking about something a bit more...important. She was telling him all about the Iramasha, and their origin story. Well, it was certainly interesting to hear, especially coming from one of their own. So, she was an, from what he could tell, an angel. At least, that's what he had resumed what with the wings, and the fact that iramasha were anything from angels, to demons, or even hybrids. He wasn't sure what to make of Nature Iramasha showing up in that mix, but he didn't think twice about it as he was almost certain that he was right. But an angel, of all things? And that power coming from her was most certainly well rewarded if Jin's gut was accurate. His eyes stayed focused, almost glued to the words that were coming from the girl. He enjoyed learning new things, and this was a plentiful amount, if not at least a little daunting.

And then, just like a machine gun, she resumed speaking only after taking a short break and started shooting questions at him. He tried to speak, but one after another she asked, and asked, and asked again. She wasn't short on curiosity, that was for sure. Jin waited for a moment, his eyes shifting from side to side to make sure that no one was going to jump from the bush, and interrupt him this time. After a moment, Jin looked at her and nodded. "Sure, you gave me some info, I'm sure I can do the same for you." He paused for but a moment as he gathered his thoughts together, and after a few second break, he started. "Well first of all...where are these other beings?" His eyes shifted, not seeing anyone else around them. Jin laughed and started speaking once more. "As for the people, well most of them reside in the rukongai; this is the forest, so you're a ways away from them. There are 320 districts, 80 that rest in the north, east, west, and south. That's where the majority of the people in soul society live." He took a breath, obviously not able to speak as quickly as the small girl in front of him.

"Then there is the seireitei, and that's where all of the shinigami live. There are 13 divisions, and each one filled to the brim with strong people." Jin grinned, digging inside of his back pocket and taking out a small badge. "I'm the vice-captain of the seventh division. You got lucky stumbling on me, I'm fairly strong myself. But the rest of the shinigami, such as the captains, are normally off doing missions, or leading their division. I personally prefer being on the move, and working alone. 'Tis why I haven't been promoted to Captain yet, probably anyway....As for where our strength lays...well that's a secret little missy."

She couldn't wait for him to finish speaking, he was sure. He only assumed so because the moment he was done, she started asking him more questions, but this time it was something that he had even forgot. He grinned, two white canines gleaming brightly. "The names Jin....Jin Hoshigawa. And your's i-" Before he could ask her what her name was, she had already told him. Ciron, eh? Well, names aside Jin was right. She was an angel, and an angel of ice no less. Well wasn't that something, were all of the Iramasha elementals like her, or was she a rarity within the Iramasha family? These questions he could ask the young girl later, but for now Jin was almost sure she would have something else to add, but Jin needed to get her out of this forest. If there were strong energies around, they were hiding it for one reason or another. "I can tell you're strong, but we need to get out of this's a little...creepy." Shuttering at the thought of staying here until it was dark, Jin looked around from all sides, and then back to the girl. This day, unbeknownst to Jin, was just getting started.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Zeekcopy_zpse84d83da Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Jincopy_zps3eccfca0 Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Jace_zps5142b68c
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:30 am

Artist: FOX RAVEL - Song: Absolute Jpnine - Word Count: 1351
Once The Angel of The Ice was finished speaking towards the Albino Male, she smiled a bit since he seemed to understand her reasonings for leaving the Iramasha Island in pursuit of fun, adventure and relief from boredom. More notably, though, when he mentioned something along the lines of her energy being relatively high and on par with that of a Captain, the icy fairy tilted her head to the side and blinked once more as she was taken back a bit by the comment about her strength. Why is that? 'Twas quite a simple question to answer, really. Up until now, the level in which she was suppressing her true capacities had been rather average for her. So, even when she is sealing down her power this much, it was rather surprising for her to be compared to that of a Captain. "Really? You think I'm as strong as one of you guy's Captains? I've barely warmed up, though." Said Cirno with the utmost of honest intentions with the tone of voice in which she spoke towards her new Shinigami Companion.

When taking an honest inventory of herself, with Cirno's pride set aside for a few moments, The Ice Fairy knew at the stage in which her strength was at the moment...she wasn't the strongest Iramasha by a longshot. Quickly reassuring herself with the fact that her willpower more than made up the gap between The Iramasha Leaders and her, The Angel of the Ice shifted her thoughts back towards how strong most Shinigami must be. For Cirno knew many others who were near her power, on par with herself or above her back on that Mystical Island in the sky. Were the rumors that the Iramasha truly were stronger than Shinigami true? Prior to leaving the otherworldly isle in the heavens, The Angel had heard of passing gossip that the shift in power between the two races were steadily starting to change and the gap in strength between them had widened to a noticeable margin. If what the male was stating before was true, and most Captains were on par with Cirno's sealed power alone, maybe there was a bit of truth to these stories. Seeing how the young Iramasha always heard so much about these supposed Captains being the strongest the Gotei 13 had to offer.

There wouldn't be much time to dwell too much on these sentiments, however, as the male before her agreed to divulge more information about the whereabouts of his origins. Nodding her head, Cirno seemed to be intrigued to learn more. "Hehehe, thank you mister. I'm very interested to learn more about you Shinigami!" She stated, listening intently to what he had to say after that point. Unfortunately, before the albino male was able to speak any further about his whereabouts, a question about where The Angel Iramasha's own people were had popped up. Rubbing her chin a bit as a perplexed expression emerged across the young girl's face, she took a soft sigh and pointed back upwards towards the sky to confirm that she indeed fell from the heavens themselves to visit the lands of the Soul Society.

"My people are in the clouds above you. But mister, I don't think you'll be able to see them. Our people are able to cloak themselves with a special barrier of sorts that only allow Iramasha to see the island most of the time unless we deactivate it at the call of the higher-ups within our clan." With that explanation hopefully out of the way, she rested her arms in a folded manner and waited to see what else the male had to say. From the sounds of how these people lived, it seemed that her theory that she was a great distance away from the general population seemed to hold true. This came as a wave of relief to the fairy as she knew there had to be more to these lands than just plant-life, blue skies and the vast openness of the endless lands all around this general vicinity. "So that's why I didn't see anyone around until I flew out here! Thank you for explaining that much, I really thought that this was a dead place when I first came down from the island, mister!" Spoke the Ice Fairy in a happy tone of voice as she giggled a bit.

Zooming in closer to the words in which he spoke after that, it seemed that perhaps she may have misjudged the Shinigami race as a whole. Seeing how the male had explained some of their strongest people had resided in a place called the Seireitei, maybe that's where all of the strong people were hiding at instead of wondering around the forest like her. Heck, it would even make sense considering that the higher-ups in the Iramasha Clan keep to themselves in the Royal Village; namely the Leaders coming into mind with this example. Then, following what he stated about himself being a Vice Captain and the fact his own superiors were constantly out handling business, there may be some hope left for these Shinigami in her eyes. Even more then that, Cirno was interested about the level of strength this supposed Vice Captain had within him. The Ice Fairy was...curious to see more of it to get a taste of just what these Shinigami were capable of in the heat of battle against an Iramasha.

When everything was said and done, the two had exchanged names and The Iramasha was beaming with glee as she grinned happily with the information that she was given. "Well, Jin Hoshigawa, you've given me a new prospective on you Shinigami!" Clapping her hands to show a sign of amusement, she continued onward with her talking; "Can you take me to the place where more of these powerful Shinigami are? I want to see more of them, I wanna see how they live and I certainly want to fight one of them for myself to get a taste of your kind." Not seeming to back down from the challenge of these immensely strong Shinigami, Cirno rubbed her nose a bit and then looked at Jin with a snickers grin across her lips. You could already tell what she was thinking without being a mind-reader. The young Iramasha was certainly going to want to test the limits of power that the Vice Captain had within his well-being.

"Heheheheh, in fact, Shinigami, do you wish to fight me in a battle? It would be a fine way to start off this adventure of mine. It can be held here, or we can take it to the Seireitei where your people come from. It may even attract other powerful Shinigami and we can have a grand time!" With the challenge issued, Cirno would await to see if the male would accept her offer. But, not before she stated one more thing to speed things along on the way towards them seeing the realm of adventure. "And if you can point out the direction of it, hold on to my hand and wait...I can get us there in a matter of seconds, hehehehehe...." With her smirk growing ever-larger, Cirno seemed to have a devilish plan in mind. "You'll even get to see one of our signature moves: Chaos Warp. It allows Iramasha to teleport in places where we can sense large volumes of spiritual energy for those who master it, or move extremely fast in smaller spaces to keep up with you Shinigami." Giving a vague detail of how that ability work, she'd leave it up to him to accept the offer she put on the table.

Where would things end up going from this point onward? More than likely, the gears of combat were being shifted into order and the likelihood of them clashing was steadily becoming more imminent. All the while, Cirno was simply having the time of her life and couldn't care less what the consequences of her actions could be. For in the name of adventure, she was going to make mary and have fun.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown WVMWLOu
Jin Hoshigawa
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:56 pm

Artist: Evanescence - Song: Bring Me to Life - Word Count: 1037

Jin's eyes widened, his hands falling to his side as he stared forward at the young girl. she was this strong, and she had...barely warmed up? what was she? Were all of the Iramasha this strong? Maybe it be best that she just assume that the captains weren't also much stronger than he had been letting on, maybe it be best that she go back and tell the Iramasha this so if they ever try something they can be in store for the rudest awakening of their life. Maybe, but something had come over Jin, maybe a sense of pride for his people, maybe it was something more, but Jin couldn't sit here, willingly and let her think that they were all weak, that they were all as low as him. "You're mistaken, Cirno. All of the captains, they're actually rather powerful. Not a one of them are weaker than me. In fact...." Jin gulped for a moment, the feeling that was overwhelming him at the moment...was it shame? No, it couldn't be. He half chuckled once more, and resumed. "They tower over me in strength, but I'm no pushover either." He proclaimed this last statement with such pride he had pounded his chest with his fist while a cheeky grin washed over his features.

This however would soon be replaced with Jin slapping his forehead when she pointed toward the sky again. He must have not chosen his words well enough, as she thought he meant where were her people, but no matter. Jin took her answer, and rolled with it. There wasn't much else to be had with that conversation topic, and pushing it would just be like beating a dead horse; boring, get's you no where, and can get irritating and annoying. Instead Jin placed his palm on the tip to the hilt of his blade, and let it rest, pushing the blade upward and the hilt down. His arms, despite mostly hanging there, were getting tired and he needed some way to preoccupy them.

He nodded when she realized just where she had been, away from the populace, and away from the shinigami; then he smiled when she thanked him, but then sighed when she went back to calling him mister, and not Jin. His face, once more, resembling something akin to biting into a raw lemon. Even if she were a little demon hiding in an angel shell, even if she could probably snap him in two without trying, Jin didn't care. She was too adorable...of course, that was until she had asked him to take him to the seireitei to find someone to fight. No, he couldn't bring someone who could be so powerful to the seireitei, the destruction would be to great. His fingers, having already been on the hilt of his blade gradually, and slowly moved to wrap themselves around the hilt. His eyes, and his smile remaining on the girl. The smile, this fake-ness, Jin hated this part of him.

Wait! Jin heard Zetsumei, and Jin's hand slowly moved to it's resting place. Zetsumei was right on the key when he said that, as she had offered something that Jin could work with. the two of them fighting instead. Jin's eyes widened for only a tenth of a second before going back to their normal, happy state. His smile, although not entirely true, wasn't fake either. He was happy that she had turned her attention to him, and not the seireitei. Even more so because she was, in theory, even more powerful than she was letting on. Jin paused, taking in a deep breath, and listened to everything she had said before speaking once more. He listened to all of her questions, even tempted to take the chance to see her warping ability, but it wasn't the time for that.

Jin needed to think of everything else before his own, selfish desires. "maybe later...Cirno." He said softly. His eyes were no longer soft, nor were they filled with doubt. They were ready for whatever this girl was going to throw his way. His smile turned into a grin, two canines gleaming more brightly than his other teeth. "I'll fight you cirno. Can't say I'm happy about fighting a child, but we can't do it at the seiretei....The amount of destruction would be too devastating." The words came slowly, and this time Jin's hand wrapped around his blade at a normal pace, but the time it took him to pull it from it's sheath was much slower. Words once more echoing through the forest. "Maybe once we're done, the two of us can go into the city and get some ice cream...but only if you beat me. For now... Bind them within the holy symbol!" Jin winked at the young girl before all that was left were lifted fallen, and broken leaves.

Appearing five feet from the girl Jin raised his palm as a blue flash appeared. The chances of the spell landing, and restraining the girl were increased because of her apparent lack of knowledge when it came to shinigami. Of course Jin could be entirely wrong when it came to something like the Iramasha, they were a powerful people if this girl were any indication, and taking one lightly would result in an event that Jin would feel nothing but shame for. On that note, Jin rose his blade in the air, and four more words followed. "Death be with you, Zetsumei" Now, normally Jin would wait to release his sword into it's first release, but this girl was not to be trifled with. He knew this, and taking it any less seriously would, once more, leave Jin in a shameful state. Finally swinging his blade, Jin created a red Glyph from his his feet, and whether or not the cross had bound her where he wanted, Jin drained himself of six ounces of blood, shooting six beams at her. Each beam would fire one after the other, each going to the spot that she was last except for the last one. The last beam will follow her for as long as Jin kept his eyes on the girl.

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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:31 pm

Artist: Sonic Hybrid Orchestra - Song: The Native Faith - Word Count: 1804
The Young Iramasha's eyes glowed with pure excitement upon hearing that there were those on par or even stronger than the Shinigami she was fighting presently. That is, if she could trust the words which were coming out of Jin's mouth, there may be much more to discover about the Shinigami race then once thought in her mind. "That sounds pretty interesting, Mr.Jin! I can't wait to see what all of them are made of, hehe!" Giggling a bit as she spoke each word, it was all nothing but a game for The Little Ice Fairy to play. All the young girl had been interested in was curing her boredom, finding amusing beings to toy around with, exploring the depths of the Soul Society and just going on a grand adventure. And boy, after seeing all that Jin had to say, was she about to find it on this day. For he declined her offer to be transported into the Seireitei, but apparently picked up the nerve to take her on a one on one fight here in the middle of nowhere to prevent any innocents from being harmed in their clash.

With the twitching of an eyebrow in irritation, however, Cirno took slight offense to the childish comment that The Vice Captain had dropped about her. Puffing her cheeks to show her aggravation, The Ice Fairy had began to pulsate the waves of energy resonating within her and had a brief flash of radiant, sapphire Chaos Energy release from her body. This would most likely feel like a surge in power the likes of which Jin Hoshigawa may have never felt before. For it felt widely different then any sort of reiatsu or spiritual energy a majority of Shinigami were used to dealing with. It felt otherworldly, it felt mystical and it felt downright dangerous if things were to get too out of hand on this battlefield. Maintaining the mentality of a child while in this state, although Cirno wasn't aware of how lethal her attributes were, she was like walking gun with how unaccustomed she was to visiting realms lower than the Iramasha Island. That was apparent enough when she was letting enough strength in her resting state to be on par with a Rookie Captain.

At any rate, with her attention aroused to an extent, The Ice Fairy pointed her finger at The Shinigami in distress; unleashing a strong torrent of wind that blew dangerously fast towards the ground below and shook the very earth. "Hey, hey, hey! I'm not a little kid! I'm 99 years old! How can I be a kid if I'm that old?!" Much to her dismay, that was all the words she was able to really exchange before The Young Iramasha noticed the male was already on the move. Having reason to believe that this was definitely going to be an attack, Cirno knew it was time to go on the offense at this point. Feeling out a strange shift in energy from the level of power being emitted from the Shinigami, The Ice Fairy deduced that there was going to be some sort of magic or special ability based attack heading towards her. This is because when she used her own unique abilities, Cirno also took a decent chunk of Chaos Energy or Spiritual energy to perform them.

Not having any other choice with the limited amount of time she was given, The Angel Of The Ice placed her hands outward and summoned a small sum of her Chaos Energy to produce a full, three hundred sixty degree sphere of condensed Chaos Energy and Spiritual Energy to formulate a forcefield to hopefully repel the spell from having an effect on her. "Chaos Block!" Was what was chanted when this move was summoned; giving it more of an edge as sparks of electricity were seen surging around the ball. Therefore, with how volatile The Fairy's energy seemed to be at this point, there was a strong chance it could even entirely negate the spell and reduce it to nothing but spiritual particles in the wind; so to speak, at least. Moving on from that attack, the next task would be more fearsome to deal with. With Cirno's Keen spiritual detection skills, the shift in Jin's Spiritual Energy was more than apparent as she felt him become much more impressive in power then he was a few moments ago.

"What the heck did you just do!? Is this...a transformation?" Shouted Cirno aloud to her opponent, though she wouldn't have much room for conversation at this point. As soon as he ascended into that state, the male was already on the attack. Seeing six beams of what Cirno assumed to be destructive energy heading towards her, the time for action had been instilled within her mind. Provided her counter worked against Jin's binding, while still preserving a strong volume of energy being discharged from her body to dismantle the Kidō attack, the Chaos Block was taken down and her wings began to light up in an overwhelming crystal aura. "You are gonna regret doing that!" She hollered, tightening her hands into fist and unleashing a powerful torrent of wind from behind her. Materializing into a blue twister, it spanned roughly two city blocks in length and width. Given the dimensions of this attack, Cirno assumed this would be enough to swallow the attacks whole based on the overwhelming size of her toronado.

In spite of that, though, this was far from over. If the blood beams were sucked into the vortex, they'd be in for a wild ride. The torrents within cyclone were more than strong enough to even rip apart cero's shot off from most wood-be Arrancar. Given that these blood beams were similar to that style of attack, and with how overbearing Cirno's energy was when she produced this whirlwind, there was a strong chance that they may be ripped to shreds before these beams even had a chance to touch The Ice Fairy. Each wind, each slash; all of them could be compared to multiple destructive blows from a released Shikai. It dismantled, shredded and obliterated everything within the area that got in it's way. And based on it's supernatural origins, the storm that Cirno produced was even attempting to tear apart the very reishi that comprised these attacks to have a higher success rate in destroying them. The effectiveness of this pass will be seen soon enough in her mind.

Provided the funnel had not been stopped or destroyed at this point, the twister roared with sheer power and may have surged towards Jin at daunting speeds and destructive force. If it were to make contact upon the shinigami? There would be multiple deep cuts across his body from how enhanced each torrent of wind had been within this tornado. This may lead to multiple blunt impacts dealt across his well-being that could smash bones and leave heavy bruises. On top of that, he may feel a if something were choke-holding him. This is due to the fact, that within this gust of wind, the amount of oxygen was heavily decreasing and there is a probable chance he may be taken back and blackout from the lack of oxygen within this devastating typhoon. Now having released two energy constructed abilities from herself, The Ice Fairy figured that in order to further engage him in combat, physical combat may be needed to see just what the heck this guy can do.

Taking a deep breath to catch up with the amounts of energy she just unleashed, Cirno figured that utilizing her winter elements will be of relative ease and wouldn't cause much strain on herself. On that train of thought, hardened ice rapidly started to take form around The Angel's arms and legs. This was definitely going to be used in order to greatly augment her blows for what she was about to do next. Following that production of ice, The Iramasha channeled into the whirlwind above her and generated a small negation-field around her body. Acting as a sort of communication wavelength, this barrier was put in place to essentially prevent Cirno from being harmed by her own attack. Locking on to the spiritual signature of Jin's energy, Cirno's eyes flared and in a quick flash of light...she had disappeared. What just occurred? Heh, Chaos Warp was used. Within short ranged distances, this was akin to Shunpo for most Iramasha. And with that being said, fixating on The Vice Captain's reiatsu signature like a parasite, the young fairy should most likely appear directly behind him. Raising her fist in the air and producing another surge of energy to blitz past any sort of surprise attack that may occur, Cirno went in for a destructive and skull-shattering punch from behind; releasing a blow directly upon his head with intense impact to be had.

Should he fall prey to this attack? Then further physical damage may be placed upon his body. Dizziness may occur from the jab directed at his head; leading to confusion, displacement and allowing an opening for Cirno to follow this up with a series of kicks and punches. On top of that, it may even be enough to produce a "stun" effect across Jin's body from the sudden shock in pain and hopefully paralyze him for a brief duration of time to further allow The Ice Fairy to go to town on him. Even if none of the above worked, there was no time to waste for her. Harnessing the power of her speed, Cirno was going to make sure she wouldn't easily be attacked. Moving at mind blowing rates of momentum, The Angel of The Ice started dealing a number of physical blows from her legs and arms with intent to make contact across every inch of Jin's body.

"CHA!" With one finale scream, Cirno's last attack happened to be a swift uppercut. However, this wouldn't be like any other ordinary uppercut. Condensing spiritual energy, chaos energy and accelerating the potential kinetic forces from her momentum to dramatically augment her blow; combined with The Ice Fairies dense coat of ice armor across her fist, if it had made a hit? Heh, boy was it going to leave a dent. It may very well even fling Jin right out of the toronado and send him hurtling into the ground for nearly a half mile with the amount of force being produced behind this blow. So, with that said, a truly wide grin emerged across Cirno Iramasha's face and she seemed quite as brazen as ever within the eye of the storm.

"So, am I still a kid NOW!?" With those last words, she'd let what she said sink in and take notice to see if these blows had any effect on him.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown WVMWLOu
Jin Hoshigawa
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:09 am

Artist: Tech n9ne - Song: Worldwide Choppers - Word Count: 1987

There was something wrong with this picture, something that Jin wasn't quite aware of yet. She was so young, so small, and yet she was so powerful. She was something truly terrifying, and yet everything this girl had to offer wasn't even out on the table yet. Jin however was already in shikai, and if things got any worse, or if he took any serious damage, he would have to go straight into bankai. Tch...Bankai. It's not meant to be used against allies, and certainly not a little girl....but... Jin wasn't conflicted. There was something about her, something that was truly....out of this world. Whoa! Jin's body shifted for a moment, his breathing skipping a beat, and his composure rocking. There was something off about this energy. He looked at the little girl, his eyes watching her. This was definitely her, but he needed to keep the attention off of the fact that her energy had affected him in such a way.

A wild grin spread across the young mans features, his canines beginning to show as the small girl reacted to his comment. Then he even laughed a bit when she had told him her age. He couldn't resist; there was just something about it that made Jin say..."You don't say? Ninety-nine years old? Well, my apologies, you're obviously no child...." The sarcasm was strong with this one, but before Jin had finished he rose to a standing stature, and spoke just a bit more. "When you live for seven centuries, then you can tell me you're no child." While he wasn't wrong, Jin was a little disappointed. Not with her, Zetsumei, or the gotei. No, he was disappointed with himself. This girl, this Iramasha girl, was ONLY ninety-nine years old? Absolutely insane. He was over seven hundred years old, and if what this girl had said were true about her skills....Jin needed to step his game up.

Then, as the battle raged on, Jin watched in absolutely awe as the girl absorbed the Kidō. That was chaos block? Interesting to say the least. Was this able to suck up all energy based attacks? Only low level ones, or was it dependent on the amount of energy she used? There were all questions that Jin needed to eventually answer from either watching the girl, convincing her to spill the beans, or discovering them himself by making some assumptions. Jin sighed, and hoped that his beams would then do the trick. And if that's what he had hoped...boy was he in for a long fight.

Jin could feel the area around him becoming torn with a sudden rage-fest of wind. His eyes never left the girl, his sixth beam, if nothing else, was going to reach her. Now while the latter were true in that statement, his eyes widened and he soon realized that his beams weren't going to be home for Christmas this year. Shit! Jin backed himself up some twenty meters as the raging twister roared and consumed his beams. This wasn't good. He could feel the wind from where he stood, and he knew a little bit about strong twisters. If he got caught in that beast, this fight would end much sooner, and the gotei without the seventh division Vice captain.

No, he wasn't going to go down like this. Bringing both hands up, Jin needed to cut that tornado in half, and he had just the combination to do that. Jin brought both hands up, both of them facing the large rage beast. He needed time, and as he gathered energy in both palms, consuming large portions of his reiatsu, Jin started to speak incantations. "Great Power, Form in my hand! Blow them away, and run them astray!" His left hand was also gathering energy, but would be used after the fact, but not to shortly after as he needed it to have enough time to completely expand. However, back to the first Hadō, Jin had created a large red cube, this cube, when finished, will explode with great force; surely not enough to destroy the twister, but it would aid in his endeavor. "Hadō 59 - Bakuhatsu-ha"

As the first Hadō left Jin's hand, he was completely expecting it to become absorbed within the twister, sending it into a fray unbeknownst to anyone outside of the twister; and yet utterly terrifying should anyone become trapped inside. As the cube shot off, and became trapped inside the twister, he waited...waited...waited...and there it was! The cube exploded, and now Jin unleashed the second Hadō. "Hadō 58 - Tenran" Now, having poured a large portion of his reiatsu into both techniques, Jin watched as the tornado Hadō left his hand, and began expanding toward the twister. Both of the powerful wind currents spun in opposite directions, and as the two met (added with the disruption created by the cube Hadō blast)the two beasts engulfed one another, taking each out.

Finally, Jin could take a breather. Leaning over, taking in long deep breathes, Jin couldn't believe this girl was this powerful already, and she hadn't completely unleashed her power? Was he crazy for wanting her to go all out? Was he crazy for wanting to test himself against that? How could he ever hope to become more than he is if he couldn't even take on this girl? Er...or... His head, and eyes lifted for a moment as he stared forward at the girl. What was sh-Was she covering herself in ice? She can control ice AND wind? Jin snapped out of his pity party, sighing and stumbling for a moment. No, this girl was going to be the end of him....and he couldn't wait. However, he needed to wven the playing field...this girl was strong, and solid ice could hurt. Also, while Jin can take a hit, he still wasn't the most durable, and adding anything to aid him in his fight would be grand.

Grinning wildly, Jin went to two of his favorite, simple Kidō. "Legs like a jack rabbit's, reach for the sky!" Pausing for only a moment he started to speak the other, it felt like the girl was heading his way. "Those who would destroy me will find no purchase, and those who corrupt shall be denied!" His body had become covered in a faint, black aura. This aura would allow his body to take a bit more hits, and the first Kidō would allow him to keep up, or exceed this girls speed should she be something of note. Finishing the Kidō, Jin spoke their names, his sword at his side ready to go. "Bakudo 11 - Haru Bōdo, Bakudo 15 - Rokku no Hifu"

Jin was focused on her reiatsu, not that it was easy to miss; she was so strong. She was preparing for something, but he didn't know what for. What was she wai-Where did she go?! Jin stayed on her, what wa-Was that the skill she was going to do to get them to the seireitei? It was so fast! He had followed her to behind him, and he needed to act fast. Jin brought his sword up, the hilt facing downward, while the blade ran the length of his arm, then placing his left hand on his forearm, Jin spun his body quickly around (his increased speed making this much easier) and connecting the broad cold steel with her iced over fist. Using the momentum, Jin used both arms, hands, and feet to block some of her strikes, while others managed to get past his defenses. The pain wasn't too bad, it was rough, for sure, and he could feel the ice chilling his skin, but it didn't hurt enough for him to notice. He needed to focus, she was starting to tear him apart. It was getting harder and harder to block at all.
But He could feel her momentum shift, probably preparing for one final strike and so Jin once more decided to use two Kidō, making another combo.

The first was with his left hand and the second was with his right. He didn't bother with the incantation, there was no time. "Hadō 1 - Shō" He didn't use this on the girl, but instead used it on the ground where he stood, pushing himself back avoiding the uppercut, but not fully. He chin just barely caught the brim of her icy fist, blood falling. He didn't react before raising his right hand toward the girl, muttering the next Kidō. "Bakudo 9 - Geki" Drifting the air, time stood still for a moment. This was it, this was just the beginning and he could feel everything coming into fair view. He needed so much work, so much more work.

Finally shunpoing, Jin found himself in the middle of ground zero, where her twister had ravaged the forest. The trees that were there were dead, gone, and the field was in clear view. He could feel it...he needed his bankai...but should he use it? Now of all times? In his mind, he debated until a tiny little shriek came through the air. She was...asking him a question. He laughed, falling once to his knee, looking toward the ground. Was she still a kid? Well, of course. "Of course you are Cirno...look at the temper tantrum you just had BECAUSE I called you a kid. You mentioned you were holding back. I won't be anymore...maybe you shouldn't either!"

That was it, Jin needed it. Despite the layer of protection, he could feel the pain setting in. "Watch closely Cirno....Death is a vicious thing." Clever one liners aside, Jin stood, took in a deep breath and brought his blade up toward the sky, facing inward toward himself. He closed his eyes, focusing on the eventual conclusion to the next few minutes. "Ban....kai...." He whispered the word, his reiatsu had flared for a moment as he brought the blade south. In and then out. Blood splattering the ground. "Argh..." Jin wasn't ever sure if he could get used to activating his bankai. The pain, it was there, but why? He hadn't felt pain before, cutting his feet, chest, arms. Even before when he fought that woman from the sixth division. Perhaps it was because Cirno had beat him tender. Either way, as the blood boiled for a moment, Jin looked up toward the sky at the girl. His bankai was ready.

As he started to pull the blade from his body, the blade changed and morphed appearance. He could feel the new edges forming, and as the blade finally left his gut, something behind him sprouted from the ground. In the empty field, there stood a tree. Dark, brittle, but strong and standing. The leaves that covered it were red like blood, fruit filling the trees branches. Jin grinned as the blade finally left his abdomen. There was no cut, no hole, just a normal stomach. However, on his hand, Jin could the pins from the hilt digging into his palm, blood trickling down his hand. Leaping into the branches, Jin grabbed one of the fruit and after biting into it something started to come over him.

Jin grinned, his wounds were healing, the damage was leaving his body. The cut on his chin had clotted up, and healed over. Next, after grabbing one more fruit, Jin leaped to the ground, digging a small spot and dropping the fruit inside. After covering it, Jin had just two more things to do. He needed to try and push this girl to her peak. Hopefully the bakudo he had used a moment ago was still in affect, and after shunpoing up behind the girl, Jin swung his sword not at her, but toward her back. A small droplet of blood aiming to fall on her back, and hopefully spread like wildfire into vines. Finally, not taking any unnecessary chances, Jin shunpoed back down to the tree line. Waving for her to come join him under the trees canopy of branches.

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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:38 am

Artist: Magnum Opus - Song: 霊知の太陽信仰 - Word Count: 2170
Hearing The Shinigami's words as the fellow named Jin spoke of her as nothing more than a mere child rather angered the Fairy of The Ice. It made her want to show him her worth, that she was capable of more than just being a brat. So while she was very much upset with these absurd claims of her being a runt, there was no doubt in Cirno's mind that she was going to make great use out of this anger in order to channel it into her fighting. Pumping the veins filled to the berm out of frustration, adrenaline and the peer thrill of it all; The Iramasha was going to materialize all of these sensation's surging within herself into one hell of a collaborative fighting style the likes of which this Shinigami may have never seen before in this whole seven hundred centuries of living in this accursed plane.

"So you still believe I am a kid after everything I have you told you?!?!" Shouted out the Ice Fairy in a bout of anger; the air trembling in fear as a reaction to her spiritual energy churning upwards in line with her emotions. "Fine then, I'll smash the seven centuries separating me from you in one foul motion with this fight. Piece by piece, I'LL SHATTER THAT NONSENSE!"

There wasn't much time to think much else after that. The moment was now to act, the present was ripe to strike and it the pressure to give this man the beating of a life time was on the table. Fueled by her rampaging fury, The Raging Ice Fairy didn't seem to care much for some of the Kidō he had shot upwards into the tornado. They were acceptable loses; especially when The Iramasha was considering the fact she had forced the male to use some stronger magic spells. The detection based skills Cirno possessed when it came to the art of sensing the presence of other spiritual beings certainly came in handy.

As of right now, The Girl's instincts were alerting The Snow Fairy to the growing realization that she was already tiring him out this early into the match. If she could keep the fire under his behind going with the same force of intensity that was currently being produced, in no time flat, she'd have the Shinigami flat on his ass and realizing there is no pride to be had in a battle of ages. The pillars in which he so smugly stood upon would all be but ashes in the winds if Cirno had anything to say about it.

While watching these events unfold all around her, another odd suspicion came over The Angel. Each time the man had counter attacked, the male needed to utter some ridiculous long-winded speech in order to release his assaults. If what she surmised was true, then perhaps if The Fairy were to mute or null the sounds coming from his big mouth, it may be very possible to negate or halt the effectiveness of those attacks altogether. It's something she would keep in mind for later, though, because The Iramasha was hot on her heels trying to keep the pace up to make sure Jin couldn't keep up with her dashing speed that came quite naturally to Cirno.

Following the mind blowing uppercunt that was unleashed upon The Shinigami, hearing the muttering to himself, The Ice Angel anticipated yet another Kidō based attacks from all of the devastation she had seen prior to this build up of "Bakudo 9 - Geki". However, if Cirno had anything to say about it, this wasn't going to happen. Having a flashback to where her Chaos Block proved to be potent enough to ward off the effects of Jin's first attack, The Iramasha grinned quite devilishly as the density of her Chaos and Spiritual energy soon became apparent. In the form of a bright blue sphere emerging directly in front of The Angel, she channeled this strong surge of power to produce a blunt force shield.

By increasing her speed and the amount of energy being generated to her anterior, the intended effect of this little maneuver was to shatter the Kidō once more with overwhelming force from her infamous Chaos Block technique. And on that note, with a quick holler, Cirno bellowed out: "CHAOS BLOCK"; jump starting the blaze needed to swiftly consume the Kidō before it had much time to effect her.

When the light from the collision had faded, The Fairy would be staring Jin down viciously before puffing her cheeks in regards to what the Shinigami had just said towards her. Still confusing Cirno with a mere brat? Even after that display of power? Maybe it was time to kick things up a notch to show him she wasn't just all talk. " jerk....I won't let you get away with such slandering of my name before I've even made my mark in this world! I'll show you what a brat can do, darnit!"

Once the frustrated Angel finished uttering those words, the energy which was swirling around the young girl's body seemed to pulsate and converge into a spiraling vortex all around her; glowing bright white in intensity and steadily making the ground all around them tremble in fear, as the air itself began to dip in temperature and the skies began to become engulfed in overcast. The Winter Nature...was certainly coming out in this area now. It was apparent The Ice Fairy influencing the area with her dominating force.

"Shikai, Bankai, Monkai; I don't care what you have up your sleeve, my head is brewing a fierce storm of fury that won't be stopped so easily, Mister!" She hollered, moving each of her fist above The Angel Iramasha's head with a rather determined expression across coming forth to her face. Noticing the exhaustion beginning to settle into the male's body despite his massive change in power, one Cirno appeared to bat an eyelash out as she was very much stumped about the man's transformation, there was still enough evidence for her to conclude this guy couldn't keep something like this up for too long. If The Girl were to keep her assaults with the same amount of intensity as before, this guy's goose would be cooked before too long and that was going to be her plan of attack even with this change in his power.

Taking a quick glance to the development of a new tree nearby, there was something rather ominous about it. Cirno couldn't quite put it to words, but she figured whatever that plant was had to be no good. "FREEZING CHAOS BLAST!" Making a quick shout to announce her attack; The Iramasha decided she wasn't taking any chances. Henceforth, The Ice Fairy pointed her hands outward at the tree that had just blossomed and shot a powerful Chaos Blast at it in order to engulf the contents in an obliterating explosion that rocked the forest floor like a meteoroid.

Spreading for roughly two hundred meters, that destructive wave of energy should hopefully take care of the problem without much issue. Though, more unsettling in nature, was the fact that whatever substance this burst of power had came into...suddenly turned into ice and crumbled into pieces; shattering like dust in the wind. What did Cirno truly do? By influencing her Chaos Energy with her winter element, The Angel of the Ice actually had an usual side effect occur in the explosion; as it's after-effects allowed her to freeze most things it came into contact with through this ability. Making it wise to get out of harms way from this attack.

Whenever the smoke had settled proceeding that blast, something seemed off to the little girl. The male was already gone and she felt his energy already on the move thanks to the Iramasha's keen senses. Having enough of this nonsense, she'd swiftly turn to face Jin head on when the Shinigami attempted to slash at The Angel Girl from behind.

Summoning her elemental prowess, Cirno shot forth a burst of extremely potent and dangerous ice; capable of freezing most of what it touches in a matter of seconds. Meaning, that anything caught within this path would be reduced to a modern ice sculpture; showcasing that very well by even freezing the very air in front of them and narrowly missing Jin's hide thanks to him having sense enough to pull back at the time. Moreover, on the flip side, that strange liquid may also very well be caught in the pathway of this wintry blast.

Sucking her teeth, Cirno fixated her eyes back towards the ground where she sensed The Shinigami leading her into a dense collection of branches. Jin wanted The Iramasha to follow her? Heh, very well. Of course the girl had enough knowledge to realize something like this may be a trap, but she was just too irritated to care and would tear anything apart that would happen to get in her way of defeating this man.

"If you wish to have me down there so bad, I'll be sure to grant it for you right here, Jin!" Not wasting anytime after saying that, Cirno seemed to move forward for a few moment before disappearing in a bright flash of light. Chaos warp was at work yet again, and hopefully with it's ability, The Ice Fairy may have the opportunity to emerge directly in front of him.

Not giving him much of a chance to react in her mind or room to breath, The Angel Iramasha decided to try subduing him first. So, by slamming her fist into the ground, she'd firstly hope to create a massive shock wave; the likes of which could definitely raddle Jin's nerves and injure him in the form of rupturing his eardrum, injury from the different rocks exploding in various directions and reopening old wounds from The Ice Fairy's previous attack.

Following that, a sudden expansion of ice would emerge from the earth. Expanding for roughly thirty feet, this frozen mess was meant to entrap Jin's body within the hardened ice. Should he fall prey to it? It would swiftly try to crush his body under the dense pressure within it's contents once a prey is caught, force him into submission and even have the possibility of stunting his sudden power growth and attempting to damage the pathways of his spiritual energy. By that, she was going to essentially make an attempt freeze his very own energy to cripple him in this fight. This was just some of the depths in which her ice capacities lay on a supernatural level; the main trick was getting him caught in it in time and boy was the speed a major factor in that release.

Smirking quite wildly at this point, Cirno figured with the forest beginning to become under her command, it was time to kick things up a notch. Calling upon the elements of the winter, a massive sphere of solid ice was beginning to form in the skies above them; blocking out the sun in a massive eclipse. With it's size roughly equivalent to that a ten story building, The Angel Iramasha pointed her finger downward at Jin's location and decided to have it smash wherever he may be it.

Upon making contact with whatever it hit, another devastating explosion may very well shake the forest floor. From the large collection of Chaos Energy, it's contents would spread for roughly two hundred meters before stopping. However, unlike last time, this one would produce a dense dome of snow, ice and cold meant to increase the chances of her entrapping Jin. Moreover, with the effects of Cirno's energy spreading rapidly in the area, it may hopefully kill off most plant life in the area due to the frigid temperatures and engulf the forest in a surprise gust of Winter; crippling it through her awesome power.

Getting more to the point, though, should Jin decide to counter attack this...something amusing had the chance to occur. Once this ball and dome of ice would consider itself under attack ,or Cirno herself, it would emit strong burst of ice wind from it's contents until the Chaos Energy infused inside of it melted off. Meaning, that for a period of one or two post, this blast has enough fuel inside of it to produce all sorts of icy tentacles, extremely sharp spears of ice, immense gust of frigid wind capable of breaking his bones and body to frozen shreds and being quite the menace overall to deal with. Taking a quick second to catch up with her breathe, while the sphere was coming down to earth, she'd harness her Chaos Energy once more to distance herself roughly one hundred meters in the air away from the impact zone of the attack to survey the damage.

Wiping the sweat from her hand, only time could tell what would happen to the Shinigami; as this fight was just warming up in her opinion.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown WVMWLOu
Jin Hoshigawa
Jin Hoshigawa
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Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown Empty Re: Yearning To Explore: Cirno's Venture Into The Unknown

Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:25 am

Artist: Tech n9ne - Song: Worldwide Choppers - Word Count: 1300

What was this power? What was this thing coming from her? Was she truly a little girl? Jin couldn't help but let these thoughts passively glide through the confines of his mind. He wanted to keep going, but this girl was so powerful, she was devastating in this battle; strong, fast, complete and utter control over her abilities. Jin was just losing the wetness behind his ears, he had been around for centuries, but was he a centuries old shinigami? He didn't think so, he didn't feel like he was either. And who was the one who brought this epiphany about? An Iramasha girl who was simply ninety-nine years old. No! That wasn't going to be it, Jin stood, his eyes staring up at the girl. What was she planning? Was she going to take him out this time, allow her temper completely override their promise to get ice cream?

Jin could hear her yelling, screaming, utterly complaining at his jokes, but he had given up with the words for now; he knew that he needed to focus, and focus he would. She brought her hands down, faced his tree, and himself with this energy, and had released it all down upon him. He groaned, not another attack, but he needed to not dwell on the fact; what was he to do? He could focus on trying to save his bankai, or he could let it become destroyed in an attempt to throw the girl off. But he was sure that letting it get destroyed wouldn't sit well with Zetsumei. He wanted to cuss inwardly, he wanted to flip the metaphorical table and just move on. But he couldn't.

He turned to his bankai tree, leaped into the foliage grabbing one of the fruits and then pointing his hands down at the tree. The words he muttered were fast. and were meant to keep the tree from becoming utterly destroyed by this blast. Time slowed, Jin shunpoed to the side of the tree muttering a single word. "Kyōmon" He used it creating a shield around the tree, but that wasn't it. He decided to flare his reiatsu, pouring as much energy as he could spare into a second barrier around the tree. "Kyōmon!" Now he needed to go before the blast took over the entire area. Jin was confident in his bankai's durability, and his own ability with Kidō, but he was sure what else he could do. His body was feeling like it was going to fall apart, disintegrate into the nothingness of the surrounding trees.

That was until the two of them started to dance, feeling their energies almost entwine and bounce off of one another. Jin managed to, luckily, evade her ice attack, but not long after that she was already on his tail. This girl was more tenacious than he was. Strong willed, confident, and utterly dangerous. If Jin weren't feeling like shit, he would have time to admire his opponent. He grinned, sweat beads dropping from his face one after the other, his heart skipping a beat. What was her plan next? Then, in a moment, she had slammed her fist into the ground, and the following sound was absolutely horrendous. Why was she so powerful? Why was he so weak? Jin brought his hands up to his ears, it was becoming unbearable.

Jin shunpoed upward away from the sound, his hands still covering his ears. As he entered the area away from the rocks, Jin lowered his hands. His hands dripping from blood. Luckily for him shinigami were automatically more durable than any normal human but he could still feel his ears ringing, sounds were gone for now. He shook his head, everything becoming hazy and hard to comprehend. Jin stop this. You're going to die... Jin shook his head, he wasn't going to give up now. He had come this far, why not give it everything he had? He hadn't gone all out in years...while it was terrifying, it was glorious. With his eyes down at the ground, Jin saw something spreading across the ground. Ice was becoming a dangerous sight and something he really didn't to deal with anymore. He deduced that this ice wasn't normal, nothing from this girl came at face value, so assuming that this ice was the same felt like the best idea.

He did however shunpo back down to the girl. A wild grin spreading across his face. "'re...sorry one sec." Jin took in a deep breath before coming to his senses. "You're truly something else Cirno...something admirable. I owe you a lot for opening my eyes, but I will not give up. It's never been in my show me the respect for that. End this decisively...but plea-" His attention was drawn to the sound of air wooshing around. His hearing was starting to come back, but what he had saw made his jaw physically drop. His attention turning to the girl, then back to the giant ice meteor, then back to her, and then back to it. He sighed and laughed hysterically. "You are truly something else...even for a youngin...." He said with a clearly joking tone.

Jin turned his back and headed for the giant meteor. He needed to take this thing out, but how. Same rules that he applied to the ice expansion on the ground he applied here. Don't touch something from this girl. Nothing is as it seems. While this was a giant ice could...also...well he wasn't sure what else this thing could do but he wasn't going to risk it. With reserves low, he needed to shatter this thing...Kidō it was then. Jin remembered during the fight with Aizen all those years ago that Mom, a shinigami, had strung together three Kidō that caused an explosion. Jin figured doing something similar, with his improved abilities, was his best bet at taking this thing down...or at the very least weakening it to destroy it.

Then, bringing his arms up Jin started to gather the energy to his hands. Wait...something was off. Jin felt his energy, but he couldn't access enough to string everything together. He probably had enough energy for two more Kidō. He thought about it, his hand still grasping his fruit he had grabbed. He wasn't going to win this fight, but he could at least deal some damage to the girl. Jin decided to shunpo down to his tree. There were two Kidō he hadn't used this entire battle, and he believed it was time to do so. "Bakudo 26 - Kyokko" This Kidō had the ability to complete hide the target from sight, and hide their reiatsu, and presence. By doing this, Jin had elected to lose his bankai, throwing it away He vanished using shunpo and appearing behind the girl. Lifting his sword hand, he muttered a few more words, while also throwing his fruit into the air.

"Bakudo 61 - Rikujōkōrō" He only needed it to work for a moment, and as the fruit came down, he sliced it with his bankai sword. Then, bringing the sword back up toward the sky, Jin activated his swords special ability. Each link in the blade and each hook disconnected, only attached by streams of blood, and this would attempt to wrap around the girl starting at her left abdomen, up to her right chest. Then, with one fell swoop, Jin would bring it back down attempting to rip her apart. He knew though, he knew that this wouldn't kill her; hell it may not even wound her, but he needed to try. As moments passed, Jin could feel his energy depleting and as a conscious rule to keep himself alive, he released his bankai and returned to his sealed state. He was now at the complete mercy of his opponent.

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