Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Andrew Takahashi
Andrew Takahashi
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Joined : 2012-02-28
Posts : 302

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All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha Left_bar_bleue1000/9999All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha Empty_bar_bleue  (1000/9999)

All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha Empty Re: All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha

Sat May 05, 2012 1:47 am
"Hey! You don'tknow anything about me!"

Andrew poked his head from around the corner of a building when he heard someone shout. To be honest the vizard had been exploring the area so much that he had been lost for a few hours. He had been trying to locate where he had started off, but he seemed to be lost once again. He stepped out from the corner of the building, trying to get a better look at the person who had been shouting out into the shadows. He wasn't sure if he had been addressing him directly, but still he had been a little miffed about it. But even though he had been a little bit confused with the man's reiatsu. He didn't feel like any shinigami, hollow or even quincy he had seen before. He had kept a weary eye on him, but only because he never seen anything like him before in his experience.

Stopping in his tracks, the brown haired vizard simply stared at him for a few moments before crossing his arms. He watched the wind blow as he tapped his foot. "Well? Are you going to apologize or what?" As he asked the question, the gears in his head began to turn very slowly. He was trying to ascertain what he was. Given the appearance of the strange person's armor, he had thought that it was a human inside with a love for what they refer to as "mecha". Though he had given it to the strange individual to giving a good sense of creativity in his mind. It was the very last thing he would have expected to see anyone wear. But even with curiosity piqued the vizard kept his hand on the hilt of his zanpaktou. Something told him that this one was definitely looking for a fight and just about any excuse to fight. And given the question he had asked the strange person he needed to be ready.

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Andrew Takahashi
Andrew Takahashi
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All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha Empty Re: All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha

Tue May 08, 2012 1:36 am
Something tells me this guy has a lot of anger at the world.

Though Andrew had been hollowfied, he never could hate the Soul Society let alone the shinigami. To him no one had done anything to him, if anything the one he held responsible apparently he had descended from through rebirth. He never could understand the cycle of rebirth. The only thing he had understood is that eventually a spirit would return. But then again he never thought a shinigami would come back once again. He kept his arms crossed again as he spoke. "Yeah, I expect an apology. Even if you are mad, that still doesn't give you an excuse for having very poor manners."

Andrew, why must you always play "poke the bear"?

But then he saw that his poking had begun with the first volley shot at him. The power felt off, nothing that he had encountered in his life. However, he fought against it. Pointing his finger, he aimed at the very center of the orb and shouted. "Hadō number four, byakurai!" As he fired off the bolt, he rolled off to the side and unsheathed his zanpaktou. In his mind he had been working out what this person was. He had been heavily armored, so a direct assault wasn't going to be enough. So the gears in his head began to turn, working on a way to force him to be unbalanced. "Cook, Tetsu Itamae." Steam shot out of his zanpaktou, shaping the sword to create a sword form of the santoku knife. A rust colored spice came out of his blade, making Andrew grab a fistful of the spice and putting it into a pouch before sparking the edge of his blade with his fingers to turn the edge of his sword white hot.
'Dat Bishie
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All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha Empty Re: All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha

Tue May 08, 2012 4:24 am

"Safety and peace to you, friend. The world is my oyster, my Ambition pure and true. And I know that as I continue, my blade will guide my path."

"Where are you? I know somebody has the balls to challenge now who will grow a pair and fight me?" Sure, someone there had the balls, but he was more interested in waiting and watching right now. If that occurred, then he would most certainly be able to grade exactly what to do with the blade that sat in his right hand. Standing on a lamp-post above the Iramasha was a man with long violet hair falling behind him and strange clothing on his body. His name, though not many would know it, was Setsudan Yoryo, and he was--quite frankly--interested in what was going on right now. He didn't want to show himself yet, however he was also interested in testing the combat prowess of this man with his own sword. Sighing softly, Setsudan closed his eyes and listened to the movements as another came into the battlefield as well. "Hey! You don't know anything about me!" Felt like Vizard. Interesting. Turning on his foot to see the other approaching, he was quite interested to see who it was. He was interested in these two strangers already--well done to the both of them. Chuckling quietly, he jumped silently off of the lamp-post that he was perched upon and placed his back against it, keeping a calm eye on proceedings; Monohoshizao at his side.

"An apology?? You want an apology from me??? Well you're going to have to earn your apology outta me whoever you are but let me start you off with a little present" Ouuu, this one was angry. He watched Damien flying into the air with a slightly bemused eye, placing his hands onto his hips and chuckling quietly. One eye closed, and Setsudan Yoryo would watch the proceedings. "Yeah, I expect an apology. Even if you are mad, that still doesn't give you an excuse for having very poor manners." That one, on the other hand, seem a lot nicer. Alright. Time to see where this went. "Hadō number four, byakurai!" A Kidō was fired off, and Setsudan made his own movement. Sprinting forwards a few feet, he pushed up and off of the ground, launching himself into the air and behind Damien. If all had gone well, he would barely have been noticed. He bent down low and gripped Dairiseki-kan tightly against his side, sliding it forwards in an attempt to attack Damien from behind. It wouldn't connect. He already knew that much.

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Andrew Takahashi
Andrew Takahashi
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Joined : 2012-02-28
Posts : 302

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All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha Empty Re: All Star Challenge - Damien Necrosha

Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:23 am
What the hell?

Andrew felt the surge of reiatsu coming from the distance and then immediately took cover. He took a deep breath, looking to see what was going on with the byakurai. It was clear whoever did this was a shinigami, but he wasn't sure how far the shinigami was at or even if the shinigami was a vizard. But he didn't have much time to think as he turned to see some kind of black sphere being built up by the stranger that he had been having a debate with and immediately put his hands up. "Bakudou number 39, enkosen!" He brought the shield up in front of him, knowing his speed wasn't up to snuff to dodge it completely. He felt the unknown black sphere and watched it as shattered like a pane of glass.

The vizard skidded on his feet, shaking his head as he turned his eyes to the shinigami that had attacked him. He wasn't sure who or what he was, but now was not the time to ask any questions. But still there had been things circling in his mind. Above all else what was that thing that his previous opponent was using? At first he had thought it was a cero, but it didn't function or even appear to look like one. And if it wasn't a cero, what could it possibly be? But he kept his back to the wall at the very least, turning to look at the armored person and then nodded his head. The time for childish things was over. Together they had something much more important to deal with: someone who had wanted to snuff them out together like a candle. He then nodded his head, keeping his sword close to his chest as he peered at the corner. "Right, truce it is," he said simply as a rust colored substance began to come out of his blade. He grabbed a handful of spice, putting it into a pouch before aiming his finger at the newest opponent. He was going to provide backup for Damien. "Hadō number four, byakurai!" His finger back to spark as well, sending a bolt from his index finger aimed at the shinigami's leg.
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