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Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] Empty Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:39 pm
Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] DyxMvAe


“A non-alcoholic one for you till your wounds heal up, buster…”

Those words echoed in his head for a while. It resonated with sweet sweet Erica’s words too.

“Just try not to overdo it with the booze. Your body might not like it after just being healed…”

Apparently, Ranma was overdoing himself and getting away with all sorts of injuries lately. It had gotten to the point where he got injured on an almost daily basis, but things were calming down now. However! A most tormenting predicament was over him… he was bombarded with the advice to avoid alcoholic beverages until he’d recovered fully. And while he could walk around now after healing from his bout with Shura, he was still technically in the late-stage of recovery… so he felt frustrated. Beyond frustrated – he felt deprived of something vital to his very being.

A good slushing down some sake.

It drove him near madness. Although passing by the streets like any ordinary Shinigami, his eyes were bloodshot with veins everywhere, his breathing was erratic, and he was urging to scratch off all the hairs on his head. Was he… wait… was this some sort of withdrawal symptom? Did he have a problem? No way in hell did he have a problem…

“… So you’re taking a break from these drinks, eh? Hey, 100% respect your decision, boy, but… I don’t know, figured you’d have started earlier if you were seri- wait, wait, I WAS JUST JOKING! Ohhhh… now I’ve done it, he could’ve at least left the door open instead of smashing it like that…”

Ranma kept repeating the same words in his mind. He did not have a problem! He was normal! He just needed a break, due to his injuries! His bandaged injuries, damn it! Why did his bar-running friend even feel the need to comment like that?! Then again… why did Ranma charge off like that? He ought to go back and apologize… but it’d be hellishly awkward to do so now. He’d wait.

… Maybe he really needed a break. He didn’t know why, but signs were beginning to show. Fuuuuuuuuuuck, his body was sleepy. Oh hey, look at that comfortable sidewalk with a wooden wall for a pillow. Nobody would blame him if he leaned up against it, sat down and just took a nap…

A few other people, both with Shihakushō and without, passed by the snoozing body that was Ranma. Some commented in worry, but ultimately left the lad to sleep in peace, while others outright arced around him out of fear born from the inability to comprehend the why’s in this scenario. He was sleeping soundly at the side of the walk, leaning his back up on a building like a homeless person, just kind of tired with dealing with a strange problem of his that desperately needed proactive attention.


Last edited by Mura on Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] Empty Re: Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:33 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Frankly speaking, to say that Shuten enjoyed to spend her spare time walking around and drinking a little bit of sake may not be appropriate, technically... But it was accurate! She's a Suika, and apparently she kept up the stereotypical nature of her race; they loved to drink! Regardless of this, Shuten continued to walk and enjoy her sake, taking a path that wasn't exactly obvious. It was more like she was simply moving wherever her feet carried her. Today, however, it seemed like fate interacting with the random pathing of her feet and lead her to a man passed out on the side of the street.

Looking homeless, but someone who definitely seemed to be a Shinigami of some form, Shuten decided to take a closer look at the person she had stumbled across; deciding that helping them was likely for the best. Shuten looked upon this man, and knelt down beside him, careful to consider where her Zanpakuto was so he didn't get injured more, and proceeded to poke his face; gently at first... before she poked him hard enough to likely push him over. Frankly speaking, she wanted him to wake up so she could ask his permission to use her healing sake upon him. Frankly speaking, she'd prefer he drink it; as she didn't have direct access to his wounds.

"Hellooo! Anyone awake or alive in that head of yours? Wake up! I need to ask if I have permission to heal you. Frankly speaking, I'm not sure why your wounds haven't been healed completely yet; did you leave the infirmary before you were supposed to? Cmon, wake up!"

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Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] Empty Re: Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:55 pm
Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] DyxMvAe


”Mhn… mhhhhn… f-five more minutes…”

He responded strangely familiarly… yes, that term was pronounced correctly. Strangely familiarly with the stranger who was poking his face continuously. Yet, someone like him didn’t know where that familiarity came from – it wasn’t like he had a parent who woke him up by poking his face like a woodpecker. Realizing that, his eyes zapped wide-open, thankfully revealing that his eye veins were dissipating from the rest.

“… Oh no,” he panicked for a second, suddenly listening to the worries of a short, petite beauty who appeared to also carry the telltale sign of a Shinigami – the Shihakushō fabric, albeit quite simplified and shrunk to resemble a scarfed kunoichi’s garments. Peculiarly an outfit he hadn’t seen up close before, and thus a new view for the man with a brain wired differently.

“I’m… awake. Was just napping, is all… *yaaaaaaaawn*” he yawned, trying to tone down the urgency in it all, “Heal? Oh, I’m already… here, look.” He began pulling off his bandages on his arms to reveal to her that his wounds had patched up and left fair, pale skin. Underneath the bandages covering his mouth, he goofed up a big smile. “I just wanted a nap before, uh… drinking some juice. Taking a walk. Fresh air. Y’know, that kind of stuff.”

He seemed… quite absent-minded. Yet, he wasn’t lying. And he also wasn’t lying when he thought about the very apparent trait on this Shinigami’s head – the pair of spiky horns protruding upwards from her forehead. “… I don’t know why, but I feel like an asshole for glaring like this. Wait, you’re a healer? Can you heal, like, headaches and stress too?”


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Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] Empty Re: Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:40 am

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Shuten raised an eyebrow at this odd man before her. Covered in bandages, sure, but there was still the genuine fact that he was just... odd. She didn't care if he was staring at her horns, that was simply natural. For those who didn't live or grow up in the part of the Rukongai where the Suika and their relatives lived, seeing a Shinigami with horns was certainly... unnatural. But, for Shuten, to be a Suika without horns was something to be bewildered by in comparison to a Suika with horns. She frowned at the man before her, reaching over to her Zanpakuto; unscrewing the blue gourd from its end, meanwhile she moved the larger blue gourd to the side, so it was out of the way.

"Even so... Take a drink of this. It's Healing Sake. If you don't believe me, try it. And no, I'm not a healer, I'm actually part of the Stealth Division. But, I help out with the healers when I can. My Healing Sake is hard to beat, because it works nigh instantly. Try it. And don't worry about the staring part or my horns. I'm used to it."

After Shuten extended the small gourd to the man, with it's rather fancy looking cork pulled out, Shuten would wait for him to take a drink of the sake, which would remove any lingering aches and pains, begin to heal the peskier wounds, and overall give the man greater comfort than he had before. Not to mention, the flavor was excellent, and likely unexpected for anything that was healing him. Afterwards, Shuten took the gourd from him after he had a mouthful or two. Too much would be unnecessary, after all. A simple motion to cork the gourd, and then reattach it to her Zanpakuto. Shuten slowly stood, affixing her Zanpakuto to her back, and the larger blue gourd to her hip, she extended a hand to the man before her, smiling warmly.

"I forgot to introduce myself. Shuten Suika, Fourth Seat of Squad Five; Nice to meet you~"

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Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] Empty Re: Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:26 pm
Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] DyxMvAe


Woah, woah, what the- this horned lass got two gourds? That was one more than he had… and one of them was attached to a sword?! Wait, she got a Zanpakutō… a Sake-pakutō! he thought to himself, his fingers crooking and twirling towards the gourd that she offered. He accepted that fully.

“Ah, thank you so much, I need this bad…” he mumbled to himself before taking a mouthful of beverage from the gourd… that made his brain spark. Stealth Division, something, beat, staring, words just began turning into fluids. The world melted down… and his face burned up with joy. “*gulp*… uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~! Holy crap, what even is this- you said Healing Sake? That a thing? And it’s this sweet?” he asked with sparkling eyes, having completely forgotten his recent decision to keep off the heavy drinks in the presence of-

Aww, she took it back. His face visibly altered into a sad, heavy frown as a result, having enjoyed those two mouthfuls quite deeply. “Damn, I could almost kill for a third sip,” he mumbled upon accepting Shuten’s helping hand to get himself back up – oh, surprisingly, the sake had actually worked wonders! He felt… full of energy, rejuvenated and fresh! The opposite of when he drank too much…

“Well damn, I-I gotta thank ya, Shuten. Name’s Ranma, Nth Seat of the Eighth Di- Squad Eighth Seat-… Eighth Division boy,” he exchanged the introduction with one of his own, “Wait, you’re a Seated member? I wish I could become a Seated one myself, honestly… also, no shot – the sake is your Zanpakutō, isn’t it?! Did I just drink a Zanpakutō?”


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Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] Empty Re: Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten]

Sat Sep 23, 2023 1:28 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

This man really was of the odd sort. Shuten couldn't help but blink at him in confusion as she stared at him after he drank the sake, and in the moments afterwards. Perhaps it was for the best that Shuten not tell him her healing sake can't get people drunk, or even tipsy, it just healed wounds and overall accelerated a being's natural healing processes. Shuten, however, was letting out a small sigh as she gathered up her Zanpakuto, which she placed upon her back, and then her Gourd, which she tied to her waist deftly. Raising an eyebrow at Ranma, Shuten decided not to comment on his oddities and just move on with the conversation.

"Nice to meet you, Ranma. And if you wanted to be a seated member, you simply just have to work hard for it. Do a good job, go above and beyond; you know, the usual."

Shuten gave him a tiny smile as she briefly turned away, looking towards the rest of the seireitei at large. After a few moments, Shuten decided to get Ranma back to his barracks. Healing sake or no, he needed to rest. With a swift gesture to follow her, Shuten led the way and seemed quite expectant of Ranma to follow her; even if he was odd. Once Shuten had made sure the man was following her, she finally answered his final question, one that showed he was certainly a little young.

"No you did not drink my Suidōmaru, that's my Zanpakuto. She probably wouldn't let you drink her if she was anyways. Regardless, if you want to get particular about it, you technically drank my reiatsu. I produce sake from it at will, and my healing sake is made that way as well. See?"

With oddly terrifying ease, Shuten drained the dish she was holding of all its sake in no more than two swallows before she held the empty dish before Ranma; her right hand hovering over the dish. Within moments, it seemed like droplets were accumulating in Shuten's palm. In almost no time afterwards, Sake flowed from her outstretched palm, over and through her fingers, and poured into the sake dish until it was full. Then the flow was cut like a faucet was turned off.

"See? I'm a Suika, so having alcohol on demand as long as I have energy is very convenient~ Now, cmon, let's get you back to your barracks."

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Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] Empty Re: Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten]

Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:52 am
Benefit Versus Desire [Ranma, Shuten] DyxMvAe


What a large gourd… his dwarfed in comparison. Still, he took quite a slurp – he was definitely going tipsy at some point… definitely. Soon, yes. Very soon… definitely, yes.

His curiosity about these Seats that members of each Gotei squadron could take was enhanced by Shuten’s answer – he’d already met a couple Seated members up until now, including the one from his own Squad – Noharu – as well as Mizu from Squad 2… and Shura from Squad 4… and Armina from Squad 4… and hopefully, he wouldn’t meet any more Squad 4 Seated battle hobos.

Apparently, Shuten didn’t want to leave him snoozing off on the road in the open and gestured him to follow suit, which he did without hesitation since that opportunity – the one where he was required to get back up on his feet – allowed him, for the smallest instance, to get a tempting view that he’d treasure in his very private memory for times unending. Towering her, however, snapped him out of his fever dream – it was definitely the sake working… right?

“Aww… wait, why am I saying ‘aww’, I-I’m glad I didn’t drink anything I wasn’t supposed to drink…” he commented with a hand resting on the back of his head, “Sa- you produce… sake… from your Reiatsu? Bullshit. Oh, now I know your sake got me drunk, I must’ve heard some wacky shi-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?”

His words were shoved right back into his mouth as Shuten proved him wrong without hesitation, showing the dish that she used as a cup fill up with sake that was dropping… from her freaking fingers?!?! No, no, her entire palm acted like a faucet for sake! Wait, that made things feel a little out of order! And her Reiatsu comment earlier, too… he drank her??!?!

With widened eyes in utter shock, wanting to disbelieve but being utterly unable to, Ranma spoke once more: “… I stand corrected-“

I was born in the wrong family, holy shit-

“-I will proceed to believe everything you tell me from now on.”

It was still a good walk towards the barracks, but in the midst of it, Ranma couldn’t maintain his silence again: “Are the Suikas a big family? Y’all should be some damn celebrities with such an ability… then again, maybe your sake could need some more spice – my brain still feels intact…” Knocking on his head a few times, Ranma pondered over why he wasn’t seeing bubbles yet – he downed that shit earlier, remember?


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