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This Is True Kido! [Mizu, Ranma] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0This Is True Kido! [Mizu, Ranma] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

This Is True Kido! [Mizu, Ranma] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Is True Kido! [Mizu, Ranma]

Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:23 pm
This Is True Kido! [Mizu, Ranma] - Page 3 DyxMvAe


Most likely, Ranma was on a rather destructive mindset – overconfidence could really do him in one day, and Mizu- I mean, Morikawa-sensei had every right to raise her blood pressure at the sight of his bravado. But at the same time, it was also a testament to his respect for her – he genuinely burned to learn more from her, not taking her lesson for granted… at least, not intentionally.

He nodded eagerly at her warning – Kidō was dangerous, and if he treated it with recklessness, then it’d blow up in his face. He just felt like he got a hang of it… huh, actually, the armor looked paper-thin. Wow, this wouldn’t protect him against anything – it was literally a waste of Reishi. He screwed up. So much for that smirk…

“… Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnh…” he hummed a sigh, feeling a bit awkward for his confidence earlier, “T-That wasn’t the best… okay, nah, that armor wouldn’t protect me from a paper cut.”


That brought back terrible memories of a certain ice freak he stumbled across back in the Rukongai. The mere sight of freezing vapor… shook him to his very core, mortified at the utter shit and death he could’ve been left in had Brok not saved him. However, this experience being locked in his head, from the outside, he looked like Mizu’s expertise with Kidō astonished him. That her talent… made him freeze up.

“D a m n.”

Yeah, he felt right down humbled, okay? “You spawned ice outta nowhere, and… damn, that’s a big ass spear… how the fuck?” The world of Kidō proved to be much vaster- and I repeat, much vaster than he anticipated.

Knocking on his armor once made it break, and he just felt a little bit devastated at the sight. “I-I guess I couldn’t master it that quickly… that’d be weird, anyway,” he admitted, “…” His brain was churning, give him a moment – something about what she just said didn’t quite sit right.

“… True Kidō- true Kidō? Wait, so there’s fake Kidō, too? Pseudo-Kidō?” She explained it to be the truest essence of Kidō, so… it was like Kidō, but more Kidō. Purified Kidō. Like water without anything nasty in it – it made a bit sense now. “Ohhhhh, so like clean Kidō. Pure Kidō… okay, gotta be honest, that’s way outta my league. I-I’d be happy if I could master this armor spell in, like… ah, I don’t know. Best not rush it, or Erica’ll get tired of patching me up. But mark my words, Morikawa-sensei! I will master it, sooner than you think! Bet on it! But I just... it's like a muscle, ye. As you said.”


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