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November COTM 2011 :
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Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0/0Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:56 pm
Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 HEADING_manjuu_and_south_dakota_azur_lane_drawn_by_hayabusa__sample-edc500469ff0856b150122e54dafb499

"True enough. No arguments here. Fortunately, you're used to healing yourself so it makes the fighting part relatively easy by comparison."

Rio chortled softly, returning his playful banter in stride. She hadn't voiced her comment with any particular worry. He was pretty well versed in Kaido, allowing them some leeway for high-intensity sparring. For someone who welcomed combat of that nature, it was pretty favorable to have someone who could heal themselves after a well-fought battle. Permanent injuries were the last thing she wanted on her conscious. Stretching her arms out, she turned back to him, flashing a pleasant grin.

"Same here. You handled yourself pretty well, too. I'm no grappler, but it was fun to test your strength and see how far you were willing to push yourself to overpower me."

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Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:12 pm
Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 HEADER___astolfo_and_astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_erospanda__sample-42ed5e9268553b27ebcfcad603a0afd0

Igen puffed his chest a bit proudly at that. "Normally, I'd have prepped myself to heal automatically but I uh... was using a lot of energy to try and overpower you. Man you're really strong." He sighed, his shoulders slumping just a little before he perked up and glanced back to her. His face lit up just a little as he thought back to the exchange and his own uh, frantic attempts at escaping. Yea, that had been intense.

All the same, now he suddenly realized that at this point he wasn't sure what they should do. "So, now that we've enjoyed a bit of roughing around and woeked up an appetite. Uh...what dso we do now? Eat? Hold hands?" He ventured. What DID one do on a date? He of course ALMOST asked if they should kiss. But even he felt that might be awkward to ask. After all, watching KYO in action. Well he DEFINITELY wasn't going to go for that some of the stuff he'd heard from his friends about on first dates. He wasn't very smart, but he had an idea that the horny antics of academy students perhaps weren't what he should expect dating a Noble. Truth be told, he really hadn't understood what to do with Miki either. That whole experience had been....well...different. That had been before he'd really worried about like, trying to impress anyone. Even thinking back to it now, all he'd really done was talk about his friendship with Kyo, and ask her about how she got along with her brothert. And ......wait, why HAD he talked about Kyo so much?

Things to worry about later. For the time being, he looked back to Rio. "Not that uhm, I'm bored or anything. Just curious what it is you had in mind is all."
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November COTM 2011 :
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Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:31 pm
Showdown Under the Sun[Igen, Rio]  - Page 4 HEADING_manjuu_and_south_dakota_azur_lane_drawn_by_hayabusa__sample-edc500469ff0856b150122e54dafb499

"I know I am, and so are you. You've learned something not even I have a proper grasp of. You've improved quite a lot since the last time we fought. I mean... you have a grasp of shunko now! That's pretty amazing in its own right, you know. "

Rio chuckled heartily as she patted his back. There wasn't any expectation regarding his abilities at the outset, yet even she would have been foolish to ignore that display of energy manipulation. The last time they fought, he attempted some Frankenstein version of what Shunko was in theory, but the execution was severely lacking compared to what he displayed now. Had that been a result of his training on the side? Certainly food for the thought. Now, Igen was curious about what to do next regarding their date. To that, Rio offered a playful shrug. There wasn't anything complicated to her intentions. From the beginning, she intended to spar with him and enjoy a nice meal. She didn't mind holding hands, but considering the current energy, eating felt more appropriate. Now, if that sunset went down a certain way, she'd probably entertain the thought. For now? She simply wanted to enjoy a meal with him under the sun.

"We eat and enjoy each other's company. I didn't really plan anything complicated beyond sparring and winding down with a meal. We could swim perhaps... and then maybe watch the sunset together if that's something you'd like."

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