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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:37 am
The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hyper focusing on her training was all Hana could do to keep some semblance of motivation. She kept repeating to herself the number of years it takes to get to the places strong people are. Captains didn't become Captains over night. Becoming Captain was not Hana's goal in any way, but she did wish to have the capability of defending herself against the hollow she was tasked to exercise. Recently, she was half-assing her job out of fear of being hurt or killed. She could not keep doing that. Firstly, she could get in trouble if someone found out. Secondly, it was shameful behavior she did not want to represent. So, she was training... again.

This time, Hana took two days off to get away from the craziness of the Seireitei. She intended to leave everything behind and just focus on herself and getting to the place she wanted to be. It probably wasn’t the smartest to head out into the outer districts of the Rukongai, but she couldn’t believe all of the rumors about it being this dark and gloomy, rough and tumble place. With the resources and power the Gotei had, there was no way they would just allow the outer districts to fall into chaos, right? That’s what the Realm Enforcement Division was about, right? Exactly! So, Hana was making her way through the outer districts, trying find a place to train.

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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:50 am

The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:173

Well hey, nothing wrong with getting away from everything, Hono was also someone who loved to get out of the Seireitei, she grew up in the Rukongai so she was always good to head out and relax. Though Hana likely wouldn't get much relaxation as she pushed on deeper into the Rukongai...

Eventually, the sounds of a chase could be found. A weirdly long-haired red-headed man would rush past Hana. If she looked at him, she would notice he was holding... cabbages? Well, it seems he was in hot pursuit by Hono Kaen, the pink-haired Shinigami would soon tackle the man. Grumbling, as another member of Realm Enforcement followed behind her. Hono would let out a hefty sigh as she handed the man off. "Damnit, you Cabbage Crew just don't stop huh..." She grumbled Hono had been having constant run-ins with this Cabbage Crew, a very low-end gang who stole cabbages, she met their leader and threw 2 of them in jail so far, guess this was the fourth member she met huh?

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:38 am
The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

When the sounds of a chase grabbed her attention, Hana looked back over her shoulder to watch a red haired man beside past her. She thought he might hit her, so her instincts were to hop to the side and get out of his way. Before she had a chance to truly realize what was happening, another sprinted past and tackled him to the ground. Hana watched from the side as the red haired man was arrested. From what she heard, he stole food... Standing by felt wrong...

"Hey, wait," Hana stepped forward. These were members of the Division she was thinking about transferring to. Hopefully they could see reason. "Are you really arresting him for stealing cabbages? If he's just hungry, I can pay for them."

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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 4:12 am

The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:168

Well, Hono would find herself turning towards Hana who had stepped up and spoken up against Hono's arrest, she didn't know this woman but hey she could tell she was a part of the Gotei so Hono would listen to her concerns. The pink-haired woman would shake her head. "Well, not just that, they don't really steal cause their hungry. The Cabbage Crew has had a few run-ins with me." She explained letting out a sigh, as the man was held by Hono's partner in this. He was a tall muscular man so he had no issue restraining the scrawny thief.

"Their boss put out a hit on me. Trust me, This guy probably won't get any serious jail time, he'll be fed, though he'll probably get let go." Hono wasn't exactly a bad person, she knew the Rukongai was full of people who were struggling but hey it was her job to stop thieves. "Well, he was also trying to steal from a mother and her child."

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:26 pm
The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was a bit surprised. She looked at the one Hono arrested and shook her head in disappointment. "My apologies then. I have no interest in someone that would willingly harm a mother and her child." Hana glared at the man. "You should be ashamed of yourself. You and your whole... Cabbage Crew."

It took a second, but then another piece of information blared in her mind. "Wait. Their boss put a hit out on you? Is it not foolish to do something like that to a member of the Gotei, especially Realm Enforcement? They are not the wisest bunch. Have you been attacked by them before or is it just their stealing?"

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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:35 pm

The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:142

The Shinigami would chuckle. "No need to apologize." She would simply say tapping her chin. The man would sigh and look down at his feet, seemingly ashamed of what he had done. Hono would speak up. "I never said their leader was smart. They just steal cabbage from the poor to give to the... well poor" Hono said. "They don't have any special abilities honestly. So their attempts have no impact on me."

"I don't think I got your name miss...?" Despite all of that, Hono spoke up curious about this woman. "Stealing mainly, I had a student who was shadowing me not long ago, and he defused the situation. It's a shame, I don't think the Cabbage Crew is really that bad deep down, so I hope they'll reform one day. Prison for a few days might not be that bad..."

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:43 pm
The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hearing Hono's explanation of what was going on got her thinking. Was there some way to help these people? If it really was food desperation, there had to be something the Gotei could do. It was Realm Enforcements job, right?

Hana was pulled from those thoughts by an introduction request. She smiled softly and put both hands together in front of her, bowing politely. "My name is Hana Aoyama. It is lovely to meet you, and lucky I might add. I have been thinking about transferring Divisions and Realm Enforcement is at the top of my list."

"Though, on the Cabbage Crew... Prison for a few days gets them a bed and some food, so it does not sound like the worst circumstance." Hana stepped to the red headed man, glaring. "Though, getting someone who is stealing from a mother and child a nice place to stay does not feel like a punishment, but a reward..."

"Oh, and might I ask your name?"

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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:52 am

The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:155

Hono would quickly bow for Hana, "Nice to meet you." She folded her arms and cracked a light smile for the girl. " Oh! What made Realm Enforcement capture your eye?" She was pretty curious, she didn't mind making some talk during her patrol, after all, she had JUST made a bust. "What division are you in right now?" What made her want to switch? A lot of questions filled her mind.

"What are we supposed to do? Execute them? Prison isn't all sunshine and rainbows. The guards there are... strict, you're in a tiny little cell..." She explained. "Honestly he might get a few weeks if he's lucky. But hey. I'm not the judge of how long he's in there for." Hono explained chuckling, looking towards the man as he was taken away by Hono's unnamed partner.

"Oh! Hono Kaen Unseated..." She laughed a bit. Hono wasn't exactly anyone special, only recently achieving her Shikai.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:18 pm
The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

"I am currently a member of Earth Affiliation. I enjoy having the ability to travel to the World of the Living often, but recent events have inspired a change. Realm Enforcement seems like the next logical step to making a difference somewhere, though I admit I wonder whether any combat oriented Divisions are really my forte. I have considered joining Command too, Their job is a lot less dangerous, so I would not make such a mess of myself there. Secretarial work can still be helpful."

Hana did not come off as certain for either choice, but she at least sounded more excited about the possibility of Realm Enforcement. In truth, she wasn't entirely certain she wanted to move Divisions, especially since her best friend was thinking about joining Earth Affiliation. It was kind of a hard decision for her.

"Oh, no. My goodness," Hana waved her hands in front of her. "I would never suggest execution. A few nights in jail is the best punishment, especially after hearing your description of it." Hana was not for hard punishment, but also had a hard time understanding desperation to the degree of possibly harming a child. This was another one of those environmental shifts. She was a noble, grew up wealthy, and never wanted for anything until recently. She could never actually relate to the poor, only try and understand their circumstances.

"May I ask about your Division? Your Captain and Vice Captain? The kindness of your members? I would like to find somewhere I fit in, at least somewhat. I know in some cases I would not be able to." Hana just wanted to be somewhere nice, where she could count on those above her to help guide newer generations, not reject them or treat them as insignificant bugs. Those types of people were angering.

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The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] Empty Re: The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:19 pm

The Outer Districts [Hono/Hana] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:215

Earth Divison? Oh! Hono would speak up rather quickly."Oh, that's Elyss' division!" She paused before listening to Hana explain why she wanted to move."Hey, I'm sure Realm Enforcement would love to have you~" Hono was trying to be as friendly as she could, after all, she didn't wanna scare Hana away!

"I don't disagree there. I don't wanna die exactly so I'll take safety any day!"Hono would chuckle. "Oh I'm just teasing you" Hono laughed just a bit."I'm not much for killing. I do a lot of training right now I'm trying to get better at my kido skills, trying to hone all my skills!"

If Hono wanted to beat Elyss in a fight she was going to need to pull out all of the stops. She folded her arms and thought about the question. "Well Makoto is our Vice Captain and she's... no nonsense."That was a simple explanation to start. "Our Captain is similar, can't say my last time in his office was a good thing..." She sighed, "I got in trouble for getting heated..." With that Hono would change the subject. "But everyone else is pretty nice. I do cook around the barracks sometimes. So I'd say I'm somewhat well-liked. I bring leftovers to your division sometimes actually."

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