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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:09 pm

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

This universe -- was changing.

What was once a bountiful well of plentiful beings cusping for the divine had seemed to be drying up. Throughout the known realms, The Queen of Demons sensed a grand-scale adjustment ever since the ceasing of the 4th World War on the planet Earth. Giants who stood at the pillars of godly strength faded, died, or had their powers otherwise nulled to reach back down into the pools of morality. One would be a fool to assume that a correction wasn't coming. After all, the universe feasibly couldn't sustain all these disturbances and the beings who dared to break reality for much longer.

Ergo, The Demoness scanned these dimensions to get a sense of just who was left who had any kind of semblance of divine or semi-divine power left in them. And one of them that had caught her eye was the essence of Ahura Mazda from the earth itself. To her knowledge, this being had part of the Soul King's being in him in quite the similar way that Mana herself had a connection to Devata himself. With this knowledge in mind, it would be hard for two deities to ignore one another for much longer.

Henceforth, The Queen requested a summons of the figure to appear somewhere far, far away in the depths of the endless night of Hueco Mundo. Considering his presence always was most active in America, it seemed befitting to leave a stench of her divine demonic energy to activate there to send Mazda this message to have a dialogue for the two of them alone to engage in. As he'd know just by touching her essence that her thoughts would bleed into the aura; reflecting a sense of concern with the state of where he was taking things with his new found powers, the eradication of other gods, and the future of where this was all going.

Therefore, Mana awaited as a field of warm emerald energy flowed around a field of endless white sands; making the woman's blackened cloak flow in the air as she observed the visage of the beautiful moon above with a look of amusement on her face. This horned devil seemed to be taking delight in the absurdities if nothing else. If anything, she was savoring the quietness of this moment as the bare soles of her feet tapped against the dusty grounds. All she could do was wait in contemplation before this divine encounter could get underway.

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] WVMWLOu
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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:01 pm
Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 3Fr08KI


A call, by one of those scant few beings left which he considered worth his attention. Certainly, there had once been far more, but Mazda had watched them fall by the wayside one by one, either in their own failings or simply as he came to better understand them. The queen of demons, however, was not something that even Ahura Mazda would be so foolish as to underestimate. That did not mean that he came to the meeting place with any fear in his mind, of course. He was still the Wise Lord, the will of the Sun incarnate.

"How curious, to find a summons such as this."

It was nothing difficult for a creature such as Mazda to simply go where he pleased. Indeed, he had already seen the turning of the tides, and he knew precisely what was to happen in the coming days. The stability of all realms was of little consequence now, wasn't it? He simply appeared where he wished to be, carried along by the words of the Soul King's own language and beholden to none. As he arrived in the sands, it was as if he had simply always been there, his arrival not heralded by so much as a sound.

"Your concern for matters of the future is understood, and I intend to correct it. I wonder, Queen of Demons, whether or not you will aid me in this endeavor."


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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:26 pm

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

'Twas a trivial thing to hop between dimensions with their power, so she wasn't too displeased at the prompt response considering the magnitude of why each of these beings was here. So the lush green eyes of the demonesses locked their sights on Mazda when she perceived his essence in this realm. It didn't take too long to discern that there wasn't any inherent aggression felt in his words, though that did not mean either of these divine creatures couldn't react on the dime and it was fair to assume they both understood that reality.

So, noting that reality in mind, Mana broke the distance between them as she gave a nod of her head to affirm what Mazda believed this meeting was for.

"You guessed it right. Given how these worlds have shifted in the past few years, I'd say our meeting was inevitable as we are the last of a dying breed of divine beings. Just as well, the old world couldn't sustain the amount of chaos even if I desired that to stay true forever."

The way in which the woman spoke seemed off from her usual catty demeanor. Usually, there was a bit of southern twang bellowing in her face to savor the absurdity of the world, but instead, her voice seemed -- older. There was a formal, royal tone to it as the outward face of Mana seemed to progress and age; her own hair growing out as she inspected and walked around the god before coming back to his face as if she were inspecting him.

"I'm not here to waste your time as you have my respect. There is a great power blossoming in you that I can sense, one that may change these realms for the better or worse. So you've caught my attention and I'm curious as to what you intend to do from here. Your response will determine our potential alliance or not."

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] WVMWLOu
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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:04 pm
Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 3Fr08KI


"Creatures such as you and I have no option but to see the world change in ways that we may not wish."

Naturally, Mazda had little concern for the idea of being sized up, appraised by the queen of demons. To him, she was simply one other of the few beings such as himself and Liltotto, who existed in a state far beyond the understanding of mortal creatures. It was only natural that she study him so closely on their first meeting.

"My intentions are nothing short of a correction of the state of the realms. I need not tell you, queen of demons, that every realm is in a state of not only flux, but instability. Your own realm is no different, with the departure of Chaya Nation. Such a void is one that can be patched, certainly, but even beings such as you or I cannot truly fix it. That is above even us. Every realm is falling apart at the seams, through war, through endless travel between them, through the constant thinning of the boundary between life and death. Total collapse is unavoidable."

Mazda's voice was stern, his stance proud but not arrogant. Unlike many conversations he held, this was one being had with a genuine equal. He had no reason to maintain pretenses of grandeur when, so far as he knew, she would simply understand it inherently.

"I know of a young creature who carries in her the whole of Black World's essence, and I know well what it is that occurs when creatures of this realm and of Black World sense one another. Either they fight to the death...or they merge, into a single unified being. I am the closest that there is to the Soul King in this realm, or any. I have no intention of simply taking his place, for that is outside my power. But to become a part of him is enough, for my knowledge, and my ambition, will be brought into him. And from there, I will simply reshape the realms. Collapse them in upon themselves for the briefest of moments, and then reforge them, stable once more, without the countless burdens that have been laid upon them. I will correct the countless mistakes that have been made."

It was ambitious, certainly. Perhaps even impossible. But that meant little to Mazda.

"If I fail, then so be it. The end result is no different from what will already inevitably occur. But if I succeed, then the world is put at peace. At the very least, the threat of its imminent collapse is removed."

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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Thu May 05, 2022 2:34 pm

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The Demoness finished her little stroll; seemingly done with her fun as she held an intent stare upon the visage of the other godling. While the core of her being yearned at the chance to savor the flavor of this carnage, the greater part of her willpower was above her base desires after all that she had gone through in these past few years. Hearing him speak of the threats to come made the vessel of chaos understand quite well that the very cycle of law and disorder would be eradicated if something could not stabilize these realms. So this change was needed, if not by him, then by anyone with their ungodly strength, insight, and prowess.

"The universe has reached its apex point. Without a correction, we all will surely be doomed. That much even a fool can see."

Rich in tone, the voice of the Asthavon was more than amused by this prospect. However, something deeper was taking place. Visualizing the destruction of her own people, realm, and all that she knew didn't sit well with The Queen. It mattered not if her own essence changed into the ash of death, but leaving these people without anything to cling to or hope to was cruel beyond belief if she were to be their ruler, leader, and a person they look to for guidance.

And perhaps not all of her kind saw Mana as a beacon of hope in recent years, yet it would be a falsehood to deny her own sense of duty to ensure her race, kingdom and all those who find comfort in allyship have a chance at a better tomorrow. To never have a chance to taste the essence of madness and all the delightful hints of emotion it brings is quite the disservice to all those who exist, breathe and call these realms home.

"These dimensions can no longer sustain themselves, so the laws that seek to destroy these disturbances. If it keeps up the way it is now, we all will be dead. Still, I must commend your courage in spite of that grim reality. It's quite the maddening thing to lose your essence to another by merging yourself. I know that all too well, after all~"

There was then a playful giggle given by the woman as she toyed around with the idea of perhaps doing the same with Devata in her own mind. It wouldn't be the first time someone influenced that creature's heart which led to the growth of their realm for a time. Perhaps taking that course of action and letting her essence change their creator could bring about a needed change in their own realm and allow for her subjects to restructure as they wish.

Alas, it wasn't the time for that.

The elephant in the room was cast out and it was up to Mana to determine where she stood in all this.

"My sight can see infinite possibilities if your plan was to go into action, yet it narrows down to one miserable end if nobody does anything. After all, oblivion is far more horrifying than the unknown of change. Therefore you have my support in this endeavor!"

Spoken with the utmost of certainty in her voice, The Demoness boasted a confident smirk as her own instincts rather relished at the opportunity to be part of something this grand.

"I'm certain if we work together we can prevent this grave future. So tell me, comrade, how shall we proceed forward with this knowledge, hm?"

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] WVMWLOu
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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Thu May 05, 2022 3:43 pm
Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 3Fr08KI


"I am thoroughly pleased to have your assistance then, Queen Asthavon."

Mazda was not what most might ever have called a particularly expressive being, at least not when carrying himself in his most serious capacity. However, in this moment he allowed himself a smile, genuinely gladdened to know that she had understood the situation in the way that he had hoped she would.

"The small creature who carries in her all of Black World's remaining essence is everything to this plan. Once I have her, there is little more that needs to be done. Of course, I am under no illusions that this will be something easily accomplished. In all likelihood, I will need a rather grand catalyst for something so immense as this undertaking. I have one in mind, but it will certainly call attention to us when the time comes. The barren wastes of Australia will serve perfectly well, particularly given how little life will be put in jeopardy."

Naturally, regardless of the scope of this plan, it was still something Mazda pursued for his vision of a better future, of a brighter world. He would not hard anyone unless it could not be avoided.

"I have little doubt that, the moment we begin to act in earnest, we will call a great deal of attention to us, from every corner of all the realms. I hope you are prepared to fight for this aim, knowing that those beneath us will likely never understand the scope of our undertaking."

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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Thu May 05, 2022 4:13 pm

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Allyship among beings such as themselves was needed in times like this as their own peer group slowly withered away. There had been so many wars that wrecked the cosmos itself among their kind that it was steadily catching up to the world. So Mana herself graced Mazda with a smile of her own as each of them knew this was the best outcome to have unfold if either of them wanted a future. There wasn't much that needed to be said in that regard, so her attention focused on the notion of the black world; something that still affected the universe to this day.

Recalling those wild days of that realm seemed like a lifetime ago, and with The Queen's time in other pocket dimensions, perhaps it could literally be so as well. Regardless of that, Mana was aware of a creature who held that world's essence within themselves. A part of herself was rather curious about how this creature would come into play, so she was amused as she tapped her chin in response to what this catalyst would be to set off this chain of events.

"Oh? Enlighten me, how will that little one from the black world fit into all this? Color me intrigued."

Once she vocalized her interest in that subject, she paused to take remembrance of Australia. That whole continent was still around, eh? With all the chaos, carnage and total hell waged there; she figured it would have collapsed on itself by now. There was a grim chuckle in her mind recalling all that transpired as that was definitely a stepping stone to her old quest for power in regards to Shadow Fall and summoning Khala; something was ancient history at this point.

Though, that chuckle soon came outward when Mazda spoke of the warnings that came with embarking upon such a divine task. The world against her? People failing to comprehend a grander plan? Such things were nothing new to this woman. Spending multiple lifetimes in a state of conflict against the state of her realm and others, it was hard to give it much second thought after coming this far and still living throughout many world wars. At least this time, she figured it would be for something quite noble.

"I have little issue with bringing the wrath of the world against me, though I must inquire about something You know better than anyone else there is nothing but wicked energy for me to siphon from Australia. If I were to stake all of this risk in that vision, what catalyst did you have in mind and what are you planning to do there?"

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] WVMWLOu
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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Thu May 05, 2022 4:31 pm
Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 3Fr08KI


"By taking in her nature, that fundamental existence of Black World, I can remake myself from merely a lesser simulacrum of the Soul King, and become the Inverse. Without that small creature, and her connection to that lost realm, it may well take untold years for me to collect what little detritus remains of that shattered world."

From Mazda's perspective, it all more or less fell into place from here. He knew, of course, that no plan was without error, not even those of the gods. But he knew that this path forward was a straight one now, one that would require nothing more than to clear away whatever obstacles placed themselves before him.

"I intend to use the land itself as my catalyst. To convert the very earth of that barren place into energy. I know fully that such a thing can be done, for I have seen beings far less grand than myself achieve it. And I, who speaks with the words of the Soul King himself, can certainly create such a change. That catalyst will be all that I need. A mass of energy far greater than what any individual could possess, born of a broken land so I might create the world anew."

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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Fri May 06, 2022 3:50 pm

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It seemed that the bulk of his plan did rely on that creature who mended itself with the essence of The Black World. Still, even if all of that was true, was the creature truly even going to comply with such a request? This is where The Demoness folded her arms and inquired just about that sentiment.

"It sounds as if you have a good idea of how to execute that plan. However, how do you intend to even approach said creature to assist with this grandiose task?"

That was the biggest elephant in the room as far as Mana was concerned. The Demoness knew of Ky'rin's existence well enough from her overall awareness of Moksha Tisrah and connection to the Black World. Regardless of that fact, it was another thing to convince or force a being to do such a task. So she pondered just what his approach would be. As the two of them could perhaps attempt to force that creature, but The Queen would rather it not go to that extent considering the circumstances of their realms.

"Regardless of what comes of Ky'rin, when that time comes after the pieces of this plan are put together, I have no qualms taking part in that quest when Australia is reduced to nothing but energy."

Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] WVMWLOu
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Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] Empty Re: Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda]

Wed May 18, 2022 1:26 am
Deific Reflections [Mana/Mazda] 3Fr08KI


"I have no other recourse but to ask her directly. Even if her raw power is incomparable to that of you or I, it is undeniable that she is in some way or another an existence just the same as ours. She will surely understand the scope of our aims just as clearly as we do. Even moreso, perhaps, having witnessed the collapse of Black World firsthand."

Of course, there was just as easily the distinct possibility that Ky'rin might well decline the offer. But to think about that sort of thing would only delay genuine action, and he had delayed for more than long enough. Now was the time to simply do what was necessary.

"I will look forward to your assistance, then. And I assure you that I will do all that I am able for the sake of your realm just as much as any other. It is only right that I do everything I am able to for the sake of all life."

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