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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:24 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

This world is as unappetizing as ever. The human world, as overcrowded as it is, proved exceptional at relieving her boredom and stresses. It took but an overexcited doe to drag her around, but Tier had found the experience pleasant to say the least. Troublesome as well, however, thanks to the lingering memories of that, oh so small, moment. Maybe she could not shake those thoughts simply because her day to day life proved boring. The giant conscious mask of a Hollow that she sat upon deemed itself the most exciting thing about her week traveling Hueco Mundo. Even as she felt its energy stir and its presence ache, the fact it lay dormant here made its existence anything but interesting. She could wonder all day why it does not die or live, but that would simply grow boring as does everything else.

Is it wrong to wish for Santa to return? Is it wrong to want for her Fraccion to return to her? Her life had more color around them, but that simply exemplified that she is simply not an interesting individual. If she knew how to have her own fun, she would not find herself wanting, but it is not smart for her to stay on Earth for too long. There are too many forces that hinder her movements. One wrong step, and she would have to deal with far too many nuances. So, Hueco Mundo proving the only place she may walk freely, she found herself indoctrinated by the infinite desert.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:55 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

"Trust me, you're gonna love her!"

Ajora couldn't help but smile, a gentle expression of amusement as ... 'Santa' eagerly led her through those dark corridors. Off in the distance she could see the dull crackle of energy off in that tumultuous distance and the reishi beneath them keeping them from the whirlwind that lie in the garganta. She had been hearing about this Arrancar for a few days now, and it was only now that Santa had seemed to get a solid lock on the woman's reiatsu such that she could bring Ajora to them. It was ....quaint. Even now, she could FEEL how joyous the woman was. Hear those blossoming thoughts of relish and excitement. Santa was incredibly excited, not just to see Tier, the arrancar whom had won her own affections, but also to introduce that same woman to her own long lost Sister.

Every step had Santa growing in excitement, and at long last the air peeled away from them and they were spat out onto the dry sands of Hueco Mundo. All at once Santa would hop out, spotting that beautiful Shark off in the distance and raising her hands to call out. "WOOP WOOP! Back that sharky tail up! It's me!" She exclaimed to the shark, and even Ajora felt her mouth tugging into a ....pleased smile. Feeling the sheer mirth that bled out of Santa and into her own headspace. Oh, this WAS someone special wasn't it? She took her time, walking at a nice, steady space. Santa, on the other hand, promptly used Sonido to close the space between her and Tier, launching into a firm hug she promptly inflicted on the other woman. "Nice to see you! Tiertiertier, look! There's someone SUPEr special I want you to meet. If you're not busy." She practically squealed, all as Ajora came to a stop not far off behind Santa herself. The woman smiled, calm and ....observant as Santa and Tier spoke.

She allowed them to exchange greetings, keeping a respectful distance and a light smile as she waited for Tier to turn their attention to her. And no doubt, it probably WOULD. Especially since Tier wouldn't sense ..... a NEW spiritual pressure. She would sense Santa's spiritual pressure from both women at the same time. FAR more identical than just siblings. And it would be at that very moment that Tier turned her attention to Ajora that the woman would smile and offer a little curtsy in greeting. No mask fragment or hollow hole in evidence. She LOOKED just like a human for all intents and purposes. "It is a pleasure to meet you. MY name is Ajora, I've heard nothing but good things about you for the last couple days, so it's nice to find the face that went with all of the stories." She noted, her voice calm and collected, a stark contrast to how Santa conducted herself.
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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Wed Nov 24, 2021 9:19 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

This is a coincidence. Allow something to simmer long enough, and, surely, you’ll find it becoming more than just a forethought. That’s the only way to describe the humouring way that Tier’s day went from boring to too much in but a few seconds. Of course, Tier sensed Santa’s presence. It’s familiar to her, and she was prepared for the woman to turn her quiet moment into something rambunctious.That was the simple reason why she did not react when that loud obnoxious voice called out to her, the shrill of it rattling her head. Her posture did not even stir as arms wrapped around her body. Yet, a small sigh escaped from between her lips, an acceptance of everything rolling over her like a soft wave.

“Someone special?”

Straight to the point, her gaze shifted over the sands until spotting the other woman. Strange. Tier could not detect anything different about the woman. In fact, Santa and this new person felt eerily similar. No. They feel exactly the same. Is this another one of Santa’s clones? Though, there’s a more permanent air about this one, something more robust. Her eyes now narrowed, Tier moved from her spot, easily ignoring Santa as she moved closer to this Ajora woman. Cold, calculated, hard: her eyes made her out to have great disdain for Ajora. However, the next moment, she simply reached and pressed her hands against the other’s cheeks.

“Are you possibly a clone made from the remains of Santa’s brain?”

It was such a weird question, but made perfect sense when dealing with Santa of all people. No one would have expected such from a woman like Tier however. But, it is rather simple and need not be explained why the 3rd Espada found herself lacking in courtesy. Possibly, just maybe, the woman who may still be wrapped around her has something to do with it.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:23 am
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

Santa smiled from ear to ear as Tier simply accepted the sudden pounce from her friend! The Blonde VERY much proceeding to cling and hold onto her friend with unbridled enthusiasm, even going so far as to dip her grip down to pick Tier up and give her an extra big hug for just a second! At least this time she had the sense to pick the woman up by the lower body rather than dangling her by her upper body.
"Yes! And sorry it's been so long! I've been a bit distracted these days. Ajora's been helping me a lot!" She chimed, still somewhat clinging to Tier when the woman b egan to stride toward Ajora, at which point she of course peeled away and continued to smile brightly, watching the two close in.

Ajora already had her greeting on her lips, however she was intrigued when she suddenly felt the Arrancar's hands reaching up and gently touching her face. Almost immediately she felt a BRICK of pleased giddiness fro Santa to see the two getting along. What a treasure Santa was. She smiled despite herself and raised a brow when she heard that question from Tier. Now THAT was certainly interesting. From what Santa had noted Tier was very observant, but Santa had failed to grasp just HOW observant. She put on a smile and let out a nervous chuckle. "MY, you're just as brilliant as Santa said you were. Not quite, however that is not that far off either. Santa...." She glanced to the blonde and the MUCH taller Blonde just smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Ajora paused, looking back to Tier before putting on a rueful smile. "I'm not a clone. I'm Santa Ajora. The original. So it would be more ....the reverse of your theory I guess. Its a complicated situation I admit. But thanks to recent events, and Santa growing so ....close to someone." She smiled slightly toward Tier. "I found myself dug up from the memories in our soul. Thankfully Santa wasn't simply just overwritten. Instead I exist through our Garden. For a woman like Santa, it's more simple to see us as ....sisters." She noted. "Ahem, BEST sisters." Santa corrected smugly, pretending to understand what was being talked about as she enjoyed the view.

Ajora herself reached up, lightly resting a hand on one of Tier's that was set to her face. "I must say, I did not expect myself to wake back up, no less to this sort of situation. I want to thank you for looking after my Sister. I did not expect to find my return bearable. But Santa has been......blindingly happy. And I suspect you have quite a lot to do with that." She noted, smiling sincerely. "Of course You probably have a lot of questions. Questions I would be happy to answer." The raven-haired woman assured the shark. After all, there was no rush, this was a meeting she had anticipated for quite some time since her own....revival. And she had every intention of accommodating Tier's catching up to speed.

In the meantime, Santa sortof snuck in and hugged both women, smiling from ear to ear, happy that Tier was getting along with her 'Sister'.
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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:57 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Even more of Santa’s antics occurred, but Tier didn’t seem to pay the blonde any attention. Being an Arrancar, time isn’t as important to them as with other beings. They are practically immortal when the topic of natural death is brought up, so Tier did not feel anything particular. Santa is here sometimes, and sometimes she is not. Tier was never one to demand anyone around her. Even her Fraccione were allowed to come and go as they pleased.

That is why Tier felt more inclined to focus on this other woman who is supposedly the original Santa. That is an interesting idea to wrap around her head, and she’s unsure whether she believes it or not. Neither of them would lie so blatantly however. Does Santa even know how to lie accurately? It is much to have to randomly absorb, but Tier has little reasons to question the shenanigans of Santa. Maybe she has simply grown used to it.

“Santa. Let us go. I have no questions, but if you will be accompanying me from time to time, then I shall accept your presence. Santa has yet to cause me any trouble outside of minor headaches.”

She’d rather have loud company than quiet company. The silent type are always the ones scheming, and she’s not in the mood for schemers. She’s dealt with enough of them.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:16 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

Ajora couldn't help but smile lightly as she made note of how pragmatic Tier seemed to be. Santa immediately becan to bounce on the heels of her feet, barely containing the urge to woop happily, as a little squee escaped the back of her throat as she pulled Tier into yet another hug as the woman voiced her acceptance of her 'sister'. The woman herself offering a sheepish smile and even a chuckle. "I can certainly see how Santa could be a lot to handle from time to time, but I'm certainly glad that you find her presence palatable. If you like, you can simply call me Ajora." She introduced herself a bit more properly, or well... at least offering an alternative name for her to be called outside of the dizzying parody of calling them BOTH Santa.

Santa herself stick her tongue out, still bouncing a bit as she hugged tier. "You're gonna love it! Ajora is SUPER smart! And she is really good at cooking!" She pointed out, as Ajora lightly reached up and put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from bouncing, saving Tier from further smothering. "so where do you wanna go Tier?" Santa began, though Ajora did raise a hand and gently pat Santa before glancing at the shark. "I too am a bit curious of this. However, I must admit that I have a few questions of my own. Santa has spoken to great length as to your character, but I admit I am a little curious as to what it is that you spend your time doing." She admitted, canting her head to the side.

Certainly, even if she wasn't Santa, she was neither quiet, nor shy with how she conducted herself.
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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:40 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

She did say she wanted freedom, correct. Santa’s doing that thing where she just does whatever she wants again. Even if Tier is used to it, sometimes she’d like her words to actually go into the blonde’s ear and not out the other. Besides, the constant bouncing and smothering is actually making her a little sick. Though, she refrained from saying much about it as she was saved by the other Santa, Ajora. She only let her eyes show a bit of relief, a soft sigh escaping.

“Honestly, I don’t do much of anything but travel. From one part of Hueco Mundo to another, that’s all there is to it. My visits to Earth are short but far from one another. I think you’d understand why.”

The difference between the two still has her wondering if they are from the same garden. By that question alone, Tier could make out a lot of how her day could go if she stayed around them. She gives it an hour tops until she snaps about something.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:09 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

Santa was eventually able to realize that Tier wanted a bit of space, giving the woman one last squeeze before peeling away and resuming her happy humming, pacing in happy little circles around both Ajora and Tier as she basked in the situation! Truth be told, she had been worried that Tier wouldn't like Ajora since.....well frankly she had no idea just how tolerant Tier was when it came to people!

Ajora in the meantime nodded lightly at that, admittedly a little ...intrigued. She couldn't help but feel that something else had been left unsaid, but it wasn't anything she need focus on. Instead, that last comment is what got her talking. "Yes.... for all of the tolerance that has propagated with spiritual awareness, we certainly do have troubles from time to time. Wether from humans traumatized by our unevolved brethren, to shinigami seeking to maintain their 'balance'." She sighed gently, smiling slightly.

"I always thought it was interesting, that this ....natural order that the shinigami insist on, is one that can only be maintained by slaughtering quincy and hollows." She glanced toward Tier. "I always wondered why the world naturally would rest in such a precarious position. And unfortunate it is, for those of us whose very existence seem antithetic to their vision of the worlds. I honestly wish I could say I've been doing something these many years, but the truth is that I've struggled with those very same constraints." She noted, staring off into the distance, before glancing at Tier and smiling. "I suppose at the very least we can find solace in one another. Well.....some of us." No doubt tier would know just how ...... abrasive their kind could be.
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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 11:15 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“Hypothetically, this world is too perfect for Shinigami. However, questioning things will only lead to problems that I would rather avoid having to deal with. I have already had to deal with a similar situation, a man who wanted to change how things are. It did not end well.”

She won’t even say anything about the attitudes of other Hollows. They are as spontaneous as any other race. Some will prove able company while others are better left to their own devices. She, herself, would rather be left alone by the masses, for she only finds solace in the tiny few she calls friends. That’s why she has this bundle of energy running around her. If Santa is nothing else, she has at least proven acceptable company. Ajora is on her trial period, to say the least, but if Santa thinks this is a good idea, Tier will try to make it work. Again, these two have completely different vibes despite sharing the same energy, and the way Ajora talks sounds troublesome for entirely different reasons compared to Santa.

[color:829c=#CCCC00“Even if the world is changing, becoming more tolerant, I’d rather stay on the safe side. Some would consider me an old timer who just wants to hide from the future. I would be lying if I said I am not curious...”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Left_bar_bleue0/0Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

Sat Nov 27, 2021 11:35 pm
Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) COMBINE2_e55df8615d0bd91c67d5f226542b807a-cutout

"Are you really okay with that?"

Ajora had felt the thought in her head, but admittedly was surprised when Santa spoke up about it. She turned, glancing toward the taller blonde as she interjected into Tier's conversation. A look of .....confusion on her face as she looked at Tier. That giddiness having faded as she ....looked.....conflicted herself. "I always had to hide out here." Tier knew why. "Every visit to the human world was .....scary. and it was so hard finding people that I could get along with. Even if they were nice, I'd get freaked out..." she murmured. Thinking of that woman in Romania. And even that Red-haired man she'd met in Africa. "And when we got to go to that festival, it also .....sucked that you were so nervous about showing your mask. Even if you showed it eventually... the fact...." She pursed her lips and .....struggled. A......aggrivated growl escaping her as her own limited intellect clashed with what she wanted to express.

Ajora closed her eyes as she allowed herself to gander at the thoughts racing through Santa's head. It wasn't even just Tier. Algos. Calypso. Even that weird Quincy girl she'd met near the beach. The other Oni she'd met at the church. All of them suffered from the state that world was in. "That very same charm that Santa has is also why I find myself ....less and less able to abide the way things are. The entire reason that Santa exists is because of my own weakness, or rather...the reason she exists in such a way that she does. even now, her innocent happiness is one of the reasons I can bear to not just let myself drift back into nothingness..." She murmured, folding her hands, and then glancing toward Tier.

"Even you. You have neglected to say anything. But the events of the world....the ...tumultuous state it's come to be in. No doubt...whatever it is you're seeking, all of this has made it all the harder. You've come to fear showing what you are. You even fear the very idea of trying to make things better because of those who failed in the past. And, just like myself, I think you're worried that Santa can't coexist with the way that things presently are. When we were.....weaker.... it was more simple for her to remain under the radar. But .....she's growing stronger. Possibly because of her desire to protect you and Nel. Perhaps because of her in witht he Vandenreich in America. She has also developed a ...concerning vendetta against someone in the Vandenreich as well." "HE DOESN'T OWN EVERYTHING IN EARTH!"

Ajora raised a brow, wincing as she both heard and Felt the surge of sheer anger and determination within Santa. The mere fact that Santa was hellbent on assaulting a being who could end their existence with a wave of his hand was in and of itself a problem. She turned her attention to Tier. "I nature.... more inclined to your point of view. As you may have gleaned from your experiences with Santa... our aspect of death is Desperation. And prior to her .....birth... that came in the form of a hunger for knowledge. So....naturally I am the kind of woman more inclined to .....watching and learning than taking action. But ...with things how they stand to be. I'm less and less confident that I can maintain that stance. Don't you feel the same?"
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Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!) Empty Re: Two Santa, One Tier (Tier/Two of them?!)

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