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Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:13 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

These sands feel different. Her mind could not place why though. As with every corner of Hueco Mundo, there exists nothing but the ever expanding dunes that litter the realm. The power levels vary with each step, leaving it impossible to tell one creature from another unless it proved especially potent. The uncertainty before her is nothing for her to be concerned about though. Anything that stirs knows that she is not a being worth recklessly entertaining. Tier Harribel, an Arrancar of such strength that Aizen placed her as his Tercera, has no reason for caution in this desert of monsters.

Yet, she could feel nothing but a strange dread. Each step filled her with worry, not for herself, but this feeling seemed to be seeping into the grains beneath her feet. Something extraordinary is about, and its energy is familiar and wholly different. Compelled to learn why this sensation exists, she continued forward. Is there a possibility that it could be one of her Fraccion? Maybe it is a threat to Hueco Mundo. Soon enough, she will have her answer.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:23 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


It seemed like Hueco Mundo was changing. People hadn't ever bothered to come to this far off corner of the realm, but suddenly it seemed Ichigo was being forced to face those he'd assumed he would never see again. Maybe people were growing restless, or maybe the realm itself was just shifting. Ichigo certainly couldn't say, nor did he care enough to think about it.

"I'm amazed you're still alive."

Ichigo spoke those words plainly, almost emptily, as he felt a familiar energy come into his little domain. He didn't have any reason to react beyond simply speaking, and were it not for his own power, he likely wouldn't have even made much of an impression. Just a lone man laying on the desert floor, watching the empty sky with listless eyes. It was only the fact that he'd known this woman that he even mustered the energy to speak.


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Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:34 am
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Her head turned, a familiar voice taunting her. Suddenly, the energy about her made sense, but that realization of who it is made none. Feeling a bit out of place, her body turned, following that voice, despite its curtness to its owner. So, it is him. Her emotionless gaze fell on the man who laid in the sands as if a part of the scenery.

“So, you died.”

Her voice was as curt as his, to the point and mocking in tone. She does not know Ichigo, but he was a man that Aizen felt the need to watch with caution. Now, he is barely even that. A Hollow is but a fragment of what a soul used to be, a piece of them spurred by their deepest sin. Typical, really, that he had ended up here of all places. He was a hero, and if you remain such for too long, eventually you fall. There’s no reason for her to be surprised that he shares the same fate as herself, but her surprise was only focused on the fact that he chose this area of all places to brood.

“Guess I was correct all along.”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Sun Oct 10, 2021 6:34 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


"I guess you were."

Ichigo laughed quietly, humorlessly, at the memory of the words Tier had spoken to her so long ago. Maybe she hadn't actually been correct at the time, but the last thing he cared about anymore was how things used to be. Here, now, was what mattered. Even if it wasn't something he much cared about.

"What brought you out here? I doubt you were looking for me."

It was strange, speaking to her as if he was even particularly close to him. Tier Harribel was far from a dear friend to him, but she was still closer to him than the world of today. That was good enough.

"Hueco Mundo seems different. You do that?"


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Sun Oct 10, 2021 7:40 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“Nothing stays the same forever, Ichigo. You should know that much. The Earth has changed, and thus, Hueco Mundo has followed. Hmph… You’re proof of that.”

Even then, the sands around them haven’t changed that much. People come and go, even if they stay for a while. Nagato is an example of times changing and staying exactly the same. Despite all he tried to do differently, he was just another Aizen in the end.

She sighed as she suddenly went down, sitting next to him. Her eyes focused on the horizon, rather than on him, but she seemed attentive enough. Honestly, she felt no need to feel alert around him, in a sense. He felt like he lacked any real motivation for violence, possibly something to do with his aspect of death. Him being here must have meant that the weight of the world finally got to him, and with that theory, it’d make sense for his new life as an Arrancar to lack the flair he displayed back then.

“I am searching for my Fraccion. You… You’re not someone who I should ever run into out here, not like this anyway.”

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

God of Love
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Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo)

Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:04 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


It wasn't disagreeable to have Tier take a seat next to him here, though it wasn't really agreeable, either. She was just there, though if nothing else, it made things much easier for Ichigo to talk with her if she was right next to him. He had to admit that was an improvement.

"A lot of things shouldn't happen, you know. But they do anyway. Sounds like that's what got us both here."

Ichigo glanced over at her only briefly, the presence of someone else nearby a different experience from what he was used to. Not that he minded one way or another. Not like he had anything to do.

"I haven't seen them around. I'm surprised you got separated."


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Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo)

Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:22 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“A lot of things shouldn’t happen, you know. But they do anyway.”

She mocked him when he pondered how she could get separated from her Fraccion. How is she supposed to respond to that? It was a series of circumstances that left her this way, unknowing of where her Fraccion are, if they even still exist. It is a horrible feeling to get caught up on, but she is unable to escape it when she befalls her. A failure is what she is, but she refuses to let that pain show on her face, not before this man.

“Do not waste away for long in such a manner. We have all the time in the world, but we are also capable of being slain. Let your prowess weaken too much, and you will find yourself slain once more.”

She then moved her hand to the handle of her Zanpakuto, letting it rest there lazily. It was a threat, but there was no real impact. If anything, he could see it as a joke or maybe a possible challenge in the future. She doesn’t care. He is not her enemy, not anymore.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:33 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


"Ha. You've lightened up."

The singular chuckle that left Ichigo's lips was wholly humorless, though he didn't actually seem bothered by her mockery in the slightest. If anything, he did find it genuinely funny, it just wasn't really in him to laugh at something like that. Still, he hadn't been expecting it. It was almost a nice change of pace.

"I've been here for centuries. I don't have much else to do but stay here, anyway. I can't say I'd be too upset about someone finishing me off, but I don't think anyone's trying. I wouldn't ask them to, either."

There was no survival instinct, no sense that he needed to fight. Ichigo had long since lost the will to do much of anything but simply exist. It was almost strange to hear someone tell him that he ought to try and avoid such a fate, as if the very idea of keeping oneself alive had become alien to him.


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Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:09 pm
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Ds0HV3y

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

“Then, I suppose you are already dead, Ichigo. A shame, really, centuries without a reason. That is what makes us Hollow.”

That isn’t wholly true is it though? There is a reason they exist, a purpose to their eternal suffering. They all have something that makes up their core, a concept that everything revolves around. If anything, doesn’t that mean Ichigo is simply doing what he is meant to do? It is not her place to encourage him to do anything but. Wasting away is his choice, and she has her choices that she would rather occupy her time with.

“It seems, Ichigo, that this is the end. A world of infinite possibilities, and you allowed yourself to actually find the one incorrect answer.”

She chuckled, actually chuckled. Then, she turned away from him and closed her eyes. One may take her words as an insult, but it is not her problem if someone takes offense to the truth. Besides, she doubts he cares. That’s his new theme anyway.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada

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Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo)

Wed Oct 13, 2021 11:37 am
Drowning in Sand (Tier/Ichigo) NNa7nnG


"There's not much left to give me reason. I'm sure people would tell me I could just try again, pick myself back up like always."

Ichigo certainly understood that her words were an insult, and while he felt as though he shouldn't care, there was something about it that grated on him. He shouldn't have been bothered by it, but he didn't think he'd made the incorrect choice. If anything, this had felt like the only right choice.

"Infinite possibilities? I don't think there are. There are some things you can't fix, some things you can't change. No matter how many possibilities there are, you can't change that they're all built off what's already happened."

No matter what he did, it wouldn't bring her back. But he wouldn't say that. Even thinking it had been more than he tended to allow himself to do.


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