Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] Empty 2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary]

Tue Nov 03, 2020 10:34 am
2020 Poll! Winter Edition!

2020 Winter Poll

I. What is the purpose of this poll?

Its about time for the old year to wrap up, and for the new one to begin! How Exciting! As you know we as staff do many things around this time of the year such as the Of The Year, Bursts, and so on. This poll is something along those lines in the sense that we need y'all to give us your ideas, which we are going to try to implement into what is going to happen in the next year.

Now what kind of idea's you might ask? Event ideas, mechanics you might want to see implemented, things you don't like about current mechanics, the return of the mission system, idea's for site plot. All of these are the kinds of things that we'd like input on! At the end of the day, what makes PH truly great is the interactions that go on in our community, and we'd like to keep that going strong throughout the next year.

This poll will be open for the next month (November 3rd - December 4th, and will close at 8:00 AM CST. After which time we as staff will pick several of these idea's to be voted on in the subsequent final poll, to be implemented in the upcoming year!

We look forward to hearing all of your ideas!!


2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] LzZCuy7
2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] BtXe12b
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2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] Empty Re: 2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary]

Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:12 am
We should add "Most Toxic Member" to the OTY's please
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2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] Empty Re: 2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary]

Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:12 pm
A Timeline!

We need a dedicated timeline of all major events that occurred on PH's run. New members really need to be quickly and concisely informed on what has happened so far. Knowing the actual history we have set up on the site, for sure, would help a lot of newer, more out of the loop people with building their character's history, beliefs, ideas, etc. Not to mention it would give everybody a better picturing of major event's chronology.
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2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] Empty Re: 2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary]

Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:21 pm
Revert the Anyburst structure back to the original.
Rokujo Onryo
Rokujo Onryo
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2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] Empty Re: 2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary]

Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:35 pm
Lillian and Henrex asked me to put up my idea for a new system for RP. Not sure if it is something that can be adapted to BPH given how entrenched to its ways that BPH is, but maybe it is something that can be pondered on.

So We know that in Bleach when high level Shinigami enter the Physical Realm they are required to wear a limiter to avoid altering things. This is where my idea is based. We know that when beings in the Physical Realm are exposed directly to Hollow that they retain a level of the Hollows power, or what you could call a corruption. This corruption results in any offspring they have being Fullbrings. So in what other ways could high level Shinigami and Hollow affect the Physical Realm?

So the idea is that we turn attention away from the direct actions of Shinigami and Hollow. So to better adapt the idea behind the Bleach spin off, Burn the Witch, I propose that we look at the regular people to whom the existence of events of Shinigami and Hollow is unknown. Instead we bring to you something akin to SCP with a Bleach spin, or as Burn the Witch put it, the "Everything else" that Wing Bind handles.

Who covers up the destruction caused by Hollow and Shinigami? Who recovers objects and individuals who have been altered by exposure to high levels of Spiritual Energy? My proposal is to expand on this aspect of the Bleach universe rather then continue to trod well explored territory of Shinigami and Hollow.

I don't want to get to far into the idea but this was a general idea pitch encouraged to be posted here. I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] Empty Re: 2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary]

Fri Nov 06, 2020 5:56 am
@Hops: But doesn't PH already give players the opportunity to do just that? I mean, if people are playing mainly Shini and Hollow etc., then probably because that's what they want to trod this well explored territory. I mean, that is the idea of a Bleach RPG, isn't it. Maybe I get that wrong (if so I appologize), but your suggestion with "[...]turning the attention away from the direct actions of Shinigami and Hollow" sounds a bit like forcing people to play out these other aspects. But does that make sense? I mean, giving players all the options is perfect, the more the better. But forcing the focus away from Shini, for example, and on to humans will probably drive away players that simply came here to play a Shinigami. In summary: I am absolutely no fan of forcing something. Give people the opportunity to do so. If they don't want to, then they don't want to. But don't force them.

Also: I second Lillian's suggestion about a timeline.

My own ideas more or less go in the same direction as Lillians:
First: It would be nice, if big plots and related developments would be better documented here in the forum. I know that most of the communication is on discord, but what is there is fleeting, and it is hard to keep track the older a message gets, especially if you have a time difference of about 8 hours to some others.

Second: the mission system. Returning the mission system would be something I'd vote for. For once it would give players belonging to an organisation a more immersed feeling, like you really belong to an organisation.
Also missions could be used to further plots, give out rewards and so on. I mean, not only for giant events, but also on a smaller scale.

2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary] Empty Re: 2020 Winter Poll [Preliminary]

Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:33 pm
I think an End of the Year Burst would be cool, sort of like our occasional bursts we do to get activity up. But making it a more end of the year, don't know what you'd do or offer thought it sounded neat.
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