Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:05 am
Stood there getting soaked by the rain but not caring one bit. "So if I am understanding you right Hollows are basically evil spirits?" Her tone had become flat and monotone. She now looked at the woman and properly paid attention to her. She let her eyes wander over her features. Her eyes are what caught her attention and she stared at them tilting her head.

"Your eyes are yellow like mine," she said in that same flat tone she let her arms down and hopped off the pipe she had been standing on and stepped towards her walking through the rain and stood tall. "If I need new study material as you say and you seem to have more of an understanding of these things then me.." she let that hang in the air for a bit before following up. "Maybe you would help me find these sources I need?"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:28 am


"Pretty much, yea. You don't move on, your own negativity consumes you and turns you into a physical representation of your darkest thoughts. Your Inner Hollow is no doubt condensed of the depression and suicidal thoughts you harbour" Ulv commented, before her own exclaimation on Ulv's eyes.

"Gold, not yellow. Subtle difference, but yes they are. Eyes like yours mean you must have been born a Vizard, because you sure as shit don't have symbiotic mastery of them like I do. If you want to find a proper source, then looking in the right place is a good start"

Ulv would spawn a sword from apparently nowhere and stab the air with it, opening up a sudden portal Senkaimon to the Soul Society.
"Come on, let's go to the library"


RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:58 pm
She watched the woman carefully and her explination caused her mind to real with thoughts and a slight fear set in when the sword appeared. Taking a step back Her words about the soul society caused her to stop and she narrowed her eyes. " you mean to tell me some weird portal is going to take me to The company my dad worked for?" she almost sounded enraged at this point her eeys getting a slight bit more vibrent. She then looked at the senkamon.

"Dad I Will find out what happened to you." She launched off the ground and jumped into the portal her anger and rage causing her to not think of the possible damger that would come from this action that place had taken her father and she wanted answers. She needed to know her mom told her it was stupid and finding the place her father worked for would be impossible.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:16 pm


"Company? Ha! More like an otherworldly military of super-soldiers the strongest of which can kill you simply by existing near you. But yes, this Senkaimon or World Penetration-" Ulv snorted into giggles for a second"-Gate will take you where you want to go"

Ulv would then cross in with her, hopefully her signature coming in so soon after the unknown one would dampen Seireitei's military response to the unknown intruder with hollow energy readings. The girl would arrive in a whole new world, that looked straight out of feudal Japan, aside from the massive glowing gate she had just come out of.


RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:32 pm
As she came through the gate and went falling she landed face first into the ground and groaned. Upon her landing guards where rushing at her. Groaning she pulled herself into a sitting position and looked at the guards that where around her. The way there where dressed caused her to be confused and the fact they where holding Fork like weapons at her and an alarm had already been sounded caused her to leap to her feet and jump back bumping into Ulv who had followed her in and she turned around and then scurried behind her looking at them as a random member of the Gotei united was walking up with sword in hand.

"Ulv what have you gotten me into?" She asked now frightened beyond meassure. The random member of the Gotei was still Advancing. "Ulv do not protect that Hollow It will destroy us. Lets send it to rest."
God of Love
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Wed Aug 05, 2020 12:14 am
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For the most part, Murasaki's work didn't actually involve much in the way of Gotei operations in Soul Society. She spent almost all her time on Earth, and really only came back to do paperwork. Of course, that also meant that she ended up spending a lot of time around the Senkaimon, and so when one of the Gotei's most-watched figures and an unknown girl popped out of the gate, Murasaki figured it might be the right call to see what was happening here.

"Hey, ya know ya shouldn't just be comin' through the senkaimon all willy-nilly, yeah? We use that for official business and stuff."

With a small sigh, knowing quite fully that there was no real feasible way of actually stopping Ulv from doing what she wanted, Murasaki simply examined the two with a bit of a perplexed expression.

"So? What's up?"


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Aug 05, 2020 7:35 am


"Would you prefer I open a Garganta directly into your Yurt, darling~ I could come see you at night" she'd flicker her eyelashes at Murasaki in a flirtatious manner.

"But on a serious note, I am here for official business. The girl there is a halfblood Vizard, and is looking for her father. I thought you'd be able to help with that more than me, given you are actually part of the Gotei and I am just really sexy"

Given that quick run down so Murasaki wasn't entirely in the dark about why the girl was here, Ulv quickly Zoidberged back into the Senkaimon and Earth. It was Murasaki's mongolian horse-time now!


RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:06 pm
She stood there looking at the two as they spoke about her and acted like everything was normal she expected things to be weird but this was beyond what she had ever imagined. The sky the world it was like she stepped back in time. She watched as Ulv fled out the gate they had just come through and blinked and turned her attention to the woman beside her and took a deep breath getting her nerv back she wasn't sure why she had lost it in the first place.

"So this is the place my father worked for some place that has portals but is set so far back in time it looks like a bad Samari movie?" She closed her yellow eyes and breathed this was going to get her no where fast. Ulv had done a good job of filling in why she was brought here and what was going on. "I was 5 when my father left for an assignment from this place and now here I stand 12 years later and still He hasn't come back Care to comment on what the hell I did to deserve this place taking my father from me?"

She was griping her fists so tight the anger of loosing her father boiling up inside her she was doing everything she could to keep her self calm. Soon her hands eased she she looked back to the woman and bowed. "forgive me i forgot my manors."
God of Love
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Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:22 pm
Are you Asleep (Open) - Page 2 NsOqTkn


Murasaki wondered, idly, if these were the sorts of things that the Captain Commander was expected to deal with. She really hoped not, or that job sounded less appealing than she'd imagined it being, and she was already pretty sure it was a way less cool job than she'd imagined when she was a kid... Holding back a bit of an exasperated sigh, she kept up her best smile and tried to reply appropriately.

"I'm not really sure I've got the answers to your questions. I've only been here for a couple years myself, so I dunno if I can exactly tell ya all that. But it's okay! I get bein' emotional about somethin' like that. Tell ya what, how about we get you all figured out here first, then we can get to lookin' through paperwork for some info?"

That sounded right, right? Right.

RIkku Shin
RIkku Shin
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Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:55 pm
Listening to the woman she released a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding and looked about at the strange world she was in. Taking a deep breath and sighing now she nodded to her. Maybe this was the best way to go about it. She wondered what she meant by figure you out first. What was there to figure out. Her father worked for this odd company and now here she was just as confused because it felt like she had traveled through time.

"What do you mean by figure me out? My name is Rikku Shin and i'm here to search for my father. That crazy lady though seems to think there is more to it than that and frankly I don't care I have dedicated my life to studying the spirit world to find an answer to why my father left to try see him again."

That feeling of depression started to wash over her and she took a breath. "respect remember that" she whispered and then forced a smile on her face.
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