Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Just a Cough  Empty Just a Cough

Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:13 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

After his time in the human world dealing with that issue. He encountered another problem from his zanpakuto. At first, it was a simple anemia due to losing blood rapidly. Takehiko had considered it a possible outcome. He was spending blood to fight things. But what he'd not anticipated as he stopped sweat dripping from his brow. Coughing violently as he held his hand to his mouth. Slowly a red liquid coated his hand. Takehiko needed to keep his uncle from seeing this. So he went on a trip to Iramasha Island. To learn about their culture and people who lived it. But his body felt sickly and almost too heavy to move. So these were the side effects of using his zanpakuto. No solution came to mind not easily. He'd simply have to endure the illness for now. Takehiko sighed leaning his body back against a building. So to recap he couldn't use hollow powers. And now when he tried to access his shikai he got sick. Such wonderful progress he'd been granted. He already was bound by a time limit as it was.

Finally, you had the last grand issue of it now striking. It made him feel like his entire body was overheating. The amount of blood coming back in. That was the problem he had. Takehiko's eyes closed he felt sad really. What had happened to him to fall so far? Had he done something in a previous life that attributed to it? Takehiko could only wonder as he watched people pass him. This was the Iramasha homeland in a nutshell. It was a bustling place and peaceful at that. It felt like a place one could reach nirvana in. Seldom had he seen such peace outside Kuchiki manor. His hand came up guarding against another fit of coughing. Such a delusional thing for him. To think that he'd be fine after the fact. Ulv had told him Kaido wouldn't be his salvation. His skill level at the healing arts was too low. That was just a simple matter of fact. He really was starting to wish his zanpakuto had been like his uncle who cut his throat. Hell at this point bunnies sounded promising by comparison.
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Just a Cough  Empty Re: Just a Cough

Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:49 pm

Judas Iscariot

» Meep

Judas couldn't remember the last time she had ever been inside the iramasha realm. Her youthful years felt nonexistent to her. There wasn't a point in time where there was something eventful, other than taking the life of someone who birthed her. She never felt great about what she was forced to do, but all of that is behind her. However, she can't pretend that her hands are cleansed. As an Iramasha she should remember some parts in her life that contains any relevant memory about this place. She could only ever think about the friend she had, a few years back--after her training in the demon realm, with her father's friend. It was only a short and vivid time that she visited this realm, just to play around and have fun.

Judas couldn't help but indulge in lost and once forgotten memories, as she walked with the sea of busy people in the prime Nation of Salome Square. When her lavender eyes stared down at the heels of people's shoes, and the road in which she walked on. Judas heard a distant coughing. She picked up her head, and turned towards the building in which a boy sat there, feeling as though he was sick. Judas approached the helpless boy, and looked down at him like he was some sick puppy. "You don't look too well. Are you alright?" Judas asked in a worrisome tone. She wasn't surprised nobody else noticed that someone was sick, and needed help. Not like he called for any, and just sat as though he's drawing out his last breath.

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Just a Cough  Ezgif-3-8ff9a7497418

Just a Cough  Empty Re: Just a Cough

Fri Nov 01, 2019 9:20 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

He'd not intended to cause trouble here really. Takehiko just didn't want his uncle
worried about him. Didn't even reveal the problem with the cough. Coughing into his hand he leaned his head back. His eyes looking through them with some water trickling from the side."I should be...after a day or so. Kaido doesn't do anything for a zanpakuto.." He said wiping the blood from his mouth. "I'd hate to impose on such a nice and kind lady. But could you maybe show me around? I'm unfamiliar with these parts." He said acknowledging the fact he knew nothing. Takehiko knew about as much about Iramasha as his hollow and zanpakuto did. Nothing was the key answer in that as he straightened himself up. Having considered bringing a cloth with him next time. Something to cover his mouth. Fever causing slight sweat to trickle down his head. He wiped it his forehead now. Looking hopeful but still sickly, he couldn't let a slight cold beat him. This was his first time using his zanpakuto. If he remained down his uncle would begin to suspect.

Smiling brightly the young boy brushed himself off. Offering his hand out to her before thinking. "Oh sorry, I didn't think about that. I don't think you can get it...but guess my word isn't worth much..huh."
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Just a Cough  Empty Re: Just a Cough

Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:36 am

Judas Iscariot

» Meep

This strange guy didn't look like he was alright, maybe he had got back from a brutal fight. Though if that were the case, she should've seen a few scars left on him. Unfortunately, she isn't the perceptive type, and she would've missed a detail or two. Judas didn't mind helping the poor guy out. He needed some assistants, and Judas is the only one that can grant him his wish. "You're not from here? Where did you come from? More importantly, how did you get access to this place?" Judas was curious to know how did the foreigner of this land, find a way to get here.

There were probably some random methods of reaching this place, and they're probably others that she had already forgotten about. Judas wasn't sure why he came here, unless he was searching for something specific. She'll have to keep her eyes on him in the meantime. She wasn't familiar with the names that sprouted from the boys mouth. Kaido? Zanpakuto? Those things didn't seem to register. Judas took that this strange man, was speaking one of his languages from other worlds. Judas decided to take the mans hand, but she didn't know where exactly he is willing to go. "What place are you specifically interested in, if you name it--they might have it here." Judas questioned the odd man.

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Just a Cough  Ezgif-3-8ff9a7497418

Just a Cough  Empty Re: Just a Cough

Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:58 pm

Blood Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや

Takehiko grinned a bit coughing into his hand. She had questions that made sense. Was there a proper way to say I'm running from a crazed maid? Well, he guessed her question could be answered. "I hail from the Soul Society, formally known as the Gotei United. " He said explaining where he came from. As to how he obtained to travel to this distant place. He rubbed at his chin thinking he would explain the nature of Garganta to her serve a purpose. Saying he teleported here did seem a little lacking. "We can move to and from here, as you are to us." This wasn't a solid conclusion for anything truthfully. But it did explain how he got here. As to where he wanted to go. That was a problem he merely wanted to avoid his maid. And his uncle's overzealous care if anything. Takehiko had done some reckless things within that battle. But he felt it needed to make a difference. He had to make a difference no matter how remote as a Kuchiki. So swallowing now he spoke now.

"A nice place to eat would be nice. Might help me feel a bit better from this cold." He said smiling a bit weakly. Takehiko didn't know the local restaurants or what food they ate. His family was mostly Japanese cuisine due to the Kuchiki family nature.
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Just a Cough  Empty Re: Just a Cough

Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:11 pm

Judas Iscariot

» Meep

Judas continued to examine this foriegn body of a young man, seemingly in need of medical attention. Her eyes penetrated the very soul of her newly found guest, like a scientist staring endlessly at one of his test subjects. Having people come and go in this realm, wasn’t a new concept. To her, however--This was her first time meeting someone who isn’t of this world. A sharp grin silently crept to the side of her mouth, as he explained how he got here. “I have an uncle who holds limited knowledge with medical stuff but I, unfortunately do not hold a unique skill that revolves around healing” She was right, she didn’t inherit much of her mother’s innate powers.

She lacked the ability to forge something less destructive in her pool of never ending seed of growth, she wasn’t much help on her own. She was curious to how the young man had dealt with such an injury, that he was acquired to come here of all places. “What made you want to come to this world? In your world, you should have the proper material to get yourself fixed up” Although this place is known to be good with healing, and many practitioners unlike herself, as some capabilities to heal some accidents.

Judas is willing enough to aid this stranger, but there were things she is wanting to learn about the young man. Judas turned towards the west the south, looking from the corner of her eyes as she waited for him to make a response, before making their mark. It’s been awhile since she had visited her uncle. She only visited him, if there had to be a situation that required her to visit and luckily, she found herself in the right moment. “By the way--” She turned her body effortlessly, and faced the boy. “What race do you belong to? If you don’t mind me asking”

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note: did an fc change

Just a Cough  Ezgif-3-8ff9a7497418
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