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Solhammond's Awakening  Empty Solhammond's Awakening

Thu Jul 04, 2019 11:37 pm
Solhammond's Awakening  QerxJ3c

» Name Of Character: Solhammond Palliser
» Link To Character:

» Upgrading:

Eyes of The Struggler: Solhammond is one of the people who manifested their powers from an innate need, rather than a want. It would only be natural his ability reflects this in it’s application and usage. Solhammond, as he becomes more desperate and beaten within a fight sees a gradual increase in this ability. In the beginning of a fight, this ability requires time to warm up before gradually gaining power till it reaches its apex.

This is marked by the soft hue of his eyes gradually becoming more pronounced. It is as if they begun to change colors becoming more red, and at their peak becoming a visibly glowing scarlet color. Now the question remains to what this ability does.

Eyes of the Struggler is a two fold ability, the first being a glimpse into his opponent nervous system and energy pathways. In his vision they appear to be thin red lines which run their body, and their energy path ways appear to be blue. This uniquely allows Solhammond to choose to either attack someone energy pools, or their physical body.

Someone who energy pathways are attacked may find themselves becoming fatigued quicker, their attacks losing their potency or becoming less refined in their nature, or even a complete shut down of their abilities temporarily. However, should he target their they may find their body going numb, intense pain being applied to select locations, or even a complete shutdown of their bodily functions at the highest level.

As the eyes of the struggler grow in power, it pairs well with his late game fighting. Someone may barely notice the actual effect his strikes are having in the fight, for them to take full effect once his power reaches their apex. This delayed effect, can change a losing fight to a swift win if applied correctly.


Weaving Stance: Sol signature fighting style or stance pays homage to one of the greatest human fighters, a boxer by the name of Mohammand Ali. Instead of relying on blocks he focuses more on movement, and unconventional dodging. It is as entertaining to watch, as annoying to deal with. Head movements, and footwork are a constant with Solhammond allowing him to perform impressive dodges and positioning.

Straight Jab: A fairly simply technique save for when you put Sol's signature spin on it, due to his high mobility fighting style his straight jab is thrown rather loosely. It's more akin to a whip in it's speed and power, producing them in rapid succession. Typically he'll flow from a dodge into a series of straight jabs.

Counter Jab: Unlike the straight jab, this one is a firm strike. Arkin due to his dodging ability has the unique chance to gain a bead on his enemy quickly. Upon dodging a strike perfectly, usually with a prediction, when he throws this firm strike out it is with his weight behind it. This leads to the technique being a powerful, but risky strike.

Protective Hook: Consistent with Sol's theme of high mobility defense, weaving and bobbing, his hook was invented to help when he's on the ropes. Any experienced fighter will tell you the key to a proper hook is landing it perfectly, and good hip rotation. When weaving about Sol can throw a quick hook out with surprising speed, usually intended to break his enemy's tempo or to land a quick effective strike.

Liver Hook: One of the hardest moves in conventional fighting to land is a properly executed liver punch. But if landed it can completely immobilize someone, Solhammond is particularly skilled in landing these punches. Due to his slippery fighting style, he can often throw these punches with devastating power and quickness.

Feigning Punch: What would a fighting style be without some type of feints, for Solhammond his feigning punch can be mimic'd as any of the listed strikes. For those with exceptional reflexes they may find themselves fool'd if they don't predict these feigning punches. The real effect lies in how he can mimic any of his punches, and proceed to do something else entirely.

Disabling Strike(s): These strikes are specially designed, to be combined with his eyes of the struggler ability. When a disabling strike is thrown, it is usually one of the techniques listed. But what makes them different are they are targetted usually intended to cause massive pain, disabling, or energy disruption. A properly executed one could easily cause great distress to someone.

Snap Kick: These kicks are some of Solhammond's bread and butter, exceptionally strong kicks which can be performed with little indication. They can be performed in stationary position where he raises his knee and straightens his leg; striking forward. Or for added power he can take a simple step or reverse his stance to throw the kick with more power. What makes these kicks unique are their explosiveness, and surprise factor.

Brazilian Kick: An interesting kick, and one of his crowd pleases. This kick is initiated as any lower body kick, before he brings it upwards and performs a high angle kick to the head or arm area. Naturally this has a feint build into it, one of his slower kicks which rely upon misguiding his enemy but if it lands can easily knock most normal people out.

Feigning Kick: Naturally, like his feigning punch this is just a naturally incorporated feint in his weaving stance. He can mimic any of his kicks, and end up performing an entirely different motion.

Disabling Strike(s): These strikes are specially designed, to be combined with his eyes of the struggler ability. When a disabling strike is thrown, it is usually one of the techniques listed. But what makes them different are they are targetted usually intended to cause massive pain, disabling, or energy disruption. A properly executed one could easily cause great distress to someone.

Moon Cutter: His signature move, his finisher, his show stopper. A recently developed technique combining his eyes of the struggler. This move focuses directly on landed two strikes, a powerful uppercut to the jaw followed by a snap kick to the liver. This technique must be performed in this sequence, for the first strike is intended to interupt someone energy and the second to cause massive pain. The end effect: The lost of bodily control/balance temporarily. Naturally this can be overcome through an assortment of means, but the shock to the system is drastic- and provides the opening to finish a fight properly.

Tier 5-4 > 5-1

» Why:

This is a relatively slice-of-lice update. In the above thread he began to unlock his power, due to the high stress enviroment of being caught in a war zone. I feel that's more than enough to gain a first ability, and a list of minor techniques to be able to use in combat. The list of tecniques reflect his history of being a professional fighter.

While there wasn't much conflict which happened from a player to player aspect, I'm applying for this tier to more accurately represent a fighter esque character. One who during the event showcased some ability to defend himself, along with unlocking energy reserves one needs to actually maintain an ability.

» Extra: [Anything extra to add?]

Solhammond's Awakening  JfH75kA
Solhammond's Awakening  H8Tyk70
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Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:05 am
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