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Red Raven
Red Raven
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A Walk Into The Forest Empty A Walk Into The Forest

Thu May 31, 2018 8:07 am

Mu Long


Along the outskirt of Karakura Central deep inside the dense forest of Karakura Forest. The sounds of chirping could be heard throughout the forest. As you continue to walk deeper into the forest it as if the forest came to life as several distinct sounds of movement could be heard in the general area.These noises varied from either animals or other creatures. Report of hollow life was known in this area what more important is that thriving life of hollows that always find themselves at this location.

For some reason the barrier don't have no effect here otherwise it would be no hollow life here in the general area because of the effects of the dome wouldn't allow this much life. It easily enough to say that several faction within the city patrol this area often due to threat looming threat in Karakura Central backyard.

Today in this forest was no different the sun was already within morning sky. It was approximately 9:30 AM on an Monday morning. We all know how people feel about Mondays it a day of the week majority humans dislike for there own personal reasons whatever they may be.

But none of that matter because within the sky it was as if the sky itself was cut as black line could be seen within the air at 9: 33 AM. If you are familiar with this black line it could be identifed as Garganta just before it was fully pull open.

Unfortunately that cut didn't last long as that same black line begin to rip open producing what is known as fully developed Garganta. The Garganta was a little over 6 meter wide and 6 meter tall, and it was as high as 14 meters in the air which is about 50 feet ish give or take around the time of 9:34 AM.

If you was within the area you and had keen sight you could see a pair of sharp blue eyes. Along side the set of blue eyes was a set another set of eyes but these one was sharp red eyes on right, and left of the blue eyes. The sharp eyes begin to closing the distance between both worlds. As the approaching firgue arrive just before it attempt to step out the rift of the vortex but for some reason it stop. It was just 3 meter from the opening clearly hiding within Garganta . One set of sharp red eyes thrust it head forward sticking out it body at 9: 36 AM the creature could be identified as black creature that have scaly like appearance jet black similar to either a snake or reptile( A Dragon Bitch).

From what could be seen only 5 meter of it body surface out the Garganta. The creature hiss as it open up it mouth a light blue ball of concentrate spiritual energy begin to from. It seem to be some what focus as it aim the concentrate ball of spiritual engery at the forest ready to release it at the unexpected creatures of the forest whether they be friend or enemy.

It didn't matter soon everything within 100 meters in length, and 50 meters in width would be hit by powerful cero out the mouth of this creature. The individual within the Garganta was able focus but for how long would the individual be able to depends on his limited after all he not no all powerful being. Well he himself consider himself as one but maybe the world wouldn't just yet.

Cero is an basic Gillian ability but even an Arrancars have problems perfecting it so that it can be stable this is an example of this right now. The individual within the Garganta mind was a bit scattered but hopeful that wouldn't effect his attempt on this worthlessness piece of land mass known as Karakura Forest.

Upon completely finishing the charging process of this Cero then the lizard like hollow would release it aimming it at the general direction of the Karakura Forest down below. The effect would be monstrous the devastating blast would be able to ignite the forest indefinitely clearing out an proportion of the area. While also alerting the patrolling officials of the potential looming threat of the area. While also scaring or killing several animals within the area of the blast.

The creature would fire at the forest down below when the completion of charge was done. At less something stop it or cause the creature had to defend itself. If successful and not interrupt the Cero would signal the officials of the surrounding area by an pillar of smoke along with the damage the environment.

If some reason someone attempt to stop this blast or came within range of the Cero which is listed up then. The lirzard like entity would fire at them instead of the forest down below. But the conclusion would still be the same the damaging of the forest if individual approaching was coming for the ground would be. If not then blast would light up the morning sky as a demonstration of it destruction power.

OOC Notes:

Mu Long Techniques:

Last edited by Red Raven on Mon Jun 04, 2018 4:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 16

A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Thu May 31, 2018 10:30 pm

Shi Seikatsu


A Walk Into The Forest 278876bfba63b500f4411bccbadce0ad

Rays of strong light shot down from the atmosphere, granting light to the surrounding area as it shone idly on this Morning. Emerald greenery lazily drifted back and forth by the soft breeze that swept over Kakura Town, in which Shi rested his locks of onyx onto the grass beneath him, eyelids shut tightly as he'd be left to his own thought process.

Shi's eyelids swiftly opened to embrace the light but was found underneath a large oak tree, leaves beginning to drop down gently and protecting his gaze from the bright light that could've easily caused him discomfort. Silence..It lingered around him, animals didn't chirp nor did it become apparent that other people could be in his presence, right hand lifted up swiftly as orbs of onyx stared into his palm. "Hm.." The simple sound escaped his soft lips.

Soft skin was pressed into the ground as Shi shifted his current position, deciding to stand up from his resting place and idly brushed off any leaves that'd drifted onto his slender yet muscular form, pearl white robing had been carefully left to the right side. Charcoal hued overcoat covered his form along with the dirtied yellow that trimmed his attire, black trousers and shoes to match and it wasn't long before the white robing was tied around the chest. Another breeze met his face, refreshing him and waking him up..Shi's attention was grasped by a sudden presence that wasn't there before. Shifting his attention to an apparent crack that shattered the otherwise baby blue sky that was littered with fluffy clouds, it'd be at this point Shi's feet began to take him toward it..There was no doubt in his mind that what was occurring in front of him was a Garganta.

Reiatsu began to condense at a rapid rate, Shi picked up on this rapidly as he'd extend his senses with his Perquisa in which it became apparently quite quickly that a Cero was being charged up. Reaction was key to this but one of this brethren had come out here of all places to cause chaos? Intriguing to the Arrancar at hand so he'd decide to allow this to occur without interference for the most part, utilising a short distanced Sonido that caused a thundering boom to shriek out throughout forest. Physical form manifested just out of the blast radius for the most part, allowing himself to float idly as the Cero shot viciously out of the Dragon's maw, impacting into the beautiful serene forest..

Sickening explosion rapidly followed as tree's and animals alike were ferociously thrown from the shock wave of this attack, chunks of oak and ground splattering the surrounding area before a smouldering crater was left behind. Shi's voice finally escaped his soft lips, a stoic look upon his facial features yet his tone held irritation. "Must you create such unnecessary chaos?" A soft breath of air akin to a sigh escaped Shi's lips.

OOC Notes:

Shi Seikatsu Techniques:

Red Raven
Red Raven
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A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Thu May 31, 2018 11:46 pm

Mu Long


You can use
Shortly after the successful attempt on the forest with the Cero the Dragon like hollow was met with resistance by gentle words of the Arrancar "Stop." Then 5 seconds later one tall figure emerge out Garganta the the individual was 10 feet tall, and 9 inches somewhat muscular athlete tone built. The figure have bright blue irises with white sclerae ,and black bushy sharp eye brows. Oddly enough the individual had long white hair as it dance in the air due to gentle breeze of the air.

The individual have gray darkest skin ,and was sporting a black hakama with a white slash wrap around to his waist. The individual was bare feet, and was carrying what would maybe be introduce as Doragon Mu zanpakuto. Attach to the individual back was 2 dragon like hollows both jet black in color, and easily stretch for 8 meters in length. Doragon is unique zanpakuto as it is halberd type spear that carried Mu currently carried in his right hand. As for Shi he was just 10 meters to the right of Mu.

As the dragon hiss in disapproval at the new comers who address Mu as he left the Garganta Mu had chuckle. As his laughter was replace with a thundering boom to shriek out throughout forest. Then Mu reappeared directly behind Shi whom was now just only 5 meters away from Mu.

The technique he had use was known other then basic Sonido the dragon like hollows continue to hiss as Mu spoke ," Who are you to address me?" Mu is a pridefully individual the fact that this individual dare speak to him, and question him disgust Mu. The dragon understood this emotion just for an brief moment for about 2 seconds. Mu turn his attention to forest that now was in shambles due to allies which is attach to his back.

Letting out a sigh as he return his glance back at the men as he begin to carefully examine him. After 20 seconds of looking him up, and down looking for key traits that will reveal a bit more about himself. Readjusting his glance, and his attention for a brief moment he focus on sensing any more approaching figures near by. He had only felt the spiritual presence within the area which was this knew guy.

Due to the destruction that the Dragon like hollow had cause it won't be long for several official report to the area, and attempt to remove Mu. Grunting in disapproval after upon carefully studying him Mu was able to identify the other person as same species other wise known as a Arrancar.

The sky fill was smoke, and fire as the chirping of the birds was replace with the retreating sound of flapping wings. As of now Shi was within range of Mu abilities, and reach of his zanpakuto. But for now he had just want to see what would you was doing.

OOC Notes:

Mu Long Techniques:

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Joined : 2018-05-03
Posts : 16

A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:13 pm

Shi Seikatsu


A Walk Into The Forest 278876bfba63b500f4411bccbadce0ad

"Should you choose to test my resolve in this matter, you will be facing a finality beyond your comprehension, and you will not be counting days, or months, or years, but milleniums in a place with no doors."

Mu's gaze was met with an Arrancar that stood 6ft in height, slender yet muscular physique could be noted by the look of his bare forearm that was on display, at the elbow a blank lace keeping it tight whilst he'd note the first prominent piece of attire that Shi is displayed with is a large overcoat which comes down to past his waist, above his knee caps. It's charcoal in colour whilst having a rather lengthy collar that covers the left, right and back of his neck whilst displaying the front of it and a bit of his chest, closing to make a V shape which parts just as it reaches the bottom of his neck.

The trim of the attire is a dirtied yellow, adorning all of this overcoat and the buttons that hold it closed. The sleeves of this overcoat only come down to his elbows though, each cuff tied with a piece of black, firm band to keep it from blowing everywhere. Upon the bottom of this overcoat is embroidery which spirals around into a King like sigil, it's prominent at the front which then lines intertwine with one another around the rest of it.

Over this is a soft, piece of white robing which is tied to allow a length of it to drape over the rest on his left shoulder, the rest of it coming to about the length of his shoulders but doesn't restrict any movement, a long piece of it is usually left flapping to the right. To finish this attire off is black trousers and shoes which are made of leather.

Jet black hair rested upon Shi's head but his hue's of onyx didn't shift onto the Arrancar that had utilised a Sonido to appear behind him, staring ahead. Mu could easily notice the relaxed posture of the individual that had spoken to him just moments ago, a silence lingering as Shi didn't reply to him for a few seconds only for the silence to finally shatter. The stoic tone that was presented to Mu didn't change yet it was clear from the way his right foot shifted that he was ready for any attack his aggressor would present, the words were carefully selected and held a weight. "You're a loyal subject of Shadow Fall I take it?" Methodical..Utilising this brief interaction to gauge this creatures loyalty.

Mu couldn't see a weapon upon the Arrancar, it's impossible to detect a Zanpaktou anywhere yet Shi's reiatsu displayed it as prominently as the Sun shines, it'd also occur that Shi's posture remained relaxed, slumped even and didn't give away his intentions..Dangerous one might state, as without true posture it's unclear to deduce even a baseline personality from Shi. Mu's deduction was able to pick up hints of condescension and irritation from Shi's tone of voice but nothing more could be provided in that regard, alongside the right shoe of Shi pointing to the right.

Shi's meticulous attention to detail began to pick up odd little details upon Mu, prideful individual with strength behind him, both dragons that sat upon his back were no doubt utilised for combat scenarios and firing Cero whilst the Arrancar's main body would utilise the halberd for combat..Speed was..Inruiging to Shi, capable of keeping up with the Sonido and aware that the go to utilisation for such a technique was behind the opponent. Shi's patience was key regarding this scenario, a capable asset stood behind him but only if it wasn't already bought or claimed.

OOC Notes:

Shi Seikatsu Techniques:

Red Raven
Red Raven
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A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:21 pm

Mu Long


The hissing sound of the Dragon didn't stop as they felt like the Mu was in some type of danger. "Shhh" said Mu as he gently tap the dragon on the left with his left hand practically rubbing his left hand across the dragon scaly body in relaxing manner often seen by a pet owner. Mu carefully examine the man known as Shi as he speak taking time to dissect the words of the Arrancar before speaking after about 5 seconds upon the Arrancar completion of the sentence. Mu quickly slam his halberd along the ground with a thud. The conclusion of him slamming his halberd had cause the reiastu plate to shake temporary under his feet as he replied,"Shadow who?" As soon as he spoke the Garganta behind Shi closed shut.

Then something unimaginable happen with one mighty thrust forward only when Shi replied did he strike. He jam his halberd forward aimming for Shi right leg at alarmimg speed. You could say some what of surprise attack should Shi attempt to move and he was within range of his halberd then with the flick of his wrist his halberd extended forward attempting to pierce the arrancar in his right leg the very same leg that he had eariler move. The speed of which the halberd strike was Beginner.

Don't think Mu wasn't paying attention he had after already prepared himself for nearly every reaction of Shi should he dare try something. More importantly he still had two dragon by his side and due to attempt of there master they prepare to fight as well. If any hostile attention warrant from the other Arrancar they would reply by releasing a barrage of Bala blast directly at Shi. The same conclusion should he try to evade the halberd or block they would release several Bala as well. The number they release was 5 each making an total of 10 aimming at various spot along the Shi body.

The sun light beam on both arrancars as Mu attempt to test the man whom dare speak to him as if he was equal to him which he wasn't nor would he ever be. Friend or Foe that is what the conclusion of these attempt would determine and the type of Arrancar this lad was. Yes indeed it all comes down to Shi reaction to Mu attempts.

OOC Notes:

Mu Long Techniques:

Last edited by Red Raven on Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 16

A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:10 pm

Shi Seikatsu


A Walk Into The Forest 278876bfba63b500f4411bccbadce0ad

"Should you choose to test my resolve in this matter, you will be facing a finality beyond your comprehension, and you will not be counting days, or months, or years, but milleniums in a place with no doors."

Shi's incredible focus and maticulous attention to detail granted him the ability to react which was at Adept, a rather swift reaction came from the Arrancar as a sickening boom shattered, visage being static to a degree as a Sonido was utilised..Last thing Mu would notice is Shi's palms striking together which a soft flicker of violet reiatsu swiftly occurred. Mor's, Shi's Zanpaktou was being manifested during this split second reaction, a Scythe that at full length of 5ft. Physical form flickered into life to Mu's right side, but it'd become apparent that this was no ordinary Sonido as it'd vanish into thin air once again, Shi's personal Sonido technique..Sonido Escara, allowing him to alter his trajectory during a Sonido..Original point was chosen to be by the right of Mu to give his senses the false illusion that he was there, but infarct his entire form manifested once more to Mu's left.

Shi's manifestation was swift, keeping about four feet away from, allowing an already enclosing blade to strike with about of foot worth of length.

Shi's entire form was twisted, right hand upon the base of Mor's whilst his left grasped the curved ending of his Zanpaktou whilst aiming for a rather vicious strike into Mu's left side whilst utilising the momentum of his Sonido to continue his spin whilst they stood in mid-air. Amethyst hues had swiftly replaced the orbs of onyx that were previously kept in the Arrancar's eye sockets, to further add to this methodical attack it didn't help that Mu most likely shot his halberd out to the right instead of the left or even was aware of this attack, yet the Draconic heads were an issue..It'd become apparent that they might have held out to barrage Shi's entire physical form with Bala's but they might also shoot at the split second Shi that manifested.

Excess momentum was also in effect, pushing against the air that'd been pressurised from the sudden manifestation and turning, left foot shooting off so he may be able to gain about ten foot worth of distance behind Mu, hopefully the Draconic heads weren't even aware of what occurred and he'd been able to cause first blood. Shi's gaze shifted to the back of Mu, hoping to gain any major detail regarding his draconic companions that worked independently of Mu before a hail of Bala's would no doubt storm his way once they were aware of his current presence.

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Shi Seikatsu Techniques:

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:29 pm


The man finished letting out a yawn, relaxing back on his motorcycle as he descended onto the scene from the sky.

The winged bike turned around sharply, its golden-haired owner bringing it in for a stop as it lowered itself onto the ground in all the wreckage.

"I'm just trying to come home for the weekend…" A youthful voice let out, a bit louder than it should have been. The kickstand was snapped into place, before the bike's owner leaped off, landing firmly on his feet. His body straightened itself up again, looking at the pair who were standing in the middle of the devastation.

"Man… this really pisses me off." The man in his lower twenties got out, his crystal blue eyes sizing up both of the men. "…And most of all…" He let out, stepping both feet forwards, an annoyed expression growing more and more furious as he approached. "Why? Just why?" He practically roared at the pair, reaching for the sword at his hilt. Despite the fact that two spiritual beings were in front of what was obviously a young human man, he did not seem to fear them in the slightest. In fact, he did not let out the smallest bit of fear.

"I could just take to the Yayjuu and let them sort you out. But I don't wanna do that." He continued, his body leaning to the side as he gripped onto his sword. "I mean, come on… you can't even fight your own battles?!" He demanded, drawing the blade from its sheathe. The way this individual had his two dragons… it reminded Len of his cat.

And that just about sent his blood pressure through the roof.

The man had been wearing a loose-fitting black jacket and jeans, a yellow T-shirt on underneath. Regular sneakers were around his feet. It was as if a young man from a developed country's suburban area had stumbled into a warzone. He certainly did not appear to belong here, with his neatly kempt yellow hair and his scrawny frame.

Despite these appearances, however, spiritual pressure began leaking from his body. It felt like a strange mixture of Human and… hollow. In his hands, the sword was drawn, pointing it at the pair of them.

"Now… I've got nothing against hollows, or arrancar in general. But one of you fired that blast, killing off literal tons of wildlife. Which was it? Who's ass am I going to kick?!"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Red Raven
Red Raven
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A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:41 pm

Mu Long


The smooth combination of Shi attempt was successful. For several reason the first is Adept speed of Shi was beyond Mu eye sight, and the next was because Mu poor focus attention span that wasn't able to follow pay attention to detail. The same could be said about dragon attached to the Arrancar back. The split second in which Shi utilize his Sonido Escara fooled Mu, and cause him to be strike by Shi scythe unknowingly until the scythe had draw blood.

Lucky Shi scythe hit against Mu hierro causing sparks to fly, and lessen the wound which could have occurred. The area in which the Shi hit was Mu left arm the force of the attack push Mu to the left for 3 meter bruising his left arm but the pain wasn't nothing he couldn't handle. He indeed had draw first blood as Mu was push back he indeed extended his halberd as stated he would have if as act of relax aimming to strike in the chest area.

But it wasn't over just yet just as Shi pull back the dragon attach on Mu back responded to defend there master by releasing several Bala. As state before 10 Bala attempt to him Shi in various spot as that happen Mu said," 5 meter I estimated you was from my position. My halberd is only 13 feet long if you do the math my Halberd wouldn't have hit if you stood st-."

Interrupted by new comer Mu had chuckle as man talked readjusting his body as he turn his attention to the new individual approaching them that was now closing the distance. As of now the individual was only 15 meters away as Mu rextract his halberd on the attempt on Shi whether it was successful or not he turn his attention to the comer. As he said," You mind lending me an hand Boy?" He asked Shi. He reach out to Shi because he label him somewhat worthy as a person.

The dragon attach to his body roar at both individual as Mu grunt as said," Quiet my pet we have guests conductor yourself accordingly." The dragon grunted in approval.
Turning his attention back at the approaching individual as said,"That would be me."

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Mu Long Techniques:

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Joined : 2018-05-03
Posts : 16

A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:14 pm

Shi Seikatsu


A Walk Into The Forest 278876bfba63b500f4411bccbadce0ad

"Should you choose to test my resolve in this matter, you will be facing a finality beyond your comprehension, and you will not be counting days, or months, or years, but milleniums in a place with no doors."

Shi's zanpaktou kept close to his chest as he'd glance at the trickling crimson that ran down the length of the blade, a soft half smirk curling up across his face..Hierro was strong, enough to take that with little more than a scratch. Patience was key against this opponent, seek these opening and present ferocious attacks..Speed was his advantage. Shi's attention returned to reality after his mind made quick deductions, a halberd came shooting toward him which he'd let impact the base of his Scythe. Sparks flew Shi didn't make any sound but was pushed back considerably, his opponent having momentum on his side as another ten foot was added in which a rapid succession of Bala's were shot at his physical form.

Bala's shrieked out of the maw of Mu's draconic companions as Shi's right hand pressed against the top end of the base of Mor's, left hand doing the same except to the bottom end to present a rather impressive clockwise rotation of his Scythe, hoping to take the impact of this succession of ten Bala's.

Explosions would follow as it'd impact the base but three made it through this defensive technuiqe, one hitting his right shoulder whilst the other two smashed into his Hierro, forcing him back yet another two feet. Smoke softly rose from his chest, clothing was in tatters from where it'd impacted, shreds of charcoal and pearl white material softly made their slow decent below him. Shi's stoic facial expression remained the same but his Perquisa picked up another being in their presence, a perked brow was offered to Mu before he'd speak with a blank tone, laced with irritation. "Refrain from referring to me as boy.."

Shi's amethyst hues drifted onto this young, human..It'd become clear after a few lingering moments that he'd notice he's definitely human, soul ribbon was intact so it'd be safe to assume he's far more than meets the eye, caution had be put in place. Mor's was rested upon Shi's right shoulder as he'd state with a condescending tone, emotion finally being displayed as it'd display irritation. "Human..You're sympathy for those creatures isn't necessary, Death will claim without this emotion..Be grateful they've been chosen to be relieved of their curse this day." Shi's eyes narrowed. "I'll grant you this one chance to depart from this place.." He didn't believe he required anything more to that but it was clear he was up for assisting Mu Long.

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Shi Seikatsu Techniques:

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:55 am

The two men appeared to already be engaged in combat. Len was not sure which was the aggressor at this point, but it certainly seemed like the dark-haired one had the initiative at the moment. The one with the long white hair appeared to be talking about… meters. And that's just confusing Len thought to himself, holding his sword in both hands, the smaller one still in its sheathe.

He did not dignify the tall one's comment with a response. He admitted to being the one who had caused this devastation, so Len was already committed to making sure he did not escape from this place without a stern lesson. Len was decently sensitive to tone, and from how Shi sounded, he was perfectly willing to help the tall Arrancar resist Len's anger.

"Hey. You've got an opinion about it? Great. But playing god's not your job. Keeping the area around Karakura safe is one of mine, though." Len's gaze was even the entire time, though that air of irritation remained. What Shi said next, though, really dug beneath his skin. Len did not take his abilities being doubted lightly.

Len sighed, holding his hands out to either side of his body. As he did so, golden light appeared in both hands, before forming into energy constructs. "Well, it's not like a scuffle will hurt the forest any more." With that, Len pressed both hands forwards, creating two streams of energy. The energy rose up into the sky, before Len threw both hands back down.

The energy streams cascaded back downwards onto Shi and Mu, attempting to hit them with a significant amount of force. Small craters would be left behind from Len's warning shot. That was then accompanied by a bzzt noise. In all likelihood, both of these men would be familiar with that noise. It sounded sort of like…

Len's body reappeared behind Mu's dragons, throwing out both hands as golden strings shot from his fingers, tangling around the creatures. The strings tangled masterfully in Len's hands, refocusing themselves as Len tugged hard on the creatures… before disappearing again, another bzzt left behind. Despite his small frame, it was entirely likely that the two dragons would be pulled all the way backwards, slamming down onto the ground behind Mu… and also probably agitating them quite a lot.

Meanwhile, Len's body had travelled behind Shi, the strings having already dissipated from his hands. From his left side, he took out his other sword, aiming directly for the man's scythe. One hand tried parrying the weapon, while the other brought Deathrender downwards. Len's golden aura was wafting off of his body as he tried to cleave into the man's shoulder. Len's weapon gave him an interesting effect: as long as Deathrender was out of its sheathe, Len's strike speed and strength were greatly increased. If Shi was not aware that Len had appeared behind him, it was decently likely that his scythe would get parried, and a significant blow executed against the left side of his body.

After that strike, Len's body began shifting back, his practiced footwork coming into play as he yelled. "Think I'm going to just leave?" He demanded… as Mu, the dragons, and Shi would all feel the effects of a special ability granted to Len by his Ziamichi spirit: the Mirror of Sound. His voice was filled with Rage, and thus a presence like spiritual pressure would push down on all of the individuals present except for himself. The interesting part was how it scaled with Len's words; it became more and more intense with each and every syllable. The ability was a double edged sword, however; if Len ran his mouth off with it, he would quickly tire himself out from outputting so much of his energy as pressure.

Len was now standing within five meters of Shi's body, both swords held protectively at either side. He clearly had some idea of how to use them, and had some amount of training. That was evident enough from how he had targeted Shi's scythe with one hand. It was equally possible that Shi would try to counterattack; but if he thought that Len would back off from the danger of a fierce counterblow, he would be proven wrong. Nothing short of Len's body being completely pushed back and away from Shi would make him give up trying to execute that slash. That was the kind of person that Len Washi was.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A Walk Into The Forest Empty Re: A Walk Into The Forest

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