Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Looking To Enjoy Reality Empty Looking To Enjoy Reality

Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:14 pm
(( In his spirit world, i will use italics text. When he's out of his spirit's world the text will be normalized ))

Into Mitsuyo's zanpakuto spirit world, he sits on a glowing sphere of energy that shines as bright as a red dwarf star with one foot planted firmly on the top of it, bringing his knee to his face, while the other leg hung off of the star. The star moved slowly in a world void of any true form. It seemed as though he were riding a shooting star across the vast nothingness of space. Every now and then he would pass a star that had a different shade to it, some were powder blue in hue, others were more a violet shade. There were even some that were off colored to those of stars, such as pink, green, and a rich purple like those in a black-light light bulb. His destination was closing in, as in the distance was an all white star, but as he moved closer to it, the colors began to slowly shift from soft hues of red, powder blue, yellow and purple.

There wasn't much to the mass itself, except for one of his spirits hovering on top of the star. The spirit, known as Surime, waved when seeing Mitsuyo fly over to her island. She wore an all black dress, but it seemed to fade into nothing as if she were a ghost from the knees down. The black dress it self was fairly plain, but covering her shoulders and exposing a minuscule amount of cleavage was a lacy design that looked like galaxies intertwining with one another. This lace also extended down her arms as long sleeves. She wore black framed glasses, and her hair was short, cut into a bob cut and all so black. The only thing that held color on her body, was her eyes that seemed to glow a deep royal purple. This effect mainly occurring because of her pale white skin to contrast with her black dress, making the colors look more vibrant.

"After all of these years, I still have to get used to how beautiful you are... It takes me by surprise everytime" Mitsuyo spoke, tossing his hat onto the star in which Surime stood, and then jumping off of it to stand next to her.

Surime giggled, "After all of these years, you should know you no longer need to flatter me like that." she replied back, before walking over to hug him tightly then kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey, it works doesn't it?" He chuckled after his reply, then gazed into her eyes for a moment, "By the way, how do they look?"

"Hmm... Well.." she looked up at his eyes, seeing the iris shift in colors constantly, and the pupils being fully enlarged. It would be a weird sight to see, but his relaxed eyelids casted a shadow over it to make it look natural. "You will be able to see. But it will hurt a lot if you do." she continued, unwrapping her arms from around her waist from the hug, and floating up to him, placing her hand on his chin to raise his eyes up to look at them. "You will take in too much light outside of here, and it might mess with your vision outside of here."

"Damnit... well now what am I supposed to do." He sat on the ground looking down at the bright starry floor. "How will I find out how to release you all for the world to see."

"Well for starters, you could stop staring at the same energy that cause this blindness in the first place." Surime spoke, as she lifted Mitsuyo's head up to look at her. "I'm sure you'll find a way. If you are like anything you showed me in here, out there. It'll be so easy for you, it's even silly to think you will fail." she smiled to Mitsuyo, kissing his forehead, and carressing his cheek. "You just need help now more than ever. If you can find people to help you with your research. We'll be out of here in no time." Surime smiled this time shutting her eyes to smile with them as well.

Mitsuyo's defeated tone became a bit lighter, but not by much as he slowly looked up Surime's body and stopped vision at her belly. "Speaking of 'we', how's little Akane doing?" he continued to stare as if he had x-ray vision and could see the embryo growing. Then getting lost in thought for a moment, his smile returning to a neutral face.

"Still in the oven", Surime said, as she held her hand on her stomach. There was no indication of Surime being pregnant, but the process had begun. As she held her stomach, she looked to it, then back to Mitsuyo, a face of worry washing over him. With him loosing his sight, getting a new place of work, having a lover, and now having a child on it's way it was clear that he was stressed out by all of this. Surime placed her hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes "Listen, don't worry about me or her. You have a lot more going on out there to worry about and I want you to focus. Okay?" as she finished she kissed the tip of his nose and smiled.

After the soft kiss, before he could reply back to her, she tapped her finger on her nose, transforming him into a ball of light similar to the star he rode on, essentially kicking him out of their world, with a light giggle to linger in his head.

He arose from his Jinzen, gripping his sword in his right hand, chuckling while shaking his head slowly.

"I hate when you do that..."

He rose up from his meditation, tucking his sword into his obi and walking out of his barracks, playing the flute as his way to train his echolocation so he could navigate it's tight corridors. He continued his walk finally making it out of the barracks to outside where he slowly proceeded his walk, playing his flute a bit louder since the walls were farther apart in comparison to the barracks.

"(Find someone to help me, huh? You know how I am with people... That's why I talk with you.)" He thought to himself reflecting on Surime's words as he played.

Last edited by MistahJay on Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Looking To Enjoy Reality Empty Re: Looking To Enjoy Reality

Tue May 01, 2018 11:11 am



Looking To Enjoy Reality 6EdIfMt

Wandering around the Seireitei had become somewhat of a habit for him. After all, collecting information and practicing his skills as a routine was something that had become second nature to him. Sitting on the roof of the Stealth Force's barracks as he sipped from a small canteen of sencha, green tea, as he stared into the horizon, watching the sun slowly rise.

"Another sleepless night..."

'Henrex, you know that your health is deteriorating more and more with each night you don't sleep. You really need to get some rest -- the work can wait.'

"It's hard enough to sleep already, Raiu. You know why."

The conversation soon fell silent as the two quietly agreed on the matter. They both knew exactly what and who, the cause was. The two sighed practically simultaneously as they ended the conversation. Slowly rising to his feet as he stretched and tucked his canteen away, Henrex looked down at the ground, stepping forward and sliding off the roof, silently landing on his feet.

As he went to turn towards his own quarters, the sound of music filled his ears. Readjusting the sash around his head, and the white, fluffy haori around his shoulders, he turned to the sounds and listened in. Someone who played the same instrument as what he heard, it wasn't hard for him to identify the soulful whistle of a flute.

A soft smile broke out on his face as he began to walk towards the origin of the sounds, humming quietly as he walked along. Each step he made was deafened as he stepped along the barracks, the young man's humming eventually coming to a close as the music grew more and more near -- until he was right behind the player.

"You're very good."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Looking To Enjoy Reality Empty Re: Looking To Enjoy Reality

Tue May 01, 2018 8:01 pm
With each step he took he began to get lost more in his own thoughts as the flute became background noise for the whirlwind of thoughts that seemed to barrage his mind. He had been recently developing a way to make it so his spirits would be physical; walking, talking, and overall just living and enjoying life outside of a spiritual world. And even though he had all of the time in the world, well, nine months before his project could be realized, he still wanted to rush it as if it was something needed by tomorrow. The thought of being with Surime always made him happy, and if he didn't have a physical form as a shinigami, he would realistically think about turning himself into a zanpukuto spirit rather than making Surime 'human'.

(The crystal is already formed... I should stop worrying about how it looks, and just put it on her. Though it would probably be easier if we each had one... I guess that would be a romantic way to do it. Start as a necklace or something... eventually make it a ring for some type of proposal. But I really have to start prototyping that now if I want to do all of that planning. And then after that I have to fix my eyes... I guess I can do some research in the land of the living... I know their sunglasses deflect ultraviolet light, but i also need a material that deflects infra red at the same time... and then I much more stuff to worry about. Training... actually being able to wield Akane... what even will she be... how will she act...)

As he continued to think about his laundry list of tasks he needed to tackle, his playing became louder under stress. And before he could get too passionate in his playing he heard a voice. It was a soft, yet stern male voice that echoed from behind him. He felt the reiastu being supressed around him, even though it was indeed, powerful. To Mitsuyo it felt clammy to breath in, like a thick sheet pressed against his body. The reiastu was not threatening in anyway, and as it moved closer, he began to realize whom it was. It was Henrex Astillion, captain of the stealth division. He was known to do his rounds of the barracks, as to what they were for, he never knew. Many people talked about him and usually wondering around aimlessly from time to time. But regardless it was nerve racking to feel him directly behind Mitsuyo as he played, especially with not even a week passing.

"Huh? Oh... Wasn't even paying attention much to what I was playing. Thank you though~"

He grinned softly as he started to turn around to the male's direction, and tucked the flute into his cloth belt as he tipped his hat in the man's direction.

"Nami, Mitsuyo Nami. I guess we're neighbors now, huh?"
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Looking To Enjoy Reality Empty Re: Looking To Enjoy Reality

Sat May 12, 2018 6:58 pm



Looking To Enjoy Reality 6EdIfMt

If there was one thing that Henrex were to comment on, it would solely be on the amusement that Mitsuyo was able to get even more lost in thoughts than himself. Giving a small smile and nodding once, a small bit of movement occurred under his haori, his arm sliding out and revealing a flute of his own.

"I play as well. Because of that...I can't really help but listen in."

His warm smile soon turned awkward, and he softly rubbed the back of his neck. Turning to the direction of the Third Division Barracks, before blinking and taking a brief look behind him, seeing the Stealth Force's barracks not too far away. He turned his head, again, taking a look at the surprisingly small distance between them, before facing Mitsuyo once more.

"Huh...I guess so."

Henrex turned to the side, softly leaning against the railing and looking at the sunrise.

"Henrex Astillon, Captain of the Stealth Force. But...I'm guessing you already knew that."

Henrex's hands slowly rose to his head, carefully sliding off the sash wrapped around him and brushing aside the hair that fell in his face as a result. After this, he turned to Mitsuyo, his head tilting slightly as he spoke.

"You seemed to be in pretty deep thought. What's on your mind, Mitsuyo?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Looking To Enjoy Reality Empty Re: Looking To Enjoy Reality

Mon May 14, 2018 8:37 am
"Glad to know my neighbors have a good taste in music"

He grinned, forming itself into a light chuckle, following into a deep sigh. He didn't know where to begin when speaking to Henrex. And then once he found where to begin, he didn't know if all of that information should be told to a man he just met. His trust issues seemed to get in the way of a lot of his thoughts. Even when registering the question he still took a few moments to pause and collect himself.

During this pause, he noticed Henrex's shifting around and found a resting spot towards the railing. From Henrex's shifting he felt slightly more heat from the sun press onto his face, and as such he slowly made his way down to a seated position, hoping his hat would've been low enough to counter some of the heat. As he went to sit down, one of his legs extended outward, while the other was tucked in such that he could rest on his knee if needed. One arm extended backwards to prop himself upwards, while his other arm was free, yet rested on his knee for comfort at this time.

"I used to play that for fun... but now it's more of a tool..."

He began, as he sighed again and shook his head slowly. It was obvious that he started to beat himself up mentally just from how may decisions he need to make, and couldn't focus on one thing. He went to his sash to grab his flute again, bringing it to his lips to play, but realizing midway that he was in conversation. He smirked at himself and continued.

"...This sword came with a lot of good features... and some rather annoying drawbacks. On the good side... I have an amazing family in here"

He grinned softly, looking to his blade and then back to Henrex as he continued. After his grin, he took in a long breath, the smile fading almost instantly, as he curled the flute inside his ring and pinky finger, while using his index and middle fingers as well as his thumb to rub his eyes. After rubbing them, he only opened his eye about half way; as both the soreness that Surime, his zanpakuto fiance, warned him about, and a mixture with the Sun's corona gleaming in his face caused his eyes some pretty hefty discomfort. After a few seconds of trying to tolerate it, he shook his head, tipping his hat down farther, letting the netting catch a lot of the sunlight as he continued venting.

"My radiant and lovely fiancee, Surime... and my newborn Akane, a daughter more radiant than I could ever fathom." ,he softly grinned behind his hat and took in another deep sigh. "However... with what Su-Su told me... Akane will be the face of my zanpukuto, and I have no idea what to expect from her. Plus, she is half shinigami and zanpukuto so who's to say she will even hang around her Daddy after she figures that out..."

When all of this was slowly leaking out him, his carefree tone became more coarse and cold. He began to stress himself out trying to find solutions to all of his problems on his own. He brought his flute up to play, but he was still mumbling problems to himself as he was motioning to play, some of the air from his words brushing over the flute and playing a sloppy note even now and then.

"So now I have to train and hope that I'm strong enough for a spirit I have no idea about, plus if Akane can come out of my sword then I need to make it so that Surime can come out on her own when needed as well and if i can figure out what---", He placed his flute to his mouth to silence himself for a moment,still continuing his sentences and thoughts in his head, fearing he said too much. It was clear that he was excited and worried about his family. He loved them all too much, but often he was ridiculed because of it, since all have believed for a while that a spirit is only another part of yourself. He's always felt a deeper bond with his spirits that most don't seem to get about him...
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Looking To Enjoy Reality Empty Re: Looking To Enjoy Reality

Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:52 pm

Looking To Enjoy Reality 6EdIfMt


Artist: Mark Fowler - Song: This is Gallifrey

Henrex gave an awkward smile at the compliment, rubbing the back of his neck as Mitsuyo's praise sunk in.

"W-Well...thank you."

Soon after, Henrex found himself intrigued. It wasn't hard for him to figure out that there was some form of deeper connection to his Zanpakuto than even he didn't, and likely couldn't, have. He propped his arms against the railing, listening intently to what Mitsuyo was saying -- his eyes and senses able to see the turmoil that the man felt.

A brief sting in his eyes caused him to briefly wave his hand, the clouds overhead quickly moving in response and shrouding the sun from sight, allowing for a bit less strain on the both of them. A soft smile spread across Henrex's face as he stepped towards Mitsuyo, patting the man on the shoulder. While he had never experienced such troubles in his own life, the emotional sense that he could tap into through his demonic half allowed him to be able to know a semblance of what he was going through.

Thus, it was through this that Henrex nodded softly, his voice soft and deep as he spoke.

"While I've never had something like this happen to me, I can at least offer something in advice -- relax. You will know what to do when the time comes."

Henrex sat down on the railing, teetering back and forth as he closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh of his own. There it was again...that pain -- that aching jealousy, spawned by his own loneliness. But, he pushed it aside. With a shaky breath, Henrex continued to listen, his head softly jerking towards Mitsuyo at the sudden cut-off, causing him to lean back and stare at the sky.

"Well, if you need to train in Zanjutsu, then you're looking at the perfect candidate."

Henrex's warm smile returned, a hand resting on the handle of his sword before his eyes closed and he once again pats the man on the shoulder.

"I know how it feels, how you want to do everything you can for your family. Although, for me, it was...a bit different. But, regardless - I understand your plight, Mitsuyo."

As he gave the man physical comfort, he would notice a moderate deal of his stress and worries being taken away as Henrex began to siphon away some of these emotions, consuming them and taking them upon himself. Through this, Mitsuyo would likely be able to think a great deal clearer, now that these negative parts of his mind were no longer drowning and suffocating him.

As the shadows of his own mind began to close in on him as a result of this, the young man briefly trembled as he squeezed his eyes shut, desperately reaching out and accessing part of the powers that Liu had granted him as a result of their meeting at the Vastime Gala: Cerebral Yin-Yang, an easy-to-access meditative state that allowed his mind to balance out the negative and positive aspects, allowing him to put his consciousness at the center, while the influences of these aspects allowed himself to also think clearly.

Thus, with his mind at ease, the male let out another shaky breath, tightening the grip that his hand had on his Zanpakuto to keep himself from further shaking.

"Where should we start?"

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Looking To Enjoy Reality Empty Re: Looking To Enjoy Reality

Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:42 am
Upon Henrex uttering the word "Relax" to him, Mitsuyo drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, yet shaky as if he was trying to force himself to control his breath rather than it being a continuous breath outward. His shoulders dropped, not realizing how tense he was from worrying about Akane. Mitsuyo took in Henrex's further advice and grinned, nodding softly as he said "'ll know what to do when the time comes."

His gaze then fixed onto the butt of the handle of his sword, as he continued to listen to Henrex. His mind was still picturing Sumire, and what Akane would be like. His mind wondered at the possibilities

*Since Sumire's theme is supposed to be light... I guess Akane would be the same. And if she is the cause of my shikai, I might have to spend a lot more time with her than I do with Sumire... I don't want to have Sumire thinking I'm abandoning her however... so I have to figure out a way to give her as much attention as I can... while still being tenative to my child... This will be a trial to say the least...*

As the back of his mind spiraled and juggled the ideas still on his mind about his family, his gaze was raised off of the back of his sword and up to Henrex. He began analyzing him more thoroughly, since this was a face he was bound to see more often whether it be through casual run-in's or through teachings. He regarded highly of him due to his position, however at this point, his listening ear became less about formalities, and more of trying to create an ally of this man.

When hearing that Henrex felt the similar yearning for family, Mitsuyo snapped out of his gaze and perked up to hold eye contact with Henrex. And upon him looking up to Henrex, he noticed Henrex's eyes slightly wince in discomfort when Henrex touched on Mitsuyo's shoulder. He did not know where the source of this discomfort came from because at the same time that Henrex winced, Mitsuyo's mind began to clarify itself and abandon his previous worries about factoring Sumire over his daughter.

With this clarity, he took a quick moment to recollect all of what Henrex said. The woes he may have had with his own family spiked his interest, and although that was a measure he wanted to explore, he remembered catching the quick glimpse of Henrex's discomfort when touching upon his shoulder, and assumed that the discomfort was from that instance. With the memory of that expression, plus the fact that Mitsuyo still did not know this man well enough to press that topic in a suitable direction, Mitsuyo grinned once more and placed his hands around his zanpakuto, mimicking Henrex's actions.

"Training doesn't sound like a bad idea, it'll definitely get my mind off those two." He softly chuckled and looked down to his sword again, "I'm not sure about Spirit pregnancy yet... but if it's anything like ours, I assume she probably won't want to be released anytime soon. I'd probably get a mouthful trying to do a sealed power or two... but I'll deal with that hurdle when I get to it. Up to you Henry." He chuckled again, this time a bit louder, excited to get back into learning some techniques again. He fixed the brim of his hat, closing his eyes lightly due to him smiling so heavily.
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