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Steiner Franz
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Healing the World Empty Healing the World

Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:01 pm

So this is what we are to use your father's legacy for? Planting a garden out in the middle of the desert? It seems an awful waste of resources if I do say so myself, but you are the one who has been put in charge of the vast information in the Univeritus Index, I am merely an AI programmed to assist you in 'handling' the pressure associated with the information that you require. The analytical voice spoke in his head in a condescending manner, much as it had done over the last few months as Steiner had built his wonderful garden far away from the eyes and ears of the world. The hero had taken quite a liking to this simple life, cultivating natural splendor, and growing a garden in such a horrid place would have been hard for any normal being, but Steiner was far from normal. He was a Demi-Primal, according to the Index, a being who was born of a nay immortal race mixing its blood with the humans to create a superior offspring, in most cases the offspring was still born. A one in a thousand chance, that was what the AI had told him upon their first interaction, a one in a thousand chance that a normal human would be born from the pairing. But he wasn't normal, as stated before, no Steiner was an anomaly, and in every key sense of the word he was as close to the superior being that the Primals had tried to create by making Demi-Primals. "It is easier to destroy than create, Sylvia.", Steiner said absentmindedly as he tended calmly to a small patch of medicinal herbs that he had been growing on the far eastern side of his garden. The AI let out a warm laugh in his head, as though it remembered something about its' creator, and it warmed its processors.

Sometimes you remind me of your father, boy. Still it would serve the world better if the last primal being uncorrupted by demons went out into the world and made his presence known instead of tending to daffodils. The AI spoke calmly and with rationality, but Steiner was much too busy making sure that his harvest would not be wasted as if he didn't tend these plants in just the right way they would be destroyed by the harsh weather around them. "They aren't daffodils...these are medicinal plants that also reinvigorate the nearby soil...the possibility of turning this particular spot into an oasis in the middle of this chaos is extremely high if this particular patch in the garden maintains its current developmental cycle. I mean, you should know that since you were the one that helped me research it.", Steiner said snidely as he finished handing out a bit of a specialized plant food to this particular section of his garden. I was being sarcastic. The voice of the AI said in that 'as a matter of fact' tone that made Steiner chuckle a bit. "I know.", Steiner said as he began to pace through the early morning sun to look over his handiwork.

Many people would wonder why he was doing this and to be honest, Steiner had his reasons, but they were his own. There was conflict brewing, war on the horizon, and chaos just looming over the heads of the general populace, but here he was. Tending to a garden. Tending it like the world itself outside of the garden did not matter, like everything else was simply pushed aside in favor of bringing this one bright spot to this cesspool of a desert. Maybe it was for the sole fact that Steiner wanted to see if he could or maybe it was because of some desire to make at least one place on this fragile and damaged Earth as close to the original design as it was supposed to be. In fact, if one had knowledge that dated back several million years, they would know just how splendid this particular location had once been. A vast forest, endless as far as the eyes could see, and it had been home to several species that were now long gone either due to human error or through declining birth rates. Steiner could almost see the forest, hear the animals, and smell the rich scent of the glade that once stood there. Now it was all gone and as much as humans were to blame for that, there were other forces that were also to blame.

Demons. Steiner stared over the vastness of the desert as he was reminded that he was not alone out here in the desert and that there were monstrous beings who served a viscous and cruel task master waiting to extinguish him. They kept their distance, his weird combination of Chi Energy and the energy of the ley lines coursing into him freely, confused them, and also deterred them. Many demons had forgotten and those that remembered were far above the rank and file that existed in this particular desert. No, the Demi-Primal was safe here for the time being, and until he knew what he wanted to do with this great power bestowed on him...he would tend his garden. Or maybe he would go on a long walk through the desert? He heard there were sights even to be seen in a wasteland and he did find himself quite curious as to if this place held any secrets that had been lost to time itself. But for now, his garden needed tending, and he wasn't going to just leave it alone. It was a simple task to tend this garden and that was what he needed, something simple to get himself started. If he just went out and slayed every demon that he saw or met, then he would be no better than the people he was trying to defeat. After all, not all demons were mean spirited, not all demons wished to subjugate all of humanity, or destroy the fragile balance.

He needed time to gather himself and that was what he was doing, healing this land, and trying to find his purpose in doing so. It was easier said than done, but Steiner had never taken the easy road, and he never would.

Healing the World OlBPPj4
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Mirja Eeola
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:30 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Grasp the Earth, Grasp the World. Ulv was sure she had heard those words more than anything else in the world in recent days. The Wind was determined, and made sure that it was drilled deep into her, something that she heard all the time. And the concept....the concept was something else that she liked and yet didn't really understand. She could feel the power of the earth beneath her, it was huge. It's magnitude grew with every moment, and just when she thought she grasped it all, it expanded immensely. How could something this large even exist?

Still, The Wind was always around to help, and always flattered by a song. So she picked up the song of earlier, never having actually managed to finish it. She looked up where it had come from, but it was apparently old, so it was hard to find anything about it.
"In restless dreams I walked alone, Narrow streets of cobblestone, 'Neath the halo of a street lamp. I turned my collar to the cold and damp, When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound, of silence"

The Wind gathered about her, whistled softly around her feet, tussled her hair, and then set her off on her joureny. Less flash step now, more smooth and fluid movement through some road. But then she had to hit the brakes pretty quickly because someone was making some sort of flowerbed or something in the middle of the wasteland. Which was scary and strange. And there were other beings in the distance. She could hear them, and their steps were unlike animals. But The Wastelands were big, so she gave no mind to them.
"Hey, cute daffodils. What are you planning with them?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Mon Jan 01, 2018 6:05 pm

It had been in an instant that the once private garden had obtained its first visitor, well save for the local fauna that seemed to enjoy coming to the garden for something to eat or drink. She might be hostile... you never know, boy. You might want to keep your sword arm ready just in case she comes in to strike. Sylvia stated as Steiner ignored her entirely, once again looking down at the patch that he had been tending for the last few minutes, and then back at his new guest with confusion on his face. "These aren't daffodils, these are medicinal herbs that also help reinvigorate the nearby soil. I was hoping to maybe turn this spot into an oasis of sorts.", Steiner said as he got side tracked by the mere mentioning of his intentions for the garden around them. A loud pinging noise entered Steiner's brain causing him to grunt a bit in a little bit of pain before he shook his head. Sylvia was not please with his lack of concern over being attacked by the strange woman, but if she had wanted to attack him she could of when he was unaware.

No, this was a friendly visit he reckoned. Perhaps she was curious as to what he was doing out in the wastes all alone and tending to a garden of mismatched herbs and vegetables. "Why are you out here? It seems odd that a young lady such as yourself would be this far off the beaten path or far away from civilization. Though, you are probably more than capable of taking care of yourself from the look of things.", he said as he observed his guest without caution and instead with intense curiosity. This was the first time he had talked to anyone outside of Sylvia since he had been bestowed with this power and he hadn't had much in the form of two way conversations even with Sylvia present. Sylvia was more of a 'teller' than a 'conversationalist', not that it bothered Steiner as it took all types he supposed. He, however found himself a bit more excited than he probably should have been to have company, which was odd as he had seemed so calm only moments ago.

"I was sure that only Demons and Hollows lived this far out in the wastes, I'm sure you will be better company though.", Steiner said with a grin as he walked over to a nearby backpack and began to rummage through it till he found a kettle and a few tea cups. He was always prepared, though he wondered if she even liked tea, no matter, the young Demi-Primal made his way over to where there was a makeshift stove and began to boil some water for tea anyway. "I know it is hot out here, but would you like a cup of tea? I've been tending this garden since the early morning and you are my first guest out here so I assume now would be as good a time as any to take a break for tea...and maybe some protein bars? I do believe that is all I have at the moment as it has been a while since I've been anywhere near a town.", he found himself rambling as he rejoined the young lady by where she had originally arrived at.

"I am Steiner Franz by the is a pleasure to meet you miss.", he said with a quaint bow and then an extension of his hand for a shake. Don't you think you are being a bit casual with a person you just met? What if she pulls a weapon on you right now and slices your arm clear off? What good are you going to do the world as a cripple? The voice of Sylvia once again brought up logic, but Steiner was much more interested in getting to know his new companion over hearing the words of caution. If she did decide to attack him, he doubted the fight would last too long, and more so he didn't think it would end the way Sylvia was thinking. Though, using his abilities would only draw the demons closer, but if things got dire he would do what he had to. Not that he thought she would attack,
she seemed pleasant enough.

Healing the World OlBPPj4
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Mirja Eeola
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Mon Jan 01, 2018 6:51 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Such a strange person, this man that she kind of actually knew. Must have gotten around quite a bit because there were a fair few people that she met and felt like she knew from before she was born. Did everyone want to return to being friends, did everyone like that she was gone? Had everyone moved on? These questions, couldn't be answered by Ulv. And so she put up the wall, and hid behind it.
"Pfft, they are daffodils. Everything is a daffodil. It's just sometimes the daffodils get dressed up in the clothes of other plants, like a human ripping off the skin of another and wearing it. But inside out obviously, unless they wash it first" Ulv nodded to herself. It made perfect sense.

"Still, it's not that far from civilization. There is a town about three hundred miles away from here. So it's fine to be out here. I was just doing the running thing and found myself here, so I thought I would come say hi and refuse your offer for tea" Ulv seemed to, in a roundabout way, say she didn't want tea. And then afterwards just stared to stare, and scowl, and focus quite intently on nothing at all. "I am Ulv. Ulv Auber, and I am really cool at making things pop out of nowhere with the power of my mind! Sometimes. I could totally do the Tulip thing if I can just manage to do it" she continued to scowl and burn a hole in nothing, and such focus she totally missed the extended hand offered by Steiner. There was just thought, and hope. Mostly hope, these things didn't just happen on demand. They needed to be worked at.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Tue Jan 02, 2018 4:35 pm

The words she spoke were odd to the young man, but yet he listened calmly and with absolute respect, much like any gentlemen would do during a two way conversation. After listening to her blurb on every plant being a daffodil, Steiner would rub his chin which was absent of all facial hair, and wonder just what type of person he was holding a conversation with. The things she said about daffodils didn't make much sense to the young man, but out of respect he was more than willing to listen to her theories on the subject, after all holding a conversation was a two pronged war, and to ignore anyone's thoughts or opinions was either rude or thoughtless. "But these truly aren't daffodils... these are roots that you would use if your body was honed for Tai Chi.", Steiner said with absolute kindness while completely dismissing the young ladies strange concept of his garden. "They have other benefits, but they do help restore your Dantian's balance after over working yourself. I thought they would be a nice addition to my garden, but more than that extremely useful for a man like myself when I do finally get back to doing what I used to do.", he said as he gestured to roots growing nearby.

"Three hundred miles from civilization is still a solid distance, just far away for them to not come disturb me, and just far away to feel the isolation necessary to truly be at peace.", Steiner said with a wide grin as he realized that the tea had not been necessary. He shrugged, it would not be the first time that he would be denied the prospect of someone tasting his special herbal tea, and it probably wouldn't be the last. Still, he decided to leave the pot on as he could probably use a good cup of tea after a long morning's work in the hot desert sun. He found the young lady impressive none the least, she moved fast, and seemingly had an aura of familiarity around herself that the young man couldn't quite put his finger on. He dismissed it as he might have met her at one point during his travels before his body had become stabilized and that he had simply forgotten her. Though he doubted he could have forgotten someone quite like Ulv, but then again back in those days he was more thinking on the prospect of getting stronger than about meeting new people.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Auber. And what do you mean 'Tulip" thing? I am growing some Tulips on the other side of the garden, mainly because I like the smell, and the way they look when the sun shine downs on them just right.", Steiner said as he only heard part of what she had to say, but then stood sternly silent as she finished her line of thought. For a while, the young man said nothing as he stared off into space as he began to realize what she meant by "Tulip thing", what she really meant was Tulpa. A technique that he had learned from... "The name of the technique you are thinking of is Tulpa and the first time I had even heard of that technique was when I visited Vastime months ago. I had been traveling for some time as I don't really live with the rest of the common people and tended to enjoy the isolation for training and honing my skills. So when I had heard about the technique...a manifestation of will turned into power, I knew it was the right technique for me, and ran to meet the person who could teach me how to use it.", the young man spoke as he sat down on the hard ground of the desert, a small cloud of sand, and dust rising as he did so.

How many weeks had it been? He had thought that so much time had gone by that it wouldn't sting, that these memories wouldn't cause him any more pain. He had obtained so much strength since then, but the pain. He had not thought he would feel this pain so unexpectedly, he had learned so much in so little from her, and he supposed it was only natural that he would have latched on to her memory...the image of the wolf... one of the few people who had given him the time of day. "I learned a lot from the person who showed me how to use the technique, but it feels like I only spent a fleeting moment with her before she...", Steiner went to say, but found the words robbed from him as he tried his best to compose himself as to not appear like some weirdo to the young lady he had just met. He had yet to give her the proper respect that a student would give a master, he had not once visited her grave, and the thought of that made him sick to his stomach. She was supposed to outlive him, damnit! He was the hero, the one who was supposed to die for the sake of others, not her. She was suppose to live happily in her cafe in Vastime for all of eternity instead of doing something stupid like getting herself killed. His eyes felt wet and Steiner wiped his eyes before Ulv could see, well at least he had hoped.

"She died protecting what she cherished...a hero's death ironically. Its so funny she told me not to follow that path because it would make me cynical, but she...she always was free spirited.", Steiner said as he stood up dusting himself off and making sure to tidy his causal attire up as to not look too funny at that point. "She was weird, she was at times a pain...mostly in the face...", Steiner said as he chuckled as he felt his chin as if a fond memory came back to his mind from some far off corner of his own mind. "But most importantly...she was my mentor and in her time of need...when she needed a hero most, I wasn't there. I let her down.", he grunted as he spoke the last part shaking his head in anger at the fact that in her last moments he was wandering, experiencing nature, and understanding himself. If only he had been there, maybe she would still be alive, or maybe they both would be dead. Who knew? Still it would have put his mind at ease at least knowing he had at least helped her, done something other than nothing, but now he was just left empty inside.

"Sorry...I don't know why I'm bringing this up. Still...the Tulpa is a technique of willpower, if your will is strong, your Tulpa will be as strong as any known metal in the entire cosmos, but if your will is weak...the Tulpa will be as thin as paper as weak as glass.", he said as a nearby whistle from the kettle signaled the readiness for his special herbal tea. Steiner nodded, dismissing himself, and walking over to the kettle he continued to remember the person that Mirja had once been. An absurd, but kind mentor.

Healing the World OlBPPj4
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Mirja Eeola
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:56 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Healing the World 6EdIfMt

Ulv waited, and listened. It seemed this guy knew the her from before quite intimately, and quite passionately as well. What had she gotten up to with this one that would make him speak from the heart so? Great emotion welled from inside him as he spoke about the her from before, and there were even tears. Though those were hastily wiped away from his eyes, as if he was ashamed of the emotion he felt for the girl who came before Ulv. It was nice to see that she could inspire such within people that had apparently not known her for that long.

"Tulpa...." Ulv muttered when he was finished. Looking at her hands, and then back up to the man. The name sparked deeply within her. A flare of emotion that could be interpreted as pride, with the right angle.
'Don't even try it. You're mind as it is, you'll tear yourself apart before you make a Tulpa' came Hvit's reponse. Ulv scowled at that idea and then clenched a fist in front of her with an impassioned face and tone.
"Then I will simply have to make something that lets me! Fran-Man! Spawn me your Tulpa, I must see it with the eyes of great and overwhelming Investigation of the eyes that are mine!" Ulv seemed to take a while to get where she was going, but reached it eventually and with vigor.

Were she not lost in the fire of the Tulpa, she would have sparked a conversation on Tai Chi. She found a book in her house and it filled in a lot of half memories for her, but right now she was driven towards this, to the mastery - and unknowing remastery - of the Tulpa.
"Any obstacle that rises in front of my path will be denied" she muttered to herself, her fist clenching tightly and a thumping sound coming from the Ulv girl's chest.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Steiner Franz
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:00 pm

"Fran-man? Hah! I can say that is probably the first time anyone has referred to me as such.", Steiner said with a chuckle as he began to look around for a safe patch of dirt. After all, by summoning his Tulpa he didn't want to accidentally smash a patch of his new garden or damage any of the nearby farming equipment he had procured. Finding a nice location not too far from Ulv, just far enough to be safe if she tried any funny business, Steiner marched his way over to that spot with purpose in his heart and in his mind. He stood resolute in front of the young lady, tossing aside his hat which had been defending his head from the sun, and tossing aside his backpack that had been full of ready to use spices. "You wish to see a Tulpa and I am not one to decline such an invitation to show off a technique I learned from a skilled master.", Steiner said with a slight grin on his face as he tensed every muscle in his body for the summoning of his heavily armored Tulpa. He wondered if his Tulpa would be different since his form had changed, but that wasn't how Tulpa's worked right? The Tulpa was an extension of his will and his will had not changed to match the new form that he walked around in, so he doubted there would be any differences.

He focused deep within himself, calling out to his Tulpa like an old friend who he had not spoken to in a long time, and in a millisecond he felt the reverberation of its' response. Millions of shards of white energy appeared around Steiner, formations that represented his will, and his declaration to be a hero and a defender to this world and its inhabitants. At once all of the shards impacted his body, casting a blinding light that would appear as though a second sun was rising from the desert sand itself. From this light, a figure emerged clad in white armor that shone in the light caused from the formation of the Tulpa, and the sun hanging over head and baring down upon them both. The wind howled as the summoning completed itself, a small bit of sand blowing by, as the shimmering form of a white knight stood before the Wolf's reincarnation with its massive shield standing ready to deflect the strongest of blows. "This is my is a manifestation of my will to protect the downtrodden.", Steiner said, his voice altered slightly by the helmet which now obscured his face from view.

Steiner marched forward so that she could get a closer look and feel the armor if she wanted to, if she did feel the armor she would see that it was like metal, and wasn't too easy to break or destroy. "I'm sorry I lack the experience with the technique to show you the step beyond this form, but I hope you do find this demonstration to at least be adequate.", Steiner said he stood absolutely still so that she could inspect the craftsmanship of his Tulpa or ask him any questions that she might have. In truth, Steiner regretted not learning more from the Wolf, and that if he had learned more he might have been capable of teaching others how to use the technique. After all, it was the rite of the student to eventually become the master and then teach a new generation, right? Though Steiner did not view himself as much of a teacher, he did not doubt that he could educate some in the finer aspects of the Tulpa and Tai Chi techniques if he had a vaster knowledge on the subject.

Sadly, the only way he could keep moving forward with these techniques now was through heavy practice, and though he didn't use the Tulpa much he had been training his Tai Chi on the daily during his down hours when he wasn't nose deep in a book. Tai Chi after all, wasn't all about fighting. It had a deep culture behind it, as he had seen during his trip to Siberia, and if he was going to practice the movements and the techniques of the style, he needed to understand the deep rooted culture. "Are you having problems summoning your own Tulpa? Is that the obstacle you speak of? While I am by no means a master of the technique, I could try to help you.", Steiner offered as he knelt down, the height of his Tulpa granting him a good three feet more of height, so that he was eye level with the woman. In truth, he was lonely out here in the desert, and while tending to this garden had been a good way to spend his time away from civilization, he still felt the need for someone to strike a conversation with. Maybe this Ulv could provide him with that. Also helping someone did make him feel good and by helping her work on her Tulpa, maybe he would gain the courage to finally leave this garden, and venture back into the world again.


Healing the World OlBPPj4
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Mirja Eeola
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:51 am

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Healing the World 6EdIfMt

stare went the Ulv. And such an intense stare it was. She could bore through rocks with that kind of stare, but Steiner was unperturbed. Probably used to being stared at. Everyone knew that desert hermits get stared at alll the time for one reason or another. So she sat down, put on her thinking cap, and watched Steiner pop in his Tulpa, which was pretty showy and flashy and generally showboating. She'd remove that in her new version and put in a much better summoning.exe into it. He then asked if she was having her troubles, which was nice of him but she could do this one on her own. Maybe later she'd share with him.

"I am good, Fran-Man. I have seen it, and there is an explosion in my head!" she exclaimed, tapping him on his arm and then sitting down and taking a deep breath. The Earth was tremendous. To grasp it was to know infinity. But to use it? To lash the tendrils of her mind into the ground and absorb the Earth itself, drive it upwards and upwards the the Apex, of Infinity. When using the whole Earth as transport, the power you could unload would be extraordinary. She just had to get it right.

But there was company to entertain, so she would have to deal with that another time. Framework, ideas, possibilities were down. All that needed was practical action, and that could come when she was alone.
"Well, not really. I don't have the power pack technique so they only pop up after I had taken the dinner from Arianda. So I am making that technique now to fix the problem! Oraa! All I needed was to see the spark of life in your Tulpa, and I can make my own.

SO! What are you getting up to on the here abouts? Is there anything I can help with?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Steiner Franz
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:00 pm

Yes, she stared at him, and no desert hermits weren't used to be stared at, in fact the last desert hermit that Steiner had seen was quite angry with him for staring too long. Instead Steiner was wondering if he had something on his armor or maybe he had stepped into one of the rows in his garden, but that initial thought was quickly replaced as she planted herself on to the ground. An intense look of thought crossed her face, causing Steiner to wonder just what was running through the young lady's mind. Had he done something wrong or was the vision of his Tulpa not the same technique that she had envisioned within her head? When she finally spoke, Steiner jumped, and stopped staring at her like she was an intense math problem that he needed to solve.

"Well that is good, I'm glad that this bulky thing could at least be of some assistance in helping you discover something or another.", he said calmly as he desummoned his Tulpa, pieces of it shattering off into a cascade of white will energy before fading into the wind with little to no meaning behind it. After removing the Tulpa, he could see that she was back at it with her look of intense thought, and Steiner wondered just what sort of things were running through her mind, and just what exactly those things would lead her to. Still, he shrugged his shoulders as it was important to her, and her alone. If she wanted him to know she would let him know and that was that.

"You're making a technique to fix what problem? I'm sorry I'm not following very well in what you are trying to tell me. Also, who is Arianda, and what sort of meal did she give you?", Steiner asked as he sat down on the ground in front of her as a faint breeze blew over the particular patch of desert that he had chosen for his garden. He found some of the things she had said in rapid succession odd, mostly because she was probably keeping a large portion of the information to herself, and only sharing just enough. Once again it was her right, but now the human was curious as to what the hell she meant, and wanted to know just what was going on.

"I am just growing a garden out here in the desert... I don't think I have an ulterior motive, but then again maybe this garden will turn into something profitable? I don't know why I'm really out here to be honest...", the young man said with absolute honest to answer her question as he put his arms on the hard ground behind him, and leaned back a bit. "The person I was talking about earlier, Mirja was always so free spirited. She did things because she could and wanted maybe this is just something I wanted to do because I could and I wanted to as well.", once again he replied with honesty, not even trying to hide one bit of what he was doing out there in the first place.

"As far as helping me? I don't know...are you any good at gardening or farm work?"

Healing the World OlBPPj4
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Healing the World Empty Re: Healing the World

Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:44 pm

The Reborn Wolf

Ulv Auber

Healing the World 6EdIfMt

Ulv looked at Steiner as he asked too many questions, and so she just ignored all of them because a guy couldn't get everything he wanted in life. Sometimes, he couldn't get anything he wanted in life, and that was just how the world was, sad and unfortunate and full of people that were not happy. It would be a valuable lesson for him to learn about the world. And so instead she turned her attention to his garden, that he was growing to get rich, apparently. Or, no that was a secondary reason he was growing it. The real reason was because he wanted to. His great and noble teacher mentor person had always done what she wanted to do, so now he was doing what he wanted to do. Which was cool. Just, growing a garden in the middle of a desert was a strange thing to want to do in this world.

"That's cool. Doing things because you want to do them can be cool at times. Just, make sure it's not all you do. There are times when people outside of what you want to do need your help, and you can miss them if you don't go outside occasionally" Ulv seemed to be rather smart for a moment. If only for a moment, because then she was back to that smile that heavily implied she had no idea what she was doing here or what the other person was saying. "No, I don't really know anything about the work of farms or plants or things in the ground in general. I haven't got a broad set of skills" which, if you knew her, was understandable. She hadn't really been alive that long to get a broad set of skills.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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