Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:25 pm
She seemed to be happy when she realized that all of her immediate needs were going to be fulfilled. He was gonna nurse her right back to health. From there, they could figure out what the hell they were gonna do. She didn't have any food in mind, though he got the fuuuuuuunny feeling she was hungry. He chuckled a bit. He had some ramen, which he could enhance with some seasonings, vegetables, and meats. That alone would be pretty filling, plus he hadn't even had GOOD ramen since he left. He remembers when he was in the US. That was terrible. It was always cheap, but it was also always bare-bones. On top of that, he could probably make her steak. Plus he could add in some Dango. They'd be a little sticky, meaning if she wasn't careful eating them she might need another bath, but they would be sweet and probably a good way to top off the meal. He'd add some veggies and rice on the side too. Basically variety was his goal, and a lot of food. She did seem worried when he froze up a bit, but she cheered right back up as he basically said it back to her. But then he explained where they were. She repeated it, standing up as she did. Snopy went to go catch her, but she rebalanced herself after an initial wobble. Then she looked sad, like she wanted to say sorry. She sat back down. He could tell what she was feeling. She was sad that her disappearance cut into his life so harshly, but she was happy that he never moved on. Snopy walked over, sitting on the bed next to her and just holding her for a bit. Despite how dirty she was, he kissed her on the cheek. "Wouldn't be a life without you now would it?" He said as he stood back up.

He walked over to the door to the bedroom. "I'll be a minute or two. Gonna Shunpo my way to the store as quick as I can to get you some good Shampoo and conditioner. More body wash too since I needed to buy more anyway. Just sit tight, okay hun?" Snopy went out the front door, but anyone detecting his energy would notice he flew down the street almost instantaneously. Still, within 2 minutes he was Shunpo'ing back to his apartment. Opening up the door, he called in. "Alright. I got you some nice shampoo, some detangling conditioner, and the body wash." He walked up to Kanna and handed them to her. "Two minutes though, I didn't think that was even possible." He smiled. "I'll get the food ready while you shower. Okay? I have enough bought, so I just need to prepare it."

While she showered he indeed prepared the food. Ramen with meat and veggies, Steak, Rice with various seasonings, veggies, and more meats, and finally the Dango. It took him a bit, but he had made enough to feed both of the, though Kanna's portions were bigger. She needed it. Then he remembered something though... Shit. "Kanna, I just realized. What do you plan on doing about...clothes? I didn't think about it til just now, so I didn't think to buy any...fresh ones" He waited for a response, he might have to run back out. She was probably done. "Well, I'll run a wash of your old ones..." With that he waited for either a response or her to come back out before deciding what to do next. He had towels, just no...clothes for her.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:39 pm
The little girl secretly inside Kanna giggled cheerfully within her as that kiss pecked her cheek. She just smiled though, her mind happier than a child at Disneyland. She sucked her lips in, unsure of how to answer that question of his. She just went with it by saying nothing, though it made her heart swell.

"Okay." Kanna nodded, the happiness shining in her eyes when he called her hun. She waited there, thinking he'd take a bit longer in the actual store. She sat quietly, staring down at her toes as she wiggled them around. When he returned, she perked up again. She looked at what he got and nodded. "Thank you very much. I'll hurry up and get this done. Oh god, I can't wait to be clean." Kanna shuffled her feet excitedly and hurried to the bathroom to start up her shower. It took her an hour and a half to actually step out of the warm water.

"Ahh... Amazing!" Kanna ran her fingers through her now clean and untangled hair. She ran her hands all over her bare damp skin. It had been so long since she felt so refreshed. She enjoyed a few minutes of nudity in the bathroom before realizing. "Clothes..." she stared down at the dirty rags that she was not putting back on and walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around from her bust down. "Hey, Snopy... You have anything I can w-...?" Kanna stopped as she was about to walk into him, "Yeah, we thought of the same issue." Kanna smiled and began going through his dresser, "To be honest, your shirts might not fit me... My boobs are too big. How about a robe?"

The Site Hideyoshi
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Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:56 pm
Snopy couldn't stop smiling. She was so happy, and it just made him happy to know that he was making her feel that way. She waited patiently, and when he gave her the bathroom supplies she cheerfully went to finally be clean. He admittedly couldn't wait for her to be clean too, it'd be nice to hold her without the layer of dirt. Thankfully it took him awhile to prepare the food, he went at a nice slow pace because he didn't want to risk her first meal being cold. It was only done for 7 minutes when they had the same idea. He bumped into her as he went to ask about it. He looked down, she was in a towel. He...may have taken this chance to admire her body, her very attractive body, before snapping back to attention. "A robe would...probably be good. Yeah..." His obvious desire to keep looking at her body was obvious, but he went into a small closet and pulled out a robe. "Aha, I knew I bought one." He pulled out a dark red bathrobe and handed it to Kanna. "This'll do right? We'll have to update your wardrobe soon. Can't go out in those old ripped up things."

Snopy pointed over to the table where he had set all of the food. There it all was, neatly laid out. Every food group was included. "You haven't been fed right, so your have the larger portions." It was all well made, he wasn't a natural cook, but he did take his time and do his best to make it as good as possible for her. He lived on his own long enough that he isn't garbage at cooking. He pulled out the chair for her politely, and when she sat down he sat down at his own seat. "Eat up." Now Snopy had kept himself well fed to make sure he was healthy enough for the search, that didn't mean he had an appetite for the last 5 years. Suddenly, it came back. He dug straight in, eating it fairly quickly, though not scarfing it down so fast that he might choke. "Well? How is it?"
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:17 pm
Seeing that look in his eyes only made Kanna feel better. She had bruises over her body, which made her question him a bit, but it had been so long since they had seen each other, she was just happy he wanted to look. She took that moment to look him up and down as well. One thing she did remember about their past, they had not gone too far. She had the thought of asking him to do things right now, but something about it felt wrong. Kanna hadn't seen him in so long. She wanted to re-bond first, to make sure he still really liked her, and that this current situation wasn't just the loss finally being filled again. To be fair, she was also a little insecure about those things as well. She wanted her body to look healthy before she laid with him. Now was not the time.

Kanna took the robe and rubbed it against her face. "So soft. Thanks, honey." Kanna said and walked into the bathroom to switch from towel to robe. She could have done it there, but when she lowered the towel and looked in the mirror, she was glad she hadn't. There were so many parts of her that were scraped up or black and blue. She was glad he wanted to look, but what happened when he started asking about the wounds? She didn't want to deal with that right now, though she knew she would have to some time soon.

Kanna came from the bathroom in the robe and went to sit at the table, sliding her hand along his back as she sat in the chair he pulled out for her. "It all looks wonderful, and smells better. Thank you." Kanna started slowly at first, wanting to make sure her rather empty stomach could handle it. Once she realized she was okay, she quickened her pace a bit and the meal was gone pretty quickly. "Oh, that was delicious!" she leaned back rather unladylike in the chair and pat her belly. She was pretty stuffed and it showed when her normally flat stomach bulged some. "So... What do you want to know?" Kanna sat up and decided to get that conversation out of the way, "I know you must have some questions. Ask.. and I'll tell you what I can. I'll have some too."
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:36 pm
As he handed her the robe, she commented on it's softness, the pet names continuing to fly. She ran to the other room to get changed, he stroked his chin for a moment. Those bruises, I hope none of them are too serious. He definitely was going to be gentle until they healed, though he'd have to ask her to make sure he didn't need to get her to a hospital. If she didn't need it yet though, she'd be fine most likely. She lovingly stroked his back as she sat down, and she threw the obligatory compliment on his cooking. "Hopefully it tastes wonderful too." He was sure it tasted good, he took his damned time on it. And it was, even Kanna agree'd it was delicious. Granted, anything would have tasted delicious at that point. Finally she asked him what he wanted to know...a lot of things actually. Still, he'd go one at a time for obvious reasons.

"Well I suppose we'll get the...hardest one out of the way then, eh? I'm sorry to bring it up so soon after being free'd of it did you end up, you know, trapped in hell? You are far from hell worthy, you were a good person. A little cold to some people, but that definitely isn't a crime." Snopy thought for a moment. "And...what happened to that telepathy gem I gave you? I had given it to you so that things like that could be prevented, on both ends...sadly it didn't work..."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:50 pm
What he described as the hardest question was only hard because of her memory. She wanted to immediately wave it off as that, but she closed her eyes and thought hard. She tried to imagine that day. She remembered a mission. Things went terribly wrong. As she thought back, her expression went sour, as if she was becoming frightened. "I remember... I was out on a mission in this realm. I... Everything went wrong. People were dying and I didn't have a chance to do anything before I was being dragged. I woke up in a cell and I didn't even see what grabbed me. I spent most of my time there. I only left when they wanted me to use my zanpakuto to make medicines, poisons... Whatever they needed." Kanna opened her eyes and they were red. She was holding back tears, but ended up wiping one away. "That's it..."

"The gem..." Kanna looked confused for a moment, but soon remembered, "Right. I never got the chance to try and use it. When I woke up in that cell, everything was gone. I was wearing those rags; those aren't my original clothes... and they took my ribbon." If he remembered, she always had a blue ribbon holding her hair up, "And my zanpakuto, and the gem. If they didn't give it to me, I didn't have it. The only reason I got my zanpakuto back, and was able to bring it back here with me, is because they were making me use it when the release happened. Someone, I don't know who... just let a lot of those hellions go. For no reason other than he was bored."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:05 pm
Snopy listened intently as she described it. She was on a mission and people were dying. She got dragged, woke up in a cell, and only got to leave with her Zanpakuto by sheer luck. "Ugh, if I had a job with one of the organizations around I suppose work would be picking up soon." He commented, talking about the escaped hell dwellers. "Well if I find out hell is being wrought outside the dome, I'll know why I suppose." Snopy sighed. "I guess...I really didn't stand a chance at finding you, huh? Still, you got away, and you have your Zanpakuto too. That's what matters." Snopy stood up and walked over to a window, looking out over the city below. They were on an upper floor. "The details though...I don't know if some demon had quite the dastardly ability, or...or if the mass of death caused a portal to hell to open up for one of the fallen, and it grabbed you by accident." Odds were it was the latter.

Snopy shrugged. "It's not like it matters, but whomever mistook you for a proper resident of hell won't get you back, I can assure you of that." Snopy motioned with his head towards his Zanpakuto blades, and his revolvers. "I've learned quite a few tricks on my travels, and he won't listen to reason tries anything I have a bullet with his name on it. I've gained a lot of control over my powers, both Shinigami and hollow, I am NOT to be trifled with." Snopy turned to her and smiled. "Point is, they have to go through me." He walked back over and sat down. "I should probably let you ask your questions, but I have to ask. How did you, you know, handle it? Like, that kind of'd you keep yourself from breaking? Oh! Forgive me if I'm asking too much."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:16 pm
Kanna sat silently as he talked. He was taking in the situation the best he could. Kanna did not care about the details of her capture, only of her escape. She got out mostly unharmed and with her zanpakuto. Something was going on there, but she wasn't going to dwell on that now. She looked at him proudly, knowing that they had gotten close because she was training him. She likely had little to do with his actual progress, but it did make her feel nice. His final questions, however, caused her to blush. She stood and walked over to him, placing her arms around him and laying her head on his chest.

"To be honest... I thought of you." she hesitated shyly, having a hard time looking into his eyes. She felt a little silly, like a school girl admitting something too lovely to their crush. "It was hard, really hard. I felt helpless most of the time. I didn't have anything to concentrate on and the only reason I kept fighting to stay alive is wanting to get back to you, to see you one more time."

"Tell me, though, why did you not give up on me? It's been five years... You have a life to live, and I wouldn't have blamed you for moving on... So why?"

The Site Hideyoshi
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Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:34 pm
Snopy, who had not blushed even once this whole time, suddenly turned a little red in the cheeks. Not because she came over and held onto him, but because she kept herself sane because... " thought of me..." Snopy had never pictured himself as the guy someone thinks about seeing one last time during their darkest moments. So the fact that she just made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Of course, then she had to ask. Why didn't he give up and move on? To say what he was about to say, even though still being infinitely MORE than reasonable, made him feel ashamed. "To be honest, I was just starting to try as you came back. But...when you vanished, I really do care about you. Even if half of our time together you were cold and distant, once you started to open made me know, good inside. You were actually really sweet and caring and it was just...affection I had forgotten about. When we really first started going out, it was like 'Wow, this actually really sweet, gorgeous, and talented girl is actually interested in me. I don't deserve it.'"

He scratched his head. "You made me happy. Sometimes I couldn't even explain it. The longer we went out, the more I'd see you, and just be happy. You were special to me. And you even made me feel special, the way you started to treat me. So when you disappeared like that...and I couldn't contact you with the gem I gave you...I just got sickened with worry. All I could think about was 'What if she needs me, what if me doing nothing means I never get to see her again...or...what if she dies?' How or why I went for 5 years...I don't know really. Hope I guess. Closure too. After the first year, it became a matter of having to know what happened to you. I needed to know, so I could move on without feeling, you know, guilty. Yet that feeling of...well, kept me moving." Snopy sighed, he just poured his heart out. The emotions that had welled up inside for 5 years. "I'm sorry to unload all this on you. It's just...hard to put into words...I feel like I've never conveyed it well enough."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Five years in coming, the big payout; Reunited [Closed]

Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:01 pm
His explanation was more than enough. She had come back at the perfect time, as if destiny was sending them both a life raft. She heard that shamed tone and looked sorrily at him. "It's okay." she said and brought her hand to his cheek, running her thumb gently along it before sliding her fingers through his hair, "No guilt. We're together now, and I will not disappear on you again. I swear it, Snopy. So, thank you for waiting for me. I'm so glad I came home to someone. I was scared I wouldn't, but I did. Thanks to you."

Kanna turned toward the bed, only to have a sharp pain shoot through her side. "Ah, shit." she hissed and opened the robe without thinking. The pain was coming from a rather large and dark bruise over her side. "That's going to hurt for a while... One of these days, I'll figure out how to use my flowers to help myself. I still can't." Kanna sighed in annoyance and then sat down on the bed, closing the robe up again. "So tell me... Why the World of the Living? Why not go back to the Seireitei? I could get some minor healing there."

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