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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Thu Sep 21, 2017 8:56 am



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Golden eyes focused on the ninja, keeping her gaze fixed to him as she thoughtfully wondered just how this would start. Did she need to learn how to hide? To fight? What could it be. There was a certain nervousness that came to her mind as she watched him think, he even adopted a thinking position. She wasn't going to let him see her worry though, idly she rocked back and forth on her feet as she waited with her hands behind her back. Erika's eyes did betray her small amount of worry but there wasn't that much that she might as well have been in a battlefield.

I wonder what he is thinking up? Is he recalling teachings or making them up. I don't know. Maybe both. Just hurry up and tell me what you have in mind damn it.

As her thoughts floated around her head she finally perked up and stopped her rocking when Henrex spoke and broke the silence. The woman followed Henrex towards a stream, her mind worried a little bit now at thoughts that he might tell her to swim in it or do training to be more resistance to drowning. All kinds of ridiculous ideas came to mind but when he asked her to block the stream Erika looked almost confused before a grin crossed her face.

"Really? That's it? That's easy."

Taking up a stance she drew forth a sword from seemingly nothing before slashing and releasing a laido strike which severed the water flow. Leaving a trail of reiatsu to form a weak barrier where the cut was made to keep the water dammed, she smirked before she turned to Henrex and heard the small sound of trickling as the water gathered high enough to flow over her barrier and when she tried to make it higher it went around.

"Uh.... What do you mean block the flow?"

She went a little red from her confidence towards it, surely it couldn't be that easy as to just damn the water. The river was still flowing wasn't it? So that wasn't it. If Henrex told her she passed then all would be well but if not the shinigami's body would go into one of thought on how to block the flow of the steam.

What kind of trickery is this? Hmm.. There must be something I am not doing or something like that I just need to think harder.

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Fri Sep 22, 2017 5:53 am



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

It certainly was interesting to see Erika's initial reaction to the training exercise. It was something that many would find interesting, but soon would come to see that it most certainly was not easy. Henrex simply smiled softly at the girl, as her face went from mild confusion to confidence. Stating that something like that was easy, before seeing her hand drift to her side and draw a sword from seemingly nowhere, before literally cutting into the current.

He could detect the small energy that had been left behind, with his eyes staring at the section of the water that had been cut, and focusing long enough to see that she had left a small barrier behind to halt the flow of the water. Henrex had to admit, it was a clever move, and it was not one he saw very often. But, he knew what would happen next. The water built up, and eventually, was quickly able to overrun the barrier. So, as Erika turned around, confused once again on how to perform the past, Henrex simply turned around, facing a tree behind him.

His hands went to their places, with his hand gripping around the handle of his sword tightly, before his body moved in an massive burst of speed, his sword potentially being unable to be seen as his arm moved, hacking through the tree with extreme precision. The blade returned to the sheath, completing the Iaido strike, before waiting a few seconds. A loud creaking would be heard, before the tree began to fall, with Henrex once again moving with a burst of speed, his arms shooting out to catch it, before lifting it up once more, allowing the piece that he had wanted to fall.

A large segment of the tree fell to the ground, which caused Henrex to set the tree down, before picking up the piece, and looking it over. As if the object had gone through a planer, the wood was entirely smooth, and cut cleanly. Nodding to himself, before turning to Erika and tossing the wood at her, aiming for her to catch it, Henrex then walked over to her, before pointing at the wood absentmindedly.

"Use that instead." He said, before walking over to a tree trunk near the stream, and sitting down on it, observing both the stream, and Erika's movements.

"Now, let's see if you can block the stream with that." He said, before interlacing his hands together, another smile breaking out. This lesson was something that he was eager to teach, as it showed her that in order for to be able to adapt to being a ninja, she would have to think a lot differently than most did, if she had adapted to that mindset.

For him, there were two mindsets for those of a swordsman. The mind of a samurai, and the mind of a ninja. Now, int was time to see which one Erika had naturally.

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Sat Nov 18, 2017 9:49 pm



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Erika looked at the stream curiously, her mind thinking hard at the task. It seemed so simple, so easy and it frustrated her that the answer was not as simple as the task. The task and his words kept running through her mind for a good amount of time and she was sure the man was probably thinking she mustn't be very bright to not get it. She hated riddles! She knew that the moment she said she didn't know and he gave her the answer it would be so simple or possibly be something she thought of but disregarded because it was to simple.

Taking the tree she blushed as she started using it to push the earth out of the way with a lot of effort and create a new stream and let it reconnect a little further down the line, coming back she brought the log down and blocked off the main stream, this would make the water instead flow down the new path.

"I... I think I did it. You told me to stop this stream from flowing and I have, now it's this stream which is flowing and not that one."

She had spent almost twenty minutes on the entire endeavour and she laid down in the stream despite the fact it got her clothes and body all wet, it was a hot day and she wasn't expecting that she'd have to do hard work like that. She had probably got it wrong but she didn't care, she was ready to fall asleep in the stream.

"Is it done? I hope it's done. I don't want to dig another stream."

Getting out of the water she looked down at her clothes which clung to her body and stuck to her form, she tried to ignore it and knew she'd regret her decision soon but she could deal for now. She wondered what else Henrex had in mind to teach her.

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:05 am



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

It was always interesting to watch this experiment and test with other people in order to see how they approached this. For Erika, it was definitely an interesting result. He didn't actually expect her to put so much logic and real-world thinking into this. While this was something that showed that she had a primarily samurai-esque mindset, it was something that he could work with.

So, as he watched her create another stream and stuff the log into the aforementioned, he simply smiled as he stood from his position, pressing the tips of his thumbs and his index fingers together, before silently mouthing the mantra for Zai, summoning the orange fire crystal in his hand, before holding it out to Erika and causing a large wave of heat to flood over her, drying her nearly instantly, before letting the object hover next to him.

"That," He said. "...was one of the things that I'll end up teaching you."

A soft smile came to his face from the excitement of finally getting to that portion of their training. Ninja magic was his passion and favorite part of the whole of ninjutsu -- besides the kenjutsu portion, of course. There was a sense of freedom and uniqueness within it, something that allowed the user to unlock their full potential with it, along with allowing some to create their own forms and variants of kuji-in. That was the beauty of ninjutsu -- it allowed for endless creativity.

Silently stepping over to the new stream she made, his head tilted downwards as he looked at it -- waiting. Soon enough, the log was dislodged, water flowing around into the new opening that had been created, and causing the stream to flow once more. Turning around with a soft smile on his face, Henrex sat down on the tree stump once more, interlacing his fingers as she stood there.

"Now, there is something you can do that will fix this." He said. "What would you do to fix this, and halt this stream again?"

Softly chuckling to himself, before opening his eyes after the fact, he added something else onto that.

"Also, you didn't need to make an entirely new stream, Erika. I said to block the stream, not make a new one."

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:38 pm



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The shinigami's eyes sunk a little and she sighed the confirmation that she got it wrong, not that she was expecting to get it right. Erika's golden eyes were a little disappointed but not upset or hopeless at this situation but also a little irritated about her condition at the moment with the wet clothes which had indeed caught up with her. She was expecting that Henrex would make a comment about her getting all wet.Instead she saw a strange crystal be formed and the man was able to instantly dry her, evaporating thw moisture from her figure and clothes.

Is it Kido? No i's not a kido I've ever seen before and I think he did it completely different to how Kido works, Would it still use reiryoku and reiatsu though? It must right.

When Henrex said that is one of the things she'll be learning her attention piqued, providing a goal and making her able to visualise what she was learning. She ran her hands down her attire until she reched the end and looked back up. Completely dry. When Henrex moved and showed her work falling apart and getting yet another sigh out of her as he sat down and asked her what she could do to fix this.

"Alright, I can do this then"

She realigned the log before grabbing a large stick and propping it up to act as a support and preventing it from moving. The log would now be unable to move back and as such she stopped the flow, to make sure this was surefire she took another large stick and jammed it on the other side as well. Now the log would be reinforced from both corners against the flow of the river.

"Did I get it? I think I got it"

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:36 am



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

He could see the disappointment in her eyes at her being wrong, which wasn't something that he was surprised about. While he wasn't upset at her or anything, he understood just as well as she did the shame of getting it wrong. So, Henrex simply closed his eyes and placed a hand on her shoulder at that notion, his voice softly reaching out to the girl in an attempt to comfort her during this momentary time of embarrassment and shame.

"Don't be afraid of getting it wrong, and don't be ashamed of getting it wrong." He said. "Mistakes are what sharpen us. They are what makes us realize that something we do is faulty. Therefore, it's something that enlightens us on faults so that we can fix them and become even better."

A soft smile came to his face as he looked at her. Nodding in confirmation that she believed she could do this, he watched her realign the blockage with the stick she had picked up, and he watched as the stream came to a halt once more. Henrex beamed at her as he nodded once more, rising to his feet and stepping next to her.

"That is one of many ways to do it, but nevertheless..." He said. " passed."

Henrex began to draw his sword, softly scribbling on the earth with the blade of his weapon. The scribbles would begin to take shape as he wrote out the kanji characters and English translations for the aforementioned. Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Sky: the five philosophical elements of Japan, and the core foundation of ninjutsu.

"In order to understand ninjutsu, you must first understand the Five Rings. You most likely already know the five philosophical elements of Japan. Can you tell me what they mean?"

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:09 pm



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

She was pleased when she passed, the man assuring to herself that not all hope was lost for her intelligence or ability to think and solve problems. She was already embarrased from her previous display of thoughtfulness, an event she was still face-palming in her mind about. Erika's eyes quickly came back to the present though, listening as Henrex brought up the Five rings and the philosophical elements of Japan.

Did she know them? Is Tsubine's hair silver? Are Erika's eyes gold? Yes. She knew what he was talking about, she loved Musashi's work on his "Five Rings". Which of course she assumed he meant and naturally she would know the elements those philosophies were attached to. Grinning a little bit Erika looked up with a grin and nodded like a little kid that had been asked about if they wanted a treat.

"Yep, I know what they are. There's earth, fire, air, water and... sk- heaven... I think it's heaven. But I definitely know the other ones are right."

Looking back down she took careful note of the kanji that were insribed in the dirt, going into a crouched position her fingers would trace the air above them in the symbols as if reuniting with them. She would trace her fingers over them again, this time her voice would echo the meaning of them as she traced it.

"Earth. Well, physically it's like our body and the earth around us. Not the blood but the bones and muscle you know, on a more philosphical note its meant to represent stubbornness, collectivity and confidence. That one is water. Water is the plants and water on the earth as well as the blood in our veins and means change."

She would stop momentarily as she sat herself down and thought about the other three, taking a quick stretch and the small girl would resume.

"The third one is fire, obviously it relates to energy and motion, like animals and our warmth. I suppose emotionally it relates to desire and and passion. The fourth one is Wind and it means freedom, growth and also it relates to things being open-minded. Lastly is Heaven, representing higher thinking and creativity. It's the divine and also what is associated with our creativity and insome cases magic."

Taking a deep breath when she finished. Erika stood back up and looked at him curiously, she had decided to not go to in-depth since that would just take much longer than if she summarised them all. So she would be left standing there with her gaze on Henrex.

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:39 am


The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Lollia - Song: Echo - Word Count: N/A

As Erika confirmed that she knew what they were and what they did, Henrex nodded, sitting down as he waited for her to explain. The Five Rings, one of Musashi's greatest works, in Henrex's eyes. Outside of the invention of the Two Heavens, the Five Rings were something that Henrex believed was the greatest thing to ever come from the man. Not only did it parallel to his training as a ninja, but it also went into more depth of the five elements of Japan.

"The final element is Sky, although Heaven is a common misconception. He said.

He watched as she crouched down and ran her fingers over the crudely written characters of the elements, her words seeming like they were being drawn from the drawings themselves. Earth, water, fire, wind, and sky. Each description was completely and utterly spot on. Nodding in approval, Henrex stood once again, gesturing to the drawings as he spoke.

"Correct." He said. "The elements, normally, are meant to be relative to human actions and emotions."

Reaching into a back pocket, Henrex drew five kunai, before the crystals of Zai that were still swirling around his hand would hover above them, one for each of the kunai. A quick flick of his wrist, and the five weapons embedded themselves in the center of the kanji drawings.

"The ninja, however, use these elements in everyday life, and everything that we do beyond that." He said, gesturing to the stones.

"They are the inspiration for a ninja's techniques, tactics, and battle strategy." He finished.

"Now, can you give me an example of the Ring of Earth?"

As he asked this, Erika would most likely notice the glow that was beaming from the green stone. A smile spread across Henrex's face as he waited, hoping that she would give him something new, and surprise him with such.

"Remember, think like a ninja. How would a ninja use the Ring of Earth? You can even think literally."

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:59 am



The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

She waited for the response, sure enough she got it. She wanted to argue a little bit about the heaven and sky thing since really she was right. In the time of their creation the sky was heaven but Erika decided to let him correct her. She watched as he spoke a bit about the way it all worked. Her gaze met the kunai he drew from his pocket and the strange orbs that floated nearby. The kunai seemed to vanish for a moment until she realised he had skillyfully placed all five into the kanji in the dirt.

Think like a ninja, Earth. Stubborness, confidence, resistance. Also gotta think about the body. Hard bones and strong muscles. Would you? Maybe... Yeah let's try that.

Coming out of her thoughts Erika wasn't going to tell him how she'd use the earth. She'd demonstrate and so swiftly she gave a confident jab with her fist which while its execution was sloppy and that of a beginner - probably being easily countered - she would keep force applied until either he caught and stopped her or she gave him a good jab.

"If I used earth then I'd hit you, even if I fail I am going to hit you. Mu body is going to resist everything you try to do to stop me and I am going to get that goal. Is that a response you wanted to hear? Or in a more physical sense I'd focus on making my body not move, if I want to stay in a spot then it's mine and I'll make sure no one can take it from me."

Trying to use as many as the principles as she could Erika would hopefully hit the nail on the head. The shinigami's eyes came up to stare at his own, as she waited for his response not moving from her attempted strike if he held her there.

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The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex]

Sun Dec 17, 2017 8:37 pm


The Language of Swords [PRIVATE/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: KY0UMI - Song: Unravel - Word Count: N/A

The young man was definitely impressed with her way of thinking and was definitely interested in hearing what she could come up with. The Ring of Earth, for many a ninja, was meant to resemble their stealth and cunning. It would be laying in wait, hiding in the earth until the right time was found.

But, perhaps Erika would find something different that both and she could use in a way that would improve his understanding the way of the ninja, as well as giving Erika her own way of using the Five Rings. Her response, although not something of speech, was also something that he found an interesting response. While he at first made a small attempt to move his hand in front of her fist, the arm soon dropped back down to his side.

The chest of the avian was impacted with her fist, and the male let out a soft exhale as she did, listening to her example. It indeed was something new and interesting, and Henrex nodded in approval at the brief declaration.

"An example through determination. While this is something that could have its uses in a combat scenario..."

He trailed off, the green crystal representing earth floating up to his hand.

"That's not exactly applicable to a ninja."

He gestured to the forest around them, his hands spread out to the foliage.

"It's more suited for samurai, but it does have a small usage for direct combat. The ninja use this for stealth, cunning, and sneak attacks."

Flicking his wrist to reveal a sharp, eight-pointed shuriken hidden within his sleeve, Henrex twirled the throwing star between his fingers as he sat down.

"While hidden weapons on one's self can count as an example, it's not usually the best. Instead, this can be more focused on things like caltrops, or tripwires, and things of that nature. So, it was a good example, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for."

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