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Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]  Empty Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]

Sun May 21, 2017 2:09 pm


5/10/2417, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00pm CST time on May 10th, 2417. In a large patch of open land, similar to a desert, there are a group of Iramasha trying to stabilize leaks of Khala's energy still active in the Soul Society. However, Khalaist are trying to savor it and are attacking anything that tries to purge it. Therefore, the scene is in an open field and there are groups of Iramasha being attacked by a few dozen Khalaist.

Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]  WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun May 21, 2017 2:46 pm

Robert the Demon


Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]  6EdIfMt

Robert, was not bored. Despite a minor mistake earlier when he went out to town with his friend Random instead of going to some meeting held by a group he was interested in, he seemed to luck out and get that incident swept under the rug, landing him here, in the Soul Society, shooting Iramasha out of the sky. He had tried to get Random to join him in Khalaism, but the man just didn't have any piety for anything, and refused. Coercion was considered forcing, and forcing was against the rules of Khalaism, so he was stuck with his friend on the outside.

On the topic of shooting out the Irmasha, there was a doubt in his mind, and that was why he was not bored. There was no time for boredom when he spent it doubting his actions. The order came from those above him, so he would obey, but there was doubt. Khala's aura was vast and magnificent, the true greatness of existence. Something that all should come to witness, and worship. A few Iramasha would not be able to affect it in the slightest, not would a few demons like him be able to preserve it were it to really come under attack. And she was their Goddess, but did that mean they could kill others for their work against her? Was it really self defence if you were protecting another? He felt it was a pretext, and the doubt was worrying.

Robert stepped out into the courtyard, and looked around. There were twenty two followers of Khala assigned to the protection and retention of her aura. A dozen of the lower ranking demons were assigned to a Za Koa barrier to keep out the undesirables and to ensure their work went undisturbed. But there would be disturbances eventually, nobody took kindly to their friends being blasted away while they were helping the recovery of another.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon May 29, 2017 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon May 22, 2017 11:39 am
A song broke through the fighting as well as a feeling of intense hope.

A man came flying down from the sky. His long blonde hair fluttering in the breeze as he landed in the middle of the field, singing. He hoped that the intense feelings of hope would bolster his Iramasha brethren, at the same time cause the demons own will to be shaken. This was Hayato, a brand new Iramasha. A big purifying power could be felt around him, could he be strong enough drive back the demonic influence in the land? Well he was going to try.

Prismatic skates appeared underneath his boots as he started to skate around the field, a trail of golden light following him. This trail was pure, purification energy, attempting the cleanse the area. The trail stuck around as Hayato drew a star with it on the ground. He stood in the center of it as he yelled out "Golden Star Magic!" This created a large column of light that extended 50 feet into the sky. This light would purify any demonic energy that it would come in contact with.
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Mon May 29, 2017 11:44 am
Religion was an excuse that countless people had used to justify rather ridiculous acts; whether it be the crusades, terrorism, discrimination, etc. Religion allowed for the leaders of said belief to gain a large amount of power, especially among those who are fervent believers. It was with this that Xavier had heard of this rather ridiculous acts by those who were believers in Khalaism; having some knowledge of this religion Xavier was rather confused; why was it that they were attacking seemingly random Iramasha? Was it not against their beliefs to take lives needlessly. It was with a sigh that Xavier had decided it was best if he had helped put down this needless violence.

With a light sigh Xavier would enter the domain of the Gotei; while he was not very well informed with this dimension he assumed that it would be simple enough to find what it was that he needed; there were supposed to be Iramasha flying overhead; this would be enough of a signal to give away the location. With a slight chuckle at how clueless the people seemed to be Xavier began to make his move; following the flow of energy it seemed that there wasn't going to be too much going on, though that did not mean he should take this place lightly.

After a few moments of having made his way by foot he decided that it was time to cut the bullshit and simply get where he had to be; he was rather eager to simply put down the revolt and continue on with his day; he had things he had to do and people to see. A distraction such as this was not something he wanted to be stuck on for very long; it was as he thought this that a beam of light shot through the sky. "What the actual fuck..." He sighed, the children finally coming into view.

Having stopped his advance approximately twenty meters from the barrier that they had created Xavier would look around; it seemed that there was plenty to be used here! Picking a rock up from the ground, infusing it with his own Aether energy, he would throw it at the barrier. Upon hitting the barrier the rock would explode; it was a rather novice trick, but something that could be extremely effective. He would continue to do this, partially because it was so fucking fun, until the barrier would drop.

"Aren't Khalaists not supposed to kill for no reason? 'Do not senselessly take life. Only kill if it is to bring a soul to nirvana, for food or in self-defense.' Is that not one of your tenets? Well, it seems that you all have broken your own beliefs! I suppose it is time to punish you." He chuckled, throwing yet another rock at one of the Khalaist; assuming it hit the man was as good as defeated.
Mirja Eeola
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Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]  Empty Re: Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]

Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:43 am

Robert the Demon


Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]  6EdIfMt

People came, as expected because they were not being subtle and shooting guys out of the air and generally being dicks to everyone that was around. And so if you didn't expect people to come from that, then you were kind of stupid really. But, it seemed only two people came. One guy that was heralded by infuriatingly terrible music that he nearly counted as self-defense himself when he thought about murdering him. Defence of his sanity. He seemed more bothered about out there though, nothing directed at his barrier, so he just prepared to do his orders with a sigh, and called in the shooters to collaborate a firing line to take him down.

While they were aiming and charging the energy they would be required to blast off, someone else came, and started throwing rocks. They exploded upon hitting the barrier, but he seemed to have underestimated the strength of the barrier rather considerably, as there was a dozen demons working to feed it, and he did not have overwhelming power like some he had seen. Like that Woman who had taken Boss apart, she'd be something he'd want to throw down against. And then the man spoke, as if trying to taunt him after throwing his rocks. Robert did not like that, taunting came before a fight, not in the middle of it after you have failed to do anything.

"You seem well versed in our tenants, and yet you are not one of us. Any reason behind that? Any way I can convince you to join Khalaism? Because we can always do with new people, and maybe some outside blood would be able to give the higher ups a new perspective on life. Right now this whole thing is apparently preserving the aura of Khala, and while I can understand it, we won this part and now you are messing with it, it's not exactly something I can agree with. Doesn't sit right. It's more semantics and politics than any actual defense of Self" Of course, orders were orders, so he gave the order to fire anyway, aiming at the singing man who was trying to clean up. It was their job, after all.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:36 am
Hearing the shots Hayato jumped into the air with a back flip. He disappeared from view as whistling could be heard from the sky, the kind you would hear when something was falling from the sky. And indeed things were falling from the sky. Five, prismatic, glass like orbs fell like shooting stars towards the barrier.

The orbs were made of purified energy. Hayato's goal was to try and eat away at the barrier, but 2 were aimed at the ground to help with the clean up process. He was standing on one of the orbs aimed at the ground. As the orbs hit the barrier they exploded, causing the barrier itself to shake. Of course they had many people working on it, it was strong, but still vulnerable to energy that was directly opposed to it. Similarly the ones that hit the ground burst with energy, helping to cleanse the negative energies that plagued the land.

As he landed Hayato remembered something, something from the past. He was able to use powers from long forgotten heroes before his revival. Maybe he could still do that, if not create something similar.

Hayato looked at the person throwing explosive rocks and said "Hey you! Cover me, please!" As he finished those words the ground around Hayato started to glow a brilliant gold. He was focused on remembering what he did in the past. "Rising Courage, Overflowing Hope! With the embrace of sparkling light!"

As he said those words an overpowering aura of purity surrounded Hayato. Energy swirled around his body, causing him to glow a brilliant gold. The energy formed a golden heart in front of him. He extended his arms forward as he yelled out "Extreme Luminario!"

A bright explosion of light emerged from the heart, heading right towards the barrier.

That Guy...
That Guy...
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Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:58 pm

Artist: NAS - Song: If I Ruled The World - Word Count: N/A

Xavier simply let out a slight sigh; it seemed that what he was doing was having literally no effect. Whatever the case was, whether it was due to his lack of enthusiasm, or the simple fact that they had a plethora of men working to fortify the barrier; either way, it seemed that his plan had failed. Well, it wasn't as though he felt a dire need to rectify this situation. It was not as though he felt an immediate need to help any of these people, nor did he feel a need to encroach on these people. The only need that he felt was the odd necessity to rectify their reasoning in committing this act; religion was an excuse, but this religion specifically taught against what it was that they were doing. How ironic.

"Well, I do suppose I could partake in this little extravaganza. What's the harm? It's not as though anyone of importance is here." He chuckled as he felt the energy draw him in; demons always seemed to cause Xavier's emotions to align towards a more chaotic view; what was the harm? It was not as though anyone was going to live to tell the tale of his acts. This would, in all fairness, help to spread the word of a failing religion. The word, however, would be grossly misused. This situation tainted a religion that was rather pure at its heart. "Well, I suppose some sort of show of 'loyalty' is require?" He chuckled, picking up another rock and throwing it at the male; the male, who seemed to be (at least in Xavier's eyes), a special case. He was skating around like a mad man; it was as though he was not proper in the mind.

Letting out a sigh Xavier would walk toward the barrier, it in and of itself was nothing truly special, and raise his hand to it. With a smirk he spoke, "Well, lets get this show on the road!" He chuckled, waiting for the man to allow him entrance. It would be rather rude to not allow an ally into the encampment. "And it seems you must be taught the truth of this religion. It's not as though he would simply allow them to continue besmirching the name of this religion. "The reason we are killing, if we are ever asked, is to protect our shrine. It's not for mere fun. Understand? After having completed this situation the people must dispatch. It's not as though we can kill senselessly."

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:47 am

Robert the Demon


Aether Stabilizer [Iramasha/Khalaist Mission RP Thread]  6EdIfMt

A sudden, unexpected turn of face by the stone-throwing man that would have pleased Robert. The light smashing against the barrier caused damage, but despite that energy being opposed to Demonic energy, there was just to much being fed into the barrier to be broken so easily. But, the way the man spoke, was too brutish. Too inelegant. Too murderous. Using Khala as an excuse to just kill people did not sit right with him at all. He wasn't going to allow Khala's name to be besmerched by this man who just wanted to use her. There was no love for Khala, no hesitance in the murder like every Demon here could clearly be seen to have.

So Robert moved, a Za Koa barrier deflecting the rock away from the man and then a sigh.
"He's gone mad it seems, so I can cut you a deal. If you help us wipe him out, then we can let you go. If you aren't around, we don't have to kill you. Only orders are to protect here, not chase potential targets" He said, before looking back to the mad man and shaking his head softly.
"You think that murdering someone gleefully is an act that you will pass with? Heh, you have already failed in that case" He said, Taking a deep breath and preparing himself for the fight with his secret technique - shared between him, Random, and Obscure, but still secret - and the giving an order.

"Everyone target him! Boots on the ground outrank everyone in this situation" he exclaimed, and the Demons obeyed rapidly, launching their energy lances at the man now stood in front of the barrier asking for passage through. Maybe he would get in trouble for this, maybe he would die for this. But he would die a thousand times to keep Khala's name pure.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:07 pm
Hayato was surprised at the turn of events. Ally with the enemy to take care of someone that seems to have gone crazy. or keep fighting, but then it would be two on one. He let out a deep sigh he knew he couldn't take all of them on. "Fine. I know I can't take all of you out alone, but seeing as he has gone a bit rogue of both sides I don't see that much of a problem taking him down at least a few pegs. Khalaism ins't the only set of rules that say that killing for self defense is okay." He could barely believe what was coming out of his mouth. "How ever, if other Iramasha show up to try and clean up the energy don't go blaming me."

Hayato stepped out of the barrier as he drew a star in front of his body, in the direction of Xavier. Energy solidified into a glass like star, as it formed Hayato punched it, sending him flying at 50 miles per hour towards Xavier and the barrier. His punch carrying enough strength to punch through several concrete walls. This punch sent him forward 1,000 feet, anything in the way receiving the massive blow.
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