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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:51 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Following her nose, she came to a building that had no real metal around, which was kind of strange. There was some rusted old crap but that didn't entice her nose like what she could smell. And yet, it was still around, which meant only one thing. Mirja put her incredible strength to work shifting rubble until she got to some sort of hatch in the ground. It appeared she had sort of broken the floor while shifting the rubble, and the hatch had been hidden beneath it, like some sort of secret vault. That, was certainly interesting, so she ripped the hatch open, and descended.

Once below, she could see a shelf-load of stuff that had mostly been ravaged by the passing of time, or chewed to pieces by rats that seemed to live in the walls of this place. Or underground in particular. Either way she decided to give the place a look around, and eventually, came across a box, that had a box inside it. The outer casing had been battered, scratched and worn but the inner casing was something that had not really seen the light of day. The outer casing was air-tight and basically a time capsule for all intents and purposes. Sticking the inner casing box thing into her Shihakusho, she grinned to herself and then turned to leave. The rest of it was all just dead or dying and wouldn't survive being touched, let alone moved to another location entirely. However, before she could leave, it seemed she tripped some ancient security system that had taken really long to kick into due to four hundred years of rust and debris. It dropped some sort of blast door on her, and vents clanked into life, as if they were trying to suck the air from the room, but not doing so well. Probably the nest of rats chewing on their wiring. What turned this from amusing to irritating was that she sensed the Hollow Elena was fighting was not alone. An Arrancar handler seemed to be walking the dog, and those were not something Mirja would like a totally novice Reaper to come up against.

"Girl, you got some bad luck" Mirja muttered, hoping she could get to Elena on time before the Arrancar hurt her too much.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
The Cat
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:43 pm


Elena sighed and prepared to sheathe her sword before she was interrupted by the sound of someone clapping their hands from behind her. The woman immediately spun around to face whoever else it was that was here, only to be greeted by a masked man in a completely white outfit. Was this... a Hollow? The mans' mask was broken, only covering his left eye, and he had a sword just like hers. A katana that sat at his waist, much like her two. Except she was only able to use one at the moment. Well, "able" was a relative term, but that wasn't what mattered.

"Bravo. Bravo. I'm guessing that's your first kill, madam?" the man asked. His arms were now crossed against his chest, and his grin was as smug as could be. Ellie didn't respond. There was no use in feeding his apparent ego. She just stood there at the ready, waiting for whoever this man was to make his move, or at least explain who the hell he was. Neither of those things happened, and instead, he started walking forwards. His arms unfolded and his hands reached down to draw his sword, making Ellie's heart stop in nervousness. Whether or not he was about to fight her wasn't much of a question as he propelled himself forwards and swung down at her. Ellie flinched but just managed to bring her sword up in time to block the strike, only to have her legs almost collapse underneath the stress of the blow.

Grunting as she forced herself back up against this man, doing her best to push back, she looked him in the eye and noted just what she was dealing with. Whatever this man was, he was nothing but a bloodthirsty mess, and that frustrated Ellie beyond belief. Another crazy person ready to fuck her day up. As if Mirja wasn't enough. The only difference between this man and Mirja was that the wolf-lady wasn't here to kill her, yet this guy was.

"Care to tell me your name, gorgeous?" the arrancar asked. Ellie didn't respond to this either. Instead she just turned her body ever so slightly to the side and let the man's sword slide down the side of hers. It happened quickly, but it left just enough of an opening for Ellie to strike at her opponent, which she took gladly. A horizontal swing flew straight at the man's jugular, but he intercepted it with a swing of his own. It seemed he was just as fast, if not faster than Ellie. Not only that, but he was on the same page as her.

"Oh look, the little Reaper is trying to play ball." taunted her adversary, noting the fact about how she swung like she had a baseball bat in her hand. Elena could only scowl and strike at the man with a vertical slash, putting as much force behind it as she could. Yet again, it was deflected and Ellie was pushed onto the defensive once more. A series of slashes were thrown at her and she managed to defend herself from each and every one, but each time it happened she could feel how flawed her form was. This was someone who at least had some vague idea what they were doing, even if they weren't that much stronger than her. That alone was enough to make Ellie feel certain that she was going to lose. All she could hope was that Mirja came back in time to save her ass from getting killed.

For the next few minutes, the two managed to match each other's push and pull, not quite getting the advantage over the other but managing to keep themselves from taking any unnecessary hits. That is, for those few minutes. With each passing moment, the arrancar seemed to be having less and less fun with this whole situation he put himself in. He could feel the presence of someone much stronger than him in the nearby vicinity, but they weren't coming any closer. If he wanted to kill this woman for taking his pet from him, he would have to make it quick. As he parried another blow from Elena, he struck at her in a quick, weak fashion several times. The woman managed to keep up but became a little more delayed with each strike, and so after almost all of his swings he managed to finally leave a shallow cut on her upper arm.

After that, Ellie became slower with each consecutive strike from the man. Even though he had gone back to what she had kept up with before, her form was becoming sloppier and slower until eventually she was barely managing to keep up. Her pain tolerance wasn't so high as to keep her from thinking about it, nor was it good enough that she couldn't feel the stress that was left upon it with each blow that she successfully blocked. The pain kept building up, making her feel lightheaded from a mix of minor blood loss and exhaustion only after about a minute later. The collective exhaustion from everything she had done today had finally taken its toll on her, and adrenaline was running low. If Mirja didn't come in the next few seconds or so, Ellie didn't know what would hap-

"Gotcha." Was all she heard before a searing pain welled up in her abdomen as she was cut deep. The only thing she saw after that was a blur, and she felt like she was about to pass out. Elena was tired, wounded, and in shock. The only thing she could see after that was a blur of colors as what she could only assume was Mirja finally made it back. A few seconds after that, and she completely blacked out.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:09 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Bloody blast doors and their bloody ability to get in her bloody way when she needed them to do the exact bloody opposite. Needless to say, Mirja was irritated at the door, and so blew it open in a very fine manner, metal bits going everywhere as the door split apart in so many places they could take a team of archaeologists weeks to recover. With that out of her way, she sped off to the ladder, clambered quickly out of it, and then got knocked on the head by a large Hollow that was waiting for her when she arrived.

It barely irritated her, and the Hollow got obliterated for it's efforts, an incredibly powerful punch turning it into the Soul Cycle and giving Mirja the freedom to go to Elena, for all of about four seconds before a female Arrancar arrived.
"You reapers, you love killing our toys. But don't worry, I'll...." she didn't get much further, because Mirja had kicked her head off, using an Enhanced Physical Instant to make sure that the girl died quick and without any fuss. It was possible that she was a strong woman, send to distract Mirja while Elena was battered.It was over kill as the head ripped clean from her and soared over the horizon, but better that than not enough.

She arrived too late to properly protect Elena, who was passed out, with a dozens nicks and a nasty one on her abdomen. Mirja appeared behind the hollow that was raising his sword for one final blow, and tore him asunder by his Hollow Hole. It was good that Elena was unconscious for that part. Then she picked up the girl, made sure she was still breathing, and then dropped her back into her body. Her Soul Form was battered, but she was a human so it wasn't her natural state. Hopefully, she should snap back to consciousness with just a strange ache she couldn't place. Maybe. She hadn't got a degree in being a Soul after all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
The Cat
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:42 pm


It was only a few minutes after her soul returned to her body did she actually wake up. Coughing herself awake, Elena's eyes fluttered open and she laid there, staring up at the blue sky and feeling a deep ache in her belly that was slowly fading. She was... fine? Ellie raised her hand to inspect it and noticed she was in her body again, her soul probably still needing time to heal. What did transfer over though was her extreme exhaustion. All that sprinting, followed almost immediately by fighting. Speaking of which, what had happened exactly?

"Oh. I lost." the redhead mumbled to herself. She had gotten in a fight with someone who was blatantly better than her and almost died as a result. That was pleasant, she thought to herself sarcastically. What a shit day this was turning out to be. At least she killed one of them, but that didn't feel too good when you get sliced open as a result. The redhead turned to Mirja, only to have a flash of pain jolt through her body. It seemed her body wasn't quite in the condition to move still, much to her dismay.

"Mirja." said the woman, trying to get the wolf-woman's attention. "How long did it take you to get as strong as you are now?" Elena laid sprawled out on her back on the ground, unable to even sit up. It was embarrassing and frustrating at the same time. Maybe she could get away with calling off from work tomorrow too? That is, if she could go home.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:04 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

A decidedly lacking reaction in the department of hysteria. Usually near death experiences were met with a bit more screaming, but then she had already gone through it once before, so there was that. Still, Mirja was amazed at how calmly she was taking the whole situation. And was glad that the randomness of dropping her soul into her body did actually work and wasn't just a thing she made up on the spot in hopes of getting her back on her feet after Mirja messed up. But, the box would be worth it, whatever was inside totally excused Elena nearly getting killed.

"Mmm, that's a hell of a question" Mirja said, scooping up the girl and taking off towards a house she had relatively close by. But then, Mirja considered six thousand miles close by, so she was not one to judge. "I've been a Shinigami for about two hundred years now. Fought in World War Three, developed my Shikai, and then just sort of lingered there. I had no drive to evolve, it took until I ran into Caanan to find a desire to become strong. So I ran at it with what was once my classic Invincibility and forced myself into a dangerous spiral of development. Brilliant teachers, hellish training, literally risking death every week just to improve. It took me about, eight months" She told Elena, nodding softly.

"I had a brilliant Bankai. It was hellishly destructive, and had these awesome forms that would wrap me in badass armour that enhanced my strength massively and provided incredible defensive properties. Lost that. Something to remember, you can lose your Zanpaktou if you aren't careful. Gotta care for it, like a living being. Also try to avoid amnesia that can also screw you over. But hey, stick around and I'll get you stronk in eight months. Maybe not as strong as me, but I am a special case" She told Elena, and then ran, pushing herself to the limit to get where she was going and not take hours. Eventually, she got where she was indeed going, and opened the door, laying Elena down on a soft bed.

"I can draw a bath, it'll help you recover while I put dinner on. Didn't expect an Arrancar to be there, so this is kind of my fault"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
The Cat
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:31 pm


Ellie laid there silently and listened to Mirja's story intently. Eight months? That didn't seem that long for someone that could move at mach speeds. Then again she did say that she had risked her life on a weekly basis to get to that point. Would that be the same for herself, Ellie wondered? It was a daunting question to ask. Going up against something as powerful as Mirja to get to that point didn't sound very enticing. Maybe she should just give up on this whole Shinigami thing. Risking her life when people like Mirja already existed was kind of pointless.

"Shouldn't... I just leave this stuff to you? What's the point of me being... this?" she wondered aloud, not really intending to ask that question, but she forgot not to speak her thoughts out loud. "I mean... I don't really care about this kind of stuff. I don't think so at least. What's the point?"

Ellie just sighed and tried pushing herself upwards again, only to fail once more. The pain was just too great. A sigh escaped her lips and she closed her eyes, only to feel a slight pull and a difference in atmosphere. Opening her eyes again, it seemed she was already on another bed, with Mirja offering a bath and food.

"As nice as that sounds, I'd rather just go home. I won't be in good shape for a few days, and on top of that I... need time to think. Besides," she said, this time managing to force herself upright into a sitting position despite the incredible pain in her abdomen. "...I can get better by myself."
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:13 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja poured the bath while Elena went about her self-depressive spiral that always came about when someone got their ass kicked. Making sure it was of a nice temprature, and adding in the herbs to soak into her body and easy her wounds, Mirja returned and shook her head softly.
"My dear, I'm not the strongest Shinigami in the world, but if one or two mighty bastards was all this rotting edifice of a world needed, then they only person would would see about would be an insanely ripped Grand-dad with no hair and a magnificent beard, a guy who is surprisingly normal considering, and a small girl with horns and a strange fixation for manacles that aren't attached to anything. Those were the past three Head Captains of where I work, the Court Guard Squads. But unfortunately it requires a lot more than just a couple of guys. And after a few incidents we are a bit understaffed, which is why we outsource to humans on occaison, like you. Ones of strong moral fibre, of power and brilliance that we know will carry on the noble fight that we have against creatures that want to eat your soul"

"But, don't worry. Everyone started as a weakling. Even old man Yamamoto, who was the leader of all of us for over a thousand years, and crushed opposition and monstrosities alike before breakfast. And then used the opposition as breakfast" she then went to the bath to ensure it was perfect, before looking back to Elena. She had designated this as a healing house of sorts, so the bedroom was right next to the bathroom.
"I know staying in some random place is jarring and worrying, but I promise to have you in pristine condition by tomorrow. Then you can go out and get better by yourself and think, without worry of pulling a muscle"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
The Cat
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:30 pm


Elena sighed and closed her eyes. Damn she was tired. And to top it off she was gonna get molested in the bath by some wolf woman. Great. It was going to happen, Elena could feel it already. Hopefully the woman could take no for an answer. Until then, however, the readhead was left to her own vices mostly. Even through Mirja's pep talk, Ellie wasn't too thrilled about the job ahead of her. Even if there were people stronger than her, Ellie only had Mirja as a standard for "strong" right now. And to get there, she had to risk death.

"Killing the chumps like that first one is kinda... not an ideal life decision. It's just not fun."
Ellie said, lacing her fingers together on her lap. "But to get what might be a proper challenge when I start to know what I'm doing... and should I ever get to where you're at... I don't know. Part of me feels bad for wanting to derive fun out of conflict, and the other doesn't give a flying fuck."

Ellie closed her eyes and envisioned the two paths she could go down. Peace or conflict. Heaven or hell. That's what was tearing up Ellie right about now. She couldn't make a proper decision on either of the two, nor did she really want to. It was either the safe or the dangerous option, and while in the human realm, Ellie's job was definitely the dangerous option, it seemed... different here. Very, very different.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:41 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja would place a hand on Elena's shoulder, and look at her. She was feeling the doubt that everyone did when they thought about Hollows as anything less than mindless creatures driven by instinct. But to derive fun from their death, well that was just down to the individual.
"Some kill hollows for duty, some for revenge, and some because it's fun. I'm between duty and fun. I like busting skulls. It makes me happy, I am a girl that enjoys a good fight regardless of the source. Sure, if something has to die at the end of it, fair enough, but I just want the fight. And if I am protecting the world by doing it and saving souls, then that's a bonus" Mirja sat down on the bed next to her, and cracked a broad grin at the comment about her wanting a challenge.

"Don't worry. Those Hollows were just the scrub-lords of the Hollow World. You've still got the Gillian, which are giant bastards that stop and shoot Cero. And then the Adjuchas who are human sized and full of power, they really need you to commit yourself to the fight. And then there are Vasto Lorde. Those demand your Bankai and a lot of frigging tenacity to put down. And then there are the Arrancar and Espada. So don't worry about running out of prey to fight in a meaningful way. Even for me, there are creatures out that there could really get my blood pumping and light my soul on fire. As for how to deal with the fight itself, that is down to you. Nobody can tell you how to deal with it. Even to the point of actually doing it. If today has put you off then you can always retire" She then stood, and waved her into the bathroom.

"Now come on, before the bath gets cold. The herbs get all slimy when they are cold, and it's not nice"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
The Cat
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A return to the Sun [open] - Page 3 Empty Re: A return to the Sun [open]

Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:38 am


Elena looked at Mirja with a blank stare when she was trying to console her, and found herself spacing out from disinterest instead. This woman sure liked to go on about fighting and lecturing, didn't she? It didn't bother Elena much, though. She would just seemingly space out until it was all over. Her personal feelings about the situation were a little more complex than just "I lost, boo hoo".

When Mirja told her to hurry for the bath though, Elena took a deep breath and tried to push herself onto her feet. The pain was incredible, but she was getting used to it with each passing moment. As her feet hit the floor and she pushed herself upwards to stand, she couldn't help but grind her teeth and clench her fists in a vain attempt to distract herself from the pain. It felt like her abdomen was burning, a pain that was far worse than anything she had felt before. Her determination was all that she had to push herself through. With each step she took towards the bath, she could feel the pressure of the pain pulse increasingly, until it became so painful that she didn't think she could move properly without help. Thankfully she had stopped just in front of the bath.

"Shit..." mumbled the redhead, her hands fumbling for the ends of her clothes to strip for the bath. Much to her dismay, just lifting the ends of her shirt up to her chest strained her muscles enough to make her feel lightheaded. "Mirja." she muttered, her balance becoming more and more wobbly with each passing second. "Help me get all this off and in the tub, please." At this point Elena was forced into leaning against the wall, her vision becoming blurry as her strength was running out as time went on.
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