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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:14 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja cocked her head to the side and frowned, scratching her Wolf ears and revealing some strange gellonite thing in them, but she didn't go into it as she was confused.
"No, I don't. When I last saw you you had just gone into Shin'o Academy. And it took me five years to graduate from there. So, unless you are a super genius who graduated in the space of a single month, I assumed you were still there" She told Taichou, grinning broadly and clearly not remorseful for her claim in the slightest. She would teach her Taichou if the girl had been a Shinigami for centuries.

She then drew her Zanpaktou, and stabbed it into the air, opening a Senkaimon for the two of them.
"Plus, your lack of Zanpaktou made me think that you were still in the Shin'o Academy. It's, not something you want to be leaving at home, dear" She then turned, and nodded. "And yes, we can have some pork. Would you like boar, or swine?" she asked. Both had their own individual flavour. Mirja liked boar because it was tough and juicy and had a strong taste. But swine was also good, with it's tender, succulent meats. "I can go hunting for either, I know where the best game trails are, it's part of being a wolf, after all" she teased, swishing her tail some more to make the point of her being wolfish more evident, as if it wasn't already.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite]

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:26 pm

The half-Demoness' mouth began to water as she thought of delicious boar cutlets, drool visibly pooling at the corner of her mouth and dribbling down her chin, as if she were some damned cartoon character or something.

"Boar!" Taichou said, leaping to catch up to Mirja who had opened the Senkaimon, and coiling her tattooed arms around her mentor's middle, hugging her from behind and nuzzling her face affectionately into Mirja's shoulderblades. Quite frankly, she didn't want to let go.

Taichou's voice rang out once again, muffled by the fabric of Mirja's shirt, "I don't even have my training zanpakuto yet, but I can manifest mine with Reishi!"

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:30 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja grinned as Taichou started to become rather, enthusiastic about feeding off of the flesh of a large, fat pig with tusks. She seemed to have no self-control when it came to boar meat, so Mirja guided her through the Senkaimon, and then wiped off the drool from her mouth with a suddenly produced napkin. Mirja seemed to have everything she needed when she needed it, after all. It was a trick of being the wolf.
"Ok, I'll go grab you a big boar because for such a little girl, you certainly put away a lot of food" Mirja finished with the de-drooling and put the napkin away, before leading the way to her house in the Rukongai.

"So, enlighten me, since it appears I know nothing about how long you have been a Shinigami. How long have you been a Shinigami? What squad are you in, who's your favourite Captain, have you met a guy that broods all the time and seems to make a point of turning every situation sour and miserable because he himself, is sour and miserable?" She asked, throwing several questions at her to make sure she was off her feet and unable to think about boar and drool more. She looked so uncivilised, dribbling like that. Not that Mirja the Wolf Girl was one to talk, she was about to hunt down a boar with her bare hands.

Eventually, they got to her home, and she opened it up, leading Taichou to the front room and gesturing to the cupboards.
"I'll go grab the boar, you help yourself the whatever snacks there are around. I am sure there are some somewhere. I like making snacks and I like buying snacks. Just, don't break into the locked cupboard. What is in there won't do you any favours"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite]

Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:16 am

"Well . . . I kind of left my post at the Academy in order to search for you only a week after my acceptance — though I'm at the top of my class, or was, I should say . . . Then I kind of got caught up in trying to find you, met with Arianda, yada-yada. As for my Shinigami powers, they're very basic aside from my obvious Kido superiority. But I fully intend to return to the Academy," Taichou said pointedly, who then plopped herself down onto a cushion on the floor, with her legs folded neatly beneath her.

"Eto . . . Mirja-sama, what's in the cupboard, anyway?" She asked, eyeing her mentor surreptitiously, and suspiciously, before waving her hands infront of her, motioning that she actually didn't want to know.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite]

Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:18 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja did her best sceptical parent look as the child tried to justify trying to flunk off school to go play in the park. Ok, the situation was a little different but still the same, school - Shin'o Academy in this case - was important. But Taichou was too cute to hold it for long.
"So you are a super Kido girl and thought that that meant you could just leave school and go wandering for a woman who is well known to just vanish for weeks, or even months on end chasing her newest obsession, get blown up by a Gillian, run into the worst Demon you could possibly find, and then doom yourself to a life of sex with said cock-wielding demon. I gotta admit, I have done worse in my life" She flashed Taichou a grin, before heading out of the door.

"And, nothing special. It's just a drink I made, Mjord. It's powerful and potent, enough to counteract regeneration-induced immunity to getting drunk. I thought, best not touch it unless you wanna crash on the couch and have drunken murmurs" she teased, blowing a kiss before vanishing from the door to go hunt the boar.

She opened a Senkaimon back to Earth, and then landed on a solid game trail. Her nose did the work leading her to where she needed to be, and then finally grabbing herself one of the boars that were snuffling for food. It went snap, and then she returned back to the Soul Society, only been gone a few minutes, with a whole boar on her shoulders.
"Right, dinner will be about thirty minutes. And Boar feet will be now" she suddenly grabbed the boar by it's feet and flailed them in Taichou's direction, laughed with exaggerated villainy.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite]

Sat Jun 02, 2018 2:54 pm

"Ara, ara!" Taichou chortled, pumping her fist the way she always did when Mirja hyped her up.

Giggles errupted from the girl's throat as she watched in mock-horror as her Mirja flailed the limp Boar's feet in her direction, imagining the succulent, gelatinous fat contained within them. It kind of reminded her of a weird rag doll, the way its joints were unnaturally manipulated in order to move.

Suddenly, the Demoness plopped herself down in one of the dining chairs that surrounded the kitchen table. Long legs spread in front of her, leaning against the back of the chair she now occupied, her hands behind her head — ultimate relaxation at the moment, sitting there, in the kitchen, with her favorite person, and of course, her favorite food.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite]

Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:08 pm


Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Butchering the beast, the boar feet were quickly prepared for Taichou to snack on while she worked with the rest. A whole boar for two people would seem quite a great deal, but Mirja's body burned off food very quickly with her activity, and Taichou was a woman who knew how to put away many times her own body-weight [admittedly not much for the size of her]. Mirja did not miss the words that came from her Taichou's mouth, however, and so replied when the boar meat was sizzling on the stove.

"Ohh double-u ohh. What is this?" she asked, ruffling Taichou's hair teasingly and making it a complete mess before getting back to food. Soon, there was a venerable feast in front of them, and once it had been set down, Mirja took a breath and became infinately more serious. The room hummed with her thoughts, as pure, unfiltered Intent filled every corner, and made it clear beyond doubt that this was Serious Wolf Time.
"You are a responsible woman, so I will try not to insult you, but be aware of who you are affiliated with now. Arianda is a woman of great, sexual desire. She'll want to have sex with you, a lot. And when it isn't sex there will be cuddles, kisses, sleeping on your head. She's an exceptionally physical woman. So practice now how to stay no with a stern and forceful voice, and stick to your guns. She will sulk and whine and look like a kicked puppy, but you can't give in, because that is bad behaviour to condone. And while she might not seem it at all, she is still part of Shadowfall, and is still Mana's wife. If she ever tries to give you any sort of seal, tattoo, magical body piercing or anything of the sort, refuse vehemently and with great vigor. It matters not what boons she claims comes with it, it matters not how much she tries to convince you, it matters not about anything. There is nothing but bad news on the end of those sticks"

The room throbbed, the walls seemed to close in, and then it was all over, and Mirja took an comically large bite out of her boar meat and chewed with huge bulging cheeks like she was part squirrel, and not part Wolf.

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Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolves and Kittens [Mirja/Taichou/invite]

Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:40 pm

Taichou made no time when it came to eating, and man, she could put it away. The scent of the boar sizzling on the stovetop was divine, and made her nostrils flare as to take in more of the delectable aroma.

Her famished stupor was however lost within moments, her ears prickling with each word of Mirja's speech about consent, and of course, Arianda. She didn't blame her mentor, though. Arianda had put Mirja through hell, and treated her more like an object than a person; and Mirja didn't want such a thing to happen to her Taichou.

A lot of what the Wolf was saying resonated within her mind. Taichou had begun to tick the mental boxes, one by one . . . Magical necklace? Check. Kisses? Check. Overbearing sexual need for Taichou? Check. Magical markings? Check. Damn...

Taichou gulped, before even attempting to speak through her now, arid mouth.

"You've got a point, Maestro-sama," was the only thing the woman could bring herself to choke out, before thrusting one of her tattooed arms in front of her, taking hold of a piece of cutlery, hastily taking a stab at a piece of boar meat, only to jam it as fast as she could into her mouth. She barely chewed the thing, swallowing audibly.

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