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Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Slay's Test Thread

Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:56 pm
Feel free to take whatever you want from down below, but could ya leave the credit. Gomen.

Last edited by Slayer on Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:36 pm

I'll tell you my sins
you can sharpen your knife

Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sagittis erat in odio ornare, in congue leo auctor. Suspendisse risus magna, dapibus eu ligula at, tincidunt vulputate leo. Curabitur suscipit hendrerit ligula at pretium. Suspendisse iaculis varius tortor, sagittis dictum felis tristique nec. Proin nisl neque, condimentum a nisi eu, lobortis rutrum ex. Fusce quis lorem nisi. Suspendisse nulla nibh,porta sed risus vitae, tempus vestibulum nibh. Fusce a suscipit nulla.

Fusce nisi ipsum, venenatis ut suscipit nec, maximus et magna. Phasellus a elit porta, dictum mauris at, aliquet enim. Donec semper felis orci, sit amet ornare ligula tristique nec. Cras consectetur iaculis tortor, sed pharetra orci lobortis nec. In erat tortor, rhoncus ac elementum mollis, tempor ac sem. Morbi eget enim sit amet tortor convallis pellentesque. Aenean convallis turpis id est facilisis vehicula. Aenean et enim ex. Sed eleifend venenatis faucibus. Donec in risus ut tellus convallis ultricies. Vestibulum mattis non mauris at gravida. Maecenas elementum faucibus est. Sed et neque vel ligula vulputate ultricies vitae vel erat.

000 ● @tag ● notes


[center]<div style="width:460px;background:#fefefe;border:1px solid #eee;"><div style="background:url('');width:400px;height:200px;margin-top:30px;"></div><div style="width:375px;height:175px;border:4px #fefefe solid;background:transparent;margin-top:-191px;"></div>

<div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:15px;text-transform:uppercase;"><span style="font-size:169%;letter-spacing:2px;color:#999;">I'll tell you my sins</span>
<span style="font-size:106%;letter-spacing:3px;color:#9c9c9c;">you can sharpen your knife</span></div>
<div style="width:400px;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:justify;color:#888;">Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sagittis erat in odio ornare, in congue leo auctor. Suspendisse risus magna, dapibus eu ligula at, tincidunt vulputate leo. Curabitur suscipit hendrerit ligula at pretium. Suspendisse iaculis varius tortor, sagittis dictum felis tristique nec. Proin nisl neque, condimentum a nisi eu, lobortis rutrum ex. Fusce quis lorem nisi. Suspendisse nulla nibh,porta sed risus vitae, tempus vestibulum nibh. Fusce a suscipit nulla.

Fusce nisi ipsum, venenatis ut suscipit nec, maximus et magna. Phasellus a elit porta, dictum mauris at, aliquet enim. Donec semper felis orci, sit amet ornare ligula tristique nec. Cras consectetur iaculis tortor, sed pharetra orci lobortis nec. In erat tortor, rhoncus ac elementum mollis, tempor ac sem. Morbi eget enim sit amet tortor convallis pellentesque. Aenean convallis turpis id est facilisis vehicula. Aenean et enim ex. Sed eleifend venenatis faucibus. Donec in risus ut tellus convallis ultricies. Vestibulum mattis non mauris at gravida. Maecenas elementum faucibus est. Sed et neque vel ligula vulputate ultricies vitae vel erat.

<div style="font-size:9px;color:#aaa;text-align:center;text-transform:lowercase;">000 ● @tag ● notes</div>

</div></div><div style="text-align:center;font-size:6pt;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;">MADE BY VEL OF <a href="">WW</a> + <a href="">GS</a></div>
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:43 pm


Name: [Self-Explanatory]
Aliases: [Self-Explanatory]
Age: [Self-Explanatory]
Gender: [Self-Explanatory]
Association: [What is this Arrancar associated with? A certain character? A selection of characters? A nation? An Organization? State their association and which characters they are tethered to]


Personality: [This is optional to add in some cases. Sometimes people will create mindless creatures, and if your Arrancar falls into one of those categorizes, leave a note about it. Otherwise, fill out personality as per normal.]character? A selection of characters? A nation? An Organization? State their association and which characters they are tethered to]


History: [This is optional to add in some cases. Sometimes people will create mindless creatures, and if your Arrancar falls into one of those categorizes, leave a note about it. Otherwise, fill out personality as per normal.]character? A selection of characters? A nation? An Organization? State their association and which characters they are tethered to]


Zanpakutô Name: [Text]

Zanpakutô Appearance: [Text]

Unique Power: [Text]

Base Code and Graphic Style by: THEFROST
Coding by: CPKallday
Graphics by: Daddy
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:21 am
..... Template broke

Last edited by Slayer on Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Nafrit El Sayed

Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:34 pm

Words go here.

Coding by Daddy
Inspired by [THEFROST]

Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:19 pm

Words go here.

Coding by Daddy


Slay's Test Thread Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Sun May 07, 2017 12:25 pm

Words go here.

Coding by Daddy


Slay's Test Thread Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:39 pm
The Selfish Royal
little boy enters small single-room building, like a storage room-sized building. Addresses painter inside (ma'am), saying he has the oil paints they requested. Painted beckons them with one hand after putting down their palette. Their other hand is still dragging some brushes across the canvas, with a calm smile on their face. After beckoning the child over, she takes the paints and pats their head merrily, giving the boy some money in return. "nee-san, you know i don't do it for the money" they pout, but she reprimands them, saying "it's the cost for the paint, silly. I won't be letting you squeeze money out of your mother just to buy me paint; i can afford it on my own." they giggle and sharply reply, "i wouldn't have guessed it" while purposely sweeping his gaze all across the single-room house. "You rascal," the painter replies admiringly, "you've a razor to your words for a boy so young." The boy shined an adoring smile back. the boy directs his attention to the canvas, asking the painter what it was. "it's the family of a person i know." The boy questions, "A person you know? Why are the people dressed in 21st century clothing, then?" "because that was when i knew them," the painter replies. "Nee-san, are you one of those super people?" Which would of course explain her knowing a family back in the 21st century.

The painter shows an amused face, turning her face from the child back to the easel in reminiscence. "what if nee-san told you she was one of those demon or hollows, and that i know this family because i gobbled them up?" The boy laughs in ridicule, "c'mon, Nee-san; this is Japan, not even too many kilometres off from the big city, where a bunch of the super peoples are. You won't trick me." The girl responds in just laughter, picking her palette back up and resuming her painting. For a few minutes, the boy simply leans over the armrest of her chair and watches her work in silence. The painter breaks the silence suddenly, "you know, you're actually the first person i ever met in Japan." The boy looks to her turned face in surprise. "I thought you said you've been to Japan before?" Her lips forced dimples onto her cheeks, "I have, more or less. Not in person, not as this person--but a part of me has." The boy's forehead creases in confusion. "Both you and Mamma says I'm smart for my age, but you always say things I can't understand. I don't believe that's an adult thing, though." The painter shakes, holding in laughter, enough for her to put down her brush and palette for a moment. "No, it isn't an adult thing, I think. But for someone like me, this sort of thing did come along with age."

"I still don't get it, but anyways, Nee-san, I have to go now. I'll bring back some more paint, or maybe a book, tomorrow, okay?" With that, the boy rose to a full stand and scurried off, careful to close the door properly after exiting. Upon his departure, the painter breathed out a long sigh. "I warn you over and over again, Kuana. You had your two years to paint and make merry. For your own good, now is the time to venture out and temper yourself." the painter's look of ease quickly morphed to a fiendish frown. "Just, shut up already. I know... I know that. But don't try to lever those two years over me. You know that if it were there were any kind of painting to be done, it would be with blood. It was anything but merry." The painter turned to look at their canvas, in it the faces of a few children. "Also, it's Kuanastha, now. No surname." With that last correction, Kuanastha rose from her seat and put the painting of the young Asthavon sisters away, opening an indigo portal into the Nether to stow it.

Blah blah, kuanastha asks about what're these currents of chaos you keep going on about--you're always so roundabout when it comes to these things, and it's super irritating. Blah blah, you heard about the moon? The nether asks; Kuanastha responds saying, 'yeah i saw some shadowfall propaganda. something about the moon, and the vanguard's leader blowing it up or something exaggerated. I didn't pay attention in full--you know i don't put effort into knowing the politics of the world. Neither part of me did, ever." nether asks "did you also know about what your sister did? Can you not at least feel it?" "stop asking these damn questions and just tell me already." "do you not feel the presence of a new realm? A part of you had been able to feel such energies even across dimensions, before." "well that part of me was diluted a bit, so excuse me. Also, what new realm? Is it just that?" "of course not just that. It's that, combined with all the other bits of chaos in the world. Feel through your asthavon blood, not just a few important figures have fallen from the random large organisations around--even your niece." astonished kuanastha, she asks abuot it, then gets dressed, reverts her appearance to her natural appearance, thinks about and mentally apologises to the child who came over all the time. She pauses, her eyes glow with a colourless glow, and threads all over the world appear. As the entirety of the house she was in sinks into a portal on the gruond connecting to the nether, she goes out, spreading her energy to create a domain while she bends the laws to make herself invisible, before finding the boy and severing the karmic threads that tied them together. After that she brings him into his bedroom to rest, before flying off, looking towards the direction of the big city the boy mentioned. "Karakura... Now why do my threads cross through here?"



Slay's Test Thread Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:41 pm
Out For Blood
little boy enters small single-room building, like a storage room-sized building. Addresses painter inside (ma'am), saying he has the oil paints they requested. Painted beckons them with one hand after putting down their palette. Their other hand is still dragging some brushes across the canvas, with a calm smile on their face. After beckoning the child over, she takes the paints and pats their head merrily, giving the boy some money in return. "nee-san, you know i don't do it for the money" they pout, but she reprimands them, saying "it's the cost for the paint, silly. I won't be letting you squeeze money out of your mother just to buy me paint; i can afford it on my own." they giggle and sharply reply, "i wouldn't have guessed it" while purposely sweeping his gaze all across the single-room house. "You rascal," the painter replies admiringly, "you've a razor to your words for a boy so young." The boy shined an adoring smile back. the boy directs his attention to the canvas, asking the painter what it was. "it's the family of a person i know." The boy questions, "A person you know? Why are the people dressed in 21st century clothing, then?" "because that was when i knew them," the painter replies. "Nee-san, are you one of those super people?" Which would of course explain her knowing a family back in the 21st century.

The painter shows an amused face, turning her face from the child back to the easel in reminiscence. "what if nee-san told you she was one of those demon or hollows, and that i know this family because i gobbled them up?" The boy laughs in ridicule, "c'mon, Nee-san; this is Japan, not even too many kilometres off from the big city, where a bunch of the super peoples are. You won't trick me." The girl responds in just laughter, picking her palette back up and resuming her painting. For a few minutes, the boy simply leans over the armrest of her chair and watches her work in silence. The painter breaks the silence suddenly, "you know, you're actually the first person i ever met in Japan." The boy looks to her turned face in surprise. "I thought you said you've been to Japan before?" Her lips forced dimples onto her cheeks, "I have, more or less. Not in person, not as this person--but a part of me has." The boy's forehead creases in confusion. "Both you and Mamma says I'm smart for my age, but you always say things I can't understand. I don't believe that's an adult thing, though." The painter shakes, holding in laughter, enough for her to put down her brush and palette for a moment. "No, it isn't an adult thing, I think. But for someone like me, this sort of thing did come along with age."

"I still don't get it, but anyways, Nee-san, I have to go now. I'll bring back some more paint, or maybe a book, tomorrow, okay?" With that, the boy rose to a full stand and scurried off, careful to close the door properly after exiting. Upon his departure, the painter breathed out a long sigh. "I warn you over and over again, Kuana. You had your two years to paint and make merry. For your own good, now is the time to venture out and temper yourself." the painter's look of ease quickly morphed to a fiendish frown. "Just, shut up already. I know... I know that. But don't try to lever those two years over me. You know that if it were there were any kind of painting to be done, it would be with blood. It was anything but merry." The painter turned to look at their canvas, in it the faces of a few children. "Also, it's Kuanastha, now. No surname." With that last correction, Kuanastha rose from her seat and put the painting of the young Asthavon sisters away, opening an indigo portal into the Nether to stow it.

Blah blah, kuanastha asks about what're these currents of chaos you keep going on about--you're always so roundabout when it comes to these things, and it's super irritating. Blah blah, you heard about the moon? The nether asks; Kuanastha responds saying, 'yeah i saw some shadowfall propaganda. something about the moon, and the vanguard's leader blowing it up or something exaggerated. I didn't pay attention in full--you know i don't put effort into knowing the politics of the world. Neither part of me did, ever." nether asks "did you also know about what your sister did? Can you not at least feel it?" "stop asking these damn questions and just tell me already." "do you not feel the presence of a new realm? A part of you had been able to feel such energies even across dimensions, before." "well that part of me was diluted a bit, so excuse me. Also, what new realm? Is it just that?" "of course not just that. It's that, combined with all the other bits of chaos in the world. Feel through your asthavon blood, not just a few important figures have fallen from the random large organisations around--even your niece." astonished kuanastha, she asks abuot it, then gets dressed, reverts her appearance to her natural appearance, thinks about and mentally apologises to the child who came over all the time. She pauses, her eyes glow with a colourless glow, and threads all over the world appear. As the entirety of the house she was in sinks into a portal on the gruond connecting to the nether, she goes out, spreading her energy to create a domain while she bends the laws to make herself invisible, before finding the boy and severing the karmic threads that tied them together. After that she brings him into his bedroom to rest, before flying off, looking towards the direction of the big city the boy mentioned. "Karakura... Now why do my threads cross through here?"



Slay's Test Thread Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
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Slay's Test Thread Empty Re: Slay's Test Thread

Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:32 pm

Words go here.

Coding by Daddy


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