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Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:56 pm


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Average Income: 48,000
Average Tax Rate: 30%
Tax Income Yearly: 12,950,000,000,000
(+) State/Federal Business: 3,000,000,000,000
(+) Offshore Ventures: 2,000,000,000,000
(+)Corporate Tax: 45% 500,000,000
Budget: 18,460,000,000,000

Budget Divide
Defense: 24% 4,430,400,000,000
Education: 17.8% 3.285.880.000.000
Industry: 11.3% 2,085,980,000,000
Healthcare: 10.5% 1,938,300,000,000
Environment: 8.2% 1,513,720,00,000
Public Transit: 7.2% 1,329,120,000,000
Social Policy: 7% 1,292,200,000,000
Welfare: 4.7% 867,620,000,000
Law & Order: 4.5% 830,700,000,000
International Aid: 2.6% 479,960,000,000
Administration: 2.1% 387,660,000,000

Private Industry: 59.4%
Federal Owned Industry: 32.5%
State Owned Industry: 8%
Blackmarket: 0.1%

Vastime does hold both federal and state owned business particularly in the Textile Market and Raw Resource market. While not the leader they make sure to keep the market full of quality items, allowing for corporations to receive tax breaks by going through them for short periods of time. This brings in a decent level of income on top of tax revenue for the government.

The average tax burden is around 30% while high in regards to Japan and many other nations this tax allows for Vastime to accomplish many of the feats it reknown for, such as promoting the education of their society, military, and market. Corporations are not as frequent in Vastime as opposed to other nations, yet it has a decent amount which pay a tax up to anywhere from 39-50% depending on the income level it brings in. Of course with these tax burdens their are ways to reduce it temporarily such as offering tax relief on charitable donations, major discoveries by a group or person, promoting culture, etc.

While some wish to lower the tax there has not be major outcry due to the efficiency in which Vastime uses it money to promote its way and their people way of life. With little corruption on the national or state level government there needs to be a strong sense of trust to have this tax burden to work effectively.

Vastime typically focuses on the exports of textiles, raw/refined resources, mechanical goods (electronics, machines, and potentially weapon), information technology, and finally Vastime has quite the tourism sector popping up. Vastime while utilizing the raw resources of Africa has made sure to keep in place certain regulations and restrictions to keep the natural beauty of the land; a heavy portion of the government budget going to keeping both the land flourishing while utilizing its resources to the utmost.

When it comes to raw economic prowess Vastimians seem to have their trades down to a letter, either from natural talent or simply having to proper tools in life to achieve their desired profession. Due to the proficient schooling system and investment into the future of Vastime the general populace are well off, with moderate difference between the highest and lowest earners. Focusing on exporting and self-sustenance the Vastime economy is a mix of textiles being exported, one of its most profitable regions due to the high demand of their top of the quality textiles. Focusing heavily on maintaining the image of natures beauty in their nation led to a nice tourism market- but the demand for resources despite the safe renewable energy present in most Vastimian homes, led to a expansion into the ocean having claimed multiple island and territories in the Vastime name using them as bases for resource mining. However it is worth noting that once an island is owned they do make their best attempts of making enjoyable for citizens of Vastime, meaning these island often have a delicate balance of mining and environmental safety.

This careful consideration for the environment mixed with a very profitable market led to them holding multiple on land and aboard farms making it one of their largest exports as well. Vastimians hold the quality of their items in high regard but thanks to the equally powerful economies nearby allows Vastime to export freely. Their final industry is a recent one, the Information Technology is also a highly valuable market in Vastime both home and abroad.

Regarding imports, Vastime imports a large number of goods mostly due to it being structured as a strong trading hub meaning that the once isolated Vastimian and African culture has become influenced by an array of other cultures. But that isn’t to say Vastimian influence from his hasn’t spread globally, in fact it’s more than tripled in the last year alone. But items that are imported can included the latest in technology (if they haven’t produced it), grains such as corn among other food items, and finally energy. Despite being a energy producing nation itself, Vastime imports many times of energies such as raw gases, aether energy, or any type of useful energy that could be used for day to day life or special Vastimian projects.

The Iron Banner of Vastime

The Iron Banner of Vastime or more commonly known as ‘Vastime’ started out as the reformation of a long dead clan Hayden had decided to resurrect as a way to keep his family legacy alive well after his death, yet it evolved into something much more along its formation and creation. In early 2415 a independent operation launched in Africa to clear Somalia of its hollow presence which was a massive success leading to the rebuilding of Somalia as the Capital of the Vastimians Kingdom. As Vastime grew so did its involvement in Africa leading to a massive growth in its influence on the continent along with the spread of Vastimians powers; which could be done through a simple ritual. Thus forming the creation of The Iron Banner of Vastime, a conglomerate of former African nations into states under the banner of Vastime with Hayden at the helm. Yet, he didn't accomplish this solely on his own, having massive support from the Yuudeshi’s was an integral part of this project something that will not be soon forgotten.






Citizen, Powered Citizens, and Military Ratio

900,000,000 Citizens
300,000,000 Powered Citizens (Low Tier)
18,000,000 Personnel in Armed Forces
6,300,000 Active Duty Personnel
11,700,000 Reserve Personnel
6,000,000 Powered Armed Forces Personnel (Mid Tier)
750,000 Officers & Experienced Veterans (Mid-Upper Tier)
3,750 Commanders, Dark Operations, High-Powered, Senior Military Personnel (High Tier)
750 LEGIONARY PROJECT (Super High Tier)

Enlisted Army Ranks

-Recruit (Blank)
-Private (One Brown Chevron)
-Senior Private (One Brown Chevron and Bar)
-Lance Corporal (Two chevrons)
-Corporal/Specialists (Two Chevrons with a diamond in middle; Specialists have a dragon instead)
-Sergeant (Three Brown Chevrons)
-Ranger (Three Black Chevrons)
-Senior Ranger (Three Black Chevrons with bar)
-Command Sergeant (Three Chevrons with two bars)
-Sergeant Major (Three Chevrons with three bars)
-Sergeant Major of the Army (Three Chevrons with golden edging and three bars with the a dragon in the middle)
-Sergeant Major of The Military (Three Black Chevrons with golden edging, Three bars with golden edging, and a cog with a sword downward centered in the middle)

Enlisted Air force Ranks

-Airman Basic
-Airman First Class
-Senior Airman
-Staff Sergeant
-Technical Sergeant
-Master Sergeant
-Senior Master Sergeant
-Chief Master Sergeant
-Command Chief Master Sergeant
-Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force

Navy Enlisted Ranks

-Seaman Recruit
-Seaman Apprentice
-Seaman Apprentice
-Petty Officer Third Class
-Petty Officer Second Class
-Petty Officer First Class
-Chief Petty Officer
-Senior Chief Petty Officer
-Master Chief Petty Officer
-Command Master Chief Petty Officer
-Master Chief Petty Officer Of The Navy

Dark Operations Enlisted Ranks

-Agent (Grey Cog)*
-Field Agent (Two Grey Cogs)
-Senior Agent (Three Grey Cogs)
-Elite Agent (Black Cog)
-First Agent (Two Black Cogs
-Agent Major (Three Black Cogs)
*Agent's authority is equal to that of a sergeant

Warrant Officer Ranks

-Warrant Officer
-Senior Warrant Officer
-Master Warrant Officer
-Chief Warrant Officer
-Senior Chief Warrant Officer

Air Force/Army Officer Ranks

-2nd Lieutenant
-1st Lieutenant
-Lieutenant Colonel
-Brigadier General
-Major General
-Lieutenant General
*Field Marshal
-General of the Airforce or Army
-General of the Armed Forces of Vastime
*Special Rank, see dark operations.

Navy Officer Ranks

-Lieutenant Junior Grade
-Full Lieutenant
-Lieutenant Commander
-Chief Commander
-Counter Admiral
-Rear Admiral
-Vice Admiral
-Fleet Admiral

Dark Operations Officer Ranks

-Technical Lieutenant*
-Operational Lieutenant
-Divisional Commander
-Field Marshal
*Authority of a Captain

1st Expeditionary Army, ‘The Pride of Vastime’

'The Pride of Vastime' acts as both the first line of defense of Vastime and as it's main force if a state of war is declared; while not the entirety of their armed forces the 1st Field Army is both the oldest and most equipped unit in Vastime. To be apart of the 1st Field Army one must pass a rigious training process and be of the highest caliber of personnel in the Vastimian armed forces; which is a feat in of itself due to the high standards even the most basic units. So in short this is considered an example of Vastimian Military structure, equipment, and personnel.

The Vastimian military works on a 'prestige' system in which is based on both a unit history and seniority of the unit. For instance, with this being the oldest unit they have the oldest seniority and because of it's excellent training is rated as the 'top unit' of Vastime. While each division and corps have it's own sort of hierarchy merely being apart of this field army is a highly respected achievement.

The Undivided Corp (50,000)

-1st Helltroopers Para-Infantry Division
--1st Royal Para-Infantry Regiment
--2nd Combat Aviation Brigade
--1st Support Brigade
--1st Royal Engineers Regiment
--1st Royal Shock Cavalry Brigade

-1st Combined Effort Division
--1st Administrative Brigade
--1st 'High-Rollers' Heavy Armor Brigade
--2nd Royal Para-Infantry Regiment
--1st Medical Regiment
--2nd Support Brigade

The Unsullied Corp (50,000)

-1st Air Defense Division
-- 1st Air command Brigade
-- 1st Air Artillery Brigade
-- 1st Signal Brigade
-- 1st Response Aviation Unit
-- 4th Support Brigade

-1st Mountain Division
-- 1st Military Police Command
-- 1st Mountineer Infantry Regiment
-- 2nd Royal Engineer Regiment
-- 2nd Medical Brigade
-- 1st Field Artillery Command

The Forlorn Hope Corp (50,000)

- 1st Forlorn 'The Brave' Division
-- 1st Royal Shock Infantry Regiment
-- 2nd Royal Shock Infantry Regiment
-- 3rd Royal Shock Infantry Regiment
-- 3rd Royal Para-Infantry Regiment
-- 1st Light Armored Brigade

-2nd Forlorn 'The Bold' Division
-- 1st Responsive Artillery Brigade
-- 2nd Light Armored Brigade
-- 4th Rock Shock Infantry Regiment
-- 3rd Medical Brigade
-- 3rd Support Brigade

Raw Combat Strength: 150,000 Personnel

Attached Personnel and Equipment

*Naval: (Excluding Munitions)

1 Longsword Class Supercapital Warship/fleet Command
3 James Lawrence Class Aircraft Carriers
15 Kazatlan Amphibious Assault ships
15 Tigershark LCAC
10 Battleaxe Cruisers
5 Anubis Class Heavy Arsenal Ship
15 Hatchet Frigates
4 Pijil Class Arsenal Ships

*Air Force: (Excluding Munitions)

100 LY910 Shadowhawk
100 LALY-215 Reaver
25 KC-747 'Galt' aerial refueling tanker
50 C-10 'Minotaur' strategic cargo aircraft
100 LA-214 Molior
2500 TRA-92 "Eiko" Light Attack Helicopters
2500 K45A2 'Vandal' Light Utility Helicopter
100 K-MBP-1 Ragnar Stealth Bomber Aircraft
50 K-JAS-42 Natteravn Advanced Stealth Fighter
35 Tp-100 Heavy Transport Aircraft

Land: (Excluding Munitions)

5000 x LY9/M22 Dire Wolf Heavy Tank
3900 x LY224 Sorcha HIFV
4000 x LY224 Armoured Recovery
2500 x LY224 Command Vehicles
50000 x LY7/222 King Shepherd STMRAD
50000 x LY300 Manticore MRS
7000 x LY6 Werewolf Assault Gun/Tank Destroyer
85000 x HEMT trucks
2000 x K-MPTT-01A Multi-Purpose Tactical Truck
8000 x LY7 Rottweiler medium tank
9500 x LY219 IFV/APC
50000 x LY7/4072 Cockatrice MRS and/or LY219/516 Storm Drake and/or LY7/366 Lammasu and/or LY300 Manticore
200 x LY471 Skyguard Battery

Infantry Equipment:

300,000 x LY21 AHLAR
300,000 x LY67 'Widowmaker' UBGLs
300,000 x LY20 HILAR
300,000 MGJ-21 LMGs
300,000 x GR-88 grenadier rifles
600,000 x LY1002 ‘Hellsbreath’ grenades
600,000 x Blacktalon combat gloves (pair)
600,000 x Mamba tactical boots (pair)
650,000 x Badger Trench Axe
650,000 x Lycos Combatant Machete
600,000 x Multispectral camouflage uniforms (set)


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Vastimian Information[WIP] JfH75kA
Vastimian Information[WIP] H8Tyk70
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