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Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:42 am

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:44 pm

Artist: Black Bullet - Song: Crisis Point - Word Count: 1259

There was no shortage of morons with more power in their body than they had brain cells. As that sentence alone could describe the whole of Zaine's life up until this point. An endless chain of idiotic actions which lead him to the most painful of consequences for his poor choice in decisions. For this latest act of schizophrenic will would undoubtedly result in a sound and merciless beating -- at least of The Beast of Karakura had anything to say about it.

As, if anyone had been paying attention to their surroundings by this point, it would have appeared as if all the civilizations had simply vanished. And that wasn't just a figment of Zaine's crackpot mind. This area had been detected as a high-risk location through The Yuudeshi Network's defense system picking up the abnormal amount of demonic energy generating from this area. Therefore, like a quarantine, this entire location was isolated and transported into the Imaginary District where most innocents would not end up in the crossfire of what was about to come.

Since all would become quiet as the sounds of a metallic cane tapping against the cold concrete echoed ominously in the distance. Following the sound of a switch being flipped and machinery whirring, these tapping noises would accelerate more and more until the figure of a pale-skinned albino emerged in between the brawl taking place between the half-dead shinigami, and the soon-to-be-dead second rate demon. And when this action took place, Henrex may have found himself being brushed back by roughly ten to twenty meters by a strong force of kinetic energy. For around our superhero albino champion's body had been a burst of white energy; one which served as a medium for his powers to activate and allowed for him to control the momentum of the screaming hyena behind him so that he wouldn't get caught up in the crossfire.

"You, by far, are the worst Saturday morning kind of villain to ever grace Karakura Central."

[Referring to the defenses here from this point onward: ]

With a clench of his hands, neither Shiki or Kendall would be allowed to teleport outside of Karakura Central. Instead, their transport would have been redirected by the cities regulated teleporation systems to route them straight into the confines of Karakura Central's Maximum Security Prison. Which, when there, would promptly be sealed down by the barrier of Karakura Central pin-pointing them down and amplifying it's strength by five times to contain them in that specific region. This nightmarish set of actions could become a hellish reality for the duo because of the fact they never even once took into consideration what could happen when unauthorized teleporation took place under the insufferable defenses of Karakura Central. And, because of this poor planning, they'd be subject to the consequences of their circus clown of a leader's actions.

"First, you get your cronies thrown into the slammer."

Then, when the eruption of OVER NINE THOUSAND chainsaws came out of the heavens, The Beast of Karakura shook his head at the childish antics taking place. He was pretty sure one of his own three year old descendants could come up with a better means of attack than that. Oh well. It just made his job less difficult than it needed to be.

As during all this time the flares of white energy which surrounded his already pale body began to expand. This was because a subtle boost of his spiritual power was all that had been required in order to redirect the saws in a million different directions but upon it's intended target. They would smash up buildings, destroy the earth around them and eventually dissolve into nothingness.

From there, authorization codes were already being input by the mind of Shadin in order to activate more barrier protocols from the defensive measurements Karakura Central put in place for needless brutes like this. Within a matter of moments, a ray of damning white light would strike down form the skies and attempt to outright crush Kyoji and contain within him a concentrated barrier. This barrier was amplified to be five times more potent than the one surrounding the city and should prove to at least keep him immobile for the time being.

That then left Bozo The Clown himself to deal with....

"And second, you needed the sum total of your power in addition to your legion of cronies to bring down one kid? That's pathetic."

Shaking his head, The Beast of Karakura would then have one final light descend from the barrier of Karakura Central to capture both Zaine and all of his minions within the blinding flare of a white barrier. This one, unlike the others, could have possessed enough strength to otherwise warrant it being seven times stronger than the dome which shields the city. There was an excess amount of power which had been generated within the many districts and sections of Karakura Central. And, given that they weren't under any war time constraints, there was more than enough of this fuel to keep most of them under lock and key.

"Granted, I'll award you with citizen with the largest cojones."

With a glance backwards at Henrex, the influence of The Beast's energy should still be in effect at this point. After all, it was hard not to be when this entire region was more or less under his command. Therefore, the last ditch effort to kill the boy would do nothing more but obliterate one of the shields which were cast around the body of The Shinigami. As the flames would crack and shatter an illuminating white light before it disperse in the wind for further analysis by The Yuudeshi Network.


From there, a troop of TCCU Clones would be called in order to shoot D.E.S. Chokers around the necks of Zaine, Kendall, Kyoji, Kendall, Shiki, Akasha and Vanitas in order to bring an end to this miserable show. If they were able to attach themselves to any body part, then it could do well in shutting off 80 to 100% of their power and bring an end to this foolish attack in one of the most guarded cities on the planet.

"For now, relax and let me clean up the trash."

After uttering those words with an irritated sigh, a team of paramedics from The Yuudeshi Network would arrive and three silver haired women in white gowns would emerge by the side of Henrex. Quickly, they began to cover him in a pale glow in order to began channeling their healing prowess to try and restore some of his energy. From there, they would use the accelerated prowess of The Network in order to begin mending minor injuries sealing up wounds or cuts and trying to stabilize him for the time being.

This then left Shadin to contend with whatever non-sense Zaine had left.

"As you made the wrong choice in choosing this city as one of your targets, Bozo. Had you planned this sort of assault outside the walls of this place? Sure, you'd have a ghost of a chance. But inside? It's almost a done deal."

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:30 pm
[mod]Stepping in here to say that Kade, you used a spell in your first post called SOUL HELL REAPING that does not exist. You cannot simply make up spells on the spot. You have to submit a custom spell request or app upgrade request first before just using whatever you want in a thread. This thread is on hold until that is fixed in the first post, and the second post adjusted to accommodate. If this happens again, we will temporarily be placing this character in Denied for a period of time that we deem appropriate.

EDIT: I have been informed that it wasn't even your turn as Henrex was postin. So I am going to move your second post into archives and let Henrex post, and then you may respond. However, I still expect for that first post to be fixed.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:35 pm
[adm]Just backing Pockeh up here and saying I'm going to revoke your character temporarily if you keep making stuff up and power-playing characters. None of this "Zaine stabbed the character and they automatically bled to death" crap. I'm only giving you leniency since you should REALLY know better by this point of being a six year old member, but I will be forced to take more serious actions if you continue this trend.[/adm]

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:01 pm
Posting Music!

Kajet Shadowguard. That was the name of the...thing that was controlling Henrex's body. He was the reason behind his strange new-found aggression. It was a virus. The virus within the treasured piece of technology that Henrex had, which was the Cyberbrain. This was Kajet. As the next demon revealed his ugly face, Kajet would simply growl in response. He had stopped a few feet from where the demon had materialized, his voice emitting nothing but growling.


Kajet had no mind when he was like this. Any form of communication would only serve to make him even more infuriated. He leaped forward, aiming for one single piercing strike, which if hit, would pierce the demon's chest....but the attack never got the chance to hit. He was blown back by a wave of kinetic force. This force would then knock him into a nearby building, which was around 15 meters away. But...the building felt...different.

It was as if he wasn't in the real world anymore. This building...felt....fake. However, this knock to the head was strong enough, and real enough, from the kinetic force hitting him, would cause Kajet to back off. Henrex's eyes reverted to normal. The claws on his hands slowly seemed to melt away. His body reverted back to it's pale state, before he fell to his knees, with his hands placed upon the ground. His breathing would no longer be demonic. His breathing was now panting. What Kajet had done, as well as the kinetic blast from whoever it was, had basically sapped everything out of him for now. Henrex Astillon was back. As he listened, he could hear the sound of a cane....tapping against the ground.

Time to Change Posting Music!

Henrex's arms gave out as he heard the sound. He collapsed to the ground, and had to prop himself up on his arms. He looked up. The noises....were getting faster. Henrex's eyes widened as he saw an albino male emerge between him. Something about him seemed familiar. The hair...his eye color. This guy...was him. Shadin Yuudeshi. The Beast of Karakura. Henrex had heard so many things about him. He aspired to be like him. He wanted to be as strong and as skilled as Shadin. His jaw dropped. His eyes widened. Henrex was in complete shock. His throat could only say two words. His throat was dry from Kajet screaming through his body. He could only say those two words, before his throat would no longer be able to produce anything. "" Henrex croaked, before his throat gave out. He couldn't say anymore.

Henrex could now only watch as Shadin acted. The first action he noticed was that Shadin had clenched his hands. He then realized that the two he had been fighting earlier were gone. Did Shadin do something? Or did they escape? Something told him that Shadin would not let them escape. For someone like him, he highly doubted it. He then saw thousands of saw blades flying everywhere. There was no way he could avoid it. He closed his eyes and awaited death to embrace him. This was it. Death from a demon. But....the coldness of death for a second time never came. In fact, Henrex barely felt anything. He slowly opened his see himself...alive. Henrex looked at his own hands, which were shaking. He...didn't even know what to say. The Shinigami's heart was racing. His body was shaking.

His heart and mind were in a mixture of emotion. Fear, and relief. He was afraid...for many reasons. He nearly died. That alone was a reason to be afraid. His panting had now turned to heavy breathing, with each inhale filled to the brim with fear, every exhale filled with relief that he was still alive. Henrex, for the first time in a long while, was afraid. He was afraid that he had nearly died. He was terrified. Henrex slowly returned his Zanpakutō to the sheath, but his grip never left it. His hand would always be on his sword now. He hadn't even noticed something else. There were three silver-haired ladies around him, pouring some sort of...healing energy. The energy was pale, and it was healing most of his wounds.

However, he was unsure if the poison in his system was cleansed. Not only was he unsure of that, but he also knew that this would not cleanse his fear. Henrex looked around at the ladies healing him before bowing his head slightly, heavily grateful. "A-Arigato, gozaimasu, redīsu" Henrex thanked, speaking in Japanese. From his former life in the World of the Living, he had quickly come to terms with thanking in Japanese. He had said "Thank you, ladies.". Henrex's eyes soon turned to Shadin, but by then, all words he could say had left him. He didn't know what to say. No matter how many times he thanked him, it would never be enough. He stared at the amazing Ziamichi, before he bowed his head low. "A-Arigato, Shadin-san." Henrex said, before raising his head again. What would happen now? Would Shadin kill the demon, or let him go?

Word Count: 929

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The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open]

Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:08 pm
[adm]Before I proceed with my post, can you provide a source for Shizuka? It's been brought to my attention that this NPC potentially doesn't exist. If that is the case, I will need to go forward with the warning issued or you will need to cease usage of her for this thread.[/adm]

The Hunter and the Prize 2: Dark Revenge [Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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