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Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:04 pm
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It hadn't been so long that Haruka had been recovering from a battle, she'd even gone to the 4th Division with her pride swallowed mainly because it would be against her nature to just go ahead and ask for help, but even she knew she had to sort he problem. Now she was healed, back to full working order and wasn't going to give up on her original goal. There had been a reason why she was injured beforehand, someone challenged her and interrupted her own training, she had even trained with a Captain soon afterwards. It seemed she was not short on determination and wasn't going to give up, she had to achieve her Shikai and that was final.

Despite wanting to perfect her Zanpakutō and get some good communication going, Haruka only ever relied on her Hakuda something she learned right from the beginning, something that she was easily able to pick up. So far she had only ever relied on her abilities to fight with her fists as her only means of defence, sure enough she knew how to use her Zanpakutō, it's size was small its appearance being of a small dagger like shape that was kept at her side in its holder. In fact at first glance it appeared Haruka never even had a Zanpakutō seeing as it was burrowed in all the fabric of her robes. It wasn't until she drew her sword that she was often questioned about it and confirmed that she did have one on her being.

The raven haired Shinigami walked along at a steady pace, the ground beneath her crunching as she went. She was heading back for the forests of Rukongai, hopefully find a good open spot for some training, maybe even some meditating to speak with Sirena and get a proper understanding of her world and what she must do next in order to achieve Shikai. Haruka rubbed the back of her exposed neck seeing as her hair was up and out of the way, i sure felt pretty warm today, that would slow her down though nothing would!
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Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:33 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 364

It wasn't every day that a new shinigami came to the Gotei so being that the captain of Internal Affairs liked to know a little bit about each and every member of the Gotei the young white haired boy found himself stalking the girl. She was tall and tan, but other than that she didn't stick out much. He didn't know her name yet but had tailed her to the 4th Division's infirmary and got a copy of the report as to why she had come in, injuries that consisted of training. A new face that already had a fire to grow. Not often did Carter see a soul full of energy.

He could tell right away she wasn't the strongest but then again he started at the bottom himself and moved his way up. With a yawn he would stand up on a thick tree branch, his arm extended and bracing himself off of the trunk. These past few months he had been doing nothing but training, training himself, training his sqaud since becoming captain, training with an ex captain, training with the powerful Iramasha Cirno, training training training. He basically breathed training at this point and in his mind he was wondering what it would hurt to pass on some of the training he had been gifted to this new shinigami. He knew she couldn't detect him because of his rather unique nature that made him appear to have no spiritual power what so ever.

Bark would fly up in the air as he shunpo'd off of the tree and appeared a bit further up the path, his left hand up in greeting, "Yo." he would say, his golden eyes locked onto the tall woman as he waited for her response, knowing this must be weird for her, to be walking alone to train only to have a white robed captain appear before her, the captain appearing to be a young boy, a boy just now reaching his teenage years. It wasn't every day some stupid crap like this happened but Carter was in a mood, a mood to impart knowledge.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

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Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:43 am
Starting over (OPEN) 15%2B-%2B1

Her feet had carried her a little deeper into the forest, and she eventually stopped when she reached an open space, one that wasn't to tightly compacted with trees, good this would be perfect! Haruka had found her spot, she looked around completely oblivious that there was another presence watching her intently. There was no need for her to be suspicious because she couldn't sense any reaitsu, to her it was completed empty or so she knew. She focused more on a tree directly in front of her a few feet away, she backed up a bit putting a little more distance between her and her target.

''Ok'' the raven shinigami exhaled, to herself as if preparing so then she could probably brush up on her hand to hand skills, sure it was her most favoured means of attack and one she felt she could hold her ground in, but she wanted to perfect it and wanted it to be her strongest area. There was something about kicking someone ass and not even having to use a Zanpakutō to do it that appealed to her. Alright then she'd start off with some Hakuda practice. With that Haruka stretched out a little readying herself. She could try her Kidou at the tree target a bit later she told herself.

She leaned back a bit outstretching one of her legs lifting it high above her head as her body leaned back some the higher she made her stretch so it countered and balanced her out. She was only warming up getting her flexibility going again before she'd practice some round house kicks to make them faster and more efficient. The she suddenly heard it, a noise it sounded like Shunpo the quick moving technique most shinigami used so there was another shinigami present, nope she still couldn't sense anything and that alarmed her.

Haruka narrowed her chocolate brown eyes, her eyebrows furrowed quickly as she tried to detect this Shinigami's whereabouts, behind her! she snapped her head round twisting her body round and letting her leg slam down on the ground as she now faced the shinigami. A white haired boy in fact, he appeared young but what did that mean these days, it did not mean he wasn't highly experienced, and was that a Captains uniform he had on? she could quite see but it looked like one.

Haruka closed her eyes briefly before they were back open again ''You shouldn't spy on women now'' she smirked at her words as she looked off the the side of her. Well this was good timing now, she would need a sparing partner but still taking on a Captain was becoming a habit of hers these days, she had to stop challenging higher ranking warriors than herself. ''Who are you i wonder?'' she said to him as she straightened her stance.
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Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:31 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: N/A

The leg work and stretching made him raise an intrigued eye brow when he came up close to the girl, startling her. So she's practicing Hakuda The young captain thought as his smile grew even larger, he had wanted to meet a Hakuda user to practice his own skills. His level of Hakuda control was novice at best but lately he had been toying with ideas, his own Hakuda style, Star Rupture Style. He had been thinking of ideas combining Wushu, Crane Style, and Tai Chi. All three were graceful yet held firm in speed and precision strikes.

She spoke and brought him back from his day dreaming, she made a quip about how he shouldn't spy on women and he felt the need to clear himself, "I'll have you know I was not spying, I was data collecting on the newest member of the Gotei, being the Captain of Internal Affairs makes me curious as to what all people offer and their personalities since my division works closely with all others." he would say with a nod, lifting his chin up high and puffing his chest out, his boyish arms crossing themselves. A single golden eye would remain open yet squinted at the older woman, his chin still raised high. "I'm Carter, Angel of Truth, Captain of Division Seven." he would answer with a certain ounce of pride in his voice.

Looking at her he could notice she seemed tense dispute the smirk on her face, not a tension of anger or nerves. A tension of someone wanting to let energy out, he had seen that tension a million times and had felt it in himself a million million times. "From what I've seen, your style, your general build, your lack of using your Zanpakutō, your scars, they all tell me your a Hakuda based fighter.I'm a weapon based, speed, and kido, using shinigami. I need to train my Hakdua abilities and have been practicing my own style which infuses my light based element. Truth probably meant for me to meet you so I can find someone to train with and grow with. Now this isn't a one sided training, I can train you in return in whatever style you'd like. If you agree to train with me I will discard my Zanpakutō during our round and use only the fledgling abilites I've begun to work up. It would be like fighting a human." His words all came out in a rush, hurried and almost conjoined, hard to follow.

The small boy kept smiling at the girl as he walked over to a tree with a small broken off branch, he knew she would accept, someone like her would love any chance to train so he began to discard his robes, hanging them up and putting his Zanpakutō next to the robes on the tree. His left hand would tap Nacuto lightly promising her he would be back for her, she was his best friend and all of their training minus what he had done with Cirno involved her, even then she was minorly involved in that training.

"How often does someone get to say they kicked a captain's ass?" he asked, taunting her just a bit as he stood there in his basic black battle robes, eagerly awaiting her reply.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

Starting over (OPEN) ZfrGue8

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Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:04 pm
Starting over (OPEN) 15%2B-%2B1

Haruka kept her stance as she studied the boy, she always kept her guard up her positioning that of someone on the defence. She usually had Hakuda as her main force of attack, and she would usually test out her opponents by using this style of fighting she could learn about them, measure their speed agility get a feel for their abilities, of course they could just be holding back but she still like to test the waters first and then maybe just maybe she would resort to using her Zanpakutō. But for now it was strictly Haukda, and it seemed she would be able to test that out today, it was always better when you had an opponent to face off against she the young boy had stepped up.

Haruka being the ever so witty had a comment all the time, instead of greeting the boy she couldn't resist but mention how he had appeared to be sneaking about and spying she knew he probably wasn't but still it brought a little amusement to see him so quickly defend against it. Haruka listened to him explain he was doing nothing of the sort and in fact collecting information about the members of the Gotei 13, ah yes the big group of Shinigami who were defending Soul Society should they become under threat, and that was pretty much regular at times. Haruka let her stance relax a little more as she tilted her head and tapped the side of her temple with her index finger a couple of times ''Ah, i see...we are an interesting bunch the Gotei....'' she said knowing they there were some pretty eccentric characters among them.

Naturally the raven haired shinigami had wondered who he was, she couldn't say she recognised him and her suspicions were correct he was Captain of the 7th Division Carter, she had heard of him most Shinigami here had heard of Captains names, but not many knew their faces to go with those names and now she had met 2 captains in a space of a few days, this was lucky for her, she always dreamed of becoming a Captain herself one day in the future and she admired the courage they had for stepping into the responsible roles like Carter had choose to do. ''Of course, i've heard of you, never knew what you'd look like until now though...well then you have come here at the right time Carter '' she said as she let her arm move out and rested it on her hip. ''Im Haruka, you've probably never heard of not that famous around here i think i hide away too much'' she admitted.

She stood still as Carter was analysing her pretty quickly, and just from the way she held herself her slender frame perfect for swift movements it all pointed to what kind of fighter she was. Haruka gave a half smile, ''Your very observant...correct i am a Hakuda user have been for all of my Shinigami life'' she nodded in response he was smart so it seemed and observing your opponent was something she would praise him for, she had to admit he seemed to know what he was doing and sure enough the thought of going up against him made her determined.

So it appeared Carter wasn't so much as a Hakuda user himself his skills were more in swordsmanship and Kidou, ah yes she wasn't so good in those area, Kidou was defiantly not her thing but what she really wanted was to reach Shikai, she knew how to handle her Zanpakutō but because of its small size there was limitations. If she could combine swordplay and her skill in Hand to hand combat then she'd be much more of a threat. That was her plan, and she would reach it, she told herself she would and Carter was offering to lend her his strength and knowledge to teach her in something she wasn't so profound in, it was a good idea to her. Haruka shrugged her shoulders a slight smirk ''Sounds like a fair deal to me'' she said. ''I've always believed sharing knowledge among other Shinigami will make a better, stronger more solid Gotei 13'' she added.

Haruka watched as he set his Zanpakutō aside near among the trees and made sure he would come back to it, she understood Zanpakutō were like partners they worked together and Haruka liked the sound of it, she wanted that too, have the bonding of a sword and it's master. It intrigued her what did Sirena look like who was she and what could she do exactly, so many questions filled her. Haruka stood straight her body turned to the side a little as she looked at Carter, he had a point there, if she could beat him here, that would be some story she would tell. A smirk grew on her face as she lifted her hand up just in front of her face as she tugged on the black gloves on her hand flexing her fingers as she then lowered her stance, her knees bended sharply ''Well, maybe im gonna be the next one to say that'' she said she liked a little bit of fighting talk, some healthy competition. Immediately after finishing her words she ran at Carter with soaring speeds and drew her arm back as far as possible before launching a clenched fist towards his face if it hit who knew but she figured it wouldn't be that easy, this was not going to be a breeze she would push her body and be smart here and see what happened.

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Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:01 am

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 580

Her speed was good, pretty high for her level but he knew he held the upper hand in that department. Hell if he wanted to be a dick he could make it appear as if he were merely walking while she was going full speed but he wouldn't be a douche, he lowered his own speed so it was enough to counter her attack, purposefully slowing himself to her level. His left arm came up as her punch came in, his finger tips all touching at a point forming a beak like shape before he bent his hand down, making his writ and hand into a hook. His left arm would descend and her arm would be caught in the crux of the hook before he pulled his arm out and her punch went flying past him, clearing his body without damage done in the location of his rib cage now. He would smile as the crane styled defensive maneuver went off without a hitch.

He had been training this method but only against a dummy and hadn't gotten to see it in action yet, it would be useful for countering attackers and now her speed would continue to carry her forward with her attacking arm out wide at an odd angle that was sure to throw her foot work off. Being that he still moved at her speed she would be able to see as his arms rose up and light flickered off of them making the arms appear to have fleeting golden feathers as they raised above his head, the show was a distraction as his left leg rose up and kicked outward aiming for her right knee cap to buckle the leg.

" Disorienting Crane Kick!" he would yell happily hoping to see if she would block it which was a possibility given current level of speed he was operating at. He had to focus to maintain it so he wouldn't rush the girl in an accident that would be too fast for her to block against, he wasn't used to it but he was enjoying the training so far.

" Come kick my annoying ass!" he taunted, trying to prod her and force her to fire herself up. He was going to give her his all and given how little he knew of Hakuda there was a very real chance he would level here with his ass kicked, remembering that his own durability was quite high he inwardly placed mental blockers on his own energy so his speed and defense were lowered enough for her to attack him and leave a few good lumps. He wanted to go all out in this fight but knew to do that he would need to block off his own power so he had to fight at the full strength he had lowered himself too. His eyes would close as he focused on his energy, knowing he would regret it later cause it always took time to unlock it he pushed his power into a cage, a mental cage he formed from his own willpower that would cut his high power level down and make it so he couldn't access it and possibly harm this girl. He yearned to learn and knew she was going to teach him some things.

With that done he opened his eyes again and awaited her next attack, seeing how she would counter his own attack.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

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Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:28 am
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Haruka had previously made sure to prepare herself after having some light stretching allowing her flexibility to aid her in Hakuda. It often went hand in hand and it meant she could contort her body in ways that Hakuda asked for. She hadn't started off to brash now, in her opinion just a warm up and some testing were n order. She'd ran at Carter with speeds, now she knew she much further to go if she were to outrun a Captain and she figured he'd read her moves and already know what she was planing to do, and so he should know something like that, it would be the standard for someone of his calibre. But Haruka was a determined and unwavering soul her will and focus were something other than Hakuda that came to her naturally, she could feel it in herself that she had move to give should she get the right training.

The raven Shinigami told herself, to be careful here, things may not go the way she planned, she just had to keep up remain focus and be ready for what this Captain threw at her, she may be on the defence mostly, but it would all be good for her, no pain no gain as they say. Her chocolate brown eyes narrowed as they scanned for movement on how Carter would perhaps counter this, and his left arm came shooting up and created a hook like shape, perfect for hooking onto Haruka's incoming punch. He had seized her arm and directed it away so she missed him, quick thinking really. Most people would just avoid the knock by dodging so she would have to think ahead here.

It would seem Carter had been trying out a different style of Hakuda one that Haruka had heard of but never seen to be used, incorporating different styles in with hand to hand combat, where as Haruka's way was more forceful, she hadn't really perfected it, but she did have some style about her one that didnt seem rehearsed as if she barely needed to think her moves just came naturally to her. Of course she had her flaws and they may be brought to light here in this fight.

Haruka's missed punch carried on forward passed Carter she didn't unclench her fist but carried it on but what was put off was her footings, she kind of hopped a bit skipping a step and quickly reclaiming her balance as instantly as possible. She focused on the sight of flickering light that she saw being told to look at something other than her opponent was surly a trap of some kind but still she didnt not look and spotted the golden feather like appearance. But she snapped herself back to reality and that reality was Carters leg now flying at her knee, her eye shot wide before she hand sprung backward flipping her body over as if it made of rubber trying to avoid the kick and made sure her own foot would come following up to at least come close to hitting him in face.

Haruka lifted herself up straight after she'd manoeuvred back and looked to Carter ''Those wings of yours are a nice distraction'' she smirked she was curious as to what they were and almost been hit. She had at least tried to cleverly avoid it and all the while try and strike him with her foot as well. She turned her head slightly as he probed her some more about wanting to kick his ass ''You asked for it'' she smirked before she darted at him again as she reached a little way in front of him her palms hit the floor her body making a single revolution travelling closer to Carter before her fist came flying over and slammed into the ground just beneath Carter drawing him to look to the ground in front where Haruka was now crouched, she then pushed on her feet her palm going up and forming back into a fist now travelling up at him, she was going to push a bit more and get quicker in her attacks but she had no idea what he had planned to try and stop her.
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Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:43 am
To say the least, Kenta was initially glad about being back in the Soul Society, who wouldn't be happy being back at the place they called home? But then, he remembered that not everyone was happy to have 'him' back. "I guess Cirno did the best she could," The only reason why the former Lieutenant was even back in the Soul Society was because of the Ice Iramasha to begin with. Because of her Kenta was able to come back, then again he didn't leave on the best of terms, and it looks like there are still some residents of the Soul Society that still see Kenta as a threat.

There were places where the Soul Society had changed, but also places that stayed the same, granted there were some places where Kenta couldn't go, like the places he frequented when he was a Shinigami, like the barracks of some squads. Squad 4 was still available thankfully, Squad 8 also was unavailable which Kenta expected, but he had a sliver of hope that he could, but no. Right now, he wanted to get out of the more populated portion of the Soul Society and go to where he knew best, the forest.

"Are you doing okay?" Eregantou broke the long silence that permeated the walk to the outskirts, Kenta adjusted his Zanpaktō on his hip, "Being at home isn't what I'd thought it be," "Disapointed?" Kenta didn't answer and continued walking on.

It wasn't long until Kenta felt two different pressures off in the distance and he tensed involuntarily, after a few minutes of thinking he headed over to where he sensed pressures.

"Aren't we all just a little bit Hollow inside?"

-Kenta Yamada

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Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:07 pm
I will be posting to this tonight or tomorrow

|Death is but the first step in life|

Starting over (OPEN) ZfrGue8

Starting over (OPEN) EUuCTxy
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