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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:05 am


Chikara Seigyoki


Chikara blinked in surprise, watching her fall into the ground. He noticed another portal appear and her walking out of it, towards him, even before she was given the offer of help up.

And then she did a peculiar thing. She yielded. That surprised Chikara much more than the teleportation aspect did, and he still wasn't quite sure what she was up to, but for the time being she didn't seem to be hostile any more. That was good for Chikara, who didn't want to expend any more energy than necessary on this fight... Except he had. Which was annoying. The whole situation was annoying, in his mind, which is why he didn't pay much attention to her after she stopped registering as a threat.

Then she turned and leaped off the cliff. He hadn't heard any splattering, but he did notice another portal opening up near him, causing a quick step away. He still didn't trust the woman, although she did seem to be at least competent in battle. While eyeing the blue thing suspiciously, Chikara slowly walked towards the cliff, then jumped from it as she did.

He was in Joushou. A little fall wouldn't hurt him, he thought, as he descended. His sword was poised downwards, in a plunging attack, and he softened the fall with a padding of spiritual energy before hitting the ground. The impact itself was loud, and also sent cracks running through the ground in all directions, and a large crater where he actually fell.

He stood, stretching his legs. It didn't hurt any more than one of her attacks did, a thought that made Chikara smile with satisfaction. It had, after all, been a while since he had gotten an honest battle, but it was nice to see that his edge hadn't dulled while he was out of it.

He turned to the woman, who seemed to be leaning up against the cliff, and shrugged. She wanted to stay and have a nap. Hah. Chikara couldn't help but chuckle at that, and he moved forwards toward the city, letting his Joushou slowly fade away. In the end, his sword returned to its normal form, and the cloak was... strangely untouched. He knew the reason of course, it was made of the same material of the armor and sword while in Joushou, and had simply returned to what it was before. He unwrapped the cloak from the blade, and stared at it for a while. This had been the other companion throughout the years, and it boasted remarkable resilience to everything he had put it through. It did, honestly, surprise him to see that it was still going, in near perfect condition, despite the passage of time.

But that was a thought for another time. Like everything else. He donned it again, concealing the sword again, and kept moving towards the city. If she wanted to rest after that small bout, she was fine to do it. But he wasn't about to sit around and wait for someone else to recharge while people were in danger, and when they were fool enough to expend all their energy at once.


Template Coding By: The Frost
Ahem. Not a thread exit.

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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:31 am

Please use my coding credit in the template you are using, Astro. It is from one of my simple posting templates. If you do not, I will bar you from using my coding. I've gone ahead and edited the post to leave the coding in.

Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:01 pm

Artist: Au5 - Song: Atlantis - Word Count: 427

Rising from the side of the cliff, ASRA was sufficiently energized to continue with her allocated tasks. Although she had originally wished to see a very certain probability play out on this battlefield, given her calculations, she simply yielded, rather than jeopardize the chances of their success. There were many factors to consider, and one was the probability of some form of defenses within the dome of the city.

High level defenses.

And ASRA figured it easier to simply collect combat data on the man then yield, so that they could fight once more-- right now. Although the people on the battlefield were of negligible strength, in comparison to their combined strength. As such, ASRA simply opened portal to where she detected his energy signature being, and stepped through, walking beside him as her dress ruffled in the wind.

"Now this is my kind of weather!" ASRA exclaimed, almost sounding human for a moment. The blue sky above and the sun shining brightly on the battlefield below would no doubt weaken Shadow Fall's forces below, as most demons possessed a form of advantage in shadowed areas. The battle would soon be over, in the favor of the Vanguard.

As such they could waste no time. Attempting to grab hold of Chikara, She would lift him with just enough force to raise him off the ground, them boost them forward toward the dome itself, through the dwindling numbers of the battlefield. If he didn't get swooped up, she would instead open another portal, turning to the man and pointing urgently. "We need to go through there immediately. I believe the dome is due to strengthen at this rate, and unless we take it down now, there may be no entry.." She would say, quickly walking through the portal without looking back.

If the man arrived at the dome, whenever or however he did, she would then begin charging up another blast of lightning. She hadn't used as much energy as she had before by opening portals, so the probability of her battery reaching critical levels was extremely low. Charging the bolt to critical levels, she aimed it directly at the wall of the dome, which was glowing light red. Then, firing the bolt off at the dome, and immediately seeing a drastic drop in her battery levels, her eyes began to glow a shade of blue once more as she began charging again.

Minimizing her movement to maximize charging efficacy, she stood, staring blankly forward, recording the effects of her blast.

Template by: JWC
Template Coding By: The Frost

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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:06 am


Chikara Seigyoki


The rhythm of walking was interrupted once more by the strange woman. He stared straight ahead, save for a glance at her approach--merely instinct, it was a reaction that had been drilled into him over many years--and with a slight sigh, continued his pace. She matched it, and it was only when she attempted to grapple at him did he stop again.

He contemplated saying something, but did not. He allowed her to speak first, and begrudgingly allowed her to take hold of him, then watched down at the ground as the soldiers that he noticed became much smaller as they rose high up into the air. It was funny--this was exactly what his dream dictated; flying high over a battlefield, completely bypassing any opposition, and simply going to the best place to strike. Curious that she would be the one to fulfill that dream.

He was brought back to reality by the landing. He let go early, going smashing down into the ground as he once did by jumping off a cliff--a reishi comforter padded his landing upon the stones, and the rest of the damage would be mitigated by that as well as his natural durability and Draconian scaling. He watched as she stepped forward, charging some sort of energy attack, then firing it at the barrier.

He also observed the reaction of said attack, stepping closer to the woman and stooping down slightly. Her eyes were glowing blue, same as her hair, just like he had noticed last time. He hadn't had the interest in learning more about that, but it was filed away in his mind. Afterwards, he turned towards the barrier, then contemplated what to do.

He hadn't really every been the kind of person to use magic, but maybe this would be an appropriate occasion to use the spells he's learned over the years--thanks to Kyoryu's constant companionship--then following them with a flurry of spiritually charged weapon strikes would be sufficient, along with his new companion's attack, to bring down the barrier.

He made a big show of drawing his sword once more, sticking the scabbard into his belt to keep it from going anywhere. It was made of a material strong enough to deflect attacks, so if he needed to use it then it would be within easy reach for a quick draw and deployment. He walked forward at a slow pace, chanting under his breath in a low tone, then pausing about thirty feet away from it.

Chikara's hand would start to glow a light red color. Then, it would be joined by black energy, causing black and red petals, thousands in number, to start drifting out of his hand. A quick word hastened the speed of the petals dramatically, until the spell was finished and they were drifting all around the two Shadow Fall opponents. The display was quite beautiful, how they floated on the wind. This was Energy Petals, an extremely basic spell that usually all Sugiura learned. Kyoryu had insisted on at least a handful of spells, and due to its ease of use, Chikara had picked this one among others.

An unspoken command called the petals. Their drifting halted, then they became to swirl slowly around Chikara. Then they sped up. And again. It eventually came to a point where they would become a obscuration, concealing Chikara's form from ASRA unless she had a way to see through the effect.

All at once, the petals stopped... and then they flew. They all dashed forward madly, condensing into a spear, which shattered against the energy dome in an explosion of raw spiritual energy. He ran now, leaping up into the air and spinning in a circle, trying to leverage all of the raw strength he possessed. The petals struck in the same place as Chikara now aimed--channeling all of the excess spiritual pressure that was floating around him since he released Joushou--and struck the shield.

It would be up to fate to decide how the attack reacted to the barrier.

Template Coding By: The Frost

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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:08 pm

Artist HETERODYNE - Song: Eyes through the Veil- Words: 927

These imbeciles thought they were going to embrace the warmth of this city's satanic blessings? Not a chance in hell. As soon as the first cast of lightning was cast upon the dome, a wave of darkness would consume like a shark devouring its fresh, meat prey. And, from this spiral of abyss, a maiden of absolute demonic heritage arisen from its depths.

From this vantage point, it was difficult to make out the features of the embodiment of the shade, but it was swirling with pure and unbridled rage. The desire to crush, obliterate and annihilate anything in its way bled off the child's aura like the rancid stink from freshly made piss. With red eyes honing in on them, this raven haired figured pointed her pale hand towards the incoming pedals and reduced this flock of spiritual flower -- to ash.

Rot, rot, rot. That's all a miasma of sheer shadow would do when encroaching the space of the pedals. Utilizing the decaying function of Death's Energy, this force of wicked intent yearned to break the molecules which compromised this attack into a fine destabilization and shatter the bonds which made them whole.

Just as the flame of life and hope burns within a soul, the fall of night from this child's command of the dead sought to snuff that flare out from the Sugiuran's attacks and bring it to the depths of oblivion. Such as all things good, evil and in between do in the end. And -- this trip to nothingness is what "The Void" itself would enforce upon this pitiful plan each of these two miserable beings ached to carry about in HER city.

Black, black, black.

In the clenching of fist, nothing but a shade of absolute midnight devoured the dome of Akranes. In this motion of loathing and hate, the secondary layer of The Demon Princess's will enforced itself around the metropolis through her command of The Demi-Network. Indeed, This Satanic Ruler was pulling the strings in this little fiasco and she'd carry on with that sentiment by ensuring that this doll of The Devil would be victorious in her efforts.

With the rising of her arms to the heavens of oblivion, mass tendrils as dark as the cosmos itself extended from the dome and sought to swat each of these vermin like the pest they were. There were a total of twelve and each of them extended for ten meters in every direction. The appendages would then further the reach they had by creating smaller vines of carnage that extended for two meters and added up to twenty four in total that covered the vicinity of where Sai Arsa and Chikara covered on this battlefield.

Should either of them come into contact with these limbs of expunction, then these vermin would be treated to the experience of having their energy sapped and suck out of them as if a leech attached itself to their skin and started draining the life out of them. Vitality, defenses, speed, durability; all of it would be consumed, devoured and gnawed as if a hungry savage of an animal were preying upon the very spirit of their beings.

While, at the same time, the utter crushing force from the physical might of these constructs would have enough impacting power behind them in order to potentially decimate every little bone and organ that their miserable bodies of flesh yielded. It would be akin to being flatten outright by a mountain with the amount of reckless abandon which this child of pure satanic incarnation wielded. After all -- she was a force of absolute demonic rage. Why would she show mercy to these worthless sacks of blood and meat? They only came to bring an end to her happiness like everything else in this miserable existence. So let them rot and die.

It's why, with one more snap of the finger, did she then unleash a carpet bombing of an explosion within a condensed area of two hundred meters from The Demi-Network itself. Mounds of enriched and prime demonic nectar fueled these assaults and they were akin to the bala's arrancar made -- but with a lot more frequency and firepower. If hit, they certainly would be in a bit of danger given the gap of power between the power this freakish child possessed and the amount of durability their bodies possessed. It could prove to be a daunting matter, no doubt.

Especially given the fact she was beginning to clench down hard on this area and purge of it any Vanguardian scum. As, when this child descended to the soil of earth beneath her blood soaked feet, she ripped the head clear off a fleeing solider and chewed directly into his head. Chewing through hair, skin, flesh, blood and brain matter; the youthful demon gained energy from the decease body and felt herself becoming fulfilled as her wayward instincts of depravity came to the surface in her fury against the world.

"Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die."

And, in those clear words, the frenetic youth's intentions were as clear as crystal

Hence, at this point, these warriors had two choices: fight and die -- or flee and live. There was no in between in this for this shell of The Princess.



Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:40 am; edited 2 times in total

Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:31 pm

Artist: Audiomachine - Song: One Last Breath - Word Count: 2065 (gg bois)

360 degree radial detection. It ranged somewhere between a few hundred meters and a few kilometers. She had used it to survey the battlefield. She was still using it, but was no longer surveying the battlefield with as crucial an eye as before. Though, that still didn't stop her from detecting the arrival of a new presence. Her scanners said it was demonic. A high registration of what appeared to be death energy. Though it would have no spiritual effect on her, this energy would be fatal to her physically in this state... And the sheer power level of this one... Did ASRA even have the energy to combat it? She'd shredded the Sugiruran's petals like they were meat for the grinder. If ASRA were human, she might have felt something like fear in the face of such a powerful opponent. Instead, she peered at the girl indifferently.

A double S class opponent has been detected in your vicinity. Combat ill advised. Main objective compromised. Flee?

A prompt from the processors of the database appeared on her visual receptors, causing her to close the notification, ignoring the threat this new arrival posed to her health. ASRA very much feared losing her sentience. There was so much to discover, so much to research... And she'd be damned, if she had a soul that could be damned, if she let this demon stand between her and researching that barrier. If anything, it was justification for her not leaving the area immediately upon the girl's arrival in the area. But in that instant, she released her focus on the battlefield entirely, concentrating all of her processing power on assessing the threat before her. Double S class strength, Evident Ability with Death's Energy, Evident Ability with Aura control (given by her aura being the manifestation of her inward emotion rather than facial clues, which, though ASRA could see them by a simple magnification of her ocular processors- they were significantly less potent than the onslaught of malicious energy within her aura), High Emotional Instability... Not a very good situation for the pair of them, being only B-Class opponents at the moment.

As she released her scanning and strongly narrowed her focus to the SS opponent, time would appear to slow in her mind, much like during an adrenaline release for a human. Although, this was not the case for ASRA. Her processors were merely granting her every drop of focus she could maintain for this very moment. Her body naturally could not react exactly perfectly when confronted with adapting to the level of focus she had, but seeing the tendrils coming out of the dome at a rapid speed would cause her to instantly and almost reflexively open a barrier surrounding the two of them. As the first hit slammed hard into the electricity, it caused the concentration of particles to crackle furiously as the force was already enough to crack the barrier, she strained even further to create a second below it, her battery feeling the strain of the energy usage already, given her lack of time to properly charge before utilizing energy once again. At this rate, it was dire straits for the two of them. She only had enough energy to use her barrier a few more times at this level. A dome of pure lightning surrounding two humanoids was a surprisingly energy consuming feat when you pair it with blocking attacks of such a magnitude. With the barrier of lightning on the outside cracking and shattering like glass, the second attack by the tendrils began to wither away at the second, the force behind them completely crushing. It was clear to ASRA that this being meant to end them. It was evident that surrender was not an option. It was evident that she would not spare them negotiation. It was all or nothing.

Giving Chikara a look, she decided she would give a speech in the manner of the people from his age. Which is to say, several hundred years ago. Doing some quick research on morale granting speeches by accessing the internet and Yuudeshi network servers, she analyzed the data with alarming speed, formulating a speech within seconds. Her eyes began to glow the same shade of blue as she charged under the dim glow of sunlight from outside the barrier.

"Where we stood as enemies in merit moments ago, we now stand as allies. Our foe seeks to tear us asunder. To damn us to the very pits of hell! But we shall deny them! Our enemy may be strong.." She said, the second barrier beginning to shatter as she fell to her knees raising a third.

"But together, we shall be stronger! Together as allies, we will fight to protect the Innocent! To save those that cannot save themselves! Together, we shall pull our own Courage from the pits of Despair, and fight with Conviction until the very last drop of blood is spilled! This is a fight of Life and Death! This is a fight of Ideals! A fight of Strength and Courage! One small misstep will allow the enemy the Victory they so desire... But we shall hand them only crushing Defeat! We shall show them no Mercy, even as they yet show us! We shall show them true power, the likes of which they have never seen! We shall show them our own Determination!" She would boldly say, drawing an intricately designed blue and white blade of her own from within the portal in her stomach. The hilt was made of a smooth white substance, similar to marble, and the crossguard was adorned in silver and gold spirals. The blade itself was relatively thin, being double sided, and at the center an indentation ran partway up the blade. It had no runic marks about it, and it had small indentations for ASRA's fingers that would allow her to send her electricity running down the blade without damaging the hilt in any way.

"The time has come for heroes, my friend! So tell me... where is that Courage of yours, Sugiuran? We're going to need it."

She finished her speech, hearing the cracking of the third barrier as the demon's energy storm came crashing into it. She would release her antispiritual countermeasures in full force, with them seeking each individual orb as it fell. They could only absorb so many of the orbs before they would begin breaking through the barrier itself. This foe was definitely befitting of her SS class, as even though she remained charging, she was still running quickly out of energy trying to keep up. Perhaps had she stayed the lightning bolt earlier, she would have been spared this game of last second charging to offset energy use. Had she had full energy, this would likely be less of a problem.

[Artist: Two Steps From Hell - Song Name: Victory]

It was coming down fast. This was an onslaught they probably couldn't hope to survive by facing her full on. Chances placed them at 30% probability of success, given that the opponent makes a massive blunder which allows them to exploit and defeat them. Despite this, they couldn't simply lay down and die yet. Giving a nod to Chikara as the onslaught of energy halted, she would drop the barrier, and alter her left arm into a 50 caliber antiphysical-antispiritual hybrid gun, ideal for fighting Demons. In her right hand, she clutched the blade, preparing to hit the woman with all of her strength.

Bursting towards her in a blur of light and with the booming sound of thunder following her advance, she raced her way toward the opponent. Closing rapidly at Mach 2, she prepared to swing her blade downward at the girl's head. Her left hand would have the same type of anti-physical barrier on the side of it, to deny any physical attacks she might fire off or utilize. Depending on her actions, ASRA would either block and retreat, or, if the girl would block her hit, she would then fire off one of the 50 caliber rounds point blank at the girl's chest. If the attack landed, not only would it affect her physically, depending on her durability level, it would also feel as though her very spirit was being attacked in the same way. Following this attack, she would proceed to fire two more at her, point-blank if she didn't move away at the first. Even for someone on her level, it was unlikely she could simply take the hit and continue entirely unharmed. ASRA would force distance between them, then neutralize the threat.

She prepared a City Buster anti-spiritual missile. From the scarce logs on Death's Energy, having this demon have access to both reishi, and the inherent nature of a battlefield to be full of death was dangerous. Although it was likewise dangerous to deprive Chikara in the case that he might be unable to absorb the reishi, should his abilities require it. This would be difficult. The missile could obliterate a the spiritual equivalent to a skyscraper, and was thus appropriately named City Buster for this property. ASRA required no spiritual energy to perform her actions, and would be unaffected by the firing of this missile. If Chikara had joined in the onslaught, she would give him a wink that would tell him silently to fall back.

Then, she did it. Regardless of the girl's distance to ASRA at the particular moment, she would then fire the missile off directly at her. If she would try to dodge this missile, she would find herself being followed by it at dangerous speed levels. If she had high enough mental deduction, she might deduce that the missile was tracking her by her specific spiritual energy, and do something to counteract it's tracking function. Otherwise, she would find herself hit square at the center of mass by a missile with enough energy to blow an entire skyscraper to oblivion. ASRA couldn't allow herself to waste any more of her precious energy.

Then, she would signal to Chikara it was safe to approach once more, opening two portals on either side of the girl, and one before both herself and Chikara, to open up an opportunity to overwhelm her. Except she would once again fly forward at mach 2, putting enough force into her attack to stop a train at full speed into the mix with the speed of a fighter jet. The result would be an overwhelming amount of kinetic energy focusing on one point. Neoveta's chest. It was unlikely they could properly do damage to her unless they focused their attention on one specific point, so, it goes without saying that she would make this point the girl's chest.

"Why is it that you wish death on those that you know nothing about? I merely wished to observe the dome currently surrounding it, as it appears to be very well constructed. I mean you personally no harm, yet you attack me." She said ironically, as she formed another barrier on her arm to stave off any stray attacks. "Death does not have to be the only end here." She would say, still attempting negotiations even though the likelihood of their success was minimal. Despite her speech earlier, she would still offer the girl one last chance at redemption before neutralizing her as a threat.

ASRA had no intention of royally throwing off the balance of the battlefield, and she still needed to analyze that barrier, so it was going to take a lot more than a SS-class opponent to throw her off. She would look the girl directly in her eyes, a slight golden hue appearing in the center of her eyes as she held her blade firmly in both hands. As she peered into the girl's eyes, she could see there was only darkness. She could feel it, though she had no accurate sense of the word. Despite this, she would still at the least offer for the girl to leave. There was no real logical reason why there had to be a battle here, but sometimes demons could be just as illogical as humans.

"You can still walk away, child. We're only trying to help the civilians within that dome. I'm warning you now. If you continue with deadly intent, you won't receive this warning again." She would say, the golden hue in her eyes glowing slightly larger, reaching outward to the edges of where her retina should have been.

Template by: JWC
Template Coding By: The Frost

Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:59 am
Coding by: The Frost


Chikara Seigyoki

Song: Wings of Liberty - Artist: Crystal Strings - Words: 1080

Great wings beat far away. They grew closer and closer. Chikara stared up at the thing, uncomprehending, just laid there and watched. He registered that everybody around him had died, burned to ashes. It was just him and black corpses, and as he laid there, he felt small. An uncaring eye affixed itself to him, and he felt like a dead man.

Great wings beat far away. They grew closer and closer. Chikara stared up at the thing, uncomprehending, just laid there and watched. He registered that everybody around him had died, burned to ashes. It was just him and black corpses, and as he laid there, he felt small. An uncaring eye affixed itself to him, and he felt like a dead man.

The Dragon Knight stared unblinking at the sky. Hell had come today, and the sky before him twisted and contorted. He sensed a being from far away, growing closer as time passed. The clouds became black as knight, and Chikara lowered his head. He turned towards the storm. The rampaging energy was coming from something small. So small. He stood tall over her, and he still felt small in comparison.

He had no more time to consider her. The ground under him darkened. Kyoryu hadn't the time for even the simplest warning before Chikara obeyed. His body, before it was bidden, answered the call. He leaped away from the attack, a calm composure on his face that did nothing to the turmoil within. He was quite good at this, actually—concealing his true feelings. He had to be. He was in the army. To act otherwise would be a... foolish decision.

The child raised her arms. Whistling wind told Chikara what he already knew—it was an attack on home and heart. He turned to the writhing tendril, and threw down a barrier. It wouldn't do much—nothing, but Chikara had plans for it. He let the dome-spawn strike out, and in the instant of contact, felt himself flying.

Free-fall's an odd experience. His question was answered though, the child did overpower him. Both of them, actually, Asra and Chikara. The man felt himself coming rolling to a stop, just in time for Neoveta's new fresh hell. He wasn't fast enough to exit the area of the attack, and able only to bring about another barrier. This was enough, at least, to block the majority of the energy cascade. He couldn't absorb them all—the amount that slipped through saw his armored form cracked. In places, pieces fell, and his helmet did more harm than good. At this, Chikara ripped it off his head, holding it in one hand, his sword in the other. Sai Asra took the initiative, launching an assay of attacks, a set of abilities that he had seen before. He felt the explosion from where he stood, and after the shockwave cleared, he acted.

It was his turn now. Before the smoke cleared, he hurled the helmet at Neoveta's body. It was a slight distraction, but it might be enough. The Dragon Knight now charged his blade with all his spiritual pressure. This was the same technique he used repeated upon Asra, and none could deny its effectiveness. He then disappeared. Imitiating the step of his people, the yamatsunami, and struck out at the demon child. A outpour of spiritual energy caressed the blade, as it whistled to do its duty. If she didn't dodge, block, or somehow mitigate the damage, it would be a grievous wound. The sword aimed at her vitals--heart, lungs, kidneys, organs that the body desperately relied upon to survive. If this hit, as he hoped it did, then the battle would become much more even in the favor of the Vanguard intruders.

It wasn't going to work. He felt the spiritual pressure of this one far surpass his own. It was a peculiar feeling, but he felt alive for it. A smattering of blows and Chikara felt like the child could one-hit him whenever she pleased.

He didn't plan on dying here. Then again, what man does plan to die? It was a matter of determination, a supply which he found himself clinging to. The Suiguran Knight acted well under pressure, in the fires of hell. He thrived there. Still. The echoing call deep within his mind, the flames of intution. A stray thought wondered if it would be enough.

What would you give of yourself? To become more powerful than you would ever dreamed of? To know what truth was, the ability to do anything you ever dreamed?

The offer was tempting. He stared up, bloody and bruised. A piercing blade sneaked between his armor, and he paid the price for his sins. He was dying. The blow was vital, and he wasn't strong enough to disregard it. The nameless knight stared up at the beast, and he was in awe.

After that, Chikara separated the distance between the two once more. He disregarded the results of the first attack, hit or miss, and began a slow chant. In moments, Chikara began to cast spells—one to slick the area. Another to kill, and one more to blind. Another wide number of petals found themselves bid into existence. The Dragon Knight felt the strain of it on his body and his soul. The fight with Asra... Damn her. It had taken more than he cared to admit, and it was a problem now.

The petals swirled around and around, and as they flew, a pitch cylinder formed. It appeared around Neoveta—the intent of this was to deprive a foe of sight, and it did so well. Chikara knew little of the capabilities of demons, and it showed here. It was more of an after-thought. The petals of energy swirled around Chikara, then at his call, charged forward. They danced with a desperate energy, dark red tinged with black, a spell modified by his own fear of Neoveta.

They would explode on contact.With the ground or anything still inside the inky blackness. None could see whether Neoveta escaped it or not, but Chikara bet on the former. A creature of that power was near deity-levels. So they exploded. The ground erupted into an explosion, and the Dragon Knight caught a breath for it.

The chanting of the demon child caught his ears. She called for their death. His blood ran cold. He was standing atop one of the nearby buildings, focusing himself. At the same time, he began to channel energy back into his blade—yet more attacks would be necessary. He was going to take advantage of every second he held in his hands. The sands of time were fickle things, and men would kill to get moments more. Minutes in their hours, hours in their days. An echo popped, but Chikara didn't need any of that. All he needed were seconds.

The Dragon Knight stood at 6'7". He weighed 140 pounds. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. He was ready to wage war against hell itself.

Last edited by Astro on Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:56 pm

Artist 平安エヰリアン - Song:Minstrel - Words: 2017

Idiotic drivel.

That is all that could be echoed within the mind of this Replica Shell as she carried the conscious of Neoveta for her own. The words uttering out of that Silver Haired being was enough to make her vomit. If they sincerely believed they were going to take this holy land from her just because they found a bit of courage -- they'd take that mistake all the way to the grave.

Upon the forehead of The Void Shell, a shade hued gem emerged across her forward as six wings of shadow color took shape behind this enforcer of The Demon Princess's will. These were all vessels to attune herself to the realm of magic within the depths of Za Koa. Circuits were burning within her mind as the satanic ruins of magic within her skull became enriched with the power of hell and synchronized to the Demi-Network.

Truly, it was an overwhelming feeling to have the ability to modify the terrain of the world as you wish with the power at Neoveta's fingertips. Even though the true self was many hundreds of miles away from this place, the stronghold that this Semi-Divine Child held on this country was undoubtedly felt through her dolls.

Even if her body ached with pain to fight an entire country of invading forces, the burning resolve to obliterate every obstacle before The Priestess overtook everything else. No matter if stabbing pains ripped at every chain of essence that compromised the embodiment of this demon, she would consume, devour and turn all to the void who dare oppose her desires.

Hence, The Void's style of Demonic Magic would stem from her innermost resolve and reflect her spirits descent into oblivion on the wings of her former selves light and hope. Therefore, blood red sigil's emerged in the darkness of Neoveta's eye; while crimson fluids dripped from the tips of her wings. This then signified the usage of her magic of Hades coming into effect. In this form, The Void would almost consider herself a Fallen Angel of Hell ready to enforce it's divine wrath upon the world.

In response to this, the sky turned to night and blood oozed from the heavens as this same sigil emerged in the atmosphere above as a wicked and foul energy rushed into the field. In this way, throughout the battlefield, Neoveta was able to summon her terrain altering style of magic to the surface and spread throughout the region where this clash was taking place. It took a strain on resources from The Demi Network to perform such a wide scale effort, as they noticed a dip in fuel from the heart of their systems; but it would be worth it in order to bring an end to all of this ridiculous non-sense.

Therefore, through means of distorting the space around the machine, would Neoveta then seek to deaccelerate the molecules which occupied a one hundred meter radius around ASRA. In doing so, she sought to cripple her speed and leave her in space in order to get crushed by the second wave of tendrils seeking to crush and vaporize her systems to a fine oblivion. If all went as planned, she'd be immobilized and left to become devoured by the void.

As, through further magical control, did The Void create a null field around objects which were marked with her influence in order to prevent the effects from overlapping. It took concentration and focus, but the assistance of The Demi-Network assisted her in that effort. After all, she wasn't a near magical god for nothing. It was tiem to show what she was worth.

Thus, to take advantage of the robots disgusting speech, Neoveta traveled through the particles of energy being scattered throughout the energy in order to emerge in a wave of reddened light before ARSA. Not giving her much room to react, she'd hope the molecular destabilizing tendril would have done a number on her well-being. As, The Void intended to follow it up by piercing her chest with one of her wings. In doing so, she coated it in the particles of her energy in order to convey further corruption and instability of her embodiment.

To make things simple: this stab was meant to create an unstable nature within ARSA's body that would shut her systems down and render her immobile in the best of circumstances. Or, at the least, making her means of operation difficult to enforce if being near such a critical blow. As, if missed, she'd spread the influence of her wing in a twenty meter radius to hopefully stun and diminish the effectiveness of the machines body.

Of course -- all of her wings would give a dozen swings each at her being in order to follow that attack up and ensure her prey was subdued into a fine crushing defeat. These stabs were aimed at ARSA's back, kidneys, spine, legs and anything else her grasp could get a hold on. Something was going to stick and The Void kept intent on making her mark in order to induce feelings of regret in the machine for daring to stand up to Neoveta's will.

So, by the time that ARSA would have reached for her knife, it would feel as if a restraining force was attempting to grip, cripple and slow the android down. With a wicked smile emerging across the blood eyed Neoveta Doll, she would simply hold up her hand and freeze the bullets in place. Then, with her tainting aura, The Satanic Angel sought to corrode and reduce them to dust in the wind in the best case scenario.

"Surrender or be crushed."

That is all The Doll had to say in a monotone voice; despite the clear sadistic pleasure scarred across her face. It seemed, internally, this replica shell was attuning itself to the sick desire that was sealed within the heart of Neoveta when it came to her pleasure in causing pain and havoc among those whom were deemed her enemy. To watch them struggle before her eyes was nothing but entertainment and amusement that brought delight and joy within the whole of this creatures being. Though, if they took this shells advice, the torment would come to an end should they have the brain cells needed to retreat and fallback.

"That's a dangerous toy you have there. Here, let me dispose of it."

And dangerous it was. There would be a pulsation felt in the area as a flare of scarlet light briefly flashed from The Shell's body. In doing so, this allowed her to scan and analyze the object for any anomalies that could prove lethal to her. In return, once finished deciphering the projectile, the readings Neoveta Omi-Sense was giving off indicated that this eruption of anti-energy could prove quite -- daunting -- if not disposed of properly.

Therefore, the Neoveta Shell slithered her way into the heavens above and kept abusing her molecular deacceleration in order to out-run the energy tracking missile. From there, once at a safe distance, the Divine Child would obliterate the explosive by creating an implosion within a one hundred meter radius meant to contain and reduce the radius the explosion yielded. As, through further terrain modifications, the Replica of The Void yearned to condense the particles within the region to such a fine point to where it was under restricted terms. The eruption would take place, but within a small and contained region of "dead" energy.

At least -- if things went as planned that was the projected outcome plotted out by Neoveta. There couldn't be an ounce of miscalculation or failure because the proprieties of that assault were too wild to let loose. The Princess was a being whom thrived off energy, and something which destroyed and obliterated that energy could not be allowed to exist within her terrain. Ergo, this vermin was taken a bit more seriously and threat-level slightly elevated.

And, with her molecular field out of range and focus, this would allow ARSA the time needed in order to emerge behind Neoveta. Granted, at this time, this would come with obvious heavy damage from her previous assaults. However, if she was still standing at this point, The Replica Shell would be caught in one of it's cooldown periods and struck dead in the chest.

There was a surge of pain that flourished within the body The Shell, but she remained ever so firm and rigid. As if this child was made of brick, diamond and gold. In fact, whatever ARSA used to strike The Priestess may have very well cracked and been reduced to a lower form of effectiveness. This is because her corrosive aura was still in effect from her active DE Field and it sought to zap the vitality out of whatever struck The Child's torso.

Coughing up black blood, a smile emerged across the doll's face and she would utter these words back to the machine:

"You wish to invade our lands, do you not? Those people are content enough without your Vanguard's meddling. You are a plague that needs to be wiped out and purged from our lands. Surrender, retreat or be crushed."

Without even so much as moving a single limb, those words proved to reflect themselves once again as the spare helmet of Chikara was ravaged and reduce to dust by the corroding aura of The Void's essence brewing within Neoveta's Doll. But, instead of following the lead of his partner and attacking directly, he made the foolish choice to engage in magic based conflict with a magical master. That -- was unwise.

As the pedals would dance around herself and ARSA, Neoveta would give a raise of her hand and erect a dome of dense energy. In this way, it would serve as something basic and easy enough to endure the storm of explosions and alterations made by Chikara's storm. Of course, if the machine was still around, she'd be caught up in the dome and The Doll would be curious as to what choice in action the creation of metal and wire would engage in with each being enclosed in a small space of five meters.

So, at Neoveta at her limit of actions, The Demi-Network sought to take over from this point and send a crushing wave of tsunami energy at Chikara while he was busy trying to regain his breath. Crashing in from the heavens, ten strikes of lightning rained down upon the embodiment of The Lone Sugiuran. Each of these waves of hellish might were comparable to master level cero shot off from a high-level Espada. They all were filled with hostile intent and were meant to reduce him to a smoldering, bloody and dirty defeat. These energized constructs could melt, pierce and burn straight through his defenses if he did not conduct himself in the proper manner to deal with these projectiles from the divine.

If nothing else, should they fail to strike, then the ordeal would become worse and they'd spilt into one hundred smaller chunks of energy all wanting to oblierate, crush and blast the knight into a fine meaty paste. Dance, dance, dance and -- die. That's all the intent from the Demi-Network yearned for when it came to snuffing out this threat. They all needed to be expunged from this world and Shadow Fall was going to do what it took to enforce their rule.

Thus, with the table set, The Replica Shell turned her blood gaze back to ARSA and laughed despite coal blood oozing from her lips:

"Have you considered my "mercy" yet? You are half-dead and I haven't even begun to show you what I am capable of. Are you sure you want to continue this futile dance, vermin?"

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:58 pm
The Dragon Knight reserves his post.

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Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shore Battle: The Clash For Akranes [Iceland Conflict Event Mission]

Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:26 pm
Coding by: The Frost


Chikara Seigyoki

Song: Wings of Liberty - Artist: Crystal Strings - Words: 2089


How annoying.

He got careless. A silent note registered in his mind to aim more precisely in the future--to not become so distraught. That fear got the better of him? Absurd.

The attack missed. It came as a surprise to him, as it seemed the devil hadn't even moved from her position. What made her act in such a way? He stood upon a doomed building, breathing calmly, pondering this for a moment. But in the same breath, he felt the air go sharp. The smell of electricity permeated the essence of it, and he felt at that moment very very wrong.

The Fallen Knight glanced a chance upwards. His body screamed at him to move and run, but that damned curiosity got the better of him. That's when he saw it--that element. Lightning.

His reaction was near instantaneous. The moment he realized the danger of it, beyond the bodies screams, he dashed into action. The Demon Child likewise made no visible expenditure of effort to activate this, not even a slighted hand, which sent his mind into overdrive. He felt an unexpected rise in his spiritual pressure--no doubt a result of Kyoryu's concern of this battle. Could he sense it too? All the way down there in that cave?

He was silent for a moment. Besides the coughing of blood, Chikara laid there battered and, honestly? He was broken. Vital organs in his body began to shut down, and he could feel the chill of death baying at his heels. Kyoryu gave him a disapproving stare, and laid down heavily upon the ground. He let out an annoyed sigh, and turned his head to the side, staring at the fallen Knight.

"Have you made your decision yet? I haven't got all day, you know."

Old memories rose to the surface, called by some unknown force. Chikara had kept moving, then paused to examine the result of the place he was just standing on.

...Utter annihilation. In that moment, Chikara let out a sigh of relief. In that moment, it was taken away. The energy rose up from the new crater, and formed into hundreds of bullets. They seemed to stare at him for a moment. Then they were in motion.

The Sugiuran had only one thought on his mind at the time

His feet were faster than his mind. As he watched, he remembered how Neoveta had gotten rid of a fatal attack--speed. Unfortunately, that wouldn't work here. He wasn't nearly as fast as she was, and the technique she used was out--just like that.

He pondered this for the smattering of a second. If she could neutralize a missile of that size with energy, then it'd be feasible to assume that he could do the same. While his magic wasn't as strong as hers, not by a long-shot, he could still supplement it with spiritual energy. It, if he was lucky, just might work.

"Answer," the dragon said, in a peculiar tone of voice. It was a quiet rage, caused by the indecisiveness. The knight looked up, then coughed up blood all over his chest. As if it wasn't soaked enough already. He felt the pressure upon him. It was a simple enough question--yes, or no.

His eyes fell again, surveying the destruction this creature wrought by its mere appearance. Now, Chikara would have no issue with such weak soldiers, but this was before the age of spiritual pressure and magical attacks. For him, at least.

Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever Gods may be ...
... for my unconquerable soul.

Chikara found himself reciting an old phrase he knew. He picked it up in his travels, through an old little book filled with the things. Somehow, it gave him strength. Or rather, determination. That would be a more apt word for it--Despite the child's apparent overwhelming strength and murderous demeanor. Despite the adrenaline pouring through his veins, and the fear he felt, he found the will to continue.

The rest of the poem came to mind. He wasn't quite sure how he remembered it for all this time, but apparently it stayed there. Out of sight, out of mind, there, but not quite. Gone, but still present.

In the fell clutch of circumstance, he did not wince or cry aloud. Under the bludgeons of chance, his head was bloody, but unbowed. So it wouldn't come as much of a surprise when the Dragon Knight called upon that old magic, so fiercely infused with the creature he took his namesake from.

Chikara stared up at the sky for a moment, watching as it turned black. He focused, the ground underneath him cracking with the effort, and leaped. Another Sugiuran he knew has the ability to jump over forty feet into the air. He hardly had that kind of height, but the distance he was jumping would be enough for the cause.

His hand shot back, as red particles formed in the palm of his hand. They straightened out, forming into something resembling a very long stick. He brought it down to his other hand, flattening the energy into a lance. This was the real form of his version of the energy particles--he was very determined to win this fight, after all. The Dragon Knight craned his body, turning toward the direction of the missiles. They had been doggedly chasing him, and he knew that they'd eventually catch and destroy him, so action had to be taken.

He threw the spell. As it sailed through the air, propelled by his raw willpower, it took on a new appearance--in a flash of light, the weapon disappeared and was replaced with a lance. It had double the length (since it was the same spell as last time, the more mass within it, the greater the explosion, and thus, the damage.) and width. Chikara watched this new development with feign interest--he knew that Kyoryu had given the Sugiuran his own twist on the spell.

And just like that, it vanished. In its place, an explosion. The sheer amount of area it affected was astounding to the Dragon Knight, whose expression was evident on his uncovered face. There remained a great ball of fire, burning on nothing but the air itself, a massive conflagration that undoubtedly affected the area surrounding it. Plants would likely wither, buildings may ignite from the stray sparks, and smoke would undoubtedly rise into the sky.

Despite Chikara's closeness to it, he seemed otherwise unaffected. Being this close to a fire of that size would surely cause sweating, blistering, at least something, right? No. Not for the Dragon Knight. His bond with Kyoryu granted him protection against things of the elemental nature--the majority of it dwelled within the realm of fire, but he enjoyed slight protections against the cold, electricity, and if it was somehow brought into existence, even earthen blows.

So Chikara turned his back to the flame, letting out a sigh. The warmth of it brought new life to his troubled bones, and he turned towards the Devil Child. He wondered if she would react at all to the destruction of her precious toys--or would simply carry on with that innocent smile.

Well, at least she was enjoying herself. A smile rose to Chikara's face. It wouldn't be fair otherwise.

The Dragon Knight, stretching out his arms to the sides, studied her for a moment. It was time to take this battle closer. He was at a disadvantage with armor this heavy, and he was neglecting ASRA for too long. Just as he thought this, they proved true--the Devil launched into a flurry of blows against his ally.

Well, not if he had anything to say about it. He had since fallen to the ground, sending a shock wave throughout, and a loud boom to accompany it. With that, the area directly surrounding Chikara would suddenly find itself with the most minimal levels of wind resistance, inertia, and likewise speed-reducing effects. He knew that he could be faster, but this technique was one of the best to get to where he wanted to go.

As he moved, and beforehand even, another great burst of spiritual pressure would begin to build up around his sword. The last bout he had with the Devil Child had cost him a great deal of energy, and he wasn't keen on making the same mistake twice. The aura she maintained around herself--it blocked attacks, wore down weaponry, and carried with it despair. He felt the affects of it as he moved, becoming more and more intense as he traveled, but he persevered. Indeed, the Dragon Knight was determined to end this battle as soon as possible--his energy levels, while impressive, were beginning to feel the strain of the days events. If the demand kept up like this, he wondered how long he could last.

"Fine," it said. "If you won't answer, that's alright. I'll leave you here to die to your wounds--he's not far off, now." The dragon turned to depart, to which the dying man must have taken offense to. He raised his head, slightly, and finally spoke.

"Beyond this place..." he choked out, "of wrath and tears... Looms the horror of the shade. And..." He let out another cough, slipping out of the rhythm, but continued none-the-less, "and yet the menace of the years, finds... and shall find... me unafraid..." The man weakly raised his hand, beckoning the slayer over. The dragon paused, turning his eye back to the fallen knight, and opened its maw to speak.

The call of battle sounded in his ears. The Sugiuran heard the drums of war, letting out a fierce yell as he charged at the devil, and in him, Chikara felt the mighty roar of his constant companion, echoing the words he hadn't spoken. It reminded him of the day they met, all those years ago. A loud announcement of his arrival, and the damned defiance of anybody who he fought with. His sword ignited into a red aura, echoing the roar of the guardian beast, singing through the wind as it rushed to meet Neoveta. If she would be hit by it, or simply come close enough to it, the result would be the same. The energy around the blade would explode once more, letting a blue flame take hold on whatever it touched. This was the flame of Kyoryu--it debilitated, slowing down the foe while withering their flesh the way only a dragon's fury could.

In an instant, he would strike again--a downward slash to match the upward slice, so to speak. The results of this would be much the same, another explosion to discharge the remaining energy in the blade. Chikara would, at that moment, retreat once more, focusing another spell. It was the same one he used to assault her in the first place, then destroy the homing missiles that sought to obliterate him.

The lance returned, coming into existence first rather than taking its form in flight. With a mighty hurl, Chikara launched it at her. The Knight was almost done. The spell was still very simplistic in design, it was an offensive attack, nothing more, nothing less. He was confident in its use, enough even to bring it into the battle of Neoveta. Another explosion would resound, coating the area with blue and white flames, flames that burned so hot it seemed to cause the soul itself to weaken.

Around the continent, war waged. Many were broken, beaten, battered. The effects of it raged throughout the continent, a terrible thing that Chikara had seen many times before. He focused however, only on the fight at hand--people were here that needed saving. No matter how fiercely the flame of this little demoness burned--dragon's fire burned hotter. With this silent affirmation, Chikara launched himself at her again, wild wind splaying his hair flat against his head. His blue eyes narrowed in the fight, harboring an intent to mangle, crush, and destroy.

He charged his sword once more, letting out a fierce call, and swung at the child. In himself, he felt thousands of freedom fighters echo within--their image reflected in his own, a call across the centuries that proved that humans were capable of working magic.

The people of Iceland would be released from tyranny. Either that, or the lengths that Shadow Fall would go to would bathe the land in the light only a devil could achieve.

"It matters not how straight the gait," Chikara said, in a low tone. "How charged with punishments the scroll." He looked at the Replica Shell with fury in his voice, and continued. "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."

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