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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty myth of the sea's [black world event}

Sun May 17, 2015 12:47 pm

”..So.. whats this foul aura that is in the air.. tinged with so much death”

Ariel was looking up through the crests of waves at the redness of mood, and the eternally black sky. Transfixed by the Alien nature of it all, merely captivated by the unholy stench that lay stagnant in the water and as well in the air. It was hard to pinpoint the epicenter of it all, but as her ruby red hair seemed to mat , and her skin was covered by something of a sticky red color, she would have been slowly jarred from her musings the harshness of reality crashing around her with the abruptness of a door being suddenly slammed in your face. The normally tranquil ocean was dyed by blood, blood of fish, of birds, of random animals that only could have been said to originally dwell in the deep. Just like her, elusive animals gargantuan in size, but interestingly enough gentle and often mistaken as monster by man. These great creatures lay now floating atop the churning waves in different stages of decomposition, killed and left here, to ruin the ocean's majestic face in light of so much blood.

She would raise a slender pale hand to her lips, covering them as her body convulsed and she fought the ever present urge to retch out her innards. The smell was revolting but the sight was so much worse, she had lived many thousands of years, and seen a great deal of carnage in those years. Yet all of it paled in comparison to the carnage she was witnessing before her eyes, none of it came close to this endless gut wrenching emotion that she couldn’t even identify that lay squirming in her chest. ”..Such.. this is vile.. who would do anything thi-.. eughh..” Admist her self-inquiry she lost her lunch, doubling over to lay it out in a grotesque soup along the surface of the sea. She would feel her insides churn and turn themselves inside out as she heaved, and heaved again, repeating such a deplorable action until all that came out was mere air. Leaving her body empty and shivering in the face of a random gust of wind.

Wondering wouldn’t get her far, and she knew it; but she still pressed on in her own internal thoughts. Working towards banishing the turmoil that was now deeply ingrained into her heart and her mind. Working through it until she had enough of her composure to begin to shift through the disgusting filth and muck. Her powerful tail shifting in a side to side motion to propel her through the water , through the carnage and through a sight she hadn’t wanted to see. It had reminded her so much of the fights she had seen waged by humans, where blood ran like water, only jet black or of a deep crimson color , instead of clear. So far gone in her own feelings of horror that she wouldn’t notice a humanoid figure high up in the air gazing down at her body with an expression of blatant disbelief.

[Npc Post section below]

“.. Reporting in to base. . Either i am already mad; or we need to send someone else down here, i think one of those human myth’s has just appeared from the depths of the ocean, and is surrounded in atleast 2 miles of dead fish, and god knows what else.

The iramasha scout had finished relaying the message and continued to gaze downwards, as if his eyes had been playing tricks on him still, even after the sight of the creature still hadn’t vanished from his eyes after a solid minute or two. Luminous hair like ruby gemstone, and skin that seemed to be straight out of a fairytale. There was no doubt that somehow this myth wasn’t a myth, though he still was on the fence about it, seeing as how he had been the only one yet to sight it. Which had been why in his apprehension and wariness that it was indeed just another trick of the light from this strange ocean, which had claimed half of the advance squad already, 150 iramasha had been killed by something , and he still hadn’t been able to discern as to what had done it.

Up until now he hadn’t seen anything other then him or his men that had been still alive, and even then it seemed that the number of recon members had been steadily dropping by some unknown force. Like some crazy deity had decided to come down and pass judgement on them, or possibly was it that the world itself had just wanted them dead? He had so many questions in his mind, but for now he paused and hid himself using chaos energy to meld with the environment around himself. He would continue observing atleast until one of the higher-ups came in.

Template By: [THEFROST]

myth of the sea's [black world event} LzZCuy7
myth of the sea's [black world event} BtXe12b
Shrine Maiden
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Tue May 19, 2015 7:25 pm

Artist: Tutti Sound - Song: Maiden's Capriccio - Word Count: 812
The sounds of alarms going off in the Iramasha base were the first thing that the Shrine Maiden noticed when a message from a recon time in the Inverse World came back to her. From what she was able to gather it had appeared as if some monster of the sea was attacking and that there was someone there who resembled a mermaid. This baffled Reimu Iramasha, The Iramasha's Shrine leader, to bits. It seemed that all hell had been let loose in this mission and that it was going to be up to her to make sure that it steered back on course.

So, with a hop skip and a jump, The Iramasha Maiden leaped forth into action and grabbed her tools. She took multiple fractions of the Iramasha's Master Gem, empowered herself with holy seals and took a large gathering of mystic cards to deal with any situation she may encounter while in this strange world. After all there was no telling what she might encounter and she had to be prepared for anything. Therefore she ascended into a slightly higher state of power. There was a white glow around her body and she seemed to be emitting a fair bit of power; ready to unleash her loads of energy at the single snap of a finger upon any enemy she encounters.

With her mind set and body ready for battle, The Shrine Maiden took one final sigh before going forth with her mission and making use of Chaos Warp to jump between the borders between the Soul Society and Inverse earth to help put a stop to all of this non-sense going on. In a flash of white light she appeared over the rough seas and spread out multiple rays of light that showered down upon all the Iramasha. This guy them new life, new energy and a new sense of protection now that one of the leaders of The Iramasha Clan arrived.

"My name is Reimu Iramasha, Leader of The Iramasha Guardians, and I'm here to purify these rotten waters. Stand back and let me do my job. You men have done enough and I thank you for your service."

Spoke Reimu as she gave a gentle smile and provided an opening for all those who were sick and Injured to leave. In fact, with her holy prowess, she was even able to revive some of the recently deceased with her gift from the Soul King. Of course, there was nothing she could do for spirits who had their bodies entirely vaporized, or bodies whom were far too gone to restore; but she still managed to revive 3/5 of the dead at the cost of burning through her energy.

So, with a heavy sigh, she'd let the energy of The Master Gem pump through her body before fixiating her sights on the Mermaid below. With a quick gust of speed, the Iramasha appeared by The Unknown Mermaid and tilted her head.

"I can sense that you are Iramasha in nature, but I've never seen you back in the clan. So I must take it you are an outsider of some kind."

Reimu rubbed her chin and nodded her head before giving an affirming pat on the shoulder to this Ariel person.

"Well, in any case, if need a home to go to, we'll offer you back in our clan. If you don't understand what you are, I'll be happy to explain, but first we must purify these waters and start making this event go away."

With that, the shrine Maiden snapped her fingers and thousands, if not, hundreds of thousands of blank pieces of paper scattered in the air. They all had holy marks sealed in them and she intended to spread them throughout the ocean and start eradicating the presence of this great evil; bringing the Inverse Event closer to its end. In that way, she attached them to the waters and started her attempts at making huge chunks of the earth and sea become unsealed within these papers and draining away the power from the Inverse Realm.

"You must've came in through a vortex into this distorted dimension. I say that because you seem like a true mermaid and you aren't aware that there is an event where Earth is being reflected and infected with something foul. I can't say all of the details, but you aren't in the true earth and I'm going to find out who is behind this way or another."

Said Reimu with the utmost of intent and affirmation behind her words. So, with all the bases covered, The Iramasha put herself on guard and prepared for anything else that might come her way. If all things went as planned? She planned to destroy 70% of this world by taking out the water based formation first.

Template By: [THEFROST]

[ T H E P R O T E C T O R ]

myth of the sea's [black world event} KnLCVxB

[ O F I  R A M A S H A I S L A N D ]
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Wed May 20, 2015 8:48 am

”..Reimu Iramasha is your name, is it. You wish to purify the sea? . . hm . . “

Ariel had looked up , and been greeted by an alien figure of a female, who’s hair was thick brunette and adorned with ribbons. A girl who radiated power she hadn’t felt since her own father had died because of his betrayal of the old ways. As her tail swayed stoically she would have exhaled slowly her pale skin still softly glowing in the moon , and her thick lashes framing her eyelids as they eventually slid shut, showing she was deliberating the request of the other seriously. “..She wishes to help . . if this is the case while i am no where near my father in terms of strength, i should take this gamble. She does.. seem honest after all. . . Well then. . i guess giving her my name wouldn’t hurt.- .. H!!..” Ariel flinched slightly, as she felt the touch of the girl over her shoulder , it had been so long since hands had touched her, so long since she had felt contact from one besides fish, kelp, and the creatures of the sea. So she’d shiver an electric jolt zipping up her spine, and making her back arch for a moment, ruby red hair being thrown into the wind.

Next she felt that odd power radiating again, messing not with the oceans , but with earth and rock, mixing the ocean and non ocean together indirectly, which would make her eyes slide shut as she exhaled and slowly shifted her body and this time let her hand rest on Reimu’s shoulder. Her eyelids opening to reveal her pure blue eyes, which now shone like gemstones, reflecting thousands of years of knowledge, but also reflecting the wishes of many instead of her own desires. It would be after this touch that she would have slowly shaken her head and let her own soft turbulent voice shift just mumbling above the waves, a murmur which would be like a soft ocean going wind.

“. Reimu right? There shouldn’t be a need to focus on rocks , or metal. . instead i would like your help . . . try focusing on the ripples in the water, the ocean encompasses more than a third of this world. So instead of focusing on rock.. on metal.. on earth, focus on the oceans themselves, focus directly on the currents and imagine yourself as if pushing a great wave, like this. “

As Ariel spoke she would gently imagine herself moving the waves, working them back and forth , back and forth. Rocking them solidly until the waves had begun pulling themselves inwards like one big whirlpool had formed from itself , sucking in rotten fish, debris and dead animals until it began spinning, and spinning, faster and faster into one single clump, which would be rocked and manipulated. However more than that, her tail would begin to sway, back and forth.. back and forth, dancing within the movements of the water. A gentle smile spreading across her lips, from one cheek to the other. Enjoying the feeling of the waves as they bucked and heaved below her, as her hair was tossed and turned by the waters themselves. Until at the very least her own memories hit her like a bag of bricks and she would pause sweat glistening and she’d speak again. Her voice hoarse due to the fact it hadn’t been used this much in probably over 2000 years, so it would crack softly like a tropical thunderstorm off the coast.

“..You know, You speak of interesting things. . . No one has ever truly wanted to help purify the oceans since the dawn of time people have been just dumping more and more into it, destroying the habitat of fish, hunting species to near extinction, they think the ocean itself is a vast resource without end. You wish to help purify these waves, and for that i will give you the benefit of the doub-”

Ariel would cough lightly her voice hoarse from being used so much, and she would pause and exhale slightly, steeling herself because she didn’t like labels , or names. Or rather she had gone for so long without taking up her name and explaining truly what it meant in terms of people, places, or things. She would be grappling with herself, and thinking about everyone, her dad, her subjects, the people that she had left behind , or rather sacrificed to keep the traditions of her own people alive. She’d think briefly of the crusades that had made her hate humans. Then of the actions she had heard , the hunting, the oil spills, the underwater drilling, and the motors which had destroyed countless sea-turtles, or the junk such as plastics or fishing lines that now littered the oceans, or the ships that lay buried in the muck or the sand, There were so many instances that told her not to trust those who themselves don’t live in the seas, every part of her body didn’t want to accept the help, but she’d take a breath, take a chance, and then speak.

”.. Where are my manners , Or my voice in fact.. Pardon my crudeness.. it’s been a long time since i’ve had to converse with someone other than fish, or animals of the deep. I have two names, one you may know.. or at least the romans and greeks had knowledge of. My real name Is Ariel N. Agnes, but the name you may know, is this one, i am The Daughter Of Neptune i sincerely thank you for the help you are giving. Reimu Iramasha , “

From there Ariel would have watched as the oceans had been removed before her very eyes, it was a harsh process for her but she thought back to what this girl had said. If this truly was not earth, then she wished to get back to earth as soon as possible, which was why as she exhaled she would have pressed both hands to reimu’s shoulders first [if allowed] she would use the same manner she used to talk with fish, to bridge her words telepathically into reimu’s mind. After that? It would be a matter of lending a hand , instead of controlling a certain area, Ariel would use her heightened water affinity to its fullest, manipulating the water as Reimu pulled it burning through her own energy on manipulation alone, however the effect would be that the process of pulling the water from the ocean would pick up drastically in speed, instead of possibly a slow trickle, it would begin being pulled up in fast jets as with the pull of the water Ariel would be able to instead of just influencing a small amount, by influencing the direction of the water being pulled? It would essentially be like the oceans came alive.

Yet there would be consequences, visible ones as Ariel herself would have visible beads of sweat trickling down her brow , her body would be extremely hot, and she’d as an ocean creature feel her own strength beginning to wane, which was why as she let out a deep breath she’d shift one arm around reimu’s collarbone and the other in the same manner so they would link against the hollow at the bottom of her neck. So that when finally the last bit of water had left contact with her body she would have been able to hold on without falling. If reimu at least was partially paying attention to ariel at this point, she’d probably notice the feverish state of the female, how after burning through her energy just saying conscious was more than an ample challenge for her. How her tail hung without motion, suddenly extremely heavy.

“..Eugh.. this is really painful. How much longer do i have to bear with it.. i feel like i want to retch” Ariel thought, her cheeks and face flushed red, her head was pounding as she felt like her lungs wouldn’t work correctly, she felt like an integral part of herself had been wrenched from the water it felt utterly gross she felt as if most of her strength had been completely zapped from her body and as if she was just hanging on by a single thread. in fact in a manner that normally she’d be horrified to behave in , Ariel softly asked in a hoarse whisper of a voice.

“..Hey .. Reimu.. right? How much longer will this take?”

Ariel would ask as she exhaled slowly, pushing against her weariness so that she could at least watch the situation at hand.

“..Also..if possible. . . can you make it so i can keep these waters?.. I feel.. unbelievably tired.”

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Shizuo on Wed May 20, 2015 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total

myth of the sea's [black world event} LzZCuy7
myth of the sea's [black world event} BtXe12b
The Cookie
The Cookie
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Wed May 20, 2015 9:52 am

Empty, blank space.
Shrine Maiden
November SOTM 2011
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Wed May 20, 2015 7:15 pm

Artist: ZUN/U2 - Song: Shoujo Kisoukyoku ~ Capriccio - Word Count: 864

It was very good that It seemed that the mermaid based Iramasha was capable of speaking. Granted Reimu was at a lost for why she was part fish, but in this world anything was possible. The Shrine Maiden had heard of cases where Shinigami such as The Shark Beast Radioactive and Captain Giant Sajin Komamura took on animalistic traits. Maybe this was just the Iramasha version of that and there was something abit more to it.

However she didn't have too much time to invest in pondering why the girl looked the way she did. There was a mission to be done and Reimu was keen on putting an end to this incident. So she would nod her head to confirm the name she was given and repeat her intentions.

"Yes. I do intend to purify this sea. We are in the Inverse Earth, and this entire planet is tainted with something wicked. I plan to liberate it with my holy prowess and put a swift end to the incident."

Said Reimu without missing a single beat in her stern and serious demeanor. There was just something off about this air and it made her quite tense. She clenched her fist out of this uneasiness because it was the only thing she could do at the moment to calm her nerves.

But it seemed that the Mermaid wasn't paying attention to what her plan was. She was stating that she should focus on the ocean, when that was the plan all along. If she were to take out the ocean of this world maybe things could be brought to an end sooner. So Reimu made it clear what she was doing.

"Yeah. The name is Reimu. And I was already working on that."

With a snap of her fingers, the hundreds of thousands of spell cards spread out across the ocean for as far as the eye could see and started soaking up the negative force sealed within them.This would then result in many of the decomposing bodies, filth and toxins in the water being sucked up into the spell cards to use at a later date. While, on the flip side, Reimu would allow the spirits of those still trapped to pass on to heaven with her holy prowess granting their souls purification and access to the great beyond.

While this was occurring though it seemed that the Mermaid still had more to say. She was speaking words that told Reimu she had never seen someone just trying to do good. So, The Shrine Maiden shrugged her shoulders and nodded as she gave a soft sigh.

"There are rotten souls out there who do like to pollute, but hopefully this can fix that as you see. I'll merge in these waters with Earth's own and restore the balance hopefully."

Spoke Reimu with a more softer tone and focused m ind. After that point, however, it seemed that the mermaid was choking and barely had air to speak. Something told Reimu that she was perhaps suffering from being up on dry air. Something about a saying related to being "A Fish Into Dry Air" popped into mind and Reimu figured she should do something before her red-headed comrade went belly-up.

But even with that, she found her footing and kept on with this craziness as it seemed that she was the daughter of Neptune. what she wasn't accepting. She'd just chalk that up to being depraved of oxygen since she may have hit her head on something. Reimu was doubtful that such a thing existed. And, even if it did, it would just be a Danava more then anything else.

"Right. Well, it's nice to meet you Ariel." Said Reimu with an affirming nod afterward.

Then, noticing her comrade getting sicker, Reimu's train of thought shifted back to healing her and she started to take the waters around them under her control through telepathic command via her energy. By infusing it with her energy she then created a dome around Ariel and it would stay around her for as long as Ariel desired. This way she would be able to breathe on land and not die or anything. The last thing she wanted was a death on her shoulders.

"You should be just fine now. Just sit tight and it shouldn't take much longer. If there isn't any resistance, I should be finished relatively soon. This is still an ocean, after all."

After saying that Reimu then had a spellcard with large bodies of water hover into the dome and attach itself to Ariel's belly.

"if you accept that card, you shouldn't even need the dome I placed around you. The card will inject water into your body and sustain your existence through the water I collected here."

Giving a thumbs up Reimu seemed more confident this time around and she kept on with draining the life source of the Inverse Realm dry. It appeared that while all the other heavy fights were taking place on the land or the sky, no one was paying attention to the oceans and Reimu hoped it would stay that way.

"Just a little bit longer...."

Template By: [THEFROST]

[ T H E P R O T E C T O R ]

myth of the sea's [black world event} KnLCVxB

[ O F I  R A M A S H A I S L A N D ]
The Cookie
The Cookie
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Thu May 21, 2015 12:00 pm

Artist: Unknown - Song: Sakkaku - Word Count: 1762

Annoying, truly annoying! One by one, person by person, these pathetic people do not even dare to face their fears and what they set up? Destroying this reflective world because they didn't want to be replaced by their very reflections, the Inverse of themselves, and dared to disturb what lies in this land with whatever they care to do just to call themselves the 'Protectors of Earth'. How childish, how insolent, and how annoying to watch them play the protagonist role as much as they want as if they were born out of a fairy tale. This area by the seas, the two individuals that reside in this place were enough to perk up the attention of an Inverse being that has been actively defending the Inverse Earth, regardless of where they are as long as they hold a threat to the Inverse Earth. A sonic boom blasted right out of the sky, as if it is launching off something or someone off the atmosphere and BOOM! An explosion erupted in the middle of the land, close to both of these Iramashas, smoke and dusts crawling out of the crater that the impact had made, an entrance of a being truly began when the pressure across the air began to twist and bend, before overpowering the entire area that is crawling with an ominous level of pressure. It isn't reiatsu, chi energy nor was it even chaos energy, but a naturally-induced pressure just by the presence alone of this being that now took its course for its first step in the land.

The pressure alone was intimidating enough, with a crushing force that doesn't seem to 'increase the gravitational pull', instead, itself alone was powerful enough to twist and bend gravity, giving it an effect where pressure seems to be oddly pulling from all different direction with different forces, expanding and contracting. However, that is not why it is intimidating, but the pressure it unleashes. Just simple words to generally describe it, 'Monstrous & Destructive'. Those who recognized and once met this being, it is easy to figure out who it is without even glancing at his appearance, and that is 'Sou Yuuki', but not to mistake him with the original, but this is merely his reflection, and more bloodthirsty and darker in persona than the original. One can consider him as one of the few humans that lived insanely long enough, with willpower that seems to cross the boundaries between heaven and hell, and despite not having any actual supernatural powers, he is infamously known to be able to take one hell of beating, even from the Demon Queen when he once took her on, and seem to.. luckily survived through that ordeal of dying, but alas, still the original's life ended in a glance by the hands of the Beast of Karakura. Once they have their hands busy with the Nightmare, they would know the full capability that the Inverse has, in contrast to the original that ever rarely fought seriously before and throttled along the ground like a doll.

All of that pressure alone comes from his own physical capability, not outside support or some hidden, unknown energy doing the work, not even through the activation of his I.E.B.N has left some serious scar to his surroundings, and what leaks together with it is nothing else but blood lust. You can find him on an equal stand with the original, but his ability to wield his strength is nothing compared to the original Sou, being more potent at wielding his strength, unlike his originator, Inverse Sou would be capable of manipulating any element he desires with just a little vibration and messing around with his atmosphere to gain the desired effect, even when it seems to break the laws of physics and how the law of energy applies, somehow, by applying consecutive methods around him, vibrations alone is enough to manipulate elements like fire, electricity and wind at its full potential. Don't mix up between the original and the Inverse, despite being reflections, the potential between them shows a clear difference, as being the 'reincarnation' of the Nightmare in this world, it pays his duties to continue his existence as long as the core lives. Generally, the Inverse isn't a force that should be trifled with, and he means real business the moment he arrives. Keep that burn into the realm of memories, and make sure things don't go off the handle.

Crimson-haired, standing around 6 feet tall and having a crutch supporting him underneath his right shoulder? It was not a mistake to know that he is THE Nightmare, and no one else were able to take that title away from him, even after the original's death, that name still lives on without a doubt, even when the Black World had spawned, the Nightmare made his reappearance upon his reincarnation, the reflective world where he did not die, and takes on the dark persona that the original seem to try so hard to hold it back, the full blast of insanity that his reflection can unleash. Sure enough, he may just made his entrance, however, there was the least of time to waste and he isn't patient enough to waste his time to tell-tale and watch this land run dry. However, he left a sentence to make sure things are set for them to know that they have a tough opponent here, especially if it is the Nightmare? It would mean serious business the second he appeared. "Welcome to Hell, you shitheads."

Without furtherado, with a tap against the earth with his crutch? Well, first thing's first, a clean slice of vibration would go right beneath their feet to form light cracks, before growing bigger and bigger, and alas, all it ends with was splitting the path beneath them, a gap wide enough to swallow an apartment or two whole without leaving a trace, and extending miles beyond from where it began to split right before the position of where he stand, before the earth which it split, would erupt far above the skies, towering over any of them that stood in this place right here and right now. How did it perform such feats? It was simple. Unlike his originator, he uses very little energy to create mass damage as simple as this, to split apart paths that is able to stretch miles. Using vibrations to do the work, it was done by the compression of the vibrations by making use of the crutch's end, where only a very small gap was allowed to unleash force. To create the damage? After sending a very small clump of energy into the crutch in waves of vibrations, it would be broken into the size of a molecule, and further compress into smaller sizes in order for it to penetrate into the earth using its small size, and the compression would 'crush' the core using the same phenomena to that of a star's core where the gravitational pull of its own core to hold together the star's luminous plasma. Making use of its small size, these forces would blast right into the earth beneath him, and spreading the bits of compressed vibrations into the earth in a chain-like connection as it stacks one to another to the direction he desired. And then? He sets it off by having the core of the compressed bits of vibrations overload and unleashing an explosive force enough to send the earth rippling through with cracks and causing the earth to erupt like a tower. It can cause quite an indirect damage to anyone close to the explosions, since the pieces that scatters the earth can leave some stinging pain to the chest, especially the eyes.

However, that is not all. Sliding his feet across the earth beneath him, it was to create friction between his feet and the earth, by 'rubbing' electrons into his feet and producing weak enough charges to not harm him, and then? With a single stomp from his feet, the only thing they would realize is another explosive surge of electricity. Imagine like a 'shock' wave, or an E.M.P but electrically-charged to the point where electricity would crackle to all directions around him, charging with thousands to millions of volts capable of delivering shocks that is enough to rival 1/4th of the power of a lightning strike, all with just the use of friction. Its not compression, but the heavy distribution of bio-electricity from his body. A human body's bio-electricity is fairly weak, but enough to transfer information for the neurons to work, and the nerves to function the way it is created for. However, it can be put into his own personal use. After rubbing small amounts of electrons into his feet, it could create enough charge to use the weak power that his I.E.B.N, or International Electronic Brace Network generates from its battery, just for a small change, he would freely manipulate his body's bio-electricity and transfer most of its charges into his feet, and the second he stomps, all of the collected charges would unleash the huge voltage across the earth, and the earth's neutral charge makes it perfect for the electricity to further travel freely, stretching about 500 meters to a feet across the radius in its area effect to make sure it deals maximum damage to those that poses a threat to the Black World. If one asks why it doesn't affect him? In a much obvious way, since it originates from his body's bio-electricity, his physical body can naturally adjust itself for the electricity to not slip into the atoms of his body and shocks him internally.

His attacks may seem devastating, but he starts it up as a warning to have them leave this area right here and right now. Regardless how powerful his opponent is, the Inverse will take all of them by himself, no more and no less. Staying the same exact position where he had landed after all of his attacks, his eyes never shifted an inch from them, a grin that cracked against his lips with an utmost attention to each and every bit of their moves. For someone who lived through major ordeals of fighting opponents that are beyond recognition of his mere level as a human, his reflection pays off the part that shit is about to go south from here. If they don't leave and proceed to assault him? Well, he won't take chances and have them go their way. The Nightmare will just show them what 'business' meant with him around.

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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Thu May 21, 2015 1:30 pm

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There would be steam in the air as the sound of sizzling flesh became abundant, it wouldn’t be a matter of pride or of principle. Instead it was the fact this girl had promised to help her, and now someone who had extended that kindness was being attacked. Which was how Ariel had found the strength, the new energy of the water bustling inside her welling up to form massive quantities of steam while her right arm now hung at her side, blood, flesh, and bits of muscle smoldering from the electrical surge she had managed to isolate within it. Now with the power of a quarter of lightning, one might wonder. However other then that, it also would seem that bits and chunks of earth, like razor backed needles had ran the once flawless surface of her skin. Lovely moonlit alabaster skin marred by the red of slick blood, especially as she would reach and grasp a huge shard of earth that had been jettisoned from the chain reaction set off by Sou yuuki. Gritting her teeth as she felt like screaming , the pain was absolutely horrible, her body felt like acid rain, mixed with smoldering flames. She felt honestly like she had just been chewed up by a shark, zapped by lightning, then thrown into an underwater volcano.

[Breakdown of just exactly what she did and how is below]

This whole situation though, her survival? This was all the byproduct of extreme high speed movement. By utilizing the water internally that was bestowed by Reimu iramasha , she had used her extreme speed through partial submersion in a stream of water, further enhanced through manipulating the density to bring the heaviest particles forward in a high velocity surge. Properties she understood amazingly well due to over a thousand year being a creature in the sea. It was in this span of probably fractions of split seconds, that she had then thrown four fifths of that water outwards, not only this. Drawing on primal instinct and utilizing this power surge to pull from the water that reimu had already drawn from the Ocean, using blood as a catalyst for increasing her control as well as pulling her mind to the absolute maximum. Burning parts of her memories clear from her head due to the need to re-configure space, such as her fathers appearance, that was burned from her mind as a price for the stunt she had pulled off.

From there continuing in the extreme speed maneuver, what had happened was first regarding the shrapnel. Ariel had essentially taken the minerals in water , the magnesium, carbon, and other variable elements and brought them all out to the front, and then using the concept of density manipulation; she had hardened the surface tension so that it was essentially a bomb-proof shell, being able to deflect the damage from Reimu while she was working, at the cost that due to the substance or the minerals in the water surrounding her was then gone, leaving her vulnerable to being utterly decimated by shrapnel. Which was partially healed in terms of the smaller injuries thanks to her ability to heal when within bodies of water at high rates of speed. Though despite this she would have had a huge internal battle in these few seconds, the pain of being nailed over and over prevailing and essentially warring out all her other emotions. All she could think was ”..She is wanting to help the ocean.. and me.. so to keep the honor of my people i will make sure her mission is a success.. even if it costs me this body. . . Lend me strength please.”

Then there would be how she had blocked the electricity. This would be actually a product of a particular fun-fact not known to most people. Which was that PURE WATER, void of any other element, is actually not a conductor, as there is nothing for the electrons themselves to move through. Given the reason water is such a good conductor isn’t the water itself, but the minerals that are instilled within it. So given that she had pushed all those minerals backwards to form a sheild for reimu meant what she was working with around her own body was PURE 100% H2O, void of minerals, impurities, and conduits for the lightning to go through. Hence how, after the electricity hit, Ariel would have been able to diffuse the blast by throwing the pure water at it, using the cool-temperature to counteract heat, while diffusing the blast so that once it hit her arm it would have been a mere 20th its full power. Even with this though, the blast would have burnt through her arm, arcing through fatty tissues and frying nerves and cells, essentially meaning she would have sacrificed the functionality of the arm for the moment to take the rest of the attacks brunt.

[End Explanation, resuming post]

”..What is this feeling, this thumping in my chest.. its like my ancestors themselves are watching over me.. approving my decision.. as if.. this is what they want… ..its so.. nice..Now then..” Ariel would pause and she looked up her eyes hardening till they gleamed like the storm of a sea. the dispersed water droplets all suddenly flying in reverse as she pulled out more water from the card, encircling herself in a veil while she would look at the male, her tail shifting to the side as she exhaled very, very slowly. Before she would reach out, a trident forming firmly in the grip of her good arm, the gleaming surface of it thrumming with power and energy around the same time she would bite down on her lower lip, finally having time to process what sou yuuki had said, the name he had used. . Ah.. this was why she hated humans, not because of the disrespect shown to her but instead the disrespect that had been shown to reimu was what bothered her, so with her red hair covering her eyes she’d look down her injured arm trembling as through sheer willpower she had made it into a fist. Her voice would quiver, and she would look up tears of anger and disgust flying from her eyes as she would say in a whisper. a quivering angry whisper.

“..Such insolence.. i may be a shit head, but don’t insult reimu. She came here to do something, and she event lent someone like me.. a strange anomaly with no home, power. However not only that she gave me something i have’nt had in a very long time. She gave me hope, and a home; Two things i can never truly repay her for now, so for now even if it seems insignificant to you. I will not allow you to speak ill of her! So now, you filthy creature. if you utter another rotten word about her from your mouth, i promise until this body breaks, and turns to dust; i will hound you , i will despite our difference in power hunt you down. You will know no rest, no love, no joy.

You say we are in hell, but the truth is, Humans are hell; hurting eachother without regard for the betterment of a species. imperfect beings that use the pretense of love, unjust and failure to insite war, killing, slaughtering, the loss of life. Those are the only things i see that are even remotely worthy of being called hell here, not this environment, not this situation. You remind me .. boy so much of why i never came to the surface. Why i hate humans, and why i will never probably get along with them, arrogance, indifference, foul language. It’s really.. really.. All..Making me feel sick.”

Ariel then would raise her spear and shifted, ready to intercept another attack if need be.. she really had no clue.. atleast. What was going to happen next that is.

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myth of the sea's [black world event} LzZCuy7
myth of the sea's [black world event} BtXe12b
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:41 am

This is just a notice for Blank to remind her that it is her turn to post. If she does not post in the next three days? Then she will have to be skipped and Ariel and Sou can go ahead and conclude the thread in whatever way he wishes. I am doing this at the moment because I am trying to accelerate things in the event.

myth of the sea's [black world event} WVMWLOu
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myth of the sea's [black world event} Empty Re: myth of the sea's [black world event}

Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:06 am
[adm]Alright, since Shizuo is away, Blank is away and Sou is in another thread, I'm going to assume that Sou managed to get away from here, Ariel was taken back to Iramahhsa Island by Reimu and the thread concluded. I'm doing this to otherwise speed things up in this event and conclude it. If there is a problem, come to my communication thread[/adm]

myth of the sea's [black world event} WVMWLOu
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